The Straight Dope
By Himself
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
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Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen
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Education Can
Save Democracy *.
DERSON has assumed charge of the
public schools of St. Louis. In a few weeks a new
school year opens under his'direction.
The change brings more than a fresh page in
the administration of the city's schools. It pro-
vides more than a break with the shocking mis-
management which heaped disgrace on the com-
munity last spring.
Out of the new administration can and should
come a definite, practical program for teaching
democracy-for teaching faith in democratic
principles and intense, effective devotion to
democratic practice. The Post-Dispatch here
and now proposes that Mr. Anderson, his staff
and the Board of Education make this the first
order of business of our schools.
We Americans have taken our democracy for
granted long enough. We have contented our-
selves with glib generalities about freedom and
liberty as long as we dare. In a world largely
run by dictators, we cannot hope to maintain
free institutions with an irresponsible citizen-
ship. The failure of 169,000 of St. Louis' regis-
trants to go to the polls for last Tuesday's all-
important primary-the civic inactivity of 42
per cent of the persons eligible to vote-should
prove to anyone that the hour is late for Amer-
ican democracy.
The assumption has been that democracy
needs no teaching, that young Americans will
grow up automatically to be alert, diligent, dis-
criminating citizens. That just is not so. The
shocking non-participation of nearly half of St.
Louis' voters in a political function more critical
than the election itself is not the exception to
a rule of devotion to our system of government.
The tragic fact is that it is typical of what is to
be found throughout the country.
If the dictators can instill belief in systems
which crush the individual, where is the Amer-
ican who will say that we cannot teach love of
and practice of a philosophy which upholds free
choice and liberty?
The average civics course in an American high
school is worthless for this purpose. It comes
too late and it is dully descriptive. History, with
its deadly recital of dates, is almost as poorly
handled. What is needed is an integrated pro-
gram beginning with the first grade and running
through high school.
Boys and girls of six are old enough to learn
the first lessons of cooperation, taking turns,
majority rule, respect for the opinions and per-
sons of others-the fundamentals on which de-
mocratic success inevitably rests.
Our free democracy did not just happen. It
was achieved by hard work and sacrifice, by
travail and blood. The public school system is
the one agency above all others to teach new
generations to respect that heritage, to nurture
it-to make democratic action self-conscious,
direct in its progress to a state which will ful-
fill the dreams of the men who hammered out
our Constitution 150 years ago.
This'means staking out a new way in educa-
tion. It means doing something which is not
being done, or if being attempted is a sporadid
effort rather than the integrated. Intensive,
cumulative process which we propose. But the
time is ripe, and thoughtful educators are talking
about it wherever they gather.
What we propose ivould do more than again
center attention on an educational experiment
in St. Louis. The teaching of democracy we
have in mind should spread over the country
like a fire in the night. It could be-who
knows?-the means for keeping the lamp of
freedom alight in a dictator-darkened world.
It could do what no army of ours, however
large, however well armed, can ever do-pro-
tect democratic institutions from decay on the
(Today's guest column is written by Arthur Klein,
one of this campus' best actors and certainly its
most consistent liberal. Of some of our guest col-
umns we have not been too proud. Of this one
we are very proud indeed.)
F I HAD the facility of phrase, the score of
witty platitudinous expressions of some dra-
matic critics, who as Shaw remarked are like
dentists who persist in hurting sensitive people
in sensittive places for no reason, I should find
no trouble in writing 800 words of tweedledum-
tweedledee. But to speak of one's like in a few
paragraphs, to express one's inmost feelings
about his place in a Universe which someone
said must be governed by a committee because
One Man couldn't make so many mistakes, re-
quires a simplicity of tone, a humbleness of self,
a sincerity that more often than not is foreign
to one trained in the arts of acting.
First let me tell you about my people. My
parents are Hungarians. My father was born
in a small village and began working for a living
at eleven. He says the winters were so severe
that potatoes buried in the ground to keep from
freezing often rotted. But that's another story.
When he came to America he traveled 3rd class
because there was no 4th. My mother was more
fortunate. She began earning her living at thir-
teen. My parents are simple, strong, infinitely
tolerant. They never went to any school and so
when my mother writes that her grandchild is
"pasotovly the switest in the world" you smile
at the spelling, but underneath is the feeling
you get when you look at a field in spring.
They have three children. The oldest is a
physician, my sister is a pianist by avocation
and a wife and mother by vocation, and there's
I, the Black Sheep, the Prodigal Son. When I
came to the University I so frightened the Dean
by insisting on taking Play Production in my
Freshman year (when the catalog so clearly
stated it was a Junior course) that the kind man
sent me with a kinder note to a mental hygienist
in the Health Service to calm my unacademic
And though the Dean won out I managed
over a period of five years to shed my boorish
wings and became a man of the world. The de-
sire to become an actor emanated from no wish
to impress a co-ed or get my name in lights.
For me acting has always seemed a way of life.
There is no other explanation. Of course there's
the comaraderie of the group; the endless shop
talk during which you impress others with your
own importance and genius. There's the warm
smile from a June, an occasional peck on the
cheek from a rothaariger Lorelei, an encouraging
word from a director.
But the supreme satisfaction lies in bringing
character to life, in digging within that char-
acter and making him flesh and blood. The more
sensitive the Einbildungskraft-the power of
imagination-the truer the portrait. The actor
trains himself technically by learning how to
control his body and voice. His development
as an artist comes as he himself broadens his
knowledge of all peoples, all classes, all things.
The greater his understanding of human nature
and the projection of that wisdom in character,
the more genuine his artistic claims. A German
sorority cook, a library elevator man, a theatre
janitor have taught me more than many courses
-strange gargles some-taught by young beard-
less instructors, Doctors of Philosophy all .. .
But here's the catch and the point to all this.
Nearly half my life has been spent in preparing
myself to give America whatever I can in needful
song and laughter. And I want to spend the re-
maining half of my life in giving. But not in
a-back-of-the-trench army recreation camp
cheering up the boys or urging women's clubs
to sing:
"America! I give my boy to you!
America! You'll find him strong and true ..
And if I had another
He would fight beside his brother,
America! Here's my boy!" .. .
If I begin to sound like a pamphlet then skip
to the women's page now but I'm giving you the
real McCoy. Many influential joes, including
teachers, are urging American youth to join the
British and lick the Huns again before they lick
us. Just give these voices a little more rope and
c'est firfi for your hopes and mine. Sure, let's
get in and the monopolists will clean up again.
We get in the war, no more 12,000,000 unem-
ployed, no more poverty, misery, sorrow. OK
if you want it, but not for me.
Well, can nothing be done? Should we allow
the destructive forces that are propagandizing
their lugubrious gloom and confusion to con-
tinue without protest? Is there no way to pre-
vent the Yanks from not going again, no pro-
gram to preserve the civil liberties and popular
rights of almost the last country that has some
feeling for the dignity of man;man who wants
simply to work, to dance and sing, to eat and
drink, to marry and beget children. Well-in
Chicago on August 31, September 1 and 2, labor,
youth, farm, church and fraternal organizations
-regardless of race, creed or color-are going
to take part in an EMERGENCY PEACE MO-
BILIZATION in which the people will discuss
and formulate a program "to defend America . .
to keep America democratic . . . to keep Amer-
ica out of war!" The EPM is sponsored by scores
of American leaders, educators, clergymen,
writers, among whom are Theodore Dreiser, Pro-
fessors Franz Boas and Vardis Fisher, and Ro-
land Bainton of the Yale Divinity School. If
you are concerned for your well-being you will
give the EPM your support as a delegate, a visi-
tor or simply by endorsing a petition which you
may sign at the entrances of Angell Hall and
the Library. They will be there for a week.
If I have been too naively Dorothy Dixish,
too emotionally True-Storyish, too puerile aca-
demically, it is, alas, because even bad actors
are often inarticulate unless they have lines to
speak. But these few words have been said be-
cause I myself want that other "half" of talking
theatre-shop, of smiles and kisses, and a chance
in the future to work on Abe Lincoln, Macbeth,
Othello, Odets' "Jacob" and the little old mer-
chant in The Golem.. .
Text Of
AT least those of us who were
brought up on copy books must
often be tempted to quote the tren-
chant saying of Thomas Paine in the
American Crisis: "These are the
times that try men's souls."
The situation of the college grad-
uate is a particularly trying one.
After years of preparation for ser-
vice to his fellows, he faces a world
in which all of the destructive for-
ces of civilization have been released.
Instead of being allowed to instruct
and otherwise assist the race to live
in peace, comfort, and happiness, he
may expect shortly to be at the dread-
ful business of murdering his brothers
to promote liberty, equality, and fra-
ternity if not actually to save his
life. Even the toughest souls feel har-
assed at this predicament.
For Three Purposes
I have come here today not to dis-
cuss the ills of the world, but for
three related purposes. I desire to
congratulate you on the completion
of a stage of your education, to ask
you not to consider the time you have
spent in school as wasted, and to ex-
press my belief that education re-
mains the only hope of mankind for
peace, freedom, justice, and security.
I consider these purposes legitimate
even at a time when there is a wide-
spread and alas all too successful
endeavor to create a society in which
might makes right.
We too often overlook or misin-
terpret the fact that man can never
be fundamentally different than he
has always been. Cruelty, selfishness,
deceit, intolerance, and other unlove-
ly traits are as much a part of hu-
man protoplasm as physical char-
acteristics. The only way they
can be overcome is by know-
ledge and training. I contend, then,
that you have been pursuing the right
way of life, and that you should not
be discouraged no matter how trying
the times.
Important Conclusion
If you agree with this simple, but
I believe important conclusion, it re-
mains for you only to note that it
implies more than personal satis-
faction. In inner application it means
realistic attitude toward human prob-
lems, and a steafast belief in democ-
racy. In short, as trained men and
women you will be expected to make
democracy work by promoting edu-
cation and by conducting a vigorous
offensive against every idea, agency,
or effort which would forcibly destroy
our attempt to preserve individual
freedom and social equality by the
methods of representative govern-
Yes, these are times to try men's
souls but they will pass. As we are
told and must believe, "The progress
of democracy seems irresistible, be-
cause it is the most uniform, the
most ancient, and the most perman-
ent tendency which is to be found
in history."
From Thames .
To Nile...
It is too easy to think of Britain's
struggle against the totalitarians as
merely a fight to defend the British
Isles. News ofithe Italian offensives in
Africa is a reminder that the struggle
reaches as far as British power. The
Battle of Britain is also the Battle of
the Empire.
The "tight little island" remains
the citadel, and London is warning
the British not to be distracted by
Axis moves in Africa. These include
Italian drives from Libya into Egypt,
from Italian East Africa into British
Somaliland and the appearance of
German agents in Dakar, strategic
French naval base in West Africa.
Forboth Axis Powers Africa has
appeared the most feasible ground
for empire-carving. Mussolini con-
siders that so long as Egypt separ-
ates Libya and Etiopia, so long as
Britain controls the Suez and Gibral-
ter, he is a prisoner in the Mediter-
ranean. With France under Nazi con-
trol and Turkey apparently immob-
ilized, an Axis victory in Egyptmight
lead to control of Syria, Palestine,
Iraq, and Persia, with oil supplies
which could be decisive.
In Africa as in Europe it is a strug-
gle of sea power against land and
air superiority. The totalitarians are
seeking to take the bases such as
Alexandria on which Britain's naval
power depends and by air attack cut
the sea lanes such as the Gulf of
Aden. In the past the desert has been
the chief military obstacle and today
the oases are held by small but ex-
perienced and resolute British forces.
Only if motor transport and more
numerous air forces defeat distance
and the desert are the Italians like-
ly to succeed.
The Battle of Britain may stretch
from the Thames to the Nile, but
it is likely to be decided in Britain.
-Christian Science Monitor
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"I see no sense learning to wash or dry-I got no ambitions
to be the head of a family!"
Wasnhington Merry- Go-Round
WASHINGTON-Although first behind-the-
scenes opposition to conscription came largely
from Nazi, anti-British, communist ,sources,
there is no question that those opposing the
bill now have rolled up some very genuine and
sincere from all walks of life, particularly the
In fact opposition to conscription seems to be
cne thing upon which churches of almost every
denomination agree, and this is probably the
first time that both Catholic and Methodists
have worked together on a vital legislative issue.
Catholic opposition to conscription has been
expressed by Monsignor Michael J. Ready,,who
is circulating a statement from the Catholic
Bishops; and from Father Barry O'Toole, who
expressed the opposition of the National Catho-
lic Welfare Council. Archbishop John T. Mc-
Nicholas of Cincinnati also has circulated a
pastoral letter urging opposition to the bill.
Protestant opposition has come from Charles
Boss, whose organization is supposed to repre-
sent 8,000,000 Methodists; Bishop William -A.
Lawrence, speaking for a group inside the Episco-
pal Church; and also from the Federal Council
of Churches, the overall Protestant body.
Outside the church groups the Farmer's Un-
ion in several states has registered opposition,
also the Railroad Brotherhoods. Also, this op-
position to conscription is about the only thing
John L. Lewis and Bill Green have agreed up-
on for months.
Note-However, it is an inescapable fact that
these very well-meaning and sincere groups are
being used, at least in part, by a militant back-
stage group of pro-Nazi, Bundite isolationists
to serve their own interests.
Willkie's Technique
Few of the newsmen covering Wendell Willkie
have seen anyone given so quick and complete
a brush-off as George Peek, one-time AAA ad-
ministrator, who broke with Henry Wallace and
Cordell Hull over the farm program and even-
tually was edged out of the New Deal.
Peek brought to Colorado Springs a prepar-
ed statement which he read to the press. But
Mr. Willkie stood behind him, and at one point
in his rendition, Willkie turned to the newsmen
and said:
ner he has for years as majority Republican
leader in Congress. But Willkie would interrupt
by interpreting what Martin meant to say.
"I don't mean to interrupt you, Joe," the
candidate would put in, "but this is the way I
interpret what you mean."
Covering Wilikie
Press conferences at Colorado Springs are held
twice a day, once at 10 a.m., the next at 2 p.m.;
but the boys are subject to call at any time of
the day or night....Willkie awakens at 6:30
every morning and takes a walk around Broad-
moor Lake at a speed of-approximately one mile
an hour-his only form of exercise. The rest
of the day he spends in his apartment-He
doesn't like to fish, swim, play tennis or golf
At an informal poll taken among the 13 corres-
pondents who accompanied Willkie from Color-
ado Springs to Des Moines, 10 of them believed
Willkie will be elected. They all appeared to have
fallen under the influence of his charm with the
exception possibly of Tom Stokes, Scripps-Ho-
ward Newspaper Alliance; John O'Donnell, New
York Daily News; and Bill Ardery of the As-
sociated Press.... Although several others said
th y were not completely sold on him person-
allyat least 10 believe that he will win in No-
Most popular member of the Willkie entour-
age is Mitchell Davenport, whose ability to think
rapidly and coherently has made a deep im-
print upon newsmen. He seems to be the only
advisor who has Willkie's ear, most of the others
seeming to be figureheads.. . .When John Ham-
ilton and Joe Martin left Willike to depart for
the East, the candidate was sitting on the patio
talking to correspondents. Without rising from
his chair he waved goodbye and said: "Awfully
glad you fellows dropped in." Then he picked up
the trend of his conversation with the newsmen.
Willkie's reception on the State House steps
at Des Moines after his farm conference was
disappointing to his enthusiasts.....One inter-
esting development was Oren Root's ability to
handle the factionalism which sprang up among
the Iowa Willkie-for-President groups. He
smothered it out with suave ability.... Willkie's
kind remarks about Henry Wallace in his Iowa
All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30i
P. M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, wheni
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A. M.
Speech Students: Students who
have volunteered bars for the tea
today, August 13, should report
at the front entrance of the Rack-
ham Building at 3:45 in order to pick
up passengers.
"The Improvement of Slow Read-
ing at the College Level," by Irving
H. Anderson, Assistant Professor of
Education will be given at 4:05 p.m.
today in the University High School
The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold its final-meeting of the
summer, today, August 13. The
meeting will be in the form of a
picnic at the Huron-Dexter Park.
Cars will leave the east entrance of
the University High School at 5:30.
All commercial teachers are cordially
invited to attend.
Deutscher Verein. The annual ban-
quet of the Deutscher Verein will be
held in the Deutsches Haus, 1315
Hill Street, this evening, August
13, at 6:30 p.m. The price of the din-
ner is included in the dues paid by
the members.
Members of the Verein, students
of German, members of the summer
teaching staff, or anyone desiring to
attend are requested to make res-
ervations at the Deutsches Haus or
at the German department office, 204
U.H. Price per plate to non-members
is 75 cents. There will be a program
of entertainment and dancing fol-
lowing the dinner.
The Michigan Dames will hold a
bridge party at the Michigan League
Wednesday at 2 p.m. for the wives of
summer school students. There will
be a ten cent charge to cover prizes
and expenses.
Final Examination, Education B
195ds, "State and National Trends in
Education," the 4 o'clock lecture
course, will be held in University
High School Auditorium on Wednes-
day, August 14. The lecture origin-
ally scheduled for that day, "Group
Psychological Aspects in Education"
by Dr. Fritz Redl, was given on July
Prof. C. O. Davis
School of Education
Choral Union Concerts. The 'Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
the following concerts in the Sixty-
Second Annual Choral Union Ser-
ies for 1940-41:
Wednesday, October 23-Marian
Anderson, Contralto.
Thursday, November 7-Rudolf
Serkin, Pianist.
Monday, November 18-Don Cos-
sack Chorus, Serge Jaroff, Conduc-
Sunday, November 24-New York
Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra,
John Barbirolli, Conductor. (Inter-
national broadcast over facilities of
the Columbia Broadcasting System.)
Tuesday, December 3 - Richard
Bonelli, Baritone.
Wednesday, December 11-Boston
Symphony, Serge Koussevitsky, Con-
Wednesday, January 15-Vladimir
Horowitz, Pianist.
Tuesday, January 28-Minneapolis
Symphony Orchestra, Dimitri Mit-
ropoulos, Conductor.
Thursday, February 20-Budapest
ed not later than September 1. All
other orders will be filed, and filled
in sequence beginning September 1.
Please make remittances payable
to University Musical Society, and
mail to Charles A. Sink, President,
Burton Tower, Ann Arbor.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for all students on Friday, Au-
gust 16, at 12 noon.
Office of the Dean of Students
The final examination schedule
as published in the complete an-
nouncement is incorrect. Below is the
correct schedule.
Hour of
Recitation 8 9 10 11
Time of Thurs. Fri. Thurs. Fri.
Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4
Hour of All other
Recitation 1 2 3 hours
Time of Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri.
Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, and Music:
Summer Session students wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room
4, U.H., several days before leaving
Ann Arbor. Failure to file' this re-
quest before the end of the session
will result in a needless delay of
several days.
Library Service After Summer Ses-
sion: In the interium between the
close of the summer session and the
opening of the fall session the Gen-
eral Library will be closed evenings,
but service will be maintained in the
Main Reading Room, the Periodical
Reading Room, the Medical Reading
Room, and the Circulation Depart-
ment from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with the
exception of the period from August
26 to September 2, when the building
is closed completely while extensive
repairs are in progress. Graduate
Reading Rooms and Study Halls both
within and outside of the main build-
ing will be closed until the opening
of the fall semester. All departmental
and collegiate libraries, with the ex-
ception of the Transportation Lib-
rary, are also closed during this in-
Wm. W. Bishop
Crisis Ahead
For Britain
The battle of Britain is thunder-
ing unmistakably toward a crisis that
may detrmine the fate of England.
If the outside world knew exactly
how many planes and trained air-
men each side is losing, it might make
a pretty good guess at the outcome.
But this vital information is blacked
out by irreconciliable reports from
Berlin and London.
Air mastery is the high stake Ger-
many is playing for in the titanic
struggle raging almost continuously
along England's channel coast. She
must attain it to win and weeks, even
days, may decide the issue.
Time is forcing the Nazis to at-
tempt an aerial "knock-out."By mid-
September weather probabilities will
weigh against either a general aerial
assault or an invasion.
There has been no hint from Ber-
lin as to whether an invasion is to
follow the growing air blitzkrieg, al-
though the scene of the fiercest en-
counters in the Dover-Portsmouth
sector of the Channel coast indicat-