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August 14, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-08-14

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AY, AUGUST 14, 1940



.. ..

Cleveland Increases Lead
By 6-5 Win Over Tigers;
Yanks Trim Bosox Twice;

Tropical Hurricane, Takes Hcav'Toll

z. _ __

Cleveland, Aug. 13 -(AP) -Cleve-
land's battling Indians stretched
their league lead to two games over
Deroit today with a run in the ninth
inning for a 6 to 5 victory over the
The Redskins scored as Dutch
Meyer, rookie second baseman, al-
lowed Ben Chapman's hot smash
to 'go through his legs. Ray Mack,
who had singled and advanced on
a sacrifice and another hit, trotted
home with the winning tally.
Cleveland took an uphill course
in posting the decision, sweeping
the two-game series with the Ben-
gals. Johnny Gorsica, Detroit's start-
er, weakened in the seventh and gave
way to Al Benton.
Relief Hurler Weakens
The Tigers' ace relief hurler
managed to stop the Indians in that
session, after two runs had scored,
but gave up two tallies in the eighth
and was the victim of the winning
outburst in the final stanza.
Cleveland used five pitchers, credit
for the victory going to the last,
Harry Eisenstat. He threw to only
one batter, retiring to pinchhitter
Pete Fox.
Mel Harder opened for the In-
dians, but retired in the sixth. He
was followed by Johnny Humphries,
Joe Dobson and Bill Zuber.
Campbell Homers
Bruce' Campbell poled his sixth
homer of the season in the fifth in-
ning and tripled- to the center field
wall in the eigth. Chapman, Mack
and Hal Trosky had two hits apiece
for the Indians.
Detroit made a desparate bid for
the, victory in the ninth as Pinky
Higgins and Meyer walked. Then
Eisenstat replaced Zuber and retir-
ed Fox.
Cleveland's new born pennant fev-
er sent 16,128 fans to League park.
Manager Fred Haney revamped
the Browns lineup, Vern Kennedy
pitched out of a couple of bad spots
and seemed set for his tenth victory
of the year-then the Chicago White
Sox found the range and came up
with a 4 to 3 victory today.
Yanks Take Two
New York, Aug. 13-(AP)- The
Yankees looked like the Yankees to-
Unleashing a barrage of five hom-
ers in two games and getting a fine
five-hit pitching job from Marius
Russo in the first, they whipped the
Boston Red Sox in both ends of a
rainy doubleheader, 9-1 and 19-8.
The second went only six and a half
innings, called because of darkness
-or exhaustion.
Russo's first game pitching feat
was complemented by home runs
from the bats of Joe Gordon and
Red Rolfe as the Yanks scored seven
of their runs in the first three in-
The second game was an utter
rout. Seven hits - including a Di-
Maggio home run with two on-ac-
counted for seven runs in the first
inning. They got four more in the
second, thanks largely to a homer
by Babe Dahlgren with two on, and
DiMaggio came through again in the
sevei-run fourth inning with a four-
baser with the sacks loaded.
Reds Spank Pirates
Pittsburgh, Aug. 13- (AP) -The
league-leading Cincinnti Reds spank-
ed the ambitious, red-hot Pittsburgh
Pirates 4 to 3 in ten innings today
with the aid of Big Frank McCor-
mick's bat and the wildness of buc-
caneer flingers. %
Big Joe Bowman was coasting

In The Majors
(By The Associated Press)

Teams W
Cleveland . 66
Detroit ... 64
Boston ... 58
Chicago .. 55
New York . 54
Washington 47
St. Louis .. 46
Phil'delphia 40




Tuesday's Results:
Cleveland 6, Detroit 5
New York 9-19, Boston 1-8 (Sec-
ond game called end of 7th
Chicago 4, St. Lours 3
Washington at Philadelphia (N)
Wednesday's Games:
St. Louis at Detroit
Chicago at Cleveland
Washington at Philadelphia

k -8M, 1! Wmme
Danger from the worst tropical hurricane to strike the South Atlan
parently passed as the storm spent itself inland, but many buildings were
and highways flooded by the storm. Shown here is one of the badly dams
at Savannah, Ga.

New York
St. Louis ..
Boston ...





Tuesday's Results:
Boston 4, New York 1
Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 3 (10)
St. Louis 5, Chicago 1
Philadelphia at Brooklyn, rain
Wedesday's Games:
Cincinnati at Chicago
New York at Boston (2)
Philadelphia at Brooklyn (2)
Pittsburgh at St. Louis (Night)
along easily behind a 3-1 lead going
into the ninth. The Bugs had chased
Junior Thompson from the mound
and, seemed headed for their 21st
victory in 26 games.
McCormick lighted the fireworks
by lining out the first pitch for his
16th homer of the year. Earnie Lom-
bardi singled and when Johnny Bow-
man pessed Johnny Goodman, Man-
ager Frankie Frisch rushed Johnny
Lanning to the mound.
Aftersa sacrifice advanced the two
runners, Eddie Joost was given an
intentional pass, filling the sacks.
Harry Craft, pinchhitting, flied out,
but Bill Werber drew a pass, forcing
home the tying run.
The St. Louis Cardinals beat the
Chicago Cubs, 5 to 1, today behind
the seven-hit pitching of Clyde
Shoun, whose mates made 12 hits off
Larry French and Charley Root, in-
cluding Johnny Mize's 33rd homer of
the season.
Giants. Lose Everything
The New York Giants lost about
everything they could in one game
They lost the game to the Bees 4-1,
they lost the National League batting
lead to Carvel Rowell, who took it
from Harry Danning, and they lost
their manager, Bill Terry, who was
ousted for the third time in his man-
agerial career for protesting too ve-
hemently about a decision.
Bill Lohrman, trying for the fourth
time to win his 10th victory was
belted out in the sixth when the
Bees scored all their runs on singles
by West, Miller and Sisti, a walk to
Hassett and a Giant error.

ByA. P.
Intramural sports competition for l
the 1940 Summer Session is practical-
ly over and this seems as good a time
as any to review the athletic happen-
ings of the past eight weeks.
Up to this date the only final
match which has not been played
is in tennis doubles where the team
of H. Simpson and W. Judd will meet
J. Sheehan and J. F. Thompson
either today or tomorrow at South,
Ferry Field and the squash singles
which will see H. Ulevitch against
N. Daniels. In thi tennis singles
tourney M. Panzare la won the cam-
pus crown by defeating Leo Aliunas
6-2, 6-3, 6-4.
200 Participate
Approximately 200 students com-
prising 16 teams played a total of
110 games in softball this summer
with the National League Reds beat-
ing the American League Trojans
in the campus World Series, 4 to 1.
Both won all seven games they
played during the season.
First division teams in the Amer-
ican League were the Reds, Buckeyes
and Curriculum Workshop in posi-
tions one, two and three and the
Chemistry and Physics squad tied
for fourth place. Following the Tro-
jans in the National League were
the Blitzers while the Tigers and
Ten Old Men were tied for third
and fourth.
Swimming Champ
Swimming honors went to Jorge
Carulla, former champion of Colum-
bia, South America, who amassed
820 points in winning the 25-yard
free style, 50-yard free style, 100-
yard free style, 75-yard medley and
the plunge for distance. Ivan Pele-
grina, winner of the 25-yard breast
stroke, was second with 680 points
and Ted Denis, who won the 25-
yard back stroke, 50-yard back stroke
and 50-yard breast stroke, was third
with 560 points. Harold Megrew was
Rain Halts Conn-Pastor
Go; Hettche Makes Bid

fourth with 220 and Charles Ken-
yon was fifth with 60. Points were
given on the basis of 100 for the
first place winners, 80 for second
place, 60 for third place, 40 for
fourth and 20 for- fifth.
C. N: Tsu won three out of five
games from W. E. Batzler to win the
table tennis singles competition and
then teamed up with D. Chu to win
the doubles. In horseshoes J. M. Ev-
ans beat D. F. Stall, 21-8, 21-6 in
the finals and then joined to defeat
B. Larson and H. Ulevitd 8-21, 21-14,
21-10 in the doubles.
G. A. Dahlgren emerged victorious
in the handball singles tournament
by downing G. B. Naeseth, 21-15,
21-6, and Tom Pfaff and D. Rey-
nold beat L. Hess and Naeseth in
the doubles finals, 19-21, 21-15, 21-
The golfers were divided into two
groups this summer with the Cham-
pionship Flight consisting of those
winning their first match and the
First Flight comprising the losers.a
B. Yates beat W. Anderson 5 to 4
to win the former while J. Willson
set back C. Dunham 3 to 2 in the
The badminton singles crown went
to G. Dunfee who won the finals
in his tourney against N. Upton.

In Southern U.S. VoaMthl
Viola :Mtchell
Wins Women's
Tennis Title
Summer Champion Rallies
To Prevail, 26, 6-2, 8-6,
Over Miss Strougmiller
Viola Mitchell, grad, earned the
right to the title of women's tennis
champion of the summer session yes-
terday when she defeated Barbara
Strongmillen '43 A in the finals of
the women's tennis tournament at
Palmer field.
Miss Strongmillen won the first
set of the three set match, 6-2, but
Miss Mitchell rallied to take the
next two sets 6-2 and 8-6 Their
tic coast in recent years had ap- place in the finals was gained at
wrecked, communications crippled the expense of eighteen other en-
aged buildings along the waterfront trants in the tournament. The two
contestants played a very even match
with everything all square at the end
of the second set. However, Miss
Mitchell took the lead in the third set
L onsby breaking through Miss Strongmil-
len's service and then winning by
her own service.
It was a see-saw contest with
A first one and then the other taking
A t C ranh r~oo the lead. Six of the games were play-
ed to deuce and in the final game
the score went to deuce four times be-
DETROIT, Aug. 13. -(P)-The fore Miss Mitchell won. In the
honor of opening football practice in eleventh game she broke through
Michigan goes to the Detroit Lions, her opponent's service for the sec-
who start preparations tomorrow for and time, giving herself a two-game
who start preationPrstomorrow L fog lead and the match.
the 1940 National Profesional League Winners in all of the tournaments
wars. won bronze charms decorated with
Forty-two athletes are scheduled figures representing the sort of com-
to report to Coach George (Potsy) petition they were won in. Tourn-
Clark at Cranbrook School, Bloom- aments which have been played under
field Hills. The Lions have trained the supervision of the physical ed-
at Cranbrook School ever since the ucation department include archery,
club was moved to Detroit from badminton, golf, women's singles
Portsmouth, O., in the fall of 1934. and mixed doubles in tennis.
Six members of the Lions will not
report to the club until after the Executive Found Dead
College All-Stars-Green Bay Packers
game in Chicago August 29, the BABYLON, N. Y., Aug. 13.-(J)-
youngsters being members of the Bert McKee Harvey, 38-year-old air-
collegiate squad. Two other Lions- craft engine company personnel ex-
John Wiethe, veteran guard, and ecutive missing since last Saturday,
Paul Szakash, experienced blocking was found dead today in an isolated
back, will not appear until later. patch of woods north of this Long
Wiethe is serving as a baseball um- Island town.
pire in the Eastern League, while
Szakash still is at home in Missoula,
Mont., waiting for an injured leg to DAILY
heal. He was hurt in a baseball game l
in June.BUJ
Clark is returning to the Lions as
coach after three season with the
Brooklyn Dodgers. He will be assist-_ (__ ntnuedfrmPage_2)
ed by Clare Randolph.
istratr's Office, Room 4, U. Hall be-
fore August 16.
T G'T1 The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
WXYZ CKLW Civil Service Examinations. Last date
1 1240 KC-NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual for filing application is noted in each
Typist Clerk, salary range $80 to
News Ace Never Forget $100 per month, August 28, 1940.
Typical Family Tiny Hill Orch. Stenographer Clerk, salary range
Christian Educ. News Ace $80 to $100 per month, August 28,
Fan On The Street Winger & Alex 1940.
Indiana Indigo Dance Orchestra Civil Service Test Checker, salary
Talk It Over Farm Hands range $50 per hour, August 21, 1940.
Favorite Waltzes Melody Time rg 5per houreugut 21, 14
Cheer Up Gang Complete announcement filed at
Orphans of Divorce Marriage License the University Bureau of Appoint-
Honeymoon Hill To Be Announced ments and Occupational Information,
John's Other Wife Turf Reporter 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
Just Plain Bill Dance Orchestra and 2-4.
Backstage Wife News University Bureau of Appintments
Stella Dallas Melody; Turf
Lorenzo Jones Jamboree and Occupational Information
Widder Brown "
Girl Alone " The University Bureau of Appoint-
Malcolm Claire"
Irene Wicker Miss Treat
Tropical Moods Tea Dance
Show World News; Melody
To Be Announced Turf Club
Day In Review Ball Scores
Bud Shaver Organist

y Evening
Easy Aces Rollin' Home
Mr. Keen-Tracer
The Lone Ranger Sports 1'-1
" Tropic Com'ntary
State Police Story Newsn bs
" Carson Robinson
Manhattan Musical Varieties
"t County Speaker
Green Hornet Good Neighbors
The Factfinder Serenade
Harry Heilmann Shall Not.Pass
Silhouettes "
To Be Announced Newsreel
Dance Orchestra
News Ace Canadian News
To Be Announced Winnipeg Symph.I
Dance Orchestra "
Music You Want Club Reporter
" Teagarden's Orch.
" Arnheim's Orch.
Dance Orchestra "
Dance Music Ray Pearl Orch.
....... .. VIII
"Steeble chase" Print silk:

ments and Occupationali W-ormation
has received notice that the Dela-
ware Personnel Advisory Board offers
the following Civil Service Examina-
tions. Some are open to non-resi-
dents. Closing dates for filing appli-
cations is August 21, 1940.
Director of Child Welfare, salary
range $250 to $333.33.
Supervisor of Case Workers, salary
range $200 to $250.
Junior Supervisor of Case Workers,
salary range $175 to $250.
Senior Case Worker, salary range
$150 to $175.
Junior Case Worker, salary range
$125 to $150.
Student Worker in Training, salary
range none.
Senior Clerk Stenographer, salary
range $80 to $125.
Junior Clerk Stenographer, salary
range $65 to $80.
Junior Accounting Clerk, salary
range $110 to $130.
Supervisor (Case Work Consul-
tant), salary range $166.66 to $225,
Senior Field Worker, salary range
$115 to $135.
Junior Field Worker, salary range
$90 to $115.
Senior Clerk Stenographer, salary
range $75 to $100.
Junior Clerk Stenographer, salary
range $65 to $80.
Appeals Referee, salary range $500
per yr. plus $12.50 per diem.
Telephone Operator, salary range
$90 to $110.
Senior Clerk Stengrapher, salary"
range $110 to $130.
Junior Clerk Stenographer, salary
range $85 to $105.
Junior Clerk Typist, salary range.
$80 to $100.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information7
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointint
and Occupational Information
Speech Students: A list of graduate
Speech courses to betoffered at Ann
Arbor on Saturday throughout the
ensuing academic year is available
at the Speech office, 3211 Angell
Attention Hopwood Contestants:
Manuscripts submitted in the Sum-
mer Contest should be called for at
the Hopwood Room this Friday. The
room will be open from nine to twelve
and from two to five p.m.
R. W. Cowden



New York, Aug. 13-(AP)-Rain
washed out the Billy Conn-Bob Pas-
tor fight today for three weeks and
made it unlikely that, the planned
tussel between the winners and Joe
Louis will come off this year.
Promoter Mike Jacobs, watching
a downpour, put the Pastor-Conn
match, scheduled for tonight, back
to September 5, and changed the
locale from the polo grounds to
Madison Square Garden.
"Uncle Mike" wasn't sure just
what place Louis will have in the
1940 picture now.
Sister Mary Fisch
To Present Recital
Sister Mary Ethelreda Fisch, O. S.
F., of Rochester, Minnesota, will
give a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree at 4:15 P.M. today
in the School of Music Auditorium.
Sister Mary Ethelreda is a student
of John Kollen of the faculty of the
School of Music, and will present
the following program:
"French Suite, No. 5' by Bach,
"Sonata," Op. 22 in G. Minor by
"On Wings of Song" by Mendel-
"Etude," Op. 10, No. 4 by Chopin,
"Etude," Op 10, No. 3 by Chopin,
and Toccatta and Fugue in D
Minor by Bach- Tausig.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red
12:00 The Goldbergs The Old Dean
12:15 Life Beautiful Julia Blake
12:30 Rgt. to Happin's Bradcast
12:45 Road Of Life Man on the Street
1:00 Dr. Malone Light of the World
1:15 Joyce Jordan Grimm's Daughter
1:30 Fletcher Wiley Valiant Lady
1:45 My Son And I Betty Crocker
2:00 Society Girl Mary Marlin
2:15 News Ma Perkins
2:30 Linda's Ist Love Pepper Young
2:45 Editor's D'ghter Vic and Sade
3:00 W'man 'o C'rage St. Louis at Detroit
3:15 Mrs. Page "
3:30 Melody Matinee "
3:45 Alice Blair "
4:00 Kathleen Norris "
4:15 Beyond Valleys"
4:30 Meet Miss Julia
4:45 "Scatter" Baines
5:00 News-Musical Spotlight
5:15 Hollywood "
5:30 News-Review "
5:45 World Today"
6:00 News Sport Review
6:15 Inside of Sports C. C. Bradner
6:30 Dr. Meek Bill Elliott
6:45 " Sports Parade
7:00 Question Bee Hollywood Party
7:15 1 1
7:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Party
7:45 News "
8:00 Star Theatre Abbott & Costello
8:30 Stadium Concert District Attorney
8:45 " "
9:00 Glenn Miller Kay Kyser College
9:15 Musical "
9:30 News of the War "
9:45 Melody Marvels "
10:00 Amos 'n Andy Sports Exam
10:15 Lanny Ross "
10:30 Dance Orchestra Fred Waring
10:45 ofDance Music
11:00 News News
11:15 Nelson Orch. Dance Music
11:30 Master Works Eastwood Orch.
11:45 Hutton Orch. "
12:00 Henderson Orch. Westwood Orch.
MATS. 28c - EVES. 39c
SHOWS AT 2-4-7-9 P.M.
Romae v
Sand n - ,
b On
fit desI
am am

(rorn th e'


[enswear Flannel

YOU EEl .6.0.
to finish off the summer
in style. A wealth of new
warm - weather fashions at
DRESSES 1.98 up
345 Maynard St.

For A Suit.
For Slacks .
For A Skirt
For A Hat .

.. 29.95
.. 12.95

COLORED STUDENT would like to
drive party south in general direc-
tion of Florida. Experienced driver.
Phone 2-2482.
LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Undershirts ................ .04
Shorts ......................04
Pajama Suits................10
Socks, pair...................03
Handkerchiefs.............. .02
Bath Towels ...............03
All Work uaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-

TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
AVAILABLE for five faculty or grad-
uate men-five spacious rooms,
private bath, in beautiful Ives
Woods home, on bus service. Call
9710. Mrs. Helen B. Allen.

OT SATISFIED With copying. the;
esign of little brother's jacket, we
ave had a series of classics done=
that favorite masculine fabric .
.. trim, long-wearing grey flan-
el. Recommended especially to
careerists" and students.

er ectfo .i9o c ,: oolrn c
GEwCf.Our Giant Cooling
v .... . OLIVIER Plant Insures Per-
of.13e n'fect Enjoyment of
r:T"° *v ery va r'lever comedy.

NEL . . . our iong-sleeved
shirt . . . . . . . 7.95.


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