Fair and Warmer Saturday;
Partly Cloudy Sunday
Of ficial Publication Of The Summer Session
In The G.O.P.
Final Break Seen
Between France
And Great Britain
Bill sawyer's
Band To Play
On Air Sunday
Reich Terms Monroe Doctrine
Interpretation 'Untenable;Hull
Is Quiet On Martinique Situation
-- i
Neutral Sources 'Reveal
Newest Peace Feelers
Extended By Germany
Gibraltar Raided
By French Planes
Britain and France last (Friday)-
night were going through the mel-.
ancholy formalities of erasing the
last vestiges of the entente which was
to have won the war and become
a basis for new, peacetime Europe.
Britain, alone against the axis,
literally cleared her shores for her
own battle.
While German warplanes early to-
day (Saturday) continued their re-
gular forays against England, a neu-
tral diplomatic source in London pre-
dicted that new German peace "feel-
ers) would be extended within three
or four weeks.
Convinced Of Failure
He said, however, that most neu-
treal diplomats and observers had
been convinced in advance of the
failure of any such overtures in view
of the "New British Aggressiveness"
in regard to the French fleet.
Presumably in prelude to a com-
plete diplomatic break,, already re-
potted ordered by the French Petain
Government, the charge d'affaires in
London, Roger Cambop, presented to
the foreign office a stern and bitter
protest against the smashing of the
French Mediterranean fleet by Bri-
tish naval guns.
Cambon resigned, presumably in
protest to his government's protest.
His superior, Anbassador charles
Corbin, sent his own resignation to
Petain last week.
British sailors in Alexandria stood
by ready to fire on French ships, if
necessary, to prevent their escape
from that British base in Egypt.
'No ship Shall Leave'
The British pledged themselves to
see that "no French ship shall ever
leave Alexandria to surrender to the
The French remained aboard their
ships apparently undecided as to the
next move. One French battleship,
four cruisers and a number of small
craft are at Alexandria.
Three British cruisers were re-
ported to have landed at Gibraltar
30 bodies of British sailors killed in
the battle.
Britain's big stronghold at Gibral-
tar was raided by bombers yesterday
for the first time since the war be-
gan but almost all of their bombs
fell into the sea. A Madrid radio
broadcast heard in London said it
had been "established" that the raid-
ing planes were French.
Culture Course
Enters Second
Week Of Talks
Theme Will Be 'Religion,
Education: Freedom
Of Mind And Spirit'
Topic of the second week of lec-
tures and round table discusions of
the Graduate Study Program in
American Culture and Institutiois
will be "Religion and Education:
Freedom of Mind and Spirit."
Five noted lecturers, all authori-
ties in their fields, will deliver six
talks during the week. All lectures
will be held in the Rackham School
Auditorium and will be open to the
public. The week will close with a
round table discussion.
The first of the week's lectures will
be presented by Prof. William W.
Sweet of the University of Chicago,
who will talk on "Church and' State
in the New World" at 8:15 p.m. Mon-
day. Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Du-
mas Malone director of the Harvard
University Press, will talk on "Person-
al Achievements of the Clergy," and
at 8:15 p.m. President Dixon Ryan
Fox of Union College will speak on
"Religion and Humanitarianism."
Dr. Malone will lecture again at
400 Brains Required
For League Exercise
In a program of quizzing at the
League dance last night. Betty Woo-
ster and Ed Love emerged victorious
from the field.
Ten questions were posted about
the ballroom for which all interested
parties offered written answers.
Love, the winner of this part of the
program, was asked to speak over
the microphone. His only comment
was "Hello, Ma."
The second part was conducted
along the lines of a radio broadcast
with Dick Slade announcing. Betty
Wooster defeated the other five con-
testants as she emerged with a per-
feet score. Her comment at the end
was "It was a hard fight but I won."
There were four sets of questions
with Pete Antonelli quizzing the boys
and Norm Oxhandler quizzing the
Earl Stevens' Band played to a
crowd of 400 dancers, all of whom
were able to participate in the first
Prof. Cowan
Vocal Actions
Voice Mechanics Shown
In Linguistic Institute
Lecture By Pictures
X-ray motion pictures, with syn-
chronized sound track, showing the
vocal organs in operation during
actual speech, together with high
speed motion pictures giving a direct
view of the vocal cords in action,
were the chief exhibits offered last
evening by Prof. Milton Cowan of
the University of Iowa in his Lin-
guistic Institute lecture, "The Acous-
tic Analysis of Speec Sounds."
"Traditional linguistics," comment-
ed Professor Cowan, "long has been
aware of the need for studying the
intermediate link between speaker
and hearer, that is, for analyzing
the actual sounds of language. As
early as 1743 an attempt was made
to view the vocal cords by means of
a pharyngeal mirror, and in the
nineteenth century other attempts
were made with improved devices.
"Only within the past 10 years,
however," said Dr. Cowan, "has sci-
ence made available the devices
which already have opened approach-
es to the solution of linguistic prob-
lems." Two of these devices, he
pointed out, are the x-ray motion
picture camera and the high speed
camera which, using a continuously
moving film with a revolving crystal-
line compensator lens, is able to pho-
tograph at the rate of 4,000 frames
a second.
The high speed camera, which has
been developed at the Bell Telephone
laboratories, has produced pictures
which have offered clear substantia-
tion to the theory of Helmholtz,
the nineteenth century investigator.
Helmholtz claimed, and thus began
a controversy which still continues,
that the harmonics of the human
voice originate in the larynx and are
not greatly affected or modulated by
the pharyngeal musculature.
Union's Orchestra Given
Chance To Appear On
Fitch BandWagon
Following in the footsteps of many
famous band leaders, Bill Sawyer
and his orchestra featured during
the winter at the Union, will start on
the road to fame Sunday by broad-
casting on a national hookup with
the Fitch Band Wagon program at
6:30 p.m. over WWJ.
The members of the Fitch . Band
Wagon program audition numerous
young, rising bands throughout the
country and feature them each Sun-
day during the summer as the up and
coming band of the week. The ob-
ject of this program is to discover
new talent and to present it to the
public for approval. Many young
bands, previously featured on the
Band Wagon have found success in
a comparatively short time and Saw-
yer hopes that this will prove to be
a valuable step in his career also.
Sawyer is a native of Traverse City
and began his musical activities by
participating in the high school band
and local orchestras. He received
his degree here in the School of
Music in 1939 and has been working
on his Masters.
Bill's work, play, recreation and
hobby are all embedded in music. He
has written various musical selec-
tions, two of which will be featured
tomorrow night. He does all the
arranging for his band which is com-
posed of University students who in
most cases have been developed and
trained by their leader.
Because of the increasing popular-
ity of Bill Sawyer's orchestra and
because of the personality of the 12
musicians, Stanely Waltz, general
manager of the Union, is endeavoring
to make connections with WJR, De-
troit, for a half hour broadcast of
dance music from the Union ball-
room each Friday night.
Engineering Parley
Is To Open Today
Diesel engines and the analysis of
indicator cards will feature the sec-
ond' series of lectures sponsored by
the Interal Combustion Engine In-
stitute at 9 a.m, today in the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Building.
Sponsored jointly by various de-
partments of the engineering col-
lege, the Internal Combustion Insti-
tute this summer is featuring talks
by technicians loaned from industry
who will present the various phases
of modern problems connected with
internal combustion engines at week-
ly lectures.
No Comment On Rumour
Of British Blockade Is
Delivered By Secretary
Information Said
To Be Incomplete
WASHINGTON, July 5.-(P)-Sec-
retary of State Hull declined com-
ment today on unofficial reports
that Britain was establishing a vir-
tual blockade around the French
island of Martinique, in the West
Indies, to prevent movement of any
French naval units or planes from
Hull said his information on the
situation was incomplete but indi-
cated it was being studied, and,
meanwhile, withheld any opinion as
to its possible implications for Amer-
ican neutrality.
It was reported in diplomatic
quarters that British destroyers, car-
rying out the British attempt to seize
the French fleet and keep it out
of Germany's hands, had moved in-
to the vicinity of Martinique to
pounce upon any ships emerging
from there.
'Star Wagon'
Will Conclude
Four-Day Run
Production's, Stage Effects
And Costume Features
Are ProgramHighlights
Many interesting stage effects and
costume features highlight the
Michigan Repertory Players' produc-
tion of Maxwell Anderson's "The
Star Wagon," which concludes its
four-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Among them are the archaic car
invented by Stephen Minch played
by Norman Oxhandler, which is
pulled on and off the stage simulat-
ing an automobile ride, and the
Star Wagon itself which rises on
the stage as though floating off in
Interesting costumes include a pair
of bloomers, considered shocking in
1903, 12 pairs of high shoes similar
to those worn in those days and
many other examples of clothing in
that era, such as ankle-length skirts,
shirt garters and celluloid collars.
The drama, a Broadway success in
1937-38, deals with two men, Minch
and Wicks, who, by means of the
star wagon, relive their lives to please
Minch's wife. Later they realize that
they had taken the right road of life
after all and come back to the pres-
ent and to happiness.
Starred in the production are Ox-
handler, Truman Smith as Hanus
Wilks, and Mary Pray as Martha,
Stephen's wife.
1. 1 1
Prof. Dodge Warns Assemb
Conservation Must Be Learned
American Agriculture Has ify still further their traditional cul-
tures,Been Of Soil; he forecast, they may be able
BeenWastfulOf Sil;to bring themselves into harmony
Methods Must Change with the earth.
"If agriculture is maintained only
By KARL KESSLER at the cost of fertilization and irri-
gation," he warned, "American cul-
To support the people of the ture must somehow embrace a pro-
United States we must learn to con- vision for a redistribution of income
trol the forces of nature, as well as visionf aethisution icoe
the trends of our economy, Prof. that will make these expenditures
te tD. Dodge of the geography .possible for the farmer." If in ten-
Stanleydepar.mentyestrdayhedog yaeitry and absentee ownership, he
department yesterday warned those continued, we find responsibility for
assembled for the concluding lecture the Joads and the dust storms, Amer-
on regional varieties of cultural de- ican culture must be revised as to
velopment in the graduate study its fundamental legal clauses in or-
course on American culture and in- der that these -abuses may be done,
stitutions. away with.
The traditional American agricul/ If the cost of things bought from
ture, Professor Dodge pointed out, the corporations of New England is
has been carried on only at the ex- too high, Professor Dodge indicated,
pense of an exhausted soil. Inherent- American culture must provide more
ly, the soils of the American con- nearly equal price scales.
tinent support the traditional agri- If adaptibility means anything, he
culture only at the expense of being concluded, it means that we shall so
washed or blown away. manage our cultural trends that
Impatience, he observed, has been they do not transcend the possibil-
a characteristic of the American peo- ities of the land as expressed in the
ple; but impatience is incompatible natural regional differences of the
with the care necessary for the United States.
preservation of the land.
Freedom of enterprise, he general-"
ized, has also been a characteristic SRA Director
of the American people, but where
they have been free to farm as they
their own land, but also the land Op n M e
t h y h v e n f e o f r s t e Oe e twis h e d , th e y h a v e d e s tr o y e d n o t o n lyth i o w l a d b u a s o h e a n
of others. Gulleys and blowing sand Here M ionday
do not respect fences and other prop-
erty bounds, and one result has been
the Joads of our dust-bowl. Religious Leaders, Clergy
But adaptability, too, Professor
Dodge added, has been a character- Plan Series Of Forums
istic of the American people. Adapt- In Annual Conference
ability is being shown, he noted,
though slowly and sometimes reluc- M
tantly, to the program which has More than 100 religious leaders
been devised for the reclamation of and clergy will convene' with stu-
the dust-bowl areas. If this charac- dents and faculty for the Sixth An-
teristic of adaptability be retained, nual Conference on Religion open-
if the American people learn to mod- inrr Mnndav with a week !'of lec-
0 odywt ek/o e-
State Department Warns
German Diplomats Not
To Criticize U.S. Policy
Foreign Comment
Termed Improper
WASHINGTON, July 5. -fP--
Confronted with a challenging note
from Germany calling the United
States governmens interpretation
of the Monroe Doctrine "untenable,"
the State Department today served
notice anew that it would uphold the
doctrine, and, in addition, virtually
threatened to oust any German dip-
lomats in this country who publicly
discussed American policy.
The latter action was evoked by
the fact that Baron Von Spiegel,
the German consul general at New
Orleans, had been quoted in the press
as saying that Germany would not
forget the aid given her enemies by
this country.
A State Department announce-
ment said it appeared the consul
general thought he was not speak-
ing for publication and that it was
"pgrhaps due to a misunderstand-
ing" that publication resulted.
Matter Taken Up
"The matter has been taken up
with the Germany embassy here,"
said the announcement, "and it has
been pointed out that public discus-
sion of questions relating to this
country's policies and attitudes does
not properly come within the prov-
ince of foreign government officials
in the United States.
Then the department added point-
edly that permission granted to for-
efgn government officials to remain
in this- country is dependent upon
observance of this rule.
The exchange concerning the
Monroe Doctrine grew out of the
United States' action in informing
the Reich on June 18 that it would
not "recognize" nor "acquiesce" in
any transfer of Western Hemisphere
territory from one non-American
power to another. This amounted
to a notice to Germany not to try
to take over French, British or other
possessions in the new world.
Three Point Reply
The German reply, as given out
in substance by Secretary of State
Hull today, made these three points:
That Germany has "given no occa-
sion whatever for the assumption"
that she intends to acquire territory
in this hemisphere 'and that the
American note to Germany was this
"without object."
That the interpretation of the Mon-
roe Doctrine implicit 'in the Ameri-
can note was "untenable" because it
would "amount to conferring upon
some European countries the right
to possess territories in the Western
Hemisphere and not to other Euro-
pean countries."
That the Monroe -Doctrine's prin-
ciple that Europe must not inter-
vene in American affairs can be
"legally valid only on condition that
the American nations for their part
do not interfere in the affairs of the
European continent."
Prof. Preuss
Talks Today
Travel Today
To Cranbrook,
Fourth Tour By Summer
Students Is Conducted
By Prof. Ruel ChurchiHM
Summer Session excursionists will
depart on the fourth tour of the sea-
son at 8:30 p.m. today from in front
of Angell Hall bound for the Cran-
brook Schools ' in Bloomfield Hills,
to return at 4 p.m,
The tour will be conducted by=
Prof. Ruel V. Churchill of the mathe-
matics department, who is director
of Summer Session excursions.
Schools of the Cranbrook Founda-
tion are the gift of Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Booth of Detroit and are
located about 20 miles north of that
city. There are three schools in the
Foundation, Cranbroow, Kingswood
and Brookside.
The excursion group will visit all
three schools, Cranbrook for older
boys, Kingswood for older girls, and
Brookside for younger boys and girls.
They will be conducted on the visit
at Bloomfield Hills by the executive
secretary of the Cranbrook Founda-
tion, Dr.Frayer,
tures, conferences, forums, and
luncheon meetings.
Arranged by the University Com-
mittee on Religious Education, the
conference will take as its theme,
"Religion and National Develop-
ment." Centered around this sub-
ject will be the speeches of religious
leaders of the Midwest.
Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, will
open the luncheon lectures speaking
on "Religion in India." Professor-
Emeritus Leroy Waterman of. the
Oriental Languages Department, will
keynote Monday's meeting at 3 p.m.
speaking on "Religion in National
Development" at the W. K. Kellogg
Institute Auditorium.
Prof. William W. Sweet of the
Divinity School of the University of
Chicago will analyze religion's place
in the nation's historical develop-
ment in his four lectures before the
conference. Dr. Edward Fitzpatrick,
president of Mount Mary College for
Women of Milwaukee, will address
the group on "Roman Catholicism
and American Culture," while Rabbi
Louis Binstock, who has recently
returned from Germany and Russia,
will describe Jewish education. and
contributions to American culture.
Unique feature of the program
opened for the first time will be the
attendance by Michigan clerbymen
and professional religious leaders
without fee in ten courses offered
by the Summer Session for the week
of the conference.
Michigan Band To Open Season
With First Concert Tomorrow
Ho wTo Apply
For Positions
Is TalkTopic
"How am I to apply for a job?" is
a question frequently asked by col-
lege graduates and those approach-
ing graduation; it is in attempt to
answer this question that the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
occupational Information, under the
direction of Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
has arranged a series of three demon-
stration lectures.
Appearance and attitude: right and
wrong, will feature the opening dem-
onstration at 7 'pm. Tuesday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Demonstration of the various
"rights" and "wrongs" of job appli-
cation will be dramatized by a cast
of students, together with a run-
ning commentary by Dr. Purdom.
The program will attempt to present
the most common faults shown by
the average job applicant, together
with the corresponding formulas for
Laboratory training in band tech-
niques is offered directors and con-
ductors from all parts of the coun-
try by the University of Michigan
Summer Session Band which opens
its concert season at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium under the
baton of Prof. William D. Revelli.
Complete in its symphonic instru-
mentation, the Summer Session Band
is one of the few concert bands in
the country which boasts of a full
complement of woodwinds.
The personnel of the band itself
has seena ranid rie in memhrshin
who have registered in the Summer
Session Band, the work here serves
a two-fold purpose. All recently pub-
lished musical scores adaptable to
concert band interpretation, are
made available to the band and
through rehearsal sessions and the
weekly concerts, the musicians and
directors have an opportunity to be-
come acquainted with the latest
A secondary function of the band
is the experience and instruction
o-iven in thela iatt nronnures and
First Smunmer Vesper Service
To Feature Hopkins And Loucks
Will Talk About Monroe
Doctrine And Defense
The second lecture in the Summer
Session Series on "American Policy
in the World Crisis";will be delivered
by Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the Poli-
tical science department at 4:15 p.m.
Monday in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. He will speak on "The Mon-
roe Doctrine and Hemispheric De-
Introduction to the series was giv-
en last week by Prof. Howard M.
Ehrmann of the history department
when he spoke on "The European
Backgrounds of the Present War."
Lectures in the series will be delivered
each Monday during the Summer
Session by members of the Univer-
sity faculty and by visiting lectur-
ers, according to Dr. Louis A. Hop-
All students and faculty are in-
vited to attend the first Summer
Session Convocation and vesper ser-
vices at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Au-
Principal speakers on the program
arranged by the Committee on Reli-
gious Education and the University
Musical Society will be Dr. Louis A.
in A Minor, the program will fea-
ture songs of contemporary Amer-
ican composers. The chorus and as-
sembly will sing the National Hymn
accompanied by Walter Kimble at
the organ.
Saar's arrangement of "Ave Ma-
ria," "Voix Celestes," and Stos;el's
arrangement of Whitman's "Beat,