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July 18, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-07-18

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L.eleware Here-
Helps Linguists
Record Speech
Willie Long Bone Pleased
With Weather And Shade
Found In Ann Arbor
(Continued from Page 1)
said, are employed in the great Okla-
homa oil fields.
Adaptation to the ways of the white
man is not new to the Delawares.
Since colonial days in Pennsylvania
they have been his traditional friends..
Early they gave up the warpath.
Delaware scouts aided soldiers in
tracking down war-parties of other
tribes who were in conflict with pio-
neer settlements. This friendship, too,
Long Bone is proud of.
From Pennsylvania the Delawares
moved to Indiana, where Long Bone's,
grandmother, who died at the age of
86 when he was five years old, was
born. Thence they went to Kansas,
and then to Indian territory, now
part of Oklahoma. Not all of the
many tribes in that area were as
friendly to the whites as the Dela-
wares were. Long Bone enjoys rem-
iniscing of the days of his boyhood,
and will tell you in picturesque de-
tail of the uprising of the Comanches
against the great white father.
Because when they moved into
Indian territory they bought in with
the Cherokees, the Delawares official-
ly lost their tribal identity and re-
linquished their hereditary chieftain-
ship. But they soon felt the need for
a tribal leader and elected a chief,
as well as an assistant chief, who
was Long Bone. Since the grief.
Long Bone's brother-in-law, -died
three years ago, Long Bone is now
the acting Delaware leader.
Not all the Delawares, however,
are in Oklahoma. Long Bone antici-
pates eagerly the day when Dr.
Voegelin will take him to Ontario to
meet another group of the ancient
Delaware nation, a group descended
from those who 100 years ago fled
northward from Indiana because
they believed the other Delawares
were bewitching them. Long Bone,
and Dr. Voegelin also, want to learn
whether the language spoken by the
separate groups has become differen-
tiated during the century of separa-

Patrons Listed
For Weekend
Chinese Social
Patrons and patronesses for the
ice cream social to be held Friday
and Saturday nights for the benefit
of Chinese medical aid for China
were announced yesterday.
They include Dr. and Mrs. Louis
A. Hopkins, Regent and Mrs. Junius
Beal, Vice-President and Mrs. S. W.
Smith, Prof. and Mrs. Raleigh Nel-
son, President and Mrs. Charles Sink,
Prof. and Mrs. John T. Shepard, Prof.
and Mrs. Carl W. Rufus, Dean Byrl
Bacher, Prof. Mabel R. Rhead, Prof.
and Mrs. Louis M. Eich, Prof. and
Mrs. William D. Revelli, Dr. and
Mrs. Harley A. Haynes, Dr. and Mrs.
Warren E. Forsythe.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Inglis, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Gray, the Rev. Fr.
Thomas R. Carey, the Rev. and Mrs.
Henry Lewis, Rabbi and Mrs. Isaac
Rabinowitz, Mrs. Arnold Goss and
Miss Ethel McCormick.
League Offers,
Silver Judging
Women Invited To Show
Tastes Tomorrow
Summer Session womep will have
an opportunity of demonstrating
their taste in silverware tomorrow
at the Undergraduate Offices of the
League when the Gorum Co. will
place on display many different types
of patterns.
Held for the first time during a
Summer Session, judging of the silver
will take place from 8:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. under the direction of Miss
Barbara McIntyre, assistant social
director of the League.
The undergraduate fund of the
League will receive 50 cents from the
silverware company for each stu-
dent who judges the silver. This
money will be used for scholarships.
Silver judging has been carried on
annually for the last four years dur-
ing the winter session. More than

Whaleboat Rescues Five From Coast Guard Hydroplane

Final In Series
Of Old Dances
Held Yesterday
The last in a series of four Squarec
and Country dancing classes was held
at 7:30 p.m. yesterday in the League
ballroom. The instruction was given
by James D. Johnson.
This last lesson was a general
res'ume of the first three lessons. The
class members participated in a be-
ginners waltz, 2 or 3 more advanced
waltzes, 3 quadrilles and a BadgerI
The main purpose of the series was+
to teach dancing, but, as many danc-
ing teachers attended, the idea of
teaching courtesy in dancing to school1
children was stressed. The first two
classes of the series were taught by
Benjamin Lovett, former teacher of
the Henry Ford dancing projects,
while the last two were taught by
Mr. Johnson. -
Some of the students seen at the
last dancing class of the series were:
Marianne Cameron, Ruth Doyle,
Cecile Maybee, Regina Glinski,
George Aten Ed Taylor and Jean
Dr. Curtis Will Attend-
Coast Astronomy Meet
Director Heber D. Curtis of the
Observatory, and Mrs. Curtis are leav-
ing by motor tomorrow for the Paci-
fic Coast, where Dr. Curtis will at-
tend the Berkeley meeting of the
American Astronomical Society, and
then will visit Lick Observatory and
Mt. Wilson Observatory.
Later the Society will have the
opportunity to inspect the mounting
of the great 200-inch telescope at
Mt. Palomar. The mounting and
dome are almost complete, though
the mirror will not be finished for
another year or two.

This dramatic picture was made as a whaleboat from the ketch Atlantis rescued five members of the crew of
a Coast Guard hydroplane which crashed after picking up a stricken member of the Atlantis' crew 1500 miles
at sea. The sick man and two members of the plane's crew died when the plane sank a few minutes after this
picture was made.

(Continued from Page 2)
wives, from Goshen, Bluffton, Bethel,
and other Mennonite Colleges are
cordially invited to be present at an
informal dinner party at the Michi-
gan League on Wednesday, July 19,
at 5:45 p.m. Come to the Russian
Tea Room opposite the cafeteria en-
trance between 5:30 and 5:45 to get
Pi Lambda Thetans: Formal in-
itiation at the Michigan League on
Wednesday, July 19, at 6:30. Banquet
at 7:30. Call Elizabeth Crozer
(2-1168) for reservations.
Deutscher Verein: Professor Hanns
Pick of the School of Music will give
a talk, "Volksmusik in der Schweiz"
illustrated with slides and phono-
graph records, Wednesday night,
July 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Deutsches
Haus, 1315 Hill Street. Members of
the Deutscher Verein, students of
German, and all those interested are
invited to attend.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, Wed-
nesday, 7:30 p.m., in the Amphi-
theatre (third floor) of the Rack-
ham building. Prof. E. H. Sturtevant
of Yale University will discuss: "The
Phonetic Basis of Rhythm, especially
in Greek and Latin."
Graduation Recital. Harold W.
Ewing, tenor, will give a recital of
vocal numbers, in partial 'fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree, Wednesday evening,
July 19, at 8:15 o'clock, in the Audi-
torium of the School of Music, on
Maynard Street. The piano accom-
paniments will be played by Sarah
Lacey. The public is invited.
Mixed Badminton: Barbour Gym-
nasium courts will be open to men
and women students every Wednes-
(Continued on Page 4)

Students SwiPlay Baseball
At Graduate OutingClub's Picnic
Water Polo, Relay Races, straten, Bill Riddell, Dorothy Evans,
Hiking And Eatin Hel Bernice Springer, Abe Detwiler, Mar-
. garet Mahey, Whitney Hoag, Ferdi-
Occupy Grads Sunday nand Bale, Luoise Twietmeyer, Ken
Leisehring, Lewis Branscomb, Harry
Many students attended the picnic Juss, Allen Bowman, Abraham Gins-
of the Graduate Outing Club, held burg, Morris Charney, Margaret Sin-
clair, Alice Karch, Lucille Poor and
Frances Dell.
Included on the activities were The club will attend the University
swimming and water polo, baseball, Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake
relay races, hiking and eating. Food next Sunday.
committee consisted of Doris Merker
and Fred Fenn.
Among those present were Irene Michigan Dames To Hold
Lopate, Nancy Hollister, Vivian Mc- Bridge Party Wednesday
Carty, Alma Woinson, Conal Deed,
Louise Pommerening, George Porter, Under the co-chairmanship of Mrs.
Abe Rosenzweig, A Cowie, Ruth Paul W. Kingman and Mrs. Roy Fra-
Klein, Leon Engelhart, Bob Sethian, zier, another in a series of weekly
Abdui Khatib, Mable Brown, Mary bridge parties will be held by the
Andrew, Louise Haack. Michigan Dames at 2 p.m. Wednes-
Emma Lou Thornbrogh, Margaret day in the Grand Rapids Room of
Hardy, Carleton Hodge, Johnny Wat- the League.
son, Mark Ericksen, Frank Jagger, Wives of all students and internes
Gerald Hart, Bob Bean, Florence are cordially invited to attend, and
Quinette, Gerry McMaster, Bob Mc- may play either contract or auction
Master, Margaret Duffy, Jack Hoog- bridge.

C(eddiig s
N and .

The wedding of Miss Beatrice A.
Collins, daughter of Raymond Col-
lins of Detroit, and Kenneth J. Kane
of Madison, Wis., has been an-
nounced by Mr. Collins.
The wedding took place June 30, in
St. Rose's Catholic Church in De--
troit. Mrs. Kane was graduated from
the University of Michigan in 1934
and is a member of Delta Zeta soror-
ity. She recieved her master's degree
from Wayne University. -

To Hold Bridge Games
Duplicate briage sessions will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today at the League.{
Instruction and direction will be in
the hands of Conway Magee, research
assistant in physiology. Lessons in
how to play bridge will be given at
7:30 p.m. Thursday, also by Mr. Ma-
gee. Instruction will continue for the
next three weeks.

Parker $1.25 - $10.00 Esterbrook $1.00
229 South State Street Phone 3955


The Ann Arbor laundries have learned that
the student has special laundry demands, and
for just that reason they have set special prices
on student bundles. Take advantage of the



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If father did the washing it wouldn't get done, for
father would soon learn that the efficient way to
launder clothes is the laundry way. Quick de-
livery, efficient service, neat repair work, and
really clean clothes at a low price make it worth



while to use your Ann Arbor laundries,






and Dry Cleaning Company

6 Handkerchiefs
3 Bath Towels

3 Shirts


3 Pairs of Socks

facilities Ann Arbor offers you.

2 Suits of Underwear

Approximate Cost... $1.10

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