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July 07, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-07

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SUINDAY, JtL"QY 7, 1940


The Straight Dope

By Himself


_ _ i


dited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Cantrol of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
.424 so iON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen
City Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors....... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl
Kessler, David. I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter,
Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley
Business Staff
Business Manager............Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager..........Irving Guttman
The Navy
Of Fr anc .1 .
stating when he said yesterday that
the disposition of the French Navy was a "grim
and somber" problem. It was, on sentimental
grounds alone, the most heartbreaking choice
that ever confronted a British government.
Some of the French Navy was safely in British
hands, but some of it, including the powerful
26,000-ton battleships Dunkerque and Stras-
bourg, was in North African harbors, under or-
ders to hurry home. Had this fleet been left
untouched by the British, it would have fallen
inevitably into German or Italian hands, to
harry British shipping and perhaps to inflict
"mortal injury" upon British naval supremacy.
The British made a hard choice. At twilight on
Wednesday they fell upon the French fleet at
Oran and all but destroyed it as an effective
fighting force.
Whatever bitterness will be caused in France
by this tragedy piled upon a vast tragedy, fair
minded opinion will agree that the British were
right in what they did. They were not making
war on France; they were making war on a
powerful offensive weapon which, in the hands,
of the mortal enemy of France, could be used
to help fasten serfdom on the French Republic.
They had given France every opportunity to
save her ships. They had consented, first, to
let France make a separate peace on condition
that her warships were brought into British
ports for safe keeping. The pece was made;
the condition was ignored. They waited a fort-
night for French commanders to bring their
ships voluntarily into British ports.
Some of the ships came, others did not. It
was a hard choice for the French commanders
also. Mr. Churchill willingly admitted as much
yesterday, when he spoke of "the characteristic
courage" of the French Navy and said that
"every allowance" must be made for French
officers "who felt themselves obliged to obey
the orders which they had received from the
Government, and could not look behind that
Government to see the Grman dictator." But
even at the last, the British were not unreason-
able or inhumane. They offered the French
admiral at Oran the choice of continuing the
fight against Germany and Italy or sailing with
reduced crews to British ports, or taking the
warships to French islands in the New World,
or scuttling the ships within six hours. When
all these conditions were refused, the British
opened fire.c"Ieleave judgment of our actions
with confidence to Parliament," said Mr.
Churchill yesterday; "I leave it to the nation;
I leave it to the United States of America." He
need not fear what this judgment may be.
The French Navy as a whole is no longer a
potential threat to British seapower and sur-
vival. In their home ports and in Alexandria

harbor the British now control at least three
French battleships, six cruisers, eight destroyers
and more than 200 smaller craft. The immediate
British naval problem has not, however, been
solved. This is 'the recurring menace of the
submarine and the reduced strength available
to the British for convoying supplies and pa-
trolling the seas on anti-submarine duty. Until
France surrendered, the French Navy was in-
valuable to the British iii helping to keep the
supply routes free of marauders. Today it is no
longer an allied force. The British Navy's bur-
den may, therefore, become desperately heavy,
especially since the Italian submarine fleet has
become an enemy, and since Germany has won
new bases from North Cape to the Pyrenees.
It is clear by now why the British begged for
thirty old destroyers from us, and for twenty
old torpedo boats. Their naval position from now
on will be an anxious one, even without serious
danger from the French fleet. At any moment
the British Navy will be straining every nerve
to. repel an armed invasion and to prevent the

ON OCCASION we have attempted to amuse
and divert what readers this column may
have. Such is not our intention today. Today
we would speak of a tendency for which Amer-
ica has been all too famous since the days of
the witch burnings. I speak of a tendency to
persecute any unpopular minority regardless of
the constitutional guarantees which those mi-
norities enjoy. Abolitionists, religious groups
from Catholics to Mormons, philosophical
groups and others have felt the sting of the
tar a swell as many dozen political and econolic
Perhaps the most pitiful of all cases is that
wherein the innocent citizen suffers from of
hate-hysteria which seems so easily to become
rampant. An example of this came through to
us in last week's mail and we want to tell you
the story.
Joachim, a former student at this Univer-
sity's Law School, was selling books to farmers
around Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. A story
that he was a German spy began to circulate
and spread like wildfire. To save his life he
had to flee. ,
For twenty years Joachim wanted to go back
and visit the family whom he suspected of cir-
culating the rumour. Late in 1937 he had an
opportunity and went. When he told the head
of the household who he was the man turned
"Great God," he said, "I always thought you
had been hanged as a spy."
JOACHIM is now publisher of an Illinois news-
paper. He speaks now and spoke then typi-
cal Midwestern English. His parents also were
born in this country. However, because he was
a stranger in that area and had a German name
it took only a few hours for a rumour to st.%rt
which almost turned his life into tragedy.
We quote the Niles (11.) Daily Times on the
American Painting
ONE OF THE undeniable advantages of the
art of painting is its immediacy, and it is
refreshing in the building where so much is
being spoken this summer about American cul-
ture to be able to ascent three flights and ex-
amine on the spot some of the visible evidences
of it. The exhibition of American painting ar-
anged in the Rackham Building as part of
the current Graduate Study Program in Amer-
ican Culture and Institutions~makes no preten-
sions to completeness, but it does cover in tab-
loid fashion the various periods and movement
of the American school, and manages to in-
elude a number of the painters involved in its
development. The fact that they are repre-
sented by minor examples adds a certain charm
and informality to the occasion. It would be
easy to regret the more glaring omissions, Cop-
ley in particular for the Colonial period, and
Bellows for the more recent, but that would be
perhaps placing too many demands upon what
is after all a fairly unassuming exhibition. Many
of the works shown are from local and neigh-
boring collections, and Miss Hall and the com-
mittee in charge have performed a service in
letting us have a glimpse within an ordered
framework of these not often enough seen or
sufficiently appreciated art treasures. Various
works from the collection of the University of
Michigan and from that of the Ann Arbor Art
Association shine with a new lustre when dis-
played thus within their proper sequence, slid
bring again forcibly to mind the crying need
for permanent gallery space where they may
always be as well shown.
A bright spot among the colonial works is
Benjamin West's "Death of Wolfe," a small
replica belonging to Cranbrook of the large
painting in our Clements Library. Of the early
portraits one should speak of Peale's "Thomas
McKean," Waldo's "Major-General Andrew
Jackson," and Vanderlyn's "James Monroe," the
latter from the University's collection.
THE EARLY RISE of interest in the American
landscape is sufficiently well illustrated by
various contemporaries of the Hudson River

school of painters, among them John M. Stanley
of Michigan, again with works from the Univer-
sity's collection. The later Inness is represented
with a very good example.
Of the great names Winslow IHomer is repre-
sented by an extremely early small work, stiff,
self-conscious and posed, but delightful in its
sureness and command of the medium. The Ea-
kins heads is a sober performance but eloquent,
to those who know the body of his work, in its
command of planes and structure. The Ryder
is almost too much the usual, and the Duvaneck
seems dated more than most of his work. Sar-
gent's portrait of a lady is almost a parody'of
his method, so greatly does it run to slick twirls
of the brush. Gari Melchers is really well
presented, both with an early genre and his
superbly painted portrait of Chase S. Osborn,
one of the several fine examples of his art
in the University's collection.
N THE contemporary room there are several
highlights, brightest among them the three
major works owned by the Ann Arbor Art Asso-
ciation, the landscapes by Niles Spencer and
Henry Lee McFee" and the nude by Alexander
Brook, all thoroughly adequate examples of
important men. Carroll is represented by a
charming early portrait head loaned by Mrs.

moral of this little story. "Feeling against the
Kaiser in 1917 was mild compared with the
ferocity of present American hatred of Hitler.
It is doubly important therefore, that we profit
from incidents of the last war like this.
SURELY ANN ARBOR, which already has had
its full share of persecution of citizen's
suspected of being in league with Germany, can
take this tale to its none-too-susceptible heart.
It might with equal authority be applied to
those who have found it necessary to discrim-
inate against other groups on racial, political
or economic lines.
When war starts the time for civil liberties
seems to be over. Why this is so we cannot say.
The constitution makes no point of the sus-
pension of free speech in time of war, it rather
provides the contrary.
LET US THEREFORE, while we are still at
peace, be the more vigilant that the author-
ity and power of the land be directed against
those who deny -our liberty to speak, to write,
to assemble peaceably, to petition authority,
to be secure in our homes and to enjoyra sleep
untroubled by fears of tyranny. Let us remem-
ber that equality of opportunity is still the bea-
con of the American Way and that that means
equality of opportunity for the Communist, for
the Bund member, for the Negro, for the Semite
and for those opposed to all these.
WHEN WE ONCE DENY to any man his con-
stitutional guarantees we are all in danger.
Let the Negro be touched and the Jew comes
next. Let the Catholic be persecuted and the
Baptist follows. If Communists be thrown in
jail they will share cells with the liberals of
both parties before all the shouting is over. Now
is indeed the time for all good men to come to
the aid of what America really stands for. Now
is the hour for free men to reassert their free-

WASHINGTON- To say that the
Willkie-McNary ticket worried
Democratic chiefs is to put it mild-
ly. The real fact is that they are
scared stiff.
Not only are they fearful of the
campaigning effectiveness of the
powerful GOP combination, but they
are even more disturbed by their
own state of disorganization.
Because of the serious rift between
Jim Farley and the New Dealers, the
Democratic National Committee has-
n't functioned for months. Whatever
battles were waged for the Deno-
cratic Party originated from outside
the Committee. All of the anti-Will-
kie-McNary blasts in the Senate and
House came from independent Demo-
Meanwhile every GOP fusillade on
Capitol Hill has behind it the re-
juvenated and fast-clicking Republi-
can National Committee.
Another thing that alarms insiders
is the effect of the President's strong
pro-Ally policy on large blocs of vot-
ers, German, Italian and certain
Irish elements are hostile, and fairly
sure to vote Republican. Similarly,
John L. Lewis' vendetta is cetain to
cost votes.
Lewis speaks for only a minority of
the CIO. Not one important union
in the oganization has endorsed his
stand. However, he has destroyed the
effectiveness of Labor's Nonpartisan
League as a campaign force, and in
1936 this was an important factor
in several key industrial centers.
Summer heat has come to Wash-
ington, but the President's only air-
conditioned method is to take off

Calendar Of Third Week

7:15 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Mon day-
4:15 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
5:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Vespers and Convocation. Address by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director
of the Summer Session. Music under the direction of William
Breach, Supervisor of Music, Public Schools, Buffalo, New York.
(Hill Auditorium.)
Lecture. "The Monroe Doctrine and Hemispheric Defense." Pro-
fessor Lawrence Preuss. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
Square and Country Dancing. Benjamin B. Lovett, Edison Institute,
Dearborn. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free.
"Church and State In the New World." William W. Sweet, University
of Chicago. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
Lecture. "Personal Achievements of the Clergy." Dumas Malone,
Director of the Harvard University Press. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
Lecture. "Contribution of Roman Catholics to American Culture."
Edward Fitzpatrick, in connection with the Sixth Annual Con-
ference on Religion. (W. K. Kellogg Auditorium.)
Beginners' Class, in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.)
Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is
invited. Come with or without partners.
Lecture. "Religion and Humanitarianism." Dixon Ryan Fox, Pres-
ident of Union College. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
Concert. Faculty of the School of Music. All Brahms program.
(Hill Auditorium.)'

his coat and hang it over the back
of a chair.
The executive offices of the White
House are air-conditioned, but the
President will have none of it in his
office. Hle keeps the vents turned off
and opens theFrench doors looking
out on the rose gardens and the
South grounds. This, and the coat
removal, are enough for him.
In the White House proper, sep-
arate air-cooling units have been
established in the various rooms.
(This was preferred to air-condition-
ing, so as to avoid tearing out walls
to introduce new vents. But
the President at first declined to
have even a cooling unit in his rooms.
Finally he was persuaded to accept
it, with the understanding that it
would not be turned on when he was
there. .
The same is true of the President-
ial yacht, Potomnac. Air-conditioning
equipment has just been intsalled
throughout the boat, but the Presi-
dent insists that it be turned off in
his room.
Note-The same preference for
nature's hot air is expressed by Cor-
dell Hull and Sumner Welles in the
State Department. Their rooms are
the only offices in the building which
have cooling units, and neither makes
use of it.
Nazi Revolution
When Nazi troops marched into
Poland, September 1, 1939, Adolf
Berle, Assistant Secretary of State
and Roosevelt brain truster remark-
ed: "This is the beginning of the
world revolution."
The war-or revolution-has now
been in progress for ten months and
every report coming back from Ger-
many indicates the truth of Berle's
For what most people do not rea-
lize about Germany is that the Nazis
are fighting with a crusading revolu-
tionary fervor. They are staging a
social revolution. Their redistribution
of wealth in Germany makes Stalin's
working for the Government. All his
raw materials come from the Gov-
ernment. His credit is arranged by
the Government. Exchange is regu-
lated by the Government, and prices
are manipulated almost daily by the
Today in Germany also, the in-
dustrialist who owns an automobile
does not dare to drive it to work.,
It would be taken away from him,
and he would be hissed off the streets.
Only Nazi officials ride in cars. Oth-
ers ride bicycles.
Real fact is that Germany has
borrowed Karl Marx back from Rus-
sia and made it work.
Bomb Plots
Lost in the shuffle of war news
was what happened to the Christian
Front members, recently acquitted
and released after a trial in which
they were charged with conspiring
to overthrow the Government of the
United States.
After they were released, one of
the first things some of them did
was to go to the clerk of the court
in Booklyn and demand return of
their guns.
Immediately thereafter several
bomb plots were unearthed in New
York. Most of the bombs were crude-
ly manufactured and failed to ex-
plode. The papers reported two that
went off, but gave the others no
However, there was no question but
that the bomb epidemic resulted
from the feeling on the part of var-
ious subversive elements that the ac-
quittal of the Christian Fronters
gave them immunity.
Approximately one-third of the
1,000 delegates at the GOP conven-
tion were World War veterans and

all the candidates had vets playing
leading roles in their campaigns-
Harry Colmer of Kansas, former
American Legion Commander, was
active for Willkie, and Ben Doris of
Oregon, one of the three remaining
Legion "king makers", worked for
Taft. Assisting Doris was chunkey
little Karl Kitchen of Cleveland, who
managed the only Legion convention
that didn't go in the red. Senator
Rush Holt, buck-toothed West Vir-
ginia anti-New Deal Democrat, re-
cently defeated for nomination, is
quietly aiding the campaign of Tom
Sweeny, the Republican nominee.
Navy officers may shortly be pro-
hibited from writing letters to news-
The ban is being seriously consid-
ered as a result of a letter written
by Lt. Commander Jackson R Tate,
air officer of the Carrier Yorktown.
Published in the Honolulu Star-Bul-
letin and The Pensacloa (Fla.) Jour-
nal, thec ommunication vigorously
defended the airmanship of Admiral
Charles A. Blakely, former com-
mmer o~~ f the.Aivrrft TBattl~ e For

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
on Sunday, July 7, at 2:30 p.m. in
the rear of the Rackham Building
for a trip, a short distance from Ann
Arbor, affording swimming, softball,
volleyball and hiking. All graduate
students, faculty and alumni invited,
Band Concert. The University of
Michigan Summer Session Band will
present its first concert in the sum-
mer session series Sunday afternoon,
July 7, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
torium, under the direction of Pro-
fessor William D. Revelli. The gen-
eral public is invited to attend.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship, an Evangelical Student Group,
wish to welcome summer school stu-
dents to their hour of devotion Sun-
day afternoon, 4:30, in the Fireside
room of Lane Hall. Students who
wish to attend both this weekly
meeting and the band concerts are
urged to be present this week to
make their preference for a conven-
ient hour known.
Summer Session Convocation and
Vespers: The Summer Session Con-
vocation and Vespers will be held in
Hill Auditorium, Sunday, July 7th,
8:00 p.m. Professor Louis A. Hop-
kins, Director of the Summer Ses-
sion will give the address of welcome.
The Summer Session Chorus, under
the direction of Professor William
Breach will present a program of
songs by modern American compos-
Lutheran Students: Pastor Yoder
conducts early service at 8:30 a.m.
and regular service at 10:30' a.m. In
Trinity Luteran Church each Sun-
day, and. Pastor Stellhorn conducts
regular service at 10:30 a.m. in Zion
Lutheran Church each Sunday. The
Lutheran Student Association for
Lutheran Students and their friends
will meet this Sunday evening at
6:00 at the home of Pastor and Mrs.
Stellhorn, 120 Packard St.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Churebi:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and
Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lew-
is; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Chil-
dren's Chapel in the Church Office
Building; 3:00 p.m. Cars leave Harris
Hall for a student tour of the Cran-
brook Foundation and Christ Church,
Bloomfield Hills. Picnic supper, 25c.
All Epicopal students and their
friends cordially invited. If you can
provide transportation, please call
the Church Office, 7735.
Wesley Foundation. Student class
in the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room at 9:30 a.m. Subject: "The
Bible and Literature." Leader, Mil-
dred Sweet.
Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 5:30
p.m. in the Wesley Foundation Room.
Refreshments and Fellowship at 5:30
followed by the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
There will be a panel discussion on
"Industrial Disorder" by persons of
varying viewpoints. We will adjourn
in time for the Vesper Service at
Hill Auditorium.
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service t 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashars will preach on
"Christian Citizen
First Baptis l i.h, 512 E. Huron
St., C. H. Lou ks, Minister. 10:30
Morning Worship. Communion Med-
itation: "The Word of God"

11:30, The :Church at Study. We
hope to have the entire family stay
for this thirty-minute period of Bible
10:30, The Beginner's and Pri-
mary Departments will meet during
the Worship Service. A recreation
period is provided for these Depart-
ments during the Church School
6:15, The Roger Williams Guildl
(Baptist Student Group) will meet
on the lawn of the Guild House, 503
East Huron Street, for a picnic sup-
per, and attend the Summer School
Convocation in a body.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Rev.
John Howland Lathrop D.D. of
Brooklyn, N.Y. will speak on "What
the Liberal Church Stands For."
3:30 p.m. Monday, July 8. A re-
ception will be held in the Unitarian
Church library for Rev. and Mrs.
Edwin Wilson of Chicago. All Uni-
tarians and Universalists are par-
ticularly invited.
Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m.
"Help For Our Burdens" will be the
subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P.
5:30 p.m. Sunday evening vespers
led by the minister, Dr. W. P. Lemon,
on "What the Other Half Believe."
This Sunday evening his subject will
be The Jew Views "The Gentile Prob-
lem." A cost supper at 5:30, meet-
ing at 6:30 p.m.

12:45 p.m. Excursion No. 5-The Ford Plant. Inspection of the various Ford
industries at River Rouge. Round trip by special bus. Reserva-
tions in Summer Session Office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:31
p.m., Ann Arbor.
3:30-5:30 p.m. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom). Free of charge. Come
with or without partners.
4:15 p.m. Lecture. "Evangelists and Statesmen of Education." Dumas Ma-
lone. Director of the Harvard University Press. (Rackham Lecture
5:15 p.m. Lecture. "Principles of Christian Education." Dr. Edward Fitzpat lick
in connection with the Sixth Annual Conference on Religion.
(W. K. Kellogg Auditorium.)
7:30 p.m. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.)
8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Open House at the International Center, for all foreign stu-
dents and others interested.
8:15 p.m. Lecture. "Education as a Responsibility of the State." Edgar B.
Wesley, University of Minnesota. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
8:30 p.m. "Beyond The Horizon," by Eugene O'Neill. (Mendelssohn Theatre.)


4:15 p.m.
5:15 p.m.



8:30 p.m.'
3:30 p.m.
5:15 p.m.;

Lecture on Niagara Falls. Professor Irving D. Scott. (Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.)
Lecture. "The Jews In American Culture." Dr. Louis Binstock, in
connection with the Sixth Annual Conference on Religion.
Lecture. "The Social Responsibility of Education." Ernest H. Wil-
kins, President of Oberlin College. (Rackham Lecture Hall.)
Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon.
Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.)
Round-Table Discussion. "Religion and Education in American Life."
Chairman, Lewis G. Vander Velde, University of Michigan. Pres-
ident Ernest H. Wilkins and Professors William W. Sweet, Edgar
B. Wesley, Dumas Malone, and Charles B. Vibbert. (Amphithe-
atre, Rackham Building.)
"Beyond The Horizon," by Eugene O'Neill. (Mendelssohn Theatre.)
Excursion No. 6-Niagara Falls and vicinity. Two and one-half days.
A member of the Department of Geology will accompany the group
as lecturer. Round trip by boat and special bus. Reservations
in Summer Session Office.
Lecture. "The Education of Jewish Children." By Dr. Louis Bin-
stock, in connection with the Sixth Annual Conference on Reli-
gion. (W. K. Kellogg Auditorium.)
Watermelon Cut. (Michigan League.) Free.
"Beyond The Horizon," by Eugene O'Neill. (Mendelssohn Theatre.)
Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without
a partner.



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