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August 14, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-14

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Partly Cloudy;
Continued Warm


Lit igau

:43 at t

No Time
For Profit Patriotism ...


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Wheeler Flays
Pendmg Draft
Bill; Military
Montana Senator Warns
Conscription Amounts
To Democracy's Final
Death Warrant In U.S.
Debate In Senate
Provokes Army
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13-(P)-Sen-
ator Wheeler (D-Mont) warned the
Senate today that pesage of the pend
ing conscription bill would "slit the
throat of the last democracy still
living today" while army chiefs,
chafing at congressional delays, said
they had been forced to postpone
plans for having 900,000 troops in
uniform by early fall.
Delivering the day's principal ad-
dress of opposition to the draft bill,
the Montana Senator argued there
was no forseeable danger of an at-
tack upon the United States, that
the army was taking advantage of a
crisis psychology to "saddle" the
country with conscription, and that
the army's legitimate manpower
needs could be filled by voluntary en-
Demanding to know where Secre-
tary of War Stimson and other "Men
of the stamp of Stimson" planned
to send the conscript army, he ask-
Burke Speaks
"Are these administration men not
counting upon our invading large
parts of South America-Mexico
perhaps-all in the name of defend-
ing our contry?"
Earlier, Senator Burke (D-Neb),
finishing a speech begun yesterday,
contended that voluntary enlist-
ments were too slow to meet the nec-
essities of the times, and asserted
that "this country does not want to1
wait until war comes, if unhappily
it should ever come, befbre we startj
training our citizens."
"Let no one here deceive himself
into believing that his would be a
happy lot if by his action he helped1
to prevent or postpone adequate mil-
itary training for those who some
day may-God forbid-be called uponj
to defend their country," Burke ad-
Necessary Postponementt
Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. William E.
Shedd, the army's Assistant Chief of
Staff in charge of personnel, told the
house Military Committee that the
time required by Congress to debate
the conscription issue had forced at
postponment of the objective of 900,-
000 men under arms until Jan. 1.
Originally, and presupposing thet
speedy passage of the necessary leg-1
islation, he said, the army scheduleI
called for the drafting of 400,000r
trainees on October 1. Trainees plust
mobilized National Guardsmen andI
regular army components wouldI
have produced the 900,000 figure.
The revised schedule, he said, called
for 75,000 trainees on October 15,
50,000 more on November 1, 65, 000
on November 15, 100,000 in ealy De-
cember and about 98,000 late that
Militia MeasureE
- Already approved by the Senate,I
the legislation enabling the presidentI
to muster the militia for a twelve-
month training period, was given the
right of way in the House during
the day by its rules committee. I

In its third day, the Senate's con-
scription debate had lost none of its
intensity of feeling, but most of thec
senators obviously had begun to feel
they had heard all the arguments
and were waiting principally for the
opportunity to vote. Attendance was
slim, and consisted mostly of sena-
tors opposed to the bill, intently lis-
tening to Wheeler.
Wheeler asserted the army wanted
conscription whether or not it was
possible to get enough men by volun-
tary enlistments.
FOR Urges 'Ersatz'
For Conscription
Promoting the study of Latin-
American relatioris to imjntrove
chances for peace was urged to-
night at the meeting of 'the Fel-
lowship of Reconciliation last
nieht At +he .an H11.

Experience Made Place, Name
For Indian, Harrington Claims

When'an American Indian had a
memorable experience in some par-
ticular place, that place thereafter
bore for him a name based on that
experience. This kind of thing pro-
duced perhaps the mosthcommon
class of Indian place names, accord-
ing to Dr. J. P. Harrington, senior
ethnologist of the American Bureau
of Ethnology of the Smithsonian In-
stitute at the concluding luncheon
conference of the summer.
Thus, said Dr. Harrington, if an
Indian killed a buffalo in some spot,
such a place he might then call in
his own language the equivalent of
"Buffalo Kill," "Slain Buffalo," or
"Victory over Buffalo." An island off
the coast of Alaska is called simply,
'Petrified Whale," for the obvious
reason that Indians had found
what they thought was a petrified
Many such experiences are relig-
ious, and hence place names, it was
pointed out, reflect the spiritual and
mythological background of the tribe
whose member or members gave the
But many place-names, Dr. Har-
rington added, are based upon geo-
graphical features, and upon resem-
blances of such geographical fea-
tures, to some other kinds of ob-
jects, particularly to animals. A cur-

ious characteristic of Indian place-
names, he said, is that occasionally
very prominent geographical feat-
ures are known without any other
distinguishing name. Indians living
nearthe Colorado River. for in-
stance, call it simply "The River,"
and the Mississippi formerly was
similarly named among the Middle
Western Indians.
Although Dr. Harrington has made
a hobby of the study of Indian place-
names for years, he admitted that
some he has found he has been un-
able to interpret. Most such names,
he declared have a recognizable
etymology, but some are so old that
their origins are completely forgot-
ten, even though present-day In-
dians may attempt to explain that
origin by what is called folk-etymol-
ogizing, or finding in the place-name
certain resemblance to other words
and hence using those words as the
etymological source. This is the kind
of thing that English language speak
ers have done fore example, with the
word "crayfish," which comes from
the French "ecrivisse," and has
nothing to do with the word "fish."
Dr. Harrington supplemented his
discussion by a brief resume of his
recent study in the value of compar-
ative phonology of American Indian
languages in helping to arrive at a
satisfactory reconstruction of prehis-
toric European languages.

Italian Press
Warns Athens
And Belgrade
Rome Spokesman Accuses
Greeks Of Territorial
Intentions In Albania

Nazi Aerial Raids Menace
London, Germans Claim


Threat Mounts;



Business Men
Disagree Over
Profits Levy
Chamber Official Urges
Delay; NAM Delegate
Asks Temporary Tax
offical of the United States Chamber
of Commerce urged Congress today
to delay enacting an excess profits
tax while a representive of the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers
favored a "cerefully drawn" tax of
that type as a temporary "emergency
Ellsworth C. Alvord of the Cham-
ber's Federal Finance Committee,
recommended that Congress go
ahead andpass, separately from the
tax, legislation permitting defense
contractors to deduct fron their in-
come the full cost of new plant in-
Alvord Argues
Meanwhile, Alvord argued, the
pending 25 to 40 per cent profits ta,
with which plant amortization is
joined, could be subjected to "simpli-
cation and improvement." This, he
said, was more essential than speed.
Carl N. Osborne, Vice President of
the M. A. Hanna Company, Cleve-
land, and Vice-Chairman of the
NAM's Government Finance Com-
mittee, came out for an excess profits
tax applicable to this year's earnings.
He said, however, the tax should not
be made permanent because it in-
volves "inequities."
Testify At Hearing
Both Alvord and Osborne testi-fied
at a joint hearing of the Senate Fi-
nance and House Ways and Means
Committees on a proposal by the
ouse Tax Subcommittee to enact an
excess profits levy, provide defense
plant amortization and repeal the
Vinson-Trammell Acts's 8 and 7 per
cent limits on the profits from war-
ships and military aircraft.
Both objected to details of the pro-
posed tax, and Alvord, unlike Os,
borne, declared the levy should not
in any case apply to this year's in-
Highway Funds
Discussed Here
Chamber Of Commerce
Officials Hold Meeting
Study of allocation of state funds
for highway construction, prelimin-
ary' to a possible request for revision
of existing legislation, was under-
taken here yesterday by Chamber
of Commerce officials from seven
Southern Michigan cities.
It was pointed out at the session,
called by Earl S. Weber of Kalama-
zoo, that 50 per cent of the state

Willkie Asks
Ad Refunding
By Democrats
GOP Nominee Continues
Attack On Opponents'
Fund-Raising Methods
(By The Associated Press)
Colorado Springs, Aug. 13-Wen-
dell Willkie, Republican presidential
nominee, again brought up the sub-
ject of campaign books today, de-
manding that the Democratic Party
return to corporations all funds for
the sale of advertising in the cam-
paign money-raising project.
He agreed with Alf M. Landon,
who attended the nominee's press
conference, that" it is the policy of
the Administration to see how many
fraudulent 'votes can be cast by ma-
chines in Chicago, Jersey City and
the Bronx."
Asserting that even Edward J.
Flynn, Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee, should under-
stand "that there is a limit to politi-
cal ruthlessness," Willkie said he was
gratified that Attorney General Ro-
bert Jackson and Senator Carl A.
Hatch, New Mexico Democrat, had
joined his campaign to peven the
Democrats from violating both the
Corrupt-Practices Act and the books.
The nominee issued his statement
in response to reporters' questions
about the ruling of Attorney General
Jackson that the Justice Department
would not permit the sale of Demo-
cratic campaign books by state, local
party organizations and atche's dec-
laration that purchasers of the books
would be liable to prosecution.
Accident Plan
For Schoolboy
Athletes Is Set
LANSING, Aug. 13.-W)-An ath-
letic accident benefit plan will pro-
tect upward of 15,000 Michigan high
school boys when they return to
classes in 300 state high schools this
The attorney general has removed
the last obstacle' to the establish-
ment of the plan by ruling that it
is not an insurance program, Charles
E. Forsythe, state high school ath-
letic director, said.
The boys may obtain up to $300
in benefits bympaying $1.50 per school
year, the benefits to cover any in-
jury suffered in an inter-scholastic
athletic event or practice session. It
does not cover intramural sports.
For 75 cents a boy may obtain
coverage for all sports except foot-
ball, and for an additional 10 cents
coverage for injuries while being
transported to or from a game.
Forsythe said the benefit pay-
ments would come from the regis-
tration fees of schools participating

In Coastal Town
ROME, Aug. 13, -(M)- Italian
spokesmen accused Greece tonight
of having territorial designs on It-
aly's Albanian domain and indicated
that Premier Mussolini sooner or
later will demand slices of both
Greece and Yugoslavia territory in
a "general settlement" for Albania.
The Italian press has been. hitting
at Greece since the week-end disclos-
ure of the death of an Albanian pat-
riot, Daug Hoggia, at the hands, the
Italians said, of two Greek assassins.
Italians also charged Greece is a
"silent ally" of Great Britain in the
Killed For A Song
Yugoslavia entered the Italian pic-.
ture only today, when the newspaper
La Tribuna reported the killing of
a minor fascist leader, Leonardo
Ciurcovich, in the Italian town of
Zara on the Yugoslav coast because
he objected to a stranger singing a
Slav song on Zara's streets.
These developments coincided with
an Italian battle with British de-
fenders of British Somaliland and a
big four-hour night attack on the
British Naval Base in the Mediter-
Fight In Somaliland
Italian troops in British Somali-
land are attempting to reach the
Somaliland capital, Berbera, on the
seacoast. The Italians were reported
to have taken Adadleh, about 50
miles south of Berbera.
In the attack on Malta, the Ital-
ians were reported to have set fire
to oil storage tanks and an arsenal.
Virginio Gayda, often spokesman
for the Fascist regime, declared the
Italian . gover ,t. e pegted the
Greek government to "answer for its
new crimes" and asserted Italy could
not tolerate Greece's "acts against
the independence of Albania."
Duncan McCrea
Pleads Sickness
In Graft Case
Counsel Presents Evidence
To Prove Prosecutor
'Is A Very Sick Man'
D1 TROIT, Ang. 13.-UP)-With one
of his aides acting as spokesman,
Prosecutor Duncan McCrea plead-
ed today that he was a very sick
man and not physically fit to un-
dergo examination starting Friday
in the Wayne County handbook
graft case in which 155 persons
were indicted.
At the conclusion of a conference
between Ralph Garber, one of Mc-
Crea's assistants; Circuit Judge
Homer Ferguson, head of the Grand
Jury which reurned the indictments,
and Chester P. O'Hara, special pros-
ecutor, no comment was forthcom-
ing, but O'Hara went ahead with
plans for starting the hearing,
which is expected to last approxi-
mately six weeks.
Garber presented affidavits from
physicians, heart specialists and at-
taches of University Hospital, Ann
Arbor, to the effect that it would be
dangerous to McCrea to appear in
court until the latter part of Sep-
tember. The Wayne County Prose-
cutor now is in the Upper Penin-
The affidavits said that McCrea is
a victim of hay-fever and asthma
and should remain in Northern
Michigan and avoid undue exercise
or excitement between now and the
advent of cool weather.
Of the 155 defendants all but 20
have been arraigned and placed un-
der bond. Of the 20, only ten are
men whose whereabouts is not

Flour Helps Save Life
Of Thirteen-Year-Old
MILLER, S. D., Aug. 13.-(P)-
Flour- and a sister's quick action-

Bombers Flying 60 Miles Inland
According To 'A Well-Laid Plan'

BERLIN, Aug. 14 (Wednesday).-
(P)-German bombers now are flying
more than 60 miles inland from the
South British coast to shatter a great
variety of military objectives, Nazi
commentators declared today, and
are threatening London itself.
The combat area extends 310 miles
from the mouth of the Thames River,
through Dover westward, it was
stated, and the onslaught is not in-
dividual raids, but " a general ac-
tion," developing according to a well-
laid plan.
These reports came shortly after
Berlin itself experienced a 47-minute
air raid alarm this morning. The
alarm was the third of the war, but
no bomb explosions or gunfire were
heard in the downtown area. Resi-
dents of some suburbs said they
heard distant shooting.
DNB, official German news agen-
cy, said the German raids on Britain
yesterday brought down or destroyed
on the ground 96 British planes-
a new day's record.
A fifth were shot down over the
English Channel and the British
Isles, 16 were brought down in Brit-
ish attacks on Aalborg, Denmark,
and 30 were destroyed on the ground
by German bombs, according to DNB.
DNB termed the encounters the

"biggest success" in the present(
heightened aerial warfare which
pointed to an early zero hour for
the long-threatened attempt to land
Nazi troops on the British Isles.
The Germans put their own losses
in the day's action at 24 planes, but
said five of the crewmen were saved.
Dover is at the mercy of German
bombing squadrons and its British
defenders have been "driven out of
the air," German sources declared
joyfully tonight.
The great Portsmouth naval base
again was pelted with bombs today
and the raids on south coast ports
have been so effective, these sources
declared, that it will be almost im-
possible for the British fleet to oper-
ate in the Channel.
Besides pounding English shore
points for the third successive day,
the swarms of German bombers and
fighters today crowded steadily in-
land to a point where they threat-
ened the defenses of London itself,
Nazis asserted.
Eastchurch, half way of the Thames
toward London, was one of the main
targets as the Nazi raiders went into
their 72nd hour of almost steady
bombing and gunning of island


Envoy Cudahy
Returns Home
Ambassador To Belgium
Claims 'Distortion'
NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-(JP)-Cen-
sured by the State Department for
his comments in London on condi-
tions in Nazi-invaded Belgium, John
Cudahy, U. S. Ambassador to Brus-
sels, came home today to report to
his government and, incidentally, to
remark that his statements had been
badly "distorted" in the London
His criticism did not cover stories
carried by newspapers in this coun-
try, as he said on his arrival aboard
Pan-American Airways' Dixie Clip-
per that he had not seen any Amer-
ican papers. When later he was
shown the Associated Press story
cabled from London following the
mass interview he gave there a week
ago, hi said it was a "fair statement"
of wlA , he had said.
Cudahy, stopping at the St. Regis
Hotel after leaving the airport, said
he would leave for Washington by
train at midnight tonight and report
to the State Department tomorrow.
State Politicos
Will Celebrate
'Governor Day'
LANSING, Aug. 13.-(A)-Michigan
politicians will assemble at Iona to-
morrow for the annual Governor's
day observance at the Ionia Free
U. S. Senator Arthur Vandenburg
of Grand Rapids, seeking renomina-
tion on the Republican ticket, will
launch his one- day campaign speak-
ing tour at the Fair. He will address
a noon luncheon at which Governor.
Dickinson will be guest of honor, and'
share the speaking platform with the
governor at an outdoor program in
the afternoon.
Vandenburg will come to Lansing
in the evening to deliver a prepared
address at a Republican Service
Men's dinner. He declared the single
day's stumping would wind up his
primary election campaign. He sent
word he would return to Washington
the following day.
Dickinson said he would not follow
the example of previous governors,
who made the Iona Fair speech one
of the highlights appearances of

French Indict
Ousted Chiefs3
Accused Traitors Listed
As 'Monsieur X
(By The Associated Press)
RIOM, France, Aug. 13.-The ar-
mistice government of Marshal Phil-1
ippe Petain, formally indicted to-
night before a high court of last ap-
peal the government and military]
leaders whom it deems responsible
for betraying the Third Republic by
leading it, unready, into war and de-
The government did not name the
leaders, but it lumped them as a com-
posite "Monsieur X" in a general
complaint. The court itself will fix
individual responsibility.
As the blanket charge was placedl
before the nation's new Supreme
Court, the old Marshal, chief ofi
state, went before the radio with a
stinging rebuke for those who stand
accused - who obviously include,
among others, former Premier Edou-;
ard Daladier, and former General-;
issimo Maurice Gustave Gamelin. ,He
said that France fell before laziness,t
incompetence "and even sabotage."
The court accusation blanketed as
traitors to their charge an unspeci-4
fied number of "ministers, ex-min-t
isters and their immediate .civil and
military subordinates." It demanded
that the court inquire into the pre-1
war and war periods and fix indi-1
vidual accusations, proceeding for1
the time being merely against the
allegedly traitorous "Monsieur X,"
and later lodging charges against
definite persons.
In his speech Petain promised that
those who betray their duties will be
''sought out and punished.''
2 Detroit Girls
DETROIT, Aug. 13.-(P)- Two
Highland Park sisters who were play-
ing in the rain in their bathing suits
were electrocuted today when a wire
carrying 2,300 primary volts fell dur-
ing a. torrential rain and electrical
storm that swept the Detroit area.
The girls were Barbara Jean Mor-
ton, 15. and her sister, Dorothy Mae,
13, daughters of Foster Morton, a
postoffice employe.
The wire fell on the older sister
as she stood knee-deep in a flooded
alley. The younger girl died when
she attempted to pull the wire from
her sister. A fire department rescue
-, _,1 . -1 i f.. -

Vessels Clash In Channel
As Industrial Centers
Undergo Severe Attacks
British Claim 69
LONDON, Ang. 14.-(Wednesday)
-(P)-Nazi warplanes shrieked ver
the length and breadth of Britain
today, scourging the industrial mid-
lands and North Scotland and
plunging into the fourth day of
an unremitting assault on the
South Shore, apparently aimed at
smashing out an invasion "bridge-
The defense of this stubborn is-
land kingdom mounted in tempo
with the hourly-increasing threat of
invasion, a threat enhanced by a
clash of light-draft vessels in the
channel during yesterday's gigan-
tic aerial conflict.
The British, despite their preoc-
cupation with bringing down 69 Ger-
man planes yesterday, apparently
found time to give Germany a new
dose of her own medicine.
47-Minute Alarm
Berlin had a 47-minute air-raid
alarm this morning, and the big
wireless station at Bremen shut
down abruptly, a possible sign of
RAF planes in the vicinity.
Some Britons even speculated that
Germany might give up the invas-
ion idea and try an aerial "starva-
tion" blockae instead.
This morning's German attack on
the English Midlands was the big-
gest of the war for that district.
Bombs burst with a rumble and
great glares made the sky lurid.
Anti-aircraft gunners kept up a
scorching fire. Tracer bullets and
searchlights pierced the morning
Waves Of Bombers
Three successive waves of Nazi
bombers sowed destruction today on
Southampton, largest city strafed by
the raiders and one of the most im-
portant on the English Chanel.
Buildings rattled with the shoc
of heavy explosions which took an
undisclosed toll -and overhead
British fighter planes tangled in
fierce air fights, with the flying in-
vaders. One defense squadron alone,
already credited with bringing down
seven Nazi planes yesterday, smash-
ed 14 more today without a single
One big bomb exploded squarely
on an air raid shelter which held
100 persons, and not one was in-
They had to be told the shelter was
set afire on the outside by the explo-
sion. Firemen soaked the blazing
exits so the occupants of the shelter
could get out.
. Narrow Escapes
Several persons in the bomb-strewn
city, which has a normal population
of 180,000 (now much less), told of
narrow escapes from death.
One man was said to have been
blown out of a building hit squarely
by a bomb, and hurled 25 yards
through what a few seconds before
had been a plate glass window of an-
other building.
He got up, apparently unhurt, and
sought shelter elsewhere.
The Air Ministry said the raiders
who hit here also attacked the Kent-
ish Coast to the east beforesweeping
across this city at the head of South-
ampton water, reaching in from the
Channel behind the Isle of Wight.
It was the third successive day of
unending attack and, adding the 400
to 800 raiders that appeared last
Thursday in a bloody overture to what
has come since, it raised to a total of
about 2,000 the number of German
planes that have struck in the four
days of big scale fighting.
Nine Departments.

Fight Fire In Elsie
ELSIE, Mich., Aug. 13-(P)-Fire
departments from nine central
Michigan communties fought a
fire today in the control room of
the Aurora Refinery here.
The pump house and control
rom of the refinery were destroyed.

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