WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1939
WEDNESI~AY, AUG. 16, 1939
Summer Speech"
Students Form
Diversified Lot'
Hail From 24 Different;
States; Over 800 Elect
Work In Department
The speech department this sum-
rer represents a widely diversified
roup of graduate and undergraduate
tudents from all parts of the United
Geographically the group comes
om 24 different states reaching
'om Rhode Island in the east to
lorida in the south and Texas and
rkansas in the south west. The
eographical distribution of the
peech graduate students is as fol-
1. Michigan .............67
2. Ohio .................21
3. Iowa.................12
4. Indiana... ..... 8
5. Pennsylvania..... 7
6. Illinois....... 6
7. Kansas....... . .6
8. Oklahoma........ . 4
9. New York..........3
10. Missouri ..3
11. Tennessee....... 3
12. West Virginia ... ..3
13. Washington, D.C.2-
14. a Virginia .......... ...2
15. Texas2..............2
16. South Carolina... 2
17. Arkansas.... . . 1/
18. Florida..... . ..... 1
19. Georgia........ . . ... 1
20. Minnesota ..............1
21. Mississippi... . . ..... 1
22. Nebraska ...............1
23. North Carolina...1......1
24. Rhode Island...........1
Wreck Heroine
Thelma Ristveldt (above) was
stewardess aboard - the ill-fated
"City of San Francisco" which de-
railed near Carlin, Nev., with a loss
of 20 lives, and was described by
survivors as the heroine of the
accident. Although painfully hurt
herself, she ministered to the needs
of those more seriously injured.
Public Enemy No. 1
Text Library
Offers To Aid
Needy Students
(This is the second of four articles
citing typical cases in which under-
privileged students have been aided
by the Textbook Lending Library.)
His first year he wouldn't have
cared whether there was a Textbook
Lending Library or not. He was
vaguely aware that the University
possessed a collection of more than
400 textbooks which were lent to
needy students upon recommendation
of the academic counsellors he'd
seen a story in The Daily about a
drive in progress much like the one
on. now, a drive to get donations so
that the library, could prove more
useful. But that was all.
And it really didn't matter then.
He had an allowance from home and
plenty of money. Summers he
worked but just for the fun of it.
Then the bottom dropped out of
his world. Financial reverses beg-
gared his family. He wanted des-
perately to continue his college edu-
cation. Knowing that he would re-
ceive no aid from home he decided to
go ahead. He still had his freshman
books, Sudednly he had an idea.
He went to the Textbook Lending
Library and said:.
"I have here my freshman texts. I
can't afford to buy this year's. How
about a. trade?"
Those in charge smiled and listened
to an explanation of his problem.
Then they arranged the trade and
the boy was able to go ahead in the
University. Another student had been
aided in his quest for education. Once
more the Textbook Lending Library
had proven of value.
(Contributions to the Textbook
Lending Library, which is at present
conducting a drive for donations of
texts used during the Summer Ses-
sion and no longer needed, may be
left at any branch of the Library. The
books will then be lent to worthy stu-
dents upon recommendation of aca-
demic counsellors).
In The Ma jors
RALPH RAYMOND, 58, wealthy
telephone engineer, slew his wife
with a butcher knife, tried to blud-
geon his daughter to death with a
hammer, then fatally slashed his -
throat with a razor in a mad fit of
insanity at South Nyack, N.Y.
HIGH GERMAN SOURCES reported at Salzburg, Germany, that Italy and Germany had laid down a.
"united course of action" on all "urgent and less urgent" problems affecting their interests in conferences
among Reichfeuhrer Hitler and the foreign ministers of the two countries. Shown in this picture cabled from
London to New York, left to right: Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop of Germany; Hitler; and Foreign Minister
Ciano of Italy.
e speech field seems to be a popu-
one this summer, for 829 students
cted to do work in this depart-
nt. Although the majority of these
graduate students, 187 are un-
'graduates. The number of grad-
e students enrolled in the field of
ech for advanced degrees totals
Unclassified students........ 4
Students enrolled for the
Master's degree..........136
Students enrolled for the
Doctor's degree ...........19.
gmong these are students holding
chelors degrees from 80 different
titutions and Masters degrees
rn 17 different institutions.
Statistical notes show that in dis-
bution of hour load 40 per cent of
students are carrying 8 hours, 60
cent are carrying 6 hours or less.
statistics for this vary from 64 stu-
its carrying 8 hours to two students
rying 2 hours..
Number of students carrying 8
hours............64 or 40c0
Number of students carrying 6'
hours. .........78 or 49%
Number of students carrying 4
hours.. ...........8 or 5%
Number of students carrying 2
hours......... .. 2 or 1%
Number of students enrolled for
thesis............... 7 or 4%
PING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
laynard St. Phone 5689. 32
)LA STEIN-Experienced typist
nd notary public, pxcellent work.
06 Oakland, phone 6327. 3
PERIENCED typing, stenographic
ervice. Phone 7181 or evening 9609.
Irving "Charlie" Chapman (above)
escaped Texas kidnaper, has been
named by the Federal Department
of Justice as the Nation's new
"Public Enemy No. 1."
W. L.
New York.... .......74 33
Boston ................66 39
Chicago ..............58 50
Cleveland .............56 50
Detroit ... ...........57 52
Washington ...........48 61
Philadelphia..........38 70
St. Louis ..............31 73
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 12, Cleveland 3.
New York 3, Washington 2
(10 innings)
Boston at Philadelphia (ni
Only games scheduled.
Today's Games
Detroit at Chicago.
Washington at New York.
Cleveland at St. Louis (2).
(Only games scheduled).
THIS MAN, said by Police Chief
Andy Welliver, at Reno, Nev., to
answer the description of the "ear-
less man" sought as a suspect in
the wrecking of the "City of San
Francisco" with resulting death to
23 persons, was held for question-
ing at Reno.
BRAZILIAN SAILORS are shown here. as they grappled in the partly submerged wreckage of a Pan
American "baby clipper" shortly after it plunged into Guanabara Bay at Rio de Janeiro, killing 14 persons,
including six Americans. This picture was flown from Buenos Aires and radioed to New York.
Golf Tourney
Begin Monday
NEW YORK, Aug. 15.-(P)-Gal-
leryites at the qualifying round of the
43rd Women's National Amateur Golf
tournament next Monday will have a
choice assortment of threesomes to
divide their attention, pairings an-
nounced today by the USGA indicat-
The meet, to be held at the Wee
Burn Club, Noroton, Conn., and to
continue through Aug. 26, has drawn
a record entry of 206 players, but
missing will be the No. 1 attraction.
Patty Berg will be unable to defend
her title because of a recent appendix
Several of the leading contenders
are grouped in the mid-morning
threesomes. One such trio consists
of Pam Barton, leading English
threat; Elizabeth Hicks of Long
Beach, Calif., and Betty Jameson of
San Antonio.
Cincinnati ...........
St. Louis .... , .......
New York ...........
Brooklyn ............
Pittsburgh ...........
. . . . . .s. .
Yesterday's Results
Brooklyn 8, New York 5.
Cincinnati 6, Pittsburgh 5.
Philadelphia 4, Boston 3.
St. Louis 7, Chicago 6.
(10 innings).
Today's Games
Chicago at Cincinnati.
New York at Brooklyn.
Philadelphia at Boston (2).
St. Louis at Pittsburgh (2).
PING-Experienced. Miss
08 S. 5th Avenue. Phone
r 2-1416.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 1
LOST-Ladies Gruen Watch. Ini-
tials V.F.B. Reward. Call Best,
3718, 1004 Olivia. 85
WANTED-Passengers to share driv-
ing to West Coast, leave end of
week. Call Miss MacDuff, 2-3246
or 2-2604. 81
WANTED - Passengers wanted to
Colorado, leaving Aug. 19th, return
Sept. 3-15th. Call Low, 2-3759 be-
fore 6:00 p.m. 80
WANTED-Passengers to Baltimore
and Washington vicinity. New Car.
Inexpensive. Call J. DeSpain,
2-3002. 70
WANTED-Transportation for man
and wife to Cheyene, Wyo., or Den-
ver. Will share expenses and help
drive. Call Kinkhead, 5137 89
750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Wednesday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake Noonday News News
12:15 Life Beautiful Recordings Farm Advance Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Broadcast Golden Store Luncheon Dance
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Songs
1:00 Ed McCdnnell vera Richardson Betty and Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr Susan " Grimm's Daughter Scrapbook Stories
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Holly'd Whispers
1:45 Enoch Light Humane Society Betty Crocker Great Britain
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Swingtime Trio Romances
2:15 Ed's Daughter Ma Perkins Popular Waltzes Organ
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young ofPaul Decker
2:45 Mrs. Page Guilding Light Book Ends News
3:00 Yeon Goldman Detroit-Chicago Music Festival voice of Justice
3:15 Dance Time "
3:30 " tSongs
3:45 Duncan Moore News Bob Crosby
4:00 Brevities ofTo be Announced Jamboree
4:15 Men and Books "
4:30 Songs Affairs of Anthony
4:45 Alice Blair " Dance Music Tommy Tucker
5:00 Miss Julia Art In News Holly'd Highlights "
5:15 National Tennis Malcolm Claire Little Jack Little Turf Reported
5:30 Uncle Jonathan Norman Cloutier Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomihy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News
Wednesday Evening
HERE ARE THREE of the survivors of the wreck of the streamlined
Southern Pacific train in which 22 persons were killed. Left to, right:
Paul A. Pfluege, Chicago; Henry Cavelli, Racine, Wis., and William
P. Rucco, of New York, Rucco, was credited with saving many lives by
chopping through one of the cars.
STUDIES THAT have added greatly to the field of knowledge of
astronomy have been made at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory, shown
above. The observatory, where valuable moving pictures have been
made of the movements of celestial bodies and of the activities of the
sun, was given to the University eight years ago by Robert R. McMath,
Francis McdMath and Judge Henry S. Hulbert. The donors not only
designed and constructed the observatory, but have given their services
to its use.
6:00 News
6:15 Inside of Sports
6:30 Buddy Clark
6:45 "
7:00 Honolulu Bound
7:15 "
7:30 Paul Whiteman
7:45 "
8:00 Stadium Concert
8:15 "
R i t
Tyson Review
Dinner Music
ne Man's Family
Tommy Dorsey
What's My Name
Easy Aces
Mr. Keen-Tracer
Lone Ranger
Universal Music
Hobby Lobby
Twilight Trails
Old Traveler
Stop and Go
Fintex Sportlight
Jimmie Allen
Voice of Justice
King's Highways
Good Neighbors
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