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July 31, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-31

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i1 , }i 1 1 1 V S L 1i mI i


Edited and. managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications,
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Rekresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor ..... . .........Carl Petersen
City Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su-
zanne Potter.
Business Staff
Business Manager ..............Jane E. Mowers
Asistant Manager........... Irving Guttman
The Necessity
For Conscription .. .
week begins debate on a bill which
has provoked nationwide discussion, the bill for
general selective military conscription.
Fully realizing that this measure means a
wide departure from previous American peace-
time methods, we are nevertheless firmly con-
vinced of the necessity for its adoption. On
grounds of national emergency, of efficiency in
building our defenses, on grounds of democracy,
enactment of conscription is vital.
The forces of aggression and tyranny are
running wild, engulfing nation after nation.
Their ultimate aim is nothing less than world
conquest. 'If America is to be saved from the
deadly threat when it moves on this hemisphere,
we must be ready. We must show Hitler that
when it comes to home defense, we mean busi-
The people agree that great fleets of planes,
new battleships and masses of mechanical
equipment shall be build for the national de-
fense. To operate all this machinery of war-
fare, we need well-trained and fully skilled
men. Our vast reservoir of manpower must be
utilized in systematic fashion. Registration will
tell the authorities the extent and capacities
of this reservoir.
THERE ARE OBJECTORS to conscription, to
be sure. Senator Vandenberg thinks "our
ordinary reliance on volunteers" will produce
the necessary manpower, and proposes a test
of one-year enlistments. In an emergency, there
is no time to experiment. The Government does
not depend for its revenue on voluntary tax
payments; it informs each citizen what he owes.
Each must pay in accordance with his ability
to pay, and this principle is fair for military
service as well.
Much is said of democracy in opposing con-
$cription, but just how democratic is voluntary
service under present circumstances? The nien
now attending officers' camps at Plattsburg,
Leavenworth and elsewhere are those able to
pay their own way and devote their time to the
training. They are among the economically for-
ttunate; those in the lower brackets thus are
debarred from officers' training.
A high-pressure enlistment campaign would
bring in volunteers, but they would be those
most susceptible to propaganda. Many among
the unemployed would be pushed to enlist, thus
filling the ranks on an undemocratic basis of
economic status. The American 'Youth Com-
mission, a group of enlightened educators and
business men which has taken a progressive
attitude on the problems of youth, favors the
draft chiefly as a means to "avoid concentrating
military service among the unemployed boys of
18 to 22 who are most willing to volunteer." .As

Walter Lippman says in his article today, only
,a conscription system can decide who is best
fitted to fight and who best fitted to work.
SENATOR WHEELER says that Democrats
who vote for conscription before the election
will be driving a nail in their political coffins.
The Senator is talking through his hat. Con-
scription is not political poison; it is approved
by the majority of voters. The Gallup poll has
tested public opinion on a far more drastic con-
scription plan than is now proposed. The vote
was 64 per cent in its favor a month ago, and
67 per cent in yesterday's returns.
Will conscription create a war spirit in this
country? Senator Norris thinks it will, and cites
the example of Germany. Senator Norris is a
respected and venerable figure, but he errs here
by confusing cause and effect. It was not con-
scription that bred Nazi militarism, but vice

The Straight Dope
By Himself
WE REALIZE that it is bad form to criticize It further seems that the way she overcame
one's editorial colleagues. That is an un- these difficulties was by hard and consistent
written law in the newspaper business. To burst work. Strange again. There doesn't seem to be
into print with a statement that so-and-so any other way. But one thing she would allow
sells bad peanuts is generally only an invitation no one to touch was the essentially Midwestern
for so-and-so to say that his critic also sells quality of her speech. We hope all dictionih)s,
bad peanuts. But the other day, whoever writes elocutionists and would-be cultured Eastern and
that "On the Aisle" column really got off the Southern graduate students note that well.
reservation. Her chief advantages as a student here were
Whoever it was liked the movie "Our Town" her appearance, her willingness to work (not
very much. So did we. But there was one state- just at acting but as property mistress and other
ment to the effect that "Martha Scott, of whom things) her superb concentration and her ability
we never heard before, was excellent." We think to speak with such sincerity that even lines of
Miss Scott was excellent also. It was to that the most doubtful value took on a new signifi-
"of whom we never heard before" that we ob- cance, and added meaning, when she spoke
jected. Such a line should never have been them. That this was an earnest of her future
printed in the Michigan Daily. performances cannot be doubted.
You see, Martha Scott is an alumna of FINALLY, we should like to speak of Martha
this University of not very long ago. She Scott as she affected us when we first saw
is the result of the experience afforded by the stage version of "Our Town." We considered
Play Production and the Michigan Reper- ourself a pretty tough specimen even then. We
tory Players. She is a product of the pains- thought we had seen it all, as far as the drama
taking training of Valentine Windt and his went and we pretty nearly had. We didn't like
able assistants. She is, at the moment, the Thornton Wilder and we doubted if he could
most prominent and most successful of the write a play. But we won ten bucks in a bridge
growing number of drama graduates of this game and we decided to go to a first night.
school who have made good.
The audience came in astonished at the
Martha Scott is about to become very famous bare stage and was pleased when Frank
indeed. Her reviews in the stage version of "Our Craven took over. But when Miss Scott ap-
Town" were raves. Her reviews in a later Broad- peared things began to happen. We were
way production were hardly less emphatic. The amused by the first act, touched at the
reports we have had on the movie version range pathos of that lovely love and the marriage
from such people as Pare Lorentz to The Daily's business in the second. But when Miss Scott,
columnists and all state without fear or favor as Emily Webb, went back into the past for
that Miss Scott is tremendous. Her next movie, a long forgotten birthday in the third act,
"Tree of Liberty" with Cary Grant, can, we hope, we sat vith our head in our hands and wept.
hardly be less successful. In short, Miss Scott The whole point of the play to us is still
is due to be the hope of the new Hollywood which that inability of anyone human to realize
is going to produce real pictures for real people. the preciousness of daily living. The joy and
We think Michigan people should know about it. beauty and wonder of it. Miss Scott showed
We interviewed one of Miss Scott's oldest it to us very simply, very quietly. We have
friends at Michigan the other day and we found worshipped her from afar ever since.
out some interesting things about her. It seems
that when she came here she was not just com- We have seen the first and second acts done
pletely a finished product as an actress. Strange, almost as well since. But her ethereal combina-
isn't it? It seems that she had troubles making tion of tenderness, sensitiveness and sincerity
her voice loud enough, that she had difficulties in the third act is one of the experiences in the
in getting variety 'in her characterizations, that theatre we do not expect to repeat. Miracles
there were other minor troubles to be overcome. so seldom repeat themselves.
Washington Merry-Go-Round

Grin And Bear It . . .

By Lichty

"Well, I guess it all boils down to this!-I'm a Democrat mainly
because my husband is a Republican!"

WASHINGTON-After seven years of stalling
over one of the most important raw ma-
terials to American industry, the State Depart-
ment actually is doing something about the U.S.
tin supply.
In cooperation with the National Defense Com-
mission, State Department officials are doing
three things.
1. Talking with Jesse Jones about an RFC
loan to establish a tin smelter in the United
States. The U.S. firms in on this are Phelps
Dodge, National Lead, American Metals, and
the American Smelting and Refining Company.
2. Facilitating the visit of the world's biggest
tin king, Simon Patino, to the United States;
also holding conversations with Mauricio Hoch-
schild, big German-Jewish producer of Bolivian
3. The National Defense Commission has or-
dered 75,000 tons of metallic tin from the Malay
Peninsula and the Dutch East Indies.
This is almost enough to last the United States
for half a year-if it ever gets here. But the
catch is that the tin is still down in the mines
of Malaya and must not only be mined and
smelted, but also shipped half way around the
world. Meanwhile the Japanese may move into
this area of the South Pacific, or the Germans
may crush the British combine which controls
Malay tin, or the British may decide that they
need the tin for their own military purposes.
Only Three Weeks' Supply
ALL OF WHICH reveals one of the most inex-
cusable chapters of national defense neglect
in recent history.
Almost nobody knew that on January 1 of this
year, U.S. stocks of tin were so low that we had
only three weeks supply. And few people know
what the exhaustion of our supply would mean
to American life and industry. Not only wouji
it put an end to our packing of food in tin cans,
which is a major industry, but it would eventu-
ally mean a blackout for every American home
not lighted by gas or kerosene lamps. For the
contact point of every electric light bulb is
made of tin.
Furthermore, the U.S. Fleet would be laid up
in a few months for lack of tin for bearing re-
placements. The same would apply to automo-
biles, and to many other products intimately
woven into American life.
Bolivian Overtures
DESPITE THIS, the State Department literally
ignored representations by the Bolivian Gov-
ernment to work out a trade agreement whereby
the United States would secure tin not from
the South Pacific, but from inside the Western
Hemisphere, thus avoiding dangerous shipping
hauls, and the danger of foreign controls.
First Bolivian overture to the State Depart-
ment was made by charge d'affaires Enrique
Lozada in June, 1933, at the suggestion of The
Washington Merry-Go-Round. At that time,
Acting Secretary of State William Phillips, now
Ambassador to Rome, turned a deaf .ear. He said
the TTnite'd States was not interested.

more favorable to British interests if it had
been written in the British Foreign Office."
Opponents Of Plan
BY THAT TIME it had become apparent that
the chief opponents of, having Bolivian tin
smelted in the United States were (T3 the British
tin monopoly; (2) the Patino tin interests,
which were shipping ore all the way from Bo-
livia to Liverpool, thence back to the United
States, in order to enjoy British monopoly price-
fixing; and (3) the National Lead Company and
perhaps also other heavy U.S. users of tin, which
seemed to be linked up with the British-Patino
For instance, the late Edward J. Cornish,
chairman of National Lead, also was chairman
of Patino Mines and Enterprises, while the pres-
ent chairman of the Patino company, Fletcher
W. Rockwell, is also president of National Lead.
Thus big American business appeared to be
cooperating with the British-Patino monopoly,
despite national defense interests, while the
State Department appeared to condone that
But now, suddenly awakening to the grave
danger of the situation, the State Department
is trying desperately to make up for past neg-
ligence. Several days ago it sought to arrante
space on a clipper plane for Patino to come {p
the United States. But since his family almost
fills on clipper, he is en route by boat.
Nazis In Bolivia
MEANWHILE Jesse Jones, in cooperation with
the State Department, is discussing an RFC
loan to set up a tin smelter in the United States,
with a possible subsidy of one or two cents a
pound on smelted tin. The first company to
show an interest was Phelps Dodge, but more
recently American Metals, American Smelting
and Refining, and National Lead have shown
Meanwhile Hochschild, who has been mining,
tin in Bolivia for ten years, informed the Na-
tional Defense Commission that he was ready
to do immediate business. But the Defense
Commission, like the State Department, bowed
to the tin king and said they would wait for
Patino's arrival.
Most ominous development has been the re-
cent and sudden activity of Nazi interests in
Bolivia to try to block these deals. The Bolivian
army, long trained by German officers and lean-
ing heavily toward the Nazis, is doing every-
thing possible to sabotage the negotiations not(
being conducted by Bolivian Minister Guachalla
in Washington.
Note-Dr. W. Y. Elliott, Harvard expert, com-
ments on the present tin situation: "Today the
prospect of Japanese domination of Asia and
of German domination of Europe and the whole
of its colonies presents this country with an
entirely changed strategic situation, desperate
in its implications. The securing and processing
of these vital strategic materials is no longed
an arguable point. It may be a matter of sur-
<'i- 1 if --If _f I,- A ,,+: _ v.. .7n7

Hour Coming.
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
A sudden concentration of German
air attack on Dover stirred world-
wide conjecture that Britain's hour
of ultimate trial had come, when
Dover as a prospective bridgehead
for invasion of the tight little isle.
Yet circumstances of the Nazi bom-
bardment of that port, as officially
reported in Berlin, sharply conflict
with that impression.
Certainly, if the Germans plan to
land masses of troops at Dover port,
blocking its entrance by sinking en-
emy ships in the fairway would cre-
ate more difficulties for the invaders
than for the defenders. That is a
step that the British plan of defense
might well include in order to deny
the enemy use of the sheltered wa-
ters of Dover or any other narrow-
mouthed harbor on the English
Landing of siege guns, tanks and
other equipment which the Germans
would need to prosecute an invasion
with any hope of success would be
a difficult matter at best. Setting
even lightly equipped troops ashore
on open beaches is not an easy mat-
ter. Landing heavy tanks, guns and
trucks without docks to help would
be a tremendous undertaking.
British veterans of the World War,
as well as of the fruitless attempt to
stem the Nazi invasion of Norway,
know much about such difficulties.
It was inadequacy of dockage facili-
ties in selected Norwegian fiords,
coupled with Nazi air bombing, that
frustrated the Franco-British at-
tempt to relieve Trondheim, and un-
seated the Chamberlain ministry in
A landing on England's open
beachesnwould be even more diffi-
cult. The Dover-Calais passage is
apt to be an uneasy journey for pas-
sengers given to seasickness at any
season of the year. There is ample
testimony in literature as to that.
All this enhances the importance
of the weather factor on the present
military situation. Any signs of a
prolonged spell of calm on the Chan-
nel probably would arouse graver
fears in Britain than the intensified

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P. M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A. M.
Graduate Speech Students: A sym-
posium in the general field of Speech
Science will be held today, July
31, at 4 p.m. in the Speech Clinic,
1007 East Huron Street.
"Some Critical Issues in the Field of
High School Student Activities," is
the lecture to be given by Edgar G.
Johnston, Associate Professor of
Secondary Education, at 4:05 p.m.
today in the University High School
Chemistry Lecture. The fifth in the
series of chemistry lectures will be
given by Professor R. H. Gillette
today, July 31, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Amphitheater of the Rack-
ham Building. Subject: Recent Views
on the Nature of the Covalent Bond.
Physical Education Students: The
Men's and Women's Departments of
Physical Education are sponsoring a
picnic supper for undergraduate and
graduate students in physical educa-
tion, their wives and families
today, July 31. This supper will
be held at the Women's Athletic
Building at 6 p.m.
Tickets priced at twenty-five cents
may be secured before Tuesday noon.
July 30 from Office 15, Barbour Gym-
nasium; Office 4200-C UniversiVy
High School; or from Miss Barbara
Jones, Mr. Harve Oliphant, or Mr.
Don Farnum.
Vibration Problems Symposium..
The third lecture in this series will
be given by Professor S. Timoshenko,
who will speak on "Vibration of
Bridges". The meeting wil be held
today, July 31, at 7:00 p.m. in
Room 311 West Engineering Build-
ing. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Pi Lambda Theta Annual Honors
Day and formal reception will be
held at 7:30 today, July 31, in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. All Pi Lambda
Thetans are urged to attend.
The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold its regular weekly meeting
today, July 31, in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing at 7:30 p.m. All commercial tea-
chers are cordially invited to attend.
Refreshments will be served.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, "Eng-
lish Syntax" to be given by Professor
Eugene A. Nida, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Auditorium of the W. K. !Kellogg
Building, today.
Weekly meeting of the Cercle
Francais this evening at 8 o'clock.
Mr. James O'Neill of the French De-
partment will give a brief talk en-
titled "Souvenirs d'un autre Monde".
Mr. Jan LaRue will present a selec-
tion of compositions for the piano.
Refreshments will be served.
.The annual banquet will be held
at the Union on August 7. All mem-
bers of the Cercle who wish to attend
the banquet are requested to leave
their names with Mr. Jobin or with
Miss McMullan at the Foyer. Tele-
phone 2-2547.
Piano Recital. William Schott-

given at 8:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, today.
The tea dance originally schedul-
ed for Wednesday, July 31, ha been
Men's Education Club: There will
be a meeting on Wednesday, July
31, as scheduled. Professor James
K. Pollock will speak on the Demo-
cratic National Convention.
Doctoral Examinations: Mr. Claude
John Whitlow, Economics; Thesis:
"The Property Tax in South Dakota,"
Thursday, August 1, 2:00 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman, R. S. Ford.
Mr. Amos Henry Hawley, Jr., So-
ciology; Thesis: An Analysis of the
Relation of Service Institutions to
Urban Populations in the United
States, 1935: An Ecological Study,"
Thursday, August 1, 3:00 p.m., West
Council Room, Rackham Building.
Chairman, R. C. Angell.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to at-
tend to those who for sufficient reas-
on might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Deutscher Verein: Members of the
Deutscher Verein, residents of the
Deutsches Haus, and all those inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend
a demonstration lecture by Profes-
sor Percival Price, University caril-
loneur at 8 o'clock on the eighth floor
of the carillon tower Thursday night,
August 1.
Piano Recital. Miss Mildred An-
drews, pianist, of Norman, Oklahoma,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, Thursday
evening, August 1, at 8:15 o'clock, in
the School of Music Auditorium. The
public is invited to attend.
Master's Candidates In History: the
language examination will be given
at 4 p.m., Friday, August 2, in Room
B, Haven Hall. Candidates should
bring their own dictionaries. Please
register for the examination in the
History Department Office before
Wednesday noon.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Michigan Civil Service
Social Worker, salary range, $105
to $125, August 21, 1940.
Attendant Nurse, salary range, $90
to $110, August 10, 1940.
Prison Guard, salary range, $115
to $135, August 9, 1940.
City Of Detroit Civil Service
Last date of examination is noted
in each case: Application must be
made one week prior to date of the
Electrical Repairman, August 12,
Electrical Worker (Traffic Con-
trol), August 12, 1940.
Construction Equipment Operator
(Gasoline), August 19, 1940.
Construction Equipment Operator
(General), August 19, 1940.
Complete announcement filed at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Examination Schedule for Six-
Week Courses in Education:
Time of Regular Tim of
Class Meetings Examinations
8 a.m. Fri., 4-6 p.m.
9 a.m. Sat., 7-9 a.m.
10 a.m. Sat., 1-3 p.m.

11 a.m. Sat., 9-11 a.m.
1 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2 p.m. Fri., 2-4 p.m.
3 p.m. Sat., 3-5 p.m.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August 1940, to be recom-
mended by the School of Education,
are requested to call at the office of
the School of Education, 1439 U.E.S.
on August 1, 2, 6, or 7 to take the
Teacher Oath which is a requirement
for the certificate.
Unidentifiable mail is being held
in Room 1, University Hall, for the
following addresses:
Freeman, Irene
Herb, Dr.
Kennedy, Prof. George
King, Dr. Walter G.
McIntyre, Prof. H. J.
Montigny, de Joachim
Reese, Dr. Hans
Schmid, Prof. Calvin F.
Exhibition of American Painting
presented by the graduate study pro-
gram in American Culture and Insti-
tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
Crash Near Detroit
Kills CAA Teacher
DETROIT, July 30.-P)-The first
fatality in the summer session of the
Government's Civilian Pilot Program
occurred today when a mid-air col-
lis -.m .cinnam 'PrntCtyArurl_

air bombardment

of Dover and its

Henry Ford
Faces Future
DETROIT, July 30.--U)-Henry
Ford, who has sometimes been called
the world's leading optimist as well
as one of its outstanding mechanical
geniuses, observed his 77th birthday
anniversary today with a normal
routine interrupted only long enough
for him to reiterate his conviction
that the future will bring a prosper-
ity "greater than any we have known
in the past."
"It will come," he said, "when we
all realize that the things worthwhile
and the things worth having are
worth working for.
"The cost to society of a philosophy
of indifference and carelessness has
been strikingly demonstrated in what
has happened to certain European
nations in the last few months. It
is of the utmost importance to our
own future that we avoid falling
into that same attitude."

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