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July 09, 1940 - Image 1

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Britain's Act..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

- -




Japan May Move
Against Hongkong
Protest U.S. Move
Britain's Refusal To Close Burma Road
Draws Threat Of Japanese Action
TOKYO, July 9 (Tuesday).-Q)-It is quite possible that continued
refusal of Britain to close the Burma road to China may result in armed
Japanese action against the British crown colony of Hongkong, persons
close to the Japanese government declared today.
The war, navy and foreign ministries scheduled immediate emergehcy
conferences to discuss the British rejection yesterday of Japanese demands
that this last link between the Chinese Nationalist forces and the outside
world be shut off.
Reliable sources said the Japanese would take "drastic action" if the
British stand were not changed.
Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita yesterday told British Ambassador Sir
Robert Leslie Craigie -that his replys
was not satisfactory and urged him C
t advise London to reconsider. R (Ht Series
The Japanese press unanimously
asserted that "an understanding" P
&ith the United States and Russia r S n $(
preceded Britain's rejection of the
Japanese demand and repeated pre- ' ByiF x
rious charges that the United States

Future Of Religion Lies
In America,_Sweet Says

British Claim 'Richelieu'
Safe From Nazi Control;
French Nearing Fascism

Chicago Professor Claims Theologians. Have
Too Dependent On European Leadership


acting as Britain's "watchdog
hie Pacific."

compiant. -
Nevertheless, a foreign office com-
munique said Sir Robert had agreed
to transmit to London Arita's urging
that Britain think the Burma issue
over. Informed persons said further
negotiations would seek a compro-
mise. Japanese said Japan had no
intention of receding from her posi-
British Reply Cited
The British reply was understood
to have said that Britain's commit-
ments to Burma and India prevented
her from closing their borders with
China since their trade would be
affected. As for Hongkong, it assert-
ed that already trade between that
colony and the Chinese hinterland
had been halted.
In informed quarters here belief,
was' expressed that Britain's order
for the removal of all British women
and children from the crown colony
of Hongkong indicated British deter-
mination to stand pat regardless of
Japan's insistent demands.
The press reported that Japan's
roving emissary, Naotake Sato, , has
"conferred with German Foreign Min-
ister Joachim Von Ribbentrop and
,had received indications that Ger-
many would back Japan in any ac-
tion against Britain in the Orient.
Japanese resentment also flared
against the United States for the ar-
rest of 15 Japanese gendarmes in
Col. Peck Refutes
Tokio's Charges
(By the Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, July 8.-The blunt
report, "it's a lie," was given by Col.
Dewitt Peck, United States Marine
commander, to Japanese accusations
today that fifteen Japanese plain-
clothes gendarmes had been mal-
treated after their arrest by marines
in the American defense area of the
Shanghai International Settlement.
The gendarmes were arrested when
they were found in the area yester-
day in violation of an agreement not
to enter without American militay
authorities' consent.
A Japanese army spokesman, as-
serting the gendarmes were clubbed,
humiliated and otherwise mistreated,
forecast "a strong protest."
He denied any apology had been
given to United States authorities,
although admitting the Japanese
were at fault in not advising that
the gendarmes would be sent into

Dumas Malone To Offer
Third Lecture In Series
On Graduate Program
Speaking on "Religion and Hu-
manitarianism", President Dixon Ry-
an Fox of Union College will lecture
at 8:15 p.m. today in conjunction
with the Graduate Study Program
irk American Culture and Institu-
Dr. Dumas Malone, Director of the
Harvard University Press, will give
his third talk of the summer at 4:15
p.m. today on "Personal Achieve-
ments of the Clergy." Both lectures
will be held in the Rackham School
auditorium and will be open to the
President Fox took his A.B. degree
at Columbia University in 1911, where
he received his A.M. i 1912 and Ph.
D. in 1917. He recieved the degrees
of L.H.D. from Union College in 1931
and Syracuse University in 1934 and
Litt. D. from Columbia in 1935 and
from Knox and Williams Colleges in
1937. In 1936 he was awarded a Ph.
D. degree by the N.Y. State College
for Teachers and he received LL. D.'s
from Bates College in 1934, the Uni-
versity of Rochester in 1935 and
Keuka College in 1937. In 1936 Al-
fred University gave him a D.C.L. de-
A member of the faculty of Co-
(Continued on Page 4)
Linguists Plan.
Two Lectures
Froeschels And Bloomfield
To Address Institute
Two distinguished specialists high-
light the week's open program of the
Linquistic Institute. Tomorrow at
7:30 p.m. in room 2029 of the W. K.
Building Dr. Emil Froeschels will,
speak on "The Development of Lang-
uage in Children." Friday evening
Professor Leonard Bloomfield of the
University of Chicago will discuss
"The Phoneme."
Dr. Froeschels, world-renowned
worker in the field of children's,
speech, is one of the many European
scientists who have been forced by
the vicissitudes of political upheavel
to make their home in the United
States. For nearly twenty-five years
he was a member of the faculty of the
University of Vienna, where as pro-
fessor and as head of the speech
clinic he directed the activities which
were required by the 2.500 patients
who annually came for corrective
In this country since February,
1938, Dr. Froeschels is now on the
(Continued on Page 3)
Joseph P. Martin Seen As
Republican National Head
WASHINGTON, July 8. -('P)-
Word spread through Republican
ranks tonight that Representative
Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of Massachu-
setts the minority leader of the
House, would become Republican Na-
tional chairian and director of the

The future of religion, whether
Catholic, Protestant or Jew, lies more
with America than with any other
land, Dr, William W. Sweet, Profes-
sor of the History of American Chris-
tianity at the University of Chicago,
told students and guests of the Grad-
uate Study Program in American
Culture and Institutions last night in
his lecture on "Church and State in
the New World." -
"In recent years," he stated, "there
have been subtle forces at work tend-
ing to divert our attention from the
liberalism of the democratic ideal
toward the dogmatism of an external
authority. This is the remedy pro-
posed by some of our theologians,
most of whom are of European birth
or training, in order to combat the
control of religion by the authoritar-
ian states. But the remedy is as
dangerous as the disease. The demo-
crac'y of America today stands for
one great principle, and that is the
resistance to all tyrannical force
over the individuals' conscience."
"Our American theologians have
been too dependent upon European
leadership," he asserted, "and have
given practically no attenion to the
history of American religious
thought. For myself I am tired of
getting our theology out of somebody
else's experience."
From the beginning of colonization
to the present hour, Professor Sweet
said, America has been the haven of
perscuted religious groups. He point-
ed out that when the last published
Federal religious census was taken
in 1926 there were 213 independent
religious bodies in this country. It
is better, however, Professor Sweet
Job Application
Opens Tonight
Dr. Purdon And Star Cast
Will Dramatize Correct
Standards Of Conduct
"Why people do not get jobs when
there are jobs" will be demonstrated
in dramatic form at 7 p.m. today in
the Rackham Lecture Hall by Dr. T.
Luther Purdom, director of the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information with the
assistance of a staff of dramatists.
The dramatized lecture will be the
first in the series of three weekly
demonstrations on te art of impress-
ing the would-be boss presented un-
der the direction of the Bureau.
Appearance and attitude will be
featured at the lecture today. In
harmony with a running commen-
tary by Dr. Purdom, a cast of stu-
dents will demonstrate the correct
and incorrect mannerisms of job ap-
The program will attempt to pre-
sent faults shown by the average job
In view of time limitations in the
use of the Lecture Hall, the hour
program wil begin promptly at 7
p.m., Dr. Purdom announced yester-

maintained, to have 213 free church-
es than to have one church to which
all are compelled to conform. "What
seems an absurd diversity is far bet-
ter than an enforced uniformity of
religious expression," he affirmed,
"and yet there is little doubt but that
the cause of religion in America
might be greatly advanced if there
could be achieved a greater unity."
Professor Sweet indicated the crea-
tion of an environment favorable to
the achievement of complete re-
ligious liberty and the separation of
church and state in the Colonial
period and the following of the popu-
lation westward with the refining
and softening influence of the Cris-
tian gospel in later years as two of
the most important tasks accom-
plished by the religious forces of
Music Faculty
To Give First
Concert Today
Prof. Okkelberg, Hackett
Are Featured Soloists;
Quartet Will Perform
The first faculty concert in the
Summer Session Series will be given
at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditor-
Six members of the School of Mu-
sic faculty will participate-two so-
loists, Prof. Maud Okkelberg, pianist'
and Arthur Hackett, tenor; and a
quartet composed of Professors Was-
sily Besekirsky, violinist; Hanns
Pick, violoncellist; Anthony J. Whit-
mire, violist; and Joseph Brinkman,
An all-Brahms program will be
provided, as follows:
Romanza, Op. 178, Nd. 5; Capric-
cio, Op. 116, No. 3; Intermezzo, Op.
116, No. 4, and Capriccio, Op. 76,
No. 5, by Professor Okkelberg, pianist.
Die Mainacht; Es Traumte mir; Wir
Wandelten; Feldeinsamkeit, and
Juchhe; by Arthur Hackett, tenor.
Quartet in G minor, Op. 25; Allegro;
Intermezzo; Andante con moto, and
Rondo alla Zingarese, by the quartet.
Hawaii Chief
Calls On FDR
Admiral Richardson Talks
Routine Fleet Matters'
WASHINGTON, July 8. -(p)-
Admiral J. O. Richardson, command-
er of the fleet, arrived in the Capital
unannounced from Hawaii and was
a White House caller today as Presi-
dent Roosevelt worked on the final
draft of his new defense requests,
expected to call for expenditure of
What purpose brought the com-
manding officers of the Navy's fight-
ing forces secretly 5,500 miles from
the fleet's present base was not dis-
closed. He merely told reporters that
he discussed "routine fleet matters"
with the President.



U.S. Must Fight Puppet Controls"
In Latin America, Preuss Says
By NORMAN A. SCHORR of the British fleet being taken over
Revitalizing the Monroe Doctrine by Germany.
aprevent establishment of puppet For, "we are in a certain sense
at war," the speaker declared, having
ontrols in Latin American nations committed certain definite hostile
Lust be adopted by the American acts towards Germany which give
eople to cope "with the most severe that nation ample legal cause for the
hallenge the Monroe Doctrine has declaration of war.
ver faced," Prof. Lawrence Preuss, Professor Preuss reviewed the ef-
f the political science department, forts to continentalize the Monroe
eclared yesterday in a lecture before Doctrine in the so-called "Good
50 persons in the Rackham Amphi- Neighbor Policy," at the HIavana
heatre. Conference in 1928, and later Pan-
Since this unilateral instrument of American meetings at MoneVideo,
merican foreign policy, providing Buenos Aires, Lima and Peru.
minimum requirements of national Such attempts to promote under-
lf-defense," did not foresee Nation- standing among the Pan-American
1 Socialist Trojan Horse annexation nations must be continued, but the
actics, Professor Preuss urged that speaker insisted a basic reformation
us nation prepare now to reinter- of the Monroe Doctrine is essential
ret the Doctrine to meet the latest to the maintenance of the security of
reat in the hemisphere-the Third the United States.
He recommended that the United
tates "acquire possessions in this Fifth Sum m er
emisphere to secure the integrity
f the Panama Canal, build national We Til T e
efenses to the highest point of ef- Tour Visit
ciency, reaffirm the democratic '1
ith and place relations with Latin Fora Factories
merican nations on a firmer basis."1
"We must recognize that our only e
iend today is the British Empire," Reservations For Second
rofessor Preuss claimed, pointing Excursion To Dearborn
ut that the Petain government Today
hich controls islands "vital' to our Tomorrow Due
efenses" is very obviously controlled Reservation should be made by 5
Berlin. Since the United States tsdain sheud me bysio
as o tlati fletto pek o, hep.m. today in the Summer Session
s no Atlaintic fleet o speak of, the poffice, Room 1213 Angell Hall, for
litica scientist called upon this the fifth excursion of the summer,
aiion. to act, tomeet'the. possibility a repeat trip tomorrow to the Ford
plant in Dearborn for the benefit
' of those who were unable to make
0 V ll Dr ma the journey last Wednesday.
Excursionists will meet at 12:45
To Star Three p.m. tomorrow in front of Angel
Hall and will return to Ann Arbor
t Veterans by 5:30 p.m. Buses will take the
Sta e s group to the Ford Rotunda, from
where special Ford buses will trans-
Starred in the Michigan Reper- port the party to the Ford River
ry Players' production of Eugene Rouge plant.
After a general tour of the 1,000
'Neill's "Beyond the Horizon," acre plant during which guides will
'hich opens its four-day run at 8:30 indicate the various buildings and
.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendels- the purpose of each, the party will
)hn Theatre, are three veterans: of be conducted through the final as-
lay production, Arthur Klein, John sembly line and shown the open
chwarzwalder and Mary Jordan. hearth furnaces, the rolling mill, the
Klein and Schwarzwalder portray rubber and tire factory and the test-
e roles of two brothers, Robert and ing laboratories.
ndrew Mayo, each of whom desires The divisions of the plant to be
a pursue a certain course in life and visited provide opportunity for ob-
forced by circumstances to follow serving typical phases of the Ford
nother which he dislikes. Miss Jor- industrial technique.
an plays Ruth Atkins, who is be-
ved by both brothers and marries
obert. Her life, like 'the others, is Callis To Give
Others in the cast include Everett T
. Courtright and June Madison as
r. and Mrs. Mayo; Henry Patterson
s Mrs. Mayo's brother Captain Dick, Illustrated Lecture On Far
ho takes Andrew to sea; Elizabeth
reene as Mrs. Atkins; William Kin- East Will Be Presented
r as Ben, a farm hand; and Tom
attin as Dr. Fawcett. Madame Maud E. Callis will pre-
sent an illustrated lecture on the Far
" East tomorrow at 8 p.m. under the
d Sess l o naauspices of the Cercle Francals at
the club Foyer, 1414 Washtenaw.
ORlo n Madame Callis has spent much time
in the East, making observations of
the customs and manners of the peo-
ple as graduate work. Her narrative
he problems presented by the con- of expressions and impressions of the
rence. Far East will be supplemented by an
Hinduism was not affected by the interesting collection of scenes pro-
se of nationalism in India, Mr. Mor- jected on a screen.
an pointed out on the basis of his It was announced that at the last
cent studies in Indian monasteries,, meeting of the Cercle the following
lthough religion was one of the officers were named: president; W.
lost potent forces behind its modern M. Sage, Grad., Lansing; Vice-presi-
ationalism. Professor Waterman dent: Helen Crawford, Grad., Ann
ted the parallel development of re- Arbor; Secretary: E. L. Bassett,
gion and nationalism with increased Grad., Windsor, Conn.; Treasurer;
)cial emphasis throughout Ameri- Margaret Kalp, Grad., Flemington,
an history. Democracy may well N. J.
ke stock of the necessity of reli-

ion in its society when it faces the Extension Of Mine Fields
hallenge of the totalitarian states,
e stressed. The forum of religious In Canal Zone Is Reported
rnd social leaders listed blighted CRISTOBAL, Canal Zone, July 8.
reas which present problems to the -(IP)-An extension of the live mine
ctive religious organization and the field sowed by the United States at
ecessity of a broad social viewpoint both terminals of the Panama Canal
Y the church. Zone was reported today.

Petain Is Named
'Chief Of State
(By the Associated Press)
LONDON, July 9. (Tuesday)-
British sources today claimed a "suc-
cessful" action by the British fleet to
keep from enemy hands France's
mightiest battleship, the 35,000-ton
Richelieu launched at Brest but still
not completed for service with the
There was no indication of the
scope of the engagement, nor wheth-
er it was connected with the loss of
the 1.760-ton British destroyer Whirl-
wind, which was sunk by a submarine
The action against the Richelieu-
presumably sunk, seized or damag-
ed was said to have taken place
early yesterday.
A more detailed account of the
action was expected later today.
The operation was described as a
continuation of the seizure of French
warships stated last. week to pre-
vent fulfillrent of the armistice
pacts between France and Italy and
France and Germany. Under those
terms the French fleet would have
been assembled in French ports and
placed under control of Germany
and Italy.
Prime Minister Churchill has told
Commons he had po faith in axis
power promises that the ships would
not be used against Britain.
The Richelieu was the nearest
completed of France's newest class
of four mighty warships intended to
dwarf the 26,500-ton Dunkerque and
Strasbourg. Bth of them were 4am-
aged in last week's fight off the Al-
gerian coast.
Although the Richelieu had been
launched, it was understood her arm-
ament had not been completed.
Other ships of her class still in-
complete are the Clemenceau, Jean
Bart and Gascogne.
The two nearest completion, the
Richelieu and Jean Bart, were re-
ported in German hands after the
Germans occupied France's Atlantic
Vanquished France
Near Dictatorship
(By the Associated Press)
GENEVA, July 8-Nazi-vanquish-
ed France, the cradle of republican
freedom in Europe, appeared tonight
on the threshold of a virtual total-
itarian dictatorship headed by Pre-
mier Marshall Henri Philippe Pe-
tain, the man who surrendered to
Dispatches fron,-Vichy, seat, of the
German-mastered ,French g'overn-
ment, said the 84-year-old premier
would head a new regime under the
fuehrer-like title of "chief of state-
but without the personal power of
Adolph Hitler.
These advices also forecast the re-
signation of Premier Albert Lebun
to make way for a new nazi-fascist
government under Petain, the world
war "hero of Verdun" who capitu-.
lated to Nazi legions in mid-June.
As described in the censored French
press, Petain would take "only the
title of executive power"-presum-
ably as a figurehead-under this ar-
rangement, with the government
dominated by a triumvirate consist-
ing of General Maxine Weygand,
former allied command-in-chief; For-
mer Premier Pierre Laval, and For-
mer Labor Minister Adrien Mar-
The reshaping of France's long-
time Republican government into the
totalitarian mold was expected to be-
gin Wednesday or Thursday at a
meeting of the French Parliment in

British Destroyer
Sunk By Germans
(By the Associated Press)
LONDON, July 8-Bomb-battered

France's Mightiest Vessel,
Launched But Unarmed,
,Taken In Sudden Moe

Dr. Gale To Open Se con
Of Annual Conference

Dr. Essen M. Gale, speaking on
"American Religious Stake in China"
will open the' second day of the Sixth
Annual Conference on Religion at-
tended by outstanding religious lead-
ers and clergy, faculty and students
at the luncheon session at 12 p.m.
in the Union.
,From his experience as consul as-
sistant of the American Legation at
Peking, former lecturer and profes-
sor of history and Oriental languages
at the University, and the University
of California, and wide traveler in
the Far East, Dr. Gale will analyze
the historical trends of China's de-
velopment in his lecture tomorrow
and Wednesday. Dr. Gale has been
the recipient of medals and awards
of the Chinese government for his
services as revenue officer, consul
and scholar.


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