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August 12, 1939 - Image 27

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-08-12

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SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1939



_________________________________________________________ U

More Than 100
Aetivities Open
To Pupils Here
Speech Activities Are Only
Exception To Opening
Term Eligibility Rule
(Continued from Page 24)

national fraternity for scholastic emi-
The Forestry Club is the only stu-
dent organization in the School of
Forestry and Conservation. Its activi-
ties are both professional and social
in nature.
Membership is open to faculty
members, alumni, Forestry school stu-
dents and pre-forestry students.
Dues are two dollars a year. Meetings,
which are held bi-weekly, are for the
purpose of transacting business and
discussing topics of professional in-
terest. Speakers from field related
to that of foretry appear. The Club
serves as ame dium for cooperation
with the faculty in matters of mutual
Social activities which are spon-
sored include the Fall. Campfire at
Saginaw, Forest, Spring Field Day,
smokers, dances and dinners. "The
Michigan Forester," the School of
Forestry and Conervation's annual,
is published in the spring and every
member receives a free copy.
The Lawyers Club of the University
of Michigan is a residence club and
dormitory for male students in good
standing in the Law School. The
phyical plant, consisting of a lounge,
dining hall, kitchen and dormitories
divided into sections, has been called
the finest of its kind anywhere." It
is the gift of the late William W. Cook
of New York.
Any male student eligible for ad-
mission into the Law School may ap-
ply for membership in the Lawyers
Club. At the present time s261 men
live in the Club, and about 300 eat
in the Club's dining hall. Preferences
for rooms in the Lawyers Club are
given to upperclassmen who have re-
sided in the Club at least one year.
'The general supervision and man-
agement of the LawyersnClub is vest-
ed in a Board of Governors.
Scimitar has as its purpose to spon-
sor fencing and encourage fencing
competition on the Michigan campus.
Requirements for membership are an
unanimous vote of the active mem-
bers on the basis of ability and sports-
mianship plus eligibility. Sponsors of
the group are Coach John Johnstone,
grof. A. E. R. Boak, Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden, and Dr. George May.
Practice sessions and coaching not
confined to members are available
every Monday, Wednesday and Fri-
day in the small Intramural building
The only professional musical sor-
ority on campus is Sigma Alpha Iota.
Requirements for eligibility are en-
rollment i nthe School of Music, a B
plus average and recommendations.
Formal musicals are held every month
as well as one business meeting.


flow To Find YourWaOnCmu
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Whirl Of Events'
Fills Calendar
Of Last Year
Sports Ate vities, Dances,
Lectures And Concerts
Are Ai-itong Features
(Wontinued from Page 24)
y.f:' Fe stival-goers. Varsity nine
iu& to Indiana, 9-5.
I 12. Eight faculty men are in-'
rd to join £tudenl; Senate as hon-
Irii einbers. Opera "Otello" con-
c- lvlaFesiv a eason. rack-
:' r #jtape Ohio State, 1021/228/2
1.n.e a t u~aIndia ±111.
M ay 15. Dr. Edward Benes, ex-
Czechoslovakian president, speaks at
d) nner in Union on "Politics as Sci-
enc Or Art." Dramatic Season op-
ens with "No War in Troy" starring
Philip Merivale. Fifty athletes praise
letter supporting subsidization of
May 16. New Judiciary Council re-
places Men's Council. Student Sen-
ate poll to evaluate courses in liter-
ary college opens. Varsity netters'
down Kalamazoo, 6-3.
May 17. Alpha Sigma Phi's lusty
voices sing them to victory in the
annual Intrafraternity Sing on li-
brary steps.
May 18. Final Panhellenic-Con-
gress dance is held in League ball-
pan Hall is the Law Quadrangle. Here
is located the Law Club, residence
for law students, the Law Library,
containing 130,409 volumes, and
Hutchins Hall, site of the law offices
and classes.
North of the Law Quadrangle on
the corner of State St. and S. Uni-
versity Ave. is the Alumni Association'
and the fine arts department. North
of this is the Romance Languages
Building. All of the French, Italian
and Spanish classes are held here.
To the north of this, facing State
St., is Angell Hall. President Ruth-
ven, the Regents, and the Dean of
the literary college all have their
offices here in addition to the politi-
cal science, classical languages, Eng-
lish, mathematics, speech and as-
tronomy departments. Behind Angell
Hall is University Hall containing
the office of the Dean of Students,
the Registrar's offices, counselor of-
fices and the German department.
Adjoining this are South Wing and
Mason Hall which contain the Cash-
ier's office and classrooms.
North of Angell Hall is Haven Hall,
or the old Law Building, which
houses the departments of history
and journalism. Next to Haven Hall,'
on N. University Ave. is situated the
Natural Science Building containing
psychology, mineralology, geology,
zoology and botany offices.

Panhellenic Announces Rushing
Will Start Saturday, Sept. 23
(Continued from Page 23) of other Michigan Panhellenic sorori-
active chapter. A second semester ties are present. (Fine C). No en-
freshman may live in the house in tertainment may be given throughout
the fall term, the spring or summer vacations by
bushing Buring The Entire Year actives, alumnae or patronesses for
There shall be .no rushing with women not in the University unlers
men (Fine A). cne or more other sororities are rep-
No rushee may have a man call for resented. Any illegal summer rush-
her at a sorority. ing done by Ann Arbor alumnae will
No woman who is not registered for precipitate the penalty on their active
the semester may be rushed, following chapter. The definition of entertain -
the initial Open Houses, or bid. (Fine ment in (1) also applies here. (Fina
C) 13 or C).
There shall be no summer rushin During informal rushing sororities
except under these conditions: No may have one function a week, last-
entertainment which includes meals, ing not more than three hours. Din-
dances, or teas for more than three ners must terminate at 8:00. Rushees
i are informed in their booklets that
prospective ruashees, shall be given l __...._. . .. . ..

by a sorority group unless members
room. Druids summons 27 to its cere-
May 19. "Whirl of Tomorrow,"
arqhitects ball, is held in Architecture
May 20. Hoyt's last Michigan team
captures Big Ten track crown.
May 21. Swingout, annual senior
procession, marches from library to
Hill Auditorium.
May 22. Second Dramatic Season
play, "American Landscape," opens
at Lydia Mendelssohn.
May 23. Alberta Wood is appoint-
ed head of new League tutorial sys-
tem to instruct freshmen and sub-
average students.
May 24. Tennis team takes Michi-
gan State, 6-3.
May 25. Lantern Night honors sen-
ior women; Martha Cook Building
wins annual singing contest. Twenty
men tapped by Michigamua. Michi-
ganensian distribution begins.
May 26. Connie Bryant and Bill
Clark to attend American University
at Beirut, Syria, next year as ex-
change students. Varsity netters take
Ohio Weslyan, 5-2. Wolverine nine
gains 5-2 triumph over Purdue.
May 29. "White Steed," is third of-
fering of Dramatic Season.
June 1. Gargoyle, humor (???)
magazine, features Esquire motif in
final issue. Beth O'Roke is named
summer League president. Golfers
take second as netters make third
place in Big Ten conference meet.
June 2. Union to open Student
Book Exchange during exam week.
June 3. Carl Van Doren speaks as
14 prizewinners in Hopwoods receive
June 4. Final examinations begin.
June 6. "Here Come the Clowns,"
fourth Dramatic Season presentation.
June 13. Shaw's "Captain Brass-
bound's Conversion" is final presen-
tation of Dramatic Season.
June 16. Seniors step out at an-
nual Senior Ball.
June 17. Commencement.

they must be out of the house at
A chairman of rushing in each
sorority shall be responsible in case
of any breaking of rules and shall au-
thorize all invitations.
Fines For The Breaking Of Rules
Fine A: For the individual girl com-
mitting the violation, social proba-
tion for the first two weeks following
the rushing period, or, during infor-
mal rushing, following the action of
the Executive Committee.
Fine B: For the individual girl com-
mitting the violation, social proba-
tion for the first four weeks following
the rushing period, or, during in-
formal rushing, following the action
of the Executive Committee.
Fine C: For the whole house com-.
mitting the violation, social proba-
tion for the first two weeks following
the rushing period, or, during in-
formal rushing, following the action
of the Executive Committee.
Health Examination
Recheck Necessary
Upperclass students who have not
completed their physical education
requirements will find it necessary to
have a re-check of their health ex-
amination before registering in Sep-
tember. Appointments for re-checks
may be made through the health ser-
It is also advisable that all upper-
classmen avail themiselves of the op-
portunity of a physical re-check mere-
ly as a health precaution.
677 In Law School
j The University of Michigan Law
School was organized in 1859, and for
the year 1938-39 the total enrollment
was 677, with 18 faculty members.
The degree of LL.B., or J.D. may be
received after satisfactory completion
of the three-year course. The prere-
quisite for entrance into the Law
School is either graduation from col-
lege, or completion of a three-year
combined curricula course.



As freshmen come into town they need some information on how to
get around campus. To aid them, The Daily is printing the accompanying
map with explanations of each building.

Starting in the Southwest Corner is the Michigan Union, center of
activities for men, situated at the junction of State St. and S. University
Ave. It has a swimming pool, bowling alleys, barber shop, billiard room,
lounging room, restaurant service incluiding a cafeteria, women's dining
room and main dining room, sleeping rooms and an assembly hall adapted
to use for banquets, meetings, conventions, smokers, concerts and dances.
Behind the Union and not shown on the map are the Allen and Rumsey
Houses, dormitory units for men, which are under the management of the
Union. Morris Hall, headauarters for the Varsity Band and radio broad-
casting station is located directly north of the Union.
In the next block opposite Angell Hall is Newberry Hall in which are
found the museum collections of classical archaeology. Included in this
building are such archaeological discoveries as are unearthed by expedi-
tions sent out from the University into Egypt, Mesopotamia and Syria.
North of Newberry Hall on State St. are Helen Newberry and Betsy
Barbour Residences. These offer rooming and boarding accommodations
for undergraduate women of all classes. The Student Publications Building
is found directly behind Helen Newberry Residence. Here are situated the
offices of all student publications: the Daily, Gargoyle and 'Ensian. The
Daily offices include most of the upper floor in addition to a composing
room and flat bed press for printing its own paper on the ground floor.
One block north of The Daily on Maynard St. is located the School of
Music. This building which was annexed to the University in 1937, contains
its own auditorium and studios and practice rooms for piano, voice, violin
-and all other musical instruments.
East of the School of Music on N.
University Ave. is Hill Auditorium.
This is the center for many of the
leading events of the University in-
cluding the annual May Festival,
Choral Union Concerts and Oratorical
Association Lectures. In back of Hill
Auditorium and not shown on the
map is the Burton Memorial Tower,
location of the Baird Carillon. Facing
Ingalls St., which is now the new
Mall, the tower offers practice rooms
for School of Music students and
carillon recitals which until recent-
ly were performed by Wilmot Pratt.
At the end of the Mall on Washing-
ton'St. is the site of the new Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. The building covers in addi-
tion to the space shown on the map
the next block west. One of the finest
buildings in the country, it contains
lecture halls, reading, study, discus-
sion and conference rooms, together
1 -I with facilities for research groups
3 It' HutZels and other graduate organizations.
South of the new graduate school
Apparel! ;hnd to the east of the Mall is the
Michigan League, center of women's
activities on campus. Erected in 1929
by alumnae, it provides a clubhouse
for University women similar to that
ooking forward with of the Union. In addition to the spa-
cious drawing rooms, chapel, dining
tart of a new life on rooms, cafeteria, ballroom and sleep-
gan will find many ing rooms is the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre in which are presented Play

Production performances, Junior
Girls Plays and other dramatic offer-
The School of Dentistry is directly
east of the League. Here are located
all dentistry offices and classes. To
the east is the Health Service which
provides for practically all medical
attention which the student needs
during the school year. Provisions are
also made for sick students requiring
bed care, and thirty days' service
may be obtained without expense.
Across from the Health Service is
the University Museums Building
which houses the Museum of Anthro-
pology, containing many thousands of
objects, the University Herbarium,
with about 300,000 plant specimens
at the disposal of students, the Mus-
seum of Paleontology, containing a
large amount of fossil material repre-
senting the invertebrates, vertebrates
and plants, and the Museum of Zoo-
ogy with its more than 3,500,000 speci-
Across Washtenaw Ave. is th8 East
Medical Building with the older unit
on the west side of E. University Ave.
These two buildings contain all the
offices, classes and laboratories of
the School of Medicine. South of the
West Medical Building is the East
Physics Building, behind which is the
Pharmacology and Economics Build-
ing. Next to the East Physics Building
is the West Engineering Building
with additional offices and classes in
the newer addition across the street
to the east. South of the West Engi-
neering Building is the University
High School which contains, in addi-
tion to the high school classes, offices
of the School of Education.
West of the high school is the
School of Architecture with its offices,
classes, art displays and exhibits. To
the north is the Martha Cook Build-
ing, honor house for junior and
senior women. North of this is the
William L. Clements Library of
American History. Here is housed an
invaluable collection of books, manu-
scripts and maps relating to the dis-
covery of the western continent, i
settlement and later history. Behind
this is the West Physics Building, tc
the north of which is the General
Library. This building contains 607,615
volumes and 14,389 maps in addition
to reference, rooms, study halls and
graduate reading rooms.
West of the Clements Library is
President Ruthven's home and next
to this is Tappan Hall which houses
the School of Business Administra-
tion offices and classes. Covering a
complete block to the south of Tap-

I , - ._

e.at . .


Here ...0

J0o 0L4

In A

You'll Fin
for Smart

All the exciting, adorable new things you want for Fall. Flip
the pages of your Harpers, your Vogue, or Mademoiselle, and
list all of your must haves . . . you'll find them here.
Smart costume suits, class-room dresses in heavenly light
weight wools and velveteens, clan plaids and plain, tricky two-
piece "Debbies" (and incidentally these are ours exclusively),
date and rushing dresses in sleek black with cunning little
hustles and bracelet sleeves. And skirts . . . blanket and clan
plaids, stripes and plain in umbrella swirls and pleats. And
sweaters galore . . just everything from the new English
Boxie Cardigan to the most classical slip-over in every wanted
new shade.
Intriguing accessories . .. clever costume jewelry . .. new
gloves and purses. .. everything new and different in lingerie
and housecoats from the most severely tailored to the frothi-
est frills.
What are girls made of anyway?
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

eager delight to the s
the campus at Michi
interesting shops in An

in Arbor. At Hutzel's

you will find one of the smartest stores in
town . . . one that offers only the better
quality fashionable clothes. Hutzel's is an
air-conditioned, modernly furnished shop .. .
and is only four blocks from the campus



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