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Official Publication Of The Summer Session


At BMack Mountain ..

11 , 0 i ,






ig Given

Purdom To Discuss Appearance .
And Attitude In Job Interviews


Plans To Confer
Military Leaders
wer Coordination
in Considers
rsaw Journey
July 17. -()- Poland
thusiastic reception to-
jor-General Sir Edmund
spector-general of Bri-
1s forces, who came to
military leaders on co-
?oland's military strength
f Britain and France.
ia t General Maurice Gus-
lin, commander-lin-chief
armed forces, also might
aw intensified one of
idest hopes of late-the
of the Polish alliance
estern powers into clear
ion on the military side.
ng accorded the towering
aside when he landed at
rdrome after a speedy
London ecnoed jubilation
n the Polish press and
Polish people generally.
dish opinion, thervisit of
3ritish officer-he stands
r inches and weighs 252
swered any German belief
i lacked sincerity in her
,ht for Poland's independ-
Ironside's visit aroused
st among Nazis. The Ber-
er Nachtausgabe said the
Germany's foreign policy
in every single point . .
i play is now completely
nberlain gives Poland to
ent the right to provoke
ronsicle, who was recalled
sovernorship of Gibraltar
become inspector-general
s oerseas forces, is ex-
iscuss with Polish leaders
vailable routes by which
and supplies might be
> Poland.
connection the proposed
r mutual assistance agree-
it by Britain akid France
Russia has significance
since Russia represents
mediately available source

Six Well Trained Students
To Demonstrate Modes
Of Good And Bad Attire.
How to appear in that all-impor-
tant interview for the job you want
will be portrayed by Dr. T. Luther
Purdom at 7:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Aided by a trained "cast" of six
students, Dr. Purdom, who heads the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, will
demonstrate by word and action just
To Visit Ford's
Antique Town
Greenfield Village Is Goal
Of Tour; 5 P.M. Today
Is Reservation Deadline
Seventh Summer Session excursion
of the season will take place from 1
p.m. to 5:45 p.m. tomorrow, and will
be a trip to Henry Ford's Greenfield'
Village at Dearborn.
Reservations for the tour must be
made by 5 p.m. today in the Summer
Session Office, Room 1213, Angell
Hall. Expenses will consist of round
trip bus fare, $1, and entrance fee to
the village and museum, 25 cents.
Greenfield Village is a specially
constructed town of nearly a century
ago. Collected from near and far and
reconstructed in this quaint village
are the old.town church, the colonial
style town hall, the red-brick school
house, the tavern, general store, post-
office, toll gate station, tin type gal-
lery, blacksmith's and cobbler's shops
and other typical establishments.
The original Menlo Park Labora-
tory and factory of Thomas A. Edi-
son are also to be seen in a special
section of the village.
In addition there 3s open to the
public a large indoor museum of
early America and an ,unparalleled
collection on transportation.
Students wishing to follow the
busses in private cars are invited to
so do.
Latin-American Tea

what to avoid and to emphasize in
the way of grooming and apparel.
With the six students appearing
on the platform in various "right"
and "wrong" states of attire, the
audience- will be able to grasp signi-
ficant points more effectively than
through sheer word appeal, Dr. Pur-
dom believes. Dr. Purdom will com-
ment on the demonstrators and sum
up the important points.
Frayed collars, poor "make-up",
sloppy socks, unbecoming coiffures,
poor posture, loud ties and scores of
seemingly insignificant errors of
grooming have cost many well-quali-
fied students the jobs they could
otherwise have had, Dr. Purdom said.
Employers, meeting a job applicant
for the first time, are apt to form
wrong impressions from poor appear-
ance which belies the applicant's
real ability, he declared.
The rolls of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments are full of such cases.
Other factors which play an im-
portant part in "getting the job you
want" are "attitude" and "who do
you know?", Dr. Purdom pointed
He will discuss these points on
Tuesday, July 25 and Tuesday, Aug. 1.
Name Speaker
For Religious
Meeting Here

Gray Speaks
On Training
New Educational Methods
Aim At Responsibility
TowardSociety Today
Education Meeting
Enters Second Day
Teacher education in this country
today stands at the crossroads, Dr.
William S. Gray of the University ofr
Chicago yesterday informed an au-
dience of the Educational Conference
being held this week under the aus-
pices of the School of Education.
One route follows traditional prac-
tices, he said, while the second, now
being developed, has as its aim tos
provide types of training for teachers
which will enable them to assume in-t
telligently the responsibilities thatt
society imposes on them today. Edu-s
cational leaders of Michigan, he de-f
clared, have adopted this second plan
and are contributing significantly to
the solution of many current prob-
Emphasizing the fact that Ger-
many, Italy and Russia have defined
clearly the nature of the product
which they want their schools to turnl
out and model their teacher trainingi
agencies accordingly, Dr. Grayf
claimed that if democracy is to be9
preserved and if the democratic wayc
of life is to be improved, schools and
teacher training agencies in America
must contribute more actively iithe
future than in the past to these ends.
At the opening session of the Con-
ference yesterday morning, Dr. Gray
spoke on teaching reading in the
schools. Citing evidence, he showed:
that schools providing a broad pro-
gram of reading guidance which
recognizes the varied needs of the
reader in contemporary life usually
hsecure superior results. On the other
hand, he pointed out that schools
neglecting the important aspects of
(Continued on Page 4)t
Four Day Run
Of 'Our Town'
To Open Here
Wilder's New York Stagef
Hit Starts Tomorrow;
No Scenery To Be UsedI

Rabbi James G. Heller Will
Present Four Addresses
At Summer Conference
Announcement was made yester-
day of a second feature speaker to.
appear here on the program of the
fifth Summer Conference on Religion
which will be held in Ann Arbor July
23 to July 28. The subject of the
conference will be "The Near East,
Where Religions Meet."
Rabbi James G. Heller of the Isaac
M. Wise Temple in Cincinnati and a
well known religious leader of the
middle west will speak four times on
the program of the Conference.
"Toward Inter-Faith Understand-
ing" will be his topic at a lecture at
4 p.m. Wednesday ir Alumni Mem-
orial Hall. He will lecture on Thurs-
day on the topic, "Sacred Music." At
a luncheon meeting Friday in the
Union, Rabbi Heller will speak on
"Palestine." His final talk will be
given at 3 p.m. Friday in the Alumni
Memorial Hall on the topic, "Present
Character of the Jewish Problem."
Prof. George P. Michaelides of the
Near East School of Theology in
Beirut, Syria, and at present the act-
ing head of the department of re-
ligion at Smith College, will deliver
four lectureson the Conference pro-
gram, according to an announcement
made last week.
The Conference is open to all stu-
dents of the Summer Session, minis-
ters of the State of Michigan, pro-
fessors teaching religion and direc-
tors of religious education.

Spends Week In Northern
Michigan; Comments On
Program For Teachers
Pleased by the work going on in
conjunction with the University's
curricula in the out-state colleges
and stations, Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,
director of- the Summer Session,
turned his attention to his duties in
Ann Arbor yesterday after a week's
visit to the various stations in the
northern part of the state.
"The program in the four state
teachers colleges is excellent," Dr.
Hopkins declared. "This is a move-
ment that is being watched by edu-
cational institutions all over the
country, and it is indeed a splendid
example that an umber of independ-
ent tax-supported units can get to-
gether and work together for a defin-
ite objective in such a wonderful
spirit of cooperation.
"The work in the Biological Sta-
tion and the Forestry Station is, as
usual, coming along in excellent
shape. Besides the busy program of
field study going on at the biological'
camp, there is a program in land
utilization being carried on there
and a state project in the study of
certain parasites.
Dr. Hopkins was also enthusiastic
about his visit to the Osburn Pre-
serve on Sugar Island in the St.
Mary's River. Here he lunched with
former-Governor Chase Osburn, "an
experience," he said, "never to be
forgotten." Osburn, former regent
of the University, has donated 4,000
Alumni Write
To Put. Janke
On Star-Squad
Letters from alumni groups
throughout the country brought as-
surance of whole-hearted support for
the campaign to place Fred Janke,
Michigan football ctain of last sea-
son, on the All-Star "quad which will
meet the New York Giant team at
Chicago on Aug. 30.
In one of the letters, captain salut-
ed captain, as Archie Kodros, elect-
ed to succeed Janke as head Michi-
gan gridder next fall, wrote that he
was "happy to see that Fred is at last
to receive the honor due a great lead-
er and outstanding football player."
Other letters carried the same mes-
sage, though each writer had his own
way of expressing it. One, an alum-
nus from Michigan, wrote as follows:
"Hells Bells! I see you fellows have
finally learned that you have one of
the ablest football players ever to
trod the chalk stripes for the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Congratulations,
and may your campaign prove suc-
Buried deep in the pile of mail from
Janke supporters was a gray en-
velope with the name of Camp Al-
Gon-Quian engraved in an upper
corner. It was from the big, 208
pound tackle, one of the camp coun-
selors, and was flooded with state-
ments of gratitude and enthusiasm.
Showing his appreciation, he said,
"The very fact that it is evident that
so many people have confidence in
me, makes the campaign a success
without waiting to see the result."
Fred has been gaining rapidly in
the tabulations and at press time
rated number 10 in the nation wide
voting to fill the tackle positions on
the All-Star squad.

Dr. Hopkins Returns From Visit
To Colleges, University Stations


acres near his summer residence on
Sugar Island to the University, and
here experiments and obsrvations in
forestry are being carried out.
Starting a week from yesteday, Dr.
Hopkins left with Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum of the graduate school and
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the forestry
school. At Mt. Pleasant in the morn-j
ing they met President Anspaugh of
Central State Teachers College and
the faculty who are participating in
the University curriculum there.
From here they traveled to the
Chittenden Nursery in the Manistee
National Forest. Conducted by the
Department of Agriculture, this is
the largest tree-producing nursery in
the United States, producing 32,000,-
000 trees a year. An evening's boat
trip took the party across Lake Michi-t
gan to Menominee.-
At Iron Mountain the next morn-1
ing, Dean Yoakum addressed a ses-
sion of the Rotary Club, and the
party then proceeded to the Forestryt
Station on Golden Lake, about 15
miles west of Iron Mountain. Herer
Dean Dana and Dr. Hopkins dis-e
cussed administrative matters withr
Prof. Robert Craig and met M. J.
Fox, a benefactor of the camp. Dr.
Hopkins was worried by a bear that
has been visiting the camp every.
night, but said that he was not going%
to be perturbed if no one 'at theA
camp seemed to be bothered.-
Delighted with the scenery of thei
Porcupine Mountains, to the north
and west of Golden Lake, Dr. Hop-
kins, Dean Dana and Dean Yoakumj
were not so pleased with the food
accommodations. Here in the high-
est point in Michigan, about 2,000
feet, the three had a beautiful view.,
over Lake Superior on one side and
over the Lake of the Clouds on the
other. The only food they got, how-
ever, was a strawberry ice cream coet
and a chocolate bar.
At Houghton they visited some of
the facutly of the Michigan Colleget
of Mining and Technology and metl
Prof. Axel Marinn of the engineering
(C ontinued on Page 4)t
.. i
Flu Is Subject <
Of Talk Today
By Andrewes
Lecturer Is Investigator
Of Causes Of Disease;
To SpeakAt 5 P.M.
Influenza and the history of its
analysis will be discussed by Dr. C. H.
Andrewes in a talk entitled "On the
Influenza Trail" at 5 p.m.today in
the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Dr. Andrewes is a member of the
Medical Research Council of the Na-
tional Institute for Medical Research
in Hamstead, London, England. He
is a recognized authority on virus re-
search, and has contributed consid-
erably to the present knowledge of
influenza possessed by the medical
Working with Laidlaw and Smith,
he revealed the cause of influenza in
. humans as due to the effects of two
germs. A Gram-negative discovered
t by the German bacteriologist Pfieffer
and a minute filter-passing virus
similar to those discovered in swine
afflicted by a disease analgous to
human influenza were found to be
responsible. By injecting the filtered
washings from the noses and.throats
of influenza pateints into ferrets and
white mice,

Practically All Protestants
Are Now Back On Job
AccordingTo Officials
Roll Cut Appears
As Next Problem
Except in a few scattered communi-
ties, notably in Minnesota and Penn-
sylvania, the WPA strike appeared
last night to be at an end.
Works projects off icials in half a
dozen affected states reported vir-
tually all the protestants against the
new wage regulations back on the job,
except for those who had found other
work, or had been dismissed for be-
ing absent five consecutive days.
'Forget The Strike'
Lieut. Col. Brehon Somervell, New
York 'city WPA administrator, ex-
pressed the general attitude of most
state WPA heads by saying, "forget
the strike. I've forgotten it. We have
a real problem on our hands now."
The problem he referred to is that
of making a 300,000 cut in the rolls by
Aug. 1. About 75,000 are to be dropped
in New York city Sept. 1 under this
cut. and under the new act's provi-
sion for a 30-day furlough for those
who have been on the rolls 18 con-
secutive months.
Urge Wage Restoration
In Washington, American Federa-
tion of Labor officials called on Con-
gressional leaders to urge restora-
tion of the prevailing wage on WPA
projects, but received no promises
and most Congress members agreed
that there was virtually no chance
that the new relief 'act would be
changed at this session.
William Green, AFL President, said
the union officials were "neither en-
couraged nor discouraged" in their
talks with Capitol Hill leaders.
He related, however, that Speaker
Bankhead and Majority Leader Ray-
burn (Dem., Tex.) suggested that the
group call on members of the House
Appropriations Committee, and that
from previous conversations with
Chairman Taylor (Dem., Col.) of this
committee and Rep. Woodrum (Dem.,
Va.), chairman of a subcommittee
which handled the WPA bill, "we got
the idea there was no chance."
Niagara Falls
Return Home
Sunday Spent In Visiting
Cave Of Winds And
Hydro-Electric Plant


for Polar
the most ii
of supply

Music Faculty
Offer Program
Program Tonight Includes
Lieder, Organ And Duet
Faculty of the School of Music will
present a concert at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Thelma Lewis, soprano, with Er-
nest Hares at the piano, will sing a
group of lieder. Professors Wassil,
Besekrsiky and Joseph Brinkman will
play a Beethoven Sonata. The pro-
gram will be closed by a group of
organ numbers played by Prof. Pal-
mer Christian.
The program follows:
Sonata, Opus 30, No. 2 .. .Beethoven
Allegro con brio, Adagio cantabile,,
Scherzo, Finale.
Wassily Besekirsky and Joseph
Auch kleine Dinge......Hugo Wolf
In dem schatten.........Hugo Wolf,
Du bist so jung.. .. .Erich Wolff
Thelma Lewis
.Spiritual, "A Zion". .....Miller
Fidelis ........... . . Whitlock
Choral in D minor .......Andriessen
Palmer Christian
Prof. Pick To Give
Lecture In Germ an
Swiss folk music, illustrated with
slides and recordings, will be the
subject of a talk in German by Prof.
Hanns Pick of the School of Music
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Deut-
sches Haus, 1315 Hill.
Members of the Deutsches Haus,
students in the German department
and all those interested are invited
to attend and refreshments will be
served following the speech.
Professor Pick is professor of cello
and chamber music and is very well

To Be Given Today
Students and faculty of the Insti-
tute of Latin-American Studies and
others interested are invited to attend
a Latin-American tea to be} held
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at the
International Center, 603 E. Madison
The tea will provide an opportun-
ity for students in the Portuguese and
Spanish language classes to meet the
students of those nationalities who
are in the University and converse
with them in their native tongue.
The program is under the general
direction of Prof. Preston E. James,
Director of the Institute.

Deleware Indian Here To Help
Record Tribe's Fading Language

Outstanding success of the New
York stage last year, the famous
scenery-less "Our Town" by Thorn-
ton Wilder, will open tomorrow for
a four-day run.
The play opened in New York in
February, 1938. There, as during the
past year on tour, the drama played
to capacity houses.
The play was written to be played
without scenery but with only occa-
sional props to strike a universal
note. It tells the life of the Webb
and the Gibbs families in a small
New Hampshire town. The chief
character, however, is the stage man-
ager of the production, who also acts
as the village philosopher. Whit-
ford Kane, guest director and actor,
will play this role in the Ann Arbor,
"Our Town" was awarded the
Pulitzer Prize for the best play of
1938. Wilder also won the Pulitzer,
prize for the best American novel
with his "Bridge of San Luis Rey."
The Players have a special interest
in the play for Martha Scott, a
Michigan graduate and a former
member of the Players and of the
winter troupe, Play Production, was
a success in the lead of the original
New York production. Mary Pray,
well known here for several years
with the Summer Players, will take
this part in the production here.
Dr. Onderdonk

Willie Long Bone, acting head of
that historic Indian tribe, the Dela-
wares, has become an enthusiastic
admirer of Ann Arbor. Some of his1
admiration is for the wealth of trees,
but most of it is owing to the fact that,
never before, in all his 71 summers
spent on the sun-scorched plains of
Kansas and Oklahoma, has he en-
joyed such a cool summer as he has
found in Michigan.
Short, heavy-set, usually clad in'
blue-gray overalls and sometimesl
wearing a big straw hat, Mr. Long
Bone has been observed with curiosity
by many students on the campus, who
have wondered who he is and what
he does in Angell Hall. Here's the
Though neither a student nor a
teacher, he is giving invaluable aid
to the cause of lirnguistic science this
summer, for he is supplying to re'-
search workers in language the ma-
terials for the first scientific analysis
of' the Delaware language. Long
Bone came to Ann Arbor with Prof.
Charles Voegelin of the department of
anthropology of De Pauw University,
who is one of three Linguistic Insti-
tute faculty members conducting
work in the recording and analysis
of a living language.

How important his work is may be
judged from the fact that in Okla-
homa only about 40 or 50 Delawares
of the oldest generation can speak
the language of their fathers. Unless
science records this speech now, the
language of a great and important
Indian tribe will have been lost. True,
the younger Delawares understand
the language, but they, like Long
Bone's children, can speak only a
simplified version of it interspersed
with many English words, and they
prefer to speak English entirely.
Though Long. Bone's wife knows
only Delaware, Long Bone himself
early learned English in the govern-
ment schools. When he expressed his
admiration for Ann Arbor's climate,
he did not, as some cartoonists would
have you believe, say, "Ugh, heap
swell weather here." As a matter of
fact, he talked about it exactly as
any other summer visitor to the Uni-
versity would.
A strong believer in education,
Long Bone is proud of his schooling,
proud of the married duaghter who
is a high school graduate, proud of
the son, Ray, who graduated from
Drake University in Des Moines but
whose ambitious plans ended with
death from the pneumonia that fol-
lowed his being gassed in the trenches

Chinese In War Zone Found'
Badly In Need Of Medical Aid

Back home again after a two and
one-half day jaunt to the scenic
wonders of Niagara Falls, partici-
pants in the sixth Summer Session
excursion returned yesterday to their
tudies with renewed vigour.
Calm Lake Erie waters rendered
the group a peaceful night and .a re-
freshinig sleep after a Sunday of
Falls sightseeing. The party arrived
in Ann Arbor at 10:30 a.m. yester-
day after a bus ride from the De-
troit waterfront.
Sunday the excursionists travelled
to Goat Island between the Ameri-
can and Canadian Falls and descend-
ed to the Cave of the Winds. There
they donned woolens and oilcloth
and mounted the boardwalk to the
Hurricane Deck, on the edge of the
American Falls, where they were
deluged by spray and buffeted by
Falls-made winds.
Later they inspected the hydro-
electric power house of the Niagara
Falls Power Company, where 450,-
000 horse-power is generated.
Excursionists figured that they
were given the most inexpensive taxi
service in the United States. They
were conducted by cab from their
hotel to Goat Island, to the hydro-
electric plant and returned to their
hotel for 15 cents apiece.

To Show Film

Of World Movie

Is Aim

From the war zone in far off China
correspondents cable depressing word
pictures of wounded soldiers endur-
ing the torture of their wounds while
they trudge the dreary miles to one
of the few first aid stations.
Statistics leave the reader sickened.
Three hundred millions in that part
of China which still remains free of
the bloody glory reflected by Japan's
Rising Sun. Millions of peasants
turned soldier as they battle for their
Republic. And only 77 medical units
of 20 surgeons, dressers ,and nurses
providing aid. Less than 100 ambu-
lances and trucks in running order.
A tragic description of medical sup-
plies loaded into 40-pound sacks and
then carried miles by weary coolies.
It is for the relief of that condi-

Medical Aid to China, the official
United States representative of the
Chinese Red Cross. In the battle
against Japanese aggression China's
resources have been dissipated. It veas
for that reason that a group of na-
tionally known American physicians
founded the American Bureau. It
collects funds, purchases medical
supplies and trucks in the United
States, sends them to Hong Kong and
from there they are transhiped to
French Indo-China, where they start
the long journey into the interior.
Money collected during the campus
drive will go toward purchase of ,up-
plieq which physicians report are
vitally needed. Vaccines, iodine,
anesthetics, seriums and, especially,
quinine will be purchased. The sup-
plies will be used in the battle ag ii ast
malaria, cholera, bubonic plague and
nfthar . mistshich aro gnearine

Appeal to humanitarianism is the
purpose of a film entitled "Emerg-
ing World Federation" to be shown
at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 316 of the
Union by Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk,
formerly of the College of Architec.


League Tea Dantces
With Tomorrow's.


Tea dancing for the Summer Ses-
cinrn wrillln.4P it h tnro vvn, dancegy

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