Three Golfers Survive Qualifying Round
* -
Emery, Black,
Palmer Stick
In. Links Race
Burke, 1938 Champ, Wins
Medal Honors I Michigan
trails in 1ean Score
(Continued from Page 1)
one over par for this 6,565 yard
Green Mountain course, with a 72 to
lead 145 representatives of 30 odd
Pressing Newport Johnny were
Bert McDowell of Louisiana State,
finalist with him in 1938, and Harry
Haverstick of Swarthmore. Each
had 144, Haverstick with the tour-
ney's first sub-par round, a one-
under 69.
Two easterners,'Bill Clark of Dart-
mouth and Jack Selby of Prince-
ton, wound up in a fourth place tie
with 145's. Rennie Kelly of South-
ern California and Warren Tansey'
of Michigan State, rated outstanding
title threats, were deadlocked at 146.
The first day's leader, Neil Croon-
quist of Minnesota, the Association's
retiring president, put a 78 on top
of his opening par 70 to gain one of
the 64 match play berths. Ten play-
ers who scored 158's played off for
the last foir brackets.
The competition for the team
championship, won last year by
Stanford, ended in a deadlock when
the four lowest scorers from Louis-
iana State and Princeton each wound
up with n36-hole totals of 602.
Georgetown placed third with 606,
the Duke team of four was fourth
with 612 and Illinois finished fifth
with 616.
The other low team scores were
Southern California, 617, Iowa State,
618, Stanford, 619, Michigan State,
620, Yale, and Northwestern, 621
Ohio State, 623, Michigan 625, Dart-
mouth, 626, Harvard and Virginia,
627, Amherst, 631, Wisconsin, 645,
and Union, 651.
The 64 qualifiers will compete in
the first round tomorrow morning
and the tourney's schedule calls for
two rounds a day until the survi-
vors reach the 36-hole semi-final
stage on Friday.
Four Non-Credit Sports Courses Open,
Will Highlight
Softball Play
From eight to sixteen teams are
expected to battle it out on South
Ferry Field for the mythical softball
championship of the Summer Ses-
Three leagues will be formed, the
American, National and Internation-
al with the winners meeting at the
end of the summer for a round robin
"world's series." All men students
are eligible to play and may either
enter their own teams or sign up to
be placed on teams to be formed by
the Intramural department.
A special meeting to organize the
teams and the leagues will be held
at 4:15 p.m. Thursday at South Ferry
Field. All team managers and players
are expected to be there at that time
to enter the teams which have been
organized and assignhunattached
players to other groups. Any stu-
dent or member of the faculty desir-
ing to form a softball squad merely
has to fill out an entry blank listing
the members of his team. Only ten
men will play in each game but it is,
recommended by R. W. Webster that
12 men sign up for each squad.
Schedules will be sent to team
managers who are expected to check
and make sure that their opponents
know the time of meeting. Equip-
ment can be obtained from the locker
room office in the Intramural Build-'
ing at no charge.
Last year winners were the "Profs"
in the American League, the "Tigers"
in the National League and the "Phys
Eds" in the International League.
It Happened
BROOKLYN, N. Y., June 25.-(/)-
Chicago's Cinderella Cubs scampered
off Ebbets Field with five runs just
as the clock struck midnight to-
night to take an 8 to 3 thirteen-in-
ning victory over the Brooklyn Dod-
Intramural Sports Department
All men students are eligible for competition in the following
sports. Check on the list below the sports in which you wish to
The Intramural Sports Department will make drawings and sche-
dules. furnish equipment needed for team sports, and provide officials
for the contests where necessary. Notification of opponent and time
of play will be mailed to each participant.
No Entry Fee Required
Softball ( ) Handball Doubles ( )
Swimming ( ) (
(Average score).
Tennis Singles
Tennis Doubles
( ) Horseshoe Singles
Horseshoe Doubles
) Table Tennis
) Badminton
Handball Singles ( ) Codeball (
Please indicate partner's name in space below doubles entries.
Name .................. Address ...................... Phone.
Mail or bring this blank to R. W. Webster, Supervisor of Intramural
Sports, Intramural Sports Bldg., Ferry Field. All entries close at 5 p.m.,
Saturday, June 29.
Tigers Retain
Second Place
Newhouser Hurls 4-Hitter;
Detroit May Buy Lights
DETROIT, June 25.-AP)-The De-
troit Tigers kept their hold on 'sec-
,ond place in the American League
today, splitting a double bill with
the Boston Red Sox before a crowd
of 26,169.
Youthful Harold Newhouser scat-
tered four hits in the nightcap to
give the Tigers a 5 to 1 victory after
Lynwood (Schoolboy) Rowe had suf-
fered his first defeat of the season
in the opener, 11 to 7.
The 19-year-old Newhouser, in
winning his fifth triumph as against
four losses, pitched brilliantly, strik-
ing out seven. He retired the side
in the fifth inning on strikes and
in five innings held the Red Sox
DETROIT, June 25.-UP)-Walter
0. Briggs, owner of the Detroit Base-
ball Club and long an opponent of
games played under the floodlights,
indicated today the Tigers may sche-
dule some night games to be played
at home next season.
An official announcement stated:
"We are asking for plans and spe-
cifications for a lighting system
which will probably be installed at
Briggs Stadium so that we can play
night baseball, if we desire, during
the season of 1941."
Steadfast opponents of night base-
ball have been the Tigers, the New
York Yankees, Boston Red Sox and
Washington Senators in the Amer-
ican League.
Natators Seek
National Titles
Will Compete In AAU Meet
In California In July
Three University of Michigan
swimmers will seek National A.A.U.
'hampionships at the 1940 outdoor
meet to be held at Santa Barbara,
Calif., July 4, 5, 6, and 7.
The trio includes Constantine
"Gus" Sharemet, National Collegiate
100-yard free-style champ, and sec-
ond best in the indoor A.A.U. meet.
Jim Skinner, sensational freshman
natator who is now eligible for var-
sity competition, will defend the 220-
yard breast-stroke championship he
won last year when the meet was
held in Detroit.
Franny Heydt, Big Ten back-
stroke champ and second best in the
collegiate swim last winter, will also
compete, his personal objective be-
ing the 150-yard back-stroke medal.
While each of the Wolverines rates
a distinct threat in his specialty,
combined they rule as favorites to
annex the 300-yard medley relay
Extension Dept.
To Give Tennis,
Links Lessons
Swimming Instruction,
Body Conditioning Are
Included On Program
The type of curiculum that count-
less numbers of imaginative and
sports-minded students have dream-
ed about-one which features instruc-
tion in such subjects as golf, tennis,
swimming and body conditioning-
will be given here this summer.
The University extension Service
will sponsor non-credit courses in
these activities, and a slate of veter-
an instructors has been selected to
guide the pupils to "A" achivements.
The course in body conditioning
will be open to only women, but both
men and women can sign up for the
golf, tennis, and swimming instruc
A combination of general exer-
cises on land and in water will fea-
ture the body conditioning course.
This groupdalready organized, but
still eager to enroll new members,
meets today in Room 14, Barbour
gym. Miss Dorothy Beise will con-
duct the course, and according to
her plans, 16 meetings will be held
during the summer session. Tuition
for this course will be three dollars.
R. W. Webster, director of the sum-
mer session sports, will personally
direct the golf clas which will meet
at five o'clock on Tuesdays and
Thursdays in the Sports Building.
Tuition for the entire course will be
six dollars.
A six dollar tuition fee will be
charged for the swimming course,
whose classes will meet each Monday
and Thursday evening at seven o'-
clock in the sports building. A. A.
James and H. W. Copp, well known
swimming authorities, will conduct
the classes.
John Johnstone, former varsity ten-
nis coach, will direct an eight week
course in the net game. His classes
are scheduled to meet Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons at five o'clock,
also in the sports building. Tuition
will be six dollars.
Those wishing to enroll are to do
so at the first meeeting of their
(Continkued from Page 3) -
TuWThF at 8 and 1, 305 R.L. Assist-
ant Professor Mercado, 4 hours cred-
Mathematics 327, Seminar in Sta-
tistics. Preliminary meeting to ar-
range hours today, Wednesday at 12j
noon, in 3020 A.H.-
All students in Philosophy 110 and
350 are requested to meet Professor
Charles B. Vibbert in Room 407 Li-
brary, today, Wednesday, June 26, at
3:00 p.m.
Charles B. Vibbert
Students in Education: An as-
sembly of all students taking work
in Education during the summer ses-
sion will be held in the auditorium
of the University High School today
June 26, at four o'clock. Dean
Edmonson will preside and import-
ant announcements will be made.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited to tea
in Harris Hall (corner of State and'
Huron) this afternoon from four to
Course 350. American Culture and
Institutions: The first meeting of the
students electing the course will be
held today, June 26, at 4 p.m.
in Room C. Haven Hall.
There will be an assembly of under-
graduate and graduate students in-
terested in Education today at 4:15.
(University High School Auditorium)
followed by a Faculty-Student Tea.
(University High School Library)
Patience: All students who are in-
terested in trying out for this op-
eretta to be given as a final offer-
ing of the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers should report to the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater at 5:00 Wednes-
day, June 26. Please bring scores if
you have them. Scores are obtain-
able at Wahr's.
The Women's Education Club gar-
den party and organization meeting
will be held today at 7:15 p.m. in the
Michigan League.
The first meeting of the Men's Ed-
ucation Club will be held at 7:15,
Wednesday, June 26 in the Michigan
Union. Professor Dwight L. Dum-
ond will speak on the subject "Can
We Now Save Democracy?" An in-
formal organization of the club will
be effected at the meeting. All men
in Education and others interested
are invited to attend.
Cercle Francais: An organization
meeting will be held today, at 8
o'clock at the Foyer Francais, 1414
Washtenaw (near the corner of South
University). An executive committee
will be selected. There will be a talk,
group singing of French songs, re-
freshments. Students from all de-
partments who are interested in
French are cordially invited to join
the Cercle. Application should be
made directly to Professor Jobin,
Room 405, Romance Languages Bldg.
A Tour of the Campus will be held
on Thursday, June 27, at 2:00 P.M.
Anyone enrolled in the University
may attend.' The party meets in the
'oOby of Angell Hall, facing on State
street. There is no charge for this
excursion. The trip ends at 4:45 P.M.
Pi Lambda Theta: Xi Chapter in-
vites all Pi Lama Thetans to a tea
on Thursday afternoon, June 27,
from 4:00 to 5:30 in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
Pi Lambda Theta Tea June 27:
There will be a business meeting and
tea at 4:30 in the assembly room of
the Rackham Building for members
from all chapters.
University Men and Women: There
will be free dancing in the Union and
League Ballrooms following the Fac-
ulty Reception on Friday, June 28.
This year admission to the dances
will be by ticket only. Tickets--which
will be good for either or both ball-
room s-qway, be obtained at the end-
of the receiving line in the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. The
receiving line forms at 8:30 p.m. and
we urge students to come early.
There will be a trip to Detroit on
Saturday, June 29. Reservations must
be made in Room 1213 Angell Hall
before 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 28,
The party meets at 8:00 a.m. in front
of Angell Hall, and returns to Ann
Arbor about 5:30 p.m. Expenses to-
tal about $2, including round trip
bus fare and luncheon. Bulletins des-
cribing all of the summer excursions
may be obtained in Room 1213 Angell
Hall at any time.
Rental, Sales,
and Service
314 South State Street
Since 1908 Phone 6615
302 S. State St.
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Typewriter Rentals
Typewriter Service
Typing Paper
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LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
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607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pirkups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Shirts ..................... .14
Undershirts . ................04
Shorts..................... .04
Pajama Suits.................10
Socks, pair ................03
Handkerchiefs .............. .02
Bath Towels................ .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
specialty. 14
LARGE DOUBLE and single rooms.
Innerspring mattresses. Two large
porches. 923 Olivia. Mrs. Groom,
2-1465. 9
FOR RENT-Rooms for University
men. Doubles, some singles, block
from campus. Near restaurants.
Innerspring mattresses; 3 showers;
ping-pong table. $2.00, $2.50 and
$3.00. (Singles $3.50) 807 S. State.
Phone 4844. 6
ventilation, large closet, shower,
only four roomers. Telephone
6152. Call afternoons,
RENT A RADIO for the summer.
Very reasonable; fine sets. Also
portables by the day. Stofflets,
331 So. Main, Phone 8116.
GRADUATES: A few rooms and
board available at the Pi Beta Phi
Sorority. 836 Tappan Road. Also
board for non-residents. 10
FOR RENT-Two lovely large rooms,
one with adjoining lavatory. Also
suite with private bath and shower.
Continuous hot water. Phone'8544,
422 E Washington. 14
GRAND PIANO available for prac-
ticing. Any time up to midnight.
Sundays included. Reasonable
rates. Mrs. Hendrikson. 6118. Near
Or NEW If You Prefer
EVERYONE WANTS a home in the
country. A beautiful 20-acre build-
ing site within 4 miles of Ann Ar-
bor at a cost less than a city lot.
Low taxes-gorgeous :view-$2,000.
Terms if desired. Call evenings
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4944 Scio Church Road.
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