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August 09, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-09

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or - rot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier
$00;'by mail, $4.50.
National Advetising Service Inc.
College Publishers Representative
4820MAosok AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Colegiate Press, 193940
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor . ..............Carl Petersen
City Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors........... Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su-'
zanne Potter.
Business Staff
Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager,..........Irving Guttman
In Dark Times ...
M AN IS CAPABLE of two outlooks on
life, the long and the short. The
first is the vista of fair weather, as marked by
a spiritual barometer. It is the cheerful outlook
Af freedom and good will, of security and hope,
of a world progressively enriched by the toil that
happy souls never begrudge. It is the Utopian
outlook but we know in our hearts that it is
also the normal and the ultimate one.
,'he short view is not of our choosing. It comes
with a fog that blots out the far, appealing goal,
restricting our attention to perils, born of its
own obscurity. It shortens our focus, tries our
faith, demands sacrifice without stint. The for-
titude with which such a challenge is accepted
is .the measure of a man and of a nation. Yet
we realize that the courage called forth, how-
ever sublime, is not an end in itself. It repre-
sents, rather, the hard means reluctantly adopted
to beat our way out of the fog so that the long
view may gladden the sight of our children, if
never our own,
The people of the United States face today
the most pressing responsibilities that any of
their living generations has known. The short
view has been abruptly forced upon us, and the
near-unanimity with which the fact is acknow-
ledged is the ray of light in a dark scene. We
must turn more of our leisure into discipline. Not
only our gains but even our .needs must flow
into armaments. Constructive research that
would brighten the future of all mankind must
be-sidetracked to meet a threat against priceless
traditions. The urgent call extends, indeed, out
beyond our own gates as far as the most distant
victims of unprecedented calamity.
This is the cause of stern necessity. But, while
we throw our strength behind it, let us remem-
ber always that the means are not the end. We
have no intention of militarizing the guiding
thought of our nation to the exclusion of more
enduring things. Music will outlive the rattle
of machine guns and painting the splotch of
camouflage. A healthy countryside, the irre-
placeable native flora and wildlife-if we sue-
ceed in keeping them-will abide longer than
battleships, but, unlike precious paper and can-
vas, they cannot be saved in the depths of
bombproof shelters.
The conservation of natural resources is never
more important than under the shadow of hos-
tilities. We have seen in the last war, when the
dust bowl was born, how haste can join with
ignorance to wipe out the fortunate climax of a
million years of growth. Education must still
point forward rather than into the detour. Such
wisdom as Americans now possess in the appre-
ciation of undespoiled nature was not learned
by men and women; it was, for the most part,
implanted in the sensitive minds of the children

they once were. This work, too, must go on, not
diminished but enhanced. Its cost is relatively
trifling but, as an essence of preparedness of
the spirit, we cannot afford to see it crowded
out. For one day, soon or late, the mists that
shorten vision will lift again, and eyes too long
diverted must be ready for the renascent bril-
liance of the view ahead.
-New York Herald-Tribune
And Alarm ...
SOME severe penalties have been im-
posed' by magistrates on charges
under the defense regulations of publishing state-
ments liable to cause alarm or despondency.
Some of the offenses appear to be quite trivial.
For instance, a meter inspector at Oxford was
fined £5 and los. costs for saying that when
t~i'er ome t Tngland Rihhntron wnld he

The Straight Dope
By Himself
EFORE THIS COLUMN comes to its untimely, egomaniac tried to conquer England without
end we want to tell all skeptics and other de- being able to beat her on the sea. The war is
featit.ts that we are an optimist. This optimism over. Put it down in your books.
is the result of sound logic and sober living.
It is not the result of a physical exuberance We are also optimistic about the peace. The
which sometimes bothers our friends. At the old clique that has ruled England so long and
-mentwe are- not exuberant at all. 'We are so badly is now shown up pretty thoroughly. After
optimistich the time of crisis is.over, there will be a new
Physically, in fact, we are rather low. We breath of air through"England. The new World
Phystamsurvived, a departmental lunclon is going to have its chance. Not all at once, not
have just sixtd seeatent omlf- 'suddenly, but as irresistibly as it came after the
where we paid sixty seven cents for some half- alo aoen hr ilb e adak n
raw hamburger, served cold. Besides we had to fall of Napoleon. There will be new landmarks in
clap for forty-five graduates, for more than forty England like 1832.
of whom we did not care whether or not they UT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in the
drowned, much less graduated. That luncheon world at the moment is the least mentioned.
will take a high place among our bitter memories That is the new promise of atomic energy con-
of Ann Arbor. tained in a substance called U-235. We will not
None the less we are optimistic. We feel that go into it at the moment but suffice it to say
we may possibly survive the luncheon and the that in the near future is going to be so plentiful
operetta, ("Patience," hadn't you heard?), and that transportation, communication and plain
that in the end our finances (sixty-seven cents muscle power are going to be almost valueless.
- phooey) may work out to a decent figure. We It is too big a thing to be held in store by any
are even more optimistic about the state of the group of small capitalists. Science is finally going
world. to accomplish what Marx and the Buddha and
HIS COLUMN IS ON RECORD as believing Jesus Christ failed at. Slavery is going to end
that Hitler is licked. Not just going to be because it will lose its point.
licked but licked already. We were on record So, you see, there is reason to be optimistic.
to that effect as early as May 15th and nothing Out of the present bad time is going to come
has occured since then to make us change our the new world. Out of the present distress
mind. In short, when Hitler had to invade Nor- will come the brotherhood of man. Science,
way the proof was in that the British blockade originally the slave of the selfish, now their
was so tight that it was now or never. He would embarrassing step-child, will eventually be-
never have been allowed to risk it otherwise. He come their master, because it is too large to
took most of the rest of Europe including France. be supplanted by small men. There are going
But he has not taken any considerable part of to be a few years of starvation and famine,
the British fleet and it appears that his famous a few more of painful re-adjustment and a
airforce cannot do so. The blockade continues. number more of stops and false starts. But
Until'and unless Hitler can defeat the English the new day will come and come in our life-
in England and defeat or compel the' surrender times. The day of happiness, of release from
of the fleet, he carries with his armies starvation pettiness, of the end of tyranny.
and cold like the eagles on his banners. Not only our children, but we ourselves will
Nor will invasion work as the Germanis are live to see it. Our problem is not how to survive
coming to realize, nor will a fifth column be but how to fit ourselves to enjoy the new world.
effective in England. The counter blockade We must rid ourselves of smallness, of cringing,
is the only'hope Hitler has left. He has con- of fear of all kinds. A brave new world deserves
quered all Europe and his food supplies, his brave new souls. Somehow we feel that getting
copper reserves are all at the lowest points human beings to act as though they were worthy
in the history of modern warfare. He cannot of being gods is going to be harder than giving
win. The war is over. Not all the blood and them god-like powers. But take your courage in
sweat and tears and prayers of a hundred high hands. There will come yet the day of re-
million Germans can avail. Once more an joiing.
National Defense Program
Seen Operating On cheule

Grin And Bear It0. .

By Lichty



All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P. M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A. M.
To the members of the Faculty: If
you wish to attend the breakfast next
Sunday morning, August 11, at'9-a.m.,
given for those students who expect
to take master's degrees this summer,
you may secure tickets at the office
of the Summer Session at fifty-five
cents each.
Louis A. Hopkins
Director of the Summer Session


"No, no, dear, the water isn't hot!-You got your foot in somebody's

T BECAME CLEAR at President Roosevelt's
week-end press conference that the White
House is going to be extremely touchy on the
subject of national defense progress. Waving
a sheaf of newspaper clippings above his head,
the President called them examples of black
sheet journalism and said that if the reporters
responsible were interested they could learn
their mistakes by a visit to the-office of Stephen
T. Early, White House press secretary.
Expecting to find that the offending papers
had done nothing less than reveal some care-
fully guarded military secret, such as the design
of the Army's famous bombsight, newspapermen
found that the Presidential ire had been aroused
by charges that the defense program was slow
in getting under way, that vital orders were not
being let and that Government red-tape was
hindering private production. Since these charges
and counter-charges seem likely to recur as the
Presidential campaign waxes warm, it may be
worth; while to winnow a few salient points re-
garding national defense from the crop of fig-
ures, plans, programs, authorizations, appropria-
tions and conferences which has enveloped
Washington since the huge current armament
program got under way last May.
* * *
PERHAPS the\ first point to be made in any
evaluation of national defense progress is
that it is still too early to draw any hard and
fast conclusions. Congress is still in the midst
of appropriating or authorizing military and
naval programs that will amount to well over
$10,000,000,000 during the current year. Those
responsible for the careful expenditure of this
vast sum of money have not yet finished their
studies as to where the money can be spent most
advantageously. Nobody knows for sure if, where,
or how soon a shortage of skilled labor may
These major uncertainties, coupled with the
countless details which must be worked out and
any one of which might temporarily halt a ma-
jor defense project, make it inadvisable, accord-
ing to most observers here, to say that national
defense is not moving forward as rapidly and
efficiently as might be expected.
This, certainly, is the view of the National
Defense Advisory Commission, made up of prom-
inent American industrialists, financiers, schol-
ars, and labor leaders, who are working without
compensation and with no political axes to
grind. On several occasions William S. Knudsen,
head of the production division, and Edward R.
Stettinius, head of the raw materials procure-
ment division, have stated that the national de-
fense program was proceeding faster and more
favorably than they had believed possible at
Although there may be some confusion in the
vni',b nf the aviafinn industrv novr iut hnw

scruction facilities. The Navy is known to be
working night and day on this problem and
Congress will soon make available large sums
which will be immediately used to expand exist-
ing yards and build new ones.
C ONSEQUENTLY progress is also reported in
the procurement of strategic raw materials,
in which the Reconstruction Finance Commis-
sion is playing a major part. Those close to the
working of the defense commission say that this
procurement of reserve stocks is providing an
interesting example of how red tape canbe elim-
inated when necessary.
An American agent in some foreign country
spots a large stock of some strategic material-
say, manganese-which the United States needs
and which is for sale. The agent notifies the
RFC, which, if it approves, places the necessary
funds at the agent's disposal. Meanwhile, the
RFC notifies the Marine Commission, which
makes sure that a freighter is available to pick
up the material at the earliestpossible moment.
Thus, hidden behind the Corporation's'financial
reports, is an example of inter-departmental
speed and cooperation that is a good indication
of America's ability and determination to cre-
ate an adequate defense.
It was from a background of such successes,
rather than a view of the bottlenecks and delays,
that President Roosevelt spoke on Friday. Leav-
ing aside all criticism and praise that may spring
from purely political sources, it seems certain
however, that the White House will hear charges
of incompetence and delay directed at its arma-
ment efforts. But, so long as Messrs. Knudsen
and Stettinius, neither one of whom has ever
been charged with "wild-eyed radicalism" or
as being a "visionary," continue to express satis-
faction with defense progress, neither the White
House nor the country-at-large will need to
worry greatly.
- Christian Science Monitor
Apostrophe To The Radio-14 Bit..... .... ..
One hundred million Americans listened to
45,000,000 radio sets last year, according to the
president of the National Association of Broad-
We can guess what a racket those sets would
make if all were turned on full force at the same
time. It would probably break every ear drum
on Mars.
The statistics on all . the moon-spoon-June
songs emanating from them would be just as
appalling; also 'the figures on those heart-
wrenching, tear-jerking, blood-curdling serials,
not to mention the more fatuous "commercials."
And vet we nav a tribute to the rario. Bit

WASHINGTON- The behind-the
scenes situation in Congress on
compulsory military training is one
of the most extraordinary in years.
It is safe to say that there are de-
cisive majorities in both House and
Senate in favor of such legislation.
President Roosevelt has endorsed it,
the Gallup and Fortune polls have
reported overwhelming majorities in
favor of it throughout the country,
and Army and Navy heads have re-
peatedly declared it urgently neces-
sary to build up the nation's defenses.
Ordinarily such a combination of
forces would ensure immediate ap-
proval. But these are not ordinary
A momentous presidential cam-
paign is in the offing and the small
Senate isolationist clique, supported
by an ubiquitous lobby, is using this
fact literally to paralyze congression-
al action
Politicians have a mortal terror
of taking a stand on a controversial
issue during an election no matter
how strongly they believe in it per-
sonally. This is thoroughly under-
stood by the isolationists and their
lobby janissaries, who are making
full use of it to scare the politics
out of their voting convictions.
Strange Bed Fellows
The isolationists lobby consists of
one of wierdest collections of politi-
cal bed-fellows ever seen in America.
It includes Roosevelt-haters of both
Republican and Democratic persua-
sion, plus pacifists, Bundists, Cough-
linites, Communists, Leftist ele-
ments, and Fifth Columnists.
It is these forces that are secretly
behind the flood of mail about which
the isolationist leaders like Vanden-
burg and Wheeler are making such
an ado. A scrutiny of the letters
shows clearly that the great majority
of them are the result of organized
This is demonstrated not only in
the frequency and similarity of such
expressions as " this will lead to war,"
compulsory military training is a
step toward fascism," but in other
telltale ways.
Thousands of the letters bear Ger-
manic names. Others are from un-
mistakable pacifist, Coughlinite and
Communist sources. Others are from
those CIO elements that take their
cues from John L. Lewis.
Also highly significant is the fact
that the only heavy recipients of this
mail are the big-shot isolationist sen-
ators. The average congressman is
getting relatively few letters. But
Vandenburg, Wheeler and others of
their clique are getting them by the
Obviously this is not a coincidence.
It is clearly a secretly directed ac-
tivity, for the express purpose of
giving them the basis for a claim of
public hostility that they can use
to bugaboo Congress into action.
'Draft Logi-
One of the most vigorous foes of
the compulsory military training bill
is bushy-haired, eloquent Dr. Harry
Emerson Fosdick, pastor of the
Rockefeller-endowed River Church
in New York.
Testifying before the House Mili-
tary Affairs Committee, the clergy-
man contended that no one should be
compelled to bear arms in peacetime.

"then suppose someone invaded your
home with a gun. Do you think that
would be sufficient provocation for
the use of firearms in self-defense?"
Absolutely not," replied Fosdick
stoutly. "The Bible well says that
they who take the sword shall perish
with the sword."
"Yes, I know," said Edmiston. "I'm
a great believer in the Bible myself
and I think that is true. But I also
think that he who hasn't got a sword
in times like these is apt to perish al-
U.S. DiplomaCy
These are days of shrewd, stream-
lined diplomacy when the dictators
appear to be missing no tricks.
Among other things, the Nazis have
collected Maurice Thorez, French
Communist leader, and sent him in a
sealed train to Paris where he is ex-
pected to turn up sooner or later as
leader of the Nazified government.
In China, the Japanese carefully
protected the boy Emperor Henry Pu
Yi and placed him in charge of the
puppet throne of Manchukuo, while
in South America, Nazi leaders are in
touch with various politicos who can
set up dummy governments for them
Iwhen the time is ripe.
At present the State Department
has several chances to win friends
among the scores of political exiles
seeking admission to the United
States. One of the most notable of
those who applied for admission re-
cently was ex-Premier Negrin of
Spain. Negrin has a tremendous fol-
lowing in South America, especially
Mexico and Chile. He is also a firm
friend of the United States, has two
boys who are being educated in Har-
vard and Princeton.
But when hisnamb came before
State Department diplomats, two of
the top-notchers said No. And one of
them, Assistant Secretary Brecken-
ridge Long, once had been paid a
retainder by Negrin to represent the
Spanish Loyalist Government in
Looking For Trouble
Some people just never learn.
Administration chiefs, with the ec-
hoes of the raucous Bronx cheers of
the Chicago convention still painful-
ly ringing in their ears, are bending
over backward to patch up party
wounds and re-establish, at least on
the surface, an atmosphere of amity
and unity for the tough campaign
But in the midst of these frantic
efforts, some of Secretary Wallace's
lieutenants are seriously urging that
Rex Tugwell, former No. 1 brain
truster, be named to his cabinet post.
If there is any single move that
would tear the party wide open, that
is it. Tugwell is a brilliant economist,
a sincere humanitarian and a gentle-
man. But to old-line leaders he is a
flaming red flag.
The mere mention of his name
causes them to snort in rage and
square off for battle. To attempt to
make him Secretary of Agriculture
would precipitate a factional fight
that would lick the Democrats even
if Willkie never lifted a finger.
Nevertheless some of Wallace's
bright young executives, apparently
with the fate of their own choice jobs
uppermost in their minds, are trying

Speech Students: Dr. Thomas
Clarkson Trueblood, Professor Emer-
itus of Public Speaking, will lecture
on "The Great Triumphs in Oratory"
today, August 9, at 11 o'clock in 302
Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examinations:
Mr. Joseph Henry Cast, Biological
Chemistry; Thesis: "A study of the
Origin and Significance of Thiosul-
fate in the Animal Organism," to-
day, August 9, 2 p.m., 313 West Medi-
cal Bldg. Chairman, A.A. Christman.
Mr. Robert Basil Randels, Physics;
Thesis: "The Single Scattering of
Fast Electrons in Air, Argon, Kryp-
ton and Xenon," today, August 9,
2 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham
Building. Chairman, H. R. Crane.
By the action of the Executive
Board the chairman may invite mem-
bers of the faculties and advanced
doctoral candidates to attend the
examination and he may grant per-
mission to attend to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be
C. S. Yoakum
Speech Students: Mr. Vincent
Jukes, assistant in the Department of
Speech, will produce "Common Clay,"
by George M. Cohen, today at*4 p.m.
in room 4203 Angell Hall. The public
is invited to attend.
Hopwood manuscripts for the sum-
mer contest must be in the Hop-
wood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by
4:30 p.m. this afternoon, August 9.
Contestants should read carefully
the rules for the contest. No manu-
script will be accepted that does not
conform to the regulations.
R .W. Cowden
Vibration Problems Symposium.
Mr. R. P. Kroon of the Westinghouse
Electric and Mfg. Company will give
the fifth and last lecture in this
series. He will lecture on "Modern
Methods in Balancing." The meeting
will be held today, August 9,
at 7 p.m. in Room 311 West Engineer-
ing Building. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, "The
Function of Language," will be pre-
sented by Professor Leonard Bloom-
field, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building,
today, August 9.
Internal Combustion Engine In-
stitute Lecture to be given by Mr. F.
M. Young today, August 9, at 7:30
p.m. has been cancelled.
Piano Recital. Audrey Gage, pian-
ist, of Lyndonville, Vermont, will give
a recital in the partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree, this evening, Au-
gust 9, at 8:15 p.m., in the School
of Music Auditorium. Mrs. Gage is
a student of Professor Joseph Brink-
"Patience," by Gilbert and Sulli-
van is being presented as the Grand
Finale of the Twelfth Summer Ses-
sion in conjunction with the School
of Music and the University Sym-
phony Orchestra. Performances will
be given at 8:30 p.m. today, Satur-
day, Monday and Tuesday, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Single
admissions are $1.00, $.75, $.50.
Internal Combustion Engine Insti-
tute Lectures: "Engine Heat Trans-
fer" by Mr. R. N. Janway, Chrysler
Corporation and "Valve Gears" by
Mr. V. M. Young, Wilcox-Rich Cor-
poration, to be given at 9 a.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing, Saturday, August 10.
Graduate Record Program will be
held on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 3
to 5 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. The program will
consist of the Academic Festival Ov-
erture by Brahms; Moussorgskyarr.
Slokowski-Boris Gudounow, Sym-

phonic Synthesis; and Piano Con-
certo No. 1 in B Flat Minor by Tsch-
aikowsky. Mr. J. W. Peters will be in
charge. All are invited to attend.
Shakespeare Recordings, chiefly by
Evans and Gielgud, will be played
at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 S.
State Street, Sunday morning, Au-
gust 11, from 10 to 12. All interested
are cordially invited.
Graduate Outing Club will not
meet again during the summer ses-
sion. Regular Sunday meetings will
resume on the first Sunday of the

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