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August 05, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-08-05

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Dunfee Takes
Sports Crown
In Badminton
Tsu Defeats W.E. Batzler
In Table Tennis Match;
Golfers Are Scheduled
In Intramural competition during
the past week-end Gordon Dunfee
defeated N. K. Upton to win the 1940
Summer Session badminton title and
at the same time W. E. Batzler bow-
ed to C. N. Tsu in the finals of the
table tennis contests.
J. Henderson and C. Dunham will
battle it out in the First Flight golf
competition tomorrow for the right
to meet J. Wilson in the finals. A
match may be scheduled between the
winner and W. Yates who came out
on top of the Championship Flight
last week.
In handball, Dahlgren and Pfaff
will meet in a semi-final round
Thursday and the winner will meet
Naeseth in the finals while Naeseth
and Hass will play Pfaff and Reyn-
olds in the handball doubles tomor-
The big tennis tourney is also near-
ing completion with both J. E.
Thompson, 1938 Summer winner, and
A. Loomis both being in the semi-
finals. Thompson will meet the win-
ner of a match between M. Panzer-
ello and W. P. Kelley late this week
and Loomis will play the victor of the
'W. Judd - R. Nunn contest. Exact
dates for most of the matches have
not as yet been decided upon.
.. Arbor!


Disaster Hits Retreating BE.F. Vessel

This picture, just released by the British censor and cabled to New
York, shows the sinking of the 16,243-ton liner Lancastria about six
weeks ago at St. Nazaire, France, carrying 5,300 members of the retreat-
ing B.E.F. and refugees. British sources said 2,823 persons perished as
the ship was sunk by torpedo and bombs. At left is a lifeboat loadedj
with survivors. The numerous black dots on the water are passengers
fighting for their lives. The Lancastria has turned over on her starboard
side. Men in right foreground are aboard the ship from which this pic-
ture was made.

the exception of small children are
invited without admission charge.
Charles A. Sink
The Michigan Dames will hold a
bridge party at the Michigan League
Wednesday at 2 p.m. for the wives of
summer school students. There will
be a ten cent charge to cover prizes
and expenses.
Chemistry Lecture. The sixth in
the series of chemistry lectures will
be given by Professor W. E. Bach-
mann on Wednesday, August 7, at
4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Subject:
"The Steroids."
Cercle Francais. The annual ban-
quet of the Cercle Francais will be
held in the Terrace Room, second
floor of the Union, Wednesday, Au-
gust 7 at 7 p.m. The price of the din-
ner is included in the dues paid by
the members.
Members of the Summer Teaching
Staff or students desiring to attend
are requested to notify Mr. Jobin or
Miss McMullan of the Foyer, Tele-
phone 2-2547. The price per plate is
Pi Lambda Theta: There will be an
important business meeting Wednes-
day, August 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the
University Elementary School Lib-
Organ Recital. Lester Champion,
organist, of Houghton, Michigan, will
give a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree, Wednesday eve-
ning, August, 7, at 8:15 p.m., in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Champion is a stu-
dent of Mr. Arthur Poister during
the summer session, his previous
study having been with Professor
Palmer Christian.
Deutscher Verein Picnic Thursday.
Transportation, swimming privileges,
food, and refreshments included in
price 45c. Free to members of the
Deutscher Verein. Meet in the Deut-
sches Haus at 5:30 p.m. All students
of German, students and faculty
members interested in German are
cordially invited to attend. Make res-
ervations at 204 U.H.
Internal Combustion Engine In-
stitute Lecture to be given by Mr. F.

M. Young on August 9 at 7:30 p.m.
has been cancelled.
Speech Students: Students enrol-
led in Speech courses and all others
interested are invited to attend the
Speech Conference to be held by the
Department of Speech as follows:
Monday, August 5. 9 a.m. to 12-
Registration. (Office of Department
of Speech, 3211 Angell Hall.)
2 to 3:30 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems in the Teaching of Speech."
(4203 Angell Hall.)
3:30 to 5 p.m.-Conference on
"Problems in the Directing of For-
ensics." (4003 Angell Hall.)
8 p.m.-Demonstration Debate on
the National High School Question.
(Lecture Hall, Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.)
Tuesday, August 6, 9 to 10 a.m.-
Demonstration Class in "Studies in
Reading and Dramatics." (Auditor-
ium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class
in "The Study of Speech Disorders."
(Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg
11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class
in "Structure and Function of Voice
and Speech." (Auditorium of the W.
K. Kellogg Institute.)
2 to 3 p.m.-Demonstration in Ra-
dio-including a broadcast over Sta-
tion WCAR. (Morris Hall Studio.)
3 to 4 p.m.-Conference on "Or-
ganizing and Producing Radio Pro-
grams." (Morris Hall Studio.)
3 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems in Speech Correction." (Speech
Clinic in the Institute for Human
8 p.m.-Program of Individual and
Choral Readings. (Auditorium of the
W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
Wednesday, August 7, 9 to 10 a.m.
-Demonstration Class in "Funda-
mentals of Speech." (Auditorium of
the W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class
in "Prinsiples and Methods of Dis-
cussion." (Auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Institute.)
11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class
in "The Teaching of Speech." (Audi-
torium of the W. K. Kellogg Insti-

12:15 p.m.--Speech Luncheon, six-
ty-five cents. (Ballroom of the Michi-
gan League.)
3 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems of Dramatic Production." (Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
8:30 p.m.-Performance of "Pa-
tience" (Gilbert and Sullivan) by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. (Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.)
Graduate Students who expect to
complete degree requirements at the
close of the summer session should
have in file a blue diploma applica-
tion in the office of the Graduate
School, Rackham Building. Applica-
tions will be accepted not later than
August 10, 1940.
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment Office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages.
The University has money to loan
on mortgages and is eligible to make
F.H.A. loans.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August 1940, to be recom-
mended by the School of Education,
are requested to call at the office of
the School of Education, 1439 U.E.S.
on August 6, or 7 to take the Teacher
Oath which is a requirement for the
All freshmen and sophomores in
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts who are attending the Sum-
mer Session and who have not had
their elections for the fall semester
approved, are urged to consult with
me before the close of the Summer
ession. Appointments can be made
calling at the Office of the Academic
Counselors, Room 108, Mason Hall,
or by calling Extension 613.
Arthur VanDuren
Chairman, Academic Counselors.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examination. Last dates

Here Is



karl Detzer, noted playwright who
won fame on his stories of Michigan
State police, will make his home in
Ann Arbor on Oct. 1. Detzer, author
of the movie "Car 99," will have
his children attend the University
High School. Among his novels are
included "The Marked Man" and
"Pirate of the Pine Lands." Detzer
was captain of the United States
secret police in Europe in 1919, and
is an honorary member of the Michi-
gan State Police.
Baritone Walter Jaberaecker will
present a recital at 8:15 tonight in
the music school auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the Master of
Music degree requirements.
Michigan National Guard's Com-
pany K will hold its last drill here
tonight before leaving for the annual
encampment in Wisconsin. Local
business men are granting leave to
their employees in the Guard. A full
company of 81 men are expected to
S wimer
(Continued from Page 1)
event because Carulla and Pelegrina,
the only ones competing in these final
races, agreed that there would be no
use in holding it as the outcome
would not change their relative
Carulla, who comes from Bogota,
Columbia, was national champion of
all free-style swimming races in his
country in 1936. While a student at
the University of Barcelona, he was
winner of the 400-meter Spanish na-
tionals from 1933 to 1936.
Pacifist Groip Will Meet
Practical political alternatives to
conscription and increased mili-
tarization that the pacifist can sup-
port will be discussed at the regular
meeting of the Fellowship of Recon-
ciliation, campus pacifist organiza-
tion, tonight at Lane Hall, at 7 o'-

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P. M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A. M.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its reg-
ular weekly luncheon at the Michi-
gan Union today at 12:10. Al-
vin Zander, editor of the Omega
News Letter, will speak on the subject
"Is Omega Chapter Doing Its Part?"
This will be the last of the summer
session luncheons.
Mathematics Club will meet to-
day, August 6, at 4 p.m., in Room
3011 A. H. Program: Professor Carver
will speak on "Two Aspects of Corre-
lation," and Dr. Rainville, on "Theo-
rems on Linear Differential Oper-
"The Democratic Foundation of

" 9aod*,


As broadcasting takes its stand in
the Speech Conference today, a spec-
ial demonstration in radio will be
presented at 2 p.m. in Morris Hall.
A half-hour later all on-lookers and
WCAR tuners-in will hear enacted
"A Slight Error", one-act play writ-
ten for radio by Genevieve James.
This Norman Oxhandler directs, and
Maury Mazer announces, while Vir-
ginia Batka and William Blackler
handle sound effects. Those in the
cast include Don Bloedon, George
Batka, R. C. Miner, Ed Phillips, Joe
Gouge, Ramon Gerson and Clarence
A forum discussion on "How M'
Day Will Effect the U.S." then follows
at 2:45 p.m., over WCAR. Students
in the radio class of Prof. Michael
Kinsella will participate under the
guidance of Wesley Rowland. They
are Alfred Jones, Orville Johnson
Sarah Staebler, Maxine Winter, and
Richard Burdick.
Then the speech meet on "Organ-
izing and Producing Radio Pro-
grams", in Morris Hall studio at
3 p.m. will specially feature an "In-
formation Please" program, presid-
ed over by Prof. Waldo Abbot. Ex-
perts Donald Hargis, Michael Kin-
sella and Charles Moore will essay
to answer all questions on radio and
speech instruction submitted by
those attending the conferenge.

American Public Schools," is the lec-
ture to be given by Claude Eggert-
sen, Instructor in the History of Edu-
cation. It will be given at 4:05 p.m.,
today, August 6.
Fellowship Reconciliation meeting
tonight at 7 p.m. in Lane Hall. The
discussion will be on practical, po-
litical alternatives to conscription
and increased militarization. Peace
team meeting at 8:30.
The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold its regular weekly meeting
today, August 6, in room 2001 of
the University High School. The pro-
gram will consist of a demonstration
of the latest office machines by a
representative of the Burroughs
Company, followed by cards and dan-
cing in the recreation room of the
High School. All Commercial Teach-
ers are cordially invited to attend.
Refreshments will be served.
Recreational Swimming, Women
Students. The Union pool will be
open for recreational swimming for
women students from 7:30 to 9:30
on Tuesday and Thursday evenings
for the remainder of the Summer
Faculty Concert: Hardin Van
Deursen, Baritone; John Kollen, Pi-
anist; Joseph Brinkman, Pianist;
Hanns Pick, Violoncellist; with Ern-
est Krenek and Ava Comin Case, ac-
companists, will join forces in a fac-
ulty concert to be given in Hill Audi-
torium, this evening, August 6,
at 8:30 p.m.. The general public with
Deba ters
(Continued from Page 1)
Voice and Speech" at 11 a.m. by Dr.
Harold Westlake.
Following a demonstration broad-
cast over station WCAR at 2 p.m. at
Morris Hall, Prof. Waldo Abbot will
conduct the conference on "Prob-
lems in Speech Correction" and Prof.
Harlan H. Bloomer will lead the dis-
cussion of "Problems in Speech Cor-
rection" at 3 p.m. in the Speech Clin-
Students of Professor Eich and
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister will present
a program of individual and choral
readings at 8 p.m. in the W. K. Kel-
log Institute Auditorium.




LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
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Undershirts ................ .04
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Also special prices on Coeds'
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VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
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DRIVING to Seattle, Wash., about
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