FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939
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The editorials published in The Michigan
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Tonight and tomorrow Summer Session stu-
dents are given the opportunity to attend one of
the most thoroughly planned and socially useful
events of the year-the ice-cream festival for
Medical Aid to China. Aside from the obvious
fact that everything possible has been done to
provide a good time, the use which proceeds will
be put to is of vital importance.
Instead of writing a column today, I present a
letter written by Ettie Chin, who received her
masters degree here in physical education in
1937, to Robert F. Yee, a classmate. Written after
a bombing raid on Gingling College, Chengtu,
Szechuan, China, it presents an example of the
suffering which medical aid could do much to
Ginling College
Chengtu, Szechwan
June 12, 1939
Dear Friends,
Last evening about 7:00 p.m. Chengtu populace
and part of West China Union University campus
experienced its first real raid. The first warning
went off but the second urgent warning never
came, and if it did, it was so dim that the people
on the campus and some parts of the city were
unaware of the presence of the planes till they
were practically over and above us all. We sighted
27 planes in close formation and then we did not
wait to see more but made a dive to the ground
where we lay flat on our front expecting any
minute tht a bomb would be dropped right on
us. The planes seemed to be Aso close and so
near us up in the air and the sound of the bomb-
ings seemed so close. In fact they weren't too
high up either.
As soon as the alarm for first warning went off
the first aid unit corps of students and medical
students and internes and doctors which had
been organized several weeks ago just in case
there should be a bombing on the campus or
near the campus, took their assigned posts.
Shortly after the release and even before the
release these first aiders went to rescue the in-
jured and wounded and to bring them back. Some
of them did not keep low till it was comparatively
safe to venture out on their good mission, and as
a result suffered shrapnel wounds. The group did
a grand piece of work as well as they could. They
brought the wounded, those whom they thought
had hopes of living, to the administration build-
ing. There were not enough stretchers to carry
the wounded so that many trips had to be made.
The place we went to help was at the administra-
tion building where we comforted and gave water
to those who were wounded and in many cases
badly wounded. The only thing that could be
done at this place was to stop the bleeding by
applying tourniquets, doing a bit of bandaging
and making the people as comfortable as we
could until it was possible to bring these people
to the hospital in the city. There was a great lack
of medical supplies. I returned to the dormitory
and brought out all the rolls of bandages which
the students and faculty of Ginling had been
preparing for several weeks in case anything
did happen. Even these were not enough and we
managed to get some more bandage materials and
cut those up. The students and faculty members
are still working on bandages. A committee met
this morning to see about the purchase of medi-
cal supplies from the city if possible. Many of
the wounded who were brought in yesterday
were suffering from concussions of the brain,
head wounds, abdominal wounds and severe leg
wounds, all of which were caused mostly by
shrapnel. Of course it is needless to say that
many of them died before anything could be done
and help given them.
The number killed and wounded and burned
to death has not been estimated as yet, but r
would not be surprised at the number which is
given later on. The city areas, various sections of
the city, were in flames and the sky was a flam-
ing red up till the wee hours of the morning.
About 4 or 5 a.m. the fire had subsided, but the
damage done in the city, I cannot say right now,
since I have not yet gone there, but reports say a
large part of a number of the streets have been
burned completely. The bombs which were
dropped were without question incendiary in
nature. Several bombs dropped on the campus
outlying parts. Two bombs which were dropped
on the campus near our place did not explode
fortunately, otherwise, I would hate to tell the
story and the damages would have been very
great. Both of these bombs were dropped and
landed on the campus about 30 yards from our
dormitory. I'm sure had there been an explosion,
the dormitory and the library would have been
leveled to the ground. The other two bombs
dropped on the bank beside the river so that the
explosion was not as bad as4t might have been.
But there was enough damage done as it was
from concussion. The house in which I stayed at
the beginning -of the year on my arrival in
Chengtu and in which the President of the Uni-
versity of Nanking and his family are now stay-
ing, was very badly shattered and wreckei by a
large bomb which dropped only 30 to 40 feet to
the right of their home. Fortunately the bomb
landed partly in the river and not directly on
the ground itself, otherwise the damage done
would have been worse. The whole Chen family
were badly shaken up and some of them suf-
fered cuts and bruises. The family were sitting
on the back porch very near to the river side and
the porch gave way beneath. Dr. Chen was
thrown from the porch. He turned three somer-
saults and landed on the ground below. He
received a very bad shaking up, but fortunately
did not receive any injury from the fall. The
people sitting in the tea houses across the other
side of the river, those who did not run for cover,
were killed outright or badly wounded by shrap-
nel which flew in all directions. It was a very
close shave as one might say, for the families
living in the Methodist compound. Had the bomb
landed only a few more yards on the compound
grounds itself the whole compound with its occu-4
pants would have suffered greatly, either severely
wounded or killed outright. But it didn't and
there can be many ifs at this time. Chance seems
to play a big factor in this bombing. It is diffi-
cult to say whether one is any safer in this place
or that place. No one can tell. But we all must
lie on the ground as flat as possible in order to
get away from the shrapnel. This does not mean
thought that we are safe from machine gunning.
At the present I know of three students who were
on the first aid unit corps who were stationed
near the compound area. One of them, a West-
China Union University student, was killed im-
mediately, the other two, Cheeloo students, were
very badly wounded. One of them received a skull
fracture and arm injury and is not expected to
live. The other, a cousin of one of our faculty
members, was injured in three places on the leg
She was placed on the danger list because tetanus
had begun to set in. A serum for tetanus was in-
jected and right now she is better. The other
bomb which did any damage landed on a tree
near our athletic field close to the National
Central University faculty compound and ex-
ploded in the air, taking the upper part of the
building right off. No' one was killed. Our gym-
nasium received two holes in the walls, badly
shattered windows, a piece of the curved roof
top knocked off but the building is still standing.
The medical building of West China Union
University was badly hit by a bomb which dropped
nearby. Things were badly smashed there.
This is the first experience for many of us to
have bombs dropping so close to us. Then to see
the terrible suffering which so many of the
people had to go through from wounds. My night
at the administration building in the rooms'
where the wounded had been brought by soma
of our first aid unit corps, and where other faculty
and students members did our little bit to com-
fort those wounded and to give them water, is
still a sort of nightmare: They were mostly of the
poorer class. The stench and smell of blood, the
groans and cries of the wounded are all with
me. Many of the more serious ones died that
evening. The students worked hard that evening
and deserve a word of praise.
Sincerely yours,
Ettie Chin
P.S. In this letter I have tried merely to tell
what happened and not to paint in too flowery
a way the raid which Chengtu experienced on
June 11.
End Pain . .
T HERE IS A BOY in Ann Arbor who
fought in the Spanish War; which
.de he was on does not now matter. He was
'ounded. You should ask him sometime to de-
cribe the bitter pain which smashed through
is body when a bullet pierced his chest. You
hould ask him how it felt to know there were no
nedical facilities. You should ask him whether
piece of newspaper makes a very good band-
ge. You should ask him how it feels to know
ou survived the bullet and now may die because
here are no medical supplies.
And then think of China. In Spain there were
few millions; in China there are 400 millions.
a Spain there was some good medical aid. In
hina there are 77 medical units for a nation
uffering from disease, from torture which pelts
rom high-flying planes, from artillery, machine
uns, bombs, flame-throwers-from all the hide-
us devices of modern warfare. Seventy-seven
2edical units-one to every five millions.
Even the war correspondents, we hear, some-
mes get a little sick when they file their dis-
atches. It is not a pleasant sight to see a modern
ar machine bent on conquest burn and blast its
ay through humanity. Even a war correspond-
it feels his stomach turn when he enters a
.rned village or sees a rotting child body in
te street with vermine crawling on it. It is some-
mes hard to write when you look out of a win-
>w and see long lines of men walking, crawling,
agging their shattered bodies back to medical
eadquarters and the inadequate relief it can
And, then, of course, there are the plagues,
ubonic plague, cholera, malariar-story-book
umes, aren't they? But not when you visit a
plage of death and walk through silent streets;
t when men and women and children wait
pelessly for death knowing there is no chance
That is why the festival for medical aid to
lina is important. Tonight and tomorrow as
mplete a program as has been presented in
>nths will begin. Dozens of faculty members
id students have given time and energy will-
gly, unselfishly preparing it. Human suffering
'ikes a universal note. And moves toward relief
human suffering demand universal support.
I'hat is why you-yes, and your friends too-
ould be in attendance at the festival, doing
ur part at a festival of joy to provide the
ans to end a carnival of pain.
--Stan M. Swinton
n Cancer Study
[he possibility of viruses as the cause of ban-
was discussed by Dr. C. H. Andrewes of the
dical Research Council of the National In-
Lute for Medical Research, Hamstead, Eng-
d in the third of the series entitled "Viruses
Relation to New Growths."
)ne of the first evidences pointing toward the
sibility of virus as an important . cause of
lignant growths was uncovered in investigat-
a certain form of carcinoma in chickens. It
s found that the filtrate from the infected
sues of one animal when injected into a normal
cken developed a growth very much like a
lignant tumor.
the theory was then advanced that this malig-
nt growth may have been caused by a filter-
In Texts
(Editor's Note: This is he second of
two articles on current trends in ele-
mentary and secondary school text-
books. The first article, which ap-
peared wednesday, considered format;
today's is on content.)
Some years ago, classroom pro-
cedure in the elementaryrand high
schools consisted largely of reading
and studying various texts, the only
variety in this procedure being the
teacher's choice of the books to be
In the last few years, there has
been a strong movement toward the
minimizing of text book instruction,
and the substitution of activities in
its place, in order to give the pupil
first hand experience with the prob-
lems he will later encounter.
The latest texts, many of which
are now being exhibited by 46 pub-
lishers in the halls of the University
High and Elementary Schools in con-
junction with the Educational Con-
ference week sponsored'by the School
of Education, show a noticeable
trend toward a compromise between
these two methods. The activity
movement has apparently passed its
peak. Administrators are beginning~
to realize that not all problems which
the child should be acquainted with
are within the scope of activities that
can be included in the classroom
Textbooks now show such a com-
bination of the two methods as to
include enough material for the
necessary experience that can only be
obtained by the student vicariously
and allow at the same time sufficient
leeway for what personal experiences
may be garnered.
In the field of social studies many
advances can be seen. 'History texts
at one time gauged progress political-
ly from one war to the next; now the
emphasis is being placed on cultural
progress. Economics books, once
mainly theory, now present principles
with problems; once purely social in
aspect, now are evenly divided be-
tween the social and commercial
points of view. Political texts used
to be organized according to the struc-
ture of government; the trend now
is toward an attempt to instill in the
student an understanding of govern-
mental functions.
English texts are _growing away
from the constant emphasis on the
mechanics of grammar, though not
disregarding that altogether. Conver-
sation is stressed. Social and busi-
ness letters, as the main means of
written expression of the greater por-
tion of the student body, are given a
good deal of attention. Parliamentary
procedure is taught as it is met with
on so many occasions in later life.
Very useful is the instruction now
being included in high school texts
on note taking, summarizing and pre-
cise writing, and in the use of libra-
ries. English books are now being
organized in sections for each separ-
ate subject, rather than having each
subject continue throughout, making
the text unwieldy for quick reference.
In the sciences, physics and chem-,
istry show no great advances in text-
book treatment, with physics perhaps
the leader of the two. Explanations
and instructions for laboratory ex-
perimentation are common. More
popular are the general science
texts in which practical science is
considered from a functional point
of view, and scientific appliances in.
the home which every child is famil-
iar with are used as illustrations of
the principles to be taught.
In place of the cut and dried study
of grammar in foreign language texts,
there is coming to be more and more
emphasis placed on a social study of
the peoples who spear the language.
The mechanics of the language is
treated in with this material and
vocabulary is gained through reading.
However, after a swing far away
from grammar in the past few years,
there is now an indication of more
concentration on that part of the
study, and perhaps a compromise will
soon be reached in this field.
Desert Lands In Asia
There are two million square miles
in the heart of Asia where the rain-
fall is less than 10 inches a year, Prof.
George B. Cressey of Syracuse Uni-
versity, visiting professor in the In-
stitute of Far Eastern Studies, told'
his audience yesterday at the Rack-
ham School.1
In this area everything becomes a
by-product of grass, which is the
only staple, he said, and which in
turn depends on the scant rainfall.
The precipitation is so all-important,
he claimed, that strangers meeting
say not "hello," but rather "have
'you seen rainfall?"
One-third of this desert land is in
Chinese Turkestan, while the other
two-thirds are in Outer and Inner
Mongolia, he pointed out, tracing the
part this desert area has played in
He emphasized the fact that the
area was not so large in mileage as
in time. From Urgan to Kalgan, a
five-day automobile trip, takes any-
where from 30 to 45 days by camel,
he claimed. Urgan is north across
the Gobi desert from Kalgan.
Professor Cressey showed slides of
the region and told of his experiences
while travelling there.
6:00 News
6:15 Inside Sports
6:30 Calling All Cars
6:45 "o
7:00 western Skies
7:30 Johnny Presents
7:45 "o
8:00 99 Men and Girl
8:30 First Nighter
9:00 Grand Central
9:15 "
9:30 Ripley
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy
10:15 Parker Family
10:30 Sports
10:45 Cab Calloway
11:00 News
11:15 Beach Comber
11:30 "
11:45 Harry Owens
12:00 Sign Off
wasI wa I wx , n
750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Friday Afternoon
12:00 Goldberg Julia Blake News News commentator
12:15 Life Beabtiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradeast Golden Store Black and White
12:45 Day Is Ours words and Music Fan on the Street Songs
1:00 Ed McConnell Merle Clark Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Tyson Interview Grimm's Daughter Word Dramas
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene valiant Lady Music
1:45 Girl Marries Gardener Betty Crocker Muse and Music
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Navy Banid Marriage Romnances
2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins Organ
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young Mel and Jane
2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light Book Ends News Commentator
3:00 Minuet Philadel. at Detroit Club Matinee Voice of Justice
3:15 Sweet and Hot " Moods in Music
3:30 ", Songs
3:45 Duncan Moore * News T1o be announced.
4:00 Binghamton Choir " Police'Field Day Jamboree
4:15 Melody, Rhythm " Bruce Becker
4:30 "" Affairs of Anthony
4:45 Alice Blair "Bob Armstrong
5:00 Miss Julia Democracy Hollywood Hilights Muted Music
5:15 To be announced Malcolm Claire Stuff Smith Orch Turf Reporter
5:30 P.G.A. Summary Buck Rogers Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News
Friday Evening
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939
Doctor's Degree in Speech: All ap-
plicants and candidates for the Doc-
tor's Degree in Speech should call
at the Speech Office, 3211 Angell
Hall, today and arrange for an ap-:
pointment with the Graduate Com-
mittee of the Department.
G. E. Densmore.
A program in chemistry and physics:
Distributing Heat Energy
Molecular Theory of Matter
Tin f
Historical Introduction of Chem-
Common Salt
Chemical Effects of Electricity
Pig Iron to Steel
These films will be shown free, to
all who wish to attend, in the Archi-
tectural Auditorium from 2 to 4 p.m.,
International Center. The Chinese
tea held regularly on Fridays will also
be omitted this week because of prep-
arations for the Ice Cream Festival.
Lecture, "Immunity in Influenza"
will be given by Dr. C. H. Andrewes,
Medical Research Council, National
Institute for Medical Research,
Hampstead, London, Eng., at 4:15
p.m. today, in Room 1528, East Medi-
cal Building.
Lecture, "Areas of International
Concern in Latin-America." Profes-
sor Robert S. Platt of the University
of Chicago will speak on this sub-
ject with illustrations this afternoon
at 5 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.
Linguistic Institute, Lecture, "Com-
position and Derivation in Algon-
quian" by Professor Leonard. Bloom-
field today at 7:30 p.m. in the Am-
phitheatre (third floor) of the Rack-
ham Building.
Band Concert. The University Sum-
mer Session Concert Band under the
direction of Professor William D.
Revelli, in cooperation with the com-
mittee in charge of raising funds for
Chinese war sufferers, will give a
concert in Hill Auditorium this eve-
ning at 7:45 o'clock. The general
public is invited.
Piano Concert. Robert Moss, pian-
ist, pupil of Joseph Brinkman of the
School of Music faculty, will give a
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Mu-
sic degre, this evening at 8:15 o'clock
in the School of Music Auditorium.
The general public is invited to at-
Patrons of "Our Town." Due to the
Ice Cream Festival on the Mall to-
night and Saturday night, parking
facilities will be somewhat curtailed
and we suggest that patrons of the
play arrive early to allow them to
reach the theatre by 8:30. No one
will be seated during the short in-
troduction to the play. Michigan
Repertory Players.
Excursion No. 8, Jackson Prisom
This trip begins at 8 a.m. in front of
Angell Hall and ends at 12:30 p.m.,
Ann Arbor, on Saturday, July 22. The
special round trip bus tickets are
$1.25. Reservations may be made in
the Summer Session office, 1213 An-
gell Hall, all day, today. A few extras
rfiay be sold at the bus tomorrow.
Attention Helpers for Ice Cream
Social: There will be a preview of
The 400 Million in Hill Auditorium
at 8:15, Saturday morning. Helpers
who hold a ticket may have the
chance to see the picture at that
The Rackham Record Concert will
be held as usual, Saturday at 3 p.m. in
the Men's Louxnge. The records will
again be furnished by J. W. Peters
and Howard Hoving. The program
will be as follows: Symphony Num-
ber 40 in G minor, Mozart; Violin
Concerto, Mendelssohn (Yehudi
Menuhin); Symphony Number Four,
L.S. and A. Juniors now eligible for
concentration should get Admission
to Concentration blanks -at Room 4,
University Hall, immediately. These
blanks must be signed by the adviser
and the white slip returned to Room
4, U.U., at once.
Notice to Seniors. Seniors expect-
(Continued on Page 3)
Last Times Today
Tyson Review
Dinner Music
Cities Service
Waltz Time
Death Valley
Lady Esther
Radio Extra
Sports Parade}
V'ic and Bade
Fred Waring
Dance Music
Dance Music
Hal Kemp et
Lone Ranger Fi
Universal Music VC
Don't Forget W
Plantation Party M
Harry Horlick JR
To be announced Da
Horace Heidt
Graystone P
Tommy"Dorsey Dc
Larry Clinton Re
Erskine Hawkins
Sign o a
9:00 a.n.
9:10 a.m.
10:30 a.n..
11:00 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
4:15 p.m._
5:00 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
Today's Events
Book Week Conference (University High School).
Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg, University of Saskatchewan
(Room 2038 East Physics Building).
"Implications of Research Findings for Administration of Elementary
Education," by Dr. Henry J. Otto, educational director, Kellogg Foundation
(University High School Auditorium).
Demonstration in flower arrangement, Madame Josui Oshikawa, member
Imperial Committee on Standards, Japan (Assembly Room, Rackham
Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi, Columbia University (Amphi-
theatre, Rackham Building).
Lecture, "Mental Hygiene Aspects of the Reading Problem", Dr. Fritz
Redl, of the School of Education (University High School Auditorium).
Luncheon Conference on Bibliography and Research Materials in the
field of Latin-American Studies (Union).
Meeting, Conference on Bibliography and Research Materials in Latin-
American Studies (East Conference Room,'Rackham Building).
"Immunity in Influenza," Dr. C. H. Andrewes, Medical Research Council,
Hamstead, England (Room 1528 East Medical Building)..
"Areas of International Concern in Latin America," illustrated lecture
by Prof. Robert S. Platt of the University of Chicago (Lecture Hall, Rack-
ham Building).
Dinner, Conference on Bibliography and Research Materials in Latin-
American Studies (League).
Concert by Summer Session Band under the direction of Prof. William
D. Revelli (Hill Auditorium).
Piano Recital, Robert Moss (School of Music Auditorium).
"Our Town" by Thornton Wilder (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
Social Evening (League Ballroom).
Visitors' Night at the
Observatory, Angell Hall, this eve-
ning from 8 to 10 p.m.
ceded, but their importance to the cancer prob-
iao sc vate f n. +h asnwn
effects of these chemicals in various combina-
.-nt x1+ twl i1®4tr s .nfrvr~~tnn n
ATUMAR.- -7,