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August 16, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-16

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rL.( aR - DNO"'s3.bP 1'Im tNI a N rku tW'rn Am tmceY M -C-.0.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the 'Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
'Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter. -
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.0; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pusbisers Rpresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor ....:..........Carl Petersen
City Editor .:....... .......Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors..........Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su-
zanne Potter.
Business Stall
Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager...........Irving Guttman
Hitler's Weapon-
Not So Secret! .. .
A REPORT to the Conference Board,
an employers' organization, by two
of its experts reveals the probable truth about
Hitler's "secret weapon." Theysay: "Germany's
secret weapon was the all-inclusive organiza-
tion of the total life of the nation and the
thorough training of the people as the living
cogs df the machine."
This process of converting folks into cogs
required about seven years. If the machine
endures, we may have to revive our historical
time schedules of social change. It required
centuries for feudalism to shade into the indi-
vidualist commercial capitalism that became
the dominant pattern of civilization around the
beginning of the 19th century. It required at
least another 100 years to form the highly in-
tegrated system of incorporated business dom-
inated by money and credit capital that reached
its peak about 1910 in this country, which was
several years behind Britain and France in that
IF HITLER has taken only seven years to build
a termite social system in Germany, his speed
as a revolutionist is as remarkable as his speed
in war. Undoubtedly what has been done in
Germany was made much easier by the destruc-
tion of German money and credit in the post-
war inflation. That wiped out the economic
ground upon which the middle class stood. That
class has always been the principal champion
of individual freedom and individual initiative
in trade and industry.
The ruin of money helped Hitler to revive
many features of the static and stratified type
of class and guild society that prevailed under
feudalism in Europe before the rise of modern
trade. John Flynn has pointed out that it was
the increasing use of money that destroyed feu-
dalism. For centuries men discussed the decline
of feudal institutbns, but did nothing about it.
EVERYBODY KNEW what was destroying
feudalism-money. But nobody ever re-
fused any money, no matter how much its so-
cial effects might be denounced. In our time
the undermining of money and credit by in-
creasing taxation, which is caused by the ex-
pansion of state functions, which in turn has
been largely caused by the weakening of the
old natural regulators of trade and industry
under a free competitive system, has been dis-
cussed just as ardently as was money under
But nothing was done about it. Monopolies,
trade restrictions and state interference with
industry to foster military might and territor-
ial expansion flourished everywhere up to 1914,
heaping up the explosives in the magazine that
exploded them. Looking backward at this time,

we can see that this war is a logical sequel to the
really unfinished war of 1914-1918, which did
not expirate imperialism in Germany or restore
real economic freedom anywhere else. The Nazi
state as "the supreme monopoly" is not only a
highly intensified composite of the external
threats which the allied world fought in the
last war but it also embodies in ultimate per-
fection those internal evils that have been un-
dermining freedom in every land. That is why
Nazism is both armed menace without,rand con-
tagious disease within, every other form 'of so-
cIety..- Chicago Daily News
British Labor Thinks
MOST ENCOURAGING to all those who are
interested more in what is to come after this
war than in the question of who's going to win
are reports from London of the fine and con-
structive thinking on war aims done by British
labor leaders.

The Straigjht Dope
By Himself
(Today's guest columnist is Bernard Friedman, his fireside chat on the "fifth column" and sub-
of the faculty of Harvard University, and one of versive activity which, more than any other fac-
this country's ablest young philosophers. With his
concl&*sions we disagree. with his right to state tor, gave impetus to the wave of anti-demo-
them we are in absolute accord.) cratic and anti-alien hysteria which has swept
A SHORT WHILE AGO Himself wrote acol- the country. He signed the alien registration
A mn iHnRTsuHILErAoHselftedin-his bill, transferred the Immigration Department
umn in support of Roosevelt and m in from the Department of Labor to the Departt-
characteristic way offered the use of his column ment of Justice, permitted the outrageous ac-
to anyone who wanted to support Willkie. Some- wetoJuicprtedheuraosa-
one did. But finding things to say in favor of tivity of the FBI in Detroit and elsewhere.
Willkie is no easy job, and the someone who He speaks of preserving (no longer of extend-
tried it had a pretty opaque way of putting ing) the rights of labor, yet the Secretary of
things, so. the result was that Roosevelt came the Navy now has the right to suspend the
out way on top. It was a pretty funny kind of Walsh-Healy Act in awarding naval construction
victory though-Roosevelt had only two cards contracts if he thinks it necessary; yet he sup-
played for him, his "big heart" and a not in- ports the conscription bill; yet the chairman of
glorious past, and we never got a chance to see the Senate Military Affairs Committee, which
what's in the rest of his hand. is charged with the duty of drawing up the
Yet the strange thing about this election is legislation for the defense program, has intro-
that, in spite of the strong personalities in- duced a bill to provide employers in defense
industries with a private army, armed by the
volved and in spite of the near identity of the government, of the sort that Ford and a few
two party platforms, when you vote, you'll be other industrialists happen to be able to afford
voting on issues more than on men. Still more themselves.
curious in this election is the fact that the is-
sues on which you'll be voting are not presented AND WHAT HAS HAPPENED to plans for a
in any pro and con way. That's pretty opaque, public housing program, for a public health
too-what do we mean? program, to WPA. to NYA, to the Unfair Labor
Practices Bill, to the anti-lynch bill, to the anti-
Let's see: Suppose you vote for Willkie. poll tax bill? No, in voting for Roosevelt you
You'll be voting for a dangerously interven- would be voting not for the New Deal, but for
tionist foreign policy, for peacetime con- scrapping the New Deal and a lot more in the
scription (considering the articulateness of name of defense.
some other Republicans on this matter, What do we do then? How can we show that
Willkie's silence can mean only one thing), we are supporters of peace, of democracy, and
for a Utility man's policy, for a Morgan pol- of the, rights of labor? First of all, a lot de-
icy-there's not really much point in carry- pends on the Congress and on the state offi-
ing this side'of it out very far. As it looks to cers whom we elect-in many cases we can find
us, the only people who are progressive at candidates for these offices whom we can sup-
heart (and -"progressive at heart" covers port. Secondly, we can cast a negative vote by
enough Americans to carry any election by refusing to vote for either major candidate-
a landslide) the only people who are pro- we can write in a name, say Senator Wheeler.
gressive at heart who will vote for Willkie He won't win, but we'll have made a point.
are those who have used Himself's reductio
argument in the other direction-that is, And most important, we can remember
those -who will vote for him because they that while we are permitted to vote on can-
realize they can't vote for Roosevelt. didates only once every two or four years,
we can vote on issues every day in the week.
THE ROOSEVELT SIDE is a little trickier. It's We can send letters and telegrams to our
clear-ask any interventionist-that a vote President ,our Senators, and our Congress-
for Roosevelt is a vote for an interventionist men, we can support and take part in the
foreign policy, and for conscription in peace- Emergency Peace Mobilization in Chicago at
time. The trick comes in because people will the end of this month. If we let them know
say that a vote for Roosevelt is also a vote for what we think, if we say it often enough and
democracy and the New Deal program of pro- loud enough and together enough, then our
gressive social reform. But is it? elected representatives, whether or not they
As a matter of' fact Roosevelt has sacrificed are the men we wanted, will give us the pro-
his democracy to his "defense" program. It was gram that we want.
Washington Merry-Go-Round

Grin And Bear It . .

i _...

By Lichty

"Careful about the tips you take, girls'.--I just heard there's
a lot of counterfeit $1,000 bills in circulation."
The Manchester Quardian Views
germany And Petain's France

WASHINGTON-For some time British air
observers, and also U.S. military experts sta-
tioned in England, have been puzzled by the
fact that a mere handful of two or three British
planes have been able to chase away as many
as twenty Nazi bombers.
American air attaches in London have sent
back glowing reports of British success, telling
how sometimes even one British pursuit plane
would put to flight an entire Nazi squadron.
Nazi planes about-faced and fled so easily that
it was suspected they had standing orders from
Berlin not to engage in battle.
Now the mystery of these German tactics
has been solved. Enough German planes have
now been shot down in raids over England to
establish the fact that most of them are not
equipped ,with regular navigation instrument('
Apparently, only the leader in every German
squadron carries navigation apparatus, and the
other planes follow him.6
Therefore, should the leader be shot down, the
other planes are under orders to head for home,
flying blind. Also whatever the leader does, the
other pilots must do.
On the other hand, every British plane is
a complete unit in itself, fully equipped, and
can act independently of any squadron.
Reason for the failure to equip Nazi planes
presumably was Hitler's haste to build them, and
also the desire to cut down the expense.
Note-It was a characteristic of German sol-
diers during the World War that they liked to
fight elbow to elbow. American doughboys found
that when they got separated from their com-
pany, even in fairly large groups, they were
much easier to capture.
Straight Sumner Welles
One lady who really worked at Pan-American-
ism during the recent Havana Conference was
Mrs. Adolf Berle, wife of the Roosevelt Brain
Truster who is now Assistant Secretary of State.
Mrs. Berle took tea with this delegation,
lunched with the next and organized swimming
parties with the third. - She was a real Good
Lunching with some of the Argentines one
day, the discussion turned to Mr. Berle's col-
league and superior, Sumner Welles, Under
Secretary of State. Remarked Senora Zuber-
"Oh, I can't get over his figure. He is so
tall, so erect, so straight."
"Yes," replied Mrs. Berle, "he's too straight
for me."
Congress Poker
Favorite relaxation after a hard day in Con-
gress is a snappy game of stud poker.
The Capitol Hill poker fraternity, of which
Vice President Jack Garner is the dean, includes

Montana, isolationist leader, who sat next to
Senator Ed Burke, co-author of the conscription
bill and Willkie-Democrat. Near them were
House Democratic Whip Pat Boland of Penn-
sylvania, and handsome Senator Scott Lucas
of Illinois, champion of Roosevelt's foreign and
defense policies.
During the course of the evening Wheeler and
Burke found themselves frequently "in the mid-
dle"; that is, stuck with losing hands between
raises and re-raises by Lucas and Boland. For
them the evening was expensive. After con-
tributing liberally for a long time, Wheeler
finally commented to Senator Lucas:
"Say, this is getting uncanny. Burke and I
seem to be getting nowhere. We contribute to
every pot, but either you or Pat always hold
the winning hand. You boys aren't using sig<
nals on us, are you?"
"Now, Burt," drawled Lucas impishly. "How
can you say that? You know this is what we
always do to isolationists and bolters."
Loudest guffaw came from pompadoured Gene
Cox, arch anti-New Deal Congressman from
Georgia-but no bolter or isolationist.
Iallck's Dilemma
It hasn't come out into the open yet, but a
stormy undercover row is raging inside the
House Labor Board investigating committee over
whether it should continue its sleuthing or call
it a day.
The committee's liberal minority-Represen
tatives Arthur Healey of Massachusetts, and
Abe Murdock of Utah-are insisting on the lat-
ter. They hold that since the NLRB probe has
been finished, the committee should turn back,
its $30,000 of unspent taxpayers' money and quit.
But Chairman Howard W. Smith, Virginia,
who has secret ambitions to run for governor
next year, is dead set against this. He wants
the committee to continue operating by going
after racketeering in labor organizations.
Murdock and Healey are not opposed to com-
pating labor racketeering, but contend that this
is entirely beyond the authority of the commit-
tee. Also, they charge that Smith's secret aim
is to make political capital for himself at the
expense of the AFL and CIO. Backing Smith is
Harry N. Routzohn, Ohio Republican.
All of which is very embarrassing for Repre-
sentative Charles Halleck, curly-haired Indiana
first-termer and Willkie's nominator at the Phil-
adelphia convention. With the other committee
members lined up evenly, two to two, Halleck
has the deciding vote. Ordinarily, there would
be no special significance in this. But as one
of Willkie's closest political advisers, if Halleck
votes for the probe Smith is trying to put over,
then it's sure to raise howls in labor circles.
In the past, Halleck has taken a middle of

What is Germany's attitude to
France, and what are her intentions
as far as France is concerned? Is
she proposing to destroy France? Is
she prepared to tolerate the Petain
Government as an, obedient satellite?
Or is she thinking of replacing the
Petain Government by a more dy-
namic Nazi regime more closely mo-
deled on Berlin "ideology" and aban-
doning all claim to autonomy and
"relative independence"?
It is probable that the Germans
have not quite decided yet, for so
much still depends on the progress
of their war against England. But a
study of their broadcasts on France
during the past fortnight is none the
less illuminating.
Broadcast Matter Varies
The matter and manner of these
broadcasts vary consistently in ac-
cordance with the audience to which
they are addressed. There is a strik-
ing difference between the comments
on France contained in the German
home broadcasts given from the
German controlled stations of Rhen-
nes and Radio Paris, in French oc-
cupied territory, and the foreign
language talks given by German sta-
tions for the benefit of neutrals and
Thus atGerman broadcast in Dan-
ish recently dwelt on "the probabil-
ity of a solid Franco-German peace
before the end of the war with Eng-
land." In a broadcast to Rumania
the German wireless drew idyllic pic-
tures of the friendly atmosphere in
Paris, which it claimed was rapidly
returning to normal.
Very different is the tone of the
German home broadcasts. These
continually sneer at the French and
emphasise the distrust which Ger-
many must continue to feel for them.
Described 'Deserted Paris'
Thus recently the Deutschlander
described Paris as "almost a deserted
city whose inhabitants wander
around on the roads somewhere be-
tween the Loire and the Pyrenees."
The same station likes to dwell on
one of the favorite themes of "Mein
Kampf"-the French are a negroid
and racially impure people who have
committed a crime against white
The Saarbrucken station has been
dwelling onl anti-French atrocity
stories, on the alleged ill-treatment
of German war prisoners, and on the
hatred of the French people for Ger-
many. It also speaks contemptuously
of the lack of discipline in the
French Army. "This is only an arm-
istice and there is no room for false
sentimentality." "France must reap
the harvest she has sown." At the
same time these broadcasts like to
speak of the German social Welfare
work in occupied France, which, they
say, is greatly superior to what the
French ever did. They also talk of
the fine behavior of the German
troops in Paris, and an alleged state-
ment by the Archbishop of Rouen is
quoted in support of this.
Treated With Contempt
The Vichy Government is treated
with contempt, and sometimes with
anger. Until recently at least the
Germans continued to say that they
could have no confidence whateved
in the "old gang"-meaning, pre-
sumably, M. Laval. Although the
"Relazine Internazionali" recently
dismissed M. Laval's "Latin block"
Iohnrea "serUtpa" the Ger...

Rennes P.T.T. told the French that
they were having a new Constitution
inflicted upon them: "The people of
France have not been consulted. The
old constitution, though old-fashion-
ed, was still of some value to many
people . . . will the French people
accept these polical manuervers for
"saving their country?"
Boost Unification
The same station dwells on the
theme that "Europe is too small to
be divided into small nations," and
one of its most astonishing broad-
casts was that addressed on July 13
to the French working class, who had
been told how the Hitler regime had
abolished unemployment in Ger-
many and had set up a minimum
wage. They were also given a glow-
ing account of the "Kraft urch
Freude" holiday organization. It is
quite possible that the Germans are
keeping in reserve a number of the
French demagogues like Doriot with
whose help they may try to replace
the Petain regime by a purely Nazi
regime-with its "Socialist" aspect
held out as bait to the French work-
It is curious how at the same time
the anti-British propaganda from
the German stations in France is
intended as an appeal to the national
instincts of the working class: "The
British intervention in France was a
most painful page in our (French)
national history." Mr. Churchill's
proposals to the French Reynaud
Government of a union of the Brit-
ish and French 'Empires is indig-
nantly treated by Rennes P.T.T. as
an "outrage to France's ten centuries
of history."
We French shall take our
revenge on England one day." Anoth-
er talk said that Germany was "com-
pleting Napolean's work in destroy-
ing the British Empire." Significant-
ly enough ,the same station said that
England was not only the enemy of
France but that she was essentially
Division Of France
In .short, the German game of di-
viding France is continuing. Having
lured Petain's men into submission
the Germans are now preaching dis-
loyalty towards the Petain Govern-
ment among the people of France,
especially of Paris, and are tempting
them, particularly the French work-
ing class, with pleasant pictures of
"Kraft durch Freude" and other of
the "democratic advantages of na-
tional socialism, with the emphasis
on the second word. How insincere it
all is may be seen by the savage an-
ti-French home broadcasts.
Little need be said of the wireless
stations in unoccupied France. Their
news bulletins are almost entirely
based on the official German News
Agency. The talks are almost entire-
ly anti-American and if anything
pro-American is said the Vichy min-
ister soon hears of it. Thus M. Bau-
doin's statement to the Associated
Press that the new French Constitu-
tion resembled that of the American
Government instantly produced the
German wireless retort: "Is M. Bau-
doin trying to show that-he is not
totalitarian? Is he carrying favor
with the Yankees in the hopes that
they will help France.
Mr. Green's Teeter-Totter
William Green, president of the
Americaon Peilnntinnof ,an. w .

I mpl ications
Of The Battle
Over Britain
The Atlantic, was not wide enough
yesterday to shut from our ears the
clamor of hundreds of fighting
planes in the British skies, the
screech and roar of exploding bombs,
the crash of falling buildings. It is
sheer guesswork to decide whether
these gigantic raids are the forerun-
ners of an immediate invasion; but
it is not guesswork to see in the pres-
ent air battles the first of a decisive
struggle, aimed at bringing the Brit-
ish people to their knees and des-
troying British power forever. The
struggle for mastery of the air over
Britain has now reached such a
pitch of intensity that it can be
heard around the world.
Damage is Uncertain
One would like to know just how
much impairment of the British war
efort is being caused by the Nazi
raiders, and how much havoc is be-
ing wrought by the British in their
savage counter-thrusts at German
air bases from Jutland to the Bay of
Biscay. These are military secrets,
and one cannot blame the British
or the Germans for being uninform-
ative about them. We are told, how-
ever, that 500 to 600 planes have
been launched against England on
three successive days, and that the
British, acording to their own claims,
have brought down only about one-
tenth of the raiders. If the raids and
their retribution continue on the
present scale, the German losses in
machines will be far smaller than
the German rate of production. The
only serious losses for the Germans
at this time will be the deaths of so
many skilled pilots and the daily
consumption of somewhere between
150,000 and 300,000 gallons of avia-
tion gasoline and Diesel fuel.
Must be Expanded
The present raids must, however,
be greatly expanded and continued
on an intense scale for weeks before
Britain can be seriously crippled.
Considering that so much of the
British island is within easy bombing
range, the curious feature of the
raids so far has not been their in-
tensity but their comparitively limit-
ed objectives. The Germans seem to
have concentratel their bombing ef-
forts until now upon only two im-
portant naval bases-Portland and
Portsmouth-and upon the Channel
Port of Dover, which ishso closeto
the enemy coastline that it can
hardly be a great asset to the Brit-
ish defense. The damage to Portland
and Portsmouth may be especially
serious if it has harmed the ship-
yards where some seventy or eighty
damaged British destroyers are be-
ing repaired; if so it will heighten the
urgency of obtaining fifty or sixty
old American destroyers which can
help the British hold the Channel.
But there are other naval bases, at
Devonport, Rosyth and elsewhere,
which have hardly been touched as
yet. They must be wrecked, and
wrecked totally, before an elemen-
tary part of the German task, the
paralysis of British naval power in
home waters, can be accomplished.
Air Attacks Just Begun
Moreover, the Germans have bare-
ly begun their long-promised air at-
tacks against the great British har-
bors through which food and sup-
plies are brought from the outer
If German planes could destroy
most of the wharves and railroad
sidings at eight ports-at Bristol,
Plymouth, Southampton, London,
Hull, Newcastle, Glasgow and Liver-

pool,-then Britain's plight would
indeed be perilous. Yesterday raids
at Southampton and on. docks and
warehouses at Wallsend; in greater
Newcastle area, may pretend greater
harbor raids in the immediate fu-
ture; but for the present the great
stream of shipping goes on uninter-
rupted, even in the besieged waters
of the English Channel and the great
Thames estuary.
Airdromes are Attacked
Several military airdromes in the
southeastern corner of England have
been attacked in determined fashion,
jbut this is not the same thing as the
disastrous swoop which ruined most
of Poland's airfields in a single night
on the outbreak of the war. The
British have been busy since last fall
in building secret ardromes, some-
times with hangars sheltered by the
sides of the hills; the future will
tell how effective these efforts have
been. Apparently railroad junctions
and power stations in Britain remain
comparitively unscathed; there has
been no persistent attack aginst any
of them comparable to the relentless
British hammering of great railroad
yards in the Ruhr and the Rhine-
land. As for aircraft factories, there
has been no sign as yet of a serious
interruption of British production,
which has mounted by now to a to-
tal approaching 2,000 a month.
Britain, in other words, is a large
target. The vital centers of its war
are well-distributed and well defend-
ed. The British are wise. too, not to

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