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July 07, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-07-07

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JULY 7, 1940


Sports Entries
Deadline Fixed
At 12_Monday
All -Campus Tournament
Is Arranged For Women
Students Of University
The deadline for entries in the all-
campus women's tournaments has
been set ahead until noon Monday
in order to accommodate late comers,
Dr. Margaret Bell announced today.
Entries should be left at the busi-'
ness 'office in Barbour Gymnasium.
All women registered in summer
school are entitled to the oppor-
tunity of competing in these tourna-
ments, which are designed for stu-
dents having some knowledge of the
sport involved. Competition has
been of increasingly high calibre,
according to Dr. Bell.
Tournaments which have been
scheduled include archery, badmin-
ton, golf and women's singles and
mixed doubles in tennis.
Activity in the tennis tournament
will begin Monday afternoon on Pal-
mer Field. Directions and lists of
players will be posted at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building.
The archery' tournament, which
will be played off in a Columbia
Round, will take place during the
week of July 22.
Golfers are required to hand in a
qualifying .score on the first nine
holes of the University golf course
by July 15. The scores'should be
left at the Women's Athletic Build-
Novice tournaments in all activi-
ties will be held later in the physi-
cal education classes. Those above
the rank of novice nay enter the
scheduled badminton tournament.
The lists for these games will be put
up in Barbour Gymnasium. All
other tournament lists will be posted
in the Women's Athletic Building.

Sand .,
Judy Trosper, '38, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. karold P. Trosper, of Ann
Arbor, announced the members of
her bridal party and plans for the
wedding at a luncheon given yes-
terday by Margaret Cowie. The
marriage of Miss Trosper to William
Giefel, '38, son of Mrs. Marjorie Gie-
fel, also of Ann Arbor, will take place
at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, July 27, in
St. Andrews Episcopal Church. She
will have three attendants. two of
them being her sisters. Patricia will
act as maid of honor, Roberta as one
of the bridesmaids, and the other
bridesmaid will be Jeannette Cran-
mer, '41, of Stuebenville, O. The
bride-elect and her two bridesmaids
are members of Alpha Phi sorority.
Dr. William Frederick Koch of Ann
Arbor announced the engagement of
his daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to
Charles S. Quarles, '42L. Miss Koch
is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence
College and took some graduate stud-
ies in the University. Mr. Quarles
received his B.A. degree here, and
is a member of Zeta Psi fraternity.
Michigan Dames To Hold
Summer Tea At League
Michigan Dames is to hold its
annual summer tea for the wives of
students and internes at the Uni-
versity from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the League gardens.
The tea will be followed by week-
ly Wednesday bridge parties so that
University wives in the Summer Ses-
sion may have a chance to meet, ex-
plained Mrs. William Kichline, chair-
man of the summer bridge group.

luttonsB righten Wh t
N n
White has always been the fav-
orite of summer, and this year is
no exception. Enlivening plain
white frocks is consequently an
age old problem, answered here by
colorful buttons and a matching
belt. The low cut, square neck-
line is a new feature, as' is the
opening of the skirt along the side.
ixer Sponsored
By Education Club
Get-acquainted night will be spon-
sored by the Women's Education
Club for all women interested in
education at its meeting at 7:15 p.m.
in the League..
Wilberta Horn, graduate of the
Eastman School of Music and the
University of Rochester and former
student of the Mozarteum Summer
Music Academy of Salzsberg, Ger-
many will be the soloist presented on
the program of entertainment. Fol-
lowing her songs she will relate some
of her experiences from her studies
in Germany and Italy. She will be
accompanied by Grace Wilson, Grad.
Hollister To Open Series
Of Talks On Shakespeare
Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister of
I he speech department will open a
series of lecture-recitals of Shake-
speare's masterpieces with readings
from "Macbeth" at 7 p.m. tomorrow
in. Room 302 Mason Hall.
Open to the public for the dura-
tion of the Summer Session, the pro-
gram will also include lecture-acting
presentations by Professor Hollister's

class in oral interpretation of Shake-


(Continued from Page 4) Tuesday night at the


409 S. Division St. Sunday service
at 10:30. Subject: "God." Sunday
School at 11:45.
Monday, July 8: Conference on
Religion. "Religion in India" by
Kenneth W. Morgan, is the topic for
the lecture at luncheon at 12:15 in
the Union.
"Religion in National Develop-
ment" by Professor Leroy L. Water-
man, will be delivered at 3:00 p.m.
in the W. K. Kellogg Institute Audi-
"Delinquency Prevention" by Ken-
neth F. Herrold and a group of panel
members will be discussed at a for-
um from four to six in the W. K.
Kellogg Institute.
"Church and State in the World"
by William W. Sweet will be present-
ed at 8:15 p.m. in the Horace H.
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Biological Chemistry Lectures: Dr.
Rudolph Schoenheimer of the De-
partment of Biochemistry of Colum-
bia University, will deliver a series
of lectures on July 8, 9, 10 and 11 at
2:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Dr. Schoen-
heimer's lectures will have as their
general title "The Use of Isotopes in
the Study of Metabolism." All in-
terested are cordially invited.
There will be a lecture on "Trends
n the Status of the Classroom
Teacher" Monday, July 8, at 4:05 in
the University High School Auditor-
um by Richard R. Foster, Research
Division, National Educational As-
"The Monroe Doctrine and Hemis-
pheric Defense" is the title of the lec-
ure to be given by Professor Lawr-
mnce Preuss at 4:15 p.m., Monday,
July 8, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The Women's Education Club will
meet Monday, July 8, from 7:15 to
8:15 at the League in a "Get Ac-
quainted Night." Special musical
numbers will be presented by Miss
Wilberta Horn accompanied by Miss
3race Wilson. Group singing will be
led by Miss Betty Jones. All women
*n education or interested in edu-
mation are invited. The programs for
he remaining meetings will be pre-
ented and decided upon at this
meeting. Come and join the fun.
There will be square and Country
dancing in the Michigan League
Ballroom at 7:45 p1m. directed by
Benjamin B. Lovett. The admission
is free.
William W. Sweet will give a lec-
ture "Church and State in the New
World" in the Rackham Lecture Hall
at 8:15 p.m. Monday, July 8.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its
weekly luncheon on Tuesday at 12:10
n the Michigan Union. Professor
Tames K. Pollock will speak briefly
and answer questions on the Euro-
>ean situation.
Wives of students and internes are
invited to attend a tea given in their
honor on Tuesday, July 9th from
3:30 to 5:30 in the garden of the
Michigan League. All wives of sum-
mer school students are urged to
come and get acquainted.
The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold its annual picnic, Tuesday,
July 9, at Newport Beach, Portage
Lake. Cars will leave the University
High School at five o'clock. Tickets
may be secured at the High School
Duplicate Bridge will begin at 7:30

League, and every:Tuesday here-
after, instead of at 8:00 as originally
All students in the Departments
of Greek and Latin are cordially in-
vited to attend an informal recep-
tion to be given by the departments
on Tuesday, July 9, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Garden of the Michigan League,
or in the Ethel Fountain Hussey
Room in case of rain.
Solar Motion Pictures. Some very
remarkable recent films of solar
prominences in motion and other
solar phenomena will be .shown in'
the Natural Science Auditorium at
8:15 p.m., on Tuesday, July 9th.
These films have been taken during
the past year at the McMath-Hul-
bert Observatory of the University of
Michigan, located at Lake Angelus,
Mich. While of particular interest
to those electing courses in Astron-
omy, all Summer Session students
are invited to attend.
Faculty Concert. The first faculty
concert in the Summer Session series
will be given Tuesday evening, July
9, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium.
The following faculty members will
participate: Professors Maud Okkel-
berg, pianist, and Arthur Hackett,
tenor, soloists; and a quartet com-
posed of Wassily Besekirsky, violin-
ist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist; An-
thony J. Whitmire, violist; and Jos-
eph Brinkman, pianist.- A
Men's Education Club, July 10:
Professor Roy W. Sellers will speak
on The Survival of Democracy, and
Professor A. D. Moore will demon-
strate the art of jugglery.
The Michigan Dames will hold a
bridge party at the Michigan League
on Wednesday, July 10th. at 2
o'clock for the wives of the summer
school students. There will be a
charge of 10c to cover expenses and
There will be an excursion to the
Ford plant and inspection of the
various Ford industries at River
Rouge. Round trip by special bus.
Reservations in the Summer Session
Office, Angell Hall. Trip leaves on
Wednesday, July 10, at 12:45 p.m.,
and returns at 5:30 p.m. to Ann Ar-
There will be on Open House at
the International Center for all for-
eign students and others interested
from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Wednesday,
July 10.
"Beyond the Horizon" by Eugene
O'Neill, distinguished American play-
wright, will be presented Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
nights, July 10-13, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. This is the third
::roduction this summer of the Mich-
gan Repertory Players of the De-
>artment of Speech. Prices, 75c, 50c,

and 3-, Box office open from 10 a.n. in their school with Room 4 U. H.
to 5 p.m. daily. where it il be transmitted. The
Preliminary examinations for the petition must carry the written ap-
doctorate in English will be offered proval of the instructor concerned.
on this schedule in 3217 A.H. at 9 Students, College of Literature,
to 12 amScience, and the Arts: Except under
American Literature - Wednesday, extraordinary circumstances, courses
July 24. dropped after the THIRD week, Sat-
EnglishdLiterature, 1700-1900 - Sat- urday, July 13th, will be recorded
urday, July 27. with a grade of E.
English Literature, 1550-1700 - Wed- w.hA.gWdlteE
nesday, July 31. E. A. Walter
English Literature, Beginnings to
1550 - Saturday, August 3. Exhibition of American Painting
All those who intend to take the presented by the graduate study pro-
examinations should notify Profess- gram in American Culture and Insti-
oi N. E. Nelson, 3232 A.H. tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
Deutsches Hags. Reservations cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
may still be made for meals at the __
Deutsches Haus, luncheon 35 cents;
dinner 45 cents. Please make reserv-
ations at the German Office, 204
UH or with Dr. Otto G. Graf, 300
SW. Luranel

College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, School of Music, and
School of Education: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by July 24th. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make
up the work should file a petition
addressed to the appropriate official
Sub-Deb Gives Up Riding
SHERIDAN, Ind., July 6.-(iP)-
Mary Katherine Fisher, 9-year-old
daughter of farmer Lester Fisher, is
ready to give up "piggy-back" rides
for the safety of a hobby horse or
"scooter." She mounted a previously
well-behaved sow for a ride to the
barn, but it galloped through a
barbed wire fence.


S 4' ~


d 1


5 lkCDAY


Sponsored by the Women's Physical Education Department
Check in the squares below those tournaments you wish to enter.



Use t
END Under
KE Underrms DR
Whisk one of these
lotionized pads over
your underarms, and
perspiration as well
as odor appear to!
vanish for one., two
davs d enenad i ng




Archery.....Columbia Round
Golf ...... Women's Open Singles
Tennis.. .... Women's Singles.
Tennis... . Mixed Doubles (partner's name .............. )

Mail or bring entries to Barbour Gymnasium not later than Satur-
day, July 6.
Tournament lists will be posted in the Women's Athletic Building
(Badminton in Barbour Gymnasium) by Monday, July 8.
Name......... ..........Address...............Phone.......

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easy - to - wear styles. Thin
black stripes on coral, green
or yellow in a dress with a
convertible collar; wide chalk
stripes in white on grey or
navy for a dress with a bow-
knot tie at the high round



I -- .~ -~ - 10 ~. 10


1 Q




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