MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1940
MONDAY, JUNE 24; 1940 ?40E NINE
Music School's
Full Program
Is Announced
Faculty Concerts, Student
Recitals, Carillon, Band
Programs To Be Given
Faculty concerts, student recitals
and a series of carillon and band pro-
grams will comprise this year's School
of Music Summer Session calander,
President Charles A. Sink announced
The faculty concerts will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p.m. every Tuesday
from July 2 to August 6 in Hill Aud-.
itorium. Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pi-
anist, will be featured performer at
the first concert while at the second
soloists will be Prof. Arthur Hackett,
baritone, and Prof. Maud Okkelberg,
pianist. Others scheduled to play at
the second recital are Prof. Wassily
Besekirsky, violinist, Prof. Hanns
Pick, viloncellist, Prof. Anthony J.
Whitmore, violinist, and Professor
Three student recitals have been
scheduled for the Summer Session to
date. John Shenuat, Grad., will pre-
sent a program of violin music at
8:15 p.m. July 1 in the School of
Music Auditorium in partial fulfill-
ment of the degree of Master of
Music; another program for the
same degree will be given by Walter
Kimble, organist, at 8:15 p.m. July 10
in Hill Auditorium, and the third
will be presented by Mildred And-
rews, pianist, at 8:15 p.m. July 11in
the School of Music Auditorium.
Concerts will be presented on the
Charles Baird Carillon at 7:15 p.m.
every Sunday and Thursday through-
out the Summer Session.
From July 7 to July 28 the fifth
annual High School Band Clinic
will hold session here in Ann Arbor
under the direction of Prof. William
1. Revelli. During this period in-
struction will be given to students of
various high schools in band instru-
ments and practice will be given in
ensemble work.
Concerts will be given by the High
School Clinic Band at 4:15 p.m. Sun-
day, Julyl4, and July 21 in Hill Aud-
itorium. Wednesday, July24, at 4:15
p.m. a Clinic Ensemble Recital will
be presented and at 7:30 p.m. Satur-
day, July 27, at Ferry Field the High
School Band and Summer Session
University Band will present a com-
bined program.
115 Cherry Trees
The University of Michigan Alum-
ni Group of Japan has presented 115
Japanese cherry trees, representing
ten different species, to the Univer-
sity. The trees have been temporally
planted in the nursery of the Nichols
Plans are being considered at the
present time to plant them by them-
selves as a Japanese cherry tree gar-
den but the site has not as yet been
University To Conduct Series
Of Excursions During Summer
Students Will Visit Places
Niagara Falls, Ford's
(Continued from Page 1)
turns about 5:30 p.m. Expenses for
the trip total $2 for both the bus
fare and a luncheon.
The group will visit the Detroit
Institute of Arts, Belle Isle Park in
the Detroit River, the new Fisher
Building and the Detroit Zoological
Park. At the Detroit Institute of Arts
a staff member will give a brief talk
in the lecture hall and will serve as
guide through the building.
The third trip on Wednesday.
July 3, will consist of a tour through
the Ford plant in River Rouge. The
cost of the trip is $1.25. Plans have
been made to have the University
party inspect the motor assembly
plant, the assembly line, the open
hearth futrnaces and the rolling mill.
Excursion No. 4 will be a trip to
the school of the Cranbrook Found-
ation in Bloomfield Hills from 8:30
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, July 6.
Round trip bus tickets are $1.25.
Schools Are Booth Gift
The schools, which are the gift of
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Booth of
Detroit, are the Cranbrook School
for boys, the Kingswood School for
girls and the Brookside School for
younger boys and girls up to the
seventh grade. Lunch will be served
at the Devon Gables Tea Room at
a cost of about 45 cents.
Another trip to the Ford Plant in
River Rouge will be held Wednes-
day, July 10, for those students un-
able to go on July 3.
Niagara Falls and vicinity will be
toured on July 12, 13, 14 and 15. The
party"will leave by special bus from
the front of Angell Hall at 3:30 p.m.
Friday, July 12, and will go directly
to the Detroit and Cleveland Nava-
gation Company dock and leave for
Buffalo by boat at 5:30 p.m. At 8:15
a.m. Saturday the party will go by
bus to the Falls. They will return
to Ann Arbor by 10 p.m. Monday,
July 15.
Detroit, Put-In-Bay,
Rouge Factory
crn, the town hall, the toll gate sta-
tion and the blacksmith's and cob-
bler's shops.
To this community Henry Ford
has transferred buildings and equip-
ment connected with the inventions
of Thomas Edison and a museum
cf transportation. This trip will be
made at 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 17.
Round trip bus tickets are $1 and
a 25 cent fee will be charged for
entrance into the village and mu-
seum. Free admission will likely be
arranged for those presenting their
bus tickets.
Trip To Jackson
Between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Satur-
day, July 20, a trip will be made to
the State Prison of Southern Mich-
igan at Jackson. The round trip bus
fare is $1.25.
The visitors will be shown the
main cell block, the dining room,
kitchens and other points of inter-
est. Short instructive talks on the
conduct of the prison and its edu-
cational program will be given by
the prison officials:
Greenfield Village
Greenfield Village will be visited
again Wednesday, July 24, by stu-
dents who miss the trip on July 17.
The last visit will be made Wed-
nesday, July 31, to Put-In-Bay in
Lake 'Erie conducted by Professor
Scott. Total expenses, which will be
under $4, includes bus fare, steamer
fare, and admission to the caves
and meals on the steamer.
Put-In-Bay is one of a group of
islands located at the western end
of Lake Erie about 60 miles south-
east of Detroit. It is of particular
interest because of its rugged lime-
stone shore line, its surface evi-
cences of glaciation and its caves.
Autos Allowed
Only For Sport
By University
(Continued from Page 1)
University Hall, and it is especially
emphasized that the filling out of
the registration card devoted to
automobiles does not constitute a
permit to drive. Those students driv-
ers who fail to conmply with this re-
quest will shortly find themselves in
an embarrassing position in regard
to this University regulation.
Permits Given
"As in the regular year, permits
are issued for family, commuting,
business, chauffeuring, and health
purposes, and in addition recreation-
al permits are available for the sum-
mer term. This latter type of per-
mit does not grant complete personal
use of a car, but is limited to trans-
portation for out-door athletic recre-
ation during tne Summer Session, for
example, golf, tennis, and swimming.
"Passengers may be carried in con-
nection with these activities, but
mixed company will be considered as
social rather than recreational, and
will be interpreted as a violation.
With the exception of the recreation-
al feature, the social and personal
use of a car wil not be allowed.
No Social Uses
"The regulation governs the useI
of the car as well as the operation
of one; consequently it is not per-
missable for a student to use his car
or a family owned car for social, per-
sonal, or any other purpose when
the car is driven by any person who
is not a member of his immediate
"Detailed and specific information
regarding individual permits will be
given by officials in charge of the
administration of this regulation and
consequently violations will not be
excused on the basis of misunder-
Eighty-seven students in the Coll-
eges of Literature, Sciences and the
Arts, Engineering, Architecture and
Design and the School of Education
received an all "A" average for the
second semester of the school year
1939-40 according to a report reciev-
ed yesterday from Robert L. Will-
iams, assistant registrar.
Among the 58 recipients of all "A"
averages in the Literary College are
John E. Allen of Horseheads, N.Y.;
Robert I. Alpern of Detroit; Margar-
et A. Avery of Westfield, N.J.; Joseph
Bernstein of Scranton, Penn.; Wil-
bur R. Birk of Wayne; Dorothy J.
Bogert of Dayton, Ohio; Catherine
N. Brown of Ann Arbor, and Alice
Byer of Rochester, N.Y.
Others Named
The list continues with Jean Cal-
kins of Detroit; Horace W. Dewey of
Changli Hopai, China; Robert T.
Duff. of Rochester, Minn.; Georgiene
M. Eberly of Jackson; Marjorie Ei-
singer of Los Angeles, Calif.; Gladys
Engel of Atlantic City, N.J.; Richard
E. Field of Jackson; George C. Fink
of Monroe; James H. Follette of Bay.
City, and Margaret Garritson of De-
Others are Virginia E. Graham of
Ann Arbor; Muriel A. Hess of Kala-
mazoo; Theodore Hildebrandt of
Ann Arbor; William H. Hogan of Ir-
vington, N.J.; John A. Huston of
Ann Arbor; James T. Jackson of
Muskegon; Richard S. James of
Flint; Audrey H. Johnson of Arling-
ton, Mass.; Bruce J. Kirchenbaum
of Albany, N.Y., and June T. Larson
of Indianapolis, Ind.
List Continues
Joseph S. Likovsky of Orange, N.
J.; Ernest J. London of Miami Beach,
Fla.; Isabella H. Lugosi of Detroit;
Geraldine I. McKinley of Petoskey;
William P. Mallick of Detroit; Dor-
othy I. Marquart of Benton Harbor;
- - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ ~
Kenneth P. Mathews of Ann Arbor;
Sidney Milgram of Detroit; James E.
Myers of Highland Park, and Cyrus
A. Neuman of Philadelphia, Pa. are
others who recieved all "A" averages.
More All "A" Students
Additional students are Leonard
M. Newman of Grand Rapids; Betty
M. Nixon of Ann Arbor; Joan L. Olch
of Dayton, Ohio; Lester Persky of
Cleveland Heights, Ohio; John L.
Por of Detroit; Elizabeth A.C. Rae
of Ann Arbor; Stephen J. Rudolph of
Indianapolis, Ind.; Robert N. Sam-
uels of Denver, Colo.; Harry K.
Schoch Jr. of Grosse Pointe Park,
and Neal Seegert of Wauwatosa, Wis.
The list concludes with Elman R.
Service of Tecumseh; Louis W. Sess-
ions of North Muskegon; Louis Sla-
bosky of Chattenooga, Tenn.; Shir-
ley J. Stumpmeyer of River Rouge;
Lawrence S. Thompson of Chapel
Hill. N.C.; Nello P.-Torri of Ply-
mouth, Mass.; Edward J. Trost of
Elmira, N.Y.; Alice R. Ward of De-
troit; Israel A. Warheit of Detroit,
and Ferne E. Wheeler of Detroit.
Engineers Listed
Students who recieved all "A"
averages in the Engineering College
are John T. Bangert of Grand Ra-
pids; Claude O. Broders of Detroit;
Robert K. Draper of Dearborn ;
Frank J. Feely Jr. of Westfield, N.J.;
Herbert W. Hamilton of Ann Arbor;
Carling Havermans of Muskegon;
Hardy A. Hoffman of Milwaukee,
Wis.; and Harper H. Hull of Ann
Others on the list include Harry S.
Imming of Ann Arbor; Robert P.
Kimball of Grand Rapids; Leslie E.
Matson Jr. of Wilmette, Ill.; Philip
R. Mueller of Detroit; John S. Neill
of Rochester, N.Y.; Carl J. Oxford
of Detroit, and Duane A. Pagel of
John S. Pierson ,of Saginaw; Ed-
ward Saarinen of Detroit; Earl
Schaefer of Spring Lake; Frederick
B. Sleator of Ann Arbor; John M.
Stone of Grosse Point; Frederick P.
Streiter of Chelsea; Charles M.
Thatcher of Escanaba; Donald C.
West of Westfield, N.J.; and Leon
R. Wosika of El Paso, Tex. conclude
the list of recipents of all "A" aver-
ages in that college.
The two students who recieved all
"A" averages in the College of Arch-
itecture and Design are John Maxon
of Hempstead, N.Y. and Beth O'Roke
of Ann Arbor. Marcia Berk of Mani-
tawoc, Wis.; Virginia P. Cass of Chi-
cago, Ill., and Virginia C. Dilts of
Cleveland, Ohio had all "A" records
in the School of Education.
Classical Courses Listed
Among the courses that will be
presented by the Latin and Greek
departments this summer are courses
in the life and art of Pompeii and
laboratory work in Roman antiqui-
ties. Special classes in the selected
plays of Euripides, Greek mythology,
medieval Latin and Latin palaeogra-
phy will also be given.
87 Students Receive All 'A'Records
For Second Semester Of 1939-40
Ne xt to Myself
I L[ike Clean Clothes Best!
Have Your Cleaning Done
at the
Dry Cleaning & Laundry
To Visit Niagara Falls
All expenses for the trip will be
about $19, including cost of trans-
portation for the round trip, meals,
hotel accommodations, conveyance
about Niagara Falls and vicinity,
steamer trip on the Maid of Mist,
trip through the Cave of Winds and
an allowance for incidentals.
Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geol-
ogy department will conduct the
trip and offer explanations of the
geologic features to be ob served. In
addition the party will be given an
opportunity of inspecting the Schoel-
kopf Plant ofthe Niagara Falls Pow-
er Company, the Whirlpool Rapids
and the Niagara Gorge.
The seventh trip will be made to
Greenfield Village, a community rep-
resenting a typical American village
80 years ago. Here, surrounding the
village green, are the white steepled
church, the colonial style town hall,
the red-brick school house, the tav-
Since 1908
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