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July 09, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-09

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3nts of the University of
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Editorial Staff
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

aspects of the affair. The New Orleans Times-
Picayune is asking pointedly why ex-Governor
Leche accepted Smith's resignation, on learning
of the irregularities, and did not raise ahue and
cry for his arrest until Smith had had time to
leave town.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Nagara Falls
Sixth excursion of the Summer Session series
will be a trip to Niagara Falls and will take place
Friday to Monday of this week.
The party will leave Ann Arbor at 3:30 p.m.
Friday and proceed from the front of Angell Hall
by bus to the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation
Company docks at the foot of Third Street in
Detroit. The boat will leave the dock at 5:30 p.m.
and arrived in Buffalo at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.
At Buffalo the group will be met by special
busses which will take it around the Falls and
vicinity. At 4 p.m. excursionists will check in at
a hotel in Niagara Falls, N.Y., and the evening
will be open for those who wish to see the night
illumination of the Falls or indulge in other en-
Sunday morning those who wish may take the
trip beneath the Falls on the Maid of the Mist
and visit the Cave of the Winds. A party will also
be conducted through the Niagara Falls hydro-
alectric power house.
Sunday the group will leave the hotel about 4
pm. and catch the boat in Buffalo at 6 p.m. The
boat will dock at Detroit at 9 a.m. Monday and
the party will arrive in Ann Arbor by bus shortly
after 10 a.m.
The tour by bus around the Falls will follow
the Canadian road through Fort Erie, Brideburg
and Black Creek, over the Welland River and
through the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park.
Excursionists will see the Table Rock tunnel and
elevator, the Whirlpool Rapids elevator, the
Spanish aerocar, the whirlpool and Niagara Glen,
taking luncheon at Brock's Monument from
which, on a clear day, Lake Ontario and Lewiston
may be seen.
Tickets And Expenses
Tickets for the trip will be on sale one day
only, Thursday, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the
Summer Session office, Room 1213 Angell Hall.
All who wish to go must purchase tickets at that
BOat fare will amount to $15.50. This includes
meals on the boat (dinner Friday and Sunday,
breakfast Saturday and Monday), berth in an
inside stateroom, and all transportation in and
around Niagara Falls. An outside stateroom may
be had for 75 cents to $1 extra. Bus fare to De-
troit and return will be $1. These tickets must be
purchased Thursday.r
Other expenses will include one night at an
inexpensive Niagara Falls hotel, with rates rang-
ing from $1 to $2.50 per person, extra trips at
the Falls such as the ride on the Maid of the
Mist and the trip through the Cave of the Winds
and meals not served on the boat.
All foreign students planning to go on the
excursion should leave their passports with Prof.
Raleigh Nelson, Director of the International
Center, at the Center, 603 E. Madison Street, be-
fore Tuesday, and proper visas for the trip
through Canada will be obtained.
Accompanying the excursionists will be Prof.
Carl J. Coe, Director of Summer Session Excur-
sions, and Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology
department. Professor Scott will explain the geo-
logical characteristic of the Falls and vicinity.

1(5own &Gown
It came in the morning mail, a letter from the
American Guild for German Cultural Freedom.
Above the signature of Hendrik Willem van Loon
it said:
"It happened last month and you probably
have forgotten. It was just another item in the
newspaper. A German writer, a refugee, had killed
himself. He had spent four years in the trenches
but no merciful bullet had saved him from what
was to follow . . . He had devoted-all his talents,
all his energies towards a single purpose-to rid
mankind of the nightmare of violence and hatred.
You know the rest of the story. In the end, his
tormented soul could no longer endure the humil-
iations that were heaped upon those absurd in-
dividuals who believed in kindness, in tolerance,
in mutural understanding. "Suicide, the police
reports called it."-
But the secretary at the American Guild for
German Cultural Freedom had forgetfully used
old stationary on that plea, for aid. And half-
way down the column of listed sponsors was the
name of Ernst Toller, who had joined with thous-
ands of others who suffered from Nazi perse-
cution in the fight for kindness, tolerance, mutual
understanding. The tremendously ironical point
is this-Toller was the very writer to whom the
letter referred; his was the tormented soul which
had chosen suicide!
* * *
We were having a nip with the press agent
of the Parker and Watts circus and a pair of fans
the other day. The conversation dwelt temporar-
ily on Clyde Beatty, then skipped to Dexter Fel-
"Out West I'm as famous as a press agent as
he ever was," said Skinny, advance man for the
show and adopted son of Al G. Barnes.
"Yes," commented a prosperous fan whose
salary was variously rumored to run from $500
to $6,000 a day. "You go to a paper with three
mats in your pocket, tell the city editor you'll be
fired if he doesn't run them and out of sympathy
thepoor fool does."
"Say," interjected Skinny. "Remember when
I called you up in Texas?"
"I do," said the wealthy one, turning to us.
"He calls up at 3 a~m. and says TI've just had a
terrific fight.'
"Are you in jail?" I asked him.
'Are you in the hospital or hurt?'
'Then why'd you wake me up at three o'clock?'
'The damndest thing happened and I thought
I'd better tell you-I won the fight!'"
* * s
A little later the same Texan was telling of
his younger days.
"The barber gave me a copy of 'The Police
Gazette' one day," he said as we settled down and
lighted another of the press agent's cigars. "I took
it home and hid it under the chair. The next day
the Parent-Teachers Association had a meeting
-you know the type, very stiff prigs with steel-
rimmed glasses. They were sitting there making
bitter comments upon the morals of the present
generation and mother was saying she was cer-
tainly glad her son was a good, church-going
boy. Unfortunately I was upstairs and unaware
of the visitors. And I took that very moment to
'Mother, will you bring up that 'Police Gazette.'
It's hidden under the rug."


tip W. Buchen . ... . Business Manager
:1 Park.. . . . . . Advertising Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
ending The Cloak
I Propaganda .0.
T $E DELEGATES of twenty-three
youth organizations who walked out
the American Youth Congress last week are
be congratulated for exposing what has be-
:e a standard ruse of leftist organizations.
'he deception consists of identifying certain
lectivisms with Democracy and pitting them
ainst the horrors of Fascism.


ruse was a resolution
cism and "other dic-
to brand Communism
silence implied mani-
sm was evident in the
Communist delegate,

Publication in 'the BuletIn is con-
structive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office
of the Summer Session until 3:30 P.M.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 12
League Concerts. Concerts of rec-
ords from the Carnegie Music Set are
held in the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League as follows:
Sunday, 2-4 and 7:30-9:30.
Monday, 2:30-4:30.
Tuesday, 2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:30.
Wednesday, 2:30-3:30 and 7-9.
Thursday, 2:30-4:30 and 8-10.
Friday, 2:30-4:30 and 7-9.
Saturday, 2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9.
Requests for records to be played
may be handed in at the League desk
or given to the attendant.
Graduate Outing Club will have
a picnic at Peach Mountain to-
day. ~ There will be swimming
at Portage Lake, where there
are various water-front facilities for
a small charge. For those who do
not wish to swim, there will be fa-
cilities for baseball, and an oppor-
tunity for hiking. The group will
meet at the northwest entrance of
the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m.
All graduate students and faculty
members are cordially invited. The
charge for food and transportation
will be 35 cents. There will be a
meeting regardless of the weather.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship,
a campus organization, meets each
Sunday afternoon in the Fireplace
Room at Lane Hall from 4:30 to 6
p.m. This Sunday Mr. Kenneth Pike
who is enrolled in the summe
school, will tell of his experiences
living with a native Mexican trib
and translating the Bible into thei
language. All who are interested ar
invited to come. Their will be grour
singing, refreshments and a time o
Initial Vesper Service at the Rack-
ham Auditorium, 8 p.m., this eve-
Address by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins
Director of the Summer Session
Music under the direction of Profes.
sor David Mattern of the School o:
Congregational singing.
Dancing Party: The Michigan Wol-
verine is sponsoring another in it
series of summer dancing parties thi
evening from 8:30 until 11:00. "Mix-
er" dances will provide a part of th
evening's entertainment: Refresh.
ments will be served.
All summer session students ar
cordially invited to attend.
First Baptist Church, 502 E. Huro
9:30 a.m. Church School.
10:45 Morning Worship.
Rev. Paul B. Irwin of the Firs
Baptist Church of Flint, Michiga
will speak on "A Call to Worship."
First Church of Christ, Scientis
409 S. Division St., Sunday morninm
service at 10:30. Subject: "Sacra
Golden Text: Psalms 51:10. Sun
day School at 11:45.
The Lutheran Students, their wive
and friends will meet at Zion Luth
eran Parish Hall this afternoon a
4:30. Cars will leave from there fo
the Beck home on Jackson Road fo:
the steak roast. Each person is aske
to bring 25 cents. Professor Pau
Kauper of the Law Faculty will b
the speaker at the meeting after th
Church Worship Services will b
held in Trinity Lutheran Churc
at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m
Rev. Henry o. Yoder will deliver th
sermon at both services. Trinity i
located on the corner of East Wil-
liam and S. Fifth Ave.

Church Worship Services will be
held in Zion Lutheran Church at
10:30 a.m. with sermon by the Rev
Ernest C. Stellhorn.
Unitarian Church. Sunday, 11 a.m.
Rev. Lester Mondale of Evanston
Illinois, on "The Role of Imagery
in Mental Health." 7:30 p.m., stu-
dent discussion.
Christian Reformed and Reforme
Church. Services will be held at
the Michigan League Chapel a
10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev
W. Stuart, instructor in Bible His-
tory at the Grand Rapids Christiar
High School, will conduct both serv-
Wesley Foundation. Class in "New
Testament Religion" led, by Dr. E
W. Blakeman at Stalker Hall at 9:45
a.m. The subject for this week wil
be "New Testament Problem of Man.'
Wesleyan Guild meeting at the Meth-
odist Church at 6 p.m. Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver will speak on "Sources
of Power." Social hour and refresh.
ments following the meeting. We
will adjourn in time to attend the
Vesper service at the Rackham Build-

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC RetI 1240 K- NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Sunday Afternoon
12:00 Church Music Children's Theatre Baritone
12:15 Garden Hour to t
12:30 Mother's Album Symphonette " Salvatore Stefano
12:45 Musical Your Government D'Artega Quartette
1:00 Democracy Black Ace varieties Dance Music
1:15 It toConcert orchestra
1:30 Cabin Folks Detroit at Chicago Allen Roth Church Service
1:45 "t ,"
2:00 Grshwin Concert tn Three Cheers Sunday Afternoon
2:15" Booman's Notebook ,
2:30 " " Festival of Music Chapel Hour
2:45 ~,frI
3:00 Musical Fun "oNat'l Vespers Tabernacle
3:15 "'"
3:30 St. Louis Blues Tiger Talk Leopold Spitalny Haven of Rest
3:45 Detroit at Chicago "
4:00 Father Coughlin " string Ensemble Nobody's Children
4:15 " " Jimmy Dorsey "
4:30 of " Red Norvo
4:45 " Ray Perkins
5:00 Gay Nineties " Grenadiers Lucky Break
5:15 "~
5:30 Hollywood" Paul Laval Dance
5:45 Vera Richardson Harry Heilmann
Sunday Evening
6:00 Aldrich Family Popular Classics Dance
6:30 Music Playhouse Band Wagon Radio Guild Baseball Scores
6:45 " "o,!Melodic Strings
7:00 Gerald Smith Charley McCarthy NBC Symphony American Forum
7:15 '"' r
7:30 Stevenson Sports
7:45 t t I i
8:00 Ford Hour Mverry Go Round Hollywood Play. Revival
8:30 " Album of Music Walter Winchell
8:45 ~"to Irene Rich I
9:00 Playhouse Circle Chas. Barnett Goodwill tour
9:15 "to,
9:30 Melodies " Cheerio
9:45 Eton Boys
10:00 Exchange Prog. Russel Barnes News; Graystone Church
10:15 " Old Timers Graystone
10:30 Hermit's Cave Dance Music Isham Jones Recital
10:45 " Vera Richardson
11:00 News News Bunny Berigan Reporter
11:15 Sterling Young Dance Music A Music
11:30 Sammy Kay Eastwood Artie Shaw
11:45 To be announced
12:00 Sign Off Weather Sign Off Jimmy Dorsey

;.. 4

preacher. Dr. Frank will speak on
the topic "The Christian Duty of
Non-Conformity." Special music by
the choir directed by Hardin Van
Deursen with William Barnard at
the organ.
5:30 p.m., Summer School Vesper
Service. A cost supper will be served
at the Council Circle at the rear of
the church. Following the supper
the meeting will start at 6:15 with
Dr. O. R. Yoder, Superintendent of
he Ypsilanti State Hospital, speak-
ing on the subject "Religion and
Mental Health."

First Congregational Church, State
and Williams Streets. Reverend
Leonard A. Parr, Minister. Public
Service of Worship 10:45.
Doctor Parr will preach on the
subjectff "Is God Emeritus?" The
Chorus Choir, directed by Donn
Chown will furnish the music.
Placement Registrations: Enroll-
ment with the Bureau for positions
is being held on Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday, July 10, 11, 12. This
(Continued on Page 3)

nose views were eviaenuy ecnoed by ihe major-
y of the Congress.
"Communism," he said, "is not an enemy of
emocracy. It is the highest expression of democ-
This juxtaposing of collectivism with democ-
toy has been applied in two different ways, In
e first place, the collectivists have made good
e of the word "democracy" to strengthen their
sition in international affairs. The Spanish war
as a war to preserve democracy (substitute a
llectivist government). The Fascist triumphs
re due to England's failure to cooperate with
issia, her sister democracy (substitute collecti-
At dictatorship). The trend of world events is
ward a coming Armeggadon between two op-
sing political philosophies-Fascism and
mocracy-or so we are asked to believe.
[n the second place, collectivism has been
ntified time and again as the concommitant of
'ctive domestic democracy. The Fascist dic-
orships are simply the inevitable extreme of
e capitalist system's "soulless combinations."
e way to halt fascism at home is to "democra-
e" industry (substitute regiment for democra-
e). Civil liberties, such as the right of assem-
, are sacred for socialist, communist and other
called "liberal" groups, but obviously not
ant for fascists. Dissenters from the collectiv-
opinion are "reactionaries," (fascists). And so
ad nauseum.
Many reputable political economists in the
t few years have spoken against the oft-re-
ited myth that Fascism is the brain-child of
>italism. They have demonstrated in words
gnant with warning that collectivism in any
m and political democracy are incompatible
nents which even the catalyst of experience
inot unite; that all the collective "isms" are
natural enemies but fellow-travelers on the
d to totalitarianism; that humanists who
ch their wagon to the star of such illusory
cepts as "economic democracy" are indulging
vishful thinking.
.et leftists still persist in their rhetorical ap-
,s to emotion and virtue words, jumping at
rt-cuts to the "abundant life" and neglecting
iplete appraisal of the economic and institu-
ial problems involved in their "brave new
'ld" of theory.
'he twenty-three bolting youth organizations
erve a vote'of thanks for recognizing the real
ificance of the resolution.
-Jack Canavan

231 SOUTH STATE ....


Third Week's Schedule

3 for 98c
3 for 69c

Keep KoolI
with a POLAR CUB

3 for 2'5c



10:00 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:05 p-m.
4:15 p.m..
5:00 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.

Graduate Outing Club, (N.W. Entrance, Rackham Building).
Carillon Concert.
"Vespers and Convocation," Address by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
Institute for Teachers of Latin.
"Training of Teachers for Reality," by Prof. George Axtelle of
Northwestern University (League).
Renaissance Lecture by Prof. Panofsky (Amphitheatre, Rackham
"Youth, Schools and Life," by Thomas H. Quigley, Georgia In-
stitute of Technology (University High School Auditorium). -
Softball, American League (South Ferry Field).
"Pharaoh Seeks Eternal Blessedness," illustrated lecture by Prof.
W. F. Edgerton, University of Chicago (Lecture Hall, Rackham
Square and Country Dancing, (League Ballroom).
Reception by Greek and Latin Departments.
"University of Michigan's Excavations of Seleucia-on-the-Tigris,"
illustrated lecture by Prof. Clark Hopkins (Lecture Hall, Rackham
Beginners' Class in Social Dancing (League Ballroom).
Duplicate Bridge (League).
Faculty Concert (Hill Auditorium).
Excursion to Ford Plant (Angell Hall).
Faculty Women's Tea (Rackham Building).
"How Children Grow," by Prof. Willard C. Olson (Lecture Hall,
Rackham Building).
Intermediate Dancing Class (League Ballroom).
"Two Gentlemen of Verona" (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
"The Dictionary as an Authority," illustrated lecture by Prof. C. C.
Fries (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
Carillon Concert.
Bridge Lessons (League).
"Two Gentlemen of Verona" (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
Excursion to Niagara Falls for two and one-half days. Round trip
by boat and bus.
"Musical Activities in Ttin America" l Prf. Winlim ViCn

Phone 5933

I -








7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

5:00 p m.





3:30 p.m.


&:fft o m


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