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July 31, 1940 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-31

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Will Be Held At Friday Night Dance In League


Pascoe, Collins
Hewett Chosen
To BeJudges
Winners Will Be Picked
From Both Jitterbugs
And Smooth Dancers
Two dance contests will be carried
on during the regular Friday night
dance held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at
the League Ballroom, Jeanne Crump,
'42, in charge of the affair, an-
Judges for the contests are to be
Bill Collins, Betty Hewett and Elva
Pascoe. The two contests will be
held to benefit both jitterbugs, for
later trends, and the smooth dancers
that are always present, Miss Crump
explained. Prizes will be awarded
for winners in both dance groups.
Collins, who will act as one of the
Judges, is a partner in the Roy Hoyer
dancing studio. Miss Hewett is also
connected with the studio as secre-
tary and is the head of the Univer-
sity women students who teach ball-
room dancing at the Hoyer studio
during the winter. Miss Pascoe was
an Arthur Murray teacher' at the
Wolverine classes last fall. She has
also been teaching at the League
dancing classes with Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick for two years, including the
beginners and intermediate classes
being conducted at the League this
Following the judging, Dick Power
will introduce the winners to those
attending the dance. Most of the
evening will be taken up with regular
dancing, but there will also be an
exhibition number previous to the
contests. Officials will be at the
ballroom as usual, and will be glad
to find partners for those who come
This will be the last Friday dance
at the League to include entertain-
ment, for next weekend will feature
no particular program for Friday's
dance. Earl Steven's and his or-
chestra are to play for the contests
and exhibition, as well as for the rest
of the dance. Anyone attending the
dance may enter the contest.
Elva Pascoe To Wed
Gus Miller, Aug. 24
Elva Vade Pascoe, daughter of Mr.
Edward George Pascoe of Ann Arbor,
who is to marry Gustavus Miller, II,
'40, of Chattanooga, Tenn., has dis-
closed the plans for her wedding to
take place August 24.
The ceremony will take place at
the Michigan League Chapel and th
Rev. Frederick Leech will officiate.
Emma Hirsch Mellencamp will act
as matron of honor to Miss Pascoe,
and the best man will be James Mil-
ler, the bridegroom's brother.
Miss Pascoe's dress will be flounced
startched white chiffon with a stand-
up collar and a fitted waist. Plans
for the honeymoon will include the
Cotton Ball in Chattanooga, which
is the event at which Tennessee
debutantes bow to society. The rest
of the plans have been kept secret
as a surprise for the bride.
Miss Pascoe, who graduated from
the University, is now working on
her master's degree in speech. She
was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha
sorority, and Miller is affiliated with
Delta Tau Delta fraternity.

Mexico Influences Hats

Two Lectures, Field Trips Feature
Week At University Forestry Campi

Wide-brimmed hats are ideal for
making summer days cooler and
this one adds an extra touch with
its narrow veil. The waistline of
this afternoon frock is fastened by
a novel clip and with the shirred
blouse and elbow-length sleeves
helps to carry out the draped ef-
Golf Winners,
Tennis Results
Final results in the golf tourna-
ment and semi-final standings in the
tennis tournament were posted late
yesterday in the Women's Athletic
In the first flight of the golf tour-
nament Gertrude Andresen turned
in a low score of 47 to top Clara Ja-
cobs' 54 in a contest played over the
first nine holes of the University golf
course. The two players halved three
holes; the first, the fifth and the
sixth. Miss Andresen had won the
match by the end of the seventh hole,
but both contestants preferred to
play out the string.
Florence McCracken, second flight
finalist, won her match with Julia
Goddeyne on the eighth hole, 2-1,
when that hole was halved. The
golfers halved four holes; the second,
the third, the fourth and the eighth,
and Miss McCracken won the first,
fifth and seventh.
There has been a tentative round
scheduled for sometime in the near
future, between Miss Andresen and
Miss McCracken. Miss McCracken,
winner of the second flight match
play, would be allowed a handicap
over Miss Andresen.
Contestants in the tournament
were divided into flights according
to the qualifying score each turned
in. In the first flight were those who
had a score of 50 to 60, and the sec-
ond flight was formed for those hit-
ting over 60.
Semi-final standings in the tennis
tournament show that Viola Mitchell
won by default over Avis Borden.
She will play the winner of the Bar-
bara Strongmiller and Jane Bonnell
match to decide the final winner.
The fourth and final round in this
tournament must be played off be-
fore Thursday, Dr. Bell announced
today. If it is impossible for a con-
testant to arrange to play within the
times listed, her opponent will win
by default. The two players who are
scheduled to meet in the finals are
urged by Dr. Bell to complete their
games as soon as possible so that in
the event of scattered rains or blis-
tering temperatures, they will not
fail to turn in their scores before the

(Special To The Daily)
Several lectures and trips featured
the half-way mark at Camp Filibert
Roth, the University Forestry School
Summer Camp.
The first lecture was given by V.
C. Flowers, Camp doctor, on first
aid. The principles of first aid were
discussed with a few examples clar-
fying those principles. Dr. Flowers
stressed accidents which may occur
in woods work as taken up in Camp
Filibert Roth as well as those due
to automobile accidents. A discussion
by the students and Dr. Flowers fol-
lowed the lecture.
The second lecture was the third
in a series by United States Forest
Service Officers. Basil Wales, Assis-
tant Regional Officer of Region 9
and E.E. Matson, Junior Forester
spoke on the management branch
of forestry. They discussed the var-
ious processes a tree goes through
from the seed, to the mill, and finally
to its final product.
'Show Me Trip'
The big trip of the week was the
all day "Show Me Trip" through a
portion of the Ottawa National For-
est with R. B. McKennan, Forest
Supervisor, Max Melick and Stanley
Olson, District Rangers, as guides.
The first stop was at a modern
Michigan State Conservation De-
partment Trout Hatchery. Trout are
raised at this hatchery from eggs in
two to four months and then taken
to the trout rearing ponds where
they get growth for planting in trout
streams. Roy Johnston, Superintend-
ent of the hatchery explained the
hatchery operations.
The third stop was made at the
CCCZone Shop which handles thel
heavy equipment repair of about 40
CCC Camps. Mr. Payette, Shop Su-
perintendent, took the group through
the shop. A tree nursery with a ca-
pacity of ten to fifteen million trees
was the next point of interest. How-
ard Schneider, Nursery Superintend-
ent, gave a short talk on nursery
operations and then conducted a
tour of the nursery and buildings.
Various machines and tools used in
the operation of the nursery were
Mill Scale Study
The last three stops were made
at the Watersmeet Ranger station,
Bonifas CCC Camp and at a mill
scale study by the Division of Private
Forestry in the Regional Office. A
tired but wiser group came back to
camp at the end of the day. Many
feet of film were used throughout
Ann Arbor

the trip by most of the camp photog-
A minor trip was taken to the Cry-
stal Falls fire tower during the week
where the duties of a towerman were
explained in detail.
The Dinnygall"iwas finally award-
ed to Dormitory 2 for their superior
performance at the last Sunday night
"Campfire." Their program was for
'the main part a musical one with a
skit. The other Dormitories have
vowed that the "Dinnygall" will not
remain in the possession of Dormi-
tory 2 very long.
'We Wuz Robbed'
Dormitory 2 came into the spot-
light again by defeating the Michi-
gan Union in the first camp game
by a score of 15-5. In spite of the
"we wuz robbed" remarks of the
Michigan Union, the superiority of
the winning softball team was evi-
The camp as a whole, however, did
fare so well with the James Lake CCC
Camp. The CCC boys won a well
played game by a score of 13-2.
Much interest is being shown in
the game to be played next week.
In preparation for this work, a tele-
phone line has been constructed be-
tween the camps two fire towers and
Dispatcher's station. A complete fire
fighting organization will be set-up
and it will be up to the students to
find out and put out the controlled
fires set by Prof. Leigh Young, who
is in charge of this work, in as short
a time as possible.
Bates Discusses
Judicial Review,
Supreme Court
(Continued from Page 1)
ticularly severe at the present time
because we are in the midst of an
acute transitional period.
The lecturer indicated that a great
many statutes dealing with our com-
mercial and industrial life and with
general and special phases of social
welfare have been enacted during
the last four decades. The clashes
of interests and groups affected by
this legislation, he observed, have
brought a great number of novel
and difficult constitutional problems
to the Supreme Court for decision.
The determination of these issues
in a majority of instances, Dean
Bates noted, rests upon the applica-
tion to the statute and the facts in
each case of such broad constitu-
tional provisions as those dealing
with interstate and foreign com-
merce, with the distribution of the
powers of government, especially in
that twilight zone known as admin-
istrative law, due process, the equal
protection of the law, freedom of
press and speech and other civil
liberty provisions.
The difficulty and the danger in
applying these general and unde-
fined constitutional provisions to
specific sets of concrete facts lies
largely in the fact that in the true
sense, most of them are not rules
of law but rather broad standards
of governmental action and the dec-
laration of policy, Dean Bates as-
serted. The judge( he said, must
form the best opinion he can with
such aid as he is given by counsel
and his own understanding of the
great principles sought to be main-
Sanatoria Budgets Cut
LANSING, July 30.--(P)--Budget
Director Gus T. Hartman said today
he is informing county tuberculosis
sanatorium operators that the State,
effective immediately, is reducing its
allowance for the maintenance of
State patients.

Area Of Rumanian Cession Shown
SANY0E100 200
- -
...:. ..U M .....A
- -
. ..-.400- i
This Associated Press Map shows the approximate area of the
narrow border strip (diagonal lines) of Transylvania (heavily dotted
area) which official quarters in Bucharest have indicated Rumania is
willing to cede to Hungary in their old border dispute.
750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC-NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Wednesday Afternoon
12:00 The Goldbergs The Old Dean NewsaAce Tiny Hill Orch.
12:15 Life Beautiful Julia Blake Typical Family~
12:30 Rgt. to Happin's Bradcast Christian Educ. News Ace
12:45 Road Of Life Man on the Street Fan On The Street Winger & Alex
1:00 Dr. Malone Light of the World Indiana Indigo Symphonic Band
1:15 Joyce Jordan Grimm's Daughter Echoes of History Organist
1:30 Fletcher Wiley valiant Lady Favorite Waltzes Melody Time
1:45 My Son And I Betty Crocker 11 Cheer Up Gang
2:00 Society Girl Mary Marlin Orphans of Divorce Marriage License
2:15 News Ma Perkins Honeymoon Hill Musicale
2:30 Linda's Ist Love Pepper Young John's Other Wife Turf Reporter
2:45 Editor's D'ghter Vic and Sade Just Plain Bill Hallett Orchestra
3:00 W'man 'o C'rage New York at Det. Backstage Wife News
3:15 Mrs. Page " Stella Dallas Melody; Turf
3:30 Melody Matinee " Lorenzo Jones Jamboree
3:45 Alice Blair " Widder Brown "t
4:00 Kathleen Norris Girl Alone.
4:15 Beyond Valleys "alcolm ClairesT
4:30 Meet Miss Julia" Irene Wicker Miss Treat
4:45 "Scatter" Baines " Tropical Moods Tea Dance
5:00 News-Musical Spotlight Show World News; Melody
5:15 Hollywood Recording To Be Announced Turf Club
5:30 News-Review Dance Music Day In Review Ball Scores
5:45 World Today Lowell Thomas Bud Shaver. Organist
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Sport Review Easy Aces Rollin' Home
6:15 Inside of Sports C. C. Bradner Mr. Keen-Tracer R I
6:30 Dr. Meek Bill Elliott The Lone Ranger Dukedale Grocery
6:45 " Sports Parade " Tropic Com'ntary
7:00 Question Bee Hollywood Party State Police Story Nelys
7:15 " .," Carson Robinson
7:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Party What To Do? Musical Varieties
7:45 News" County Speaker
8:00 Star Theatre Abbott & Costello Green Hornet Question Box
8:15 "'1
8:30 Stadium Concert District Attorney The Factfinder Serenade
8:45 " '
9:00 Glenn Miller Kay Kyser College Harry Hellmann Shall Not Pass
9:15 Musical " SilhouettesH
9:30 News of the War " To Be Announced News; Interlude
9:45 Melody Marvels " Police Field Day Lapp's Orch.
10:00 Amos 'n Andy Sports Exam News Ace Canadian News
10:15 Lanny Ross " Emerson Gill Orch. Winnipeg Symph.
10:30 Adv. in Music Fred Waring Baron Elliott Orch
10:45 " Dance Music "
11:00 News News Music You Want Club Reporter
11:15 Nelson Orch. Dance Music" Teagarden's Orch.
11:30 News & Music Eastwood Orch. " Arnheim's Orch.
11:45 Hutton Orch. " Al Donahue Orch.1
12:00 Henderson Orch. Westwood Orch. Dance Music Ray Pearl Orch.
F.O.R. Opposes Conscription Bill

Palmer Field
Will Be Picnic
Scene Today
Students May Attend Event
With Families; Dr. Bell
Will Throw First Ball
Physical education students have
been invited, with their families, to
attend a picnic given in their honor
at 6 p.m. today in the Women's Ath-
letic Building and on Palmer Field.
This picnic, which is sponsored by
the physical education department,
is the concluding event in the an-
nual departmental summer lunch-
eon series, consisting this year of
two luncheons and two picnics. The
unique feature of this date which
sets it off from those preceding it in
the series is that all students have
been invited to bring their wives,
husbands and children.
Buffet Supper
Buffet supper will be served on
the terrace at 6 p.m. and there will
be the usual opportunity for those
attending to participate afterwards
in badminton, putting, croquet, ten-
nis and the baseball game, which has
become a regular feature of these
picnics. Dr. Margaret Bell, head of
the physical education department,
will pitch the first ball of the ball-
Randolph W. Webster, instructor
of physical education and supervisor
of intramural sports, will call. for the
square dancing, which will be held
after the supper and games have
been finished.
Tickets Available
Tickets for the affair may be pur-
chased for a minimum charge of 25
cents from either physical educa-
tion office-Office 15 at Barbour
Gymnasium or Room 4200-C at Uni-
versity High School-or committee
members. Student members of the
committee are Harve A. Oliphant,
Grad., Roberta E. Jones, Grad., and
Donald E. Farnum. Those who plan
to attend should secure their tickets
by this noon, Dr. Bell said.
At the group's first picnic, which
was held two weeks ago, the attend-
ance was reported to be 70. Accord-
ing to Miss Dorothy Beise, who with
Webster is co-chairman of the series,
badminton was one of the most popu-
lar activities last time
O'Neil To Lecture
At Foyer Francais
James O'Neil of the French depart-
ment will address the Cercle Fran-
caise at 8 p.m. tonight at the Foyer
Francaise. Mr. O'Neil will discuss his
trip abroad before the outbreak of
the present war in a lecture entit-
led "Memories of a War Traveler."
Jan LaRue, will present several se-
lections on the piano.
Prof. J. Jobin, of the French de-
partment announced today that all
members of the Cercle Francais
wishing to attend the banquet to be
held August 7 at the nion should
contact him.
aganda. Seventh, a large conscript
army is of little military value.
Eighth, there is no truth to the
argument that conscription is needed
to supply the lack of voluntary enlist-
ments. Ninth, it is the first step to-
ward military dictatorship. And ten-
th, all wars are wrong, and conscrip-
tion is the most effective method of
waging war.
with a "Scalp Treatment" - "Crew
Haircut" or "Personality Hair Style."

Liberty off State
Formerly Esquire Barbers

Here Is






To Give Recital Today
William Schottstaedt, pianist, of
Fresno, California, will give a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-j
ments for the Bachelor of Music de-
gree, at 8:15 p.m. today in the School
of Music Auditorium on Maynard
Mr. Schottstaedt is a student of
Mr. John Kollen of the faculty of
the University School of Music, pro-

Four volunteers have registered to
date with the local Red Cross, offer-
ing blood for study purposes in con-
nection with the national "blood
bank" that is planned for war-tirte
needs. The Red Cross has called for
100 volunteers to donate blood to the
University's Simpson Memorial Re-
search Institute, so research experts
can find practical methods of storing,
bottling and shipping plasma. Donors
may register in Ypsilanti, Saline,
Chelsea, Manchester, Milan and Dex-
ter as well as Ann Arbor. It had been
expected that the 100 donors could be
found readily in the student body
The University Hospital received
its second poliomyelitis patient for
the summer yesterday. "Polio" is
more commonly known as the dread
infantile paralysis. Robert Frye, '20,
is the patient, brought by ambu-
lance from Burr Oaks, and also suf-
fering from bronchial pneumonia.
Two more University grads of foot-
ball fame won themselves jobs yes-
terday on their athletic ability. Ro-
land Savilla will coach a high school
squad at Charleston, W. Va., and
Walter Kitti becomes assitsant coach
at Owosso.

Messages addressed to congress-
men opposing the passage of the
Burke-Wadsworth conscription bill,
now pending in Congress, were writ-
ten by 27 members of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation, campus pacifist
organization, at their meeting last
night in Lane Hall.
In addition, a petition opposing the
measure was drawn up and signed
by all members present, following
a discussion of what methods could
be used by the group in fighting
the proposed legislation.
This action was preceeded by a dis-
cussion of the terms of the conscrip-
tion bill. The group resolved to op-
pose the bill on ten points. The F.
O. R. claims are:

First, conscription is preparation
for war and war is the wrong means
for obtaining peace. Second, con-
scription means the denial of demo-
cratic rights. Third, it is an unsound
attempt to solve the problem of un-
employment by forced labor at non-
productive work.
Fourth, personality is despoiled by
the prevalence of gambling and sex-
ual immorality in military encamp-
ments. Fifth, conscription provides
the opportunity for unreasonable re-
straint of labor. Sixth, the bill is
primarily intended for military prop-

FOLLETT'S Reference and Text




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