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July 09, 1939 - Image 1

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lJjir igan
Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Rending The Cloak
Of Propaganda,




City Boys Gain Health And Knowledge,
While Having Fun At Fresh Air Camp


University Project Offe
Activities To Lads Fr
(Special to The Daily)1
a heavily wooded, 180 acre preserve
25 miles from Ann Arbor, one of the
United States' most effective projects
in human engineering, the University
of Michigan Fresh Air Camp, is.cele-
brating its 19th anniversary.
From crowded metropolitan dis-
tricts where the streets served them
as a playground, the latest contin-
gent of the more than 6,500 boys who
have attended the camp since it was
founded, are being taught a lesson in
social living and democracy while
they enjoy the benefits of outdoor
exercise and heaping platefuls of
good food.
No Regimentation
Striking is the lack of regimented
program at the University camp. No

rs Constructive Summer
om Industrial Districts

Will Give Talk
On Art-Theorye
Prof. Panofsky Is Second
On Renaissance Series
At Rackham School
"The Art-Theory of the Renais-
sance" will be discussed by Prof. Er-
win Panofsky of the Institute for+
Advanced Study at Princeton Univer-
sity at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham School.
This lecture is the second in a se-
ries sponsored by the Graduate Con-
ference of Renaissance Studies. It
will be illustrated with slides.
Professor Panofsky will discuss spe-
cific works of the Renaissance ar-
itsts. He will present these against'
the background of such popular
Renaissance ideas as Neo-Platonism.
Educated at the Berlin Gymnasi-
um, the University of Berlin, the
University of Munich and the Univer-
sity of Freiburg, Professor Panofsky.
was teacher and professor of his-
tory of art at the University of Ham-'
burg from 1921 to 1933 before com-
ing to America in 1934. He has been
visiting professor of fine arts at New
York University and visiting lecturer
at Princeton. He has held his pres-
ent position at Princeton since 1935.
Professor Panofsky is a member
of the Commissio Internationale
Permanente d'Histoie de l'Art and
a fellow of the Medieval Academy of
America. He is the author of five
books published in Germany and
many articles published in Germany,
Ausria, England and America.
Sale Of Directories
To EndTomorrow
With a complete sell-out anticipat-
ed, the campus sale of the Summer
Student Directory will end at 3 p.m.
Salesmen will be located through
the morning in front of the General
Library, in front of the East Medical
Building, in front of the Law Library,
and a+ tha n2inerinr Arch -Direa-

Local Churches
Off er Varied
Services today
Guest Ministers, Faculty
Speakers Will Highlight
Three guest ministers will fill pul-
pits in Ann Arbor churches this
morning with regular services and
University faculty speakers to be
heard at the other churches.
Dr. Robert Worth Frank of Pres-
byterian Theological Seminary of
Chicago will deliver the sermon this
morning at the First Presbyterian
Church. His topic is "Sight and In-
sight." Services are at 10:45 a.m. A
supper will be held at 5:30 p.m. in
the Council Circle at the Church.
Speaker will be Dr. O R. Yoder, sup-
erintendent of the Ypsilanti State
Hospital. His subject will be "Re-
ligion and Mental Health."
Mondale Will Preach
The Rev. Lester Mondale, supply
pastor of the Unitarian Churc'h, will
speak on "The Role of Imagery" at
the morning services of that church
to be held at 11 a.m. today. The
weekly student discussion group will
meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Church li-
The Rev. Paul B. Irwin of Flint
will preach the sermon at the 10:45
a.m morning worship service of the
First Baptist Church.
Sunday services at the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, are at
10:30 a.m. Sunday. school meets at
11:45 a.m. in the Church.
"God" is to be the subject of the
Rev. Charles W. Brashares, minister
of the First Methodist Church, at
the 10:40 a.m. service this morning.
The subject was suggested by the
special series of lectures given at the
University last winter by Lord Ber-
trand Russell, the Rt. Rev Msgr.
Fulton J. Sheen and Dr. Reinhold,
Blakeman To Conduct Class
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Univer-
sity counselor in religious education,
will conduct his weekly class at 9:45
a.m. in Stalker Hall, student center
of the Methodist Church. His topic
will be "The New Testament Prob-
lem of Man." Prof. Bennett Weaver
of the English department will speak
to the Student Guild at their 6 p.m.
meeting in the church "Sources of
Power" will be the subject of his
Band Students
t o meet Her

bugle blows to summon youngsters
forth at specified intervals. Instead
they enthusiastically take part in a
program especially planned for them.
From six to eight campers live with
two counsellors in each of the many
cabins. There are only a few specific
regulations which they must observe
-attendance at flag-raising before
breakfast, participation in the camp
clean-up in the morning and "lights
out" when taps is sounded from the
hill which rises above the shores of
Patterson Lake.
Specially Prepared Program
At other times the boys have a
program specially prepared for them.
Daily they meet with their counsel-
lor to discuss what they'll do next-
whether it will be an overnight hike
to Lime Lake or one of the other lakes
nearby, a cook-out in the woods
or a trip to Ann Arbor, Dearborn,
Lansing or sme ther city in which
education and adventure can be com-
Then, during the main part of the
morning and afternoon, they take
part in individual projects. Some go
to the art room where an amazingly
good artist teaches them the essen-
tials of painting and sculpting.
Others visit thenature study tent,
watch the wire cages in which lazy
snakes lounge while the frightened
mice and frogs on which they feed
stand tense beside them. Later, per-
haps, they go into the woods and
do nature study work. Yesterday, for
example, one proud youngster gath-
Aim Of Institute
Is To Modernize
Talk By Professor Winter
Tomorrow Will Open
Series OfMeetings
To modernize the teaching of Lat-
in in Michigan high schools, the Lat-
in department of the University will
open its second Institute for the
Teachers of Latin at 11:10 a.m. to-
morrow when Prof. J. G. Winter,
director, lectures in Room 2003 An-
gell Hall on "North Africa Under
the Romans."
Sponsored with the dual purpose
of aiding teachers whose training
has not included courses in the meth-
ods and practices of Latin teaching
and teachers of long experience who
wish to become acquainted with re-
cently developed procedures in Latin
instruction, the Institute will remain
in session from tomorrow through
Illustrated Lecture Offered
In addition to papers on the prob-
lems of teaching and recent develop-
ments in organization and adminis-
tration of courses, there will be il-
lustrated lectures on archaeological
subjects designed to furnish informa-
tion on aspects of Greek and Italian
Daily round-table discussions and
conferences will facilitate considera-
tion of specific questions proposed by
members of the Institute. Written
statements of topics on which dis-
cussion is desired may be left at the
registration desk.
Dunham To Lecture
Tomorrow's program begins with
registration at 10 a.m. in Room 2011
Angell Hall. Professor Winter will
then deliver his lecture to complete
the morning session.
Prof. Fred A. Dunham of the Lat-
in department will open the after-
noon activities with a lecture on "The
Latin Curriculum of The University
High School" at 3 p.m. in Room 2003
Angell Hall. An informal reception
for members of the Institute and stu-
dents and faculty of the Depart-
ments of La'tin and Greek will be

held at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
Japanese Language
Tea Is TomorroW
Second of a series of Japanese lan-
guage teas, sponsored by the Inter-
national Center, will be held from 4
p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow at the Cen-
The first Jananese tea. held last

ered 22 different varieties of mush-
Then, for others, there are pro-
grams of athletics ranging from arch-
ery to swimming instruction; a com-
plete shop for wood and metal work;
facilities for boating-including one
monster "ship" powered by a paddle
wheel which is used for overnight
hikes--; and all the other recreation-
al opportunities which a trained soci-
ologist thinks might bring happiness
to an underprivileged youngster.
Counsellors A Uniue Group
Counsellors at the camp are a unique
group for almost all are students of
human adjustment. From all over the
nation they have come-their num-
ber even includes a Hawaiian and
two German refugees-to gain the
practical experience of living with the
youths they study and influence. A
special cabin is provided for classes
in guidance, adjustment, the place
of the camp and other problems.
Complete records are kept on the cam-
pers and expert advice is available
from University experts 'when an
especially difficult individual prob-
lem arises.
The youths who benefit from this
competent leadership are an intense-
ly interesting crew. Ranging from 8
to 17 years in age, they are of all
nationalities. The only restriction is
that the camper have an I.Q. not low-
er than 80. Each boys is expected
to contribute something toward the
cost of his vacation with the social
agency also contributing.
Tag Day Profitable
The Summer Tag Day, which will
be held Wednesday, is another im-
portant source of revenue to the camp
along with private donations. More
than $190,000 has been donated since
the camp began its task of rehabili-
tating youth but as it has grown its
needs have increased proportionately
so that donations play an important
part in the contemporary life of the
Decentralization is the keynote of
the camp's plan. Older boys known as
"Pioneers" live in special cabins hun-
dreds of yards from the main camp.
They have a progam entirely separ-
ate from that of the younger cam-
pers, spending much of their time in
camp improvement. In the future,
according to camp officials, this trend
in decentralization will be continued
with an increased ratio of counsellors
to campers.
Director George Alder, a well-
known camping authority, sums up
the Fresh Air Camp in these words:
The Democratic Way.
"The democratic way of life is more
fully realized in a creative camping
environment. Here youth as well as
adults may learn the meaning of 'the
good life.' A premium is placed on
friendship and cooperative activity.
"Boys and their counsellors learn to
do better those desirable things they
will do in life anyway. Higher activi-
ties are stimulated and realized. New
interests are created and real prob-
lems of everyday living are met and
(This is the first of two articles on the
University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp by
Stan M. Swinton.)
Director, Deans
Will Take-Trip

Storm Fails
To Stop Heat
In Mid-West
Weather Bureau Continues
To Predict Sunshine
For TheComing Week
Torrid Days Bring
47 Deaths In Nation
(By Associated Press)
Rain and a severe electrical storm
early yesterday failed to break com-
pletely a heat wave which has cost at
least four deaths in Michigan.
In Detroit, where the temperature
reached a new year's high of 92 de-
grees Friday, the thermometer
climbed back to 87 in midafternoon
Saturday, but a stiff breeze afforded'
a measure of relief.
The storm caused thousands of dol-
lars in damage as it swept over lower
Michigan, leaving in its wake un-
roofed houses, fallen trees, and power
transformers blasted by lightning.
A wave of midsummer heat baked
much of the Nation from Maine to
Texas sending temperatures to record
highs in some states and causing at
least 47 deaths.
Only in scattered sections of the
heat zone were there forecasts prom-
ising a respite today. Warmer weather
was predicted for most of the Middle
Heat deaths by states follow:
Missouri, Iowa, Ohio and Illinois,,
5 each; Michigan, Arkansas, 4; New
York and Wisconsin, 3 each; Penn-
sylvania, Minnesota, Indiana and
Massachusetts, 2 each; Rhode Island,
Tennessee, Louisiana, Kansas and
Oklahoma, 1 each.
Enjoy Outing
To Cranbrook


WORCESTER, Mass., July 8.-P)
-Heat note: Harry Andrews, 43,
truckman's helper, collapsed from the
heat today-on Arctic Street.
A police doctor revived him.
Prof. Edgerton
To Be Spesker
On Wednesdayt
Public Is Invited To Hear
Noted Egyptologist Talk
In Rackhaii Building
Special aspects of the Egyptian,
Japanese and Algonkian languages 1
provide topics for the public meet-
ings of the Linguistic Institute dur-
ing the coming week.
Prof. William F. Edgerton, noted
Egyptologist of the University of Chi-
cago, who is a member of the Insti-
tute faculty, is to deliver a public lec-
ture in the amphitheatre of the
Rackham building at 7:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday. He will discuss "Some As-
pects of Word Order in Egyptian."
For the regular Thursday noon
luncheon conference, which as usual
will meet at the Michigan Union, Mr.
Joseph K. Yamagiwa of the Univer-
sity faculty will present a discussion
of what he terms "Compound Post-
positions in Modern Japanese." The
"postpositions" will be compared to
the familiar English prepositions.
The return of Prof. -Leonardy
Bloomfield of the University of Chi-
cago to deliver the second of his
series of lectures on the Algonkian
languages Will climax the Institute's
activities for the week. Dr. Bloom-
field, who opened the series a week
ago with a comparative presentation
of the speech-sounds of the major
Algonkian tongues, will continue this
week with a study of "Algonkian In-
flections," with the purpose of show-
ing how their comparative analysis
can lead to a reconstruction of the
inflectional patterns of the hypo-
thetical parent language. His lec-
ture will occur at 7:30 p.m., Friday, in
the Rackham amphitheatre.
Trapeze Artist
Hurt In Plunge

Move Could Affect
100,000 Employees
DETROIT, July 8.-(AP)-Union of-
ficials announced tonight plans to
extend a strike in General Motors
Corporation tool and die departments
which gave indications of developing
into a prolonged struggle.
Walter P. Reuther, director of the
G.M. department of the CIO United
Automobile Workers, said that unless
the Corporation) enters into negotia-
tions "in good faith" on Union de-
mands, the walkout which already
has affected nine plants in Detroit
and Pontiac, will spread next week to
other G.M. units in Detroit, Saginaw
and Cleveland.
The corporation termed some of
the Union demands "unreasonable."
6,000 Are Idle
Approximately 6,000 skilled work-
ers are idle because of the strike,
which is aimed at crippling General
Motors' preparation for production of
its 1940-model automobiles
Prolonging of the dispute could
throw 100,000 G.M. employes out f
wprk. ,Corporation officials said 5,"-
600 production workers at the Chev-
rolet Gear & Axle plant here prob-
ably would be laid off Mondry or
Tuesday because tools have bccome
dull since tool cutters and grinders
joined the walkout.
The UAW-CIO has presented de-
mands asking wage increases, a union
label, an apprentice setup, minimuni
[hiring rate and overtime pay for tool
and die workers, engineers and main-
enance men.
Knudson Raises Question
William S. Knudsen, President of
General Motors, said that wage and
seniority demands amounted to re-
quests to change the G.M.-UAW con-
tract. He also raised the question of
AFL or CIO authority in the con-
R. J. Thomas, president of the
UAW-CIO, said "there are no sec-
tions in the old agreement dealing
with the highly specialized problems
of the (striking) workers Therefore
our new demands do not reopen the
old contract."
A Wayne County Court has set
September 12 for the trial of suits
to determine whether the UAW-CIO
or the AFL-affiliated UAW hea ied
by Homer Martin is rightful owner
of the assets held by the Union prior
to its split into two sections last win-

SayU1nion Head
Walkout To Spread Unle
F Corporation 'Negotiate
ght On Arctic Street ,iAccording To Reuth


Schools Are Visited
Summer Students
Yesterday's Trip


Over the beautifully landscaped
Cranbrook Foundation in Bloomfield
Hills, more than 35 participants in
the fourth Summer Session excur-
sion strolled yesterday, visiting the
two schools of the Foundation.
Leaving Ann Arbor by bus at 8:30
a.m., the party arrived at Cran-
brook where it was met by a member
of the Foundation who conducted the
tour through the schools.
Excursionists saw the Cranbrook
School for Boys and the Kingswood
School for Girls. They visited the
Cranbrook Academy of Arts and the
Cranbrook Institute of Science, and
were taken through the magnificent
Christ Church by Mr. Williams, the
Lunch was obtained at the Devon.
Gables Tea Room, a winter sports
center for Detroiters, situated among
hills nicely adapted to skiing and
toboganning. After lunch the group
was given free run of the Cranbrock
The next Summer Session excur-
sion will be a repitition of the trip
to the Ford plant which was con-'
ducted last Wednesday. This tour
will take place again on Wednes-
Friday to Monday an excursion
will be conducted to Niagara Falls
and vicinity. Complete details on
this trip appear on today's editorial
Old Dances To Be Taught
Square and Country dancing will
be taught at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow in
the League Ballroom. The instruction
will be given by Mr. Benjamin Lovett,
former teacher of Henry Ford's danc-
ing projects. Students are urged to
come promptly as the number who.
can be taken care of is limited.

General Motors'
Strike Still Holds


Starts Tomorrow;
Last Three Weeks


The Fourth Annual High School
Band Clinic, sponsored by the School
of Music, opens tomorrow and con-
tinues through July 29.
First undertaken three years ago,
the three week special summer course
offers intensive instruction on band
instruments for high school musici-
ans. So successful was the Clinic
its first year that it has been con-
tinued and enlarged each year since.
Boys attending the Clinic will be
housed at the Union, and girls will
stay at the Mosher-Jordan residence
halls. Recreational facilities will be
nrovided in . npial nrnoram for

Hopkins, Dana,
To Leave For


Director Louis A. Hopkins, Dean
Samuel T. Dana of the forestry
school and Dean Clarence S. Yoakum
of the graduate school will leave early
tomorrow for a week's visit to field
stations and colleges which are par-
ticipating in the Summer Session
curriculum in the northern part of
the state.
Arriving at Mount Pleasant at
noon, Dr. Hopkins will meet members
of the faculty who are carrying out
the University curriculum at Central
State Teachers College. The three
will then drive to Frankfort and
cross Lake Michigan by ferry to
Menominee in the extreme southern
tip of the upper peninsula.,
From here a short trip to Iron
River on Tuesday will bring them
to the Forestry Station on Golden
Lake, where they will meet the stu-
dents and faculty, and Dean Dana
and Dr. Hopkins will discuss admin-
istrative problems with Prof. Robert
Craig, director of the camp. A meet-
ing which Dean Yoakum will attend
will take the party to Houghton the
following day.
Tm.+n, Q++.t moaau.nc rnIA a+

). ,


Before the horrified eyes of hun-
dreds of spectators, Mrs. Vera Fan-
ning, 21 year old aerialist with Park-
er and Watts Circus, plumeted 30
feet from her trapeze to the ring
yesterday afternoon.
Physicians at St. Josephs Mercy,
Hospital reported Mrs. Fanning was
"not in a serious condition." They
said she suffered minor internal ab-
dominal injuries.
A moment before the plunge she
had been performing before an au-
dience which included dozens of
members of the Circus Fans of Amer-
ica group, which .is holding its an-
nual convention) here. Her hus-
band was holding onto the trapeze
with his hands while she clung to his
ankles. Somehow her hands came
loose and she fell. After a hurried
examination by the circus doctar an
ambulance was called and she was
st abis haaal fo dsoq at4 on. u93j1
fbeing held for observation.

Aerialist Suffers
Minor Injuries

4 (

Delay also appeared probable b
fore any decision by the Labor I
lations Board on the inter-union C
pute in General Motors plants co
be obtained. Frank H. Bwen, R
gional Director of the Board, said
day it was "not likely" a barga i
election of G.M. employes could
held within 60 days. He explair
that on receipt of a General Mot
election petition he asked Thor
and Martin for "comment" on ti
membership in the Corporatic
plants. If both claim a major
Bowen said, a hearing would be hi
to decide whether an election wo
be ordered.
Vesper Service
Opens Tonigi

Dog Needed For Stellar ,Role
In Two Gentlemen Of Verona'
Wanted urgently: one small, part like an old trouper. He looked,

Convocation Will Be He
In Rackham School
The first Summer School Ves:
Service and Convocation will be hI
at 8 p.m. today in the Lecture H
of the Rackham Graduate School
To encourage a devotional spi
to bring together in a convocation
large share of the students of
Summer Session and to advance
preciation of the University
among the purposes of this serv
according to Director Louis A. H
kins of the Session.
The program includes devoti
led by the Rev. Leonard A. Pa
minister of the First Congregatic
Church; an address by Director H
kins; and the benediction by Dr.:
ward W. Blakeman, cnunselnr in

friendly dog of any description.
Due to the illness of one of the
lead characers in "Two Gentlemen of
Verona," the third of$ the weekly
plays to be seen here at the Lydia
Mendelssohn T h e a t r e. the dog

dejected just at the right time, he
wagged what tail he had just at the
right time and generally stole the
show. He made such a hit that offers
to keep the dog poured in. Hovever,
the cast kept his as sort of common
nronertv. But last week he was hit

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