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August 08, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-08

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Thr The
We're just taking it for granted that Part of every college girl's war
you've lost interest in summer clothes, robe is the practical reversible. rah
except for sales, and are willing to coat. This fall more than ever th
are being shown in bewildering yr
hear about new fall arrivals. riety. If your budget can stret
* * * around it, the camel's hair reversib
are probably the most practical sin
Everything under the sun is being they greatly resemble a polo coat a.
done to make waists look waspish this
fall. Darts are' used profusely. Old- are warmer than a
fashioned panniers are being intro- h tw e . ar e a
duced in addition to the already fa- . ent, some with plaidr
mous bustle and peplum. Be sure to sheepskin lnn
invest in one good basic dress wheth- even zipskm l
er you're a coed or a grad, because it fronts, so outstanding
will form the axis for your whole tailosdsresstsare
wardobetailored :dresses, are cor
wardrobefiscated for fastening r
* k* *{* rn -.1ac +r. n Thy.. ..



The new clothes are safer and san-
er than this spring's fan-
tasies. They're on a whole
practical, simple and easy
\ to wear-a welcome relief
after the coy little-girl
clothes so trying to most
figures and types. Skirts
remain full, but with a
neater fullness.


versibles oo. ihats some-
that will make your coats
stand out from the crowd,
and not like a sore thumb.
Brown for footwear

Record Concert
Of Brazil Music
Will Be Offered
Recordings Sent To Fairs;
Feature Conpositionis
Of Modern Writers '
A record concert of Brazilian music
will be held at 4:30 p.m. today in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
The records to be played are non-(
commercial recordings made especial-
ly for the Brazilian Pavilions at the
New York World's Fair and the Gol-
den Gate International Exposition.
All the composers represented are
now living, with the exception of
Carlos Gomes. The records are
played by the orchestra of the Sindi-
cato Musical do Rio de Janeiro, under
the direction of Francisco Mignone.
The concert is open to the public.
The program is as follows:
I. Prelude to the opera, "Maria
Tudor" .... . .... Carlos Gomes
II. A. Lenda sertaneja, No. 7. ...
.Francisco Mignone
B. Three Afro-Brazilian Dances
1. Cucumbyzilnho
2. Caterete
3. Congada
II. Legenda No. 2, Op. 22, for Pi-
ano ............ Jayme Ovalle
Maria Antonietta
IV. Batuque.O. Lorenzo Fernandez
V. Fantasia Brasileira, No. 3 for
Piano and Orchestra ........
............Francisco Mignone
Tomas Teran at the piano.
VI. Bachianas Brasileiras, No. 2
.....H. Villa-Lobos
Prelude: O Canto do Capadocio
Aria: O Canto da nossa terra
Dansa: Lembrance de sertao
Toccata: 0 trenzinho do Cai-
Speech Symposia
Take New Trends

Irene Castle Demonstrates New Step

Waistlines are like ther-
mometers or prize-fights
- - they're up they're
down! Pick the most flattering waist-
line for your individual figure and
stop worrying. The only real requi-
site is to keep a slim middle, no mat-
ter what.
Coats in general fall into two classi-
fications-sports and dressy. On the
campus, of course, the sports coat is
of greater concern. It's sometimes
called a "great" coat and has a gen-
erous swing introduced by ample full-
ness. Then there arq the military
reefers with squared shoulders and
wide revers which rival tweed classics
for popularity. The favorite polo coat
is still gate crashing-it's one de-4
pendable that never goes out of style.4

promises to rival black this fall, espe-
cially for wear with that smart shade,
bronze green. It's a new, warmer
brown that is shown most. The op-
enings at the toe are small for au-
tumn, and simplicity of cut is being
stressed, which means that pumps
have come into their own again. The
j box toe which sprouted out this spring
l has gained favor for fall and proves
both flattering and comfortable.
As a last sa-
lute to summer,
don't forget
about tennis in
the next few
weeks. It is a
grand all around
game and will
provide relaxa-
_______tion from hectic
Rcramming and
writing of telm papers. Invest in a
super smart tennis dress to be picked
up for a song at August sales, tie a
kerchief over your curls and win your

The marriage of Miss Rita Mary
Wellman of Washtenaw Terrace to
Glen William Phelps of Orilla, Ont.,
took place Saturday afternoon in the
Ethel Fountain Hussey lounge of the
Michigan League.
Mrs. Phelps received her bachelor
of arts degree in 1937 and her master
of science degree in 1938. She is af-
filiated with Alpha Delta Pi sorority
and was chapter president. She be-
longs also to Pi Lambda Theta, hon-
orary education society.
Mr. Phelps is an engineer with
Tudhope Anderson Co., at Orilla. He
was a member of the freshman foot-
ball squad and of the sports staff of
the Michigan Daily. He received his
bachelor of science degree in me-
chanical engineering from the Uni-
versity last year.
The wedding of Violet Dorothy
Hollands, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Egbert Spencer Hollands of Henry
St. and Albert Carl Haisch of South
Milwaukee, Wis., formerly of Ann
Arbor, son of Mrs. John G. Haisch of
S. First St. and the late Mr. Haisch,
took place at the First Methodist
church Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Haisch is a graduate of the
University college of engineering and
is a member of Tau Beta Pi, honor
society in engineering. He is em-
ployed in South Milwaukee by the
Bucyrus Erie Co.
The marriage of Alice Arlene
Lange, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Lange
of Fowlerville and the late Mr. Lange,
and Paul L. Proud, jr., of Lorraine
Pl., was performed by Rev. Marcus
Mueller Sunday afternoon in the
Grace Luthieran church at Howell.
Mr. Proud holds a bachelor of sci-
ence degree ,in engineering and a
bachelor of laws degree from the
University. He is a member of Lamb-
da Chi Alpha fraternity and Delt@
Theta Phi law fraternity.
Duplicate Bridge Classes
To Be Conducted Tonight
Because of their great popularity,
duplicate bridge classes will be con-
ducted again this week.
The class will be held at 7:30 p.m.
today in the League under the direc-
tion of Conway Magee, research as-
sistant in physiology. This is the
seventh week that the class has been
given during the Summer Session.

(Continued from Page 2)
'he field of Dramatics will be held
Thursday at 4 o'clock, Aug. 10, in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All
undergraduate students coptemplat-
ing advanced work in this field and
all graduate students who are empha-
sizing this field in their graduate
study should attend this conference.
School of Music Concerts. During
the remainder of the Summer Ses-
sion, concerts will be given under the
auspices of the School of Music as
follows. All concerts will begin on
time and the general public is invited
without admission charge, but is re-
spectfully requested to refrain from
bringing snjall children.
Thursday, Aug. 10, 4:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium. Recital
of compositions by H. Grant Fletcher.
Thursday, Aug. 10, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium. Celia
Chao, pianist.
Friday, Aug. 11, 8:15 o'clock, School
of Music Auditorium, Bertha Hol-
man, soprano.
Monday, Aug. 14, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ella
Mae Burton, pianist.
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ruth
Skinner, pianist.
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:15 o'clock,
Hill Auditorium, Fonda Hollinger, or-
Deutscher Verein: The final ban-
quet will take place on Thursday,
Aug. 10, at the Deutsches Haus, 1915
Hill Street at 6:30 p.m. Admission $1
to all non-members. There will be a
program of songs and other enter-
tainment. Open to all students of
German and any one interested. Make
reservations at the German Office,
204 University Hall, 'telephone Ext.
788. Otto G. Graf.
French Banquet. The annual French
banquet will take place Thursday,
August 10, at 7 in Room 316 of the
Union. There will be dancing after
the banquet. There is no charge for
members of the Cercle Francais. Oth-
ers may come by paying $1.25. Every-
(Continued on Page 4)
and Portable mod-
els, bought, sold
rented, exchanged,
cleaned, and re-
Used typewriters of all makes
bought, sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned, repaired.
314 South State Street
Since 1908 Phone 6615,'

"Kicking the Bucket" is one of three phases of a new dance, "Castle
Rock and Roll," introduced at New York's Waldorf by Irene Castle and
Alex Fisher (above). They say the new steps, along with an England-
originated dance, "Boomps-a-Daisy," in which a man backs up and
bumps his partner's bustle, may supplant jitterbugging.

Northern Lake
Whittemore Class Studies
Various Plant Types
Members of Prof. Harlow 0.
Whittemore's class in landscape de-
sign returned from a trip to northern
Michigan Sunday evening.
The group left the University Sat-
urday noon by private car and re-
turned Sunday evening, visiting on
the way several parks such as We-
nona Park at Bay City and Huron
National Park.' Following the Huron
shore drive from Au Gres to Harris-
ville they studied the natural vege-
tation along the roadside, arriving at
Hubbard \ Lake by night-fall where
they spent the night.
Sunday the group visited the
swamp area at the southern end of
Hubbard Lake. There are 20,000
acres of such land, which is said to
be one of the wildest areas of the
-lower peninsula,
The group was able to study the
different types of scenery; the low
land type where hard woods, such as

First Presentation
Of Student's Piece
Is At Ball Friday
A much-discussed musical compo-
sition by Richard Bennett, a Univer-
sity student, will be heard for the
first time publicly at the Surrealist
Ball, which will be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Friday, it was announced yes-
The composition, "Navajo Song of
the Rain-Chant," will be played by
Frederick Wiest of the University
Symphony orchestra with Edward
Cochran singing the vocal.
The work, which is scored for two
kettle-drums and a baritone voice,
avoids any tangible climax by being
constructed upon a single motif.
Words are taken from Natalie Cur-
tis' translation of early American In-
dian chants.
Admission to the Surrealist Ball,
which will be held in the Michigan
Wolverine, is $1 per couple.
hemlock and birch trees grow, and
the plateau section of the red and
white pine hills and the Jack Pine

The weekly speech department sym-
posia will take new trends this week,
with panel discussions on argumen-
tation and dramatics.
At 4 p.m. tomorrow in 1025 Angell
Hall, Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the
speech department, assisted by Prof.
Kenneth Hance of Albion College,
will lead a discussion of "The Theory
of Argumentation and its Relation
to Modern Debating."
At 4 p.m. Thursday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre there will be
a panel on the field of practical dra-
matics under the leadership of Prof.
Valentine B. Windt, Prof. William
P. Halstead and Prof. Frederic 0.

Speech Class Plans
Trip To See Clinic
Leaving at 6 a.m. Friday for North-
port, the members of Dr. Harlan H.
Bloomer's class on clinical methods
in speech correction will visit the
National Speech Improvement Camp.
The group will return Sunday eve-
The camp, which is in operation
from June 26 to Aug. 26, is open to
boys throughout the United States
who have speech defects. Each year,
30 boys, with ages from 8 to 21, are
selected on the basis of what the camp
can do for them in this concentrated
period of nine weeks.
The camp is under the direction of
John N. Clancy, staff member of the
University Speech Clinic.
This trip will enable the members
of the class to observe clinical meth-
ods in speech correction under con-
trolled supervision and will give them
the opportunity'of seeing the mani-
fold aspects of the problems in the
speech correction field, Dr. Bloomer

Fans Pick Layden
To Coach All-Stars
In Charity Game
CHICAGO, Aug. 7. -A)- Elmer
Layden of Notre Dame is the
"people's choice" to lead the college
All-Stars against the New York
Giants, professional football cham-
pions, in the annual August charity
The final tabulation of votes in the
coast-to-coast contest to pick a staff
of coaches gave the head coach's
job to Layden with a total of 5,127,-
888 points. The voting closed last
Saturday midnight.
His four assistants, the coaches who
polled the largest total for their re-
spective sections, will be:
Big Ten-Harry Stuhldreher, Wis-
consin, 2,918,150.
East-Carl Snavely, Cornell, 1,160,-
South-Bob Neyland, Tennessee,
Far West-Edward (Slip) Madi-
gan, St. Mary's, 894,275.

Nickels Arcade


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In The Special Freshman Issue

Saturday, August 12

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