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August 15, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-15

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TUESDAY, AUG. 5, 1939


Ruthven Urges Masters Serve Society



Declares College-Trained People Owe It To The World To Enlist Training
In War Against PreJudice; Speaks At Masters Breakfast



i and managed by students of the University of
n under the authority of the Board in Control of
hed every morning except Monday during the
ty year and Sumnz e Session
Member of the Associated Press
ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
republication of all news dispatches credited to
it otherwise credited in this nwsupaper. All
If republication of all 'other matters herein also
id at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
class mail matter.
iptions during regular school year by carrier
r mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Urging recipients of the Masters Degree to en-
list their knowledge and ability in a war against
dishonesty, selfishness and prejudice, President
Alexander G. Ruthven addressed over 500 faculty
members and prospective masters' Sunday at the
annual Masters' Breakfast.
"If our college trained people refuse to concern
themselves with government and social service,
we can never hope for real progress in our democ-
racy;" he declared, admonishing them that their
education was not only for their own good but for
that of civilization as well.
"Admittedly you will encounter difficulties in
attempting to give yourself to public service," he
But one reward, at least, is certain, he assured:
"You will become members of an inner circle of
Michigan men and women who are bound to-
gether by one common sentiment . . . intellec-
tual honesty."
The assembly dined to music by Earl Steven's
orchestra at the breakfast which was held in the
Ballroom of the Union. The purpose of the
affair was to provide an "informal commence-
ment program" for students who are candidates:
for Master's Degrees.
Those who were present in addition to the

candidates included the Administration of the
University, the Executive Board of the Graduate
School and members of the general faculty of
the University and their wives.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Re-
ligious Education, opened the program with an
invocation, following which Dean Louis A. Hop-
kins introduced Prof. Arthur E. Boak who spoke
for the Executive Board of the Graduate School.
Prof. Boak wished the candidates "every suc-
cess in their various occupations," and stated
that he hoped they had all acquired "intellectual
independence" as a result of their time spent at
He expressed the hope that they all overcome
departmentalization of courses, and were able to
see that all courses are interrelated into a unity
of knowledge. In concluding, Prof. Boak ex-
pressed the desire that the candidates continue
to keep in close contact with their chosen fields
by joining clubs and reading the latest publica-
tions on the subject.
Dean Hopkins then arose and before introduc-
ing President Ruthven, praised the candidates
for the many sacrifices which they have made
in order to obtain their degrees, stating that the
University is well aware of the hard work which
they have done.

Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff



M . "
* i
M* ". " '"

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor


_________________________________________________ '

Business Staff
Philip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager
Paul Park . . . . . * . Advertising Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The Value
Of Research...
A QUESTION has been raised as to
how much time a professor should
spend on research, and how much should be re-
served for teaching. The question is a pertinent
one, and deserves due consideration, and we
propose to suggest an aspect of the situation
which has not been considered, and which we
believe has an important bearing on the situa-
tion today.
It was proposed that professors could better
benefit students as a whole by devoting less time
to research and more to the distribution of
knowledge. Perhaps this is true, but before
closing the argument, let us consider one more
College instruction, especially in the more
advanced courses, is usually, and should be,
chiefly concerned with problems near the fron-
tiers of our present knowledge. To best teach
such courses, and especially those in the sci-
ences, it is of the utmost importance that the
professor fully understand all of the more recent
developments in that line.
It is here that research comes into play. A
professor who has actively engaged in research
work in his field is far better equipped than one
who has gleaned all his knowledge second-hand
from textbooks, which are too often out of date
in a short time.
With research experience behind him the pro-
fessor is able to convey a more accurate picture
of the situation as it is today. He is, in short,
able to present the material to the students as an
authority in his own right.
We will readily admit, however, that a con-
centration on research can be carried too far.
What is really needed is not a wholesale limita-
tion of research, but a readjustment to fit indi-
vidual cases.
-Karl Kessler

If you've ever noticed a great, red-haired Irish-
man with a choked-up laugh and a grin as broad
as a movie mogul's waistline, that's Jesse
O'Malley. After working around the state as a
reporter, Jesse decided to come to Michigan. He
earned his expenses here, did outstanding school
work and carried anywhere from 18 hours up
each semester. He's now in law school. Today
he's written what we consider one of the best
columns to fill this space in a long time.
Of Mice, Newspapers
And The University
When seventeen and fresh from Brown City,
Mich., we were accosted by a woman on Chica-
go's West Madison Street not far from the point
where it merges into the loop. Back in Brown
City we hadn't even an academic knowledge of
women beyond the pale; we were mighty sur-
prised and a little scared when she greeted us
-so much so that we walked briskly past with
the thought:
"Gosh, how did she know me?"
Later we felt mighty green behind the ears
when our more sophisticated room-mate offered
comments on fair trade practices of street girls.
Hardly less innocent do we now feel attempting
a guest column for Five-Star Swinton. When we
went to work as a police reporter on a Toledo
paper some years back the managing, editor
served notice that if we ever submitted a column
to him he would order the city editor to shoot
us on the spot. The latter had a hard-boiled
surface appearance that would make even a
Hollywood version of a city editor look like a
proctor on a Sunday School picnic, and we were
convinced that he might do it. So we never
attempted a column, and our only excuse now is
that we have an arrogance known only to young
men with a small taste of newspapering.
Stan suggested writing about "the most excit-
ing story you ever covered." The catch there is
that stories are not very exciting and the busi-
ness of getting them is drab indeed. We did,
however, spend a year and a half running the
editorial end of a county-seat weekly, up in the
Thumb, and we must admit it was something less
than dull. The publisher was Republican boss
up in those parts and one of our major assign-
ments was giving the Democrats 'Hail Colum-
Simultaneously in our private capacityas a
good Democrat we criticized the Republicans
with equal vehemence. A little earlier in our
career we served as chairman of the resolutions
committee at the county Democratic convention
and drew up gusty blasts assailing the local Re-
publican organization. The boss, however, had
ods. Furthermore, one or another of them will
be inevitable once full employment has been
reached, a fact that, The Economist complains,
has not yet been generally faced. Either of the
first two requires organization,splanning and un-
popular decisions. But some choice will have to
be made. \The danger is lest inflation, with all
its dangers, be adopted merely by default.
-New York Times

a sense of humor and seemed to enjoy our an-
The above-mentioned shennanigans made us
enthusiastic about the possibilities of the county-
seat weekly. We are convinced that it is the
white hope of the newspaper business and the
last remnant of individual journalism in Ameri-
ca. But since we may never get the chance
again we'll forego even on that theme to get off
sage comment on the U. of M.
Before enrolling we had an idealistic notion
of a state university serving a dual role as critic
of society and an instrument to raise the edu-
cational level of the masses. The school was
an expression of the frontiersman's dream of
equalizing educational and economic opportuni-
ties. It was no accident that the eighteenth cen-
tury saw simultaneous extension of the suffrage
and founding of state universities. The frontiers-
man, as we conceived him, saw popular education
as a necessary sequel to the leveling of social
barriers which he sought.
We need hardly remark at our initial dis-
appointment at what we found here. It is ironic,
we observed, that a state university which at-
tempts to raise the standards of its people, must
fail in its role as a critic of their culture. To
compensate for this failure we sought out per-
sonalities among the student body and on the
faculty. In connection with the latter two men
stand out--Prof. Jesse S. Reeves and Prof. Wilbur
R. Humphreys. Contacts with these great lead-
ers and teachers of men were among the greatest
experiences we ever hope to have. There are
other men who made the process of getting an
A.B. worthwhile: A. L. Hawkins and Prof. Joe
Davis of the English Department, Prof. Russel
C. Hussey of Geology, and William B. Palmer,
who could teach more economics in twenty min-
utes over the coffee cups than in a month of
Unquestionably the greatest personalities we
met among the students were Emanual Varan-
dyan, Ching-Kun Yang and Wim-Jaw Yu. Var-
andyan, after a career in the World War fight-
ing with the Russian Cossacks, smuggling arms
through the Turkish lines and engaging in es-
pionage work, came to America some thirteen
years ago, received a masters in English, wrote
"The Well of Arrarat," a Hopwood prize winner,
and is now doing a novel on the American indus-
trial scene. Yang was captain in the popular
army that defended Jehol against the Japs in
1932; he came to Michigan to get a doctor's de-
gree in sociology, and is now editor of the Chinese
Journal in New York. Yu came to America to
find out what our experts knew about engineer-
ing after several years spent building harbors
and railroads in China.
It is probably a reflection on our intellect that
we should think of a school primarily in terms
of personalities. Yet there was a common ele-
ment among these men drawn apparently at
random from the students and faculty which
forced us to modify our original criticism of
Michigan. After knowing them we saw in the
University a meeting place of human experience,
a kind of melting pot out of which the best of
many great cultures may hope to emerge. That,
it seems to us, may serve to justify the pioneer's

Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend August graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors1
should send such names to the Regis-..
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before
the close of the Summer Session.
Speech Students: The last student-
faculty luncheon of the Department
of Speech for the present Summer
Session will be held in the Ballroom
of the Michigan Union at 12 o'clock
today, Aug. 15. All students in-
terested in speech, whether enrolled
in the Department this summer or
not, are invited to attend.
A class in advanced methods of
driver training will teach four adults
how to drive, free of charge, for one
hour every afternoon in dual control
cars. They are to get in touch with
Mrs. M. Y. McKay or Mrs. M. S. Me-
lender at the Michigan Union, Tues-
day before noon.
Phi Delta Kappa luncheon will be
held at the Michigan Union today at
12:10 o'clock. Professor Kauper, of
the Law School, will speak on "The
Legal Aspects of Teacher Tenure
Lecture, "Practical Problems in
Charater Education" by Fritz Redl,
Lecturer in Education, will be given
at 4:05 p.m. in the University High
School Auditorium, today.
Fellowship of Reconciliation meet-
ing tonight at 7:30 p.m. downstairs
in Lane Hall. A Chinese student will
lead a discussion on the war situa-
tion in the Far East.
School of Music Concerts. During
the remainder of the Summer Ses-
sion, concerts will be given under the
auspices of the School of Music as
follows. All concerts will begin on
time and the general public is invited
%vithout admission charge, but is re-
spectfully requested to refrain from
bringing small children.
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ruth
Skinner, pianist.
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:15 o'clock,
Hill Auditorium, Fonda Hollinger, or-
Michigan Dames: -The last of the
weekly bridge parties for wives of stu-
dents and internes will be held Wed-
nesday at tht Michigan League, 2p.m.
Engineering Mechanics Colloquium.
Professor J. A. Van den Broek will
speak on "Theory of Limit Design" on
Wenesday, Aug. 16, at 3 p.m. in
Room 311 West Engineering Bldg. All
interested are cordially invited to'
Examination Schedule -
Hour of
Recitation 8 9 10 11
Time of Thurs. Fri. Thurs. Fri.
Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4
Hour of all other
Recitation 1 2 3 hours
Time of Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri.
Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Deviations from the above schedule
are not permitted. All classes will
continue regularly until the examin-
ation period.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: It is requested by
the Administrative Board that all
instructors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examina-
tion on grade-report-sheets give al-
so information showing the charac-
ter of the part of the work which
has been completed. This may be
done by the use of the symbols, I(A),
X(D), etc.
E. A. Walter.

Mathematics 121 and 103 (10
o'clock section) will meet in 302
South Wing instead of 304 Mason
Hall for the final week of summer
Students in the College of Engineer-
ing desiring to be notified of the re-
sults of the examination need not
leave addressed and stamped en-
velopes. Credit for work done dur-
ing the Summer Session will be re-
corded and credit coupons mailed.
Students should make sure that
their election cards and the addresses
on their coupons agree.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Sedvice Examination. Last date
for filing application Sept. 11.
United States Civil Service:
Junior Public Health Nurse, salary:
Indian Field Service.
Department of the Interior.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall, office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Sunday Afternoon
.2:00 Church Music Children's Theatre Baritone ,
12:15 Garden Hour .
12:30 Mother's Album Symphonette " Salvatore Stefano
12:45 Musical " Lou Gladstone Richard Love
1:00 Democracy Aunt Fanny Music Camp Concert Orchestra
1 :15 .t
1:30 Cabin Folks Round Table- Treasure Trails Church Service
2:00 Grshwin Concert Concert Melody Sunday Afternoon
2:15 " Booman's Notebook "
2:30 " Music Allen Roth Chapel Hour
2:45 Tiger Talkof'
3:00 Musical Fun Detroit at St. Louis Nat'l Vespers Tabernacle
3:15 ")"
3:30 St. Louis " Music Festival Haven of Rest
3:45 of o i .
4:00 Father Coughlin tNews Nobody's Children
4:15 "" Jimmy Dorsey "
4:30 " van Alexander
4:45 to toRay Perkins t
5:00 Gay Nineties Catholic Hour Soap Box Derby Concert orchestra
5:15 " "
5:30 Hollywood Vera Richardsun Paul Laval Dance
5:45 " Harry Heilmann '
Sunday Evening
6:00 " Aldrich Family Popular Classics Singers
6:15 ". ot
6:30 Music Playhouse Band wagon Radio Guild Baseball Scores
6:45 "o"ot" sports
7:00 Gerald Smith Charley McCarthy NBC Symphony Melody Design
7:30 Stevenson Sports "t" Goldman Band
7:45 "o ""
8:00 Ford Hour Merry Go Round Hollywood Play. Revival
8:15 .tot
8:30 " Album of Music Walter Winchell "
8:45 A " y " Irene Richer !d,
9:00 Alibi Club Symphony Orches. Concert Orchestra oodwll Hour
9:30 Melodies " Cheerio
9:45 Army Maneuvers
10:00 Jack Jenny Russel Barnes News; Graystone Evening Serenade
10:15 " Dance Music Graystone
10:30 Hermit's Cave Vera Richardson Phil Levant Recital
10:45 " Dance Music "
11:00 News News Fats Waller Reporter
11:15 Sterling Young Dance Music "o Music
11:30 van Alexander Eastwood To be announced t"
11:45 To be announced "tU
12:00 Sign Off Weather sign off Charles Barnett
Neo-Latin Poetry Is Analyzed
By'Bradner In Final Lecture

(Continued from Page 1)

of the poets who imitated the Latinc
authors, particularly Ovid.1
The first poet in the former groupE
was John Leland, who, Professori
Bradner explained, after gaining his
education at Oxford and Cambridge,
became King's Librarian in 1533, go-
ing about the country collecting1
manuscripts from the monasteriesj
that were being broken up at the,
time. Of the half dozen Latin poems1
he wrote during the '40s, the lecturers
noted two especially.-
One, written in 1543, dealt with
the birth of Prince Edward, in which]
Leland began with the typical Latin
invocation, although he addressed it
to Christ and the Holy¢ Spirit, show-
ing there and in subsequent mention
of dryads, nymphs and the like, a
typically Renaissance mixture of pa-
gan and Christian elements, Profes-
sor Bradner indicated.
The second spoken of by the lec-
turer was the "Cygnea Cantio" or
"Swan Song" which was supposed to
have been his last poem and also
concerned two swans who swam down
the Thames from Oxford to London.
Leland, Professor Bradner claimed,
may be looked upon as the leader of
the movement in writing Latin poems
relating to English history.
Epic On Elizabeth
An epic dealing with Queen Eliza-
beth was begun by William Alabas-
ter, Professor Bradner told, in which
Satan urges the Pope to do some-
thing about England, and he in-
spires Gardiner to get Mary to im-,
prison Elizabeth, which he does; but
there the book, for some unknown
reason, endq.
While these works were the pro-
duct of patriotism to a large extent,
he explained, there were other poets
who took a more scholarly view of
tl~eir work, one of which was Robert
Burhill. Burhill, he stated, wrote
the "Britania Scholastica" in ten
books, three of which dealt with the
period before Alfred, three told of
Alfred's time, and four covered the
years after Alfred.
Works Of Giles Fletcher
Another, Giles Fletcher the elder,
wrote on the letters and literature of
ancient Britain, a legendary history
of early England; his real intent was
not history, Professor Bradner assert-

ed, but was to make use of the poeti-
cal opportunities offered in the peri-
od he covered. He also spoke of Wil-
liam Camden who continually quot-
ed fragments of a Latin poem of his
in other works.
The poetry of Leland, Fletcher and
Camden owed a great debt to Ovid,
Professor Bradner remarked, noting
the similarity in personification,
metamorphosis and decorative style.
Another Ovidian copyer of the his-
torical type he mentioned to be Rob-
ert Moore, who, in 1595, published a
British historical diary, doing for
England what Ovid had done for
Of the imitators Professor Bradner
listed two types, those, like Thomas
Campion, who copied the stye of Ovid
directly and purely; and those
like Thomas Watson and William
Vaughan, who took their Ovid
straight and at the same time gar-
nered some by way of Petrarch.
Used Latin Form
Watson ,the lecturer affirmed,
used the Latin form with the Petrar-
chian,sentiment, showing at the same
time and Ovidian influence. Pro-
fessor Bradner spoke of the works of
Wason, who was a friend of Marlowe,
especially of his "Amintae Daudia,"
published in 1592, showing a mixture
of Petrarch, Virgil and Oyid. Vaughan
too, Professor Bradner declared, had
the Petrarchian mood mixed with the
Latin classic ideas.
On the other hand, Campion imi-
tated Ovidian love elegy directly, he'
pointed out. Professor Bradner told
of Campion's "Umbra," an attempt
to invent a myth like those of Ovid,
which, he asserted is a historical
poem on the Armada telling how Sa-
tan instilled in the Spanish a greed
for the wealth of England.
Shows Today 2-4-7-9 P.M.
lm t3C~


British Arms Finance

As rearmament proceeds apace in Great Bri-
tain and the arms boom gathers headway, the
threat of inflation is causing increasing concern
to British economists. Already British produc-
five resources are approaching full employment,
and the question of what will happen when de-
fense needs can no longer. be satisfied except by
retrenchment elsewhere promises shortly to pass
out of the realm of theory into that of practical
economics. Total British capital needs for the
current year, including those of the Government
for arms and other purposes, are believed likely
by The Economist to range between £800 million
and £1,000 million. The net savings of the na-
tion from which these needs must be met, how-
ever, will probably be inadequate, by several hun-
dred millions. Obviously, only by a curtailment
of ordinary private spending can the additional
sums be saved that are necessa'y in order to
meet this shortage.
The central question is how these additional
savings are to be obtained. Taxes can be in-
creased, thus leaving less money to the consumer
for his ordinary needs. The supplies of goods
that may be purchased can be cut down and
rationed by Government order, thus curtailing
the opportunities for private spending. Or, fin-
ally, nature can be allowed to take its course.
This method-outright inflation-has at least
the merit of simplicity: the Government merely
buys what it needs, and leaves other purchasers

Eighth Week's Schedule


4:05 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
4:05 p.m.

IBut she's'never given
a party that's half as
much fun as this first
movie of her,

"The Michigan Plan of Cooperation Among Higher Institutions of
Learning," lecture by Prof. Clifford Woody of the School of Educa-
tion (University High School Auditorium).
"Iolanthe," by Gilbert and Sullivan (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
"Trends in High School and College Relationships," lecture by Har-
lan C. Koch, of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Insti-
tutions (University High School Auditorium).


Examination Schedule



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