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July 21, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-07-21

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Deadline Set
In All-Campus
Sports Tourney
First And Second Round
Matches To Be Played
By Beginning Of Week
Finals Open Soon
Entrants in the All-Campus Wom-
en's Sport Tournament are again re-
minded that all first round matches
must be played off immediately.
July 24 has been set as the dead-
line for all first round matches in
the Beginner's Golf Tournament.
Games which as yet have not been
played are Kay Bird vs. Lydia Beck-
er, Frances MacDonald vs. Alice Ches-
ter, Jean Smith vs. Charlotte Strauss,
Peg VanDeusen vs. Dorothy Rosen-
feld, and Mary Schreur vs. Veronica
All first and second round games
in the Intermediate Badminton Tour-
nament must be played off by next
Monday evening. In the matches
that have been played S. Keeping
eliminated Virginia Golden, and will
meet the winner of the Carnes-Pauli
game, Valborg Fletty defeated M.
Stieler, and Mary Doidge defeated
Myrtle Stokke.
All scores for first round matches
in the Women's Singles Tennis Tour
nament must be posted on the bulle-
tin board in the Women's Athletic
Building by Saturday morning, July
22. Second round matches must be
played by Wednesday, July 26 in order
that the semi-finals may open on
Thursday. Scores made in the matches
already played are Bea Massman-
bye, Lydia Wiggins over Patty Clare,
6-1, 6-2; Emily Ruhlig over Kiay
Bird; 6-0, 6-0; Jean Johnson over Hel-
en Halloran, 6-3, 6-2; May Noon over
Ruby Vaughn, 2-6, 6-4, 6-4; and Jean
Gomon who won by default.
Games to be played are Veronica
Dundon vs. Jean Smith, and Jean
Ferry vs. Elsie Michalke. Matches
in the second round will be Mass-
man vs. Wiggins, Ruhlig vs. Dundon-
Smith winner, Gomon vs. Ferry-
Michalke winner, and Noon vs. John-
In the finals of the Women's Open
Singles Golf Tournment, Elsie
Michalke will meet the winner of
the Jean Johnson vs. Maurine Bowl-
ing match.
Visitors Invited
To Observatory
Open House Is Scheduled
For 8 To 10 P.M. Tday
The observatory in Angell Hall is
holding the second in a series of
visitors nights, from 8 p.m. to 10
p.m. today and tomorrow.
These open houses have been car-
ried on for several years and have
become quite popular with the student
Delbert Hiltner and Harry Bendler,
student assistants, will try to point
out constellations and to answer
questions. Constellations may be ob-
served from the two telescopes: the
15-inch reflector and the 10-inch
refractor. However, the moon and the
planet Mars will be the main points of
interest to the visitors.
The student observatory is located
in Angell Hall and is used for obser-
vation purposes. The main research
observatory is located on Observa-
tory Street near the hospital.

Mitchell Speaks
At Union Luncheon
More than thirty students and
members of the Department of Phys-
ical Education attended the Physical
Education Luncheon held at 12 noon
yesterday at the Michigan Union.
Prof. E. D. Mitchell spoke to the
group on the history of the Ameri-
can Physical Education Association
and the professional memberships in
Included in Professor Mitchell's
talk was a summary of the experi-
ences he has had as Secretary of the
Association and Editor of the Jour-
nal of Health and Physical Education.
He is serving in both capacities at
the present time.
'1edding S
The marriage of Miss Phyllis Cava-
naugh, '41, of Midland, to Joe Walsh,
'41L, took place Friday at the Epis-
copal Church. Mrs. Walsh was a
member of Pi Beta Phi, and Mr.
Walsh of Psi Upsilon.
Attendants at, the wedding 'were
iMr. anr Mrs Rnhert Miller of Ann

Latin American Institute Opens
Second Conference Here Today,
- a - ff

Bibliographical Experts
Gather In Conference
On Research Material
(Continued from Page 1)
versity, Raul d'Eca of the Inter-
American Bibliographical and Library
Association, Prof. John Englekirk of
Tulane University, Luther Evans of
the Works Progress Administration
Historical Records Survey, Prof.
Charles Hackett of the University of
Texas and William Haygood, execu-
tive secretary of the American Li-
brary Association Committee on
Library Relations with Latin Ameri-
Prof. Herman Hespelt of New
York University will participate; also
Roscoe Hill of the National Archives
Jerome Jacobson of the Institute of
Jesuit History, Mrs. Concha Romero
James of the Pan American Union,
C. K. Jones of the Library of Con-
gress, Prof. John Lanning of Duke
Uniersity, Prof. Sturgis Leavitt of
the University of North Carolina,
Waldo Leland of the American Coun-
cil of Learned Societies, and Dr.
Irving Leonard of the Rockefeller
Prof. Joseph Lockey of the Univer-
sity of California, Prof. Rayford Lo-
gan of Howard University, Prof. S. H.
Lowrie of Bowling Green State Uni-
versity, H. M. Lydenberg of the New
York Public Library, Henry Moe,
secretary of the Guggenheim Memor-
ial Foundation, Rubens Borba de
Moraes of the Bibliotheca Municipal
de Sao Paulo.
Francis A. Mullin of the Catholic
University of America, Prof. Marshall
Nunn of the University of Alabama,
Raye Platt of the American Geo-
graphical Society, Prof. Robert S.
Platt of the University of Chicago,
Cody Entertains
Education Meet

R. O. Rivera of the American Library
Association, Prof. W. S. Robertson of
the University of Illinois, Prof. Carl
0. Sauer of the University of Cali-
France V. Scholes of the Carnegie
Institution of Washington, Robert C.
Smith of the Library of Congress,
Prof. V. B. Spratlin of Howard Uni-
versity, Julian Steward of the Bureau
of American Ethnology, Prof. Stuart
Graham of Stanford University, J.
E. S. Thompson of the Carnegie In=
stitution of Washington, Prof. Na-
varro Tomas of Columbia University,
Prof. A. P. Whitaker of the Universi-
ty of Pennsylvania and Silvio Zavala
of the Instituto Pan Americano de
Historia y Geografia.
The following men from the Sum-
mer faculty will take part: Dr. Wil-
liam Berrien of the University of
California, Gilberto Freyre of Brazil,
Prof. John Gillin of Ohio State Uni-
versity, Prof. Clarence Haring of Har-
vard University, Prof. Chester Lloyd
Jones of the University of Wiscon-
sin, and Prof. J. Lloyd Mecham of
the University of Texas.
Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history
department, Prof. Max Handman of
the economics department, Prof.
Joseph Lincoln of the romance lan-
guage department, Samuel McAllis-
ter, associate librarian, Prof. Dudley
M. Phelps of the School of Business
Administration, Prof. Jesse Reeves
of the political sciencerdepartment,
and Prof. Julio del Toro of the ro-
mance languages department.

To Speak Here
Near East Theologist To Be
At Religious Conference
(Continued from Page 1)
so studied at Union Theological Sem-
inary and has taught in United
States, Greece and Syria. On leave
for the past year, he has been head
of the Department of Religion at
Smith College.
Daily classes on The History of
Religion, Character Education, Com-
munity Problems, Religious Educa-
tion, Philosophy of Education, Phi-
losophy of Religion, Psychology of
Personality, History of Western Eu-
rope, Milton, Aesthetics and the Psy-
chology of Child Development are to
be offered by members of the faculty
of the University for registered mem-
bers of the Religious Conference.
Permission to attend these classes can
be obtained free of charge at the
>ffice of the Counselor in Religious
Education, Room 4, University Hall.
Special events being planned for
guests include a tea and reception to
be held at 5 p.m. Monday in the
Union; a vesper service to be held at
8 p.m. Sunday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall; a lecture by Dr. Harrison
at 8 p.m. Monday, also in the Rack-
ham lecture hall on the topic "The
Romance of Arabia"; and a concert
by the faculty of the University
SchoolpofsMusic,topen to the public,
to be presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Auditorium.

gWmmA Vmi P""Rmm~i~ IIP #IIC-

Local Publishing House Offers
VisitingStudents An Invitation

(Continued from Page 2) C
ing to teach in the state of New York
are notified that the examination in
French, German, Spanish, and Itali-
an will be given here on Aug. 5.
Those expecting to take this examin-
ation will have to notify this office
immediately so that we can inform
the "Division of Examinations" July
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, July 22, will be the final
day for dropping a course without
record in the summer session. Courses
may be dropped only with permis-
sion of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, afid the Arts: Except under ex-
traordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Saturday, July 22, will
be recorded with a grade of E.
E. A. Walter.
School of Education Students (Un-
dergraduate): Courses dropped after
Saturday, July 22, will be recorded
with the grade of E except under ex-
traordindary circumstances. No course
is considered officially dropped un-
less it has been reported in the of-
fice of the Registrar, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
Graduate Outing Club will have a
picnic at the University of Michigan
Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake
on Sunday, July 23. As this will be
between camp seasons, the water-
front facilities, diving boards, raft,
etc., will be at our disposal. There is
a good baseball diamond and lovely
woods for hiking. There will be a
campfire sing in the evening. The
group will meet at 2:30 at the north-
west entrance of the Rackham build-
ing. All graduatetstudents and fac-
ulty members are cordially invited.
Charge 40 cents. Transportation will
be by car, and all those who own cars
are urged to bring them. Drivers
will be repaid for their expenses.
There will be a meeting regardless of
the weather.
Campus Vesper: Professor Bennett
Weaver will address the Second Ves-
per of the Summer Session of 1939
in the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m.
Sunday, upon "The Function of Cul-
ture in our Democracy." Congrega-
tional singing under the direction of
Professor David Mattern. Miss Leah
Lichtenwalter will sing "Agnus Dei"
Balloon Dance: The Michigan Wol-
verine Student Cooperative .will hold
another of its informal summner danc-
ing parties, Sunday evening, July 23,
from 8:30 until 11:00.
Music will be furnished by 400
recorded popular dance selections.
Requests will be played. Ice cream
and cookies served. Everyone is cor-
dially invited to' attend.
Householders: Will persons having
rooms to rent during week of July
23-30 for persons attending the Con-
ference on Religion please phone
University 303.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
William A. Murrill will be held on
Monday, July 24, at 4 p.m. in Room
417, West Medical Building. Mr.
Murrill's field of specialization is In-
ternal Medicine (Nutrition). The

the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Speech Students: Professor Ken-
neth H. Hance, Chairman ,of the De-
partment of Speech, Albion College,
will conduct the roundtable discus-
sion on Graduate Studies in Speech
Education in Room 1025 Angell Hall
at 4 p.m.aMonday, July 24.
G. E. Densmore,
Reception: All students attending
the Summer Session interested in
meeting the Lecturers, Ministers, and
Leaders in Religious Education from
out of town, come to the reception
at the Michigan Union 'Terrace, Mon-
day, July 24, at five o'clock.
Red Cross Life Saving Classes for
men and women start Monday, July
24 and continue through Thursday,
August 5. Monday and Thursday,
5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Friday, and Saturday 6 to 7:45
p.m. The classes will be held at the
Intramural Pool. The instruction
is free and is given by Mr. G. Robert
Golf Tournaments, Women Stu-
dents. The first round of the novice
tournament should be played off by
July 24. The draw is posted in toe
Women's Athletic Building.-
Those students wishing to try out
for the golf team should hand in at
least one score-card of nine holes
from any course. The game will be
played the last week in July.
All competitors must arrange their
own games and must have had a'
Health Service medical check before
Speech Students: A Symposium on,
Graduate Studies in Rhetoric and
Oratory and the History of the The-
atre will be held in the Men's Lounge;
of the Rackham Building at 4 o'clock
on Wednesday, July 26. All candi-
dates for the Master's degree and all
applicants and candidates for the
Doctor's degree, whose work lies
within these fields should attend this
G. E. Densmore.
School of Education Students (Un-
dergraduate) who receive marks of
Incomplete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance must com-
plete work in such courses by July
26. Petitions for extension of time,
with the approval of the instructor
concerned, should be directed to the

Administrative Committee of the
School of Education and presented
at 1437 U.E.S. before July 26. In
cases where no supplementary grade
or petitioip for extension of time has
been filed, these marks shall be con-
sidered as having lapsed into E
All Men in Education are urged to
attend the picnic sponsored by the
Men's Education Club at Portage
Lake, Wednesday, July 26. There-
will be a program of sports for every
one followed by a chicken dinner.
Tickets are 75 cents each.
Sensitization Study: Students wish-
ing to have complete sensitization
studies made at the University Health
Service should make appointments
A sensitization test is advisable for
those who have at any time had the
following symptoms: sneezing and
discharging nose, asthma, urticaria
(hives), eczema, gastro-intestinal up-
sets, headaches, migraine, frequent
colds, and food poisoning. It is also
recommended for one in whose family
any of the above symptoms have ex-
If you wish the test made, please
call 2-3248 (University Health Serv-
ice) -for an appointment.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service examina-
tions. Last date for filing applica-
tion is noted in each case:
Assistant Industrial Counsellor,
salary: $2,600, Aug. 14.
Federal Prison Industries, Inc.,
Dept. of Justice.
Educational and Technical Con-
sultant in Curriculum Problems, sal-
ary: $5,600, Abg. 14.
Principal Forest Ecologist, salary,
$5,600, Aug. 14.
Senior Forest Ecologist, salary: $4,-
600, Aug. 14.
Forest Ecologist, salary: $3,800,
Aug. 14.
Associate Forest Ecologist, salary:
$3,200, Aug. 14.
Assistant Forest Ecologist, salary:
$2,600, Aug. 14.
Principal Forest Economist, salary:
$5,600, Aug. 14.
Senior Forest Economist, salary:
$4,600, Aug. 14.
Forest Economist, salary: $3,800,
Aug. 14.
Associate Forest Economist, salary:
$3,200, Aug. 14.
Assistant Forest Economist, salary:
$2,600, Aug. 14.
(Continued on Page 4)


A Research Dire
Stresses Evolution


(Cont4nued from Page 1)
Erie, Pa.; Mr. George Beauchamp,
principal of Bloomfield Township
School, Britton; and Mr. Victor
Whittemore, superintendent schools
at Pinconning.
Today's program will begin with a
lecture at 9:10 a.m. on "Implications
of Research Findings for Adminis-'
tration of Elementary Education" by
Dr. Henry J. Otto, educational direc-
tor of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
At 10:10 a.m. three talks will be
given on reading recommendations
at different levels. "Specific Recom-
mendations for the Improvement of
Reading in Grades One to Three"
will be given by Miss Edith Bader;
"Specific Recommendations for the
Improvement of Reading in Grades
Four to Six" by Dr. Irving H. An-
derson; and "Specific Recommenda-
tions for the Improvement of Read-
ing on the Secondary Level" by Dr.
Orie I. Frederick.
The Conference will be closed with
a lecture at 11:10 a.m. by Dr. Fritz
Redl, of the School of Education, on
"Mental Hygiene Aspects of the
Reading Problem."
All lectures -will be given in the
University High School Auditorium.
Foresters Told
Of Saw Sense'
By Cy Lawson
(Special to The Daily)
National Forest, July 19.Max Me-
lick, '31F&C, now ranger of the Wa-
tersmeet district of the Ottawa Na-
tional Forest, explained the outline
of the administration of the United
States Forest Service to the students
at the Forestry Camp here.
Instruction on the care and use of
saws is being given at the camp by
Henry "Cy" Lawson of the Atkins
Saw Company, who has become a
favorite instructor for his droll Mis-
sissippi humor and spiced wise-
cracks, in spite of his severe grading.
Rainy weather and heavy thun-
dershowers are still the order here,
but the work of scaling logs is pro-
gressing merrily, and Prof. L. J.
Young's class in fire prevenion will
have completed mapping 2,500 acres
for study in actual fire detecti m

Visiting professors and summer
school students will be interested to
learn that Ann Arbor is the seat of
the largest preliminary print text-
book publishers in the United States.
Every field from Asiatic art to zoology
is represented among the books pub-
lished by Edwards Brothers, Inc.
Over a period of 46 years the firm
has grown from a small mimeograph
shop to the foremost offset publishers
of limited, editions of college text-
books and manuals. Among the at-
tractions in Ann Arbor a trip through
this publishing plant is one of the
most interesting.
There the vsiitor will see the entire
process of lithoprinting the book
which includes the manuscrpit being
typed on 'electric carbon ribbon type-
writers, in preparation for the pho-
tographic department; the trans-
forming of these sheets into negatives
which in turn are made into plates.
These plates are then placed on off-
set presses which are equipped with
water rollers, and operate on the
French House
Cercle Francais Hears
Mme. Williams
"Ability to converse in French
without being limited to monosyl-
lables was an aim of early French
instruction in America as it is to-
day," Mme. Faith Williams informed
members of the Cercle Francais
when she spoke last night at the
French House.
Discussing the subject "Quelques
Influences Francaise En Amerique,",
Mme. Williams indicated that food,
education, art and architecture are
among the aspects of American life
strongly influenced by the French.
She also pointed out that one of
the first colleges for women was
founded by Matthew Vassar, a des-
cendent of French Hugenots.
M. John Alden talking on "Les Ro-
mans Dans D'Andres Chamson" em-
phasized that this, modern French
novelist developed his individualism
from interests in single acts of re-
volt to a belief in mass action against
the totalitarian philosophy which
dispenses with individual .liberties.
Education Club To Have
Picnic At Portage Lake
A picnic for all men enrolled in
the School of Education will be held
at 4 p.m. Wednesday at Portage Lake,
it was announced yesterday.
The event is being sponsored by
the Men's Education Club. Activities
will consist of swimming, horseshoes,
baseball, volleyball, darts and other
games organized by Randolph W.
Webster of the Intramural depart-
ment. Supper will be at 6 p.m.

principle of oil and water not mixing.
The sheets are then folded, sewed
and bound and ready to be shipped
to any college or university in the
United States and Europe.
Among the books recently pub-
lished are: "100,000 Days of Illness"
by Dorothy Ketcham, "Neo Babylon-
ian Documents" by 'Prof. LeRoy Wa-
terman of the Oriental Languages
Department; "Introduction to Ra-
diology" by Drs. Fred J. Hodges and
W. S. Peck of the University Hospital
and "The Concordance of Ovid," a
2,000 page book composed entirely of
Latin words.
Although a trip through the plant
is. not listed on the Summer Session
calendar, arrangements for group or
individual tours can be arranged for
by either calling 2-3191 or by calling
in person at Edwards Brothers, 300
John St., on week days from 8 a.m. to
4 pm.
Spectacular Lightning
Display Thrills Camp
CAMP DAVIS, Wyo., July 19.-
Residents of the Hoback Valley got a
glimpse of one of nature's most spec-
tacular displays last week when a
bolt of lightning set fire to an alpine
spruce standing atop two-mile high
Beaver Mountain.
The fire was discovered about 7:30
p.m. Monday by a group of geology
students and was immediately re-
ported to a nearby ranger on the
Teton National Forest.
Little damage was done although
observation through a transit re-
vealed that the fire had crowned
shortly after it was discovered. A
light rain and absence of wind played
important parts in extinguishing the
blaze in a short time.



J.uly Clearance



Ann Foster Cotton Wash Dresses
Formerly $4.00. Sizes 12 to 40

title of his thesis is "The Effects of
Diet Upon the Composition of Serum
and Urinary Proteins."
Dr. L. H. Newburgh as chairman of
the doctoral committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has




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