cloudy, showers today
and tomorrow.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
The 76th
VOL XLIX. No. 37
Tension Eases.
Over Danzig*
AngloJap Rift
Rises In East
Senate Agrees
iate Disputes
'Highly Qualified To Move Upward'
*} ...'.t
- *
Vande-nberg Describes Dewey
As sQualfied To Move Upward'
Over Polish
British Hint Ichang
(By The Associated Press)
Tension in Europe eased yesterday
as the Nazi-controlled Danzig Sen~-
ate agreed to open negotiations on
the critical dispute over Polish cus-
toms administration of the Fee City.
Meanwhile, a new crisis impended
in the East, however, as British of-
ficialdom continued to take an in-
creasingly grave view of two Japanese
air raids on British property near
Ichang. This was thought to have
been the result of more detailed re-
ports received from the British gun-
boat Gannet which passed unscathed
through the Sunday attack.
Poland Thought Willing
Poland was considered ready to en-
ter The negotiations, provided her
treaty rights to, control customs were
not violated.
Political informants said they saw
Berlin's guiding hand in the senate
action while Poles interpreted it as a
victory for the firm attitude attribut-
ed to Warsaw in the Polish-Danzig
"margarine and herring war."
The dispute revolves around the
allegation of Danzig Germans that
Poland increased the number of cus-
toms supervisors unnecessarily in
Danzig. The Polish action in ban-
ning export of margarine and cur-
tailment of herring shipments to Po-
land, a big user of these two impor-
tant Danzig products also figured
largely in the Polish-Danzig differ-
ences. The German charged some
of the supervisors were engaged in
Gunboat Nearly Hit
In Shanghais Commander A. F. St.
Gl. Orpen ofe: annet ,sent word
that the gunboatG herselfnarrowly
escaped destruction from a bomb
which he asserted seemed to be aimed
at the British vessel and landed only
100 yards away.
Two British Yangtze river steam-
ers were destroyed in the raids which
killed four Chinese and injured a
Canadian,.H. J. Denyer, and four Chi-
nese near Ichang, more than 1,000
miles up the Yangtze from Shanghai.
"We have no information," said a
Japanese army spokesman. "If it
happened, it is a regrettable mis-
All of the damaged property was'
said by the British to have been
marked plainly with British ensigns.
Britons charged the attack on
British property, which also damaged
the Asiatic Petroleum Company's
works, was premeditated.
Spanish Arrest
25 Comnmunists
62 Others Meet Death
Death ByFiring Squad
MADRID, Aug. 7.-(P)-Continuing
an intensive drive that has resulted
in 62 executions in the last three
days, police tonight arrested 25 per-
sons whom they identified as Com-
The 62 persons disposed of by fir-
ing squads had been charged with a
triple killing, and similarly, the latest
arrests were accused of "numerous
assassinations." Seven of their num-
ber were described as members of the
"Red committee of the republican
war ministry that directed the de-
fense 6f Madrid's long civil war siege.
Madrid. newspapers called atten-
tion to the' swift executions as a
warning that all conspiracies against
the .Nationalist government would be
"inexorably crushed."
WPA Will Lay Off
25,000 InMichigan
LANSING, Aug. 7.-(P)-Abner E.
Larned, state administrator of the
Works Progress Administration, said
Potential Rivals Next Year
Have Discussed 'National
Problem,' Senator Says1
GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 7.-(I)-
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg today de-
scribed Thomas E. Dewey, a potential
rival for the Republican presidential
omination in 1940, as "highly quali-
fied to move upward and onward in
the public service."J
The senior Michigan Senator, re-
turning to his home town after the
adjournment of Congress, said he
and Dewey had talked together "re-
garding the national problem," and
added that he believed "we both havef
the common controlling aspiration,
namely that the Republican party
.... should do whatever is best and
wisest to meet the ultimate necessi-
ties which will confront the Republi-
can national convention."
Vandenberg skillfully evaded ques-
tions on the likelihood of his candi-
dacy for President on the Republican
ticket in 1940.
Reiterating his assertion of several
months ago that he would be a can-
didate; for senatorial npminatione
again in 1940, the senior Michigan
Senator described the presidential
nomination as "too vitally important"
to be sought by "self starters."
"Personally I shall engage in no
pre-convention campaign whatever,"
he said. "I intend to keep detached
from all such activity."
On matters of state the Senator
He favored "after a breathing
Second Lecture'
On Renaissance
Will BeToday
Dr. Paul Kristeller Speaks
On Historical Worth Of
Ficino Theory On Plato'
Giving the second of two lectures
on the Platonic theory in the Ren-
aissance, Dr. Paul 7skar KristellerI
of Yale University will speak at 4
p.m. today in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham School on "Ficino's
Theory of Platonic Love and Its His-
torical Importance."
Dr. Kristeller told yesterday of
Ficino and the Renaissance of Pla-
tonism in the Florentine Academy.
His lectures are sponsored by the
Graduatae Conference on Renais-
sance Studies.
Marsilio Ficino was among the first
of the Italian scholars to resurrect
Platonism from the classics and offer
the Platonic theories to Italian stu-
dents in their own language. He was
the head of the Florentine Academy,
the result of a grant from his patron,
Cosimo de Medici, and there he held
discussions with- his disciples, who,
after his death, helped to perpetuate
his ideas.
Dr. Kristeller was visiting lecturer
of philosophy at Yale and next year
will be at Columbia. He was educated
in Germany and is an authority on
the Italian Renaissance.
LatinAmerican Tea
Will Be Held Today
Students and faculty members with
a speaking knowledge of Spanish or
Portuguese are invited to attend the
regular weekly Latin-American lan-
spell" a special session of Congress
because "I think a special session
would keep the country in safer
He did not expect the United States
to be drawn into a European war.
That whether the coalition of Re-
publicans and anti-New Deal Demo-
crats in the last Congress would be
carried over into the 1940 campaign
was "uncertain."
Dickinson Prefers Senator
LANSING, Aug. 7.-(iP)-Governor
Dickinson today expressed a prefer-
ence for U. S. Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg as President of the Unit-
ed States as compared to District At-
torney Thomas Dewey of New York,
another Michigan product.
Although Dickinson recalled hav-
ing met Dewey at his father's Owosso
newspaper office when the vice cru-,
sader was "12 or 13 years old," he
said he believed Vandenberg "repre-
sents the country at large by his
course in the Senate."
Union ,-onsents.
To Packard PollI
Agrees To Vote Demanded
By Rival,_CIO-UAW
DETROIT, Aug. 7.-(IP)-The AFL-
United Auto Workers today formally
consented to a National Labor Board
employe poll in the Packhard Motor
Car Co., petitioned by the rival CIO-
United Auto Workers, and petitioned
for a similar poll among employes of
General Motors Corp. plants through-
out the country.
The move came as a surprise to the
industry inasmuch as the UAW-AFL
had earlier indicated opposition to
such polls, contending that the dis-
pute between the two unions should
be settled by Circuit Court litigation,
new pending.
Irvan Cary, vice-president of the
UAW-AFL, said the Union had also
adopted a policy favoring NLRB-or-
dered polls in the plants of Briggs
Manufacturing Co., Chrysler Corp.,
and the Motor Products Co.
Watson Stars
As US. Wins
English Meet
Shatters B itish Shot Put
Record In Taking One
Of Two First Places
Schwartzkopf Left
In Thee-Mile Run
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, England, Aug. 7.- Bill
Watson, brilliant University of Michi-
gan Negro, took care of the legend
that the sun never sets on Great Bri-
tain today with glittering victories in
the broad jump and shot put which
sank Britain's Lopes of victory in the
International track and field cham-
pionships and gave the United States
Before 60,000 cheering spectators,
the giant Michigan athlete tossed
the shot 52 feet 8 inches to top the
British record by three inches. Then,
just as if it were an everyday event,
he slouched over to the jumping pit
and leaped 24 feet, 6 inches for an-
cthertriumph. Not content, he
placed third in the discus to send his
individual scoring total to 13 points.
The final score was: United States,
54; Great Britain, 41; Germany, 25;
Italy, 16, and Sweden, 15. Watson's
victories provided the U.S. with its
margin of victory.
The other University of Michigan
athlete on the touring American
team, Capt.-elect Ralph Schwartz-
kopf, ran into hard luck and finished
last in the three-mile, 220 yards be-
hind Finland's great Taisto Maki.
Another factor in the American's
sweep was George Varoff's pole vault
of 13 feet, six inches. Blaine Ride-
out, another U.S. entry, finished a
disappointing fourth in the mile be-
hind Denis Pell of Great Britain,
Janusz Staniszewski of Poland and
B. F. McCabe of Great Britain.
- The lone jaring note of the whole
,afternoon was a loud razz handed
Blaine Rideout when he swung wide
to pass two other runners at the start
of the last lap of the mile. It was
evident that' he had been forced to
go wide, but remembrances of his
part in the downfall of Sydney Wood-
erson at Princeton last spring
brought him the bird.
OtherCBritish records were broken
by Roy Cochran of Indiana, who took
the 400-meter hurdles in 52.7, only
one-tenth of a second off the In-
ternational mark. Maki took the
three miles in 13:59.4 and left no
doubt as to his importance next year
in the Olympics at Helsinksi.
Luxemburg Princes
To Visit United States
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(P)-The
State Department announced today
another royal visit to the United
Prince Consort Felix of Luxem-
burg and Crown Prince John will
come to this country the latter part
of this month. They will be guests
of President and Mrs. Roosevelt at
the White House or Hyde Park.
Perrine Show
Equipment Fills
Rachham Stage
Using a stage full of equipment,
Dr. J. O. Perrine, assistant vice-
president of the American Telegraph
and Telephone Company, New York,
will explain and show how the human
voice and music are converted into
electrical energy which can be sent
all over the world through wires and
over the air in a lecture-demonstra-
tion at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham School Lecture Hall entitled
"Cargoes of Speech and Music."
Dr. Perrine's lecture is sponsored
by the Men's Education Club of the
School of Education. Admission is
free of charge but by ticket only, and
the public is invited. Tickets may
be secured at the Summer Session
Office, Room 1213 Angell Hall; at the
office of Dean J. B. Edmonson of
(Continued on Page 4)
Regulation Vs. Federal Ownership
Of Railroads Is Argued In Deba te
Leads U.S. Stars
High School Debate Topic
For Next Year Probed
In Demonstration Here
"Fair regulation" was pitted against
government ownership as a solution
to the nation's railroad problem in
the annual Demonstration Debate
sponsored by the speech department
in the Rackham Lecture Hall last
The contest gave high school de-
bate coaches attending Summer Ses-
sion their first taste of the state and
national high school debate topic for
the coming year: "Resolved: That the
Federal Government Should Own and
Operate the Railroads."
Government ownership was urged
as "vital to the preservation of the
Nation's railroad service" by an af-
firmative team composed of Valentine
J. Williams, Alfred K. Jones and
Robert G. Turner, all members of
Prof. Carl G. Brandt's class in Argu-
mentation and Debate.
But the railroad problem is not in-
herent in private ownership and
therefore cannot be solved merely by
"taking over" the railroads," coun-
tered the negative team made up of
Edson Attleson, Charles Walters, and
Westley Rowland, members of Prof.
G. E. Densmore's Teaching of Speech
Declaring that "one-third of the
Nation's railroads are already in
bankruptcy and another third unable
to meet fixed costs," the affirmative
based their prima facie upon three
evils which they claimed are inherent
in private enterprise of railroads:
(1) wasteful duplication, (2) an in-
flexible financial program character-
ized by inadequate reserves and over-
capitalization; and (3) inability to
meet financial and military crises.
As a "workable plan" to "place the
railroads on a public service rather
than a profit basis," they advocated
transfer of railroad management to
a public corporation financed by gov-
ernment bonds. Deficiencies in op-
erating costs would be offset by direct
The negative, minimizing the need
for change by citing statistics indicat-
ing that railroads are furnishing the
best service in years, and are, already
on the road to recovery, blamed the
depression and competition from
motor carriers as the chief causes of
railroad ills. Government ownership
is powerless to remove these causes,
they claimed.
Warning of the dangers of govern-
ment ownership: inefficiency, central
ization of power, inflated credit, new
taxes and the destruction of the bank-
ing system, they argued that the rail-
road problem could best be attacked
by a method of regulation which
would place all competing carrier sys-
tems on an equal plane of competi-
Faculty Concert
Today Features
Voice Program
Hardin Van Deuren Sings;
Professors Brinkman,
Christian To Take Part
Featuring a program by Hardin Van
Deursen, baritone, of the staff of
the School of Music, the fifth faculty
concert will be given at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
John Kollen and Prof. Joseph
Brinkman, pianists, will offer selec-
tions, and Prof. Palmer Christian
will be heard on the organ. Mr. Van
Deursen will be accompanied by Mrs.
Ava Comm Case. All participants
are members of the faculty of the
School of Music.
V a n Deursen is well - known
throughout the middle west as a solo-
ist and was head of the voice depart-
ment atwAlbion College before coming
to the University. Kollen has trained
extensively abroad and has received a
great deal of recognition already for
his concerts in this country.
Professor Christian, a leading fig-
ure in the field of organ, has made
several concert tours of Europe and
the United States, while Professor
Brinkman has won recognition here
and in New York for his concerts. He
has also played under Serge Kousse-
vitsky with the Boston Symphony
The program:
Prelude and Fugue
in F Minor ................. Bach
Etude Symphoniques .... Schumann
Mr. Kollen
Plaisir D'Amour........... Martin
Adelaide ...............Beethoven
In Questa Tomba Obscura, Beethoven
Sweet Nymphe .... Morley-Spwerby
Mr. Van Deurseh
Medieval Poem for Organ
and Piano...............Sowerby
Professors Christian and Brinkman
Schooner Gets Off Shoa
CHARLEVOIX, Mich., Aug. 7.-(A
-The proud three-masted schoone
Oliver H. Perry sailed northward to
Aim Of Court
Measure Said
To Be -Gainedd
By Roosevelt!
Prevailing 'Liberal Ideas'
Pointed To As Evidence
ChangeIn Tribunal
President Leaves
On Vacation Trip
(By The Associated Press)
President Roosevelt pronounced the
objectives of his defeated 137 court
reorganization bill fully attained yes-
terday in a statement made before he
left on a trip that will take him
roughly a 1,000 miles.
He said attacks made recently on
the Supreme Court 'by "ultra-con-
servative members of the bar"indi-
cated how fully the Administration'8
"liberal ideas" had prevailed, even
though his proposal to reorganize the
tribunal had not been the method by
which this was accomplished.
Gives No Names
Mr. Roosevelt named no names, but
newsmen recalled that Frank J. Ho-
gan, president of the American Bar
Association, had declared not long
ago that recent judicial construction
had brought most, if not all, activi-
ties of the Nation "within the gam-
bit of federal control."
"Recent far-reaching decisions (of
the high court) compel the conclu-
sion," Hogan told a Bar Association
meeting in San Francisco recently,
"that the American people must look
to the legislature rather than the
judiciary for the preservation .
of liberties."
In his journey, primarily for a
vacation, the President will go im-
mediately to his Hyde Park home,
where he will consider some 200 bills
which still are unsigned.
To New York City
After a few days of that, he will
board the Navy cruiser Tuscaloosa
at New York City this weekend for a
lazy trip through the cool waters of
the eastern Canadian coast. He told
a recent press coference that he was
looking for rest and relief from hot
weather. During the 10-day jaunt.
he plans no work, no fishing and no
stops ashore, except a brief one at
Campobello Island, N.B.
Before Mr. Roosevelt left Wash-
ington, some of his Congressional
aides expressed the opinion that he
should not call any special session of
Congress unless it becomes necessary
on account of trouble abroad.
Ex-Gov. Leche,
Weiss Named
Formler Huey Long Aides
Are Accused Of Illegal
'Hot Oil' Manipulations
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 7. -
Reaching high among the politica
heirs of the late Huey P. Long, the
Federal government today indicted
former Gov. Richard Leche on a
charge he profited by $67,000 through
illegal "hot oil" operations.
u.Named with Leche and accused of
making an identical sum throug
evasion of oil production regulation
was Seymour Weiss, New Orlean
hotel owner and one-time financia
1 right hand man to the slain "King-
fish." Freeman Burford, wealth:
Dallas, Tex., oil man and the Eas
Texas Refining Company also were
indicated in this transaction.
The strapping Leche, just six weeks
out of the governor's chair, appeared
at the Federal Building soon afte
the indictments and was fingerprint
ed before being released on $5,00
bond. He declined comment on th
case, as did Weiss, who made bond o
i $15,000. They face possible imprison
ment for two years on each of the tw
oil counts.
Y_ _
'Business Leaders'
is TopicOf Redlici
A talk on "The Business Leader
and Economic Development" will 1:
' given at 3 p.m. today in Room 101 C
r the Economics- Building by Dr. Fril
Revival Of Platonic Philosophy
Led By Ficino, Kristeller Says
Marsilio Ficino was convinced that.
he did for the Platonic philosophy theI
same thing that Giotto had done for1
painting and Dante for poetry, Dr.
Paul Oskar Kristeller of Yale Uni-
versity said yesterday in a lecture
sponsored by the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Studies.
"Ficirio himself," Dr. Kristellera
claimed, "strove to give a historical
perspective and meaning to his life
work, connecting it with some large
historical context and combining in
this purpose the historical ideas of
the Renaissance and the Middle
Ages. The renewal of Platonic phil-
osophy," he continued, "is included
on one hand in the general rebirth
of the human arts and institutions;
on the other hand this philosophy is
destined to conduct men to salva-
tion in accordance with the Chris-
tian religion and to serve thus as a
necessary instrument to the eternal
plan of the divine providence."
Ficino, whom Dr. Kristeller termed
the first speculative thinker of the
Italian Renaissance. was the leader
latter city, Dr. Kristeller declared.
About 1454, he stated, Ficino began
to compose his first philosophical
tracts in Latin and Italian, and some
years later learned Greek so as to
study the sources of ancient philo-
sophy. In 1462, according to Dr.
Kristeller, Cosimo d Medici granted
him a villa in Careggi near Flor-
ence and several precious Greek
manuscripts with the task to dedicate
himself to the interpretation and pro-
paganda of Platonic philsophy. It
was there, he affirmed, that Ficino
began the private and informal dis-
cussions that came to be called the
Florentine Academy, and where he
wrote his main philosophical work
in 18 books, the "Theologia Platon-
ica." Ficino died, he said, in 1499
in Careggi.
While there was no difference be-
tween Ficino's doctrine and that of
the Academy, Dr. Kristeller dis-
tinguished, the Academy was the
circle of persons in which and by
which Ficino's doctrine was diffused.
Among his friends, the lecturer point-
e ed out, only one, Pico, was a philoso-
Far East Topic
Of Two Talks
Dr. Linebarger To Speak
At 4 P.M. Tomorrow
Dr. Paul A. M. Linebarger, visiting
member of the Summer Session fac-
ulty in the Institute of Far Eastern1
Studies, will speak at 4 p.m. tomor-
row in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham School on "China: Right, Left
or Center?"
Dr. Linebarger is a member of the
faculty in the political science de-
partment at Duke University. His
lecture is sponsored by the Institute.
Also brought here by the Institute
will be Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese ambas-
sador to the United States, who will
speak Thursday on "Let Us Look A
Little Ahead." His talk will be at 4
p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham School.
Dr. Hu Shih has been ambassador
since September of last year. He
has held positions as professor and
dean in various Chinese universities
and is the author of a number of
books in Chinese and English.
LaGuardia Attacks
Crop Restrictions
NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-(P)-In a
speech suggestive of national politi-
cal ambition, Mayor F. H. LaGuardia
spoke out today against crop produc-