Hat, dry, warm and dusty.
Y r. e
The Changing
Concept, . .
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
H__ ___
ngland Seeks
.arger Budget
or Ally Loans
Lnd New Arms
dy Forces Foreigners
To Evacuate Brenner
Pass For Precautions
umania And Greece'
lo Receive Credit
ROME, July 12-(P)-Compul-
sory departure of all foreigners
frcm their homes and vacation
esidences in Bolzano, Italy's
frontier province bordering on
-Termany at the strategic Bren-
ier Pass, was in full swing today
>n order of Premier Mussolini
Harrington Firm On WPA Wage Cut'
As AFL Heads Split On Strike issue
unique issued today,
safter the first expul-
e ordered, stated that
and military" reasons
the move in a fight
iti-Fascism. The com-
disclosed that 1l Duce
I the order As Minister
July 12.--(iP)-The Gov-
ed Parliament today for
to pay for Britain's ex-
:y and extended credits
Balkan allies arm.
1s in Britain's prepared-
gn included:
ure -that the Royal Air
I make more extensive
ice mass flights over
ance and, possibly, over
ranean near the Italian
a of the ARP (Air Raid
evacuation plan to in-
,reas of London, not con-
le danger zone until now.
ncement that stocks of
w materials' were more
te to supply three months
ientary estimate for the
idget added 79,105,000
out $370,211,400) to the
appropriation, raising it
10 pounds (about $1,063,-
what already -was Brit-
budget since the World
r greatest ever in peace-
ase boosted total defensel
ns f r o m 579,449,481
bout $2,711,823,571) to
pounds (about $3,082,-
Slash In Northern Wage,
Southern Rise Hinted
CHICAGO, July 12.-(P)--Col. F..
C, Harrington, Commissioner of the
Works Projects Administration, re-
ported today the wages of WPA
workers in the North and West would
be reduced while those in the South
would be increased.
Despite strikes and a picket line
outside his hotel, Harrington and
state directors of the Federal agency
considered plans for enforcingth
new relief law, including revisions in
the pay scales.
The WPA chief stated at a press
conference that the legislative provi-
sion for a readjustment in the geo-
graphical differentials of pay would
mean that "northern and western
wages will come down and southern
wages will go up." He added:
"It's obvious that we can't raise
low wages and leave the high wages
where they are."
Teachers College
Program Enrolls
285 Graduates
Western State Draws Most
Students As 152 Are
Registered For Course
Enrollment in the Teachers Col-
lege Programs, sponsored by the Uni-
versity of Michigan at the four Michi-
gan State Teachers Colleges, totals
285 it was announced yesterday by
Prof. Clifford Woody of the School
of Education, Graduate Adviser to
the Teachers Colleges.
The largest enrollment was re-
corded at Western State Teachers
College in Kalamazoo where 152 gra-
uates entered the eleven courses
offered there by the program. Fifty-
seven enrolled at Northern State
Teachers College, Marquette, where
six courses are offered.
Fifty-six enrolled in the six courses
given at Central State Teachers Col-
lege in Mount Pleasant while 20 en-
tered the seven courses offered by
Michigan State Normal in Ypsilanti.
All of the enrollees are in classes
isolated from the undergraduates, en-
suring satisfactory quality of work,
according to Professor Woody who
has just retuned from a yisit to each
of these colleges. The students are
very evenly distributed over the
classes with most sections containing
only 15 to 20 members, so providing
conditions in which a good grade of
graduate work is done, Professor
Woody said.
Russian Language
Circle Holds Tea
Sponsored by the International
Center, the Russian Language Circle
will hold its first weekly meeting
around the Samovar from 4:15 p.m.
to 6 p.m. today at the Center, 03 E.
Madison Street.'
The objective of the Circle is to
give the students of Rusian prac-
tice in the lanugage in addition to
the regular studies, and thus to facili-
tate their task of acquiring the rich-
est possible vocabulary within the
limited time of the Summer Session
He explained that unskilled labor
in New York City earned $60.50 a
month, the highest in the Nation and'
considerably above the national av-
erage of $52.20, while in certain
southern states the workmen received
as little as $26.
Harrington did not estimate how
many would be affected by the con-
templated wage changes or indicate
how large they would be.
However, a tentative estimation
was that more than 1,000,000' workers
in 30 northern, eastern and western
states would take a cut when the new
scales go into effect next Sept. 1.
Spokesmen for the WPA in Wash-
ington said dismissed strikers would
not be barred from the rolls forever,
He figured the provision for a 30-
day furlough fo rall those who have
been on the rolls for 18 months would
affect 650,000 if all persons eligible
for the temporary dsmissal were re-
moved by Sept. 1.
He reiterated that all strikers who
have been absent for five days would
be discharged.
While Harrington conferred with
WPA directors from 48 states and
Hawaii and nine regional directors
at the Stevens Hotel, a file of pickets
paraded along the sidewalk on the
Michigan Avenue side. Te demonstra-
tors carried banners reading:
"70,000 WPA workers face starva-
tion by 30-day layoff."
Green Asks Congress Aid
Rather 'than Strike
(By Associated Pres)
Leaders of American Federation of
Labor unions, divided as to whether
they should encourage strikes on WPA
projects, got together yesterday on
an appeal to Congress and President
Roosevelt that prevailing wage rates'
be restored to WPA workers.
While thousands of work relief em-
ployes who had been on strike five
days or more were being discharged
under orders from WPA headquarters,
officials of the AFL unions met in
the National Capital and discussed
heatedly what should be done about
the new relief law's requirement that
WPA workers put in 130 hours a
month for a "security wage" instead
of working it out at the same hourly
rates prevailing for similar private
Just before the conference voted
unanimously to petition Congress for
rpeal of this requirement, and to lay
its demands before President Roose-
velt as well, Hugh. Van Arsdale, a
spokesman for the Electrical Workers
Brotherhood in New York, shouted:
"If Congress deserts the building
trade unions, I suggest we strike every
Government job in the country and
not let a wheel move on any job in
which the Government has an in-
Friends Launch Drive To Place
JankeOn All -Star Grid Team
Former Michigan Captain
.Boosted By Wolverine
Coaches And Players
A concerted drive to place Fred
Janke on the All-Star collegiate foot-
ball squad was launched yesterday by
friends and teammates of the 1938
University of Michigan"football cap-
Players elected to the All-Star
team will play a benefit game against
the World Champion New York Giants
at Soldiers Field, Chicago, on Aug. 30.
Petitions for Janke are being cir-
culated in Detroit, Ann Arbor, and
Jackson and have been sent to Michi-
gan alumni leaders in more than fifty
cities all over the United States.
One of the most enthusiastic sup-
porters of the erstwhile captain is
Clarence Munn, Michigan line coach.
Hearing that the movement was un-
der way to support Janke, he said:
"I am highly pleased to see any
movement for the recognition of Fred
Janke, who' was one .of the least-
recognized football players in my ac-
quaintance. I have no doubt that he
was one of the outstanding tackles
of the 1938 season. I have seen many
All-Star games and I know that Fred
would be a great asset to any all-star
Fielding H. Yost, Michigan athletic
Senate Ups
Age Funds;
Ok's McNutt
Refuses Roosevelt Plea
To Block Tax-Exempt
Securities In The Future
Scheee Defeated
WASHINGTON, July 12.--()-
The Senate accepted one proposal to
spend an additional $80,000,000 of
Federal money for old age assistance I
today and then turned down a $40-
every-month plan which would cost
$500,000,000 a year.
Nearing the end of debate on
House-approved amendments to the
existing Social'3Security Law, the
chamber voted 43 to 35 for a plan by
SenatorrConnally (Dem., Tex.) which
would require the, Government to
pay two-thirds of pensions to the
needy aged up to a maximum pen-
Sion of $15 a month.
Would Match State Funds
The Government thus would put up
$10 and the states $5. Above $15, the
G vernment would match state funds
dollar for dollar up to a total maxi-
mum pension of $40. At present, the
Government matches all state funds
50-50 up to a maximum total pension
of $30 a month.
The Senate confirmed Paul V.
McNutt's appointment as Federal Se-
curity Administrator today but only
after the subject of Indiana's "two
per cent clubs" had bene brought up
and angrily threshed out.
Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.)
started the hostilities by criticizing
McNutt's record as Hoosier governor
on the ground that under him two
per cent of the salaries of state em-
ployes was collected for campaign
funds. He demanded that the Sen-
ate pass a resolution to prevent Mc-
Nutt from forming two per cent clubs
among the thosuands of Federal
workers who will serve under him.
Senator Minton (Dem., Ind.), a
leader of the McNutt-for-president
forces, arose to ask Bridges "who is
financing your campaign for the Re-
publican presidential nomination."
He denounced campaign chest meth-
ods of Republicans in Indiana and
the nation in the past.
McNutt Takes New Post
McNutt, who returned to this
country announcing he would resign
his $18,000 job as High Commissioner
to the Philippines, now will step into
a new $12,000 post created 'oy the
President under his reorganization of
the Federal Government.
One potential barrier to adjourn-
ment of Congress disappeared today
when the House Ways and Means
Committee pigeonholed President
Roosevelt's request for legislation to
prohibit future issues of tax-exempt
- The committee referred the propo-
sal to its tax-subcommittee for study
during the recess period and for pos-
sible inclusion in a general revision of
the tax structure scheduled for next
Chairman Doughton (Dem., N.C.)
1 said the committee felt that adjourn-
men twas too imminent to warrant an
attept to enact the legislation at this
Informed members said a pro-
t longed fight would have been pre-
cipitated, had the committee acted
otherwise, because of the opposition
raised by numerous state and local
governments whose representatives
contended such legislation would
greatly increase their financing cost.
Normal Child's
Growth Whole,
Olson Declares
The normal tendency for children
to "grow as wholes" was emphasized
by Prof. Willard Olson of the School
of Education in a Summer Session
lecture at 5 p.m. yesterday in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Speaking on "How Children Grow,"
Professor Olson described the results
of a nine-year study of child develop-
ment that has been carried on at the
University Elementary School. He
is director of research on child de-
velopment at the school.
Height, weight, bone development,
teeth development, grip, mental age,
reading age, vascular age and a wide
variety of different characteristics
have been measured and translated
into "normal" developments for the
different ages, Professor Olson said.
Each individual child is measured
and compared with these standards
for the age group.
A study of a great many cases,
Professor Olson declared, has shown
that for the most part growth pro-
ceeds evenly in all of the character-
istics, and that when some ability
flourishes, it is usually at the ex-
pense of some other ability. In gen-
eral, the individual child's aptitudes
and interests are the resultant of all
of the'characteristics taken as an
organic whole, he said. Educational
achievement can be better measured
by the total development than by de-
velopment of some certain charac-
teristic, such as reading. ability.
Prost positions'
To, Be Subject
Of Yamagiwa
Just as the English language has
prepositions, so Japanese has govern-
ing words which may be called post-
positions because they follow the
words to which they belong. Such
"postpositions," especially those which
are compound, will be discussed at the
weekly Linguistic Institute luncheon
conference today by Mr. Joseph K.
Yamagiwa of the department of Ori-
ental languages and literature.
The luncheon will occur at the
Michigan Union at 12:10 p.m. It is
open to all persons interested; and
those unable to attend it may never-
theless come for the discussion, which
will begin about 1:00 p.m.
Mr. Yamagiwa, who for the past
two years has been instructor in
Japanese here, is himself an Ameri-
can-born Japanese, a graduate of
Bates College and of the University
of Michigan. For several years he
was on the editorial staff of the
Early Modern English Dictionary,
but two years ago initiated the work
in Japanese under the joint spon-
sorship of the University and the
American Council of Learned Soci-
eties. He has just received a fellow-
ship to carry on his studies in Japan
next year.
Small Game, Bear Hunting
LANSIl G, July 12.-OP)-Deter-
mination of the small game hunting
season and of bear hunting regula-
tions for Michigan will be made by
the State Conservation Commission
Friday and Saturday in a meeting
at Pigeon River.
The Commission must decide what
countries, if any, are to be closed to
bear hunting. The 1939 Legislature
. removed bears from the procted
list, but allowed the Commission to
Navy Carri
Explosion's Origin Mystery
According To Officers
On Board At Time
Damage Estimated
At About $50,000
NORFOLK, Va., July 12.--(P)--A
mysterious explosion followed by a
solid sheet of flame, engulfed the
Navy's aircraft carrier Ranger from
water line to flight deck today and
left in its wake a tangled mass of
burned machinery and a black-
charred hull..
Narrowly escaping death or serious
injury were seven Navy enlisted men
who, warned by the explosion, scur-
ried to safety within the hull of the
$30,000,00 vessel, now at Norfolk
Yard undergoing minor repairs and
The seven men apparently were not
seriously inured by the explosion or
fire. They were given first .aid treat-
ment aboard the Ranger and their
condition tonight was reported as
satisfactory. Ranger officers said
they suffered chiefly from exhaustion
and shock.
According to officers of the big
plane carrier the circumstances sur-
rounding the explosion- and fire are
a complete mystery. No conjecture
was given as to the cause of the fire.
One officer at the Navy Yard said
that $50,000 will probably cover the
damage. However, theie is much ex-
pensive machinery aboard the ship
'which may have been ruined by the
blaze. If this is the case it will be
impossible to determine the damage
at this time."
Witnesses said that a muffled roar
resounded from the water line of the
Ranger' amidship on the starboard
side. The roar was followed by flame
which swept the vessel amidship from
the water line to the flight deck for
a distance of approximately 200 feet.
Workmen near the scene of the
explosion expressed the opinion that
leaking gasoline spread on the water
near the hull of the Ranger had ig-
Capt. H. E. Kays, U.S.N., captain of
the yard, who rushed to the Ranger
upon report of the fire said "We 'do
not know what was responsible for
the explosion and are at a loss at
this time to make a statement."
The explosion today was the sec-
ond to occur aboard the aircraft car-
rier within the last eight months.
Sometime ago an explosion rocked
the new carrier Enterprise, sending
several men to the hospital and in-
flicting considerable damage to the
Seamen Barely
Escape Death
As Blast Rakes
The incre
ounds (al
The new funds will help supply'
the new conscript army, which is
expected to reach an enrollment ,of
100,000 20-year-old recruits before
the end of the year, and the Terri-
torial Army-corresponding to the
United States .national guard-which
has grown to 485,000 men.
'Students T oda y
By Consonants
Vowel Sounds A Mystery,
Edgerton Declares
Though no living person knows
what were the vowel-sounds of an-
cient Egyptian, present-day scholars
have been able to study it effectively
by working with the consonant-
signs in which it is written, said
Prof. William F. Edgerton of the
University of Chicago last night in
opening his discussion of "Some As-
pects of Word Order in Ancient
Ancient Egyptian, that is, the lan-
guage spoken in Egypt after 2100
B.C., had a highly complicated ver-
bal system but no noun inflections,
Dr. Edgerton remarked. As a re-
sult, the language had developed,
just as modern English has had to
develop, a definite syntactic pattern
in order to show sentence relation-
Unlike English, however, Egyptian
word order set up a standard pattern
in which verb came first in the sen-
tence. Then followed the subject,
the direct object, the indirect object,
and adverbs in that order. Complica-
tions arose when the subject or ob-
ject were pronouns, since a noun
could not precede a pronoun, so there
-_n-cvnnalr a .-ar m+r f. Iarili
Bridge Class To Meet
The third in a series of six con-
tract bridge classes will be held to-I
night in rooms A, B and C on the
third floor of the Michigan League.
Anyone wishing to enroll in the class
may do so by paying the series price
of $1.50. Conway Magee, instructor
in the physiology department, is
conducting the series of lessons. The
time has been changed from 8 o'clock
$o 7:30 -
Daily Files Indicate Hectic Time
For Niagara Falls Excursionists
director, and Benny Oosterbaan,
three-time All-American and present
head basketball coach, as well as sev-
eral members of last year's squad
who played under Janke, were among
the first to sign the petition pledging
their support to the drive to place
the 208 pound tackle on the All-Star
Finishing his third year of football
on the University of Michigan team
last fall, Janke was acclaimed for
his "ability to inspire through lead-
ership as well as through play." A
great player and one of the biggest
(Continued on Page 4)
Word H1story
To Be Traced
The historical development of Eng-
lish lexicography and its relation to
common ideas concerning language
will be discussed by Prof. Charles C.
Fries of the English department at
5 p.m. today in the Rackham Audi-
torium. He will speak on "The Dic-
tionary as Authority."
Starting with Old English materials
of the Eighth Century, Professo:
Fries will trace the development of
English lexicography, as revealed b:
studies of old manusscripts and pre
faces to early dictionaries. He will
contrast the two different concep-
tions of the "dictionary as author-
ity"' as exemplified by the standard
dictionary and the Oxford Dictionary,
which is in the nature of a complete
source book of English language in-
It's a far cry from the days of the
south-eastern Michigan inter-urban
system, yet not so long away at that,
a mere 10 years since 1929, when the
Niagara Falls excursion party, ac-
cording to the Daily files, "met on the
corner of Packard and State Streets
and proceeded to Detroit by electric
Since then a good many changes
have taken place in this corner of
the country, but the Niagara Falls
excursion has continued to be an
annual event. Further research in
dusty Daily files reveals other oddi-
In 1937 when the party had been
gone a day, the staff of the Michigan
Tle. - "oo 1.inarl hrttf te narht
The Daily's story from Buffalo end-
ed thusly: "Although the party had
originally numbered 35, one of the
members has so far failed to show
Ticket Sale Today
Tickets for the Niagara Falls ex-
cursion, to take place Friday to
Monday, must be purchased be-
tween 2 and 5 p.m. today in the
Summer Session office, Room 1213
Angell Hall.
At no other time may tickets be
bought or reservations made.
up, but it is thought that he will ar-
rive tomorrow."
China Is Birthplace Of Modern
Printing, Dr. Hummel Asserts
Business Administration
School Is Donor
Six men who have pursued under-
graduate studies in Michigan colleges
have been awArded tuition scholar-
ships to the School of Business Ad-
ministration for next year, it was
announced yesterday.
These scholarships are offered to
one student from each of the 14
Michigan colleges. They are award-
ed on the basis of recommendation
by the faculties of these colleges as
determined by aptitude in economics
and interest ,in pursuing graduate
work in the field of business ad-
Those receiving the awards include
Robert C. Schneider of Grand Rap-
ids, from Albion College; Richard
Neville of Manistique, from Alma
College; Robert F. Zindler of De-
troit, from the University of De-
troit; Wilfred A. Shale of Kalama-
zoo, from Kalamazoo College; Rich-
ard H. Kent of Kalamazoo, from-
Western State Teachers College;
and Thomas .R. Carrington of North
ville,TfromaMichigan State Normal
Schneider was an outstanding
member of the Albion track team last
year, and Zindler is a Summa Cum
Laude graduate from his university.
Carrington was president of the
Michigan Normal 1939 senior class,
and Kent was head of the Western
Every aspect of the modern print-
ed book developed in China where
true printing was an art more than
six centuries before Gutenberg, Dr.
A. W. Hummel of the Library of
Congress said yesterday, speaking in
the lecture series of the Institute of
Far Eastern Studies.
The first Chinese printing consist-
ed of votive charms struck from
carved blocks on separate sheets of
paper about 770 A.D., which, Dr.
Hummel added, was invented by the
Chinese as early as 105 A.D. Scrolls
of silk and paper were later used in
printed books.
It was from the early printed scrolls
that the modern method of binding
The Chinese were slow to use mov-
able type and even today connoisseurs
of calligraphy insist on the page-
size carved blocks, because- they give
the typography of the book a dis-
tinction that cannot be attained in
movable type, he said. An interest-
ing feature of the blocks, he added,
is the fact that often the name of
the carver was inscribed along the
margin, thus giving a valuable index
to the date of the book and its his-
While dating of the books is diffi-
cult, Dr. Hummel declared, because
of the multitude of forgeries and
losses of parts of'books that exist,
an even greater problem is filing the
books in any sort of order. When a
The beginning of the 1933 tour is
a sad, sad story. The excursionists