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July 06, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-06

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

Grin And Bear It

By Lichty

. . .

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Ochiga under the authority'of the Board in Control- of
tadent Pilcations.
Publisedn evey morning except Monday during the
University year and Bummer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republieation of all news dispatches credited to
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, *ssociated Collegiate Press, 193940
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor .....,.........,..Carl Petersen
City Editor ....... ..... Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors .......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl
Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter,
Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley
Business Staff
Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman
er d-
in The G.O.P- -.-.-
]ing to the strenuous life. After plun-
ing to the nomination like a fighting fullback
Wendell Willkie called on the Republican con-
vention to join him in carrying on the campaign
with the same vigor. His own record, the fresh
enthusiasm of the young people and "amateurs"
who upset the party machines in nominating
him, and the new patrintism with which Ameri-
cans are meeting the new threats to demo-
crcy--all these give assuranse of a stirring
Out of' the conflicts at Philadelphia the Re-
publicans achieved every appearance of har-
mony. All the earlier favorites could find hope
for the party in the strength of a popular de-
mand which swept them all aside in a united
drive for Mr. Willkie. The spirit in which the
other candidates pledged assistance indicated
that they were ready For the "crusade." Robert
A. Taft, who came so close to nomination, prom-
ised "sincere and strenuous assistance." The
Ohio Senator's honesty and magnamimity in
his campaign for the nomination won the re-
spect of the country and he can be of real help.
The nomination of Charles L. McNary of
Oregan for the Vice-Presidency brings several
elements of strength to the Republicans' ticket.
He is the minority leader in the Senate and
should make a most effective link between the
Willkie "amateurs" and the professional party
leaders in Congress. Mr. McNary is one of the
most popular and respected Senators, and his
skill in concilation and experience in politics
can be of real value to the candiate. He also adds
to the ticket an appeal to the farmers and
western vote.-
In the general excitement about the Willkie
nomination his platform has almost been over-
looked. As platforms go it is excellent and the
nominee is likely to strengthen those parts-
particularly on foreign policy-which are out of
keeping with the new and changng position of
the Nation. Altogether the Republicans face the
election with more enthusiasm, more unity, and
more hope than seemed possible a few weeks
ago. -Christian Science Monitor
Where Mind's Find Strength
Millions of us are so oppressed by the news
from Europe that we have little heart for any-
thing but reading the bulletins or sitting glued
to our radios. The thought of thousands dying
every day, of cities we know being faid waste,
.is so appalling that our own pleasures seem like
empty mockery. Yet we in New York have at
our very doors the places where spiritual streng-
th and hope can be found. At the World's Fair
there are exhibits that give renewed faith to
those who may be sick at heart over the cruelty

and ruin in our world. At the Museum of Mod-
ern Art we can see what our own generation
can achieve at a, time of economic and social
upheaval. At the Museum of Natural History
we can draw inspiration from the eternal, un-
changing world about us. At the Metropolitan
Museum, and at the superb exhibition of 6,000
years of Persian art, we can see deathless mas-
terpieces of form and color and beauty pro-
- duced in the very midst of past invasion and
horror. Serenity and renewed strength can be
drawn from the contemplation ofthese things.
There is proof in them of the continuity of civil-
ization, of values which no conquere can finally
destroy. --New York Times
America's New Golconda
There once was a day when America's great
fortunes were made in railroads, in banking, in
land. in manufacturing of various kinds. It's a
wholly different story today, if the Treasury
figures on top-bracket salaries are a safe indi-

WASHINGTON-If Hitler succeeds in his
boast regarding the conquest of great Britian,
next move on the Nazi time-table is almost
sure to be Russia. You can write it doin as
fairly certain that Hitler will invade the Soviet
around September 1.
There is one big reason for this-food. Europe
is sure to be famine-stricken this winter. The
Polish wheat .crop is bad; so are the Balkan
crops. The French will not be able to reap much
of a harvest. Denmark is already killing its
cattle for lack of grain. Norway never was en-
tirely self-supporting.
However, just across the Carpathians lies one
of the richest granaries in the world-the U-
kaine. Its wheat crop this year, although not
the best, will be sufficient to keep down a lot
of anti-Nazi unrest in a hungary Europe. Hitler
not only needs it, but long ago announced in
that infallible document, Mein Kampf; that he
wil itake it.
Obviously Stalin knows this. That is why he
has sent tremendous reinforcements into the
Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
That also is why he has edged hisborders a-
cross Bessarabia up to the Carpathian mount-
Ribbentrop Warning
Key to Hitler's Russian policy was contained
in a cable received here in diplomatic code
which told of the great numbers of Red troops
crowding into Lithuania, and how the Lithuan-
ian Minister in Berlin reported this to Foreign
Minister von Ribbentrop. He said, among other
things, that Red troops from as far away as
Siberia had entered ,Lithuania, and asked Rib-
bentrop's advice as to what his government
should do.
"Don't do anything," Ribbentrop advised, ac-
cording to the cabled report. "After we finish
with Great Britian we'll take care of them."
British-Russian Deal
At present Sir Stafford Cripps is in Moscow
as special British ambassador trying to work
out a new deal between Russia and Britian.
What will come out of his mission no one can
However, two things seem certain. One is that
only a flank attack by Russia on Germany's
sphere of influence in the Balkans or upon
Germany itself can spare the British Isles vir-
tual annihilation from the air.
The other is that if the British Isles are con-
quered, it will be Stalin's turn next.
Purple Pants
The President, accompanied by his personal
bodyguard, Tommy Qualters, came into a room
where arrangements had been made for taking
photographs. Qualters wore a pair of slacks of
purplish blue.
While the cameras were being set, the Presi-
dent quipped: "Have you got a color camera?
I think you should take a color photograph of
Tommy's pants."
Who's Jesse Jones
At Cabinet meeting last week, Secretary of
Labor Perkins brought up a national defense
project for which she felt some money should
be raised. She asked the President to see the
people involved.
The President replied that he thought the
Army was handling the matter and he didn't
feel he should see Miss Perkins' friends. How-
ever, she continued to urge that federal funds
be lent, and finally in order to end the conver-
sation, Roosevelt replied: "You'd better see
But Miss Perkins continued to promote her

cause until the President interrupted her again.
"See Jones," he said.
"Who's Jones?" asked the Secretary of Labor.
The President did not say, anything imme-
diately, and all the other Cabinet members
around the table smiled. Noting their smiles,
and frowning herself, Miss Perkins repe~ed
the question: "Who's Jones?"
"Jones," replied the President, "is the gentle-
man on your left who is in charge of federal
Amid the laughter which followed (in which
Jesse Jones joined) the crimson-visaged Secre-
tary of Labor implored her Cabinet colleagues
not to let her boner get outside of "school."
"Why, Frances," kidded Harry Hopkins, "you
don't think for a minute you can hush that
up inside the Cabinet?"
Communist Controlled
That statement issued by the National Ad-
ministrative Committee (top body) of the Work-
ers Alliance, following the walk-out of president
David Lasser, that the organization was not
Communist-controlled was a lot of eye-wash. It
was put by Communist members of the group on
orders of the Communist party.
Only four members participated in the com-
mittee meeting at which the statement was "vot-
ed", and of the four, three are CP members. Also
present was Herbert Benjamin, Communist for-
mer Alliance secretary, whom Lasser forced out
last winter. Benjamin has no official connection
with the Alliance but he bossed the NAC session.
Lasser quit because of inability to purge Red
officials from the Alliance command. He succeed-
ed in ousting Benjamin under a threat to re-
sign himself, and for aw hile thereafter the
"Kommies" pulled in their horns and ceased
"party line" agitation. But in May they sud-
denly became active again and the following
provocative incidents ensued:
1. At an Administrative Committee meeting,
Sam Wiseman of New York, leader of the Red
faction in the Alliance, and Frank Ingram, his
close ally, demanded that President Roosevelt be
called on to veto the relief bill if it was passed
with a provision barring Communists from WPA
rolls. Lasser opposed this on the ground that the
Alliance was supposed to represent 2,000,000
workers and had no right to sacrifice their inter-
ests for the sake of a small Communist minor-
2. Several weeks later Ingram demanded that
Lasser summon a national executive board meet-
ing in Washington four. days later to take a
stand on the "crucial questions of peace, nation-
al defense and political action." When Lasser re-
fused because such a call requires at least 30
days notice, Ingram informed him that certain
board members would attend the Cominist
Party convention in New York the following
week end and they would be enough to consti-
tute a quorum.
In other words, the board meeting would be
made up only of Communists. When Lasser in-
dignantly pointed this out, Ingram's airy reply
was that this could be smoke-screened by send-
ing out notices to all the board members but that
it would be "understood, of course, that only
those able to come (i.e. the Communists) would
be present.
Lasser refused. to call the meeting, whereupon
the Communist members put out a statement in
New York denouncing aid to the Allies, the na-
tional defense program, and Roosevelt as a war-
3. Afterward Lasser discovered a secret Com-
munist movement to pack the coming Alliance
convention with their followers in order to elect
a complete Red control and adopt a "party line"
agitational policy.

"It's your mother again, lad--she says not to forget to wear
your parachute'"

7e 27 /I

Praise For


The Straight Dope
By Himself

To the Editor:
For the most part, Professor Ehr-
mann's lecture last Monday after-1
noon was fair. To those of us who
sympathize with the German cause
it was a pleasure to have a pro-
British lecturer admit that the un-
derlying cause of the war is "The
German Question." We half-ex-
pected to hear another repetition
of the trite falsehood that the war
is basically a struggle to preserve
But there were a couple of asser-
tions in the lecture which ought to
be protested. For one thing, Pro-
fessor Ehrmann said "In the Ver-
sailles Treaty Germany was dealt
with harshly in economic terms, but
territorially she was treated rather
leniently. The real criticism of the
Treaty of Versailles was .not that it
was too severe, but rather that it
could not enlist the support of a. ma-
jority of great powers." This would
seem to imply a belief that injustice
can be excused by its vigorous en-
forcement. No one who holds to the
ideal of justice in international re-
lations can subscribe to that belief.
The Treaty of Versailles was not only
"harsh" economically, it was also
an outrageous insult to a great na-
tion. All just men should be glad,
not sorry, that the treaty was not
The lecturer also referred to the
"fine institutions" of the British as
the motive behind the pro-British
sentiment in the United States. No
one can deny that the British do
have some fine institutions, but so
do the Germans, the Italians, and
the Japanese. The mere fact that
these three peoples (and others)
have not yet shown the ability to
evolve and maintain a democratic
government ought not to be used
as an excuse to confine their cul-
tures within narrow territorial lim-
Yet this is exactly what that great
land. and sea- monopoly, the British
Commonwealth of "Nations" has un-
dertaken to do. Its aim is to reserve
one-fourth of the earth for the de-
velopment of Anglo-Saxon culture
alone. To accomplish this it must,
in a very real sense, imprison the
other great and progressive cultures
of the world in their inadequate
homelands. To excuse the obvious
injustice of such a procedure the
British have invented the. myth of
their own superiority to all other
peoples. The eradication of this over-
bearing British arrogance (by a
crushing defeat in warfare) is a
necessary condition for equitable
cooperation of all nations in main-
taining a just peace. Germany is
about to humble English pride, to
show England that she too can be
defeated. This will be an even great-
er service to the world than the dis-
ruption of the British Empire. For
as long as the British hold other
nations in contempt, there cannot
exist in the world any real charity,
and without charity there can be no
lasting peace. A disgusting exhibi-
tion of this intolerable British con-
tempt for other peoples was recently
given by Prime Minister Churchill
in his speech to the House of Com-
mons (about the Flanders Battle).
He~ refervrd tothe Ge~rman neon1e as

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Buses will leave at 8:30 a.m. this
morning from State Street in front
of Angell Hall for the trip to the
Schools of the Cranbrook Founda-
tion in Bloomfield Hills, and will re-
turn to Ann Arbor at 3:30 p.m. The
round trip bus tickets will be $1.25.
Graduate Record Program will be
held in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building today, July
6 from 3 to 5 p.m. An interesting
program has been arranged. Robert
Nieset will be in charge. All inter-
ested are invited.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
on Sunday, July 7, at 2:30 p.m. in
the rear of the Rackham 'Building
for a trip, a short distance from Ann
Arbor, affording swimming, softball,
volleyball and hiking. All graduate
students, faculty and alumni invited.
Band Concert. The University of
Michigan Summer Session Band Iill
present its first concert in the sum-
mer session series Sunday afternoon,
July 7, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
torium, under the direction of Pro-
fessor William D. Revelli. The gen-
eral public is invited to attend.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship, an Evangelical Student Group,
wish to welcome summer school stu-
dents to their hour of devotion Sun-
day afternoon, 4:30, in the Fireside
room of Lane Hall. Students who
wish to attend both this weekly
meeting and the band concerts are
urged to be present this week to
make their preference for a conven-
ient hour 'known.
Summer Session Convocation and
Vespers: The Summer Session Con-
vocation and Vespers will be held in
Hill Auditorium, Sunday, July 7th,
8:00 p.m. Professor Louis A. Hop-
kins, Director of the Summer Ses-
sion will give the address of welcome.
The Summer Session Chorus, under
the direction of Professor William
Breach will present a program of
songs by modern American compos-
Lutheran Students: Pastor Yoder
conducts early service at 8:30 am..
and regular service at 10:30 a.m. in
Trinity Lutheran' Church each Sun-
day, and Pastor Stellhorn conducts
regular service at 10:30 a.m. in Zion
Lutheran Church each Sunday. The
Lutheran Student Association for
Lutheran Students and their friends
will meet this Sunday evening at
6:00 at the home of Pastor and Mrs.
Stellhorn, 120 Packard St.
St. Andrew's EpiscopaL Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and
Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lew-
is; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Chil-
dren's Chapel in the Church Office
Building; 3:00 p.m. Cars leave Harris
Hall for a student tour of the Cran-
brook Foundation and Christ Church,
Bloomfield Hills. Picnic supper, 25c.
All Epicopal students and their
friends cordially invited. If you can
great achievements of civilization;
there are other aspects of life besides
politics. Who but a fanatic Anglo-
Saxon jingo will dare to assert that
a grat co.r~nstitution is of mrenr vau

provide transportation, please cIai
the Church Office, 7735.
Wesley Foundation. Student class
in the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room at 9:30 a.m. Subject: "The
Bible and Literature." Leader, Mil-
dred Sweet.
Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 5:30
p.m. in the Wesley Foundation Room.
Refreshments and Fellowship at 5:30
followed by the meeting at 6:15 p..
There will be a panel discussion on
"Industrial Disorder" by persons of
varying viewpoints. We will adjo rn
in time for the Vesper Service at
Hill Auditorium.
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach og
"Christian Citizen."
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron
St.. C. H. Loucks, Minister. 10:30
Morning Worship. Communion Med-
itation: "The Word of God."
11:30, The Church at Study. We
hope to have the entire family stay
for this thirty-minute period of Bible
10:30. The Beginner's and Pri-
mary Departments will meet during
the Worship Service. A recreation
period is provided for these Depart-
ments during the Church School
6:15, The Roger Williams Guildl
(Baptist Student Group) will meet
on the lawn of the Guild House, 503
East Huron Street, for a picnic sup-
per, and attend the Summer School
Convocation in a body.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Rev.
John Howland Lathrop D.D. of
Brooklyn, N.Y. will speak on "What
the Liberal Church Stands For."
3:30 p.m. Monday, July 8. A re-
ception will be held in the Unitarian
Church library for Rev. and Mrs.
Edwin Wilson of Chicago. All Uni-
tarians and Universalists are par-
ticularly invited.
Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m.
"Help For Our Burdens" will be the
subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P.
5:30 p.m. Sunday evening vespers
led by the minister, Dr. W. P. Lemon,
on "What the Other Half Believe."
This Sunday evening his subject will
be The Jew Views "The Gentile Prob-
lem." A cost supper at 5:30, meet-
ing at 6:30 p.m.
First Congregational Church, State
and William Sts. Rev. Leonard A.
Parr, D.D., Minister.
The morning worship service will
be at 10:45. Dr. Parr will preach on
the theme "God's Anvil Stands!"
Music by the chorus choir led by
John H. Secrist.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday service
at 10:30. Subject: "God." Sunday
School at 11:45.
Monday., July 8: Conference on
Religion. "Religion in ' India" by
Kenneth W. Morgan, is the topic for
the lecture at luncheon at 12:15 in
the Union.
"Religion in National Develop-
ment" by Professor Leroy L. Water-
man, will be delivered at 3:00 p.m.
in the W. K. Kellogg Institute Audi-
"Delinquency Prevention" by Ken-
neth F. Herrold and a group of panel
members will be discussed at a for-
um from four to six in the W. K.
Kellogg Institute.
"Church and State in the World"'
by William W.dSweet will be present-
ed at 8:15 p.m. in the Horace H.
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Biological Chemistry Lectures: Dr.
Rudolph Schoenheimer of the De-
partment of Biochemistry of Colum-

bia University, will deliver a series
of lectures on July 8, 9, 10 and 11 at
2:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Dr. Schoen-
heimer's lectures will have as their
general title "The Use of Isotopes ia
the Study of MetabolisiA." All in-
terested are cordially invited.
All students in the Departments
of Greek and Latin are cordially in-
vited to attend an informal recep-
tion to be given by the departments
on Tuesday, July 9, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Garden of the Michigan League,
or in the Ethel Fountain Hussey
Room in case of rain.'
Wives of students and internes are
invited to attend a tea given in their
honor on Tuesday, July 9th from
3:30 to 5:30 in the garden of the
Michigan League. All wives of sum-
mer school students are urged to
come and get acquainted.
The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold it sannual picnic, Tuesday,
July 9, at Newport Beach, Portage
Lake. Cars will leave the University
High School at five o'clock. Tickets
may be secured at the High School
Duplicate Bridge will begin at 7:30
Tuesday night at the Michigan
League, and every Tuesday here-
after, instead of at 8:00 as originally
Faculty Concert. The first faculty
concert in the summer session series
will be given Tuesday evening, July,

The other night we betook ourselves with
some temerity over to the Rackham Building
to. see the documentary movies. It took con-
siderable courage for us to go because we have
never been what you might call comfortable
in the Rackham Building. Never. It is not
that we don't think the Rackham Building is
beautiful. We do. It is so beautiful it scares
us. Our first remark when we saw it was "What
a beautiful mausoleum." We still feel that way
about it. Always, both by night and day, we
are unable to stretch out our legs in the com-
modious space provided for them in the Main
Auditorium because we fear someone in a long
white robe with ectoplasm flowing from mouth
and nose, will come and summon us to a land
that does not contain any Wendell Willkies
But this time it was different. We went with
friends and we avoided those sumptuous over-
padded lounges and went directly in to the mo-
vies. When the lights went down we had a bad
moment or two but after the music started we
really began to get rid of a few hundred goose
pimples. The Rackham Building is one of the
few places we can think of that is less terri-
fying by night than by day. Our girls' house
and all sororities on Tappan included.
But to the movies themselves we want to
give the bulk of our attention. The movies were
swell. First came "The River." "The River" is
just about the best movie we ever saw. It has
everything. The drama of it is the drama of
a continent, the suspense is the struggle for life
itself and while, like everything bearing on hu-

ten by Virgil Thomson, best known because he
wrote music that made a success of a little
gem by Gertrude Stein called "Four Saints in
Three Acts" or vice versa, we forget. The music
implement sthe action and adds to it satire,
comedy and sometimes a heightened but not
obtrusive beauty of its own. (Note to lowbrows
and music majors; we liked the music.)
Next on the bill was "The City" which con-
trasted a Charlie Chaplin-like life in big cities
and mining towns to a possible contrast in the
form of an already-existing community around
some ideal factories in a beautiful rolling hill
country. The place looked so swell that Shan-
gri-la suffers by comparison. Music was by
Aaron Copeland, never one of our favorite mod-
ern composers, although a very good one. Mr.
Copeland hit the mood of the jangled jungles
of New York and Pittsburgh better than did
Morris Carnovsky, the silver-voiced actor from
the Group Theatre. In the lyric scenes the hon-
ors were reversed. Even reversed there were
enough of them to go around.
"The Plow That Broke the Plains" held as
much real tragedy as anything we ever saw.
The dust bowl has never been presented quit?
as movingly, quite as sensitively. Seldom has
the greed engendered by war been shown quite
so clearly for what it is and what its results
are. The fifth of a nation was ravaged for war
profits in wheat and the results speak for them-
selves. Mr. Virgil Thomson's little touch of a
choir of strings playing a Phrygian version of
Old Hundred while a farmer scuffs with
broken shoe at the useless topsoil will remain
in our memory for a long time.
This cpn,b1idpqsC the iri, r .-.s'. na1;f,4..

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