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July 23, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-23

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TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1940

. . .... ...... ...





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.'
PublIshed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Eumnmer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or. not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
righti of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Suptriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00by mail, $4.50.
Natinal Advertisi g Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represeniathve
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor....... .. . Carl Petersen
City. Editor...... .... Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors.......-..... Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su-
zanne Potter.
Business Staff
Business Manager ............ Jane E, Mowers
Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman
The Vie President:
How Selected? ..
TNIMPORTANT as the Vice Presi-
dent's functions in our political
system have usually been, it is also true that
the question of choosing the Vice President has
in our longer past become a vital constitutional
question. When the Constitutional Convention
of 1787 debated the question of the Chief Ex-
ecutive-how long his term should be, how the
vote for him should be taken, and so on-nobody
seemed greatly to preoccupy himself with the
Vice Presidency. Perhaps as the easiest way
to dispose of that question, the original Article
II of the Constitution, having provided for the
E'lectoral College and its vote for President, pro-
vided also that the person who, next after the
successful Presidential candidate, should have
"the greatest number of votes of the electors"
should be the Vice President, and it further
provided that, in case of the President's sub-
sequent death or resignation, the Vice President
should succeed to Presidential powers.
But this plan almost immediately worked bad-
ly. When, in 1796, John Adams received the
majority of electoral votes, Jefferson came next.
But Jefferson and Adams belonged to opposing
parties; therefore this meant a Vice President
and possible successor to the Presidency from
the ranks of the minority. In the election of
180G occurred a still more serious complication.
Jefferson and Burr received exactly the same
number of Ejectoral College votes, and neither
had a majority. The Constitution provided
that, in such case, the Senate should choose
between them, voting by States. But for thirty-
five ballots the Senate vote was also tied; one
may imagine what intrigue was made possible.
. In the end, Jefferson was chosen; but his Vice
President and possible successor was again a po-
litical antagonist.
Such recurring possibilities were intolerable.
By vote of Congress in 1803 and ratification in
1804, the Twelfth Amendment established the
present system, whereby the Electoral College
was required to vote separately for President
and Vice President. This very necessary Twelfth
Amendment undoubtedly opened the Vice Pres-
idency to candidates of inferior caliber. The
original provision usually insured at least the
choice for that office of one party's foremost
candidate for first place, whereas the amend-
ment made his party nomination the selection
of a candidate for a politically unimportant
office.& New York Times
More Realism
At avanaf- -

ENCE of Foreign Ministers, open-
ing today in Havana, faces opportunities and
dangers utterly without precedent on this side
of the Atlantic Ocean. Gone are the days when a
nebulous good-will was enough in Latin-Amer-
ican relations. The accent is on realism.
We in this country cannot doubt that the
Governments and people of Latin America wish
to be free of European interference. It is the
problem of the conference to find ways in which
their choices may remain free. It is the par-
ticular responsibility of the United States, as
Piesident Roosevelt and Secretary Hull have
repeatedly recognized, to cooperate with our
Latin-American neighbors for the common se-
curity without attempting, or even seeming, to
dictate to them. There is no equality of power
between the United States and any Latin-Amer-
ican country, but there must be equality in
discussion and equality in consent.
The Havana conference cannot be expected
to produce a workable set of blueprints for.
.ainhr . r p r

The Straight Dope
By Himself
E WANT to make it clear that whatever is another of the new developments in Parisian
else may be said about us we honestly life.
do believe in freedom of the press. Hence, in We should like to submit that these two news
re our little column supporting Franklin D. items constitute step one and step two of the
Roosevelt, anyone who wants to do so may same and identical process. Hitler came to
write a guest column supporting the Insull of power on a program of exposing and denounc-
the forties, Wendell L. Willkie, and we will ing Jews and Communists. Once in power it
choose the most intelligent one for publication. was little trouble indeed with those elements
We must reserve the right to reject all entries 'rendered impotent to rid Germany of Freema-
if they do not come up to our standards of sons, Social Democrats, militant Protestants
style and general literacy, but we hardly think and Catholics who believed in the fundamental
that will debar anyone but organization Re- tenets of their religion as exposited by the Polie
publicans. in various encyclicals urging racial tolerance
* *aand peace as essential Christian goals.
THAT BEING SETTLED (and get those col- That is, and has been, our fundamental
umns in on or before Thursday, please, tenet concerning civil liberty. Not particu-
because we are going visiting on Friday. We larly that it is a high and noble ideal we
will print your vile stuff, but we'll be derned should all live up to, although it is that and
if we'll read it) we want to proceed with - slight much more. But that it is the only possible
notation of two little dispatches that came over protection for all of us. For Catholic, Negro,
the wire this past week. The one came from Protestant, Jew, Mason, Free-Thinker, La-
Lansing and the other from Paris. bor Unionist, business leader, teacher and
From Lansing comes the news that all signers student it is the only possible guarantee that
of the petition to put the Communist Party on he can continue to live and breathe the
the ballot are to have their names exposed to free air of God.
public scrutiny. If you hire a man henceforth
you will be able to tell whether he believes that LET US ONCE DENY the Communist his free-
the Communists are, under the laws of the dom to remain anonymous and the day when
State of Michigan, entitled to vote for whom the Democrat or Republican is also denied that
they please. Strangely enough you cannot find freeclom is close upon us. Let us once deny the
out from the same roles whether a man wants Jew his right to conduct his business free from
the Republican or the Democrat or the Farmer- boycott and the time is close when there will be
Labor candidates on the ballot. no business for anyone to conduct. Those who
We will not comment at length as to whether strike at another's freedom are invariably
this constitutes infringement of the secrecy of touched with pitch. Their own is the usual
the ballot or of certain vital civil liberties. We forfeit.
will not comment because we are in a hurry to Let us be warned while we may. The time is
get on to the next item, which comes from Paris. short. Now is the hour for all of us to protest
In Paris (now owned by the great democrat each smallest degree of infringement upon any
himself) lists of all theatres, cafes, stores and human being's civil rights. Now is the time for
other public markets are printed in all the sacrifice-of time, effort and money in this cause.
daily newspapers with a careful notation as to If we fail to do so there will all too soon be
whether or not they are owned by Jews. This nothing left for most of us to sacrifice.
Washington Mer-ry Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Whether he realizes it or
not, the Duke of Windsor is going to have a
tougher time on his hands as Governor of the
Bahamas than merely sitting around the rou-
lette tables of Nassau or entertaining ritzy
tourists from the U.S.A.
The Duke was appointed to the Bahamas
partly to give him something to do someplace
near the native land of his wife, but also to
keep him as far away as possible from his pro-
German friends in England and his Nazi pals
in Germany-who were reputed to entertain
ideas about restoring him to the throne of
However, when the ex-King gets to the azure
islands just off the coast of Florida he will find
a major social problem awaiting him. For the
Bahamas are not self-supporting; even with
their rich tourist trade they are an economic
liability. The United Kingdom gives them all
sorts of concessions to keep the populace con-
Among other things, the British Government
pays a high preference on Bahaman sugar to
sweeten the English cup of tea. It pays through
the nose in comparison with the much cheaper
Cuban sugar. And should Germany conquer the
United Kingdom, those islands would face eco-
nomic disaster.
The Bahaman population is 90 per cent black,
and already the sour economic situation abroad
and its reflex in Nassau, have caused rioting.
The Negros are a prolific people, increasing the
economic strain with every increase in the popu-
One solution might be birth control, and the
Bahamas would offer an interesting laboratory
for this experiment. A similar experiment has
been discussed in the heavily over-popluated
island of Puerto Rico, but there the Negros are
Catholic while in the Bahamas they are Protes-
At any rate, the Duke of Windsor is likely to
have his hands full, and with a problem which
is not entirely British. For the United States, be-
cause of Nassau's proximity, would be vitally
concerned with any rioting which brought a
native demand for German control. Nazi agents
already have been working among West Indian
Negros to this end.
- Roosevelt vs. Wheeler
The real fight over the Democratic plat-
form did not take place in the locked room of
the platform makers, but over the long distance
phone between Chicago and Washington. The
issue was isolationism and the struggle was be-
tween the President and Senator Burton K.
Wheeler demanded an out-and-out isolation-
ist plank, under threat of bolting and heading
a third party ticket. Roosevelt refused to ac-
acept this, under threat to refuse to run if it
went into the platform.
He agreed with Wheeler on a declaration
against sending troops abroad, but insisted on a
stand for defense of the Monroe Doctrine and
for aid to nations resisting Nazi-Fascist ag-
The two battled via long distance phone for
three days, finally were brought together- on a
compromise by iSecretary Henry Wallace, a
member of the committee. The Iowan's masterly
handling played a big part in his choice for the
vice-presidency. He won a lot of kudos from.

I. Walsh, Massachusetts isolationist who is up
for election this year, protested.
"I think we ought to realize," he pontificated,
"that there are many naturalized Americans
from these two countries who have strong feel-
ings for them and will be offended. They mount
up to a lot of votes and I'm against throwing
them away."
In the bitter clash that ensued, Wagner de-
clared that personally he favored naming Hit-
ler in the denunciation.
"How would you name him?" shouted a mem-
"Far as I am concerned," shot back Wagner,
who was orn in Germany, "I'd call him a-."
Ex (?) Senator Glass
Senator Glass of Virginia, who made head-
lines by taking a bride at the age of 82 and by
nominating Jim Farley at Chicago, may make
headlines again by resigning from the Senate.
This is the shop talk in Virginia political
circles, wher the story is so well advanced that
Glass' successor has already been picked-name-
ly, Douglas Freeman, editor of The Richmond
Freeman is one of the most brilliant men in
Virginia, and far more liberal in thought than
the crotchety but much loved octogenarian he
may succeed. He is author of a four-volume
work on Robert E. Lee which won the Pulitzer
prize in 1934.
One obstacle stands in his way. Glass, though
he wants to quit the Senate, doesn't want to
give Governor Jim Price the chance to appoint
his successor. Glass was elected in 1936 and has
two years to go. Even though Carter has nothing
against Douglas Freeman, he never misses an
opportunity to be offensive to the pro-New Deal
Virginia opinion is changing just a bit on the
subject of its veteran Senator. The reasoning
runs like this: If "Cyarter" is young enough to
get mari4ed, he is no longer an antique, and
need not be treasured so.
Lewis For FDR
Even though John L. Lewis has three times
declared that if the President ran for a third
term he would be "ignominiously defeated,"
behind the scenes the "fix is in" for a reconcili-
ation between them. Intimates have been work-
ing on both for several weeks-ever since the
GOP platform opened the way for a face-saver
for Lewis.
When he threw his brickbats at the President
before the platform committee in Philadelphia,
Lewis expected in return that the Republicans
would avoid advocating amendment of the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act in their labor plank.
Under Alf Landon's urging the plank as origin-
ally/ drafted said nothing about revision.
But big industrial contributors demanded no
pussyfooting on the issue. In the end Landon was
overruled and the plank as adopted declared
for amendment of the law.
Lewis was burned up. New Dealers, gravely
concerned at the prospect of labor's ranks divid-
ed in the campaign, were delighted. They saw
a heaven-sent chance to patch up peace and
they got busy. Eagerly helping them were Phil
Murray, Tom Kennedy, John Owen and other
CIO leaders, who had disapproved of Lewis'

A Convention
In Review. . .
The Democratic convention, like
that of the Republicans a few weeks
earlier, was held not only in one of
the most critical periods in the na-
tion's history, but at a time when
democracy itself and our whole way
of life are threatened. The Republi-
can party rose to the occasion at
least to the extent o nominating
for President the ablest candidate
available to it, a man who had shown
both the intelligence and the candor
to recognize the great issues at stake
for us in the war in Europe. Other-
wise the Republican convention was
a routine political performance, as
reflected particularly in its partisan
and super-cautious foreign plank.
Record Not Better
But the record of the Democratic
convention was not much better, and
in some respects it was even worse.
Its leading speakers outdid those of
the Republican convention in insin-
cerity. The keynote speech of Speak-
er Bankhead, which must have had
the President's prior approval, sought
to out-isolationist the Republicans
and virtually ignored the President's
whole foreign policy. The speech.by
Senator Barkley, permanent chair-
man of the convention, did precisely
what he accused the Republicans of
doing: it made a "puny effort" to
"pitch this campaign on a low level
of narrow partisanship." It was full
of cheap witticisms and highly vul-
nerable claims.
Shadow Ominous
Over the convention, from the first
hour, and, indeed, from long before
it met, hung the shadow of the Pres-
ident's silence on the third-term is-
sue. Every one knew that Mr. Roose-
velt would be offered the nomina-
tion; his lieutenants were obviously
working for that end and for that
end only; yet the delegates who were
expected to "draft" the President for,
a third term were placed in the em-
barrassing position of having had no
word whatever from the President
of whether he would accept or reject
such a "draft." When word did come,
through Senator Barkley, it failed
to answer the main question square-
ly. The assurance that the President
"has never had and has not today
any desire or purpose to continue in
the office of the President" was un-
convincing. The message, by its fail-
ure to declare flatly that the Pres-
ident would not accept a nomination
for a third term, was interpreted by
the convention it'self as an invitation
to "draft" him, and was doubtless so
Platforms Deviate
The platform adopted by the con-
vention failed to support the Pres-
ident's foreign policies. The Demo-
crats, having ridiculed the super-
cautious Republican foreign plank,
could think of nothing better to do
than to imitate it. In the domestic
field the platform supported prac-
tically all the New Deal policies, good
or bad, though there were a few
conspicuous omissions. Where the
1932 Democratic platform put great
stress on "a Federal budget annually
balanced," and the 1936 platform
still voiced at least "a firm determin-
ation" some day to "achieve a bal-
anced budget," the present platform
does not so much as mention the
Logical Choice
The nomination of Secretary Wall-.
ace for the Vice Presidency was a
logical choice. This was no "balanc-

ing" of the ticket in the conventional
sense; for Mr. Wallace and Mr.
Roosevelt believe in essentially the
same policies both in the foreign and
the domestic field, and Mr. Wallace
has revealed high qualities of mind
and character. But his record on
agricultural policy is highly vulner-
able, and there is doubt whether he
strengthens the ticket in a political
sense. Certainly l'arge numbers of
the delegates shared this doubt. They
were willing enough to renominate
the President, because they thought
he had the best chance to win, but
they gave marked evidences of re-
volt before nominating his choice for
a running mate; and many who
voted for Mr. Wallace made known
that they did so reluctantly.
Policy Reaffirmed
In his address of acceptance Mr.
Roosevelt promptly and courageously
reaffirmed his own policy of opposing
"by every peaceful means the spread
of the dictator form of government."
He also came out flatly for "some
form of selection by draft" for mili-
tary service. But he still failed to
supply the all-important missing link
in the logic to justify his willingness
to destroy one of the oldest safe-
guards which custom has thrown
around the iliberties of the American
people: the long-standing tradition
that the areat powers of the Pres-

- t-~--

Grin And Bear It .. .

By Lichty

4i- ' _.-


"Here are the alarm buttons-the top one is for bank bandits-the
bottom one for bank examiners."

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Visual Aids in Education: There
will, be a demonstration of film strips
used in teaching at 11 a.m. today in
the Architecture Auditorium. This is
the second in a series of lectures of-
fered this week to acquaint teachers
with developments in visual-sensory
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its reg-
ular weekly luncheon at 12:10 in the
Michigan Union today. Dr. Lee
Thurston of the University of Pitts-
burg will speak on the subject, "A
College Professor views Interschol-
astic Athletics."
A preview of school films is being
heid in the Ampitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building from 2 to 4 p.m. daily,
July 15 to July 25. The movies will.
be shown today in the Auditorium of
the Rackham Building at 2 o'clock.
The first part of the program will
be on health and physical education.
The last part of the program will
begin at 2:45. There will be commer-
cial pictures from Jam Handy, De-
"The Thirty-School Experiment" is
the lecture to be given by Rudolph
Linquist, Director of Cranbrook
School, Bloomfield Hills, at 4:05 p.m.,
"Titans of Business," is the lecture
to be given by Dumas Malone, Direc-
tor of the Harvard University Press,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 4:15
p.m., today.
The next Summer Session Excur-
sion will be to Greenfield Village,
Wednesday, July 24. This is an exact
repetition of Excursion No. 7, sched-
uled for those students who were
unable to go on July 17. Make reser-
vations before4:30 p.m. today, July
23, at the Summer Session Office,
1213 Angell Hall.
"Whom Do Yoy Know" will be the
topic of the last discussion in the
series "Why People Do Not Get Jobs
When There Are Jobs." Dr. T. Luther
Purdom will be assisted by a number
of people demonstrating the import-
ance of knowing people. The meeting
will be held in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, today, July 23, promptly
at 7 p.m. .
A lecture "Corporate Organization
and Concentration of Economic Pow-
er," is to be given by Gardiner C.
Means, Economic Advisor to National
Resources Planning Board, Washing-
ton, D.C., at 8:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Faculty Concert. The next concert
in the Faculty Series offered this
summer will be presented in Hill
Auditorium this evening, July 23.
at 8:30 o'clock. On this occasion the
following faculty members will be
heard: Thelma Lewis, soprao; and
Arthur Poister, organist, and Ernest
Krenek, pianist, guest instructors.
The public is invited to attend with-
out admission charge.
Physical Education Luncheon.
There will be a luncheon for all

will be a ten cent charge to cover
prizes and expenses.
Speech Students: On Wednesda!,
July 24, Mrs. L. B. Welch, Assistant
Executive Secretary of the National
Association of Teachers of Speech,
will be in the outer lobby of the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater at 4 p.m.
and in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building at 5 p.m. to con-
fer with students relative to mem-
bership and the placement service
of the National Association of Tea-
chers of Speech.
Men's Education Club: The annual
picnic of the Men's Education Club
will be held on Wednesday afternoon,
July 24 at Portage Lake. Cars will
leave from the main entrance of the
University High School at 4:30 p.m.
Graduate Speech Students: On
Wednesday, July 24, at 4 p.m. in the
Men's Lounge of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Stud-
ies a Symposium will be held in In-
.terpretation, Dramatics (practical
and history of the theater), and
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited to tea
Wednesday afternoon from four to
six in Harris Hall. (corner of State
and Huron)
Chemistry Lecture. The fourth i .
the series of chemistry lectures will
be given by Professor Kasimir Fajans
on Wednesday, July 24 at 4:15 p.m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Subject: "Type of Bonds in
the Compoundsu of Heavy Metals."
Cercle Franealse The fifth weekly
meeting will be held Wedresday at
8 p.m. at the Foyer Francais, .1414
Washtenaw. Miss Katherine L. Swift
will give a talk entitled "Impressions
de la France et de l'Angleterre en
temps de guerre." Re freshments will
be served.
Colloquimn in Physical Chemistry
will be held on Thursday, July 25
at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheater of
the Rackham Building. Professor F.
W. London of the Duke University
will speak on "Inter-Molekular For-
ces". All interested are invited.
Voice Recital. Everett Ewing, tenor,
of Ann Arbor will give a recital in
the School of Music Auditorium Wed-
nesday evening, July 24, at 8:15 p.m,
in partial fulfillment of the reqire.
ments fo rthe Master of Music dq
gree. Walter Kimble will play the-
accompaniments. The public is in-
vited to attend without admission.
Graduate Speech Students: A tea.:
for all graduate Speech students will
be held Friday, July 26, from 4 to
6 p.m. in the Assembly Room of th:
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies.
Graduate Students Working To-
ward the Doctorate in Ed ation: A
special conference of all students
working for the doctorate in the field
of Education, who have completed
at least 20 hours in advance of the
master's degree, will be held on Mon-
day evening, July 29, at 7:30 p.m.,
Assembly Hall, Rackham Building.
Kindly notify my office, either by
telephone, University exchange 67,
or in person, Room 4002 University
Fnpa q n by J l >r9.+_mwhno nr


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