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July 02, 1940 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-02

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'MSAKY, MY 2, 1940



~EENAINDRunning O rC
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fjlait ned Flere

Boys' State, a laboratory of denoc-
racy, was explained by a group of
three former "citizens" at a dis-
cussion group of educators here yes-
Sponsored by the American Legion,
the "Boys' State" community at East
Lansing, concluded its third year of
nine-day operation last Friday on
the campus of Michigan State Col-
lege with a record attendance of
1,100 boys.
The purpose of the laboratory
training course is to acquaint boys
between the ages of 16 and 18 with
the basic principles in operation and
motivating spirit behind denioracy.
Boys, representing all sections of the
state, are sent to the annual "Boys'
State" meeting in East Lansing by
civic organizations, such as Lions
Clubs, Kiwanis and Legionnaires.
Under the general supervision of
senior counselors, mostly law stu-
dents, the boys are organized into
the various divisions of the state:
60 boys per city, 120 boys per county.
in addition, the boys are arbitrarily
divided into two political parties:
the Athenians and Spartans.
With the foundation of a "state"
Dr. Fostr (gives Address
Dr. Foster, director of research for
the National Education Association,
will address the members of the local
and other national chapters of Phi
Delta Kappa, national honorary ed-
ucation fraternity at their second
weekly luncheon meeting at 12:10
p.m. today in the Union.
All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Ssion before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its
weekly luncheon on Tuesday,. July 2,
in the Michigan Union, at 12:10. Dr.
Foster, Assistant Director in the Re-
search Division of the National Ed-
ucation Association will speak on the
subject, "Research in the N..A."
The Mathematics Department Tea
for graduate students in mathematics
and visitors in the Department (and
their wives or husbands), will be
given by the staff of the Department
and their wives in the garden of the
Michigan League, on Tuesday, July
2, from 4 to 6 p.m.
American Student Union organiza-
tion meeting, Tuesday, July 2, 4:00
P.M. at the Michigan Union. Sum-
mer activities for peace, civil liber-
ties, and economic security will be
Associate Professor Henry Beau-
mont, of the University of Kentucky,
Department of Psychology, will speak
(Continued on Page 4)

thus formed under the direction of
counselors, the "citizens" then eeet
a governor, state officers, county of-
ficials and city supervisors.
With the exception of a daily talk
on citizenship by outstanding le-
gionnaires or public officials, the
entire government, from legislature
to police power, is under the control
of the students.
Though varying in their opinion
on several phases of the program,
the three representative students at
the meeting were unanimous in ap-
proving the general idea bhind this
new form of educational procedure:
to teach citizenship and civics by
actual laboratory methods, simulat-
ing our own government on a smaller
scale. The student representatives
present at the meeting were Perry
Trytten, Kenneth Waltz and John
Laird, all of Ann Arbor.
The experiences gained in "Boys'
State," according to opinions ex-
pressed by these representatives, are
twofold. First, it derives a strong
conviction that democracy is the
ideal form of government; secondly,
it points out some of the failings of
democracy, which, though they do
riot invalidate its potential efficien-
cy, nevertheless point the road to-
ward further improvements and re-
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nwe -n.. ........

* * *

The United States is the only
great armed power in the new world
-but experts doubt if U.S. arms
could stretch in case of need to de-
fend South America below the bulge
of Brazil.
There are armies and navies in
South America, but-
(The hemisphere defense picture
is mostly "buts ")
Save for a few crack regiments in
the A-B-C countries (Argentine,
Brazil and Chile), the armies of
South America are poorly trained
and even more feebly equipped. The
potential military man-power is
there, ibut there are no tanks, a mere
handful of anti-aircraft guns, and
little modern artillery.
There are about 850 military planes
in all the Americas outside the U.S.
-but not a third can be classed as
modern craft. Save for the Ameri-
can forces, there are no big bombers.
Most ,of the South American navies
have admirals-but they haven't got
ships.'The A-B-C countries and
Peru have a few modern warcraft.
The other "navies" are semi-floating
refugees from a scrapheap-river
gunboats that were hot stuff in 1880,
wood-hulled harbor patrol boats,
armed yachts and .ancient torpedo
boats that a European sneeze would
blow apart.
Canal Protected
North of the Brazilian bulge the
picture is brighter: Key to U.S. de-
Small Game Laws
CHARLEVOIX, July 1.-(A')-Ex-
isting small game laws, with one ex-
ception, were approved by the Mich-
igan Department of Conservation at
a -meeting here today.
The exception was a 30-day exten-
sion of the muskrat season to Jan.
31 in a specially designated area of
the Monroe County marshes. Trap-
pers in this area had complained

fense strategy must be protection for
the Panama Canal, which means con-
trol of the Caribbean Sea-America's
big lake.
Coast defense artillery and anti-
aircraft guns are massed in lethal
array to command all the approaches
to the canal. The navy and army
have major establishments at Coco
Solo and Panama, with landing fields
and airbases scattered liberally
around and more a-building.t
That's only the iron ring around
the canal proper. Uncle Sam's sol-
diers and sailors don't aim to let
any enemy get that close
The outposts guarding the canal
are 500 to 1,000 miles away, at Guan-
tanamo in Cuba, at San Juan, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands and the spe-
cial service patrol in the Pacific.
These are major shore establishments
from which operate the navy's ship-
plane patrol. It would be tough to

get by this far-rangng patrol with
plane carriers. The admirals and
generals aim to meet any threat and
1 stop it far away from the canal.
Airlines An Advantage
Well, if plane carriers couldn't
get through the vigilant patrols, even
now operating, how about a bomber
thrust from land bases? A fair
It happens that the army and
War Prisoners In Canada
QUEBEC, July 1.-Y)-Great Bri-
tain's first prisoners of war sent to
the Western -Hemisphere disembarked
over the weekend in Quebec and were
sent to internment centers in the in-
terior of Canada. Their number was
not given. The British Government
requsted Canada to receive the Nazis
because of the danger they might
present in the British Isles if they are

navy have thought of the very same
thing. They have, they hope, a stop-
per for such an enterprise.
Bombers that can pack a load of
destruction 1,000 miles need big fields
and long runways. There's room for
them on the islands that dot the Car-
ibbean, but those islands are under
daily surveillance from the air.
American airlines criss-cross the
Caribbean. Most of the pilots are
naval reserve officers. They'd spot
the first sign of landing field prepar-
ation, and the military would have

something very, very pointed to say
about them.
The navy figures, too, that they


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Former Governor To Take Post
As State Defense Administrator

LANSING, July 1. -(P)- Former
Gov. Wilber M. Brucker said today
he would accept appointment as
State Defense Administrator and
begin immediately to trail-blaze a
new path of Michigan participation
in national preparedness.
After a conference with Emerson
R. Boyles, Governor Dickinson's legal
adviser, Brucker said "I am accept-
ing the appointment with the under-
standing that it is a wholly non-sal-
aried post" and that the work of the
administrator and advisory defense
council would be "wholly non-poli-
tical and non-partisan."
Brucker said he understood Dick-
inson would make his appointment
formally tomorrow and would an-
nounce the personnel of the council
at the same time. Earlier, Dickinson
had indicated the appointments

chairman of the National Defense
"Detroit and Michigan, of course,
will bear the brunt of the prepara-
tions for national defense," Brucker
said. "Michigan is the first to an-
ticipate that fact and clear the way
for any trouble. We are getting an
early start compared with other
Brucker said the duties of the de-
fense administration in Michigan
still were vague, but that "roughly,
it will coordinate the economic, mili-
tar and civic" functions of its peo-
pl "by having the information and
activity to correlate all under one
Brucker asserted that the council
and he did not propose to "legislate
anything" but to be an administra-
tive agency only.

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