Scattered Showers;
Slightly Cooler
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
How Fast
Is Defense Moving?..
Biology Camp
'Visitors' Day'
Will Be Held.
A Present For A Dictator
University Group To Show
Educational Exhibits To
Illustrate Class Work
Public Is Invited
To Douglas Lake
The thirteenth annual Visitors
Day of the University Biological Sta-
tion at Douglas Lake, Cheboygan
County, will be held from 2 to 5 p.m.
Educational exhibits illustrating
the work of the classes ad scientific
investigations will be on display. All
persons who wish to learn more of
tre plants and animals of Northern
Michigan or want to become ac-
quainted with the type of work done
at the Biological Station will find
the displays of value, according to
Prof. Alfred H. Stockard, director of
the Station.
The Station is located on the
southeast shore of Douglas Lake,
Cheboygan County, on the Cheboy-
gan-Petoskey road, thirteen miles
southwest of Cheboygan. The roads
from Cheboygan, Topinabee, Brutus
and Pellston will be posted with signs
directing visitors to the Station, and
ample room has been provided for
parking cars.
The Biological Station was estab-
lished in 1909 and has held an eight-
week's session every summer since
that time. Its founders had two
principle objectives: to investigate
biological problems and to bring stu-
dents and teachers into direct con-
tact with living animals and plants
in their natural surroundings.
This summer 116 students are en-
rolled, 93 of whom are graduate stu-
dents. The students come from 23
states, Puerto Rico and: the District
of Columbia. Of the 116 students,
53 are from the University, and 63
are from 47 other universities. Dur-
ing the 32 sessions, a total of 1,273
individual students have been en-
Research has been emphasized
equally with teaching, and research+
studies result in the publication each
year of a score or more scientific re-
ports. To date about 490 such re-
ports have been published in scien-1
tific journals which are distributed
to libraries and biologists all over
the world.,
Draft Boards
Already Set Up
For Michigan
Plans For U-Boat Nets
Revealed In Report Of
New Defense Commission
LANSING, July 29. -(P)- Draft'
boards have been created in 55 Mich-
igan counties already, and others are
in the process of selection, in anti-
cipation that Congress will enact a
selective service law.
Col. John S. Bersey, who previ-
ously had declined to discuss draft
board plans,-disclosed today that the'
work has been in prgress quietly1
since July 20. Each board is com-
posed of three members and an ad-
visory physician, he said. Appealj
boards, medical advisory boards and
government appeal agents also are
being designated, he added.
The Colonel explained that the]
appointments are subject to approval7
by the Governor and the President of
the United States, and that it would
be premature to discuss personnel1
before the names are made public in
Roughly, he said, the system fol-1
lows that employed in the world war
draft. 'It is based on a skeleton plani
that has been in existence for several
Sub Traps To Cost
Twenty Million
WASHINGTON, July 29.-(P)-A
confidential Navy plan to station tow-
ing vessels in every major harbor for
+1%- - -0,21.of .4 .- . , arin.a v af
Premier Benito Mussolini is shown leaving a special armored train
which was given to him by Adolf Hitler. A battery of anti-aircraft guns
are mounted at the end of the car. There are two cars in the train.
Ja-m ison Sees, Platforms
Full Of FalIse Promises
Democrats Tried To Eclipse GOP Planks And Appeal
To Small Business, Professor Says
'So full of false promises and couched in such glittering generalities
are the platforms of the two major political parties that "none of us can
point the finger of scorn at any of the rest of us if we feel disposed to go to
the polls November 5 and vote for Norman Thomas if he is still living ad
is still a candidate," Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the business administration
school told the fifth American Policy audience yesterday.
Professor Jamison pointed out that the Democrats, writing their plat-
Axis Insists
Carol Settle
Germany Warns Rumania
To Meet Balkan States
Or Accept Nazi Terms
Peasant Party Balks
At Further Cessions
BUCHAREST, July 29.-(P)-Ger-
many has given Rumania until Sept.
15 to settle her territorial differences
with Husgary and Bulgaria by direct
negotiation, it was reported tonight
in authoritative quarters.
If there is no agreement then, it
was said, the Axis Powers plan to
step in and impose their own settle-
Other than expressing satisfaction
with the outcome of the Salzburg
conference with Hitler, Premier Ion
Gigurtu and Foreign Minister Mihail
Manoilescu made no public com-
ment. They reported direct to King
The Government later issued a
communique expressing appreciation
for the German-Italian "compre-
hension of real interest for Rumania
and the maintenance of peace in this
part of the continent."
The communique said that "only
general principles to establish con-
ditions which can lead to a definite
entente in the Danubian Basin"
were discussed at the talks with the
Axis heads.
However, Juliu Maniu, leader of
Rumania's powerful peasant party,
opposed any further ceding of terri-
For Final Trip
Are Due Today
Summer Students Leave
At 7:15A.M. Tomorrow
For 'Put-In-Bay' Island
Reservations for the final Suummer
Session trip from 7:15 a.m. to 9:30
p.m. tomorrow to Put-in-Bay Island
in Lake Erie, must be made in the
Summer Session office, Room 1213,
by 5 p.m. today.
The trip will be conducted by Prof.
Ruel V. Churchill, director of Sum-
mer Session excursions. Prof. Irving
D. Scott of the geology department
will acompany the excursionists as
consulting expert on the Island's
geological formations.
Expenses for the journey will not
exceed $3.50. This amount includes
round trip bus fare at $1.25, round
trip steamer fare at 85 cents, meals
on the steamer and incidentals.
Students are advised to bring their
own picnic lunches. Those wishing
to drive into Detroit and back, to
avoid cost of bus fare, are invited
to do so.
The group will spend three hours
on the Island, which is about 60
miles southeast of Detroit. In this
time excursionists will have a chance
to examine the rugged limestone shore
National Guard, Reserve
Officers Need Training,
Roosevelt Message Says
Wheeler Suggests
It Replace Draft
WASHINGTON, July 29.-(M)-
A request from President Roosevelt
for authority to order the National
Guard and Army Reserve Officers to
active training duty was received
today by a Congress engaged in a
deep-seated controversy over the
question of compulsory military
'The developments of modern war-
fare are such," Mr. Roosevelt said in
a letter read to the Senate, "that
only seasoned and highly trained
troops can hope for success. This
group of men who of necessity must
be among the first to fight in the
nation's defense have a right to the
best preparation that time and cir-
cumstance permit."
In some quarters, and principally
among the opponents of the pending
Purke-Wadsworth compulsory train-
ing bill, there was an immediate dis
position to link the two proposals.
Senator Wheeler said that if the
conscription bill were withdrawn he
would be glad to support Mr. Roose-
velt's new suggestion.
Senator Vandenberg, also a critic
of the draft bill, advanced the opin-
ion that the two were part of one
program, but declined to comment
on the National Guard suggestion
until he could see more clearly what
the whole involved.
Meanwhile, Senator Austin of Ver-
mont; assistant Republican floor-
leader, said it was his understanding
that if Mr. Roosevelt were given the
power requested, the National Guard
would be called out to train recruits
drafted under the Burke-Wadsworth
bill, if the latter were passed.
Heat Wave Returns
To Increase Deaths;
Tops 98 In Detroit
(By the Associated Press)
Strength - sapping heat plagued
half of the U.S. anew yesterday but
showers cooled broad stretches of the
Midwestern prairies.
Forecasters reported the nation
was divided by a weather line ex-
tending diagonally across the coun-
try from Upper Michigan to Ariz-
ona. Most of the states on the east
side were hot and humid. The bulk
of those on the west enjoyed tem-
perate conditions.
The total of fatalities during the
last 11 days was increased to 680.
Heat deaths numbered 338 and
drownings 342.
Thermometers registered in the
90's in Michigan and hit 98 in De-
troit and also in Ohio, Indiana, Illi-
nois, District of Columbia, Florida,
Tennessee, Maryland and other
states. Tops of 100 were attained in
some places in Okla. and Kan.
n Signing
'Train Men'
form three weeks after the Repub-
licans, tried to eclipse many. of the
latter's planks. He cited as an ex-
ample the inclusion by the Demo-
crats of a 400-word plank on electric
power where the Republicans had
said nothing about it, although their
platform had been written before
they nominated Willkie.
Most important of the planks, the
foreign policy sections of Republi-
can and Democrat platforms alike
say about the same thing, he de-
clared. The Republicans are "firmly
opposed to involving this nation in
foreign war," while the Democrats
"will not participate in foreign wars."
He cited Raymond Moley's objec-
tion that the phrase "foreign war"
is meaningless in that any war in
which the United States engages
would no longer be a "foreign" war.
Professor Jamison declared that
while there may be reason to ques-
tion what the two parties can do to
carry out their pledges to keep the
United States out of "foreign" wars,
and to send aid to "liberty-loving"
peoples, this country is definitely
committed to a policy of rearma-
ment, whatever turn politics may
"The (rearmament) program," he
declared, "will be continued as it is
laid out when this year ends with,
we hope, little interruption and lit-
tle change in its major character-
istics. Let it be said that the pro-
gram as thus far formulated is as
free from politics as any program;
can be. There is little reason to be-
lieve that it will not continue so."
Next in importance to the foreign
policy plank, Professor Jamison
placed the agriculture plank, in
which each party pledged the farmer
a Utopian existence, with the pre-
ponderance of promises on the Dem-
ocratic side.
Republicans and Democrats alike,
pledge defense of business, with the
Democrats trying to turn small busi-
nessmen against large; each speaks
out for freedom of speech as it re-
lates to radio; each condemns the
fifth-column and un-American ac-
tivities; each promises the Negro,
the Indian, the veteran increased
rights, he pointed out.
Speech To Be Given
By Extension Man
Nazi Night Raiders Blast
England's Defenses; FDR
Asks Right To Call Guard
'Escape,' Starring
Norm Oxhandler,
To Use Novel Sets
Two-dimension scenery will be one
of the features of the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players' production of John
Galsworthy's "Escape" which opens
a four-day run at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The scenery has been constructed
in this manner, according to Alex-
ander Wyckoff, art director, in order
to give an appearance of unreality.
He explained, "This play is more a
melodrama than a real portrayal of
happenings and two rather than
three dimensional scenery helps the
"Escape", directed by the noted
Irish actor, Whitford Kane, stars
Norman Oxhandler in the role of
Matt Denant, an escaped convict
whose attempts to elude pursuit form
the main plot of the drama. Mr.
Bates, Malone
Present Culture
Lectures Today
Topics Are 'Fundamental
Law, Judicial Review'
And 'Riddle Of Genius'
Dr. Dumas Malone, director of the
Harvard University Press, and Dean
Emeritus Henry M. Bates of the Law
school will give today's addresses for
the Graduate Study Program in
American Culture and Institutions.
Dr. Malone will talk at 4:15 p.m.
on "The Riddle of Genius". Dean
Bates will speak at 8:15 p.m. on "The
Fundamental Law and Judicial Re-
view". Both lectures will be given in
the Rackham School auditorium and
will be open to the public.
Dean Bates took his Ph. B. degree
here in 1890, his LL. B.degree from
Northwestern in 1892, and in 1925
received an LL. D. degree from Kala-
mazoo College. From 1892 to 1903
he practiced law in Chicago.
With the exception of the year
1917 to 1918, when he was professor
of law at Harvard University, Dean
Bates has been associated with the
University here since 1903. In 1910
he became dean of the law school,
retiring at the end of the academic
year in 1939.
A charter member of the Ameri-
can Law Institute, Dean Bates also
belongs to the American Bar Assco-
iation, the American Political Science
Association, the Chicago Law Insti-
tute, the American Judicature Soc-
iety, the Social Science Research
Council and Phi Beta Kappa.
Dictator Seen
French Free Belgian Fascist
On German Request
BERN, Switzerland, July 29.-(RP)
-Freed from prison in the French
Pyrenees, fiery Leon Degrelle, long-
time leader of an aggressive Fascist
minor party in Belgium, was reported
tonight to be on his way back to
Belgium-possibly to head a new
pro-German government.
Word reaching the Swiss frontier
indicated that Degrelle's release was
effected at Berman request; that the
man whose pro-Nazi Rexist party
bid for power before the war, then
lost in the elections, might become
premier in his German-occupied
These reports hinted that King
Leopold, whose surrender precipi-
tated the Allies' defeat in Flanders,
would remain king of the Belgians
and would be asked to approve D-
grelle as his premier.
With 2,000 of his followers, De-
Britain Claims Germany
Loses 23 Airplanes;
Dover Center Of Attack
English Doubt Jap
StoryOf Suicide
LONDON, July 30.-German pre-
dawn raiders struck again today
through the darkness at' blacked-out
towns of Southeastern England
where massed dive bombers yester-
day pounded at the key defense
works of Dover, within sight of the
Nazi-held coast of France.
In one southeastern town bombs
smashed into a working class resi-
dential district, wrecking homes.
Residents fled to air raid shelters
but the first bombs exploded before
all could take cover. There was no
estimate of the casualties.
Other raiders streaked inland from
the northeast and southwest.
For three hours German planes
circled over Wales, dropping 14
bombs in one area.
Adolf Hitler hurled his greatest
aerial thunderbolt against Dover, the
logical debarkation point for any in-
vading force, in a day-long series of
savage attacks yesterday.
British fighters swarmed into the
skies to tangle with the attackers.
Official figures placed the bag of
Nazi craft downed in this engage-
ment at 20, but unofficially the to-
tal was given as 23.
Some of the most important mili-
tary concentrations in England are
at Dover, a town of 40,000, and it
was at these the Germans apparently
were aiming their bombs.
Britain Chalenges
Japanese Charges
TOKYO, July 30.-(P)--Great Bri-
tain has demanded a full investiga-
tion into the death of Melvile James
Cox, veteran English newspaperman
who, Japanese said, committed sui-
cide after his arrest on espionage
charges, reliable sources disclosed
early today.
Britain also has called for sub-
stantiation of charges of a British
"espionage network" operating in
Japan following Tokyo's action in
rounding up several prominent Bri-
tish business men.
,Japanese officials said Cox, a Reu-
ters correspondent, dodged his guards
and hurled himself through a second
story window of the police headquar-
ters while being questioned,
China Refuses
Japanese Of fer
To Make Peace
Proposal Includes Cession
Of 5 Chinese Provinces,
Anglo-French Colonies
HONGKONG, July 29. - () -
China was reported today to have
turned down unconditionally Japan-
esepeace overtures giving Japan five
northern Chinese provinces outright,
plus indirect hegemony over the Asi-
atic possessions of France and Brit-
Foreign quarters close to the
Chungking Government of General-
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek listed the
Japanese proposals:
1. Outright cession by China to Jap-
an of five provinces, Hopen (which
includes Tientsin and Peiping), Cha-
ha, Shantung, Shansi, and Suiyuan.
2. Recognition of Wang Ching-Wet,
Japan's puppet in Nanking, as Pres--
dent of a Chinese republic made up
of the remaining provinces plus Brit-
ish Burma, French Indo-China and
Trailand (Siam), in which China
and Japan would share economic op-
(Thailand is independent but un-
able to defend herself.)
3. The status of Manchoukuo would
be left in abeyance indefinitely.
Kane, himself, portrays
a parson in the play.
the part of line with its surface evidences of
I glaciation and the four caves.
A rgentina Holds Out Oj
sAct Of H Solidarity
Delegates Leave Loophole;
Say Consent Must Come
From Argentine Congress
HAVANA, July 29-(A)-Argentina
hedged tonight on the important
American Foreign Ministers Confer-
ence agreement on treatment of for-
eign possessions in America by mak-
ing a reservation to its signature of
the 'Act of Havana."
Members of the Argentine delega-
tion said that any signature put on
the document here would have to be
approved finally by the government
in Buenos Aires.
Altho-h thev said the mat'ter wae
Has Argentine Trouble
Financial Authority Sees
Barter As Coming Policy
For United States Trade
The United States probably will have
to embrace to some degree "a policy
of barter or compensation trade"
pending the restoration of normal
economic processes after the war era,
Joseph C. Rovensky, international
financial authority, told the National
Foreign Trade Council convention
At the same time, he said, this
country might maintain "in so far as
possible the continuance of reciprocal
trade agreements where the position
of the other countries permits a free
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