tdy today; generally
warmer tomorrow.
titut an
Can A Doctor's Thesis
Be Creative?
4 Official Publication Of The Summer Session
- I
[ Pledge
d Forces
It Hinted
Senator Thomas Advises U.S.
Against Taking Sides In Orient
Such A Course
Bring Disaster;
Neutrality Act
n Coups,
e4gn Secretary Halifax
-omnises Defense For
irope's Small Nation's
ries Nazi Charge
An 'Encirclement'
MDON, June 29.-(IP)-Foreign
ary. Lord Halifax in a speech
y meant for German ears de-
tonight that "in the event of
r aggression (we are resolved
e at once the whole of our
th in fulfillment of our
ss" to Europe's smaller states.
Foreign Secretary repeated
Britain was prepared to meet
with force-on a day in which
n heard many rumors of an
ding Nazi coup in Danzig this
Voices Warning
warning also was voiced as
iatic quarters close to the
h Government reported 600,-
Jerman reservists had been
to the colors, while Nazi party
ARIS, June 29.-(AP)-French
omatic quarters heard reports
.ght that 600,000 reservists
been called to duty in Ger-
iy and it was reliably report-
rrance had assured Poland of
>matic military assistance in
it of aggression.
rench agents were said to
e reported to Paris that "men
officers of the German army"
Yell as Nazi Party formations
e secretly moving into Dan-
the free city on the Baltic
ch Germans declare will "re-
i home to the Reich" and
ch Polish spokesmen say is
t of "the sun and air of our
Although the United States could
stop the present conflict between
Japan and China today by taking
sides, such a course would bring dis-
aster, Senator Elbert Thomas (Utah-
Dem.) said in his final lecture here
last night.'
It would not necessarily cause a
world war, he stated, for it would con-
cern only the Pacific nations, unless
Russia, Germany or even France
took sides. However, Senator Thom-
as declared that this would precipi-
tate a world conflict.
We can neither invoke our neu-
trality act nor offer our services as
mediator without thus recognizing
the existence of an actual state of
war and so bring on a greater trag-
edy, he continued.
America Teacher
However, America, once the teacher
of Japan can be helpful in the crisis
today by restoring itself to that role,
he said. And above all, we must be
patient and permit them to accept
themselves their former attitude of,
a "student."
The rebuilding of the Chinese na-
tion would accomplish argreat good,
but there can be no real, lasting
peace nor prosperity in the world if
a nation of 400,000,000 people is held
together in a unity based on hatred,
the speaker continued..
Traces History
Senator Thomas traced the -his-
tory of Japan from the earliest
known times. Although the nation
did know of the western world and
of outside civilization, she chose a
deliberate role of isolation. This
helped build a remarkable self suf-
ficient nation of people who were
ruled by a feudal military class for
over 250 years-the olden age of
Japanese literature and culture.
But with the advent of the Ameri-
can, Commodore Perry, Japan's doors
were knocked down, not by force but
by a threat of force. And- now% began
the greatest attempt of a nation to
become something that they were not
-westernized-Senator Thomas con-
tinued. The navy was trained and
26 Engineers
Win Records
Of 'A' Grades
even officered by westerners until
Following the war, Japan took the
equality granted her as a nation and
as witnessed by her admission to the
League of Nations and to the Wash-
ington Conference, tried to translate
it into racial equality, he said. With
the racial exclusion acts, she grudg-
ingly ceased to look to the west and
turned toward China which is today
occupying her attention.
Far East Expert
Thomas Denies
ports said there
y shipments of
ns across the
ast Prussia into
mations and German regulars
re filtrating into Danzig. The
ench press had printed widely a
;gestion that a British-French-
.ish warning be given Germany.
Clarifies Stand
-alifax referred several times to
possibility that Britain's attitude
ght not be understood "elsewhere"
I declared:
The threat of military force is
ding the world to ransom an our
nediate task is to resist aggres-
n. I want to emphasize that to-
ht with all the strength at my
nmandso thathnobody maymis-
derstand it."
n Excursion
For Tomorrow
Second excursion of the Summer
Session, a day in Detroit, will be
conducted from 8 a.m. to about 5:30
p.m. tomorrow.
Reservations should be made by 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Summer Ses-
sion office, Room 1213 Angell Hall.
Expenses will total about $2. Per-
sons wishing to drive their own cars
and follow the busses, thus saving
$1.50 bus fare, are invited to so do.
The tour of Detroit will include
the Detroit Institute of Arts, Belle
Isle Park, the Fisher Building, the
Detroit Zoological Park and the
business district.
At the Art Institute a staff mem-
ber will give an interpretation of the
Rivera frescoes and will serve as a
guide through the various collections.
The Zoo contains a very fine collec-
tion of birds and animals. Lunch
will be had at the Fisher Building
Cafeteria, and in the same building
the . group will visit the studios of
radio station WJR.
Reception Is Held
By German Faculty
Members of the German depart-
ment held a reception for students
of German, residents of the Deuts-
ches Haus and members of the Deuts-
cher Verein last night in the German
House at 1315 Hill St
Four Ann Arborites In
Group Which Win s
Honors Last Semester
Twenty-six engineering students
won perfect, all "A" records during
the second semester, the College of
Engineering revealed yesterday.
Four Ann Arbor students, John G.
Young, Herbert Hamilton and Harold
Straube, were included in the num-
Others were:
Eugene H. Beach, Milford; William
B. Borrmann, Buffalo; Claude O.
Broders, Detroit; Woodrow G. Frail-
ing, Iron River; Edward A. Gaugler,
Paterson, N.J.; Robert L. Gustafson,
Iron Mountain; George H. Hanson,
Alpena; Carling Havermans, Muske-
gon; Harper H. Hull, Hillsdale and
Peter G. Ipsen, Schenectady, N.Y.
Thomas R. Kohler, Royal Oak;
Kenneth L. Levin, Buffalo; John K.
Mills, Towaco, N.J.; Edward G. Op-
dyke, Gladstone, N.J.; Robert R.
Peterson, Ypsilanti; Don W. Ryker,
Royal Oak; Raymond I. Schneyer,
Ellicott City, Md.; Bernard Shacter,
Chicago; Robert S. Sibley, Pontiac;
Donald J. Vink, Spring Lake; George
W. Weesner, Nashville; Walter R.
Wilson, Detroit and James V. Wink-
ler, Manistee.
Ne utrlitysTie
To Impartiality
The theory that neutrality means
impartiality is a "gross perversion of
actuality," Senator Elbert D. Thomas
of Utah, a member of the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations,,
stated last night in an interview.
Senator Thomas is the author of a
proposed amendment to the Bloom
Neutrality act, which, in his own
words, "disaffirms the principle of
Under the amendment, he ex-
plained, the United States would re-
main neutral in case of conflict, and
would trade only with the warring
nation or nations that had not vio-
lated treaties, or which was the vic-
tim of unwarranted aggression.
There are two principal objections
to the present setup under the Bloom
act, according to Senator Thomas. It
authorizes the President to define
and map "combat zones," he said,
and if any American ships strayed
into those zones it would mean a vio-
lation of neutrality.
His other chief objection is the
so-called "cash and carry" provision
for trading with warring nations.
This provision, the same as that
which prevailed in 1914, means that
warring nations could trade freely
with Americans, provided they came
to American ports and took goods
off in their own ships. This condi-
tion, Senator Thomas believes, might
lead to a virtual blockade of Ameri-
can ports, just outside the three-
mile limit, by warring nations and
would bring war into American wa-
"The whole trouble with this kind
of neutrality is that we are not
thinking straight," Senator Thomas
declared. "We are trying hard to.
keep out of war, but if we are not
careful with legislation of this kind,
we may find ourselves in the thick
of it."
Senator Thomas, a member of the
Senate since 1933, is also chairman
of its Committee on Labor and Edu-
Money Bill's
Fate Doubtful
In Congress
Administration Hopes Rise
As Committee Restores
President's Old Power
Conference Group
Also Aids Silverites
WASHINGTON, June 29. -(AP)-
The President's power to devalue the
dollar went back into the Adminis-
tration Monetary Bill tonight under
circumstances which still left the
fate of that bill uncertain.
Stricken from the measure by a
coalition of Hard-Money Republi-
cans from the East and Silver Demo-
crats, it was restored over the in-
dignant protests of both factions-by
the might of superior Administration
voting strength on a Senate-House
Conference Committee.
In addition, the Administration
forces removed from the bill a pro-
hibition on future purchases of
foreign silver and reduced, from 77.5
cents to 70 cents, the price of domes-
tic silver written into the bill by the
same East-West coalition.
Up To Congress
The Conference report now will
go to both Houses for ratification.
The measure must be passed by mid-
night tomorrow, or the $2,000,000,000
exchange stabilization fund and the
devaluation powers, both of wh h
are continued by the measure as it
now stands, will die automatically.
Consequently the groups affected,
angered by the new development as
well as by a verbal drubbing admin-
istered to them on Tuesday by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, were in an excellent
position to filibuster .the measure to
death. Some legislators close to the
situation thought that might be
Silver Affected
The . conferee's decisio, however,
had the effect of giving the silver
price, as compared with the 64.64
cents the Treasury is now paying,
and of leaving the Republican end
of the week's voting deal completely
out in the cold.
It raised the question at once whe-
ther the coalition would now stick
together or be split apart by the sop
thrown to the silverites, who, many
think, could not assume the position
of filibustering an immediate increase
in the product of the silver mines of
their states.
Season Ticket
Sale To Close
Klauser Announces Names
Of Stage Crew Members
Following two weeks of counter
sale and one week of mail orders,
season ticket sale for the drama
series being presented by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players will close to-
morrow night.
After this time, only single admis-
sions will be available, according to
Mrs. Lucile Walz, publicity director
of the summer season. The populari-
ty of the season is shown by the fact
that advance sale was unprecendent-
ed. However, good seats are still
available, Mrs. Walz said..
At the same time, Karl Klauser,
student publicity director announced
the stage staff for the present pro-
duction, "Michael and Mary." They
include stage manager, Vincent
Jukes; assistant stage manager, Al-
ton Williams; flyman, Tom C. Bat-
tin; crew Donald Baldwin, John
CronkoviclK, Burdette Moeller and
Kenneth Wax; property mistress,:
Irene Freeman; assistant, Donald
Barbe, Edith Driver, Eva Goldman,
William Grove, Louise Horton, Na-
omi Jewell and Oscar Sams; elec-
trician, Anne - Kleiner; assistants,
Conway Sams and Philmour Hill-
man; costume assistants, Edith Beck,
B. Odom Day and Helen Maloney;
prompter, Margaret Echols; and call
girl, Lee Delevin.
Test Ground Excursion
For July 22 Cancelled
The excursion to the General Mo-
tors Proving Ground at Milford,
scheduled for Saturday, July 22, has
Missing Prexy
Across Border,
Police Declare
DETROIT, June 29.-(/)-State
police announced today they had
learned that Dr. James Monroe
Smith, Louisiana State University
president sought for an alleged short-
age in university funds, entered Can-
ada from Detroit at 4 p.m. Tuesday.
State Police Captain Donald St.
Leonard notified Ontario provincial
police that the educator and his wife
were fleeing in an automobile bear-
ing Michigan license plates.
Leonard said salesmen of a De-
troit (Ford) agency identified pic-
tures of Dr. and Mrs. Smith as the
couple who came to the agency Tues-
day afternoon and purchased an au-
tomobile. The woman, Leonard said,
gave her name as "Mrs. T. M. Smith"
nd introduced her companion as
"Mr. Southern." The officer said
the woman did all the talking and
paid cash for the car.
In talking with the salesmen,
Leonard said, Mrs. Smith mentioned
three possible destinations-Kewee-
naw Peninsula in Michigan, Pointe
Pelee in Ontario, and Toronto. Leon-
ard said custom officials remembered
the car and said the couple told them
they planned to drive through Can-
ada to the east coast of the United
Louisiana's State University's
million-dollar scandal soon may in-
volve several persons as accomplices
of the school's fugitive former presi-
dent, Attorney General David Ellison
hinted strongly today.
While the police 'of two nations
hunted tall, bald Dr. James Monroe
Smith, and a special grand jury cut
slowly into the tangle disclosed by
his flight, Ellison said:
"Every time we examine a witness
new names are brought in for us
to summon."
It was indicated police already
were standing by with a warrant for
at least one of Smith's former as-
Collegiate Golf
Semi -Finalists
Compete Today
DES MOINES, Ia., June 29.-(/)-
It will be East vs. West and North
vs. South in tomorrow's 36-hole
semi-finals of the National Collegiate
Golf Tournament on the Wakonda
Course here.
In the upper bracket H. R. (Ren-
nie) Merritt of Yale meets Warren
Berl, the Stanfordisophomore. In
the lower bracket Billy Hall of Iowa
State College will be pitted against
Vincent D. Antoni of Tulane.
The semi-finalist victors will battle
it out for the National Collegiate Golf
Championship over 36 holes Satur-
Berl, a par shooting fool from the
West Coast, put Bert McDowell of
Louisiana State out of the tourna-
ment by a 2 to 1 margin in the quar-
ter-finals this afternoon.
The match ended on the 17th green
where Berl dropped a 12-foot putt
for a birdie deuce.
Center, Beg'ins
Series Of Teas
Two Scheduled For Next
Week At Headquarters;
First To Be Japanese
Sponsored by the International
Center, a series of language teas will
be inaugurated next week with two
teas in conjunction with the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies.
The first of these, a Japanese tea,
will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. Mon-
day. A Chinese tea, the second, will
be held Friday at the same time. Both
will occur at the International Cen-
ter, 603 E Madison Street.
These teas are intended to give
students enrolled in the Japanese
and Chinese language classes of the
Institute an opportunity to meet the
Oriental students of the University
and to practice conversing with them
in their native languages.
The International Center is plac-
ing its facilities at the disposal of
the Institute and acting as host,
according to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
Director of the Center. The direc-
tion of the teas will be in the hands
of Mr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa of the
Japanese department, and Mr. Rob-
ert Clack, Grad, who is assisting
Prof. George Kennedy of the Chi-
nese department.
At all these teas, faculty and, stu-
dents who have a speaking knowl-
edge of the languages represented
,will be welcome even though they
9ire not enrolled in the Institutes.
Receives Students
Slated For
hummer Session Students
Invited To Be Guests
In Rackham Building
League And Union
Plan FreeDancing
Summer Session students will be
honored at the annual Faculty Re-
-eption at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the
Rackham Building. Following the
reception free dancing will be held
in both League and Union ballrooms,
The Administrative receiving line
will form in the third floor Assembly
Hall. Those receiving from 8:30 to
9:30 p.m. will be Director and Mrs.
Louis A. Hopkins, Dean and Mrs.
Clarence S. Yoakum, Regent and
Mrs. Junius Beal, Dean and Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Kraus, President and Mrs.
Charles A. Sink, Dean Byr F. Bach-
er, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Burs-
ley, Dean and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett,
Prof. Howard B. Lewis and Prof.
and Mrs. Louis M. Eich.
The receiving line from 9:30 to
10:30 p.m. will consist of Director
and Mrs. Hopkins, Prof. and Mrs.
Peter Okkelberg, Dean and Mrs.
James B. Edmonson, Dr. and Mrs.
John Sundwall, Dean and Mrs. Clare
E. Griffin, Dean Bacher, Dean and
:Vrrs. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Sam-
uel T. Dana and Professor and Mrs.
The various departments of the
Summer Session, stationed in dif-
ferent parts of the Rackham Build-
ing, will hold departmental recep-
tions. Located in the second floor
Study Hall will be theSchoolof
Education. Dean Edmonson will be
in charge with other members of the
faculty receiving. Also in the Study
Hall will be the Departihent of Hy-
giene and Public Health headed by
Dr. Sundwall.
Three institutes will be located in
(Continued on Pae 3)
Ma goon Talks
To High School
Press Institute
Program Today Includes
Talks On Educational
Values Of Journalism
Recommending that high school
journalism be an accredited course
for colleg'e entrance, Dr. Marion Ma-
goon of Michigan State Normal Col-
lege, Ypsilanti, closed the second day
of sessions of the First Institute on
Secondary School Journalism spon-
sored by the journalism department
and the National Association of Jour-
nalism Directors.
Dr. Magoon claimed that the stu-
dents would take more interest in a
course for which they were receiving
credit and that groups like N.A.J.D.
might eventually bring this about
by contacting registrars of various
colleges. She pointed out the prac-
ticality of the subject as one reason
why it should be accredited,
Maurer Speaks
In the morning session, Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer of the journalism de-
partment spoke on "Propaganda To-
day." The best means of coping with
the problem of propaganda, he said,
would be to "put into operation in
an effective way those parts of the
Constitution that provide for repre-
sentative government and the free-
dom of the people."
La Rue Piercy of Western Reserve
Academy, Hudson, O., spoke on
"Trends in Newspaper Make-up,"
telling of the new photo offset pro-
cess, the paper of the future and the
reorganization of his own paper, the
"Reserve Record." "We should try,"
he said, "to make school papers fit
our own situation as closely as pos-
sible and not follow the example of
the local metropolitan papers."
Curriculum Stressed
In the afternoon a jury panel was
held on "Curriculum Offerings and
Problems" with Miss Eva Marie Van
Houten of Redford High School, De-
troit, as chairman. Members of the
panel were Miss Hildegarde Stolte-
Faculty Reception
And Two Dances
Dr. Leonard Bloomfield To OpenT
inguistic Institute's Public Talkis
Parley 'Bull Sessions' Foster
Honest Thiig, Senator Says
Opening the public lecture series
of the fourth Linguistic Institute in
Ann Arbor, Dr. Leonard Bloomfield,
professor of Germanic philology and
chairman of the department of lin-
guistics at the University of Chi-
cago, will speak on the subject, -"Al-
gonkian Sounds," at 7:30 p.m. Fri-
day, in the small amphitheatre of the
Rackham building.
This lecture, announces Professor
0..C. Fries, director of the Linguis-
tic Institute, will be the first of sev-
eral devoted to the presentation of
problems arising in the comparative
study of the important Algonkian
group of American Indian languares.
At the Institute's first luncheon
conference of the summer, held yes-
terday at the Michigan Union, sev-
eral members of the staff prese.ited
a round-table discussion of the ques-
tion, "What is a word?"
"To the psychologist," declared
Prof. W. A. Pillsbury of the depart-
ment of psychology, "a word is es-
sentially a' unit of meaning. Ideally
we should, like to refer this meaning
to a single idea, but practically ve
ing meaning, and set off by itself on
the printed or written page." Such
a definition is necessary, he said, as
a working criterion in determining
what shall be an entry in the die -
tionary. It was pointed out, however,
that a number of exceptions occur,
falling into various classes each of
which has problems that must be
decided upon their merits.
"To the research linguist working
with' a hitherto unrecorded lan-
guage," said Dr. Murray B. Emneau,
an experienced field worker in the
Dravidian languages of south India,
"a word is primarily a unit composed
of one or more sounds, and the chief
aid im determining the extent of ,a
word is stress or accent. The de-
scriptive linguist has to exclude
meaning, even though he knows that
the problem of meaning will have
to be brought into the picture some-
time. As yet, he has not learned
how to use it as a satisfactory
standard of differentiation."
Another field worker in language,
Dr. Charles Voegelin of De Pauw
University and of the Institute staff,
supplemented Dr. Emeneau's com-
Informal student-faculty discus-
sions like the forthcoming Summer
Parley "can't help but do good," ac-
cording to Sen. Elbert D. Thomas,
who is delivering a series of lectures
on the Far East under the auspices
of the Institute of Far Eastern stu-
dies. "
The Senator believes that students
can contribute "a good deal" to such
discussions "if they are well-in-
"Can We Have Industrial Peace?"
The Parley idea was summed up
as "swell" by Dr. George B. Cressey,
of Syracuse University, well-known
author of "China's Geographic Foun-
dations" and popular lecturer here
last summer on the geographic trans-
formation of the Soviet Far East. To
the question, "What can students
contribute to such conferences?" Dr.
Cressey replied, "the criticism of stu-
dents can serve to jar teachers out of