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July 02, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-02

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Journalism Struggle Still Unfinished


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y students of the University of
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'ery morning except Monday during the
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iber of the Associated Press

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edited to
aper. All
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at the Post Office at Ain Arbor, Micbigan, as

regular school year by carrier,

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

nton ..


Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

Business Staff
ip W. Buchen .. ...Ad.Busness Manager
2llPa k............Advertising Managr
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are vritten by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.;
egal Clinics
knd The Public...
SELDOM DOES the average man-on-
the-street realize the need and
lue of legal advice. He usually thinks of a
.wyer as a trusted servant of a wealthy family,
- as a glib-tongued mouthpiece for a notorious
It is usually not until an obscure clause in
hastily-signed contract is misunderstood or
verlooked, or until unfortunate contacts with
iyster car dealers, crooked insurance grafters
. the like cross his path, that his need is brough
ome to him. When it is, he may be cheated of
undreds of dollars because he doesn't think he
m afford a lawyer. And, because of pride, he
ill seldoni take the pauper's oath to get free
To remedy this situation, William Weiss, pro-
tinent New York corporation lawyer, has set
p a legal clinic to aid the average man. As the
edical clinics give medical advice to take care
one's body, so the legal clinic will take care of
me's rights. It all began when Mr. Weiss was
ricken ill, recovering to find himself confined
a wheel chair. Unable to continue his legal,
ractice, he hit upon the idea of the legal clinic.
or a small fee-ranging from one to ten dollars
epending upon the amount of time needed to
iry through a case-he answers questions per-
,ining to legal difficulties, helps his clients to
oroughly understand legal questions and in
any ways has served as an indispensable aid.
specially in contracts does he prove invaluable.
ost people sign agreements without reading
em thoroughly, he claims. As he says:
The human race is afflicted with some sort
of astigmatism which makes it impossible for
them to read small type, especially when it
appears in legal contracts. Most people sign
anything when it is "explained" to them by
an agent; a few cautious ones glance through
a couple of clauses; but not one in one hun-
dred reads the small type which contains the
jokers, if there are any.
However, if there were legal clinics throughout
e country people would learn to consult lawyers
fore they sign anything.
Mr. Weiss' clinic at first was slow in starting.
gal ethics forbade him from advertising. But
good news travels fast, he soon worked up a
ge clientele. Now, not only has he clients from
w York but many consult him by mail also.
Dr. Karl N. Llewellyn, professor of Columbia
w School, aided Mr. Weiss in working out his
an for the legal clinic. Dr. Llewellyn, now chair-
,n" of the committee on legal clinics of the
rierican Bar Association, sees for the neam
ture the establishment of legal clinics in at
st two or three large cities in the next year
two. He plans that each clinic should be under
e supervision of the local bar associations and
arts. The staff would consist of two or three
1-salaried lawyers with 15 to 20 high ranking
iduates of leading law schools. The latter
uld receive $2,400 to $3,000 a year on two
ar contracts which would be unrenewable to
>wide a turnover. With proper advertising, Dr.
wellyn feels that such a clinic would become
f-supporting in a year,
he majority of cases, in the opinion of Dr.
Lwellyn, would be like those coming before free
al services today. They would include disputes
r small sums, drawing wills for small estates,
>laining contracts and protecting rights in
all transactions.
['hus far many committees of bar groups
ve declared their approval of such legal clinics.
e New York County Lawyers Association and

Statistics Show Advisers
Are Overburdened
(Editor's Note:rThe facts and figures used
article are the results of a questionnairet
Michigan high schools in May, 1939, by the
gan Council of Journalism Advisers. Th
supplied The Daily by Miss Eva Marie Van H
Redford High School, Detroit, director of a co
on curriculum study in conjunction with the
Gaining the study of journalism its
the secondary school sun has been a 1
hill struggle which is still unfinished.
The student publication has shown
be of great popularity and tremendou
tional value wherever it has been establ
the more modern schools, special roo
been constructed to house the publicatio
nalisni classes have been established in
number of schools in connection with t
cation. Thousands of boys and girls ea
gain that satisfied feeling that comes
job well done as they see their work rol
But what of the journalism adviser? u
become of the English and Social Scien
ers who were recruited to help with t
when the germ first entered each scho
they changed their departments so t
are now the teachers of journalism?
other teachers, trained to instruct jo
classes and act as advisers of student pu
taken their places?
Student Publications Are P
The figures show that 274 out of 330
or 83 per cent of the schools answering
tionnaire, have some type of student pu
This represents 47 per cent of all Michi
schools listed by the North Central As
bulletin of Nov., 1938.
Of these publications, 201 are newsp
are school pages in community newsp
are magazines and 107 are yearbooks. T
papers include 23 weeklies, 95 bi-weeklies
daily mimeographed sheet. Thirty per c
schools, put out more than one publicat
And the advisers of these publicat
the 274 advisers, 263 answered question
ing the character of their work. Of thes
83 per cent teach in schools having a
rollment of less thai 1,000; 43 or 17
teach in schools in which more than1
Of the total group of 263, 62 or 23
have a teaching load of less than 100
per day. A load of 100 to 150 students
is carried by 122 or 46 per cent of the
In the 150 to 200 student per day cat
teachers or 25 per cent are placed. The
teachers, 4 per cent, who carry more
pupils each school day.
Faculty Aid Is Short
At the same time, 189 of these advis
per cent, receive no other faculty help
publications work, so that they are o
handle the business and advertising
publication in addition to the editorial
reduction is given in the teaching sch
cause of the extra publications work of 1
ers, 75 per cent. For 179 of these advis
per cent, publications work is totally e
reasonable cost. The experiment n
posed seems to me to promise succe
be worth trying.
Of course many lawyers are not in
the system. They feel that it would in
dignity of the bar, that it would take ti
cases away from lawyers just starting u
is too much like socialism. However,
gradually increasing medical clinics,t
clinics are bound to succeed becauset
benefit such a large number of people.
--Ethel N

Of High School Student Publications
With Extra - Curricular Activities
ein this ricular, and the same number have other extra-
Michi- curricular duties in addition.
ey were This last group presents an interesting study.
outen of Asked what extra-curricular activities they guid-
Counci) ed besides publications work and at the same
time, typical replies were: "Debate and 12A class
sponsor;" "Student council and dramatics;"
place in "Plays and speech contests;" "Basketball and
ong, up- junior play;" "Baseball and basketball;" "Dra-
matics, library and senior sponsorship."
itself to More rigorous were such schedules as: "Library,
s educa- senior play, 12A sponsor, sponsor for social danc-
ished. In ing, forensics;" "Student council, forensics,
ms have plays, junior class adviser;" "Dramatics, library,
n. Jour- Scouts, sophomore class adviser;" "Student
a great council, Hi-Y, athletics;" "Five other activities,"
he publi-
ch week Sample Schedules Are Listed
with a
[1 off the Then here are five cases which show an un-
reasonable burden being placed on the shoulders
Nhat has of the publications adviser:
ce teach- 1. Advises publication of a daily mimeographed
he paper paper and of a yearbook without faculty assist-
ol? Have ance. At the same time teaches 120 pupils a day
hat they and has charge of student assemblies.
Or have 2. Publishes a bi-weekly paper, directs the
'urnalism library, senior play, senior class activities, social
blications dancing and forensics.
3. Publishes a weekly paper, teaches 165 pupils
a day in English, typewriting and printing, and
Opular in addition produces two plays and an operetta.
schools, 4. Directs paper, teaches 225 students per day,
the ques- has no other faculty help, directs plays and
blication. student court.
gan high 5. Publishes a mimeographed paper, teaches
sociation 255 pupils a day, has no reduction in schedule
for publications work and no other faculty
apers, 46 assistance, is sponsor of senior class.
apers, 15 1iere is a cross section of secondary school
he news- journalism today. Her is a glimpse of the
and one publications adviser at work. It has been claimed
ent, or 81 that the sponsorship of the school paper is one
ion, of the, most difficult tasks in the high school,
ions? Of and the figures not only seem to bear this out
s regard- but also show why.
e, 220 or
total en
per cent
1,000 are.0 R1 e 1 C a V
per cent M. Jean Zay's statement that French educa-
students tional authorities have felt it unnecessary to
per day take any special steps to awaken appreciation
teachers. .
egory, 68 of democracy and a feeling of national unity in
re are 11 these trying times is significant. As France's
than 200 Minister of National Education points out, the
French are among the world's most politically-
minded people. Their response to external threats
to their freedom tends to be automatic.
France's reluctance to infuse propaganda into
ers, or 71 educatio is a sign not only of democratic self-
in their reliance but of a deep understanding of funda-
bliged to mental requirements of self-government.
of their
work. No , Daily we hear the suggestion echoed from
edule be- coast to coast that our facilities of com.-
98 advis- munication should be mobilized to sell
ers, or 68 democracy to the people. If the time ever
xtra-cur- comes when we have to sell democracy, it
will exist in name only.
now pro- Debate, discussion, criticism of the existing
ss and to regime-these are all permissible, nay necessary
to self-government. Education in its broadest
favor of and best sense is a prerequisite of intelligent
njure the exercise of these privileges and duties of citizens
oo many of a republic. That alert thinkers in Britain, the
p, that it x United States and France are equally aware of
like the this fact, and are spontaneously appreciative of
the legal national ideals and institutions, should help to
they will keep the channels of education unclogged by
mere propaganda and open to truth.
Vorberg -Christian Science Monitor

Imagine an airplane which carries
two eight-and-one-half feet anti-
aircraft cannons, four machine guns,
possesses a tremendous cruising
rangessand is called byuArmy men
"the tiger of the sky"-and you'll
be visualizing the handiwork of Rob-
ert J. Woods, who, a decade after
his graduation from Michigan, has
produced the most fered aerial
weapon in the world.
Woods began work on the plane
after a 20-word Army Department
communique announced a new ship
was needed for sustained attack on
hostile aircraft. The ship, Army-
men declared, must be fast enough
to overcome enemy bombers and yet
be capable of staying in the air for
long periods of time.
Carefully the University graduate
began his task. He interviewed more
than a score of Army men on what
they thought such a plane should be
like. A staff of 45 engineers, drafts
men and designers began to present
their ideas to him until 50,000 parts
were planned and 3,000 drawings
made. Five hundred specialists criti-
cized the result, suggesting various
improvements which were made.
The results were remarkable. The
ship had everything. Its armament
went all the way from cannon to
time-bombs which explode like anti-
aircraft shells when dropped near
hostile aircraft, Woods had the pro-
pellors behind, reverting to the out-
moded "pusher" type of plane, some-
thing which other experts hadn't
thought of and which allowed extra
Today, inventor of one of the most
vicious weapons which has come
from the mind of man, he is only 34.
Of. his work, he says "I merely col-
lected opinions and consolidated
them" and then gets back on the job
at the Bell Aircraft Corp. in Buffalo,
where he is chief engineer.
You should have seen this colum-
nist's face when he found out Kres-
ge's IS an advertiser. And you should
have seen the business managers
face, too, when he read yesterday's
column. We probably won't even
dare go into what's always been one
of our favorite eating places any-
It has always seemed to us that
a wise producer starts off a season
with his best show. The 1939 Dra-
matic Season didn't-it presented a
minor mistake known as "No War In
Troy!" And the Repertory Players
didn't either. "Michael and Mary"
wasn't a bad play but it was talky,
lacking in the dynamic qualities
which can make an evening in the
theatre an emotional experience.
Milne is witty, no denying that. But
he is far from exciting. Add this
to amateur acting and the result is
unsavory. In past years we've seen
some tremendously exciting work
done by the Play Production and
Repertory groups. That's why we
bother to criticize mediocrity. Per-
haps it was that some of the cast
seemed unable to understand their
roles. Nancy Schaeffer, who's usually
excellent, played Bromo as if she
needed one. Karl Klauser, fine at the
end, wasn't so fine in the first act.
However, June Madison did a real-
istic Mrs. Tullivant, Robert Cun-
ningham was good as P. C. Cuff and
several others did well. But it was-
n't as good as the-Rep can-and we
sincerely hope-will be.

Music School
Recitals Listed
Concerts and recitals by the School
of Music and an operatic perfor-
mance in conjunction with Play Pro-
duction will again highlight the sum-
mer musical program.
A tentative list of concert and re-
citals follows:
July 7, 8:15 p.m. Mary Porter,
organist (Hill Auditorium).
July 11, 8:30 p.m. Faculty
Concert (Hill Auditorium).
July 13, 8:15 p.m. Gerald
Greeley, pianist (School of Mu-
sic Auditorium).
July 14, 8:15 p.m. Martha
Bailey, pianist (School of Mu-
sic Auditorium).
July 18, 8:30 p.m. Faculty
concert (Hill Auditorium).
July 20, 8:15 p.m. Kelvin
Masson, violinist (School of Mu-
sic Auditorium).
July 25, 8:30 p.m. Faculty Con-
cert (Hill Auditorium).
July 26, 8:15 p.m. Frieda Op't
Holt, organist (Hill Auditorium).
July 27, 8:15 p.m. Ruth Nel-
son, violinist (School of Music
Aug. 1, 8:30 p.m. Faculty Con-
cert (Hill Auditorium).
Aug. 2, 8:15 p.m. Edward
Broadhead. organist (Hill Au-

Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer sesion until 3:30 p.m.: 11:00 a.m. Saturday

SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 7
Church Worship Services will be
held in Zion Lutheran Church, East
Washington and South Fifth Ave
at 10:30 with sermon by Rev. E. C.
Church worship services in Trinity
Lutheran Church, E. William at S
Fifth Ave. will be held at .8:15 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m. with sermons by the
pastor Rev. Henry 0. Yoder. 1
The Lutheran Student Association
has planned an outing for all Lu-
theran Students, their wives and
friends. Cars will leave from Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 4:30 for a
site near Portage Lake. A picnic
supper will be served for 25 cents
After the supper Rev. Ralph Sell,
Lutheran missionary to China en-
rolled in the summer school will
speak on Present Day China. Make
your reservations at once by calling
Rev. Henry Yoder. 2-3680

First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "The Good
Wesley Foundation. Class at 9:45
a.m. at Stalker Hall next to the
Methodist Church. Dr. E. W. Blake-
man will begin a series of discussions
on the theme "New Testament Reli-
gion." The subject for this week will
be "Jesus' Idea of God." Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 6 p.m. in the
church. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will
speak on "Christ in a Modern Edu-
cational Institution." Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Worship Service. Dr. Robert
Worth Frank of the Presbyterian
(Continued on Page 3)

750 KC -_CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 111240 KC - NBC Blue' 1030 KC - Mutual
Sunday Afternoon
12:00 Church Music Children's Theatre Baritone
12:15 " Garden Hour t
12:30 Mother's Album Symphonette " Salvatore Stefano
12:45 Musical " Quartet Quartette
1:00 Democracy Your Government To be announced To be announced
1:15 ~ Mischa Kottier" Concert Orchestra
1:30 Cabin Folks Round Table " Church Service
1:45 t
2:00 Symphony Black Ace Three Cheers Sunday Alternoon
2:15 " " Booman's Notebook "
2:30 " Recordings " Chapel Hour
2:45 " Chicago at Detroit Festival of Music T "
3:00 Musical Fun " "Tabernacle
3:15 " ." Nat'l vespers "
3:30 St. Louis Blues , Haven of Rest
3:45 to Leopold Spitalny
4:00 Father Coughlin " " To be announced
4:15 " String Ensemble
4:30 " " Jimmy Dorsey Dancing Strings
4:45 " Sportlight
5:00 Gay Nineties Catholic Hour Ray Perkins Lucky Break
5:15" " Grenadiers o
5:30 Hollywood Vera Richardson r Dance
5:45 Paul Laval
Sunday Evening
6:00 " Jack Benny Harry Heilmann Dance
6:15 "o " To be announced.t
6:30 Music Playhouse Band Wagon " Baseball Scores
6:45 " " Radio Guild Melodic Strings
7:00 Gerald Smith Charley McCarthy " American Forum
7:15 ~",, NBC Symphony
7:30 Stevenson Sports "o smhn
7:45 t"
8:00 Ford Hour Merry Go Round " Revival
8:15 " " Hollywood Play,
8:30 Album of Music
8:45 " " Walter Winchell
9:00 Playhouse Circle Irene Rich Goodwill Hour
9:15 t" toChas. Barnett .
9:30 Melodies "i"
9:45 Capitol Opinions " r CheerioCu'
10:00 Mt. Rushmore Russel Barnes" Church
10:15 " Old Timers News; Graystone "
10:30 Hermit's Cave Dance Music Vincent Lopez Recital
10:45 " Vera Richardson. " "*
11:00 News News Count Basie Reporter
11:15 Jan Garber Dance Music " Music
11:30 To be announced Eastwood Artie Shaw
11:45 To be announced ",rt
12:00 Sign Off Weather Sign Off Jimmy Dorsey

Second Week's Schedule

415 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
7:15 p.mn
4:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.

Carillon Recital.
Square and Country Dancing (League Ballroom).
Lecture-"The New Day and the New Education,"-James E. Rogers,
Director of the Physical Education Service of the National Recrea-
tion Association (University High School Auditorium);
Women's Education Club Meeting (League)
Japanese Tea (International Center)
Beginner's Social Dancing Class (League Ballroom).
Duplicate Bridge (League)
Concert, faculty of the School of Music (Hill Auditorium)
Excursion to Detroit (Angel Hall).
Tea and Dancing (League Ballroom).
"Can Adults Learn?" by Prof. Howard Y. McClusky (Lecture Hall,
Rackham Building).
Intermediate Dancing Class (League Ballroom).
International Center Open House for Foreign Students.
"The Good Hope," by Herman Heijermans (Lydia Mendelssohn
"Niagara Falls," illustrated lecture by Prof. Irving D. Scott (Lecture
(Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
Carillon Concert.
Bridge Lessons (League).
"The Good Hope," by Herman Heijermans (Lydia Mendelssohn
"Colonial Architecture:in Brazil," illustrated lecture by Prof. Robert
C. Smith (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building).
Visitor's Night, Students' Observatory (Angell Hall).
"The Good Hope," by Herman Heijermans (Lydia Mendelssohn



5:00 p.m.



5:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

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