MONbD A, T MM.24, 1940
Facilities For
10 Outdoor Sports Are
To Be Found Within City
-- - - - - - - . . . . . .
City's Natural
Setting Offers
Its Advantages
Huron River Valley Lends
Beauty And Refreshment
To Local Countryside
Cradled in the vacationland of
Michigan, Ann Arbor and vicinity
offers the student who can tear him-
self away from books and professors
long enough a plethora of recrea-
tional opportunities.
Unlike most towns of its size, the
University City has within its limits
the facilities for ten outdoor summer
sports. One can swim, ride, hike,
play golf, tennis or baseball, go ca-
noeing, sailing or cycling or fish and
still remain under the protecting
eyes of the city fathers.
Ann Arbor is situated in a valley
banked on the north by the Hills of
Barton. and on the east by the Hills
of Huron. To the west stretch for
miles the vast plains leading to the
sand dunes of the Lake of Michigan
and to the south lies, a long distance
off, the Gulf of Mexico. Through
the northern' part of town trickles-
the River Huron, entering from the
Pond of Barton formed by the Dam
of Edison, and disappearing through
the Arboretum of Nichols and under
the tracks of Michigan Central to-
ward the hamlet of Ypsilanti..
This River Huron, with its scenic
valley, is responsible for many of the
recreational opportunities available,
Without it, swimming would be con-
fined to pools and outlying lakes;
canoeing would never by considered
and fishermen would be desolate.
Picnickers would be forced to remain
on their own front yards.
As runs the River Huron, so runs
Ann Arbor's recreation. Its clarion
call to hours of leisure and enjoyment
is heard often by all Summer Ses-
sion students. Its plea is not to be
ignored. The River Huron and its
valley assures each student a healthy,
happy summer.
Conspiring Swimming Holes
Lure Students From Classes
A Guide To Some Local Sporting Opportunities
Where to go in and about Ann
Arbor to do what you want to do in
the line of summer sports is a handy
thing to know, so if you let this
story be your official guide to sport-
ing pleasures you can't go wrong.
During the summer the water rates
high, and swimmers may look a bit
to the left on this page for a com-
plete resume of local diving-off
points. Those who would rather ca-
noe than swim in the Huron River
may rent their outfits at the Saun-
ders Canoe Livery on Long Sno: c
Lower Michigan is a paradise for
the fisherman who enjoys angling
for the small ones. The lakes and
rivers near Ann Arbor abound in
shiny bluegills and sunfish. darting
perch, carp and catfish.
For he who would rather walk than
eat and he who would rather cycle
than do either of the aforementioned,
the Huron valley affords many rout es
and many pleasant vistas. Along the
routes are a number of ideal picnic
spots. Delhi Park, on the Huron by
the town of that name, attracts
many on each good day, and nearer
campus, within Ann Arbor itself, is
Island Park in the Huron River,
equipped with tables and a large
stone fireplace.
For better pictures
ask us for
* , .~
Huron River Offers Many Splendid Locations;
Loch Alpine, Whitmore Lake Are Popular
On hot summer days people tend
to congregate in two places, in front
of the ice box and in the swimming
hole; the latter is recommended as
a better form of exercise.
Ann Arborites, permanent and
temporary, can find moist relief in
a number of places within easy walk-
ing distance and short driving range.
Locally, the Huron River provides
outdoor swimming spots while the
pools at the Union and the Intra-
mural Building are open throughout
the summer for indoor swimmers.
The city's Municipal Bathing
Beach is located in the Huron River
on Long Shore Drive with an es-
timated 40,000 persons swimming
there each summer. This beach is
equipped with diving floats and life
guards are in attendance.
There are a number of unsuper-
vised spots along the river that are
popular with bathers. Among these
are Barton Pond, stretching for over
a mile just outside the city limits,
which can be reached by either the
Huron River Drive or the Barton
Hills Road; Delhi and Hudson Mills,
further out the Huron River Drive
about five and fourteen miles re-
spectively; and Rawsonville Dam,
near Ypsilanti in the other direction,
reached by driving out Washtenaw
or Geddes roads about eight miles.
At Portage Lake, 16 miles out the
Dexter road, and at Whitmore Lake,
10 miles north of town on Main
Street (US23), can be found pri-
vately operated bathing beaches with
water sport equipment. Portage Lake
is popular with non-swimming bath-
ers, as one can wade far out from
shore without going over one's depth.
Loch Alpine, six miles out the
Huron River Drive, while having no
facilities other than the water, the
bank and an old log, is a favorite
for those who like to pull on a suit,
drive out and dive in. Further away,
public beaches can be found at Cava-
naugh Lake, 20 miles out; Island
Lake, 18 miles away; Walled Lake,
30 miles off; and Wamplers Lake,
35 miles distant.
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Feels blissfully cool to dusty, per-
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If you're particular about
your snapshots use Kodak Veri-
chrome. This splendid film is
no end of help in giving you
better picture results, even
though the light is not just
Stop today and let us load
your camera -- supply you with
an extra roll of Verichrome so
you'll be ready for every Sum-
mer snapshot.
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. .' p