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Week Activities Start Sept.19
'Lit' Students
Take General.
To Enter Advanced Work,
60 Hours Of Credit; 'C'
Average Are Required
English Composition
Courses Necessary
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts who are
studying for the degree of Bachelor
of Arts or a similar degree, do not
"major" in the subject of their choice,
as is the case in many schools, but
take first a General Program, usually
for two years, followed by a second
or Degree Program, usually requiring
another two years.
Must Have 'C' Average
To enter the Degree Program, usu-
ally at the beginning of the junior
year, the student must have passed
at least 60 hours of work with an
average of "C" or better. Failure to,
attain this minimum scholarship re-
quirement usually makes it necessary
for the student to withdraw perma-
nently from the College. A further
requirement for admission to concen-
tration is the completion of 6 hours
of English Composition, or its equiv-
At the conclusion, then, of his
sophomore year, when in the ordin-
ary course of events the student has
earned ,60 or more hours of credit
with at least a C average, he becomes
upon filing the necessary application,
a candidate for a -degree.: At this
tine, e must select either a "degree
program" or a "department of coi-
May Take Any Field
A "department"- in the technical
sense of the word, is a course of study
in anIndividual department, suh as
French,' history, English, etc. A stu-
dent is at liberty to concentrate in
any department he chooses, provid-
ing, of course, that he has satisfied
the pre-requisite requirements as set
forth by the department and the Col-
lege. In addition to "departmental"
concentration, a student has the op-
tion of selecting one of the "interde-
partment degree programs" provided
by the College, of which these are
seven: American Culture, Oriental
Civilization, Religion and Ethics, Sci-
ence and Mathematics, Social Studies
(for Students Admitted to Candidacy
for a Teacher's Certificate), Social
Work (Pre-professional Program),
and Urban and Rural Community.
The student who elects one of these
degree programs will work under the
direction of a committee which will
guide him in , the selection and co-
ordination of his courses.
Each student's credit for gradua-,
tion, comprising his entire course of
study in all four years in the College,
must includenot less than 30 hours
of study in his department of con-'
centration, or in such courses of study
as are acceptable to his concentration
Music Groups
Function In Fall
Thor Johnson Is Director
Of TwoSymphonies
During the school year, the Uni-
versity supports two orchestras, the
regular University Symphony Orches-
tra, and the Little Symphony.
The former is composed of some
75 to 100 players who elect the work
as a regular class in the School of
Music. Rehearsals are held four times
a week. Freshmen may elect orchestra
as a credit course. Places in the
orchestra may also be secured by
The Symphony Orchestra is under
the direction of Thor Johnson of the
School of Music faculty. Several
public performances in Hill Auditor-
ium are given during the year on
the School of Music recital series, in
which soloists chosen from both the
School's faculty and the student body
will be heard. Arranged tours will
take the Orchestra to several other
The Little Symphony is composed
of about 15 members of the regular
Orchestra. representing the key
Important Year Planned
By Congress, Fraternities
President Of IFC
Independent Men's Group
To Offer Discount Plan
For Cleaning Charges
Ready to put into effect a new plan
for discounts on personal service
charges, Congress, independent men's
organization, will open its third year
of campus activity this fall.
The Congress Booster Card plan,
worked out by president Philip F.
Westbrook, '40, and committee chair-
man Jack Hoover, '40, will offer dis-
counts up to 25 per cent on such serv-
ices as cleaning, pressing and shoe
repairing. Cleaning and pressing has
been arranged for a 25 per cent dis-
count from the established Ann Arbor
price scale, shoe repairing 10 per cent,
and men's furnishings and clothing
also 10 per cent.
Booster Cards will sell for 50 cents
to students and faculty members, the
income to be used in augmenting the
Heads Unaffiliated Men
Alter Rushing Registration
For Broader Contacts;
Will Try_Joint Buying
With one of the most complete pro-
grams of recent years arranged, it
looks as if the University's fraterni-
ties will have "another extremely suc-
cessful year," according to Tom Ad-
ams, president of the Interfraternity
Rushing registration will be modi-
fied this fall. Traditionally, men
who wished to join fraternities went
to the Union, registered at a booth
there and a single file of applications
was available to houses which desired
to go through them. This year,
Adams said, extra booths are to be
provided around the campus. Mimeo-
graphed lists of prospective fraternity
men will be furnished each rushing
The schedule for the year remains
much the same as usual. Approxi-
mately two weeks after pledging the
annual Pledge Banquet will be held.
(Continued on Page 9)
Men's Judiciary
Council Begins'
Work This Fall
Takes Over Judicial Duties
And Control Of Elections
Of Defunct Men's Group
A new period in student govern-
ment at the University will begin this
fall when a seven-man Men's Judi-
ciary Council assumes the judicial
functions and control over elections
held by the now-defunct Men's Coun-
The new Council was established in
the second of two shake-ups in stu-
dent government on the campus last
year. In the first the Men's Council,
composed' of representatives from
leading organizations on the campus,
abolished election caucuses and took
unto itself the power of making nom-
inations for the various class posts,
with positions to be filled by campus
vote from these nominations.
In the second, the old Council, con-
idering itself "unwieldy and ineffec-
tive" established the new board and
passed on all administrative angles
of its work to the staff of the Michi-
gan Union. The Judiciary Council
will work in cooperation with the
League Judiciary Council, but has
wider powers, being empowered to
conduct a program for the student
body as a whole, whereas the League
Council is more or less in the char-
acter of a judicial body to administer
women's regulations.
Carl E. Wheeler, '40E, is the new
president of the Council. Other mem-
bers will be Jim Halligan, '40F&C,
Jim Hammond, '40A, Bob I Harring-
ton, '40, Jack Hoover, '40, Harry
Howell, '40E, and Doug Tracy,
'40E. In the appointment of these
men, the nominating committee ex-
pressed the hope that "this Council
will perform its duties with an under-
standing and enthusiasm that will
create a large degree of confidence in
it and will lead to natural and sound
Congress treasury to be devoted to
such Congress projects as the schol-
arship fund, the tutorial system and
others. Cards will be distributed dur-
ing Orientation Week in the Union
Founded with the purpose of pro-
viding for the independent men those
privileges and advantages which are
offered affiliated men by the fraterni-
ties, Congress was organized before
the close of the second semester in
1936. Due to a rapid two-year
growth, Congress is now one of the
three most influential men's organi-
zations on campus. Cooperation with
the Union and the Interfraternity
Council promises to weld the male
(Continued on Page 6)
Autos Banned
By University
Ruling Becomes Effective
Monday,_Sept. 25
University students will be prohibit-
ed from operating automobiles in thel
vicinity of Ann Arbor after 8 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 25, when the auto ban
becomes effective.
Exceptions from this rule, which is
rigidly enforced, may be granted sole-
ly by the Dean of Students' office.
Such exemptions will not be allowed
unless the committee deems the use
of a car essential to the securing of.
the applicant's education.
Three classes of students are gen-
erally exempt from the auto ban.
These include students over 26 years
of age, part time students receiving
credit for six hours or less per semes-
ter, and those with a faculty rating
of instructor or higher. The Univer-
sity emphasizes that even such ex-
emptions are not automatic, but are
granted only upon individual request.
Penalties for infraction of the auto
ban, while at the discretion of the
University, usually mean loss of aca-
demic credit for the first offense and
suspension from the University for
the second. These penalties are di-
rected not only at student drivers but
also at student passengers, unless
Football Title
Hopes Soar As
Season Nears
Loss Of Mehaffey Dims
Prospect For Veteran in
To Fill Fullback Post in
Harmon, Kromer t
To Be Back Again.U
With alumni confidence in Michi- y
an's football team soaring near the o
senith it reached in 1933, and every- s
one except the Wolverine coaches d
talking of the Big Ten championship
coming back to Ann Arbor this fall, b
t might be well to diagnose the symp- t
oms and see what basis there is for b
all the optimism.
It takes but a casual glance to see s
that the spotlight next fall will be N
focused mainly on the backfield ma-m
terial. In each position reserves arew
three deep and if the line opens any-a
thing that has the semblence of a
hole, Coach Crisler has four or five s
backs capable of going through it I
with 10-second speed. $
The number-one fast man on the 1
squad is Paul Kromer, a Kiski prep i
school product, who can streak down
the field and change his direction as
quickly as a butterfly. He was one
of Michigan's "Touchdown-Twins"
last season, and the other was Tom
Harmon, a native of Gary, Ind., who
combines speed with power and who
last season showed promise of de-
veloping into Ralph Heikkinen's suc-
cessor as the 1939 All-American from
the University of Michigan.
Behind these two standouts will be
seniors Fred Trosko of Flint who can
kick, pass and run with the best of
them. Dave Strong, also a triple
threat back, and Hercules Renda, the
Mighty-Mite from Jochin, W. Va.
Juniors -are -Billtuther, considered
one of the most. accurate passers on
the squad, and Walter Kitti, an ex-t
(Contnued'pn Page 13)e
k -
Many Awardsa
Are Available
For Students
Engineering And Literaryt
Scholarships Are Amongu
Those Offered Annuallys
Scholarships, fellowships and loant
funds of many types and amountsc
are made available to students
through the University.t
Scholarships are generally award-t
ed to students who show superiori
scholarship abilities, and usually to
those students who need financial
assistance to continue their studiess
General Scholarshipsf
Six memorial funds established fort
the assistance of students in all col-1
leges of the University include thef
Horace H. Rackham Fund for Un-
dergraduate Students which is award-
ed preferably to Michigan students
with high qualifications, the Steph-
en Spaulding Scholarship for mem
bers of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, the
Samuel J. Platt fund for aspiring
lawyers, the John Blake Scholarship
for students from Grand Rapids
Junior College, Charles Francis Adamss
Scholarships for Detroit Central
High School students and the Seth
Harrison Fund intended for descend-
ants of Seth Harrison.
Alumni Scholarships established by
alumni clubs for students from their
respective areas include those from
Michigan and Memphis.
Funds for war veterans and their
descendants include the United States
Army, the D.A.R. and the LaVerne
Noyes scholarships. Three Scholar-
ships, the Paul F. Bagley and Gom-
bert in chemistry and one for Ameri-
can Indians, complete the list of gen-
eral funds.
Literary College Awards
Simon Mandlebaum scholarships
are annually awarded to six men stu-
dents in the literary and engineering
colleges. Memorial Funds include the
Fanny Marsh, John Marsh and Agnes
Weaver scholarships.
Additional funds are provided for
students in sociology, biology, library
science and classical languages.
Expenses Vary
In Proportion
To Earnings
Living scales and yearly budgets -
i Ann Arbor vary up and downha
sliding scale" in proportion to theJ
ncome of the individual. Some stu-
ents manage to "work their way"
hrough entirely; others get along
iceely on allowances of $100 a month.r
However, the average budget for
iniversity students has been estimat-
d at about $530 per year for Michi-
an residents and- about $570 per
ear for non-residents. Such an econ-
mical budget, of course, neglects
uch items as clothes and other ad-
litional expenses.
For students interested in "rock
ottom figures," University authori-
ies have computed a bare minimum
udget of $347 for Michigan residents
nd $387 for non-residents. Most
tudents, however, will find their ex-
)enditures running closer to the $500
nark, unless they are prepared to do
Nithout the luxury of dates, movies
nd recreation.
The "average" budget of $530 runs
omething as follows: One dollar
er day for a balanced diet, or about
250 per year; $4 per week for room
r about $150 per year; $110 for tu-
tion and about $20 for books.
Many students spend as low as $2
(Continued on Page 8)
Students Aided
By Government
JNLYA Allottment
Acceptance Of Applicants
For Employment Rests
With Faculty Committee
f Funds appropriated for part-time
student employment under the Na-
tional Youth Administration for the
coming year will be somewhat larger
than for last year, according to Mr.
Harold S. Anderson of the building
and grounds department.
Financial aid will be extended this
year to 10 per cent of the regulart
full-time student enrollment as of
Oct. 1, 1938. Application forms may
be received from the Dean of Stu-
dents' Office after Aug. 15.
The allottment of funds, according
to the departmental bulletin, will be
used to pay students for doing so-
cially desireable work, including the
sort customarily done'in the institu-
tion by students who are working
their way through college, such as
clerical, library and research work. -
Students may also be assigned to
the extension and adult education
divisionseand otheractivities that
increase the usefulness of the col-
lege to the community.
In order to be eligible for NYA aid,
students must be between the ages of
16 and 25, American citizens and
full-time students, carrying at least
three-fourths of a normal semester's
hour requirements. The applicant's
financial condition, as attested in the
signed application blank, should be
such that attendance at college un-
der proper living conditions would be
impossible without financial assis-
tance. Active membership in a fra-
ternity or sorority will be considered
evidence that the student is not in
need of employment relief.
Applications for employment un-
der the NYA will be received at the
office of Dean of Students Joseph A.
Men's And Women's
Programs Dreeted
By Uppeirclas8smen
Tours Of Campus, Aid In Preparing Scholastic Work
And Mixers Are Planned For Freshmen;
Sponsored By Union And League
Featuring the second year that both men's and women's Orienta-
tion programs have been directed by upperclassmen, the annual
Orientation Week for freshmen and transfer students will open here
Tuesday, Sept. 19.
Designed to ease the incoming student through the adjustment
to a new and bewildering environment, programs that include mixers,
tours of the campus and aid in arranging scholastic work have been
drawn up. All Freshmen must attend the four-day period in which
the campus is given over to the yearling class alone, and certain
transfer students are required to take part.
The program for men is in charge of the Men's Union, with
Marshall Brown and Douglas' Gould in charge. The women will be
guided by the staff of the League, with Patricia Matthews as chair-
man of the program.
Enters Eleventh Year
-d The purpose of Orientation
SRA Offers
Big Religious
Program Here
Round table discussions, lectures,
teas and opportunities for guidance
are among the activities offered by
the Student Religious Association lo-
cated in La1e Hall on State Street.
The Association includes all re-
ligious groups, the Protestant, Catho-
lic, Jewish and the Orierttal traditions.
It works in cooperation with Dr. Ed-
ward Blakeman, counselor in relig-
ious education, and Prof. Raleigh Nel-
son, counselor to foreign students.
The first activity of the year is the
annual Freshman Rendezvous Camp
held at Patterson Lake. One hundred
of the incoming freshmen are selected
to spend several days at this camp
on the weekend preceding orientation
Freshmen Round Tables are held
from 7:15 p.m. to 8:15- p.m. every
Saturday. Opportunity is afforded to
become acquainted with members of
the class, upperclassmen and mem-
bers of the faculty.
"Why College?" will be the subject
(Continued on Page 10)
Week is to primarily acquaint the
incoming students with the cam-
pus and University life. Aid in
obtaining rooms, in getting in-
formation on phases of campus
life, in planning the study
courses for the first semester Is
given. .Tours of -the campus and
mixers are planned, as well as
informal sports competition for
the men.
Transfer students will undergo-the
ame type of program, in general, as
he freshmen, except that they will
e divided into their own groups and
ill have their own mixers, the men's
n Wednesday, Sept. 20, in the
Jnion. All transfer men with less
han 30 hours advanced credit are
equired to attend the Orientation
Veek, -while -those- above that figure
nay do so on their own decision.
First "must" on the list for the
lazed freshman man is to report
ometime Tuesday to his assigned
>lace in the Union where an upper
lass "adviser" will greet him, out-
me a schedule of activities for the
week and answer any questions which
nay arise.
Freshmen will - be divided into
roups of 25. Each group will be
nder the guidance of two student
dvisers, specially selected from the
ranks of sophomorss and ,juniors. A
aculty advisor will be assigned to
ach group ' to aid in mapping out
programs of study and dispense schol-
stic advice throughout the kear.
With introductions and schedules
out of the way, the real process of
orientation begins. First barrier to
hurdle is the comprehensive physical
examination required of all entering
students. Each freshman will be
issigned a time to report for the ex-
amination at theWaterman Gym.
Then come the aptitude tests,
standard requirements for all enter-
ing freshmen. Each will be assigned
a time and place by his advisor for
(Continued on Page 11)
Student Loans
Are Increased
More Than 1,400 Receive
Grants Of_$160,000
Student loans took a decided jump
this year with 232 more students re-
ceiving $28,350.48 more in loans than
in 1937-38, Boyd C. Stevens, Univer-
sity -cashier, announced recently.
'The total number of individuals re-
ceiving grants, repayable at the end
of a specified number , of years,
reached a peak of 1410, while the
total sum loaned amounted to $163,-
University officials attribute the
increased number of students apply-
ing for aid to the recession of late
1937 which cut down the usual num-
ber of summer jobs last year, thus
depriving many students of expected
Many students were granted two or
three loans to tide them through the
year. This is manifest in the fact
that 2401 loans were granted; almost
two for every student benefited. At
the present time, there are 3,339 such
r n
Auditions For Band Membership
To Take Place Orientation Week
Composed of three units, the Uni-
versity bands include the University
Marching Band, the University First
Regimental Band and the University
Concert Band, with an expected
combined membership for the com-
ing year of over 200 players.
The University bands are conduct-
ed by Prof. William D. Revelli of the
School of Music. Membership in any
of the bands is determined by private
audition with Professor Revelli and
his assistants. Auditions will take
place during orientation week from
9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5
First Regimental Bands and has a
membership of 128. It is most active
in the fall during the football season
and plays for all the home games, of
which there are five. The Marching
Band accompanies the football team
on at least one out-of-town trip,'
which will be taken to either Chicago
or Illinois this year, with perhaps a
second trip to Penn. Last year
the band played at Yale.
One of the most interesting fea-
tures of the work in the Marching
Band is that of the formations com-
mittee. Any bandsman who is in-