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July 13, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-13

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Ri6 1 IlIUMOARD HrIJ ft fJ*i~x flI ...3.,ul i tm 4'ararftlio" N
Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
.dent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and SumxMc Session.
Member of the Associated Press
L'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credcted in this newspaper. An
hts of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
1ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
Mitchell. ...

M. Swinton
Q. Norberg
N. Canavan
M. Kelsey
G. Kessler
Ilm E. Long
L. Sonneborn

" w

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

p W. Buchen
Park . .

Business Staff
. . Business Manager
. Advertising Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.


The Changing
Concept . .
HE DEATH Monday of Havelock Ellis
who was noted for his works on sex
education, throws into interesting contrast the
changing attitude that has developed in the last
generation toward general instruction on
marriage problems. Ellis' text, "Studies in the
Psychology of Sex," was banned in his country,
England, in 1898, and for many years his books
could not be published there. Even in theUnited
States, however, the books were not given wide
circulation, and as late as 1910 students in the
University of Michigan were not allowed to draw
out his works from the University library unless
they were enrolled in the school of medicine or
had special permission from a member of the
Today one of the demands being made more
and more frequently by college students is for
authentic information on marriage relations as
a part of the University program. They feel that
the University, with its scientists and authorities
in medical and allied fields, its dedication to the
imparting of knowledge and guidance, and its
responsibilities to large groups of young people
with the same age backgrounds and desires, is
able to present this information in the most
dinified and satisfactory manner.
Because the subject is a delicate one and needs
very careful handling to retain its value, most
universities have not attempted to treat infor-
maton on marriage relations problems as a part
of their regular curricula. North Carolina is one
university that has taken such a step under the
leadership of Dr. Ernest Groves, and about a
dozen others, including Lafayette, have followed
suit, now giving credit for the course. Vassar
and Wesleyan were among the first to have
lecture series covering marriage relations.
Last year in answer to a definite demand on
the part of the students, the University of Michi-
gan instituted a lecture course on the problems
involved in marriage relations and opened it to
senior students only. The course was planned
and sponsored by a student-faculty committee
and financed by a course fee of one dollar. In the
fall course six hundred students availed them-
selves and would need intelligent consideration
problems that would someday present them-
selves and would ned intelligent consideration
and understanding. That it was considered a
success is demonstrated by the fact that a second
course was given in the spring, owing to the
demand by graduate students and seniors who
were unable to obtain tickets to the first one,
and also by the fact that the course will be re-
peated again next year. It is indeed a far cry from
the suppression that greeted Havelock Ellis' first
works to this meeting of over six hundred young
people of both sexes gathered together to listen
to a frank discussion of problems involving sex.
There have been some criticisms of the con-
duct of such a course. It has been pointed out
that speakers must have unusual intelligence,
great personality qualities, and an unchallenged
scientific background in medicine and psychol-
ogy. The committee met this criticism by the
most careful selection of speakers, all of whoii
had already demonstrated their fitness by suc-
cessful participation in similar courses in other
A second criticism stated that nothing was
given in the course that could not be found in
books, and that the students wished a "capsule
form" of education. The best answer to this
criticism seems to be that an interchange of ideas
from individual to individual is always more valu-
able than isolated reading. Furthermore, many

ship is not well suited to such a situation. The
critic contends that this public handling of inti-
mate personal questions may result in definite
harm in many cases and that clinical informa-
tion might better be given to smaller groups of
one sex only. Speakers at the series who had
formerly addressed segregated audiences, how-
ever, state that they found the attitude of the
mixed group more receitive and objective.
If this last criticism has validity, it will un-
doubtedly in time force a reconsideration of the
methods and material of the lectures on marriage
relations. But it is increasingly evident that the
demand on the part of youth for definite and
scientific information on this subject so closely
related to everyday living, has brought a new
member in to the educational family-one that
is vitally concerned with the promotion of nor-
mal happiness for every individual.
-Robert Mitchell
Carrying on the tradition of Play Production's
now disabled Crab I, Crab II stole the show last
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
To those who claim that one should not com-
pliment the performance of a dog, as a dog does
not knowingly act, I put this question: Was
there another member the cast of "The Two
Gentlemen" who could have played the part
half as well? I consider the point conceded.
Playing opposite to and under the shadow
of Crab, William Halstead as Launce was a
consistent laugh producer, as was also James
Moll in the part of Speed. The latter proved to
Summer Session playgoers what those of the
regular session already know, that he is as much
at home in the part of a clownish yokel as in
the more tragic, pitiful role of Heijerman's
"The Two Gentlemen" is not ,all fun and fool-
ishness, however, although that element is a
great part of what keeps this earliest of Shake-
speare's comedies on the modern stage other
than as a curiosity. Real star of the performance,
excluding canine Crab, was Edward Jurist, in
the part of one of Verona's gentlemen, Valen-
tine. Jurist last night was at his best. Not a slip,
not a hesitation, but a smoothly played, thor-
ough rendition of a role which offers many op-
portunities for the competent actor to display his
wares. Jurist showed his to be of highest grade.
Sharing honors with Jurist, Marguerite Mink
played a lovely Julia. A trifle too coquettish at
times for what is undoubtedly the most serious
of the feminine leads, Miss Mink won the col-
lective heart of the audience with hardly a dis-
Karl Klauser as Proteus played the traitor so
convincingly that it was much more difficult for
the onlookers to forgive him in the final scenes
than it was for Valentine. Bettie Howard, Pro-
teus' first, last but not only love, Julia, did beau-
tifully with the exception of being too hysterically
passionate for too long a stretch for the audi-
ence's peace of mind at one or two times.
Thurio is an exceedingly difficult part for any
red-blooded man to put over convincingly, but
Frank aJnes did just that last night to a point
where one couldn't ask for more. His facial ex-
pressions were a marvel to behold. June Madison
as the cheery and knowing Lucetta, Duane Nel-
son and Truman Smith as Antonio and Panthino
and Arthur Klein as the Duke of Milan deserve
more mention than I have here space to give,
but such is the critic's restriction.
From the musical point of view, the singing of
soloists Mildred Olson and Richard Whittington
and the playing of the Chamber Orchestra did
much to make the entire performance a huge
The reader might become wary at discovering
so great a number of superlatives in this re-
view, and mentally set the critic down to be an
inexperienced rascal who perhaps saw his second
or third performance on the legitimate stage
last night. Be assured that there is no form
other than the superlative that can with justiee
describe last night's performance of the Reper-
tory Theatre. Those who saw the Play Pro-
duction version of "The Two Gentlemen" last
Spring and therefore hesitate, as I did, to try
again, rest assured. True, many of the actors havej

" seen duty in both versions, but it is also true that
many have improved immensely.
Man On The Spot
It used to be said that man-on-the-spot diplo-
macy had disappeared as the result of instan-
taneous communication. Ambassadorswere said
to have been reduced to errand boys. Gone were
the days when a plenipotentiary could start a
war because he couldn't wait for instructions
from the home office. However, America has a
man-on-the-spot who has become a kind of
State Department on his own in China. His
name is Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, commander
of the fleet in Asiatic waters, who comes to the
retirement age at the end of July.
Admiral Yarnell has done yeoman service in
one of the most trying diplomatic situations in
American history. His tilts with the Japanese
have been almost beyond number. And he has
had to act even more speedily than modern
communication permits-namely, as soon as the

'(5own & Gown
Today's column is the work of William Rey-
nolds Reed, bon vivant, erstwhile Daily sports
editor, U. of M. sports correspondent of the Chi-
cago Tribune and Detroit Free Press, and chief
flunky at the Athletic Administration publicity
department. You may, on careful reading, be
able to detect a slight anti-Swinton tone to this.
offering. This is easily explained by the fact that
Bill is very proud of the fact he's usually the
pudgiest man in the press box. Lately a liking
for beer, ice-cream and fudge made me a strong
contender for the honor and he's plenty jealous.
Now, presenting:
I Write A Guest Column
After many idle years spent in great part
leaning against the pillars of Aigell Hall it is
quite fitting that I should now be returning the
favor by lending my support to another column.
Not that my motives are entirely compensa-
tory, however, for this gesture of good will is
going to cost Conductor Swinton two tickets to
"The Two Gentleman of Verona," now playing
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre (adv).
And because of the consideration involved I
am constrained to avoid the temptation which
my appearance here offers, to advertise one well-
strung squash racquet (in excellent shape, and
I'll sell it cheap, too). That is a difficult restraint,
for the regular followers of this space, I am told
by none other than its regular sponsor and he
should know, outnumber even those of the ven-
erable D.O.B. I can easily conceive of a less will-
ful contributor capitalizing on his privileged ap-
pearance here to seek an acquaintance with one
of those Southern Belles (always upper case,
suh, always!) whose annual appearance in Ann
Arbor during these sultry months is said to en-
hance no little the thermometer standings.
Introductions are customarily in order on an
occasion such as this so to warn those readers
drawn to this space by the magic name of Swin-
ton at the top and possibly to attract others not
so drawn and even repulsed may I point out that
today's conductor affords a distinct contrast to
the regular handler. Three points of contrast will
suffice: (1) he is an athlete (see recent columnar
coverage of his staff's baseball game), I am not
(see me); (2) he is a newspaper man (see him.)
I am not (see my editor); (3) he does his malting
at the Pretzel Bell (see any previous Town and
Gown), I prefer Davenport's (that's a plug, and
I'll see Davenport).
If further introductions be necessary I will
add that in the absence of Messrs. Yost and
Crisler I am in charge of the athletic administra-
tion-at least I help sort their mail and am being
broken in to relieve them in the heavy fall
months, by emptying their ash trays.
That identity is submitted to prove my qualifi-
cations for passing on such incidental intelli-
gence regarding the atheletic setup as Commodore
Swinton suggested might justify my presence
However, Ed Frutig, he who hopes to emulate
Tod Rockwell in the stride from the Michigan
gridiron to the copy desk and who is my in-
formant regarding the Southern Belles, already
has covered the situation in this very space with
a penetrating analysis of football prospects, be-
side which any effort of mine would be futile.
I pause but briefly, then, to pass on the mo-
mentous news that Fred Janke, erstwhile foot-
ball captain, has soared to 216 pounds under the
influence of wholesome outdoor living and the
relief from responsibilities incumbent upon him
while in Ann Arbor; that Norm Purucker, alias
Michigan Madcap, has signed a professional grid
contract with Green Bay, and I'm predicting a
great success for him; and that Archie (nee
Aristotle) Kodros hopes this week to garnish his
all-time Ann Arbor movie-going record with a
trip through the Hollywood studios before return-
ing to his Alton glass factory.
And that beingthe burden of my story I re-
tire again to my sanctuary, the lobby of the Ann
Arbor Savings Bank. Not that I have any more
legitimate business there than Alvin Karpis, but
it is the coolest place in town.
Now then, Swinton, how about those two
tickets? And if there is one of those Southern

Belles such as Frutig has described, I would hate
to see one of those ducats wasted after this
effort. (If you see this, Frannie, I'm only kid-
Japanese moved against American interests. For
instance, last year the Japanese tried to keep
Americans off the Yangtze River, and the Ad-
miral's riposte was simply to go aboard his flag-
ship, and sail up to Hankow.
Admiral Yarnell would be the first to acknowl-
edge the aid and comfort of Secretary Hull and
the State Department in his task. Never before
has an Admiral in China waters been more
trusted. Without that solid support the admiral
would find his word doubted and his acts ques-
tioned. But the Japanese know that the State
Department is the unwavering buttress behind
Admiral Yarnell, as it will be behind his succes-
sor, Admiral Thomas C. Hart. It is to be hoped
that the new commander will display the same
high gifts of statesmanship as Admiral Yarnell.
-Christian Science Monitor


Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office
of the Summer Session until 3:30 P.M.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
VOL. XLIX. No. 15
The Teaching Division of the Bu-
reau of Appointments has received
calls for the following positions:
(1) recent youhg women gradu-
(a) General Science and physiol-
ogy-Ellenico (near Athens) Greece.
(b) English and history-Natal,
South Africa.
(c) Chemistry-Smyrna, Turkey.
(2) Single men with at least a mas-
ter's degree:
(a) English-University in China.
(b) English, German and French-
University in China.
Candidates meeting these qualifi-
cations who are interested, please re-
port to the Bureau at once. 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office hours: 9-12 a.m.,
2-4 p.m.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference at 12:10 today in the Michi-
gan Union. Mr. J. K. Yamagiwa will
talk on the subject "Compound Post-
positions in Modern Japanese."
All persons who plan to go on the
Niagara Falls excursion must come
into the Summer Session office, 1213
Angell Hall, this afternoon from 2
to 5 p.m. to buy steamboat tickets.
Graduate Students Specializing in
Education: The Advisory Inventory
Test will be given this afternoon at
2 o'clock and on Saturda' morning,
July 15, at 9 o'clock in the University
High School auditorium. It is re-
quired of those who have completed
less than 8 hours of graduate work
in education, and may be taken on
either of the dates mentioned.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Byron Thorwell Darling will be held
today at 2 p.m. in the East Council
Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Dar-
ling's field of specialization is Phys-
ics. The title of his thesis is "The
Water Vapor Molecule."
Professor D. M. Dennison as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present. C. S.
Commercial Teachers will be in-
terested in a leture on transcrip-
tion by Miss Goldina Fisher of the
Gregg Publishing Company this af-
ternoon at 3 p.m. in the University
High School, Room 2002. Appoint-
ments for conferences with Miss
Fisher may be made in the Univer-
sity High School Office.
International Center Language
Teas: The International Center an-
nounces the following language teas,
from 4 to 6 o'clock:
Today, July 13. Russian Tea,
under the direction of Mrs. Lila Parg-
Friday, July 14, Chinese Tea under
the direction of Mr. Robert W. Clark.
The purpose of ~these teas is to
provide students in the Institutes of
Far Eastern Studies and of Latin-
American Studies an opportunity for
conversation in the languages they
are studying. Students at the Center
whose native languages are repe
sented are cooperating in the project.
Members of the Faculty or students
not enrolled in the language classes
who may happen to have a speaking
knowledge of any of the languages
are cordially invited to attend the

Annual physical education summer
picnic will be held at Newport Beach,
Portage Lake this afternoon from
4 p.m. on. All students in physi-
cal education classes are cordially in-
vited to attend. Tickets can be se-
cured from Miss Dot Pummill or Miss
May Noon or from the Physical Edu-
cation Offices, 4200C University High
Lecture: "The Straw Man of Pro-
gressive Education," by Paul J. Mis-
ner, Superintendent of Schools, Glen-
coe, Ill. This lecture will be given at
4:05 p.m., today, in the University
High, School Auditorium.
Lecture: "The Dictionary as Au-
thority." (Illustrated). Professor C.
C. Fries of the English Department
will speak at 5 p.m., today, in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
Stalker Hall. A group will leave
Stalker Hall at 5 p.m. this afternoon
for a swimming party and picnic.
Small charge for supper. Please call
6881 before noon for reserva-
tion. All Methodist students and
their friends are cordially invited.

Bridge Lessons at the Michigan
League this evening at 7:30 p.m. At-
tention is called to the fact that the
time of the bridge lessons has been
changed to 7:30 and will be so for the
rest of the session. Will the members
of the class please make an effort to
be on time!
Treble Aires of the School of Music:
Tonight is the night. Remember-
7:30 to 9:30-at the League-all
women of the Music School. Come
and let's have some fun.
Cerele Francais: The annual Bas-
tille day celebration will be held this
evening at 8 o'clock, at the Foyer.
Professor Rovillain will speak on the
following subject: "Contact avec 1'-.
Academie Francaise." After the talk
there will be dancing. Students de-
siring to join the Cercle may still
do so. Arrangements may be made
for meals at the French table at the
Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw.
Call Miss McMullan, 2-2547.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona by
William Shakespeare is being pre-
sented tonight by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players in conjunction with
the Chamber Orchestra of the School
of Music, at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Excursion: Royal Ontario Museum
of Archaeology, Toronto, Canada, to
study important Chinese archaeo-
logical collections. No public bus
will be hired. Groups in private cars

will leave the University Museum on
Friday, July 14, at hours to be ar-
°anged. The Canadian Pacific Rail-
way has announced a special round
trip fare of $6.60 for the weekend.
Students must make their own train
reservations. Excursionists may re-
turn either Sunday, July 16, or Mon-
day, July 17 Those interested, ap-
ply to Mr. Plumer, 4018 Museums
Miss H. Louise Cottrell of the Cen-
ter for Safety Education, New York
University, will be at our University
on Friday, July 14. She will give
the following lectures: 8 a.m., "The
Place of Safety Education in the
Curriculum," Elementary School Au-
ditorium; 10 a.m., "Some Research
Problems in Safety Education," 3011
UHS; 11 a.m., "Methods and Materi-
als in Teaching Safety Education,"
1422 UES. All those who are in-
(Continued on Page 4)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Bluef 1030 KC - Mutual
Thulday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Piano Recital Noonday News News
12:15 Life Beautiful Foot Health FarndAlmanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcas t Golden Store Larry Bradford
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Hitmakers
:00 Food Chat Merle Clark Betty and Bob Concert. Orch
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan ryson Interview Grimm's daughter Organist
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Melody Time
1:45 Girl Marries Detroit Police Hymns String Orch.
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Norman Cloutier Quiet Sanctuary
2:15 Editor's daughter Ma Perkins P. 1.
2:30 Dr Malone Pepper Young, Hoosier Hop Henry Cincone
2:45 walberg Strings, Guiding Light Book Ends Leo Freudberg
3:00 Lebrun Sisters N. Y. at Detroit Smile Parade News
3:15 U. of M. Program"" Moods in Music
3:30 ' "Board of Health Two Keyboards
3:45 Duncan Moore " Rhythm; News George Hall
4:00 Genevieve Rowe Jimmy Dorsey Jamboree
4:15 Reminiscing '.
4:30 "snAffairs of Anthony
4:45 Alice Blair Spotlight Organ "
5:00 Miss Julia Jimmy Kemper Hollywood Hilts. Dance
5:15 Console Reveries Malcolm Claire Pat Gilmore Turf Reporter
5:30 John Kirby Sweet and Low Day In Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas - Baseball Final News
Thyrsday Evening
6:00 News Tysop Review Easy Aces Stop and Go
6:15 Musical Bradcast Mr. Keen-Tracer
6:30 Joe E. Brown Midstream Green Hornet Fintex Sportlight
6:45 itEKrehbiel "Jimmie Allen
7:00 Clark's Weekly Rudy Vallee James Bourbonnais Washington News
7:15 "o ""sSong Sheet
7:30 String Serenade " It's Up To You First Offender
7:45 " to ..
8:00 Major Bowes Lost Plays Symphony Jack Teagarden
8:15 "."."
8:30 War veterans
8:45 'Sinfonietta
9:00 workshop Music Hall Yukon Drama Church
9:15 "' " To be announced "
9:30 To be announced " Concert Band Jamboree
9:45 Exclusive Stories ""'
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Jan Savitt Henry Weber
10:15 Music Vic and Sade t State Highway
10:30 Sports Fred Waring Tommy Dorsey Doe Sunshine
10:45 Eddie Duchin "" Jimmy Dorsey
11:00 News News Erskin Hawkins Reporter
11:15 MorceauxdeSalon Dance Music " Music
10:30 " Eastwood Artie Shaw"
11:45 Henry King
12:00 Sign off Westwood Sign Off Jack McLean




MATS. 25c

EVES. 35c

Continuous Today
Showing at 3:32 - 6:09 - 8:46

Showing at
2:12 - 4:49 - 7:26 - 10:03



Today's Events

10:00 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
12:10 p.m.
4:05 p.m.

Physics Symposium, Prof. John A. Wheeler, Princeton University
(Amphitheatre, Rackham Building).
"Excavations of Dura-Europos," Latin Institute lecture by Prof.
John G. Winter (2003.Angell Hall).
Linguistics Institute Luncheon, Joseph K. Yamagiwa, speaker
"The Straw Man of Progressive Education," by Paul J. Misner,
Superintendent of Schools, Glencoe, Ill. (University High School



of Robert Frost
A. 1 ®^

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