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July 20, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-20

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tAGE Two SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1940



Foreign PolicyPlanks Compared

We will not participate in foreign wars,
and we will not send our army, naval or air
forces to fight in foreign lands outside of the
Americas, except in case of attack.

The Republican party is firmly opposed
to envolving this nation in foreign war.

Strnight Dope
By Himself

Grin And bear It...

By Lichty


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Suboriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor..............Carl Petersen
City Editor................Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su-
zanne Potter.
Business Staff
Business Manager .... . ........Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager......,.... Irving Guttman
A Tradition
Is Shattered .. .
THE EXPECTED has happened in
Chicago, and we believe in all sin-
cerity that democratic procedure in the United
States is not benefited by it.
The nomination of Mr. Roosevelt for a third
term breaks more than a tradition of our politi-'
cal system. It violates, as we said in an editorial
Sunday, what amounts to an unwritten amend-
ment to the American Constitution.
Mr. Roosevelt will set himself squarely at odds
with the often-reiterated counsel and deliberate
personal choice of two patron saints of the Dem-
ocratic party, two great Americans, Thomas
Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.
"That I shoul4 lay down my charge at a
proper period is as much a duty as to have done
it faithfully," wrote the author of the Declara-
tion of Independence. That these words were
utterly sincere is proved by Jefferson's disap-
pointment in the failure of the Constitution to
limit the eligibility of the President, by his long
efforts in behalf of a limitingamendment, his
own retirement after eight years and his frank
hope that a President who would "consent to
be a candidate for a third election would be
rejected on this demonstration of his ambitious
Jackson, whose birthday is the chief party
festival of the Democrats, shared Jefferson's
belief in a need for a constitutional amendment
to prohibit the very thing which the shouting
delegates did with such abandon in Chicago
early Thursday morning. Six of Old Hickory's
eight' annual messages to Congress urged Con-
gress to submit a constitutional restriction.
The two Roosevelts have flown in the face of
this national convention, but the special case
of the first does not match the clear-cut viola-
tion of the segond
Have the American people been wrong in
this long-established belief? Even those who
disavow it now would be slow to say so if they
searched their hearts.
The anti-third term tradition goes hand in
hand with representative government respon-
sible at short intervals to the voters. It is part
and parcel of the fundamentals of democracy
that the great reservoir of citizenry is always
ready to yield new leaders. It fits, so to speak,
into the plan of checks and balances. It accords
with the idea that no one man shall hold too
much power, and that there shall always be
critical vigilance over his acts.
The Post-Dispatch deplores this decision by
one of the major parties, deplores the decision
all the more because of the way things are run-
ning in the world. In a time when the demo-
cratic process is on the wane and opportunity
for the individual to rise is being denied whcVe-

sale in Europe, the party historically known as
the party of the democratic rank and file de-
clares its confidence in only one man.
Mr. Roosevelt's enemies will assert that his
ambition to be the first three-term President is
behind it all. Ambition there may be, but that
is too simple an explanation. The state of world
affairs, the launching of the greatest defetse
program in our history, a sincere desire to pro-
tect the New Deal against crippling change or
slow starvation, the Republican nomination' of
Wendell Willkie, the intense desire of local
politicians to have Franklin Roosevelt's name
at the head of their ticket, and his voice on
the radio-these and still other pressures were
in the reckoning.
The platform on which the President will run
once more is an eloquent statement of the hu-
manitarian achievements and further aims of
the New Deal. It is partisan here, unduly per-
sonal there,. conveniently vague at still other

In self defense and in good conscience, the
world's greatest democracy cannot afford
heartlessly on a spirit of appeasement to
ignore the peace-loving and liberty-loving
peoples wantonly attacked by ruthless ag-
gressors. We pledge to extend to these peo-
ples all the material aid at our command,
consistent with law and not inconsistent
with the interests of our own national self-

Our sympathies have been profoundly
stirred by invasion of unoffending countries
and by disaster to nations whose ideal
most closely resemble our own. We favor the
extension to all peoples fighting for liberty,
or whose liberty is threatened, of such aid
as shall not be in violation of international
law or inconsistent with the requirements of
our own national defense.


We favor and shall rigorously enforce and
defend the Monroe Doctrine. .. .We pro-
pose to provide America with an invincible
air force, a navy strong enough to protect
all our sea-coasts and our national inter-
ests, and a fully equipped and mechanized

We declare for the prompt, orderly and
realistic building of our national defense to
the point at which we shall be able not only
to defend the United States, its possessions,
and essential outpostss from foreign attack,
but also efficiently to uphold in war the
Monroe .Doctrine.


For years our President has warned the
nation that organized assualts against re-
ligion, democracy and international good
faith threatened our own security. Men
blinded by partisanship brushed aside these
warnings as war-mongering and officious
intermeddling. . . .It is a tribute to the
President's foresight and action, that our
defense forces are today at the peak of
their peacetime effectiveness.

The present national administration has
already spent for all purposes more than 54,
bilion dollars . . and yet by the President's
own admission we are still wholly unpre-
pared to defend our country. We . . fasten
upon the New Deal full responsibility for
our unpreparedness and for the conse-
quences of involvement in war.


We denounce and will do all in our power
to destroy the treasonable activities of dis-
guised anti-democratic and un-American

We vigorously condemn the New Deal en-
couragement of various groups that seek to
change the American form of government
by means outside the Constitution. . . .We
condemn the appointment of members of
such un-American groups to high positions
of trust in the National Government....
We pledge the Republican party to get rid
of such borers from within.
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Biggest chance for Western
Hemisphere unity the United States has had in,.
all history presents itself this week at Havana.
But also it is the toughest.
The majority of people in Latin America are
aroused and worried over Hitler, feel more
friendly toward the United States than ever
before. But simultaneously, vigorous minority
groups in every country, many of them already
lined up with Hitler, are doing their best to
sabotage Western Hemisphere harmony.
Inside the Brazilian army, for instance, about
40 per cent of the officers admire and lean to-
ward the German military system. In Argentina
are some 3,000,000 Italians upon whose passions
Mussolini can play. In Uruguay, even after a
fifth column Nazi plot to take over the country
was exposed publicly, some members of the Uru-
guayan cabinet thought it was better to close
their eyes, not offend Germany. Hitler, they
figured, would be too important a customer after
the end of this war to risk alienating him.
So it will take all the skill of Cordell Hull's
artful. diplomacy to bring anything out of the
Havana Conference save the usual collection of
pious platitudes regarding goodwill, uniform cus-
toms procedure and the eradication of the boll
Ruling Families
What most of the people in the United States
do not realize about Latin America is that most
of its republics never have been actual democra-
cies. They are a collection of oligarchies, in
which the aristocratic families, many of them
descended form the Spanish conquistadores,
and since grown affluent ou copper, tin, meat
and coffee, have dominated their countries al-
most as completely as the Nazis have Germany.
The advent of Hitler, therefore, does not par-
ticularly disturb them, except insofar as he is
likely to upset their system of land and mineral
ownership with a new national socialism.
It is necessary to draw this very definite dis-
tinction between the people of Latin America
and their governments. With the people, the
United States never has been more popular. To
them, Roosevelt has been little less than a saint.
His Good Neighbor policy won genuine friends,
but with the ruling families it was different.
So the problem of the United States is to
continue reaching down below the oligarchies
to the people, as Roosevelt has done, but as the
aloof gentlemen in the State Department have
not done. U. S. diplomats in Latin America
mingle with the upper crust, ale considered
hoity-toity snobs by the majority of the people.
Pan-American Highway
One big help to Mr. Hull's work at Havana
may be a giant road-building program straight
through Central America from Mexico to the
Panama Canal, in order to strengthen canal
This is a 3267-mile route, passing through
tangled jungles and mountain ranges, which
would connect countries some of which have no
highways across their borders but depend

commercial advantage, by opening up landwise
trade, to say nothing of the strategic advant-
age of being able to reach the Canal Zone by
Too Much Flax
Right in the midst of U.S. efforts to improve
relations with South America comes the em-
barrassing fact that U.S. farmers are producing
a flax crop big enough to shoulder out all Ar-
gentine imports.
Ordinarily the United States imports large
quantities of Argentine flax to produce the lin-
seed oil that paints the houses and makes the
linoleum for American homes. Domestic pro-
duction is usually only about one-third of our
requirements. Argentine has been glad to supply
the balance, and its importation has raised
relatively no outcry from American farmers.
Now comes the official forecast of a 28,000,-
000-bushel crop. Normal U.S. consumption is.
25,000,000 bushels.
Argentina has already suffered the loss of
rmarkets in Europe, particularly Belgium and
Holland, and if she is to lose the U.S. market
as well, the consequences will be the exact op-
posite of what the master minds in Havana
are trying to accomplish.
For the sake of Argentine friendship, officials
here are considering the possibility of a surplus
purchase program. This has been done in cotton,
corn and wheat, but is unique and revolutionary
in flax, which has always been a deficiency crop.
WPA Food Cards
A nasty relief squabble is in the making for
next month, when the food stamp plan will L
inaugurated in Chicago. This is the largest city
to try the plan. Even after eliminating all per-
sons who get full WPA wages, Chicago has 84,000
needy families, or a total of 228,000 persons,
eligible for the food stamps.
To have included all reliefers, as is done in
most cities, would have bogged down the stamp
plan and made it unworkable.
The trouble is going to come from the require-
ment that relief clients must spend a certain
portion of their relief income on food. Strange
as it may seem, this requirement is going to be,
hotly contested.
The reason relief clients don't want to be
bound to pay out a fixed sum for food is that
they won't be able to pay rents, and will face
eviction. In Chicago, the landlord group which
controls housing in the relief quarters is a A-
lentless association, bent on wringing the
monthly payment from every tenant. When
payments are not forthcoming, evictions follow.
In the face of this, relief clients have been
paying a large portion of their relief income as
rents, and cutting down on food. But the food
stamp plan requires that a certain minimum,
usually a dollar a week per person, must be spent
to buy orange stamps, which come with 50 cents
worth of blue stamps for surplus foods thrown
in as bous

aims at a minimum of ambiguity.
To be brief, then, Himself is sup-
porting Mr. Roosevelt for a third
term and, if developments warrant,
may support him for a fourth term.
Mr. Roosevelt, as yet seems more or
less indifferent to this support, but
doubtless his appreciation will come
our way in the not-too-distant fu-
ture, we hope, we hope.
More seriously, we are supporting
Mr. Roosevelt not for his smile or
his charm or even his ability. We
are not even supporting him be-
cause we do not like Mr. Willkie.
We do like Mr. Willkie. We think
he might make a fine president, we
are sure he would make an excellent
administrator. We would support
him about ten country miles farther
than anyone else the Republicans
could have nominated with the poss-
ible exceptions of Fiorello La Guard-
ia and John Bricker. We would sup-
port him beyond anybody else the
Democrats could have nominated ex-
cept Mr. Roosevelt.
In case you wonder why in the
face of this eulogy of comparisons
we prefer Mr. Roosevelt we should
like to answer you by quoting #ur
favorite author, Mr. William Saro-
yan, in one of his (by courtesy)
short stories, puts the case very
simply. "It's the heart. Once in a
million years somebody comes
along with the heart that sees
what the people need; the heart1
that has comprehension and pity
and warmth and tenderness and1
love. It's whatall the great re-1
ligions are about. We all know justf
what it is but our words aren't1
adequate. But the people know
when a man has the heart, and
you can't fool them, not once inc
a million years."e
That's one reason why Himself
and some millions of others are1
going to vote for Mr. Roosevelt. We
know that he is a lousy administra-
tor, we don't like a lot of his advisors,
we deplore the economy of scarcity.
There are a half a dozen other thingsl
we don't like ranging from Jim Far-
ley to Sheridan Downey, but we are
going to vote for him just the same.
WE ARE going out on a limb for
Franklin because he has the1
heart. Because all of us fear (and1
which of us does not) know that:
while he is in the White louse there
will be respect and concern for us
and ours whether we can drag them
from a reluctant world for ourselves
or not. We know that while he lives
there will be one voice raised against
injustice and tyranny in this country
and the world. We know that while
he runs this counrty it may be badly
run but it will be run for the benefit
of the whole people. Perhaps Mr.
Willkie would do the same but we
don't know that.
With Franklin as our bulwark
all of us feel a little braver, all of
are a little more willing to fight'
injustice and the denial of our
rights and hard-won liberties. We
will concede that Willkie or half
a dozen men we could name off-
hand would administer the WPA
better; we will admit that Owen
D. Young could get more for our
money in the way of battleships or
typewriters; but the heart is not
there. The heart that speaks to us
through the eastern accent and
conservative antecedants we des-
pise; the heart that is a shield
against the hatreds and passions
of the bigoted and the fanatics.
So take all your efficiency experts
and throw them where you will. Take
all the administrators and the Busi-
ness Executives and selfmade men
and let them vote for the very
apotheosis of their kind. We will vote
for the right to hold our somewhat
broken reed in among the swords of
those who fight in the van. There

are some things worth more than
holding down administrative costs,
some matters of greater importance
than even the national debt. Sling
your scallions if you will. We vote
with all our heart.
Political Buttons
Fnd SomeHistory
Whatever may be thought of wear-
ing one's heart upon his sleeve, there
is something simple and comforting,
without regard to its decorative val-
ue, in the blitton worn on coat or
gown as a symbol of political alle-
giance and desire. Thus in yester-
day's newspaper it was refreshing to
read of "two elderly women, each
wearing two 'Win With Wheeler'
buttons," and of "over-size McNutt
buttons bravely worn by two matron-
ly Hoosier women." These pre-nom-
ination badges have a romantic in-
terest. Most of them represent

All notices for the Daily Officialc
Bulletin are to be sent to the Officei
of the Summer Session before 3:30(
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-7
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.c
Buses for the Summer Session Ex-
cursion to the State Prison of South-
ern Michigan at Jackson will leaveI
at 8:00 a.m. from in front of Angell
Hall on State Street and return at
1:00 p.m. today. Total expenses will
be $1.25.
Lectures. "Forgings for Aircraft
Engines" by Mr. H. F. Wood, Wyman'
Gordan Company and "Cast and
Forged Aluminum Alloys in Air-
craft Engines" by Mr. E. J. Willis,
Aluminum Company of America.
These lectures are in connection with,
the Internal Combustion Engine In-
ternal Combustion Engine Insti-
Building, 4 p.m. today.)
Graduate Record Program will be
held today, July 20 from 3 to
5 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. The program will
consist of the Overture, La Grande
Paque Russe by Rimsky-Korsakoff;
Symphony No. 4 by Sibelius; Daphne
and Chloe, 2nd Suite by Ravel; Gym-
nopedies No. 1 and 2 by Satie and
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor by
Bach. Dr. Charles Hockett will be
in charge. All are invited to attend.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday July 21 at 2:30 p.m. in the
rear of the Rackham Building for
a trip to Clear Lake County Park.
Swimming, hiking, softball. Supper
outdoors around a camp fire followed
by social hour. Those having cars
are asked to bring them. All gradu-
ate students, faculty and alumni in-
Band Concert. The second of the
High School Band Clinic concerts will
be presented Sunday afternoon, July
21, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium,
under the direction of Erik Leidzen of
New York City. The public is invited
to attend without admission charge.
The Michigan Wolverine will hold
its regular Sunday Evening Social
Hour from 6:00-10:30 Sunday, July
21. Classical music from 6:00-7:00
will be followed by popular recordings
from 7:00-10:30. Light suppers will
be served. There will be a door charge
of $.15.
Vespers: The second Summer Ses-
sion Vespers will be held in Hill
Auditorium Sunday, July 21st, 8:00
p.m. An all-music program will be
given by the Summer Session Chorus
under-the direction of Professor Olaf
Christiansen of Oberlin College.
A preview of school films is being
held in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building from 2:00 to 4:00
p.m daily, until July 25. The film
to be presented on Monday, July 22,
includes Social Studies as its area
of interest.
Square Dance Teachers' Class. A
class for those who are interested in
learning how to call square dancing
will be held at 5:00 p.m. Monday,
July 22, in the Michigan League
Ballroom. This will take the place
of the calling class previously held
after the square dancing Monday
evening. Mr. Benjamin B. Lovett will
be in charge. There is no fee for the

ence Room of the Rackham Build-
ing at 7:30 p.m. There will be a
discussion of a commercial frater-
nity organization, followed by a
watermelon party to be held at the
Island. All commercial teachers are
cordially invited to attend. Wear
old clothes.
Southern Illinois Students will
have a picnic-supper in the Gradu-
ate Outing Club Room in the base-
ment of the Rackham Building from
5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, July
24. There will be a small charge for
food. All those planning to attend
will please call 7062 before 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23, to make reserva-
Sunday, July 21, Rev. M. Vander
Werp officiating. Women's League,
Chapel. 10:30, Morning; 7:45, Eve-
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Hur-
on, C. H. Loucks, Minister. 10:30
The Church at Worship.. Baptismal
Service. Sermon, "What Man Needs
10:30: Kindergarten and Primary
Departments of the Church School
will meet in their respective rooms.
11:30. The Church at Study. A
forty minute period of Bible Study
is offered with Classes for all ages.
The University Class will discuss
the message of II Isaiah for today.
6:15. The Roger Williams Guild
will hold a picnic on the Guild house
lawn and then attend the University
Vesper Service in a group.

"It's a nice jab--but I think we'll wait and see what the auto
people turn out!"

First Church of Christ,
409 S. Division St. Sunday;
10:30. Subject, "Life."
School at 11:45.

service at

First Methodist Church. Morning
Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "My
Wesley Foundation. Student Class
at 9:30 a.m. Theme, "The Bible and
Literature." Leader, Mildred Sweet.
Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
beginning with refreshments and fel-
lowship hour. Prof. George Carroth-
ers will be the leader of the program
using the book "Teachers for Democ-
racy" by the John Dewey Society. We
will adjourn in time for the Vesper
Service at Hill Auditorium.
Michigan Christain Fellowshilp
meets each Sunday afternoon at 4:30
in the Fireside room of Lane Hall.
You are cordially invited to share
the inspiration of the devotional and
social hour.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints: Sunday School and dis-
cussion group, 9:30 a.m., Michigan
League Chapel.
First Presbyterian Church. Sun-
day, July 21. 10:45 a.m. "Our De-
fense Is Within" will be the subject
of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
5:30 p.m. Sunday evening Ves-
pers led by the Minister. Dr. W. P.
Lemon, on "What the Other Half
Believe." This Sunday evening his
subject will be a Scientist's "Religion
Without God." A cost supper at 5:30,
meeting at 6:30 o'clock.
First Congregational Church, State
and William. Rev. Leonard A. Parr,
D.D. 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr.
Parr will speak on "Possess Your

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