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August 12, 1939 - Image 26

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-12

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SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1939


Whirl Of Events
11 s Calendar
Of Last Year
Sports Activities, Dances,
Lectires And Concerts
Are Among Features
(Continued from Page 12)

Leads Into Women's Center

diO Lobo, Spanish priest, speaks at
Union under auspices of ASU. Spring
clothes are modeled at style show.
March 11. Track and swimming
squads score overwhelming victories
in annexing conference titles.
March 13. Louis Untermeyer, poet
and author, speaks on "The Poet and
the Average Man."
March 14.; Student Senate advises
lifting of radio fee. Finals in Fresh-
man Case Club competition are held.
March 15. Intramural Building is
scene of huge athletic open house as
2,000 attend. Women's intramural
debates, begin-question is subsidiza-
tion of athletics. JGP ticket sale be-
March 16. Prof. P. Sargant Flor-
ence of the University of Birming-
ham, England, discusses "The British
Cooperative Movement."
March 17. Three hundred couples
throng to Capitalists' Ball, annual
business administration dance.
March 18. University century of
service is marked by coast to coast
broadcast. Michigan takes sixth
straight Butler relay at Indianapolis.,
March 20. Fire damages Alumnae
House as its sik occupants escape un-
hurt. Eighty-four hopefuls are greet-'
ed by Coach Fritz Crisler as spring
football practice gets under way.
University Guidance and Occupation-
al Information Conference opens at
Rackham Building.
March 21. Freshmen women hold
mass meeting to discuss plans for
Freshman Project.
March 22. JGP's "Pig in a Poke"
opens for four-day runt at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Prof. Norman
R. F. Maier of the psychology de-
partment wins Henry Russel Award
for research on neurotic rats. The
Rev. Fr. Bernard R. Hubbard, geolo-
gists, explorer and missionary, pre-
serits his moving picture "Cliff Dwel-
lers of the Far North."
Maich 23. Plans for tutorial sys-
tem to take effect next fall are an-
nounced. Mary F. Reek is new head
of Assembly, independent women's
March 24. League style show at-
tracts many women students. Odonto
Ball, annual dentist dance, is held at
the Union. Harriet Sharkey is ap-
pointed new Women's Athletic As-
sociation head.
March 25. Thirty-seven students
are entered on ballot in Student Sen-

Through these doors of the Michigan League the young coeds at
Michigan pass every day. They are a heterogenous lot, but within this
buildingthey work and play in perfect cooperation, planning and

sharing in various activities which
and fulfilling responisibilities.

teach them the value of accepting

ate race. Michigan Mermen take
sixth national collegiate crown.
March 28. Allen-Rumsey room
charge is to be lowered as new dor-
mitory units are completed. Tradi-
tions fall as Union front door is op-
ened to women-side entrance is
blocked by PWA. Dorothy Shipman
is named League president.
March 29. Shakespeare's "Two
Gentlemen of Verona" opens at Lydia
Mendelssohn for four-day run. Bar-
bara Bassett is new Panhellenic head
as Dorothy Shipman resigns.
March 30. Installation Banquet is
held at League. Mortarboard and
Senior Society tap junior women.
March 31. More than 2,000 vote in
Student Senate poll, electing 16 new
senators by Proportional Representa-
tion system. Crease and Slide-rule
balls are held.
April 1. Phapril Phool's Phoo Phro-
lic, held at League by Panhellenic As-
sociation and Congress, attracts 500.
Prof. Mentor Williams wins 'Ensian
popularity poll.
April 3. Harry Kipke, former foot-
ball mentor, and Joseph J. Herbert
sweep regency vote.
April 5. William Grier is elected
president of Student Senate. Twenty
engineers are honored at Tau Beta
Pi initiation rites.
April 6. University Symphony Or-
chestra, directed by Thor Johnson,
presents concert at Hill Auditorium.

then summer hoydens become
campus leaders
s ' . y' r s
l .
t f
- f . .'^
look soignee...i t's the
New "BUSTLE" in Co-ed Beauty
Still thirty thrilling summer days with not a care but how
to speed up that forehand drive, smooth out that rhumba!
Then - the scene changes - but you needn't rack your
brains for a new "bustle" to make you campus leader,
glamour girl at house parties! The new "bustle" is to
look soignee. It's "old school" to let your skin go to tan
and leather! A whole month more for Sunproof Cream
to work miracles, prevent that deep brown path of
freckles. (1.00)
Even young skins get that sun-dried look. Fall 1939 Cam-
pus Leaders will go in for the softening use of Pasteur-
ized Face Cream which is a one-cream beauty treatment.
(1.00) One parting "bustle" - Town & Country Make-
UpFilm - ideal foundation to make powder stick for
hours, conceal blemishes - give you that luminous look
when you don't use powder. (1.50)
helena rubinstein

Semi-finals in women's intramural
debate series are held.
E April 7. Spring vacation begins
April 17. Classes resume. Prof. E.
Blythe Stason succeeds Henry M.
Bates as Dean of Law School. Golf-
ers defeat Ohio State, 20-4.
April 19. Hopwood contest deadline
is today. Sixty-two enter manu-
April 20. Two peace groups present
views in meetings.
April 21. Spring Parley opens on
three-day discussion of "The Stu-
dent Looks at the Forties." Law
School Case Club finals are judged by
three State Supreme Court justices.
Apothecaries' Ball features weekend
dances at League. Michigan nine
drops opener to Ohio State, 3-1.
April 22. Michigan's powerful track
team takes easy win over Illinois,
88-38. Nine defeats Ohio State, 4-2
in retaliation for yesterday's loss.
April 24. The Daily is named to
Pacemaker for fourth time. President
Ruthven endorses declaration of hu-
man rights. Deutscher Verein's an-
nual play "Die Gegenkandidaten," is
April 25P Sorority women hold mass
meeting at League. Michigan nine
takes Hillsdale, 5-1.
April 27. Senior women are hon-
ored at League tea. -1
April 28. Annual Honors Conven-
tion gives public recognition to 800
students. Michigan Schoolmasters'
Club convenes in 53rd annual meet-
ing. Annual French play, "Ces
Dames Aux Chapeaux Verts," is pre-
sented at Lydia Mendelssohn. Twen-
ty-second annual Military Ball at
Union. Wolverine nine loses to
Michigan State, 6-3.
April 29. "Puddle Jump," annual
freshman project is held at League.
Michigan nine takes Notre Dame,
9-1. Golfers defeat Purdue, 91-8/,
for sixth straight victory.
May 1. Prof. I. L. Sharfman wins
Ames Award for outstandng legal
May 2. Phi Kappa Phi, national
scholastic honorary fraternity, ini-
tiates 142.
May 3. Phi Eta Sigma, national
freshman honor society, initiates 54.
Michigan State halts golfers' streak
at seven with 10-8 victory.
May 4. Annual Tag Day sale for
Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake
nets $1,100.
May 5. Huge parade leads way to
Michigras as 3,500 attend opening
May 6. Donald Treadwell is named
new Union president. Carl Petersen
becomes managing editor of The
May 8. Philip Westbrook is chosen
to head Congress, men's independent
May 10. Gladys Swarthout opens
46th May Festival.
May 11. Announce freshmen orien-
tation advisers for 1939. Varsity ten-
nis team trounces Notre Dame, 9-0.
May 12. Marian Anderson receives
18 curtain calls from usually staid
(Continued on Page 25)

More Than 100I
Activities Open
To Pupils Here
3peech Activities Are Only
Exception To Opening
Term Eligibility Rule
(Continued from Page 22)
"Every member is a leader in the
church tomorrow."
Christian Science Organization at
the University of Michigan holds its
services every Tuesday evening at
0:15 oclock in the Chapel of the
Michigan League Building. The or-
;anizatioD also maintains a room on
the second floor of Lane Hall, where
.he Bible, the writings of Mary Baker
Eddy, and all authorized Christian
Science literature may be studied.
Students, alumni, and faculty nem-
bers of the University are cordially
invited to attend the services and to
use the Study Room.
The Westminster Guild at the Uni-
versity of Michigan offers a varied
program to students of Presbyterian
membership and affiliation. Meetings
are held in a new church and student
center located at 1432 Washtenaw
Interests groups are held through-
out the week. A supper for new stu-
dents followed by a Fireside hour for
all Guild members and friends is held
each Wednesday night. Friday nights
are party nights.
The Society of Les Voyageurs is a
local organization intended to pro-
mote interest in the outdoors. It is
also interested in promoting social
and intellectual intercourse among its
members. Membership is limited to
20, but is not restricted to any espe-
cial school or college.
The purpose of the Outdoor Club
is recreational. Its activities include
cross-country hikes, swimming par-
ties, toboggan parties, canoe trips, bi-
cycle hikes and hay rides. Meetings
are held every weekend as announced
in the D.O.B. of the Daily. Member-
ship is open to all undergraduate or
graduate students and to all members
of the faculty.
The student chapter of the Ameri-
can Society of Civil Engineers con
sists of sophomore, junior and senior
students of civil engineering in good
standing at the University. Its pur-
pose is the promotion of friendship
and the provision of information con-
cerning actual engineering work in
progress throughout the country to
its members.
The Student Branch of the A.S.M.E.
constitutes the first grade of mem-
bership in the parent society, which
is the national mechanical engineer-
ing professional organization.
To add to the student's acquain-
tance with the practical side of the
field of mechanical engineering and
to enable the student to establish fra-
ternal contact with his fellow stu-
dents and faculty in engineering are
the organization's purposes.
All students in mechanical en-
gineering or allied fields are eligible
for membership. The fee is $3.50
which includes a subscription to "Me-
chanical Engineering," and a mem-
bership pin. At present the local stu-

dent branch is reported to have the
largest membership of any branch in
the United States-170.
Regular meetings are held every two
weeks, usually on Wednesday eve-
nings. The programs consist of lec-
tures, motion pictures, slides, or dem-
onstrations presented, as a rule, by
technical men from the outside on
subjects of interest to mechanical en-
gineering students.
In addition ,inspection trips, ban-
quets, and joint meteings with other
societies are participtaed in. An es-
say contest is also held, and the win-
ner sent to the annual convention at
The Institute of the Aeronautical

Considered by architects one of the most beautiful university build-
ings in the world is the Rackham School of Graduate Studies pictured
above. Financed by a $2,000,000 bequest from the will of the late
Horace H. Rackham, a graduate of the University, it i; desigIiid to riet
the needs of graduate students for research, recreationial and social
facilities apart from the rest of the campus.

Sciences on the Michigan campus is
a student branch of the national or-
ganization. The Institute was organ-
ized to promote the application of
science in the development of air-
craft, and the student branch is now
in its third year on the Michigan
Student members are entitled to
the technical monthly magazine of
the Institute, "The Journal of the
Aeronautical Sciences."
The A.I.E.E. (American Institute
of Electrical Engineers) is a national
association for the advancement of
the profession of electrical engineer-
ing. The membership of the local
University of Michigan Branch is
composed of electrical engineering
students desiring to meet together in
professional fellowship. Metings
with programs of professional in-
terest are held every three weeks.
Foreign Students
The purpose of the Philippine-
Michigan Club is to foster a spirit of
fellowship among the Philippine stu-
dents on the campus and to get them
acquainted with American students
as well as those from other countries.
One need only be enrolled here to be
eligible. Meetings are held every oth-
er Sunday afternoon at aLne Hall.
Membership in Eastern Society is
limited to Chinese women on campus
who have at least a bachelor's degree.
Candidates must have a high scho-
lastic standing and participate in cul-

tural activities. Meetings are held
The Nippon Club is a social or-
ganization for Japanese at the
University of Michigan who were born
either in this country or Japan.
The puropose of the Nippon Club
is to prove assistance to Japanese and
to promote friendly relations be-
tween American and Japanese stu-
The Scandinavian Student Club of
the University attempts to stimulate
interest in Scandinavian cultural ac-
tivities and to foster friendships
among the student of Scandinavian
birth and descent.
Sponsored by Professors Eriksen
and Hansen of the Engineering Col-
lege, the club holds meetings in the
first and third weeks of each school
month at Lane Hall. Exact dates of
these meetings are announced in the
Daily Official Bulletin.
All Chinese students registered in
the University are members of the
Chinese Students Club. Meetings are
held at least three times during the
emester at Lane Hall. Advance no-
tice is given by cards. The Sunday
evening suppers are being continued.
Special Organizations
Organized in 1934, the Lawyers'
Liberal Club provides the members of
the law school with a forum at which
they may discuss current social, eco-
nomic, and political problems. In
keeping with its name the Liberal

The Show Place Of The University

Club opens its membership to all re-
gardless of whether they are so-
called "conservatives" or "liberals" in
their thinking, and seeks to encourage
tolerance for the opinions of others by
presenting for consideration the ar-
guments on both sides of each ques-
Meetings are held three or four
times each semester, and follow the
general pattern of a short, informal
talk by an outside speaker preceding
an open forum discussion on the topic
of the evening.
Meetings are held on Wednesday
evenings, either in a room at the Law
Club or at the Union. All law students
are invited to attend any meeting,
and may become active members by
contacting any of the officers.



"Conceived in frivolity, nurtured in
good-fellowship, dedicated to the cul-
tivation of wit and the graces of a
Thus in its official toast is typified
the motto, spirit and purpose of
Toastmasters, oldest honor society on
the University of Michigan campus.
Toastmasters was formed and organ-
ized March 6, 1897, maintained a
leading position at the University
until the World War when it tem-
porarily passed into astat e of sus-
pended animation, and was reor-
ganized in 1934.
Toastmasters at the present time
is composed of between 20 and 25
Michigan men from the Literary
school and Law school. Its primary
purpose is to cultivate and develop
the art of impromptu afterdinner
speaking among the members. In-
formal dinner meetings are. conduct-
ed monthly.
The University Glider Club provides
active contact with instruction in
gliding and soaring. Instruction is
offered members once a week. Dues
are $8.00 °a semester, with a $5.000
initiation fee. No previous flying ex-
perience is necessary.
The club is the largest in the coun-
try and is the oldest collegiate glider
club in existence. Many members
have gone on to win major gliding
and flying contests.
Through cooperative effort, Epsilon
Chapter of Tau Epsilon Rho, interna-
tional Jewish legal fraternity seeks
to promote among its members a
deeper grasp of the problems of the
law student and a broader approach
for professional life.
It has sought to. sustain a reputa-
tion for scholarship on the campus
and conducts regular discussion
groups ondcurrent legal problems,
special review sessions for its mem-
bers and guet on acasdemic courses,
besides entertaining from time to
time prominent members of the bar.
For the past three years the chapter
has won the trophy presented by the
(Continued on Page 25)





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