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August 15, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-15

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ly cloudy today,
air tomorrow.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


The Value
Of Research .

No. 43




nzig Issue
y Be Given
Parley Of
ur Powers
rs Say Burckhardt
Plan From Hitler
ing For Mediation
loners Fear
Lnother Munich'
By The Associated Press)
turn in Europe's zigzagging
s seen Monday night in re-,
om Berlin and Rome of a
. new four-power conference
the dispute over Danzig.
neither theGerman nor the
government officially had
d the proposals, which in-
London quarters thought
iew attempt to lead London,
d Poland down the path to
Munich and appeasement.
i Berlin it was unofficially
Carl J. Burckhardt, League'
is high commissioner in Dan-
I received a mission from
itler which might make him
for in the dispute.
iardt, a Swiss professor, who
rned to Danzig after a con-
with Adolf Hitler at Berch-
., was unofficially reported
ri to be preparing to go to
to discuss with Lord Halifax,
Foreign Secretary, a plan for
ul settlement.
me, other unofficial reports
d Italy and Germany had
at Salzburg to advance the

Train Wreck Toll Reaches 23;
Police Hold Several Suspects

* * * * *

96 Are Found Injured In
Rail Tragedy; Sabotage
Known To Be Cause
RENO, Nev., Aug. 14.-(P)-Deaths
mounted to 23 today in the wreck of
the crack streamline train "City of
San Francisco" as police pushed a
general roundup of suspicious rail-
road yard characters in quest of the
mass murderer blamed for last Satur-
day's tragedy.
Two men were questioned in jails of
two states as rescue crews found the
bodies of two women and a man in
the tran's twisted wreckage. Albert
Johnson,. Chicago, at first reported
by the Southern Pacific Company to
have perished in the wreck, was found
tonight to be alive, though seriously
injured, in an Elko, Nev., hospital.
One other man died in Elko hospital
of injuries. He was Sam Wall, of
the cook's crew, from Alameda, Calif.
Latest victims recovered from the
wreckage were Mrs. Henry P. Vaux
of Port Ledge, Rosemont, Pa., and
her daughter, Miss Susan M. Vaux.
Their bodies were found late today.

ital was it suggested
as now willing to give
to outright annexa-
Newspaper and semi-
t was to the con-j


en London,
immed with
rsistent ru-
Leuvers, the
y issued an
and was in


official Germany would not con-
n or deny that Burckhardt had
n given an important mission to
don, but press and Nazi party
les heard that Hitler's next step
ild depend on "what Burckhardt
ngs back with him in the next few
s from his talks with Halifax."
diplomatic circles in London quick-
pointed to similarity of the ap-
ent bid for a four-power confer-
e to the events which led to Mun-
where Britain, France, Germany,
i Italy decided the dismember-
nt of Czecho-Slovakia last Sep-'
ecovery Seen
3y Vandenberg

]Pan -American
Clipper Raised
With 11 Bodies
Officials Search For Clue
To Cause Of Accident;
SeekingOther Victims
RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 14.-(P)-
Salvagers today lifted from Guana-
bara Bay the shattered cabin of a
Pan American "baby clipper" which
yesterday became the tomb of 14 per-
sons, including six Americans, in one
of Brazil's worst air tragedies.
The crumpled wreckage of the air-
liner was towed to the Rio de Janeiro
airport where Brazilian and Pan
American officials joined in a search
for a clue to the cause of the acci-
Bodies of 11 of the victims, includ-
ing that of Dr. James Harvey Rogers
of Yale University, eminentreco-
nomist and one-time, adviser of
President Roosevelt, lay in a morgue
while divers sought to recover the
bodies of the, three other victims.
The plane, coming down yesterday
afternoon preparatory to landing at
the end of a flight from Miami, Fla.,
slanted sharply, struck a crane on a
drydock in the harbor and crashed.

Earlier in the day the body of Harry
Specht, second cook from Oakland,
was recovered from the wreckage.
Southern Pacific Comany, which
operates the "City of San Francisco"
jointly with the Union Pacific and
the Chicago Northwestern Railroads,
reduced the list of injured to 96 after
interviewing many of the, 149' per-
sons who were aboard the $2,000,000
train when it was hurtled into a rocky
Nevada canyon by a rail which auth-
orities said was deliberately mis-
Chief of Police Andy M. Welliver
asserted he probably would release
Bob La Duceur tomorrow. Federal,
local and railroad police spent all
day questioning him.
Welliver said the man was arrested
because he answered the description
of an "earless man" whose strange
action made him one of the main
objectives of the search.
The police chief reported T. J. Mc-
Laughlin, Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation agent, had established that La
Duceur was at Pyramid Lake, Nev.,
Saturday night and Sunday morning
and could not have participated in
the wreck. He said the man appar-
ently was riding a freight train from
Portland, Ore., to Fernley, Nev., but
was left behind at Pyramid Lake
when the freight pulled out while he
was getting a drink of water.
"He had breakfast with members
of the Southern Pacific section crew
there Sunday morning according to
members of the crew," Welliver said.
Five men were taken from an east-
bound freight train at Salt Lake City.
Four were released, but one was held
for further questioning. From Og-
den, Utah; to Oakland, Calif., police
watched railway yards for the "ear-
less man" and for a railroad man
(Continued on Page 3)
Clubwomen Plan A
Latin-American Trip
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(IP)-
The General Federation of Women's
Clubs, assisted by the Pan-American
Union, will take American club wom-
en on a tour of the 20 republics of
Latin America next winter.
Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar, Federa-
tion president, announced the proj-
ect today.
Club groups adopting it, she said,
would study every phase of life in
the Latin American reppublics. Mrs.
Dunbar said this would be a prac-
tical way to help "defend the peace
of the continent and work together
in the cause of universal accord."

Warn Mexico
ToPayUp For
Oil Seizures
Relations Will Be Strained
If Reparation Is Not
Made, Welles Asserts
Statement Follows
Negotiation Try
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. - The
United States today openly warned
Mexico that relations between the
two nations would be strained seri-
ously unless there was prompt and
satisfactory settlement of the Mexi-
can Government's expropriation con-
troversy with Anerican oil com-
panies, according to a report by the
United Press.
The warning was contained in a
formal 1,000-word statement issued
by Sumner Welles, acting secretary
of state, in the wake of repeated de-
nials that the State Department was
taking an active part in the expropri-
ation dispute.
Welles asserted simultaneously
that the American - firms must be
reasonable in their demands for pay-
ment of their confiscated properties.
The statement said, in part:
"A continuance of the dispute not
only will dislocate still further bene-
ficial commercial reations between
Mexico and the United States, with
great economic losses to both coun-l
tries, but more important still, it will
constitute a material barrier to the
maintenance of that close and friend-
ly understanding between Mexico and1
the United States which. both gov-
ernments regard as in the best in-
terests of the two peoples."
Disclosure that the department
had intervened officially came short-
ly after latest negotiations between
Mexico and the oil concerns ended
in a deadlock. Several previous at-
tempts to effect a settlement ended
in a stalemate.
Prior to issuing the statement,
Wells conferred separated with Mex-
ican Ambassador Francisco Castillo
Najera and Donald R. Richberg, for-
mer NRA administrator now repre-
senting the American firms whose
$250,000,000 worth# of oil properties in
Mexico were expropriated along with
British and Dutch holdings.
Youth Purloins
Louvre Picture
To Retouch It
PARIS, Aug. 14.-(IP)-A young]
Russian artist today restored the,
world-famed Watteau painting L'In-
different which he told startled police
he took from the Louvre "only so that
I could restore it to its original glory."
Despite changes which the 25-year-
old Serge Bogousslavsky had made in
the $200,000 painting of a young ca-
valier of the 17th century, officials of'
the French National Museums un-
hesitatingly pronounced the tiny pic-
ture genuine.
It was identified by Henri Verne,
director of all French state museums,
and Jacques Jaujard, assistant direc-
tor, who had conducted the search
since the 10 by 8 inch portrait was
stolen last June 11.
Bogousslavsky, a slim youth, un-
shaven and poorly dressed, told police
he had long been "disgusted with the
way museum officials touched up
great masterpieces."

"Watteau has always been my fa-
vorite master and L'Indifferent my
favorite painting," he said, "I could
not stand to see it in that condition
any longer so I simply took it home
with me."
Janet Gaynor Is Wed 3
To Designer At Yuma
YUMA, Ariz., Aug. 14.-({P)-Janet
Gaynor, auburn-haired film star, and
Gilbert Adrian, studio fashion de-
signer, were married today by Justice
of the Peace Ed M. Winn. -
The couple arrived from Los An-
geles by automobile. Witnesses at
the ceremony, performed in a hotel,
were Clifford Mogal, Miss Gaynor's
chauffeur, and Larry Barbier, assist-
ant publicity director at the studios
where Adrian heads the costume de-
The bride gave her age as 30, five


eTurkey Day'
May Be Moved
A Week Ahead
wick, Aug. 15.-(P)-President .Roose-
velt is going to move Thanksgiving
Day up a week this year, he said at
a press conference today at his moth-
er's summer home.
For the last six years, he explained,
a great many people have been com-
plaining that there is too long an
interval between the Labor Day holi-
day early in September and Thanks-
giving Day toward the end of Novem-
ber, and that the time is too short
Technically, President Roose-
velt's proposed w e e k earlier
Thanksgiving Day would wash out
the Big Ten's -whole last day's
football schedule.
The 1939 Western Conference
schedule was perused tonight af-
ter Mr. Roosevelt's announce-
ment, and it was found that the
Five final games of the season
come on Nov. 25.
That's two days after the pro-
posed Nov. 23 date for Thanks-
giving, and there's a Big Ten rule
saying no games may be played
after Thanksgiving.
Prof. Ralph Aigler, head of the
University of Michigan athletics
control board, commented: "That
rule is on the books . . . but prob-
ably it wouldn't be enforced this
time since it was meant only to
act against protracted schedules."
between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
This year Thanksgiving would nor-
mally fall on Nov. 30, and Mr. Roose-
velt has decided to issue a proclama-
tion setting aside Nov. 23 as Thanks-
giving Day.
NEW YORK, Aug. 14.--(P)-Presi-
dent Roosevelt's plan to move
Thanksgiving Day ahead a- week pro-
vided a headache tonight for football
Squalus Lifting

Step Of Sunken
Raising Is Set

PORTSMOUTH, N.H., Aug. 14.-(P)
-Navy men took every advantage to-
day of the comparatively few good
diving hours offered by an unruly
ocean to press preparations for lift-
ing the sunken submarine Squalus
tomorrow or Thursday from a hith-
erto uncharted mudbank to shal-
lower water-the' second operation in
a carefully laid out salvage plan.
The vessel was raised 80 feet from
its muddy berth on the ocean floor
last Saturday and towed slowly shore-
ward to within 400 yards of the goal
set for the first lift before it ground-
As the preliminaries to the second
lift were hurried 14 miles off this port,
workers at Portsmouth navy yard
prepared for tomorrow's launching
of the submesible Seawolf, similar in
design and size to the unlucky
Evangeline Booth Retires
LONDON, Aug. 14.-(YP)-The Sal-
vation Army High Council will meet
here tomorrow to elect a successor
to 73-year-old General Evangeline
Booth, which was expected to take
several days.

Carl Chatters Is Okay;
- Ken Chatters Chatters
Although Carl H. Chatters of Chi-
cago, brother of Kenneth L. Chatters,-
708 W. Madison Street, Daily shop
foreman, was on the crack Southern
Pacific streamliner, "City of San
Francisco," when she cracked for
the last time Saturday, Ken wasn't
worried a bit.
Ken didn't know until yesterday
that his brother had been on the ill-
fated train, and learned at the same1
time that he came out of the wreck-B
age unscathed.
Ken's brother is executive director
of the Municipal Finance Officer'st
Association of the United States and
Canada and for many years was ex-y
ecutive director of the Municipal Ad-
visory Council of Michigan.a
Answer Senate
Group's Attackx
Association Says Reporta
Of Committee Is Part
Of 'Smear-Campaign' t
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(P)-
Criticism by the Senate Civil Liber-
ties Committee of what it said were
huge expenditures by the National
Association of Manufacturers for
"propaganda" brought from the As-
sociationtoday a reply that its public
information program was aimed,
among other things, at combatting
"smear-campaigns against business."
And, the Association added, the
Committee's .investigation and report
"are examples of the assaults on busi-
ness that have retarded recovery."
In its report, the Senate committee
said the Association had organized at
country-wide campaign to "nullify"
administration of the National Labor t
Relations Act, had flooded the na-a
tion with anti-labor propaganda anda
had boasted "that its propagandat
has influenced the political opinionsc
of millions of citizens and affecteds
their choice of candidates for Federal
It declared the Asscoiation's oper-c
ating budget totalled $1,440,000 in
1937 and that expenditures had beent
increasing since 1933.
Asserting that most cf the moneyr
came from "an inner clique" of bigo
corporations, the report asserted ther
Association was "a vehicle for spend-r
ing corporate funds" to incluencet
Soon after the report was filed at
the Capitol, the Association issued a
statement in reply which said at the
outset that facts brought out in hear-s
ings before the committee "are suf-
ficient answers to the tissue of half-
truths andeinnuendo now offered byr
the two Senators (LaFollette (Prog.-
Wis.) and Thomas (Dem., Utah) whot
comprise the committee) as the re-a
sult of their two-year inquisition, and
as justification for their further ex-
penditure of public funds.''-

More Than 200 Enroll
For Two-Week Meet;
McClintock Is On Staff
Forster Outlines
Enforcement Needs
More than 200 traffic officers, en-
gineers, teachers, administrators and
others in the field of traffic safety
heard President Ruthven express his
gratification that the University could
for the second time be the host of
the National Institute for Traffic
Safety Training, at its initial session
yesterday at the Union.
The opening day of the Institute's
activities was featured by general
meetings with outstanding leaders in
the fields of traffic safety education,
administration, and enforcement ap-
pearing on the platform. The Insti-
tute, which wll contnue through Aug.
26 with advanced courses conducted
by specialists in various fields of the
national1safety program, is sponsored
by 11 national organizations con-
cerned with efficient and safe use of
Ruthven Dispels Idea
With Dr. Miller McClintock, direc-
tor of the Yale University Bureau for
Street Traffic Research, presiding,
Four persons will be given free
driving instruction by members of
the class in advanced methods of,
driver training of the National In-
stitute for Traffic Safety Train-
ing if they will apply before noon
to Mrs. M. Y. McKay or Mrs. M.
S. Melander at the Union, it was
announced yesterday.
Instruction will be carried on for
one hour each afternoon in dual-
control cars.
the morning session heard Dr. Ruth-
ven dispel the erroneous impression
that educators are conservative in
accepting new subjects. "Educators
are not conservative," he said, "and
they are making every effort to in-
clude in the field of education new
subjects consistent with American
progress and student needs." He
pointed out that congested school
curricula and other factors sometimes
lead to an impression of conserva-
"Laws are too often enacted hur-
riedly which do not have the backing
of public opinion and public sup-
port," Lew Wallace, special field rep-
resentative of the National Safety
Council, told the group. "Fortunate-
ly, in the field of motor vehicle ad-
ministration constructive thought is
going into legislative programs and
it is having a helpful influence," he
Urges Backing
Wallace, former motor vehicle com-
missioner of the State ,of Iowa, urged
those attending the Institute to lend
their backing to all sound proposals
advanced to give better motor trans-
portation, but to keep in mind that
"majorities cannot be ruled by legis-
lation which .will not have popular
A. R. Forster, of the Northwestern
University Traffic Institute, outlined
basic standards of a good enforce-
ment program thus: first, adequate
quality of enforcement; second, con-
sistent enforcement of motor vehicle
legislation rather than enforcement
in sporadic drives; third, selective en-
forcement; fourth, basic standards to
cover the need for application equal
to all; and finally, certain and ade-
quate penalties for those who are
guilty of traffic violations.
John W. Darr, director of the CIT
Safety Foundation, declared that the
training of traffic safety personnel is
the keynote of th whole safety pro-
gram. "The street andhighway ac-
cident program," he said, "has

brought with it a crying need for
men who are competently trained to
develop and administer adequate so-
lutions for the problem."
The problems of motor vehicle ad-
(Continued on Page 3)
Donations Complete
Ambulance Funds

Ruthven Addresses
Traffic Safety Men
At Opening Session

Senator Views Possibility
With Free Enterprise
DETROIT, Aug. 14.-(1P)-Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg opened today
the United States would emerge from
"this economic depression" in six
months if the government were "sym-
pathetic to the return" of free en-
The Michigan Republican, address-
ing the National Fraternal Congress,
asserted that under such an adminis-
tration "we would speedily become an
eighty-billion-dollar country, in terms
of annual income, instead of a sixty-
billion-dollar country."
Earlier in an interview Senator
Vandenberg said business was im-
proving due to the "revolt" of Con-
gress against Administration spend-
ing policies.
"'When business shows a marked
recovery with the assurance of a few
months relief from new tax burdens,"
he said, "think of what it would mean
if business had that assurance for
two or-three years.
"In that event our problem would
not be how to control a depression
but how to control a business boom."
Vandenberg, describing himself as
"an incorrigible optimist for our
America," said he did not believe the
country was "inevitably committed to
12,000,000 unemployed."
Upper Penninsula Melon

Neo-Latin Poetry Is Analyzed
By Bradner In Final Lecture

Hull Considers Moral Embargo'
On Raw Materials To Japanese

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(P)-
The State Department is giving se-
rious consideration to invoking a
"moral embargo" to prevent the ship-
ment to Japan of raw materials cap-
able of war use.
Such a course was suggested by
S e n a t o r Schwellenbach (D e m.,
Wash.) in a letter last week to Secre-
tary of State Hull. He proposeq ex-
tending to raw materials generally
the "moral embargo" that Hull im-
posed last year on the shipment of
airplanes to Japan.
While there has been no comment
from Hull, Acting Secretary Sumner
Welles gave a cordial reception to
Schwellenbach's proposal by saying
the -State Department always studied
with the greatest interest the Sena-

The State Department feeling to-
ward the "moral embargo" was made
clear in the last monthly report of
arms exports. That report pointed
out that the "embargo" on airplanes
had just been ignored by one com-
pany, which it mentioned by name.
The case concerned one airplane-
an autogiro, whose cost was $32,000.
The Department's statement re-
called that Secretary Hull had said ofl
June 11, 1938, against the bombing
of civilian populations and reminded
the public of the circular addressed
by the Department July 1 of last year
to all manufacturers and exporters of
airplanes, stating that the Depart-
ment would issue only "with great
regret" licenses authorizing the ex-

The neo-Latin poets of the Eng-
lish Renaissance were not inspired
by the mere idea of imitating the
classics, but rather were concerned
with the modification of the classical
types to suit the purposes of the
Renaissance tradition, Prof. Leicester
Bradner of Brown University told
his audience yesterday in the con-
cluding lecture of the series spon-
sored by the Graduate Conference on
Renaissance Studies.
While the form and style were
classical, the subject matter was to
a large extent modern in appeal, he
asserted; these poets were writing
to a definite pattern of their own
age, for while the educated of. the
day were familiar with the classics,
their tastes were molded by con-
temporary literary fashions.
Never Disappeared

held medieval rhyming verse in great
scorn, preferring the classical metres
That these poets should have cho-
sen Latin as a vehicle in which to
transport their ideas is no unusual
thing, Professor Bradner related, as
all higher education of any sort was
conducted in that tongue, while Eng-
lish was not taught. Therefore, he
claimed, the English poet of the 16th
century was less well equipped to
write in English than he was in
Latin, which had become as a second
native language to him.
Much In English Period
The lecturer emphasized the fact
that an enormous amount of this
neo-Latin verse was written during
the English Renaissance period, say-
ing that a great deal was produced
in Italy before the British even start-
ed, and also in France and Germany.
Over 100 seoarate volumes of this

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