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August 14, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-14

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Buck-Aroo-While her elders go
riding horseback, two-year-old Su-
sie Bronson prefers a shaggy steed
like Buck, a fqmiliar figure around
Sun Valley, Idaho. Even in his
most joyful moments, the St. Ber-
nard dog looks sad-eyed.

Driving from his Texas home to a Wyoming fishing camp, Elliott Roosevelt, son of the President, stopped
at Colorado Springs, Colo., where Wendell Willkie, Republican presidential candidate, is vacationing. When
Willkie heard that young Roosevelt was in his hotel, he invited him to his quarters. Roosevelt is at left.

While touring New England to inspect national defense works, President Roosevelt stopped at the naval
torpedo station at Newport, R. I., and had the workings of the latest huge torpedo (foreground) explained
to him by Commandant Capt. Thomas Withers (in uniform). Mr. Roosevelt is seated at left in the car, along
with Gov. Vanderbilt of Rhode Island (center) and United States Senator Green.

Plane Builder-It took Ted Westlake, 17, aviation enthusiast from
Patchogue, N. Y., 800 hours to build this model of a Seversky pursuit
ship, and it's been time well spent agrees Dick Merrill (left), trans-
Atlantic flyer. With it Ted won first prize in a Sky Blazers aircraft
show at N. Y. World's Fair. The youth plans to enter aeronautics school
this fall.

'Mecca' For Republicans-Downtown Elwood, Ind., spreads out below a plane flying over the town
where Wendell Willkie, Republican presidential nominee, will make his acceptance speech. At the top center
is the towered high school house where Willkie went to classes. "Sleepers" may be ranged on the railroad
tracks to serve as hotels for some of the expected crowd.

Boston Tea Party-No. 2. This Boston tea party's a mild affair,
compared to that revolutionary episode in 1773. D. W. Dean, Nevada
University graduate, is federal tea-taster for Boston. In a year, he'll
judge samples fom 24,000,000 pounds of tea.

Straight Shooter-Too ill to de-
fend her title last year, Mrs. Lela
Hall of Strasburg, Mo., will return
to fray at the Mid-August Grand
American trapshooting tourney in
Dayton, Ohio. She won the North
American Women's title four con-
secutive times.

The 21st home run of the year for Hal Trosky, first baseman, aided the Cleveland Indians to an 8 to 5
victory over the Detroit Tigers as they opened their crucial series for first place in the American League
pennant race. Trosky is shown here as he completed his swing. The Detroit catcher is Billy Sullivan.

Col. Del B. Hardin, Monmouth, Ill., commanding the 123rd field artillery, Illinois National Guard, and
Lieut. R. O. Johnson, Galesburg, Ill., (left to right, at left) watch members of battery A clean off a 155-
mn howitzer at Camp McCoy, Wis., as second army maneuvers get under way. Note trucks and tanks in

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