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July 12, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-12

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Ruins Reflect Blending Of Cultures


wa ^ ' /


Edited and managed by students of the University of
:ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
udent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
4vereity year and Sumni c Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
cond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
Robert D. Mitchell.... . .
Stan M. Swinton..
Ethel Q. Norberg.. ...
John N. Canavan.. . . .
Marry M. Kelsey. . . . . .
Karl Kessler . .
Malolm E. Long...........
Marry L. Sonneborn. ...

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editdr
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

Business Staff
Philip W. Buchen.. ... Business Manager
Paul Park . ...... .Advertising Manager


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.


British Hpllow1
Guarantees . .
W HEN the morning papers appear with
streamers announcing that England
*ill fight Germany if Danzig is molested, ladies
and gentlemen this side of the Atlantic begin to
wonder if old lady Britannia is really going to be-
gin acting like a man.
A quick survey of the material set forth below
the headlines and leads, however, reveals a
goodly number of ifs and buts providing England
with more technical loopholes than a shyster
lawyer could put into a dozen contracts. Whether
England will make use of these or, stand up to
her promises is a question of some consequence;
it seems doubtful that, if her intentions were
seriously to warn aggressors of positive British
interference, she would make her pledges so am-
The joint British-French pledge announced by
Chamberlain March 31 guaranteed to support.
Poland "in the event of any action which clearly
threatened Polish independence and which the
Polish Government accordingly considered vital
to resist with their national forces." This same
pledge was re-affirmed last Wednesday by Rich-
ard Austen Butler, Undersecretary for Foreign
Affairs, when questioned on the subject in the
House of Commons.
The determination of whether an action did
or did not "clearly threaten" Polish independ-
ence would give England much leeway. Would
the annexation of Danzig by Germany be con-
sidered such an action? True, it would force
Polish activity through the mouth of the Vistula
to pass through territory of the Reich, but that
can be looked upon as a threat to Polish inde-
pendence or not so as the spectator wishes.
Supposing Germany should take Danzig and
proceeded to take Poland by a coup such as
happened in Austria. No Polish national forces
resisting, England would not be required, by the
wording of this agreement, to fight, either for the
Poles or against the Germans.
More recently, Foreign Secretary Halifax was
said to have clarified the British stand in his
speech June 29 at the annual Chatham House
dinner of the Royal Institute of International
"What is now fully and universally accepted
in this country," said Lord Halifax, spreading it

How one of the world's greatest cities of by-
gone centuries was buried in the dust of ages
and dug up again by Michigan archeologists
was described yesterday by Prof. Clark Hopkins
Business Toriesb
"The business tories outside of education and
the 'fifth column' of saboteurs within education
are the answer to the question, Who are the
enemies of education?', according to Prof. Mentor
L. Williams of the English department, who spoke
yesterday in University High School Auditorium.
The business tories are also aided by the vari-
ous pressure groups who wittingly or unwittingly
aid in the destruction of education, he said.
These groups include the taxpayers leagues, the
manufacturers association, organized business
and the economy seekers or budget balancers.
Their arguments are that educational service
has no prior claim over other public services;
that wealth should not be taxed to support
equalized opportunity nor to support the frills;
and that the majority of children cannot profit
from advanced education.
Worse than the outside enemies, however, are
the saboteurs within. These include especially
the war generation brought up on the idea that
the average American is only 13 to 14 years of
age, mentally; the unwilling abbettors who have
no philosophy of education; and those educators
who fall for the fads. according to Professor
on sweet and thick, "but which may not even yet
be as well understood elsewhere," this with an
eye to American support as well as trying to con-
vince an all-too-understanding Hitler, "is that,
in the event of further aggression we are resolved
to use at once the whole of our strength in ful-
fillment of our pledges to resist it." This state-
ment, according to the London Times, was greet-
ed with loud British cheers.
Supposing the Nazis who now have control of
the Free City decide that Der Fuehrer is rightly
their leader, proceed to hold a plebescite and
become, peaceably, a part of Greater Germany.
This cannot be termed aggression, so England
would be able to keep the whole of her strength
at home without a guilty conscience.
Should Germany take Danzig by force, accord-
ing to Lord Halifax England would fulfill her
pledges to resist aggression. But remember, the
action of the Germans must be such as to "clear-
ly threaten Polish independence" in British eyes,
of course, and must be such that the "Polish
government accordingly considered vital to resist
with their national forces."
Speaking of the Foreign Secretary's address,
the London Times the next day said, "Neither in
the status nor in the internal administration of
the Free City is there anything which in a
rational world need be the cause of an interna-
tional war; but if the Reich chooses to upset the
present state of affairs by force, and if Poland's
independence is thereby threatened, then this
country will fight without hesitation on the side
of Poland."
One paragraph, two ifs and a large interna-
tional question mark.
In the Commons Monday Chamberlain merely
reiterated his statement of March 31. "We have
guaranteed to give our assistanice to Poland," he
stated in a speech supposedly aimed directly at
Hitler but not mentioning his name, "in case of
a clear threat to her independence which she
considers is vital to resist with her national forces
and we are firmly resolved to carry out this
undertaking." "We are firmly resolved" sounds
very pretty to the waiting ears of the British
public, and was intended to sound prettier to
what Chamberlain hoped would be the waitin
ears of the American public, but it means that
England is only firmly resolved if, and the if
will be determined by England when the time
comes and not before.
Considering whether England will stand up to
Germany in case of aggression, one cannot en-
tirely disregard her recent memorandum to the
Reich claiming that the latter was mistaken in
terming England's policy one of "encirclement."
This note went on to say that it was not inevitable
that in the event of war England should oppose
the German cause. "It is not the case," the
memorandum stated, "that in whatever part of
Europe Germany might be involved in warlike
conflict Great Britain must always take up an
attitude hostile to Germany."
British guarantees since Munich are likely

to sound hollow, and firm resolutions, hollower.
When she comes through with a declaration that
she will unconditionally oppose Germany with
arms should the Reich annex Danzig perhaps
she will find listeners in both dictatorships and
-Harry M. Kelsey

of the Greek department in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Building his remarks around slides of maps,
buildings, and statues taken at the scene of the
excavation, Professor Hopkins painted a word
picture of the origins of ancient culture un-
earthed at the University's excavations of Seleu-
cia-on-the -Tigris.
Twenty-five miles north of Bagdad, the ancient
ruins were stumbled upon by an expedition under
the direction of Prof. Leroy Waterman of the
Department of Oriental Languages. The group,
at the time, was in quest of the lost Assyrian city
of Opis.
Striking similarities in the topographical for-
mations around Eeleucia to those expected at
Opis leads archeologists to suspect that the
Assyrian city may slumber beneath the ruins
of Seleucia, which was erected at a later date.
Professor Hopkins pointed out.
Emphasizing the intermingling of Greek and
Parthian cultures evident in the relics and art
works disemboweled from the buried ruins, Pro-
fessor Hopkins declared that the discovery was
of vital importance in disclosing the culture of a
previously obscure period in Mesopotamia (about
150 to 200 B.C.) when the stream of culture flow-
ing eastward from Greece crossed and blended
with the eastern culture of Mesopotamia.
v,.own &G own1
Howard Vincent O'Brien, the gifted Chicago
Daily News columnist, says his favorite yarn is
the one about the lecturer who was prophesying
the end of the world.
"In 10,000,000 years," the speaker told his
amazed audience, "In 10,000,000 years an on-
rushing planet will collide with this earth of ours
and we shall all be destroyed."
At this point a man in the back of the audi-
torium suddenly came to life, leaping to his feet.
"What did you say?" he demanded, a horribly
worried expression on his face.
"I said the world would be destroyed in 10,000,-
000 years," the lecturer replied.
"Whew!" answered the obviously relieved ques-
tioner. "I thought you said two million years."
Dennis Flanagan, one of the campus best
story-tellers-and short story writers--often re-
lates this one:
A pleasant sort of chap was sitting in his draw
ing room in New York one day when he was sud-
denly seized with a tremendous desire to go for
a walk. So he got up, greeted the doorman with
a cheery hello and proceded down the street. All
at once a tremendous, shaggy dog came up to
him, cryptically let forth a poignant "arf" and
followed the man. Vainly the chap tried to get
rid of the creature-no success. So he finally
took the dog back to the apartment with him.
The animal curled up beside his easy chair while
the man started to read The London' Times,
which he scanned religiously each morning.
He skimmed through the empire wires, a little
disturbed by the news that cattle production was
slumping in North Herfordshire, Pukan, Straits
Settlement. Suddenly, in the midst of the want
ads, he was brought to an abrupt halt. There,
before him, was an ad which read:
"Lost: One Tremendous Shaggy Dog. 5,000
pound reward. See Frugwoomple, No. 14, near
Liverpool Street Station."
The New Yorker took one look at the tremen-
dous, shaggy dog which had been following him
and immediately purchased two steamship tickets
for London, intent on returning the animal and
winning the money. A week later he reached
London, accompanied by the great, shaggy
creature. He scoured the city for two days be-
fore finding the address. Then he went up to
the front door, knocked and told the plumpish
"Did you lose a tremendous, shaggy dog and
offer a 5,000 pound reward for him?"
"Yes," the man retorted.
"Well, give me the 5,000 pounds. Here's your
tremendous, shaggy dog." And he led forth the
animal he had found straying in New York.
"Sorry," the other replied. "Not quite that
The most venerable of the Flanagan jokes-

one which every beer garden habitue will hear
inevitably if he stays in town more than two days
-is the one about the talking horse.
An inebriated gentleman was walking home
one day while the rosy-fingered dawn was mak-
ing its appearance. Suddenly he heard someone
say: "Fine morning, ish't it."
He looked around. There was no one nearby
except a horse, which was drawing a milk
He went up to the horse politely and inquired:
"Pardon me, but did you say 'fine morning,
isn't it"?
"Of course I did," the horse replied. "Who
else could have said it?"-
The man was taken aback momentarily.
"You certainly are a remarkable horse," he
ventured finally.
"I'm nothing compared to what I used to be,"
the animal replied with a certain air of nostalgia.
"You'd never know it to look at me now but re-
member the third race at Pimlico in 1923?"
The inebriate, who happened to be a racing
fan, thought far a moment and said: "Why,
"Well," the horse declared, "I'm 'White Steed,'
the horse that won that race."
Just then the milkman came out of the house.
The drunk went up to him and said: "That cer-
tainly is a remarkable horse you've got there."
The milkman smiled at him.
"Huh," he said. "Has he been telling you that
awful lie about the third race at Pimlico too?"
* * *
The boss may complain about today's column

Publication In the Bulletin Is con-
structive notice to all mebers of the
University. Copy received at the office
of the Summer Session until 3:30 P.M.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1939 1
VOL. XLIX. No. 141
Placement: Summer school stu-
dents are reminded that today is the
last day to obtain registration blanks
for enrolling with the Bureau during
the summer session. This is the
only registration to be held during
the summer session, for both Teach-
ing and General Divisions. Students
who have positions, but who may
wish to place a record on file, are
invited to make use of this service
while they are on the campus. Office
hours, 9-12, 2-4. Room 201 Mason
University Bureau of Appoint-
- ments and Occupational Infor-
Excursion No. 5, today, The Ford
Plant. Inspection of the various Ford
industries at River Rouge. This ex-
cursion is a repetition of last week's
trip. The round trip bus fare of
$1.25 is the only expense. The spe-
cial bus leaves Ann Arbor from in
front of Angell Hall at 12:45 p.m.
and will return to Ann Arbor by 5:30
p.m. Students wishing to follow the
bus in private cars are invited to do
so. Reservations may be made in
the Summer Session office, 1213 An-
gell Hall.
Michigan Dames: The second in
the weekly series of bridge parties for
wives of students and internes will
be held at the Michigan League, to-
day at 2 p.m.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Fred Hadley Fenn will be held today
at 3 p.m. in Room 411A West En-
gineering Building. Mr. Fenn's field
of specialization is Engineering Me-
chanics. The title. of his thesis is
"The Application of Equivalent Elec-
trical Circuits to the Slope Deflection
Analysis of Structure."
Professor J. A. Van den Break, as
chairman of the committee, will con-
duct the examination. By direction
of the Executive Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting mem-
bers of the faculty and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and to grant permission to
others who might wish to be present.
Tea and Dancing at the Michigan
League, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. this
Tea for Faculty Wives and Women
Faculty Members. Faculty wives and
women faculty members are invited
by the Summer Session and Faculty
Womens' Club to a tea this afternoon
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Assemb-
ly Hall of the Horace E. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies, honoring
wives of visiting staff members and
their guests.
Symposium on Graduate Studies
in Speech: A Symposium on Gradu-
ate Studies in Speech will be
held this afternoon, at four
o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. All graduate students en-
rolled for advanced degrees in the
Department of Speech are required
to attend. All undergraduate stu-
dents contemplating advanced de-
grees will find it to their distinct
advantage to be in attendance at
this meeting.
G. E. Densmore.
Lecture, "Provision for Individual
Differences in the School," by Charles
W. Sanford, Assistant i Professor of
Education, University of Illinois. This
lecture will be given at 4:05 p.m., to-
day, in the University High School

Iolanthe Tryouts: All interested in
trying out for principal and chorus
parts for "Iolanthe" come to Burton
Tower, third floor, today at 4:30.
Lecture "How Children Grow" by
Professor Willard C. Olson. This lec-
ture will be given in the Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building at 5 p.m.
Albion College students and former
students attending the Summer Ses-
sion are invited to attend a get-to-
gether dinner at the Russian Tea
Room of the Women's League at 6:30
p.m., this evening. It would be
appreciated if all those expecting
i. t

to attend would

call J. W. Peters at

Men's Education Club: The regular
meeting of 'the Men's Education Club
will be held in the Michigan Union
at 7:15 p.m. this evening.
Professor Allen F. Sherzer of the
Engineering Department will show
movies taken in the Hudson Bay re-
gion. Members of the club and those
who wish to join are asked to hand
in their name, address, and position
at the meeting, or give it to a mem-
ber of the Education Club Commit-
tee before that date. The informa-
tion is needed for the Men's Educa-
tion Directory.
Linguistic Institute: Lecture, "Some
Aspects of. Word Order in Egyptian"
by Professor William Edgerton. This
lecture will be given in the Amphi-
theatre (third floor) of the Rackham
Building today, at 7:30 p.m.
Intermediate Dancing Class at the
Michigan League this evening at 7:30
Members of Pi Lambda Theta are
(Continued on Page 3)
MATS. 25c EVES. 35c

Dames To Hold Bridge
Party At League Today
The Michigan Dames will hold a
bridge party at 2 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
Both auction and contract bridge will
be played, and tea will be served
afterward in the ballroom.
This is second in a series of enter-
tainments which are being held week-
ly for the wives of Summer Session
students and internes.
Make Mine A Want Ad

750 Kc - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Wednesday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake Noonday News News
12:15 Life Beautiful Recordings Farm Advance rtur Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast (olden Store Luncheon Dance
12:45 Day Is Ours Field Day F'au on the Street "
1:00 Ed McConnell Merle Clark Betty and Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr Susan Tyson Interview l3rimm's Daughter ScrapbooK Stories
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Fioliy'd Whispers
1:45 Girl Marries Humane Society Betty Crocker Great Britain
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Swingtime Trio Quiet Sanctuary
2:15 Ed's Daughter Ma Perkins Popular Waltzes "
2:30 Dri Malone Pepper Young Henry Cincone
2:45 Mrs. Page Guilding Light Amanda Snow Seven Men
3:00 Keyboard Capers Merle Clark Club Matinee News.
3:15 U. of M. Program , MLoods in Music
3:30 " String Trio " Songs
3:45 Duncan Moore " News The Hitmakers
4:00 l~evities Rhythmaires Charles Barnett Jamboree
4:15i Melody-Rhythm"M.1
4:30 y Trumpeteers Affairs of Anthony "
4:45 Alice Blair Mackelberghe Dance Music
5:00 Miss Julia Our Schools Holly'd Highlights Tommy Tucker
5:15 Eton Boys Recordings Jimmy Dorsey Tur Reporter
5:30 John Kirby Buck Rogers Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry leilmann News
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Tyson Review Easy Aces Stop and Go
6:15 Inside of Sports Bradcast Mr. Keen-Tracer
6:30 People's Platform MidstreamrLone Ranger Fintex Sportlight
6:45 11 George JRrehbiel 11 Jimmie Allen
7:00 Honolulu Bound On Mans Family Universal Music Washington News
7:15 "I- Factfinder Evening Serenade
7:30 Paul Whiteman Tommy Dorsey Hobby Lobby King's Highways
7:45 I I't 1
8:00 Stadium Concert What's My Name Twilight Trails Good Neighbors
8:30 George Jessel [dea Mart Jamboree
8:45 - "
9:00 Kay Kyser Ransom Sherman Raymond Gram
9:15 " Steve Leonard
9:30 Ruth Carhart " To be announced Music Counter
9:45 To be announced
10:00 Amo 'n Andy Sports Parade Graystone"~
10:15 Barry Wood Vic and Bade I Freddy Martin
10:30 Sports Fred Waring ro be announced Griff Williams
10:45 Jan Garber Wanderlust. 1
11:00 News News Ben Bernie Reporter
11:15 Reminiscing Dance Music " Music
11:30 " Lights Out Larry Clinton
11:45 Bill Bardo s
12:00 Sign Of f Westwood Sign Off Carol Lofner



Showing at 3:19 - 7:00- 9:20
S . OF 11ff


All ~mn uO


iii 'l Ii'I'MI1


II11i II

Showing at
2:12 - 4:29 - 8:10 - 10:18

- Also
Friday "6000 ENEMIES"

9:00 a
11:00 a

T oday's Schedule
.m. Physics Symposium on "Band Spectra" Prof. Gerhard Herzberg,
University of Saskatchewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building)-.
s.m. Physics Symposium on "Cosmic Rays and High Energy Paricles"
Prof. Enrico Fermi, Columbia University (Amphitheatre, Rackham
' r. "University Excavations of Karanis, Egypt," illustrated lecture by
Director E. E. Peterson (2003 Angell Hall).
.m. Graduate Conference on Renaissance Studies luncheon (Union).






4:00 p.m.

Excursion to Ford Plant (Angell Hall).
Michigan Dames Bridge Party (League).
Faculty Women's Tea (Rackham Building).
Tea and Dancing (League Ballroom).
"Adventures with Chinese Books," lecture by Dr. A. W. Hummel
(Amphitheatre, Rackham Building).
Language Tea, (International Center).
Speech Department Symposium (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
"Provisions for Individual Differences in the Schools," by Prof.
Charles W. Sanford, University of Illinois (University High School
Swimming Competition, back stroke (Intramural Pool).
"How Children Grow," by Prof. Willard C. Olson (Lecture Hall,
Rackham Building).


Bargain Day


4:05 p.m.




25% off
on all summer merchandise


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