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August 05, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-05

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' Weather
Generally Fi, Slightly Cooler.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

For Conscription:
A Fair Reward..

Noted Figures
Are Featured
- On Oratorical
Speech Series
Opening Lecture Presents
Authoress Ruth Draper
In Character Sketches
Talk To Be Given
By Leland Stowe
Ruth Draper, noted monologist
and author of many dramatic sketch-
es, will open the 1940-41 Oratorical
Series on Oct. 29 in Hill Auditorium
.with a program of "Character
Other headliners next year will in-
clude Dorothy Thompson, Leland
Stowe, Warden Lewis, Admiral Harry
F. Yarnell, William Beebe, Wendell
Chapman and Julen Bryan.
Leland Stowe, the famous journ-
alist who uncovered the news of
Norway's "Benedict Arnolds", will
speak on "Hitler over Europe" on
Nov. 5. His Norway scoop created
a, sensation unequalled in newspaper
circles during the past year.
"The American Prison System" will
be the topic of a talk by Warden
Lewis Lawes on Nov. 11. Warden of
Sing Sing prison in New York, Lawes
has made his institution one of the
most unique and famous of its kind.
He has written five best-selling books,
countless magazine articles, several
Motion pictures and seven years of
radio scripts on the problems of pri-
Dorothy Thompson Listed
Dorothy Thompson, wife of the
noted novelist Sinclair Lewis, will
speak here on Nov. 19. As one of the
most outstanding columnists and
speakers of the day she is well qual-
ified to speak on the topic she has
chosen, "Current Problems."
The fifth speaker in the series is
Julien Bryan, world-famous cinema-
tographer and adventurer, who will
present a series of films accompan-
ied by an explantory lecture on
"Brazil And the Argentines" on Dec.
Another appearance of Wendell
Chapmau will be made here on Jan.
1. At that time he will give a native
lecture illustrated by animal motion
pictures centered for the most part
in the Rockies..It is there, Chapman
believes, that we can find the beauty
that adds to the attractiveness of
animal studies. The last time he
spoke here was in 1937.
William Beebe To Speak
Dr. William Beebe is one of those
scientists who has traveled to the
remote corners of the globe to study
the habits of birds, insects, and fish.
A few years ago, feeling that the last
great unexplored portion of the
earth's surface was the ocean areas,
he transferred his sphere of actvity
to the ocean depths. On Feb. 26, he
will present a lecture on these un-
derwater explorations entitled "500
Fathoms Down."
The last lecture in the series will
be given by Admiral Yarnell, late
in command of the Pacific fleet, who
will speak on "The Far East" on Mar.
11. Admiral Yarnell is recognized as
the nation's most outsanding author-
ity on the difficult and dangerous
Far East situation. As commander of
the fleet he was given a free hand
by the State Department to make
and carry out America's diplomatic
policy in the Far East and was
awarded the Distinguished Service
Medal for his work.

New America
Compulsory Training Biln
To Be Discussed Today
The pending compulsory military
training bill and the work of the
Havana Cohference will be analyzed
in an informal discussion at 8 p.m.
tonight at the Union when the Ann
Arbor unit of New America holds
its first open meeting of the summer.
Robert Rosa, Grad., who will take
up his duties as teaching-fellow in
economics at Harvard this fall, will
speak on "The Havana Conference
and German Penetration," discussing
the proposed hemispheric cartel and
reasnns why the Burke-Wadsworth

Navy Chief Speaks Here

Debate Teams Highlight
Conference On Speech
Increase In Powers Of Federal Government To Give
Permanent Social Legislation Is Forum Topic

Operetta Score
Will Be .Played
By Symphony
The University Symphony Or-
chestra, under the direction of Char-
les McNeill, will provide the music
for the Michigan Repertory Players'
production of Gilbert and Sullivan's
operetta "Patience" at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Grace Wilson, pianist, who, like
McNeill, is a graduate student in the
School of Music, is in charge of the
chorus. A list of the members of
both the chorus and the orchestra
will appear in tomorrow's Daily.
The production will be under the
general direction of Prof. Valentine
B. Windt of the speech department
who, with Prof. Claribel Baird, will
direct the various actors. Prof. Mary
Pray is in charge of the dancing
in the operetta.
Among the featured attractions of
the play will be the "make-believe"
bass viol solo of Nancy Bowman who
plays the part of The Lady Jane.
Miss Bowman pulls her bow over
the false strings of a seven foot
high instrument especially construc-
ted by Alexander Wykoff, art direc-
tor, while William Lichtenwanger
actually plays the music from the
The operetta itself deals with 20
love-sick maidens who try to attract
the attention of Reginald Bunthonre
(played by George Cox) while Bun-
thorne is trying to make love to
Patience (played by Wilberta Horn).
In the end Patienceamarries Archi-
bald Grosvenor (played by John
Schwardwalder), the 20 maidens
content themselves with the 20 drag-
oons and Bunthorne is left with only
a lily.
Detroit Drops
Lea. Position
Tigers Divide Double Bill;
Sox Bow To Cleveland
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 5.-(P,)-The De-
troit Tigers lost possession of first
place in the American League stand-
ings for the first time since July 17
as they divided a rain-beset double-
header with the St. Louis Browns
today. Cleveland beat the Chicako
White Sox and by virtue of the vic-
tory and the Detroit split took over
the top rung by two percentage
Detroit won the open 9 to 2 as Lyn-
wood Rowe fashioned his tenth
pitching triumph of the season. In
the nightcap, called at the end of
5%! innings because of constant rain,
the Brownies emerged victorious 4
to 0. Big Johnny Whitehead, who
at, his way out of the American
League a year ago, did not permit
Detroit to get a single hit. He re-
turned to the Browns recently from
their Toledo American Association
farm club.
Loss of first place was not the
only thing that happened to the Ben-
gals today. In the ninth inning of
the opener Charley Gehringer, vet-
eran Tier oend saker. neda

That the powers of the federal
government should be increased to
provide for permanent social and
economic legislation and to eliminate
the "twilight" zone and trade barriers
was argued and opposed by the two
debate teams chosen for the eleventh
annual demonstration non-decision
debate of the Summer Session
Speech Conference which opened
here yesterday.
P~oposing that public interest
could be best served in the future
by centralization power to regulate
wages and hours, production and
other economic problems, the affirm-
ative was composed of Charles
Hampton, Robert Turner and Valen-
tine Williams. Edson Attleson, Flor-
ence Efty and Alfred K. Jones sup-
porting the contention that the tra-
ditional division of power and the
maintainance of state's rights and
their expansion through interstate
cooperation comprised the negative.
Mr. Arthur Secord of the speech
department and director of the
Michigan High School Forensic As-
sociation, acted as chairman of the
debate on the question, "Resolved:
that he powers of the national gov-
ernment should be increased", which
will be debated in secondary schools
throughout the nation during the
coming season.
The demonstration debate was
one of the highlights of the three-
day speech conference which open-
ed for all educators in the Midwest
engaged in radio, dramatics, speech
science, oral interpretation, debate
and public speaking and students
and faculty of the summer Session.
Emphasizing the problems of the
teaching of speech and the problems
Music Recitals
Planned Today

of directing forensics, Professors G.
E. Densmore and Kenneth G. Hance
conducted the first in the series of
fifteen sessions.
Today's program features three
demonstration c.lasses in the W. K.
Kellogg Institute Auditorium begin-
ning at 9 a.m. with "Studies in Read-
ing and Dramatics" led by Prof.
Louis Eich, at 10 a.m., "The Study of
Speech Disorders" by Dr. Froeschels,
and "The Structure and Function of
(See DEBATERS, Page 3)
British Release
One Japanese;
Eioht Retained
Raiding Warplanes Attack
Gibraltar, Hits Scored,
Munitions Dump Blasted
(By The Associated Press)
Great Britain met growing Japan-
ese hints of possible rupture of diplo-
matic relations today (Tueday) by
releasing one of the nine Japanese
nationals arrested in swift moves
throughout the British Empire.
Beyond saying that its evidence
was not sufficient to hold Satoru
Makihara, London representative of
the tremendous Mitsubishi interests,
the British Government saves its
statement on the tense situation for
today's meeting of Commons. Maki-
hara was freed from Braxton prison.
Eight Held By British
But the British kept behind bars
eight other Japanese, while the
Japanese kept in custody seven out
of 15 British citizens arrested in what
the Japanese said was a drive against
British' espionage.
Fighting planes and bombers stole
the war spotlight.
Raiding warplanes blasted a muni-
tions dump at British-owned Gibral-
tar; Italy began a systematic aerial
campaign to destroy important Brit-
ish bases around Mussolini's African
possessions; the British reported de-
structive raids against Italian and
German objectives in Africa and Eu-
rope; and the Germans told of raids
on British anti-aircraft positions, oil
tanks and shipyards.
No Blitzkrieg Yet
But still the expected German
blitzkrieg on England did not come.
With the month's highest tides run-
ning on Britain's shores, defense
were more alert than ever for a Ger-
man attack by sea.
The British said their monthly ac-
cumulation of planes now exceeds
that of the Nazis. They said that
British aircraft production is on a
par with Germany and that Ca-
nadian and United States production
put it over the Nazi figure.
Russia added Latvia to the Red
Union and waited for today to ac-
cept Estonia's bid for admission into
the U.S.S.R. Lithuania already has
been taken in and Estonia's entrance
will mark the clean sweep by Russia
of the three Baltic states.
Bulgaria and Rumania will reach
an agreement by Saturday under
which Southern Dobruja will be re-
turned to Bulgaria, sources close to
the Bulgarian government said. This
settlement was ordered by Adolf Hit-
ler--and Rumania still has to nego-
tiate on Hitler's orders.

House Passes
Bill To Build
Straits Bridge
Upper, Lower Peninsulas
To Be Linked By Span
In Congressional Plan
Measure Is Returned
For Senate Approval
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - (P) -
The House approved today a Senate
bill granting consent to Michigan to
build and operate a bridge or series
of bridges linking the Upper and
Lower Peninsulas across the Straits
of Mackinac.
Rep. Rudolph G. Tenerowicz, De-
troit Democrat, offered the bill,
which was supported by all members
of the Michigan delegation in the
House except Reps. D. Dondero, Pon-
tiac, and Fred Crawford, Saginaw,
both Republicans.
On a standing vote, the count was
98 to 4. The bill now goes back to
the Senate for concurrence in House
amendments, after which it will need
only President Roosevelt's signature.
Joined With Democrats
Rep. Fred Bradley, Republican
from Rogers City, joined with the
Democrats in the final drive to pass
the measure. He was assisted on the
floor by Democratic Reps. John Les-
inski and Louis C. Rabaut of Detroit.
According to State Highway De-
partment plans approved by the War
Department, the Straits bridge struc-
ture would cost an estimated $30,-
000,000. It will be approximately 5
miles long and will provide a clear-
ance of 150 feet under the center
In addition to the War Depart-
ment, the bridge plan has also re-
ceived the blessing of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture which reported
that it "undoubtedly would greatly
facilitate traffic" between Michigan's
two Peninsulas.
Will Connect Peninsulas
The structure would be built be-
tween St. Ignace and the Michigan
Lower Peninsual near Mackinaw City.
Financial backing for the project
would be advanced by the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation. Plans
call for a self-liquidating payoff
from toll collections.
First bill for the bridge was intro-
duced eight years ago by Sen. Pren-
tiss M. Brown. Brown also pushed
a companion bill through the Senate
early in this session.
Effort sto break down Republican
opposition to the program were made
from time to time by State Highway
Commissioner Murray D. Van Wag-
oner and G. Donald Kennedy, gen-
eral manager of the State Highway
U.S., Russia Near
Trade Agreement
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(P)-The
United States and Soviet Russia,
averting a threatened break in trade
relations, were said to be near agree-
ment tonight on a basis for commer-
cial dealings for another year.
The existing agreement under
which Soviet Russia promised to buy
at least $40,000,000 worth of Amer-
ican goods during the year and ac-
tually purchased far more than this,
expires tomorrow.

Conscription Bill
Passes In Senate
Committee Vote
Committee Chairman Senator Sheppard
Sees Hitler Invasion Of America
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.--(P)-Legislation for compulsory military train-
ing of the nation's youth finally received the approval today of the Senate
Military Committee, whose chairman, Senator Sheppard of Texas, asserted
on the Senate floor that he firmly believed Adolf Hitler, intends to attack
this country.
Ready, after many delays and postponements, for consideration in the
Senate proper, the measure awaited only the passage of a bill authorizing
President Roosevelt to call out the national guard and Army Reserve Officers
for intensive training.
So deep is the feeling on the peace-time draft issue that although the
Senate debated the National Guard Bill throughout the day, the conscription
"question entered repeatedly into the
discussion. A battle of unusual pro-
Forner Editor portions obviously awaited it.
The Conscription Bill and the
National Guard Measure were several
Bec hetimes declared to be companion
pieces, but opposition to the latter
" was apparently negligible. Senator
Wheeler (Dem-Mont), a leader of the
anti-conscription bloc, said for one
that he saw no objection to the guard
It seems as if there isn't a country bill.It was requested by President
in Europe big enough to hold both Roosevelt and the War Department,
Chancelor Adolf Hitler and Beach on the ground that developments in
Conger, former editorial director of the war abroad had shown that the
The Daily and now correspondent Guard needs special training.
for the New York Herald-Tribune. Sheppard's statement that Hitler
Conger was ordered out of Ger- plans eventually to attack the United

many last Nov. 19 and now with
Nazi power in the Balkans uncon-
tested, he has been given until
Thursday to leave Hungary.
A Hungarian press notice last Fri-
day said his stories have been "either'
against Germany or Italy, or in op-
position with known political prin-
ciples and policies of the axis".
His first clash with Herr Hitler's
regime arose after he sent a dis-
patch telling of discontentment
among Hamburg sailors. The Reich
refused him use of all phone, radio
and wire facilities and banned him
from press conferences. Conger fled
to Amsterdam and was later trans-
ferred to Hungary by his paper.
Conger received his degree here in
1932 and tooks hos master's degree
the following year. His father, S.
Beach Conger was a Berlin corres-
pondent in the last war and his
mother is executive secretary of the
Michigan Alumnae Council.
Carulla Takes
.Swim Contest

Van Deursen,
Pick Will

Kollen, Case,
Krenek And
Be Featured

Hardin Van Deursen, baritone,
John Kollen, pianist, Joseph Brink-
man, pianist, Hanns Pick, violoncel-
list with Ernest Krenek and Ava Co-
min Case, accompanists, will join
forces in, a Faculty Concert to be
given at 8:30 p.m. today in MIill Audi-
Mr. Pick and Mr. Brinkman will
open with Sonate Op. 69 by Beetho-
ven; Allegro, ma non tauto; Scherzo;
Adagio-Allegro Vivace.
Mr. Krenek will accompany Mr.
Van Deursen in the former's com-
position Three Songs for baritone,
Op. 56. The texts are by Goethe:
1) Die Zerstorung Magdeburgs, 2)
Der neue Amadis, 3) Fragment.
Sonata Op. 5 will feature Mr. Kol-
len for the third section of the pro-
Mr. Van Deursen. will return with
Miss Case as accompanist to present
three numbers by Vaughan Williams:
Bright is the Ring of Words (words
by R. L. Stevenson), Silent Noon
(words by D. G. Rossetti) and Hugh
the Drover's Song of the Road (words
by Harold Child.)

Pelegrina Places
Ted Denise Is


Brig. Gen. O. L. Spaulding Analyzes
Preparedness Problems Of U. S.

Jorge Carulla took first place in
both of the last two events of the
Intramural swimming races yester-
day to become the winner of the
1940 Summer Session Tournament.
He won the 100-yard free-style and
the plunge for distance, while Ivan
Pelegrina took both second places.
Carulla also had been first in the
25-yard and 50-yard free-style, and-
the 75-yard medley. He had a total
of 720 points, 100 being given for a
first place, 80 for a second, and 60
for a third.
Pelegrina's seconds gave him a to-
tal score of 680 points, placing him
second in the tournament. He had
a -first in the 25-yard breast stroke
to his credit.
Ted Denise, who was prevented
from competing in these last events
because of sinus trouble, was winner
of the third place in the series with
a score of 620. Denise had come in
first in the 25-yard and the 50-yard
back strokes, and the 50-yard breast
Carulla, Pelegrina and Denise held
all second and third places, in addi-
tion to all firsts.
Diving was omitted as a tenth
(See SWIMMERS, Page 3)
Julius Streicher Termed
Dead By British Report
LONDON, Aug. 5.-(P)-A Reuters,
British News Agency, dispatch said
tonight Julius Streicher, Governor of
Franconia and Germany's No. 1 Jew-
baiter, was dead according to reports
from a wel-informed source in Ger-

Draft Plan In Brief
12,000,000 young men, 21 to 30
years old, inclusive, would register.
400,000 would be mustered it i
service by October, 1940; others
later at President's ,iscretion.
Period of service-one year, at
$21 a month and allowances.
Exemptions-men in essential
pursuits, clergymen, men with de-
pendents, the unfit, federal and
state officials, judges, members of
Congress, conscientious object f-s.
(The last-named would be liable,
to non-combatant service.)
States was made in the course of a
brisk exchange with Wheeler.
After the latter had disputed Shep-
pard's contention that a national
emergency exists at the present time,
and argued that there was no need
for compulsory military service, the
Texan asserted that if Wheeler could
not realize the existence of an emer-
gency, no amount of talking could
convince him of it.
"Does the Senator think HitlW
will attack the United States?"
Wheeler asked with a note of scorn
in his voice.
"He will try to attack the Ujnited
States," Sheppard answered. That is
my firm belief and if it wasn't I
wouldn't be here trying to get the
Senate to approve this legislation."
Wheeler went on to assert that
most of "emergency" had been cre-
ated by "propagandists," who wanted
to frighten the people and the Sen-
ate "into giving dictatorial powers
to some one."
"I can see an emergency and the
only emergency I can see is that the
election is coming on," Wheeler
The Conscription Bill went through
the Military Committee on a vote of
12 to 3. The opposition votes were
cast by Senators Johnson (Dem-
Colo), Thomas (Rep-Idaho) and
Lundeen (Fl-Minn).
F.D.R. Decries Acts
By Vigilante Groups
WASHINGTON, -August 5.--(P)-
President Roosevelt asked today for
close Federal and state cooperation
in meeting the threat of "fifth col-
umnists," but urged that it be car-
'ried out solely through normal law
enforcement channels.
In a message to a conference on
law enforcement problems of-nation-
al defense, Mr. Roosevelt mentioned
"the cruel stupidities of the vigi-
lante," and observed: "The amateur
detective soon becomes a fussy and
malicious busybody."
On the point of Federal-state co-
operation, he said "there are many
policies where joint control can be
effectively worked."
"I have in mind, as an example,"
he said, "the enactment by Congress
and the state legislatures of laws
dealing with subversive activities,
with seditious acts, with those things

Time, money and men qualified to
train troops are the United States'
three greatest needs as the country
faces the present crisis of impending
war, Brig. Gen. Oliver L. Spaulding
of the U.S. Army, speaking on "The
Military Situation of the United
States," asserted yesterday in the
final lecture of the American Policy
Our armament program involves
a great deal of money, he said, but
apparently, with appropriations al-
ready made and with emergency
funds -under the personal control
of the President. there is to be no

not even on order, to say nothing of
being on hand.
"Not depreciating our own ability
to manufacture money into fighting
power, let us not forget that time
is of the essence of the contract; and
let us not feel that appropriating
money is putting troops in the field,"
General Spaulding insisted. "We
calculate the possibilities with the
utmost care, trace the process from
the appropriation to the order, from
the order to the delivery, from the
delivery to the individual elementary
training, then to training in the lar-
ger units and finally to training of
both troops and staffs combined, in
the handling of great forces at the

So deficient are we in this essen-
tial element, he told, that even when
the country at large begins to rea-
lie the need of training and to call
for the establishment of additional
units of the R.O.T.C. in the colleges,
the War Department is forced to
point out that even the quota of in-
structors with the existing units will
have to be cut down to provide of-
ficers for newly raised troops.
Sometimes we are inclined to mini-
mize this matter of training, Gen-
eral Spaulding said. He pointed,
however, to the German invasions,
saying that the thing to be wonder-
ed at there is not so much the,

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