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July 12, 1939 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy and warmer
today and tomowrrow.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Brtlsh Hollow




VOL. XLIX. No. 14





Of Arm Bill
Is Castigated
By Roosevelt

Bobby Feller And The Yankees
StopNational All-Stars, 3 To l

President Warns Congress
That Foreign Conflict
Would CauseDifficulty
Committee Action
Considered Serious
WASHINGTON, July 11.-(P)-
3leaten in the Senate foreign rela-
tions committee, President Roosevelt
warned Congress today that if it
postponed revising the Neutrality
Act, the outbreak of a foreign war
would make it extremely difficult to
take such action later.
The Chief Executive made this
statement in emphatic language a
few hours after the committee, by a
dramatic one-vote margin, decided to
defer further consideration of the
question until the next session.
Considered Defeat
Its action was generally considered
a serious defeat for the administra-
tion. For months, the President,
Secretary Hull and others have been
seeking the immediate repeal of the
present embargo on shipments of war
supplies to belligerent nations. How-
ever, officials quickly made it plain
that they had no intention of aban-
doning the drive for action at this
Hull, grim and unsmiling, told a
press conference that as the result of
the development, he felt as he had
felt as he had "felt throughout each
stage of the consideration of pemce
and neutrality legislation during this
session of Congress, that the inter-
ests of peace and security of the
WASHINGTON, July 11.-(/P)-
President Roosevelt disclosed to-
day that he did not expect Paul V.
McNutt to be an active candidate
for the Democratic presidential
nomination while directing the
new Federal Security Administra-
The President sent McNutt's
nomination to the Senate at noon,
and a few hours later said at 'a
press conference that he did not
think McNutt would be found run-
ning as a presidential candidate
any more than a dozen or fifteen
other individuals who might be
named easily.

Rallies In Fourth, Fifth
Produce Runs; DiMaggio
Has Game's Only Homer
July 11.-(P)--The magnificent Yan-
kees and Cleveland's Bobby Feller,
acting in the name of the American
League, victimized the naive National
League All-Stars 3 to 1 today while
a tremendous tirnout of 62,892 fans
gasped at the ease of it all.
The boys from the Bronx exploded
their bombs under the Chicago Cubs'
unlucky Bill Lee in the fourth and
fifth innings, with George Selkirk
singling in one run, Joe Gordon pre-
cipitating another on a grounder
which Pittsburgh's "Arky Vaughan
manhandled, and Crown Prince Joe
DiMaggio slapping a 380-foot home
run into the left field stands.
The game, played before the second
largest audience in the seven-year
history of the All-Star charity carni-
val, measured to its billing as a spec-
The National Leaguers lashed Char-
ley Ruffing of the Yankees for three
hits and a run in the third inning
and knocked Detroit's TJommy Bridges
out of the box in the sixth.
But Feller paraded to the mound
there, and his fast ball settled the
NLRB Revises
Rules To Allow
Union Elections


Changes Designed
Liberalize Wagner
Procedure Passed

senior circuit's fate without appeal.
The pitching on the whole was im-
pressive-the Nationals collecting four
hits off Ruffing, two off Bridges
and one off Feller for a total of
seven, and the Americans getting two
off Paul Derringer, Cincinnati's ace
who started, three off Lee and one
off Lou Fette of the Boston Bees for
a total of six.
Not only did the National Leaguers,
dominated by their league-leading
Cincinnati Reds, lose the ball game,
but the Redmen also lost the services
of their No. 1 outfield slugger, Ival
Goodman. He tried to make a shoe
string catch of Selkirk's line-single
to right'during the Americans' fourth
inning rally, tumbled, and retired
from the game with a dislocated
Ruffing, although fanning four,
slipped into trouble in the third when
Vaughan opened- with a hit which
skidded like a bowling ball off Joe
Cronin's glove. After Derringer
fanned, Stan Hack of Chicago lifted
a looper just out of reach back of
third, and Lonnie Frey of Cincinnati
doubled down the right field foul line
for the run.
Lee, a Yankee cousin twice in the
last World Series, walked Bill Dickey
and seemed slow getting up steam.
Hank Greenberg sent a sharp single
to left with Joe Medwick holding
Dickey to second. Then Selkirk shot a
liner to right field. Goodman fell
heavily trying to make the catch and
the switch was thrown, for Dickey
scored on the play.
Gordon then spanked a sharp
grounder to Vaughan on the next
play and the Pittsburgh shortstop,
who had contributed three faultless
fielding plays previously, fumbled the
ball clear over his shoulder for an-
other run. By this time Lee had
warmed up and fanned Bridges but
the cause was lost.
Olson To Tell
Finds Of Study
In Talk Today
Child Development Work
Was Nine - Year Task;
Shows Linked Trendst
Prof. Willard C. Olson of the
School of Education will tell the re-
sults of a study of child development
conducted here, in a Summer Ses-
sion lecture at 5 p.m. today in the
Rackham Auditorium. He is speak-
ing on "How Children Grow."
The study which Professor Olson'
will describe has been conducted at
the University Elementary School
during the past nine years with the
purpose of determining the basic
characteristics and principles of
child growth, such as physical, men-
tal and emotional. Members of the
various faculties in the University
have taken part.
The research has shown that there
is a relationship between each of
the various types of growth, and that
development tends to progress even-
ly in the various types, instead of a
rapid growth in one characteristic
followed by slower growth in other
The lecture will be illustrated. Pro-
fessor Olson is Director of Research
in Child Development at the Elemen-
tary School.

United States require that we should
continue to urge adoption of the
principles of the six-point program."
(He referred to the program which'
the Administration wants to substi-
tute for the present law.)
Confirms Hull's Statement 1
And the President, asked later for
his reaction to the committee's vote,
said he thought Hull's statement was
very good. However, he said, he
thought he should add that at the
present time there was no law cover-
ing five of the six points of the Ad-
ministration neutrality program.
Intently serious, he took them up
one at a time, saying there was no
law to keep American ships out of
war zones, to keep American citizens
out of the zones, to require that
belligerents acquire title to war pur-
chases here before carrying them
away, to regulate loans and credits to
warring nations, or the solicitation
and collection of funds for belliger-
ent nations. Present law, he added,
does contain authorization for the
munitions control board, the sixth
point of the program.'
Falls Excursion
Tickets On Sale
To Be Sold Tomorrow
Only,_Coe Says
Tomorrow is the one and only day
on which tickets may be purchased
for the weekend excursion to Niagara
Falls, according to Prof. Carl J. Coe,
Director of Summer Session Excur-
Tickets will be on sale from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. in the Summer Session Of-
fice, Room 1213 Angell Hall. All who
wish to go must buy their tickets at
that time.
Round trip boat fare, including
four meals on the steamer, is $15.50,
and bus fare to Detroit and return
is &I ~ L 1 -/nr~r nfra r wr~

WASHINGTON, July 11.-(/)-
The Labor Relations Board, reacting
to criticism in Congress, revised its
rules today to permit employers to!
ask for collective bargaining / elec-
tions when two or more labor unions
claim to represent a majority of their
The boai'd also announced other
changes which it said were designe:l
to liberalize the procedure under
which it administers the Wagner
Act. The revisions will become ef-
fective on Thursday.
For several months, Congress has
been studying a series of amend-
ments to the Wagnef Act sponsored
by the American Federation of La.
bor and business interests. Board
members have insisted that the law
should not be changed, contending
that many of the criticisms could be
met in the act's administration.
Today's revisions followed an-
nouncements made recently by board
representatives that the rules woald
be changed to permit employers to
petition for elections.
"While the framework of the board
procedure remains essentially the
same," the board said today, "the
new series contains several important
changes designed either to embody
in the rules what has already become
board practice, or, in other instances.
to liberalize the rules in the interest
of a more effective administration of
the act."
The procedure permitting employ-
ers to petition for elections contained
what board officials described as
safeguards to prevent abuse of the
rules or the piling up of administra-
tive problems.

Drama Opens
Here Tonight
Majority Of OriginalCast
Of March Production
Will Retain Old Roles
Chamber Orchestra
To Accompany Play
The Repertory Players production
of "The Two Gentlemen of Verona,"
accompanied by the Chamber Or-
chestra of the School of Music, opens
at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The music, largely taken from
Mozart, was selected to form an Itali-
anate setting for this little known
work of Shakespeare. The orchestra
will be under the direction of Thor
Johnson. The score includes 14
Music By Quilter
The overture is taken from "T
Sogno di Scipione." The music of
Robert Quilter, contemporary Eng-
lish composer, has been substituted
for Schubert's in the song, "Whio Is
Sylvia?" among the most familiar
lines in Shakespeare. The finale is
from the ballet, "Les Petits Reins."
Vocal selections will be sung by M1\1-
dred Olson and Richard Wittington.
Members of the cast are Edward
Jurist and Karl Klauser as the two
gentlemen and friends, Valentine and
Proteus; Prof. William Halstead and
James Moll as the two servait-
clowns, Launce and Speed; the Duke
of Milan played by Arthur Tlein;
Sylvia, his daughter by Marguerite
Mink; Julia by Bettie Howard; Lu-
cetta by June Madison; Antonio by
Duane Nelson and Panthino by Tru-
man Smith.
Members Of Cast
Others in the cast include Flath-
eryn Steiner, Edith Van Beck, Betty1
Brinkman, Marcella Madison, Frank
Jones, Harry Goldstein, George Sha-
piro, Henry Patterson, Nathan Git-
lin, Charles McGaw and Crab II
James Doll of the Federal Theatrec
in Detroit has especially designed the
costumes and settings. Prof. Valen-
tine B. Windt of the speech depart-
ment is directing.
The action of the play takes place
in Verona, Milan and Mantua, Italy.1
The "Two Gentlemen," close friends,j
find themselves in love with Sylvia,
the daughter of the Duke of Mean.
It is their servants, who provide the1
comedy of the piece.
The production was given here ast
March by Play Production group.
To Celebrate
At Mfelon Cut
The annual watermelon cut for
Southern faculty and students will
be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the
League garden. There is no admis-
sion charge and all Southerners are
urged to attend.
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of'
the Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, will be in
charge of the actual cutting of theJ
melons. Dr. Purdom, a native of
Kentucky, is a veteran at the art of
melon-cutting, having been chief
melon-cutter at several of the pre-
vious Southern functions on the cam-
pus. Assisting Dr. Purdom are the
members of the League summer
council who will act as hostesses.
Not only are the Southerners to

be honored at the cut, but also at the
regular League dance which will fol-
low. The dance is open to everyone,
but Southerners are especially hon-
ored. Earl Steven's orchestra will+
play pieces from the different South-
ern states in honor of the Southern-+
ers. Any students who have special
requests are asked to call Mr. Stev-
ens, who will see that they are played
if possible.
A glance at the registration tiles
reveals that there are many Soath-;
ern ladies and gentlemen on the'
campus this summer, and the League
council wants to see every one of
them there.
Trip To Ford Plant
Planned For Today
Leaving from in front of Angell
Hall at 12:45 p.m. today, participants
in the fifth Summer Session excur-
sion will visit the Ford plant on the

From Older Counselors
During Fresh Air Camp
(Editor's Note: This article, writ-
ten by a visitor to the University
Fresh Air Camp, is published by The
Daily so that readers may receive an
intimate picture of camp life and
judge for themselves whether to-
day's Tag Day deserves support.)
Should T buy a tag? Does 'it reallyn
send a boy to camp? If so, what does
it do for him? These questions and
others are asked by people at least
to themselves when they are ap-
proached on Tag Day. I, too, did not
know the "scene behind the tag"
until after I had accepted the invi-
tation of Director George Alder to
visit the University of Michigan Fresh
Air Camp.
Camp Is Quiet
The camp was so quiet we won-
dered how it could be housing so
many boys and counselors. We learned
that it was rest hour. Soon the
noise, joyful and unrepressed started
as the boys raced to the afternoon
swim period. I started to watch them
swim when my attention was direct-
ed to a family of eight; father, moth-
er and six children who had come to
see their oldest son age twelve; a
camper for two weeks. The father
said, "We are glad he is off the street
but we had to see him." The mother
chimed in with, "No matter how'
many are left at home we miss the
one away."
When Iasked, "Are you taking him
home?", the quick reply came, "Oh,
no, he likes it here. He can do so
many things. He is off the street-
no matter how hard we try to raise

times influence him in bad ways. We
wish he could stay al1 summer."
Smiling joyfully, they watched their
son demonstrate diving and new
strokes he had learned. He smiled and
ducked under water when 'papa'
loudly said, "That boy, he can do
anything." And we thought we saw"
a bit of moisture suddenly brim in
'mama's' eyes.
Rated Service
When I asked one of the counsellors"
what he considered his most impor-
tant service to the camp, he replied,
"Perhaps the greatest service I can
do for a boy is to give him some help
in adjusting himself to the group-
the people who "don't belong" are
the miserable people in life." One of
the senior campers, assisting as junior
counsellor, said, "It makes me want
to be at my best because if your boys
like you, you are their hero; they
try to imitate you."
Just at dusk I stood alone for a
moment down on the beach and
looked up at the lodge high above me
on the cliff which looked down with
such infinite patience I had the feel-
ing that here counsellors as well as
boys get a sense of enduring values
and a strength to better stand the
constant barrage of stimuli which as-
sail us so constantly in a hectic com-
petitive life and develop a tolerance
to better bear our puny strivings,
our futile hopes our restless ambi-
tions, and our struggle for recogni-
Yes, there is much, much more in
the "scene behind the tag" for in this
University project enduring values in
human lives are being built. Men are
being made who will help make the
world better for all of us because of
this experience.

Dig Down Deep, Mister-You're TaggedI

Camp Visitor. Paints A -Picture
Of The 'Scene Behind The Tag'
Describes Values Receivedhim good, the boys in the street some-

Ninth Annual
Summer Camp
Tag-Day Sale
Underprivileged Children
To Benefit By Program
At Patterson Lake Camp
Goal Set At $1,100
In One-Day Drive
Sun-tanned youngsters eager to
help underprivileged compatriots win
a vacation from the heat and grime
of city life will patrol Ann Arbor'
streets today in the annual Summer
Tag Day of the University Fresh ir
With their slogan "Send a boy to
camp" the youngsters will sell ,the
familiar cardboard tags decor td
with a sketch of a grinning urchin
dripping from his swim in Patterso
Hope To Raise $1,000
Camp officials hope to raise more
than $1,000 during the one-day drive.
The money will be used in providing
more youngsters with vacations at
the camp.
Located on' Patterson Lake, 25
miles northwest of Ann Arbor, the
Fresh Air Camp is unique n the
camping world. Underprivileged chii:
dren enjoy one of the most modern
social programs provided in the na-
tion. Counsellors are all:University
men making a study of human be-
havior. Full records are kept on the
campers and turned over to the so-
cial agencies concerned so that ad-
justment work can be carried on
throughout the winter months.
Depend On Tag Day
Camp financing is dependent up.-
on the tag days and private donas
tions. Since it was established in
1922, more than $190,000 has been
given the camp so that today Its
physical equipment includes 25 build-
ings on an 180-acre preserve.
Last night campers participa' ing
in the driv. we, guests of the Mich-
igan Theatie at a "free show." Local
restaurants are furnishing them with
free meals today.
The University Camp is under the
direction of George G. Alder, direc-
tor of Brightmoor Community Cen-
ter, Detroit. It is managed by a fac-
ulty committee headed by Prof. F.
N. Menefee of the engineering col-
E gyptolo gist
Will Leeture
To Linguists
Prof. Edgerton To Open
Week's Institute Talks
With Discussion Tonight
Prof. William F. Edgerton, Univer-
sity of Chicago Egyptologist and Sum-
mer Session faculty member, wil
open this week's public program of
the Linguistic Institute with a lec-
ture at 7:30 p.m. today in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building on
the topic, "Some Aspects of Word
Order in Egyptian."
This particular lecture, according
to Professor Charles C. Fries, the In-
stitute's director, is one of several
to be given this summer on the gen-
eral problem of word order, and is

of special interest to persons dealing
with the English ' :=e, since word
order is much more important than
inflections in modern English.
Although now distinguished as a
leading Egyptologist, Professor Edger-
ton began his scholarly career as a
teacher of history after the comple-
tion of his graduate work at the Uni-
versity of Cl'icago. Brief periods of
(Continued on Page 3)
Faculty Wives
Tea IsToday
Mrs. Duff endack Heads
Affair At 3:30 P.M.
The Faculty Women's Club will
hold its annual Summer Session tea
for wives of visiting faculty mem-
bers and their guests from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m. today in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham Building.
Mrs. 0. S. Duffendack, vice-presi

Spiritual Pattern Of Far Eastern
Culture ,Stressed By Hummel

Emphasis on spiritual rather than
material values, a fatalistic philoso-
phy and a language-logic pattern
foreign to the Western world were{
responsible for the failure of science1
to flourish in China.
So declared Dr. Arthur W. Hum-
mel, Director of the Division of Ori-
entalia of the Library of Congress,
in a lecture sponsored by the Far
Eastern Institute yesterday.
"We of the West want to master
the world. The people of China want
to master themselves," Dr. Hummel
said. Their idealistic metaphysical
concept of nature 'as a friendly force
induced them to seek adjustment to
this environment rather than con-
trol. Hence the Eastern emphasis on
ethics rather than science s
Firmly imbedded in the literature
and early philosophy of China, this
outlook stressed the futility of at-

itself in economy of effort and line.
With the advent of Confucius on
the Eastern scene, this idealistic
philosophy was carried one step fur-
ther, Dr. Hummel explained. Instead
of nature, the Chinese began to stress
the essential goodness of human
nature. Subscribing to the more op-
timistic theory of limitless possible
expansion of the individual, this doc-
trine contributed greatly to progress
in analyzing human relations.
However the dominant role which
fate played in this philosophy before
he rise of Buddhism restricted the
analysis of the physical world neces-
sary to the growth of science, Dr.
Hummel declared. If the course eof
events was predestined, it was
reasoned, why seek to change the un-
The final obstacle to scientific in-
vestigation was a language which
gave rise to "correlation logic" rather
than the "identity logic familiar to

Elaborate Costumes To Be Seen
In Shakespearean Play Tonight
By ALICE Y. RYDELL The costumes are made, for the
When the curtain opens on the most part, of the rich brocaded and
premier of the Repertory Players pro- patterned materials found in drapery
ductiop of "Two Gentlemen of Ve- departments, the mecca of all de-
rona" tonight at 8:30 p.m., the au- signers for the Elizabethan era.
dience will see elaborate Elizabethan Bright colors, , Renaissance motifs
costumes designed by James Doll of and colorful jewelry which belies its
the Federal Theatre in Detroit. five-and-ten origin are effective key
To complete Mr. Doll's costumes, notes of the period.
Miss Lucy Barton's class in Costum- Claudius is given an opportunity
ing 150 constructed the ruffs, char- to wear an earring-just one pearl in
acteristic of the dress of the period, the left ear as was the fashiori of
The ruffs are made by folding a the period. The wearing of an ear-
wide piece of organdy back and forth, ring was not considered effeminate,
figure eight fashion. The folds are for it was done by the best of noble-
ingenuously tacked and the ruff men.
mounted on a strip of belting the Bettie Howard as blond Julia wears
size of the player's neck. a lovely pale blue taffeta gown
The making of these ruffs afford- trimmed in lace and rhinestones with
ed the students of play production a Juliet cap also of rhinestones. Mar-
an unusual opportunity to learn to guerite Mink as dark Sylvia wears a
construct an important part of Eli- rich gold brocade with beige sleeves,
zabethan dress, an essential in latticed in brown braid and amber
knowledge of stage background. The studded.
men again proved adept in the art Truman Smith as Panthino wears
of sewing and constructed ruffs neat- .beige crewel-embroidered suit of

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