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July 16, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-16

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Fair and Cool Today;
Wednesday Fair and Warmer.


.ikig Ran



Buy A Tag,

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Tenth Annual
Summer Camp
Tag-Day Sale
Fresh Air Camp Program
Helps Underprivileged
On 180-Acre Location
Campaign Drives
For $1,000 Quota
One hundred boys will canvass
Ann Arbor today from 8:30 a.m. to
4 p.m. in the 10th annual University
Fresh Air Camp Summer Tag Day.
The goal of this campaign is $1,000,
to tide over the budget of this camp,
vWhich takes underprivileged and
maladjusted youths away from their
hot city homes and provides them
expert guidance in the pursuit of a
completes outdoors program.
The boys will sell the familiar tag
with the grinning urchin pictured
on it, on the University campus and
at strategic points in the downtown
Cooperative Agencies
Boys at the Fresh Air Camp are
recommended to camp officials by
welfare agencies of Ann Arbor, De-
troit, Jackson, Wyandotte, Ham-
tranick, and other cities in South-
eastern ,Michigan.,
They are counselled through an
extensive program of out-of-doors
activities by 35 counselors, most of
whom are school teachers and en-
rolled in the University in the sociol-
ogy and education departments.
These men attempt to diagnose the
boys' irregular actions at home by
carefully observing their day-to-day
activities at the camp, watching for
significant behavior. Periodic clinics
are held by the counselors and group
leaders to study such observations
and make recommendations to the
home welfare group.
Financially Dependents 1
The camp is financially dependentI
on individual contributions and Tag1
Days in Ann Arbor such that is being
held today. Since it was established1
in 1922, more than $190,000 have
been raised, providing vacations for
8,500 boys.
The University camp committee in
charge is headed by Prof. Ferdinand,
Menefee, of the engineering college,
and includes: Dr. Edward W. Blake-1
man, Counselor in Religious Educa-
tion; Prof. Lowell J. Carr, director
of the Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute; Track Coach Ken Doherty;
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the Health Service; Dr. George A.
May, of the physical education de-
partment;hProf. Howard Y. McClus-
ky, of the education school; Mr. Ken
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association; Mr. Clark Tib-
bitts, director of the Institute for
Human Adjustment; Mr. HerbertP.
Wagner, University accountant; and
Prof. Leigh J. Young, of the forestry
Whicher Tells,
Of Naturalism
In U.S. Letters
Amherst Professor Cites
Nationalistic Tendencies
In WritingsOf Nature

Speaking for the 'GraduateStudy
Program in American Culture and
Institutions, Prof. George F. Whi-
cher of Amherst College last night
presented the problem of how far
American writers were able to ac-
cept and utilize the return to na-
ture aspect of the romantic move-
ment abroad.
In the early period, he observed,
the Puritans seemed to pay little
attention to the natural wonders
around them. This he explained by
the necessity of conserving paper,
an imported commodity at that time
and not something to be used for
the expression of personal joys and
pleasures. The Puritan theory of
nature, however, held elements that
might easily be taken over into ro-
mantic pantheism, Professor Whi-
cher asserted.
American letters as late as 1810

Two 'Athenia'Survivors
Become Daily Carriers

Nazis Prepare
Decisive Blow
Against Isles

F. D. R. 'Draft' Movement
Booms; Keynoter Scores
Republican 'Subterfuges'



Be Given

* * *

Not content with making history by staying up when the "Athenia"
went down, Barbara Bradfield, Grad., and Joan Outhwaite, '41, are making
history again today by becoming the first women carriers in The Daily's
fifty years.
The two Delta Gammas, who were aboard the "Athenia" when it, was
torpedoed Sept. 4 off Northern Ireland, pedaled away from the Publica-
tions Building at 4:30 this morning to deliver Dailies along South Packard
Miss Bradfield and Miss Outhwaite, with Alberta Wood, '40, were
among the passengers on the ill-fated'
British liner as it was returning to
the United States the day following Dum as M alone,
the outbreak of hostilitieswin Europe.
The "Athenia," Miss Bradfield re- Prof. W i 1ia
lated on her return hom e, w ent dow n a m s'i m.at l , an1fer m r
almost immediately, and after more
than eight hours in a lifeboat on the To Talk Today
rough Atlantic, during which "even
ship's officers, after 40 years at sea,
were sick as dogs," they were picked Press Director Will Speak
up by the S.S. "Knute Nelson" and On
tagen to Galway, Ireland. On Talent In Motion'
'The women returned to the United In Rackham Auditorium
States on the "Orizaba" Sept. 30. --_

Aviators Continue
Bombing Germany
(By the Associated Press)
Defiance by Birtain, which sent her
night-flying raiders ranging far over
Germany early today, led informed
Nazi sources and the controlled Ger-
man press to the "resigned" conclu-
sion that England mustb e crushed.
The Germans seized upon Prime
Minister Churchill's Sunday declar-
ation of war to victory or to ruin as
the factor forcing their decision to
aim a mighty blow at the British.
The German opinion contrasted
somewhat with that of Italy, the
other end of the axis, which forecast
that Britain would be given a last
chance to fall in line with the Rome-
Berlin plan for "renovating" Eur-
One authoritative German com-
mentary even said the bases from
Norway down the Atlantic coast al-
ready had been set up for the on-
slaught against England.
British air raids on Germany last
night and early today were not an-
nounced by either side, but at least
a dozen German and German-held
radio stations went suddenly silent,
as they do when warplanes approach.
Only a few hours after the Air
Ministry reported punishing raids on
Germany points, including 22 Ger-
man airdromes in 48 hours, radio
stations at Bremen, Cologne, Mun-
ich, Leipzig, Berlin, Breslau, Frank-
furt, Saarbrucken, Vienna, Brussels,
Hilversum (Netherlands) and Stras-
bourg (France) went silent.
Nazi radio stations usually shut
down when enemy planes are near
to keep from acting as guides.
Thepreported aacks on the Ger-
man airdromes were'a stern "pre-
invasion" answer to hints from Rome
that Britain soon would face a sub-
mit-or-else ultimatum from the Axis
Virginio Gayda, Premier Musso-
lini's editorial mouthpiece, indicated
in Rome that the British Empire
might soon have to make up its
mind to have peace on Axis terms
or be crushed by the military ma-
chines which Gaydg said were near-
ly ready to assault the British in
their homeland.
Japan is believed ready to take
strong measures if Britain definitely
refuses to close the road. Alarmed
China protested that the new British
stand was a "most unfriendly act."
Sightseers To Visit
Greenfield Village
Reservations for the seventh Sum-
mer Session excursion, a trip tomor-
row to Henry Ford's Greenfield Vil-
lage, must be made by 5 p.Wg. today
in the Summer Session Office, Roon
1213 Angell Hall.
Excursionists will leave from in
front of Angell Hall in special buses
at 1 p.m. tomorrow and will return
to Ann Arbor about 5:45 p.m. Stu-
dents wishing to accompany the ex-
cursion but follow the buses in pri-
vate cars are invited to do so.

Senator Bankhead Opens Conve

Nazi Victory Will Mean Threat-
To This Hemisphere, Palyi Warns


Summer Parley
Faculty Panels
Are Announced
Conference Expects 1,000,
At Two-Day Session;
War Will Be Theme
Faculty advisers for the four panels
that will form the second annual
Summer Parley to thrash out "This
War We Live In" in a two-day ses-
sion which opens 4:15 p.m. Friday,
were named last night by Helen Cor-
man, Parley general chairman.
The faculty men, who will give
short speeches in their groups, are:
In National Elections, headed by
student chairman Phil Westbrook,
former president of Congress, Prof.
Lawrence Preuss, Prof. Howard Cal-
derwood, both of the political science
department, Prof. Howard M. Ehr-
mann of the history department,
Prof.rAntoine Jobin of the French
department and Prof. Roy W. Sellars,
chairman of the philosophy depart-
The panel on Religion, headed by
student chairman Daniel Suits, for-
mer president of the SRA, will in-
clude faculty advisers Dr. Edward
W. Blakeman, religious counselor of,
education, the Rev. Charles Bra-
shares, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, the
Rev. Leonard Parr, the Rev. Henry
Lewis, Prof. Arthur Dunham of the
history department, and Mr. Ken-
neth Morgan, director of the Student
Religious Association.
J. B. Geisel will head the educa-
tion panel,that will include Prof.
H. B. Woolston, Prof. Richard Fuller
of the sociology department, Dr.

Mayor Kelley Of Chicago
Rallies Roosevelt Fight;
Farley Sings Swan Song

Dumas Malone, director of the
Harvard University Press, and Prof.
Mentor L. Williams of the University
English department will speak today
in conjunction with the Graduate
Study Program in American Culture
and Institutions.
Dr. Malone will lecture on "Talent
in Motion" at 4:15 p.m. Professor
Williams will talk at 8:15 p.m. on
"American Humor and National San-
ity." Both addresses will be given
in the Rackham School Auditorium
and will be open to the public.
Professor Williams has been on
campus here since 1931, coming from
the University of Iowa where he was
instructor of English. From 1925
to 1929 he taught English in second-
ary school in the state of Washing-
ton. He has taught during summer
sessions at Western Reserve Univer-
sity and the University of Toledo.

German Economic Expert
Says Hitler's Dynamism
Menaces Pan-America
Heightening of German economic
and political penetration into South
America, and continuation of her
repressive pre-war economic policies
will inevitably result if Germany
emerges victorious from the present
war, Dr. Melchior Palyi, noted Ger-
man economist, told an audience of
500 yesterday in the third lecture
of the American Policy series.
The consequences of victory for
Hitler will allow him no recourse,
Dr. Palyi said, but to continue his
search for the means to self-suffi-
ciency. The psychological attitude
of the Germans who believe implicit-
ly in force as an instrument both to
military and economic successes will
force. retention of the highly-devel-
oped military machine. It was in
his lack of knowledge of this basic
element of the German psychology
that Chamberlain made a great mis-
take, since he believed that allowing
Hitler a little victory would satiate
his desire for a big one. It is the
feeling of the German people, Dr.
Palyi declared, that a strong army
means prosperity and good national
health, while hard times and a weak
army are almost synonymous.
If Hitler should win, will he re-
tain this gigantic military machine?
For the past five years Germany has
spent 75 per cent of her national
income on armaments, more than'
France, England and Italy combined.

This is why Germany is winning int
Europe today, he said. Germany willI
probably have to maintain her army,
since she will not be able to win a 1
complete military victory.. 1
The backbone of the National So-1
cialist Party in Germany has beent
and will remain the peasantry, Dr.I
Palyi declared. It was not the iiid-
dle-class or the unemployed whot
were mainly responsible for Hitler's
accession to power, he said, but theC
peasantry crying out against hugez
debts, high interest rates on those
debts, and little possibility of that
situation being remedied.1
Another very serious problem fac-
ing Germany is that of finding cap-
ital. The decade of inten sive build-
ing of armaments has left its mark
on Germany in the obsolescence Hof
all other types of productive ma-
chinery. Capital for years has been
(Continued on Page 2)
Elmer Rice's
Two On Island'
Will Be Given,
Repertory Players Present
New York City Drama
The Michigan Repertory Players'
fourth production of the Summ4r
Session drama season, !Elmer Rice's
"Two on an Island" will open its
four-day run at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
under the direction of Prof. Valen-
tine B. Windt of the speech depart-
Heading the cast of more than
60 are Virginia Batka as -Mary Ward
and James Moll as John Thompson,
a young couple from New Hampshire
and Iowa respectively who try to
make life a success in NewtYork..
Miss Batka is an actress and Moll
is a playwright in the drama.
David D. Itkin, a former member
of the Moscow Art Theatre and
chairman of the drama department
at DePaul University, plays Lawrence
Ormont, a fiery excitable producer.
Among the featured scenes in "Two
on an Island" are those contrasting
the life in New York's lower east
side and Park Avenue and a Harlem
scene in which William Pipes and
Mrs. Lowell Pierro dance a typical
"boogie-woogie" Negro tune. Mem-
bers of the cast portray a great many
diverse roles ranging from that of
a museum attendant to a sailor and
from a prostitute to a member of
the "four hundred."

Resolutions Group
Prepares Platform
CHICAGO, July 15.-(AP)-Third
term forces turned the routine busi-
ness of opening the Democratic na-
tional convention into a thunderous
'draft Roosevelt" rally today and
iuickly had gallery crowds and dele-
?ates alike roaring their approval of
In appeal that the Chief Executive
e renominated.
With energetic, arm-swinging or-
atory, Edward J. Kelly, Mayor of
Chicago, transformed what had been
illed as an address of welcome into
3 virtual nominating speech, closing
n the classic manner with the Pres-
ident's name.
"We will stand, and put forward,
and confirm again that god-sent
guardian of our liberties, the kind
of man that mankind needs," he
shouted, "our beloved President,
Franklin D. Roosevelt."
Points To Record
Calling for an aggressive campaign
rm the "record" of performance,
speaker William B. Bankhead voiced
onight a 1940 Democratic keynote
f uncompromising resistance to
"malignant" aggressors abroad and
assailed the Republican platform as
"political subterfuge."
He spoke a few minutes after
Chairman James A. Farley of the
Democratic National Committee, de-
livering an address which sounded
to some like a formal farewell to his
party colleagues, had . denounced
Republican leaders for "an effort"
to "pin the odious label 'war party'
upon the Democratic party."
Both speakers joined in asserting
that the coming campaign against
Wendell L. Willkie and the Republi-
can party must be waged upon the
record of eight Democratic years in
office. Farley asserted that "unless
we give the country a ticket and a
platform that will satisfy the major-
ity, we have no certainty of victory.
Crowd Of 2,000
Both speakers addressed a crowd
which packed this big red, white and
blue decked stadium to the rafters.
The seatingcapacity exceeds 20,000.
While the convention was going
on an attorney for a brother of the
late Jacob Ruppert was asserting
that the New York Yankees Baseball
Club probably would be sold to a
syndicate headed by Farley "within
two weeks at a price of $4,000,000.
This was taken as a sign that Farley
would not stay on as National Chair-
man very long.
The Resolutions Committee, mean-
while, was busy on the platform,
hearing William Green, President of
the American Federation of Labor,
assert that Mr. Roosevelt would find
an arswer to the unemployment
problem if "permitted," and listen-
ing to Dr. Francis E. Townsend
threaten to start a third party if the
two major parties failed to endorse
his pensions movement.
A proposal to convoy supplies to
Great Britain led to. a clash today,
as Democratic party platform draft-
ers sweltered through what they
hoped was the last day of puble
State - County
System Flayed
Dunham Designs Program
For Public Welfare
LANSING, July 15.-(JP)-Arthur
Dunham, University of Michigan
professor, proposed a six-point pro-
gram for public welfare reorganiza-
tion today at the opening session of
the 12th Institute of Social Welfare,
attacking the present state-county

system as riddled with "politics."
Dunham's platform:
1. "A few strong, well-organized
state nublic welfare agencies.


250 Michigan, Ohio Educators Meet
For Start Of Conference Program

Masters Treats Community
Potentialities For Work
In Arts, Public Forums
More than 250 educators from
Michigan, Ohio and neighboring
states convened here yesterday for
the opening of the annual Educa-
tional Conference Week, sponsored
by the University and presenting the
latest material available in guidance,
reading, teacher education, and class-
room materials.
Keynoting the first meeting of the
Conference on Guidance and Ad-
justment of Youth, H. B. Masters of
the W. . KelnLne n atn npoint- j

ing." From his work as a member of
the School of Education Faculty and
at Harvard, Professor Anderson
stressed that'techniques to determine
good and poor readers should cor-
respond with normal situations. De-
termining what kinds of reading are
deficient is the key to providing the
proper materials for practice for poor
readers, he cited. Normal learning
should at all times be the basis of
the instruction of better reading
"Major Handicaps in the Educa-
tion of American Teachers" were list-
ed by Professor-Emeritus W. C. Bag-
ley of Columbia University. The
rapid growth of population creating
a need for a greater number of
tpehers and thee mnlovment in low-

teacher education, he emphasized.
Tomorrow's sessions will feature
"Overcoming Some Problems in the
Occupational Guidance in a Second-
ary School" to be given by Dr. Ru-
dolph Lindquist, director of Cran-
brook School at 10 a.m. in the Uni-
versity High Schobl Auditorium and
"Relation of Achievement in Read-
ing to Success in High School" by
Prof. Clifford Woody of the School
of Education at 2 p.m. and "The
Michigan Cooperative Teacher Edu-
cation Study-Problems and Pros-
pects" by Dr. H. L. Turner of the
Michigan Teacher Education Com-
In the halls and lobbies of the
University High and Elementary
Schools more than 60 publishers are

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