; cloudy tomorrow
S it in
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
4:D at tPi
Legal Clinics
And The Public..
r w+®+. +. wsere+a.r w w® r - I
iazis Declare
'eaceful Grab
)f Free City
s Imminent
If-Determination Rights
Insure Danzig's Return,
German Officials Claim
rench Army Head
Talks With Premier
BERLIN, July 1.-(;')-High quar-
s tonight said that the Free City
Danzig probably would return to
rmany through a declaration of
nzig citizens on the basis of the
ght of self-determination."
But when the step would be taken
nained a mystery. There was a
>d of rumors giving conflicting
)ne man-Adolf Hitler-will de-
mine the hour. In the past when
has decided to move he has done
suddenly, without letting the world
on his secret beforehand.
Danzig Deemed Weak
)anzig is modestly arming herself
such an eventuality, although
r spokesmen say that the Free
y will not take the initiative. This
s believed here to mean merely
,t Danzig will not hoist the swas-
a flag until Hitler gives the sig-
although Danzig is a small part of
at the Nazis want from Poland-
port is included in Poland's cus-
is system-the Nazi high com-
nd was believed to have decided
start with it because they regard
as the weakest part of the Polish
Call City German
Che Nazis say that Poland's allies,
tan and France, will not fight over
nzig, which they say "is beyond
ibt a German city and wants to
urn to the Reich." (Danzig was
art of Germany' before the World
A Metropolis Is Re-Discovered
As Excursionists Invade Detroit
Latest Reports Hold That
City Yet Stands Despite
Visitation Of Strangers
When more than 60 strangers to
the city of Detroit get together to
acquaint themselves with that fourth
largest metropolis of these, our Unit-
ed States, plenty of action may be
expected, and plenty of action there
was when participants in the second
Summer Session Excursion landed
yesterday in the midst of the town
in one fell swoop.
The Detroit Institute of Arts fell
first victim to the crowd. After dis-
persal through the labrinthic halls,
recommendations ran rife with each
meeting. "You must see Michelan-
gelo's' sketch of Adam's arm" and
"You shouldn't miss theaRaphael
fragment" were typical, and everyone
gazed at the Rivera frescoes, mar-
velling at the technique of that mas-
ter of muralists.
On down through the business sec-
tion, stranded at the Campus Mar-'
tius in a swarm of scurrying pedes-
trians like a golf ball lodged in an
.Marshall 'Talks
To aHigh Schol
Press Institute
Final Program Includes
Talks On Photography
And Luncheon Meeting
Talks on photography in journal-
ism and a luncheon at the League
were highlights of the final sessions
of the First Institute on Secondary
School Journalism yesterday.
Featured speaker of the morning
session was S.L.A. Marshall, editorial:
ant hill, the excursionists bussed out
Jefferson Ave. from the grimy busi-
ness of the city to the scenic peace-
fullness of Belle Isle in the Detroit
River. A teacher from the deep°
South referred to a lake freighteras
a barge, but aside from that no sins
were committed.
Even though the leading bus driv-
er did miss a turn on the way out
East Grand Boulevard, the group
reached the Fisher Building safely
and there satiated its collective gas-
tronomic curiosity in the basement
(Continued on Page 4)
Prof. Kennedy
To Talk Here
On Linoruistics
Yale Scholar To Tell Of
Chinese Word Order
In SpeechWednesday
In the first of two events on the
week's program for the Linguistic In-
stitute, Prof. George A. Kennedy of
Yale University and of the Summer
Session faculty will lecture at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday on "The Fundamen-
tals of Chinese Word Order."
At the regular luncheon conference
Thursday Dr. Murray B. Emeneau
will discuss "Phonemes and Mor-
phophonemes of Kolami."
Professor Kennedy's lecture will be
of unusual importance to persons in-
terested in the English language, ac-
cording to Prof. C. C. Fries, director
of the Institute. Almost complete
loss of inflections in Modern English,
Dr. Fries points out, has made it
similar in many respects to Chinese,
so that many structural analogies
may be profitably observed.
Similar help in understanding
some of the phonetic problems of
English may be secured from a study
of the sound structure of a quite dif-
ferent language, Professor Fries says,;
and such an opportunity will be pre-
sented by Dr. Emeneau in his dis-
cussion of the phonemes, or minimal
meaningful sounds, of a language of
southern India. This language,
which is not at all related to the
Indo-European group, Dr. Emeneau
studied during research work in In-
dia by analyzing the speech of na-
tive users of the Kolami tongue.
Leavell Claims
Guest Talks
Are Featured
By Churches
Blakeman, Morgan, Frank,
Brashares, Koch, Irwin,
Parr Are On Programs
Guest speakers and supply minis-
ters will be heard in the Ann Arbor
church pulpits and in the church
student guild meetings here today.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Univer-
sity Conselbr in Religious Education,
will hold the first of his c.lasses on
"New Testament Religion" from 9:30
to 10:30 a.m. today in Stalker Hall,
the student center of tie First Meth-
odist Church.
Regular services will be held at
10:30 a.m. in the church. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "The
Good Society."
Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, will
speak before the Wesley Foundation,
Methodist student guild group, at 6
p.m. in the Church. Morgan's topic
will be "Christ in a Modern Educa-
tional Institution."
Dr. Frank To Preach
Dr. Robert Worth Frank of Pres-
byterian Theological Seminary, Chi-
cago, will preach the sermon this
morning at the First Presbyterian
Church. His subject will be "A Text
for This Age." Dr. Frank was sup-
ply minister here three years ago.
Prof. Harlan C. Koch, assistant
director of the Bureau of Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions,
assisted by panel groups, will lead a
discussion on "What Emphasis on
Religious Education Is Possible in
the Public Schools?" at the meeting
of the student group of the First
Presbyterian Church at 6:15 p.m.
This meeting will be preceded by a
lawn supper at 5:30 p.m.
Flint Pastor Listed
The Rev. Paul R. Irwin, for the'
past three years associate pastor of
the First Baptist Church in Flint,
will fill the pulpit of the First Bap-
tist Church here today. Services at
10:45 a.m., with Reverend Irwin
preaching on "The First Person Sin-
"A Receipt for Living" is the sub-
ject of the sermon by Dr. Leonard
A. Parr of the First Congregational
Church. Services are at 10:45 p.m.
Special music by soloists and by the
choir is planned.
Hamilton To Give
Voice Lessons Here
One time assistant professor of
voice in the University, James Ham-
ilton, tenor, has returned to Ann
Arbor, offering vocal instruction pri-
Hamilton studied singing in Birm-
ingham, Ala., later at Northwestern
University and took post-graduate
work in the University here. He has
been a member of the voice faculty
of the Lyceum Arts Conservatory of
Chicago, and has studied with teach-
ers of singing throughout the world.
Rogers Will Speak Here
Third of a series of afternoon con-
ferences on "State and National
Trends in Education," a talk on "The
New Day and the New Education"
will be given at 4:05 p.m. tomorrow
in the University High School Audi-
torium by James E. Rogers, Director
of the Physical Education Service of
the National Recreation Association.
James Monroe Smith, Louisiana
State University president who
was being sought on charges of
embezzlement, was arrested here
Dr. Smith said he would waive
extradition, paving the way for
his return to the United States.
At the same time, Sheriff
Newman De Bretton revealed at
Baton Rouge, La., that he had
received at telegram from Dr.
Smith saying he had read In
newspapers he was sought and
would return immediately.
No further details were avail-
able as The Daily went to press
this morning.
Play Season's
Next Offering
Is Sea Drama
Herman Meijerman's "The Good
Hope," second drama to be present-
ed here by the Michigan Repertory
Players, will open at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Turning from comedy as seen in
their first offering, the Players will
present a more serious play. "The
Good Hope" deals with the tragic
life of the Dutch fishing folk and
is set against the background of the
exciting and uncertain sea.
. This play, largely a social com-
ment on practices formerly com-
mon in the Dutch fishing industry,
was partly responsible for the Ships
Act of 1909 which relieved the fish-
ermen of many of the abuses de-
The story of "The 'Good Hope"
deals with a leaky, unseaworthy
ship, ownetd by the unscrupulous
Clemens Bos, which is nevertheless
sent out to sea to weather a great
storm. Aboard are, among others, the
two sons of Old Kniertje, Barend and
Beert. Kniertje has previously lost
her husband and two sons to the
The playwright, Heijermans, was
particularly, masterful in the ,por-
ptayalof his characters, taken direct-
ly from a vigorous and picturesque
peasant group. Strong emotional dif-
ferences and exciting moments,
caused by the treacherous sea, gave
life to the finely drawn characters.
Responsible for the direction of
ths production is Prof. Valentine B.
Windt of the speech department.
Costumes will again be designed by
Miss Lucy Barton and art direction
will be under Oren Parker.
The first presentation of the Reper-
tory Company, "Michael and Mary,"
by A. A. Milne, closed last night. It
enjoyed considerable box-office suc-
cess, officials announced.
Inspection Trip
To Ford Plant
Is Wednesday
Reservations DueBy 5 p.m.
Tomorrow; Production
Units Will Be Viewed
Third of the series of Summer
Session excursions, a trip to the Ford
plant in Dearborn on the River
Rouge will be conducted from 12:45
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday by Prof.
Carl J. Coe, Director of Summer
Sessions Excursions.
Reservations must be made by 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Summer Ses-
sion office, Room 1213 Angell Hall.
Round trip bus fare, the only ex-
pense, will amount to $1.25. Students
wishing to follow the bus in private
cars, thus saving the fare, are in-
vited to do so.
The Ford plant, a marvel of mass
production, covers an area of about
1,000 acres on which are located
blast furnaces, open hearth furnaces,
foundry, steel mill, rolling mill, mo-
tor assembly plant, body plant, glass
plant, final assembly line, ore^ un-
loading docks and numerous other
units. At full capacity, more than
100,000 workers are employed.
The party taking the tour will visit
the motor assembly plant, the final
assembly line, the open hearth fur-
naces and the rolling mill.
This program will provide oppor-
tunity for observing typical phases
of the Ford industrial technique:
extreme specialization of labor, the
continuous conveyor belt system, ef-
ficiency in the standardized proces-
sing of materials and large scale pro-
Roosevelt Refuses
To Accept Defeat
On Monetary Issue
Pleads For Program.
il come for-
to Hitler on
Everything in official quarters in-
dicated that Germany believes the
argument of "self-determination"
holds as good today for Danzig as it
did for Austria, the Sudetenland, and
Memel, and that Britain will not
dare oppose it.
Crisis Is Different
There is at least one big differ-
ence between the situation this sum-
mer and that of a year ago preceding
the drive against Czechoslovakia.
Now German propaganda is not driv-
ing headlong - against the Poles with'
screaming tales about atrocities and
with threats of action, as it did
against the Czechs.
This time Britain and her newly-
welded bloc of allies are the main
The Foreign Office categorically
denied today that Hitler or his first
aide, Field Marshall Hermann Wil-
helm Goering, or any other leading
Nazi personality planned to go to
Danzig. The Foreign Office said that
in any case none of them would go
until after the Free City formally
was annexed by the Reich.
Gamelin Is Recalled
In Case Of Trouble
PARIS. Jtly 1.-OP)-Premier Dal-
adier today called General Maurice
Gustave Gamelin back to Paris to
keep France's armed forces ready in
event of trouble over the Free City
of Danzig.
The gray-haii'ed soldier who com-
mands all armed forces of the na-
tion cancelled his proposed tour of
Corsica to return to his Paris head-
quarters over the weekend from an
inspection of French defenses on the
Italian frontier.
_His recall to the capital followed'
a three-hour meeting of the cabinet
with President Albert Lebrun during
which Daladier received unanimous
approval of his announced determina-
tion to back Poland if she resisted any
German attempt to sei-e Danzig.
Bonnet said that the recent speech-.
es of Daladier and British Foreign
Secretary Lord Halifax were "warn-
ing enough" to Germany that both
France and Britain would carry out
pledges to Poland.
Desnite Bonnet's idelaratinn ti
Marshall declared, is unnecessary. $A
cheap camera plus a little experience
will get equally good results, he
The benefits derived by the news-
paperman are four-fold, Marshall
declared. f\irst, a good photograph
will often attract an editor's attention
to a story submitted by the prospec-
tive reporter. In future reporting,
the journalist is a great asset to the
paper if he is able to perform the
functions both of the photographer
and the reporter.
Turning to his own experiences,
Marshall cited several cases during
his work as foreign correspondent
(Coitinued on Page 4)
Germans Send
Radi0 Appeals
Order A 'Joke'
Charged Father - In - Law
With Prisoning Bride
KALAMAZOO, July, 1.-(/P)-Pet-
er H. Leavell, '42, bridegroom of four
days, said tonight that his obtain-
ing a court summons charging that
his father-in-law had "unlawfully
imprisoned and detained" his bride
was "just a joke."
He obtained the order at Madison,
Wis., against Russell S. Knappen,
Tulsa, Okla., oil company executive.
Knappen and his daughter, Mar-
garet Anne, were reported enroute
home to, Tulsa from Madison.
Leavell said "that will depend"-
but didn't say upon what - when
asked if he would have the action
dismissed. Neither would he explain
what prompted the "joke."
* * *r
Hull Declares
Country Needs.
Neutrality Bill
Administration's Measure
Will Encourage World
Peace, Secretary Asserts
WASHINGTON, July 1. --(P)-
Voicing a new plea for approval of
the Administration's neutrality pro-
gram, Secretary of State Hull point-
edly told Congress today that it was
needed not alone for this country's'
own interests but to encourage world
The Administration program, he
said in a statement, "is not only best
calculated to keep this Nation out
of war in the event war comes, but
also, what is all important at this
time, best calculated to make a far
greater contribution than could the
present law or its equivalent toward
the discouragement of the outbreak
of war."
The Secretary's statement was,
made at a press conference, but it
was obvious that it was directed as
well to Capitol Hill where a coali-
tion of Republicans and Democrats
*in the House ripped the Administra-
tion's measure to pieces last night
and approved an embargo on arms
sales to nations at war.
Representatives Vorys (Rep.-Ohio),
who sponsored the amendment, ex-
plained that he wanted to forbid sales
of "lethal" weapons, but was willing
to permit sales of airplanes, oil, cop-
per and other products which might
be embargoed under the existing
In some quarters Hull's statement
was interpreted as a warning that
failure to repeal the embargo com-
pletely would encourage dissatisfied
nations to aggression, since the arms
factories of this country would be
closed to their victims.,
Chairman Pittman (Dem.-Nev.) of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee put this viewpoint in blunt
language by asserting that the House
members who frustrated the Admin-
istration's wishes "have really adop-
ted a policy of Help Hitler."'
"If this encouragemnt results in
war in the next thirty days, there
will be more thoughtful consideration
of the problems," he said in a state-
Pittman said he endorsed in entire-
ty the views expressed by Hull, but
at the same time indicated a belief
that there would have to be some
concessions to the House if any bill
was to tbe enacted.
Laskey Is Hurt
In Auto Crash
Insists On A Continuance
Of Devaluation Powers;
Administration Rallies
Taft, Vandenberg
Continue Attacks
WASHINGTON, July 1. -4P)-
President Roosevelt was reported to-
day to have taken a "no surrender"
position in his twin battles with a
rebellious Congress over monetary
and neutrality legislation.
Friends said that apparently the
Chief Executive had no thought of
compromise on either .issue. His last
public word on the monetary ques-
tion was an insistence that his powers
be continued, and Secretary Hull,
only today, reasserted the Adminis-
tration's demand for neutrality legis-
lation of the sort which the House
turned down last night.
Administration leaders had the ad-
vantage of a long holiday weekend to
rally their shattered forces in an
effort to put through the Senate next
Wednesday legislation to revive the
President's power to devalue the dol-
lar. and continue operation of the
$2,000,000,000 stabilization fund.
Minton Is Optimistic
Both sides admitted that the re-
sult was in doubt, though Se ator
Minton (Dem.-Ind.) predicted that
by the time the vote was taken Presi-
dent Roosevelt's friends would be
able to count enough noses to assure
adoption of a conference °report al-
ready approved by the House. On the
other hand, Senator Taft (Rep.-O)
said he believed the report imight be
A controversy within the monetary
controversy °Vas the ontention by
some legislators that a favorable Sen-
ate vote Wednesday would not revive
the monetary powers which expired
at the stroke of midnight Friday.
Need New Legislation
Senators Taft and Vandenberg
(Rep.-Mich.), spearheads of the Re-
publican attack on the devaluation
authority, asserted today that it
would be necessary for the Roosevelt
forces to introduce entirely new legis-
lation, taking it through the routine
channels of Congress.
The pending legislation was so writ-
ten as to extend the expiring powers.
A vote on it before the midnight hour
was balked by debate by Republicans
and some Democrats which dragged
out the session to 1:53 a..
Before adjournment, it was agreed
to have a vote at 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Adams Disagrees
Taking .issue with Taft and Van-
denberg,'Senator Adams (Dem.-Colo.)
author of a Senate-approved amend-
ment to the bill which would have
put an,. end to the devaluation sec-
tion, said that if the Senate ap-
proves the pending legislation there
could be no question as to the Presi-
dent's right to cut an additional nine
cents of gold value out of the dollar
any time in the next two years.
Adams stood with Taft and Van-
denberg, however, on the contention
that the $2,000,000 stabilization fund,
set up to maintain this country's cur-
rency on a desired level with those
of other countries, could not be re-
vived by the pending legislation.
Long Accuses
Says LSU Building Head
Got Two Per Cent Cut
Labor Asks
Over Danzig
LONDON, July 1.-(MP)-Friendly
secret radio stations on the contin-
ent and an underground organiza-
tion in Germany were reliably re-
ported today to have been called into
play to convey an appeal for peace
from British labor to the German
Labor circles said such hidden
machinery was used for similar ap-
peal in the Czecho-Slovak crisis of
last September and indicated that
it was expected now to augment the
facilities openly employed by the
government - controlled B r i t i s h
Broadcasting Company.
Today's appeal, prepared for the
B.B.C.'s regular broadcast in German,
dealt specifically with Danzig, urg-
ing Germans to influence their gov-
ernment not to go to war for the Free
City but also warning that war would
come if Nazi pressure on Poland is
Life Saving Course'
Begins Tomorrow
Clasaes in swimming and in Red
Cross Life Saving for men 'will open
tomorrow at the Union Pool.
Cosmic Rays May Cast Light-
On Inner Mysteries Of Physics
Nobel Prize Winner Sees
Powerful Tool In Use
Of Cosmic Radiation
I Though the total energy received
Investigation of cosmic rays may!
give valuable information not only
as to the so-far unexplained origin
of the cosmic radiation itself, but
may also cast considerable light on
the subject of nuclear physics, Prof.
Enrico Fermi predicts.
Unwilling as most eminent scien-
tists to venture a guess into the fu-
ture, Professor Fermi is, however,
quite enthusiastic as to the future of
cosmic ray investigation and appli-
cation. He received the Nobel Prize
in physics last year for outstanding
work done in investigating the prop-
erties and effects of neutrons. Gen-
from cosmic radiation is very small,
this energy is so highly concentrated
that cosmic rays can be up to a mil-
lion times more powerful than those
produced by the cyclotron.,
Among these high-energy projec-
tiles a new elementary particle, the
mesotron, has been discovered. The
mesotron, although little is yet
known about it, appears to have a
mass intermediate between that of
the proton and the electron, and
carries either a positive or negative
Speculating on the function of this
particle, Professor Fermi quotes Yu-
kawa's theory according to which it
may be responsible for nuclear forces
in atoms. It may be in the same re-
lationship to the field of force re-
sponsible for nuclear binding as the
BATON ROUGE, July 1. --)-
Gov. Earl K. Long announced today
that the building superintendent of
Louisiana State University had been
"collecting two per cent from all
building projects at the University"
under a practice "put over" by the
fugitive Dr. James Monroe Smith.
At the same time he said Smith,
who resigned as president of the
university last Sunday night and
fled, had "so muddled up the univer-
sity, board of supervisors' minutes
that nobody knew what-was going on
The board, he added, had termin-
ated the hitherto unannounced prac-
Condition Is
Authorities Say
Condition of Derwood Laskey, '40,
halfback injured Friday in an auto-
mobile accident near Milan, was re-
ported yesterday by University Hos-