Sadie Hawkins Dance
To Be Feature Of Night At League
Costumes And
To BeHillbilly
Women Will Invite Men,
Do Cutting; To Be Prize
For GarbJudged Best
Sadie Hawkins, women's invita-
tional dance, is to be held from 9
to 12 p.m. tonight at the League, and
will feature a hillbilly theme for
everything from apparel to enter-
Although it is an occasion to which
women ask their guests, both men
and women are urged to come alone
because the informality of the affair
will make it easy to mix and meet
people. Women will do the cutting,
with the exception of four dances
when men will have the privilege.
There will also be couple robber dan-
ces when couples will exchange part-
ners constantly throughout the piece.
Officials Listed
The list of officials for the evening
will be as follows: Miriam Wester-
man, Penny Massimini, Marcia Sharf-
man, Betty Willging, Ruth Wisdom,
Jean Clement, Betty Stearns, and
Marlou Shartel. These women will
dress to fit in with the Kentucky
mountain theme of the dance, as
will members of Earl Stevens' orches-
tra, who will furnish the music.
Every one attending will be asked
to wear at least a partial costume,
and those who do not have some sug-
gestion of informality in their dress
may have a few extra pennies added
on to their admission charge, ordin-
arily placed at 35c a person. The
costume committee will be the group
to enforce this penalty, but they will
also be hunting for a best woman's
and best man's costume in order to
give a prize to its wearer.
Kentucky Feud Planned
Entertainment for the evening will
be an exhibition square dance, and
following the exhibition Ivan Parker
will teach and call square dancing.
There will also be a Kentucky Feud.
when either men or women will be
given rifles which they are to hand
to the person they cut in on.
Cartoons from Li'l Abner comic
strip, where spinster Sadie Hawkins
first took the lime light, will adorn
the wall of the ballroom. It is the
first time that such a dance has
been given on the University of Michi-
gan campus, although on many cam-
puses in the United States and Can-
ada, it has become a traditional
Made From Cool Material
Picnic To End
Sen. Herman Dignan Analyzes
Events At Republican Convention
'/ J
For Summerl
Students May Bring Wife,
Husband And Children
To Event, Dr. Bell Said
At 6 p.m. Wednesday, all the phy-
sical education students have been
invited to attend a family picnic at
the Women's Athletic Building given
by the physical education depart-
ment in their honor, Dr. Margaret
Bell announced today.
This picnic is the concluding event
in the summer series of get-to-
gethers, marked by two luncheons
and two picnics. The unique feature
of this particular date, according to
Miss Dorothy Beise, who is co-chair-
man for the series with Randolph
W. Webster, is that all students, their
wives, husbands and children are in-
Games And Dancing
Buffet supper will be served on
the terrace of the Woman's Athletic
Building at 6 p.m. and will be fol-
lowed with games and dancing. There
will be the usual opportunity for
badminton, putting, croquet, and
tennis, besides the scheduled base-
ball game.
Later in the evening, after the
games have been played, Webster
will call for a series of square dances
in the ballroom of the Women's Ath-
letic Building.
Tickets Required
Tickets for the event, which is
sponsored by the physical education
department, may be obtained from
Harve A. Oliphant, Roberta E. Jones,
and Donald E. Farnum, who are
student members on the committee,
or at either physical education of-
fice: Office 15 at Barbour Gymna-
sium and Rooln 4200C in the Uni-
versity High School. Those who plan
to attend should get their tickets by
Tuesday noon, Dr. Bell said.
At a picnic held two weeks ago for
this same group, the attendance was'
reported to be 70. Miss Beise said
that a minimum charge of 25 cents
per person has been arranged for
the family occasion.
IAnn ArborI
Commenting in an interview yes-
terday on happenings and signifi-
cance of the Republican National
Convention last month, Sen. Herman
Dignan of Owosso described the Wen-
del L. Willkie whirlwind campaign
as "one of the most beautifully exe-
cuted personal publicity drives ever
used in politics."
A member of the Michigan dele-
gation to the Convention, Senator
Dignan was one of the Dewey sup-
porters who switched his vote to Taft
after the New York district attorney
had withdrawn his name from the
Willkie Gains Attention
"No one thought much of Willike
during the first few days of the Con-
vention," Senator Dignan claimed,
"but he later created so much atten-
tion that Dewey himself declared at
2 a.m. of the day of balloting that
the former president of Common-
wealth and Southern looked like the
strongest candidate for the nomina-
Many people, the Senator contin-
ued, have stated that the famous
Willkie gallery had a great deal of
effect upon the voting, but he didn't
think so. "It may have had some,"
he admitted, "but, by and large, the
delegates knew whom they wanted
and whom they would vote for."
The main thing which spelled vic-
tory for the ex-utilities magnate was
the great number of telegrams and
letters his constituents sent to their
representatives, he pointed out. The
public sentiment seemed to be so
pro-Willkie that after the first ballot
most of the delegates were ready to
support him as soon as they were
Asked whether at any time a join-
ing of the Taft and Dewey forces
might have resulted in a victory for
either of those candidates, Senator
Dignan answered in the negative.
"Neither the Ohioan nor the New
Yorker had enough control over their
delegates to make them vote for the
other," he said, "and besides, neither
of these two would consent to be
vice-president under the other."
McNary Represents Farmers
The choice of Sen. Charles McNary
of Oregon as the vice-presidential
candidate was practically unanim-
ous, he explained. "After nominating
Willike, an insurgent, New York big-
business man, the Convention need-
ed a good organization man who
could represent the farmers in the
Whether or not Willike wins, Sen-
ator Dignan concluded, it's going to
be a close fight. The 'Republican
nominee is a much better vote-getter
than any of his opponents, he con-
tended, and the third-term tradition
may prove to be too much for even
President Roosevelt to overcome.
What A Life'
Will Conclude
Four-Day Run
Play's Leading Character,
Henry Afdrich, Is Famed
In Movies,_Stage, Radio
Henry Aldrich, the leading char-
actor of Clifford Goldsmith's comedy,
"What a Life", has gained a great
deal of fame since he was portrayed
on Broadway in 1938 by Ezra Stone.
A motion picture of the boy's high
school days was made in Hollywood
last year starring Jackie Cooper as
Henry and Betty Fields as Barbara
Pearson, his sweetheart. Since then
Henry Aldrich has gone on the air
and Miss Fields has become an im-
portant personage of the screen with
a part in "Of Mice and Men."
Cast in the two leading roles in
the Michigan Repertory Players' pro-
duction which will give its concluding
performance at 8:30 p.m. today at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, are
William Kinzer and Adeline Gittlin,
two of Play Production's youngest
Kinzer, according to Prof. Claribel
Baird, guest director, portrays the
role of Henry remarkably well and
gives the audience an idea of what a
high school boy is like.
The most difficult casting assign-
ment of the play, Professor Baird
stated, was trying to find someone
who could act the part of a school-
teacher. With all the teachers we
have in town, she said, that fact only
goes to prove that we don't see our-
selves as others see us. June Madison,
she concluded, who has never taught
in her life, does a very excellent job
as a pedagogue.
Two Unknowns
Enter Golf Finals
DETROIT, July 26.-(/P)-A pair of
golfers of scarcely more than local
reputation qualified today for the
36-hole final tomorrow in the 19th
annual National Public Links cham-
pionship, the world's largest major
golf tournament.
The survivors of a field of 2,601
linksmen who started the tourna-
ment in sectional trials less than
three weeks ago are Michael (Mike)
Dietz, 23-year-old Detroiter, and
Robert Clark, 31, of St. Paul, Minn.
Dietz, playing in a pair of shoes
a half-size too small for him, beat
Roy Dolce of Denver 3 and 2.
~ Y
Cool frocks of light weight material make the most refreshing
Wear for afternoons. The broad-brimmed sombrero-like hats are the
only style which will give enough of the shade so desired these days.
By ... The Two B's ...
Senate's Military Committee
Agrees On Conscription Bill
Perhaps one of the most unusual
pictures Ann Arbor has seen in years
came to the Majestic yesterday as a
reproduction of Thornton Wilder's
famous stage play, "Our Town."
Grovers Corners, a small town set
comfortably down among the sloping
country hills of New Hampshire, was
the magnet of the picture with the
simple contented, peace-loving people
being strangely drawn to it.
Frank Craven 'as narrator tells you
about the town as though you were
a/stranger there and as he talks he
introduces the characters which from
time to time interrupt his story and
Mats. 28c - Eyes. 39c
Screen's Most UNUSUAL PICTURE-...
"Are people always afraid to get married?
I never felt so alone in my life. Why can't
1 stay for a while just as I am? I don't
want to get married ... I'm afraid"
Woody Herman and Orchestra
Cartoon -"Fighting Pal"
LTtest World News
- - , -. .. i .. . .. . J ..
portray various scenes from life in
"Our Town."
This story revolves 'around two
families, the Gibbs and the Webbs.
Emily Webb (Martha Scott) and
George Gibbs (William Holden) after
living next door through childhood
and early youth find that they are
made for each other while sipping
sodas after school. They get married
soon after this and during the birth
of their second child, Emily approa-
ches so close to death that she is
actually able to experience it before
regaining consciousness.
Martha Scott Stars
This is one of those pictures in
which the characterizations far over-
shadow the plot. Fay Bainter as Mrs.
Gibbs and Thomas Mitchell as Doc
Gibbs turn out such excellent per-
formances that theatre-goers will not
be likely to forget them for years to
come. We've never seen nor heard'
of Miss Scott before but we would
like to see a lot more of her. While
we do not feel that any one actor
particularly stood above the' others,
it might be said that Miss Scott took'
the largest portion of the limelight
because of the length and importance
of her part.
The screen story did not religiously
follow the play as written by Wilder,
as the conclusion was changed to
make it end happily
"Our Town" was a Pulitzer Prize
play in 1938 and was produced on
Broadway by Jed Harris. One of the
things that makes this play a favor-
ite is the absence of any scenery and
properties, and it requires only the
best actors and actresses to panto-
mime successfully enough to make
the audience forget the bare stage.
Stage Play Was Better
We are fortunate to have seen!
"Our Town" on the stage as well as
on the screen and it was extremely'
interesting to note that in the latter
the presence of scenery as well as
properties does not improve the play.
In fact, we prefer the stage play be-
cause it has something that other
plays do not and something that
Hollywood can not accurately por-
In spite of its not reaching the
heights of its stage predecessor, we
recommend this picture for those
who appreciate good drama and good
actors. It will leave you puzzled and
a little apprehensive and one thing
is sure, it will give you plenty to
think about.
WASHINGTON, July 26.--()-
Congress approached a history-
making battle over compulsory mili-
tary training today as the Senate
Military Affairs Committee agreed
upon final details of a measure
granting the President broad powers
to conscript an army from among
42,000,000 men.
Chairman Sheppard (Dem-Tex)
said the Senate bill, revised to meet
War and Navy Department sugges-
tions, should be ready for Senate
consideration early next week. One
of the committee's final acts was to
insert penalties of five years in pri-
son and $10,000 fine for "draft
At the other end of the Capitol,
Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of New
York City and Owen D. Young, in-
dustrialist, told the House Military
Here Is
ROGER BABSON, the New Prohi-
bition Party presidential nominee,
stopp'ed in Ann Arbor Thursday on a
six-week lightning campaign tour
across the country. He stopped long
enough to predict that this country
will have a business boom for two
years and then face another re-
cession. He also saw a stalemate
approaching in the European war.
Lack of time prohibited the New
Prohibitionist from saying more-he
meets his running mate in Winona,
Indiana today.
ADD IRONY:-G. P. Reith, who
hit with his car two children rushing
home to avoid that freak wind-rain
storm that caused so much trouble
Wednesday, today paid a $14.75 fine
for failure to report the accident.
Ironical factor is that the police had
a report of the case an hour or two
after it happened-but Mr. Reith
wasn't the one who sent it in, and
so was hailed into court. Neither of
the children was seriously injured.
, - *
member of the human race pulls
some stunt that makes you sit back
and wonder: . . . . County deputies
rushed to the Delhi swimming hole
yesterday afternoon on report that
a mysterious sack emanating a vio-
lent odor was drifting down the
stream. They found it contained the
bodies of two dogs . .
PETRATOR: bid you ever hear of
being humane to animals? We have
city pounds for the painless exter-
mination of unwanted animals!
* * *
And Ann Arbor's women match
well the courage of the ancient ath-
letes of Greece. With the heat what
it is, the local golf tourney has been
going full blast. Betty Courtright
meets Betty Bonisteel on the golfers'
field of honor for the finals Sunday
at 1 p.m.
Committee they favored compulsory
training, while Norman Thomas,
presidential candidate of the Social-
ist Party, protested the peacetime
conscription proposal as "getting
Hitlerism without Hitler."
Under the Senate Committee's bill
the organization which would con-
duct registration and selection of
conscripts would be headed by a
"director of selective service," nom-
inated by the President and con-
firmed by the Senate.
The Committee also completed "a
section designed to retain jobs for
men after they had completed the
few months training. This would
make it an "unfair labor practice"
for an employer to refuse to rehire
a conscript "unless the employer's
circumstances have so changed as to
make it impossible or unreasonable
to afford such reemployment."
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Mr. Walter Kimble, Minister of Music.
10:30 A.M. The Church at Worship. Sermon
Topic: "What Can We Expect of the
11:30 A.M. The Church at Study. All members
of the congregation are urged to participate
in this forty-minute period of Bible study.
The Kindergarten and Beginners Depart-
ments meet during the Worship Service and
have directed play during the study period.
6:15 P.M. The Roger Williams Guild will honor
Alumni this week. Dr. Howard Chapman,
former Guild Director will be the speaker.
Old friends of the Guild are particularly
urged to attend.
409 South Division Street
Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Services.
11:45 A.M. Sunday School.
ednesday, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Evening Meet-
1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister.
Lillian Dilts, Assistant.
William N. Barnard, Director of Music.
10:45 A.M. Church School. The School will meet
,4- , .. , Vt _r.wyir.'*rt~1.r s ~3-1
Mim i s
ErisUY"-W Ay
(Put these down on your shopping list)
A champion assortment of colorful
summer frocks, including seersuckers,
airy voiles, dotted swiss, and many
other materials . . . reduced to
1.95 2.95 $395
A few plav toes, summer sweaters,
j -
N U~. I