Un eaaimably Burdensome
Sirtig an
The Vice President:
Haw Selected?.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Joint Protectorate
Over Hemisphere
Advocated By Hull
Hull Arrives For Havana Conference
Halifax Rejects German
Bid For Peace; Bombers
Press Attack On Britain
Leadership And Financial
Aid In Combined Front
Is ProposedBy U.S.
Cooperative Basis
Outlined In Plans
HAVANA, July 22-The United
States offered Latin America its
leadership and dollars today in a
bold fight against the totalitarian
system of self-sufficient economics,
and called for joint trusteeship over
any European colonies in the West-
ern Hemisphere threatened with
transfer to any other European
Secretary of State Cordell Hull,
defining the program of his country
before the s econd conference of
American foreign ministers, put the
plan on a cooperative basis, but clear-
ly indicated the United States was
ready to throw its full resources
behind its execution.
In his speech, expected to assume
the status of policy-guiding declar-
ation for the conference, Hull sharp-
ly condemned "forces of ruthless
conquest which shrink from no means
of attaining their ends."
Change Opposed
Pointedly,, he served notice that the
United States would not contenance
any effort to "modify the exsisting
status" of European possessions in
the Western world, "whether by ces-
sion, by transfer or by any impair-
ment whatsoever in the control here-
tofore exercised."
It would be "suicidal", he said, for
the American Republics to fail to
"recognize in time and not to pre-
pare to meet fully and decisively"
the dangers confronting them.
"Decisive remedial action" is im-
perative, the tall, grey secretary de-
clared, to combat subversive activ-
ities he termed "an attempt to ac-
quire domination of the American
republics by foreign governments in
their own interests."
He gave the United States's en-
dorsement for a protectorate by all
the Americas over any threatened
European holdings on this side of
the Atlantic and pledged its cooper-
ation "should the occasion arise, in
its execution."
Free Trusteeship
Hull counselled that such a trus-
teeship should be free of any idea
of "special interests by any Ameri-
can Republic" and that "as soon as
conditions permit, the region should
be restored to its original sovereign
or be declared independent when
able to establish and maintain stable
His words, gravely spoken, gave
further emphasis to an already for-
mally presented note warning Ger-
many and Italy the United States
would resist, alone if necessary, any
attempt to lay hands on French,
British or Netherlands colonies in
the New World.
Commission Meets
At the morning session the United
States took a place on the important
peace commission which is to can-
vass the whole question. of continent-
al defense as well as the future status
of European colonies in the Americas.
On the economic side, Hull pre-
sented a grogram designed to re-
lieve exsisting distress and to set up
long-range preparations to meet
post-war conditions.
But he reognized the need for a
transition to methods themselves
bordering on barter and a restrictive
system to bulwark the hemisphere's
economy against regiment devices.
Disposition of stagnant surpluses
piling up in all American countries
as a result of the loss of European
markets was described as the most
pressing problem. .
The delegates greeted warmly
President Roosevelt's recommend-
ation to Congress for aid in dispo-
sition of Latin American surplus com-
modities through the export-import
Ambassador Jose Santiago Rodri-
guez, the Venezuelan delegate said
the President's action was "a mag-
nificent gesture."
Graduate Business Club
tWhat A Life'
TO Open Run
The Michigan Repertory Players'
fifth production of the summer
drama season, Clifford Goldsmith's
"What a Life," will open its four-day
run at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the auspices of the speech depart-
The comedy, a noted Broadway
success in 1938, deals with Henry
Aldrich and his high school chums
whose lives are disrupted by the
theft of the school's band instru-
ments. Henry is accused of stealing
the instruments and his attempts to
prove himself innocent and find the
guilty party form the basis of the
Directing "What a Life" is Mrs.
Claribel Baird, head of the speech
department at the Oklahoma Col-
lege for Women. An assistant to
Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the
speech department for several sea-
sons, Mrs. Baird also appeared in
last summer's production of "The
Good Hope" and portrayed Mrs. Rut-
ledge in this year's "The Star Wagon."
Cast in the leading role of Henry
Aldrich is William Kinzer who had
roles this summer in "The Critic"
and "Beyond the Horizon." Adeline
Gittlen, who appeared in "The Star
Wagon" and "The Critic" will play
Babara Pearson, Henry's high school
Soloists Head
Second Faculty
Concert Today'
Pianist, Organist, Soprano
Featured At 8:30 P.M.
In Hill Auditorium
Earnst Krenek, pianist, Thelma
Lewis, soprano, and Arthur Poister,
organist, will be featured at the sec-
ond summer faculty concert at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Three choral numbers by Bach
will open the program, including a,
prelude and fuge in D major, pre-
sented by Arthur Poister.
The three preludes are: "The Walk
to Jerusalem"; "Sleepers Wake! and
Greet the Happy Morn"; and "We
All Believe in One True God, Father."
Mr. Krenek will present his own
composition, Second Suite, Op. 26.
Miss Lewis' program follows:
"We'll to the Wodds No More"
(Poem by Housman), Thomas; "I
Wish and I Wish" (Poem by Camp-
bell), Peterkin; "Night, and the Cur-
tains Drawn". (Poem by Hunting-1
ton), Ferrata; "When I Bring to You
Colour'd Toys" (Words by Radindra-s
nath Tagore), Carpenter; "The Sleep
that Flits on Baby's Eyes" (Words by1
Radindranath Tagore), Carpenter;
"At the Well" (Words by Radindra-i
nath Tagore), Hageman. .
Two Ocean Liners Are Added
To Navy As Fleet Auxiliaries
Secretary of State Cordell Hull (left) was welcomed to Havana
by Dr. Miguel Angel Campa (center) and other high officials when
Hull and his party of technical and trade experts arrived from the
United States for the Inter-American conference now in session at
Dr. Edgar Kahn Relates
Story OfDying fFrance
is Surgeon Returns To University H,
After Five-Week Mercy Trip To Europe
The chaos of a dying nation-its
people in headlong flight; its mili-
tary machine disorganized; its de-
fenses crumbling-this was the story
of present-day France related by Dr.
Edgar Kahn of the University Ho.1-
pital, who returned to Ann Arbor
Saturday after a flying five-week
trip to Europe.
Dr. Kahn had been sent to France
by the American Red Cross to aid
in work among the wounded, but he
found the hospital unit to which he
had been assigned already in Ger-
man hands, and it was impossible
for him to reach it.
Arriving in Lisbon, Portugal, by
Yankee Clipper ,July 16, Dr. Kahn
was unable to contact Red Cross of-
ficials in France, and, with Dr. John
Converse of New York City, decided
to motor to Bordeaux, temporary
seat of the French Government.
It was on this trip through South-
ern France, that the two doctors saw
the roads blocked by hordes of refu-
gees, soldiers and officers, fleeing
in automobiles, carts or afoot, most
of them carrying sprays of foliage
to shield them for the eyes of enemy
airmen. Upon reaching Bordeaux,
they learned that it would be impos-
sible for them to join their unit, sta-
tioned at Angoulame in Central
France, and Red Cross officials de-
cided it would be best for them to
return to the United States imme-
Somewhere in France today, are
Dr. Kahn's valuable set of instru-
Former Student To Tell
Of -Experiences In War
Miss Katherine Swift, Grad., will
relate her impressions of England
and France at war at the meeting
of the Cercle Francais at 8 p.m. to-
morrow at the Foyer Francais.
An exchange teacher at the Coun-
ty Secondary School, Minehead,
Somerset, England, Miss Swift re-
cently returned from Europe on the
S. S. Washington. She was also
president of the Cercle Francais last
summer. All students of F ench are
invited to attend the mebting to-
ments, shipped by boat, they were
never received by him. They are,
he believes, "setting on some dock
in Bordeaux."
Returning through Spain, Dr.
Kahn related, he saw much evidence
of Spanish sympathy for Germany.
German tourists, German hotels,
pictures of Hitler everywhere, all
indicate strikingly, he said, that
Spain is Germany's for the asking.
Dr. Kahn arrived in New York on
the Manhattan last week and today
will leave for Washington to report
to Red Cross officials. He intends
to spend seveal days vacationing in
the East before returning to Ann
Arbor to begin work at the Hospital.
- - i
Linguists Plan
Meeting Here'
This Weekend
National Society To Openi
Conferences On Friday;
Institute To Continue
The Linguistic Institute faces the
climax of its summer activity this
week, when, in addition to its regulara
program of lectures and luncheon
conference, it plays host Friday and1
Saturday to the Linguistic Society of
America, its sponsoring organization.1
For the third successive year dis- '
tinguished linguistic scholars of theJ
United States will gather in Anni
Arbor for the Society's special sum-;
mer meeting. Between the opening;
of the initial session at 2 p.m. Friday1
and the final adjournment Satur-
day evening the visiting linguists and
their local hosts will listen to twenty,
scientific papers and will enjoy the
annual summer banquet at the Mich-,
igan Union. Details of the Society's
program appear in the announce-
ments available in the office of the
English department, 3221 Angell Hall.
Anticipating the opening of the
Linguistic Society's meeting, the per-
manent secretry-treasurer of the or-
ganization, Prof. Roland G. Kent of
the University of Pennsylvania, will
arrive in Ann Arbor Wednesday in
order to deliver a public lecture on
"Varro and his Linguistic Methods."
The lecture will be given in the audi-
torium of the W. K. Kellogg Build-
ing at 7:30 pm.
The regular Thursday luncheon
conference will have as discussion
leader Prof. E. Adelaide Hahn of
Hunter College, who will speak on
"What We Know About the Hittite
Subordinating Conjunctions."
ForTrip Due
Reservations for the ninth Sum-
mer Session excursion, a repeat trip
tomorrow to Henry Ford's Greenfield
Village in Dearborn, must be made
by 5 p.m. today in the Summer Ses-
sion office, Room 1213 Angell Hall.
Round trip bus fare will be $1,
Students wishing to follow the bus
in private cars and therefore avoid
WASHINGTON, July 22-(,P)-The
Navy took over two ocean liners as
fleet auxiliaries today, purchasing
the Santa Barbara and the Santa
Maria, 15,000-ton sisterships, from
the Grace Line for $1,300,000 each.
Secretary Knox announced the ac-
quisitions shortly before asking a
House committee to speed approval
of another billion dollars for the
Navy's expansion program ashore
and afloat.
The Navy secretary was the first
witness at hearings on President
Roosevelt's request for $4,848,171,-
957 additional for the armed services
to assure "total defense" for America.
After Knox's testimony, Admiral
Culture Series
Today Offers
Means Lecture
Planning Board Adviser
To Talk At 8:15 P.M.
At .RackhamBuilding
Gardiner C. Means, economic. ad-
visor to the National Resources Plan-
ning Board, will address the Grad-
uate Study Program in American
Culture and Institutions at 8:15 p.m.
today on "Corporate Organization
and Concentration of Economic Pow-
At 4:15 p.m. today, Dumas Malone,
director of the Harvard University
Press, will speak for the Program on
"Titans of Business."
Both lectures will be held in the
Rackham School auditorium and
will be open to the public.
Dr. Means was educated at Har-
vard University, where he took his
A. B. degree in 1918, A. M. in 1927
an Ph.D. in 1933. He also attended
the Lowell Textile School from 1920
to 1922.
From 1919 to 1920 he was a mem-
ber of the Near East Relief staff in
Turkey. In textile manufacturing
from 1922 to 1924, he went to- the
Columbia Law School in 1927 as re-
search worker in economics and was
an associate in law there from 1933
to 1935. Since 1933 he has been eco-
nomic advisor on finance to the Sec-
retary of Agriculture, and in 1935
was a member of the consumers ad-
visory board of the NRA. He has been
director of the industrial section of
the National Resources Board since
Author with J. C. Bonbright of
"The Holding Company-Its Public
Significance and Its Regulation", Dr.
Means has also written with A. A.
Berle "The Modern Corporation and
Private Property" and with Caroline
F. Ware, his wife, "Modern Economy
in Action."
Harold R. Stark detailed in secret
how the Navy would spend the $936,-
176,540 it asked.
The sum includes $178,000,000 to
start construction of the two-ocean
navy already authorized. Purchase
of the Santa Barbara and theSanta
Maria, officials explained, is among
the steps the Navy has taken to speed
this program.
By purchasing the liners, the Navy
avoided the necessity of building
auxiliaries and thus tying up ship-
yards needed for warship construc-
Altogether, the Navy has bought
five vessels at a total cost of $6,451,-
760 in recent weeks.
Negotiations are currently under
way, the department said, for the
purchase of at least two more civil-
ian vessels, and several others on
which negotiations have not started
are also to be bought.
Prior to today's purchases, the
Navy had bought the Sea Arrow,
newly constructed cargo vessel of the
Maritime Commission, for $2,851,-
760, and the old liners President
Jackson, and President Grant,
bought from the Maritime Commis-'
sion for $500,000 each. The exact use
to which the vessels will be put was
not announced.
Final Lecture
In Job Series
To pen Today
Purdom And Dramatists
To Present Program,
'Whom Do You Know'
"Whom Do You Know": a per-
tinent question in considering job
applications will be discussed and
demonstrated by Dr. T. Luther Pur-
dom in the concluding lecture on the
summer vocational guidance series
at 7 p.m. today in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Under the direction of Dr. Pur-
dom, the demonstration lecture will
present short, but descriptive skits
showing the importance of acquaint-
ances when applying for positions.
Dr. Purdom will open the hour
program with a short talk on the
subject of the evening before intro-
ducing the dramatic stars who will
highlight. the remainder of the pro-
The dramatization is sponsored by
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information of the
University, headed by Dr. Purdom.
Today's lecture is the thid in the
summer series on "Why people do
not get jobs when there are jobs."
The series was held this year follow-
ing a similar program last summer
in which important pointers in job
application were demonstrated un-
der the direction of 'Dr. Purdom.
Informal British Opinion
Charges Halifax Speech
1N0 Answer To Hitler
Rumanian Officials
Will Confer Friday
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, July 23 (Tuesday)-In
a thunderous echo to Foreign Secre-
tary Lord Halifax's emphatic "no"
to Adolf Hitler's "last chance offer
of peace," German planes scattered
incendiary and high explosive bombs
on England, Scotland and Wales this
One Scottish town was struck for
the second time in 24 hours. Thee
incendiary bombs set fire to houses
and plummeted into streets and open
No great material damage was re-
ported from bombs in Wales, North-
east England and elsewhere in South-
east and Northeast Scotland. British
anti-aircraft guns maintained a hot
fire, and British fighter planes en-
gaged the enemy aloft.
Explosions were heard in South-
east Scotland shortly after enemy
planes passed over, indicating the
possibility they were time bombs.
The sounds indicated, however, that
the bombs had exploded some dis-
tance for a town.
Barrage Is Terrific
The barrage of anti-aircraft fire
over one southwest of England town
was terrific. Bursting shells, tracer
bullets and searchlights illuminated
the scene.
Lord Halifax's broadcast reply to
Hitler last night was couched in
words that left no room for doubt of
the negative British response to the
German "ultimatum."
(Britain's answer actually already
has been given and still is being
given in an increasing thud of British
bombs on Germany, the German
press reported, noting that air raids
on the Reich~ have accelerated great-
ly since Hitler's speech last Friday.
(The Germans reported civilians
were killed by British bombs in
Bremen, Hamburg, Wismar and
Schwerin, and that there were other
attacks on Kassel, Hanover, Pinne-
berg, Paderborn, Hagen and Bo-
Britain Reports Attack
Britain already has reported strik-
ing heavy blows at two great Ger-
man airplane factories at Wismar
and Kassel.
"The people of the British Com-
monwealth, along with all those wllo
love truth and justice and freedom
will never accept this new world of
Hitler's," the Foreign Secretary de-
clared in a radio address to the
Even as Halifax spoke, German
bombers, concentrating on the core
of British power-industry and ship-
ping-allowed the island kingdom no
let-up' in their aerial preparations
for invasion.
Halifax Answer
Termed Not Final
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 22 -(MP-The Ger-
man press reported tonight that Brit-
ish air raids on Germany had great-
ly increased since last Friday, when
Adolf Hitler offered peace and show-
ed in advance what Prime Minister
Churchill's reply would be.
Informal opinion in Berliyi polit-
ical circles was that today's address
by Lord Halifax, British foreign sec-
retary, "changed nothing, and gives
no reason to hope that Hitler's peace
offer found any response in British
official quaters."
Formal comment, however, was re-
served. The general disposition in
Berlin seemed to be to wait until
tomorrow to see what.Churchill,
himself, has to say to the House of
Danger Of Nazi Stranglehold
-On South America Seen Real
Technologically Based Economy
Needed In U.S., Person Claims
The threat of a Nazi stranglehold
on South America was called a very
real one yesterday, by Dr. William S.
Culbertson, former ambassador to
Chile, who explained the interna-
tional cartel now being considered
at the Havana conference.
A Hitler victory in the present war,
he said, will mean:
1.) Economic domination; control
of 46% of Latin America's exports
and 43% of her imports, now going
to or coming from Europe that may
well be under Nazi control soon.
2.) Military domination; Latin
America becomes a highly vulnerable
part of a Western Hemisphere de-
fpcAnrar. rillRrfa s IP
last night bore out Dr. Culbertson's
afternoon predictions.)
He scored the cartel program by
describing it is collectivism extended
to the field of international com-
merce, and ventured the hope for
economic as well as military "dis-
armament" when the present crisis
Dr. Culbertson, who knows well
our Latin neighbors, after five years
in Chile, a year of which was spent
watching revolutionary governments
replace each other, said the "Lat-
in-Americanism" movement of the
South American intellectuals will
strongly resent the paternalism of
the U.S. at Havana.
Of the Monroe Doctrine, Culbert-
son, former member of the United
Throughout all sectors of our cul-
ture, technology has been laying the
foundations for profound change in
social-economic structure and pro-
cedures, Harlow S. Person, consult-
ant in business economics and man-
agement, of New York, told an au-
dience of the Graduate Study Pro-
gram in American Culture and In-
stitutions last night.
"Just as technology has been the
primary factor in causing instabil-
ity, technology is the critical factor
in reconstruction; the nature of our
development and guidance of it will
determine how stable and prosperous
our society will be," he asserted.
terest are three factors that have, in
the past century, determined the na--
ture of the structure and processes
of our social-economic life, Dr. Per-
son stated. One of these, the fron-
tier, has disappeared, he said, and
the other two are being modified
as a result, and disintegration of
the structure has begun.
During the past six or eight years,
Dr. Person maintained, government
has perceived the necessity of ap-
plying the new technology to the
creation of social capital goods and
services, to replace the void left in
the activities of private enterprise
because of the 'disappearance of the
territorial frontier. No clearcut pro-
gram has been presented to the peo-
To Confer
On Policy
BUCHAREST, July 22.-(A)-Ru-
mania's premier and foreign minister
disturbed over a Russian note ex-
pressing interest in a "popular gov-