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August 05, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-05

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from the University Biological Station





lEdited and managed by students of the University of
fichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
itudent Publications.
Published every moming except Monday during the
Iniversity year and Sum r Session.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
bt or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ights of republication of all other matters herein also

d at

'ost C1mos at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
uring regular school year by carrier,

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

er, Associated Collegiate,
Editorial Staff
D. Mitchell . . . . .
. Swinton . .
. Norberg . .
.Canavan. ......
a. Kelsey. .
n E. Long . . .
. Sonneborn . . .

Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor

Business Stafff
Philip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager
Paul Park . . . . . Advertising Manager
The editorials published in The Miehigan
Daily are writteni by mnembers of the Daly
staff and represent the views; of the
wr'iters only..
Super-Patriots . .
T YPICAL of the problem facing every
successful rabble-rouser is that now
confronting Prime Minister Eamon de Valera,
who is still tactfully, but unsuccessfully trying
to disband the terroristic Irish Republican Army.
When Ireland first set out to win her in-
dependence, such an organization was indis-
pensible. To effect a strong front against British
might, it was necessary to arouse a corps of
super-patriots, men willing to live or die for
the freedom of Ireland.
When a peaceful settlement was finally reached
and De Valera was established as Prime Minister
of Eire, it was thought that the whole unhappy
mess was ended. However, in the post settle-
ment rejoicing an important fact was apparent-
ly forgotten: it is far easier to arouse peaceful
citizens to acts of patriotic violence than to calm
avid patriotic bomb-throwers with the taste of
blood back to the routine of everyday life.
The problem is no new one, and the failure
of a new government to find a suitable outlet
for the never-say-die patriots who were so vital
in establishing it, has often led to the ruin of
that government.
Post war Germany, too, had to face just such
a situation. The country was filled with dis-
couraged young men who had faced the bloody
carnage for four years. Peaceful pursuits, if
available, no longer suited the temperament of
many. The newy established democracy seemed
theanswer, andsviolent political parties substi-
tuted for the disbanded army.
It was around just such a group of super-
patriots that Herr Hitler organized his skull-
smashing corps of storm troopers. The allies were
gone, but the communists were a welcome sub-
Once in power, Hitler was faced with the same
problem that had been so useful to him, but
he seems to have found at least a temporary
outlet for his more fervent patriots in the per-
secution of the Jews.
This post revolution problem of calming aroused
200 per cent patriots is one that we shall un-
doubtedly hear more about in the near future
from Spain and China. It clearly illustrates
an ill-effect of war and revolution that is not
reckoned for in terms of dead bodies, but rather
in the disrupted moral of the citizenry.
--Karl Kessler

DOUGLAS LAKE, Aug. i.-Mackinac Island
swarmed with Bug-Campers on Sunday, July 30,
as most of the Station departed for the annual
trip to that romantic spot. The Beaumont-St.
Martin exhibits attracted medic Zarafonetis, but
from the way he was limping Monday, he found
time, to go riding with Gail Patton and "Butch"
Benedict. Reed Varner and Dabs Carnochan were
ambitious enough to hike all the way around the
island, only to be passed on the home stretch by
the Lymans on their bicycles!
Such tripping this week . . . Dr. Steere of the
-Botany Department took the research workers in
Bryology up to Munising in the Upper Peninsula,
where extremely rare mosses which are found
nowhere else in North America were collected.
Bryologists Tom Cobbe, Franny Wynne, and Irma
Schnooberger crawled over the Picture Rocks and
collected so fast that they grabbed mosses with
their hands and feet and tied packets with their
teeth! Al Gleason was missed at the party
Saturday night; but Evelyn Bradley showed that
she can call a mean square dance, as Helen Hay,
Frances Hubbs, Dorothy Clum, Charlie Blair,
Ollie Gunder, Louie Kuitert, and Frank Rideout
can testify.
Tuesday Dr. Eggleton of the Zoology Depart-
ment took his Invertebrate class to Ocqueoc Lake
over in Presque Isle County for the day, and
introduced them to the famous "Egglegoo" - - -
an amazing dish which is named after its inven-
tor, and contains everything from mushrooms to
salami; but is very palatable, judging from the
over-stuffed appearance of returning trippers
FredBromund, Harry Wilcox, Ella Heinke, anci
Ruth Ella Neal.
Last Thursday night the camp softball team
held the Cheboygan Merchants to a 7-7 tie by a
desperate last-inning rally started by Davie
Webber and Home-Run King Gene Kenaga. To-
night the Station nine meets a blood-thirsty
Geography Camp team'bound on avenging the
15-7 shellacking, they took from us two weeks
ago. Bob Westfall will pitch for the map-makers,
and either Shelby Gerking or Ed Sturgeon will
take the mound for the biologists.
Friday night the Pteris Gardens Club House
will be the scene of a varied program including
square and round dancing and a lecture by Dr.
O. S. Pettingill entitled "Adventures with Birds,"
which will accompany his magnificent color
movies. The main event of the weekend is, of
course, the twelfth annual Visitors' Day which
will bring approximately fifteen hundred visitors
into camp. Everyone will be busy parking, guid-
ing, and dispensing refreshments to our guests,
not to mention setting up and explaining the
myriad exhibits which consist of everything from.
a replica of a sand-dune to the prima donna of
the show . . a Black Widow Spider and her,
Forced Voting+++
A Doubtful Device
The right to vote has generally been regarded
as a privilege, hard-won for the rank and file of
citizens in most democratic countries.
But there is another aspect of the question-
the duty to vote. There are many citizens who
value the privilege so little that they do not
exercise it. In some recent by-elections in
England only about a third on the register went
to the polling booths.
Sir Frank Sanderson is a Conservative mem-
ber of Parliament who would put an end to
such dilatoriness. He proposes to introduce a
bill into the House of Commons which would
make voting compulsory, those who neglect
the ballot being liable to a fine. The fact that
Conservatives have recently been more backward
than Socialists in recording their votes is neither
here nor there-Sir Frank stands on the funda-
mental duty of every citizen, whatever his
Many Liberals and Socialists would support
his view. It may be objected that those who are
too indifferent to vote do not deserve to have an
influence in elections. But by the same argu-
ment, those who merely get to the polls because
hustled there by the election agents are no
more worthy.
The theory of democratic representation is
that it expresses the will of a majority of the
community, weight being given through the

vote to every opinion. The balance may be
thrown out if large numbers of electors absent
themselves. Every democrat will agree that
the good citizen is shirking a duty if he neglects
to vote.
But it is far better to rouse citizens to a sense
of their obligations-to teach them what the
issues are, and why they ought to vote-than to
drive them to the polls under threats. In politi-
cal crises, when popular feeling is aroused, the
total poll always mounts to a high figure. When
little appears to be at stake, it falls.
But, whatever the issue, the patriotic citizen
cannot let his case go by default. If government
in democratic countries is not better than it is,
that is not only the fault of the leaders-it is
the fault of the whole community, which, if ij
is keen enough and thinks hard enough, can
get any kind of government it wants.
-Christian Science Monitor
The hatless fad, which was at its height in '32
and '33, but which is now definitely on the wane,
was neither new nor collegiate. It dated back
before the American Revolution, to the time
when English dandies, carried their hats in their
hands to avoid mussing their curled and pow-
dered wigs.

(own Qown
An 18-year-old colored youth who works on
the steamer Alabama decided to go swimming in
the harbor at Mackinac Island last week. He
plunged into the water and was having a swell
time. Suddenly his body tightened with cramps
and he felt tremendous pain. He flailed the
water in a futile attempt to stay above the sur-
face, then sank.
On the nearby ship was a one-legged orchestra
leader. Despite the physical handicap of an
artificial limb he didn't hesitate. Clambering
over the rail, he plunged into the water. At first
he failed to reach the youth. Then, after a sur-
face dive, he located the body and brought it
ashore. His desperate attempt failed. The
Negro, Joseph Jackson, a native of Chicago who
only five weeks ago had secured his job on the
ship, was dead,
But what the campus should know is this-
that one-legged orchestra leader who risked
his life in a futile attempt to save Jackson
from drowning was Bill Gail, a sophomore
in the University medical school who con-
ducts a band in the summer to get enough
money to continue his studies. His outfit is
playing this year aboard the Alabama. And,
one hears, his heroic effort may win him
mention for a Carnegie Medal.
* * *
If the national political commentators can do
it so can we, so on the basis of information re-
ceived the other day from a friend who's been
connected with the Democratic Party for years
we'll prophecy that if the New Dealers control
the convention, Roosevelt will run for a third
term with a Mid-Western running mate. Grant-
ing victory; Murphy will be made Secretary of
War with Solicitor-General Jackson stepping in-
to the Attorney-Generalship.
C'mon out on the limb, it's fun.
CHATTER: In town to polish off those in-
completes she received two years ago is Joan
Hanson Lodge, editor of the ill-fated campus
picture magazine, Panorama. Bob remains in
New York where he's employed by an advertis-
ing firm . . . a sociology professor informs us
that he never assigns the "Sex" chapter in the
text . . because everyone always reads it any-
way . . members of Professor Vibbert's philos-
ophy class are puzzling over that assignment of
the third chapter in "Scientific Method in Phil-
osophy"-there are only two chapters . . . this
column made slightly less sense than usual yes-
terday because three lines were omitted.
Comforted Medicos
The American Medical Association and mdi-
vidual Washington physicians may be comforted
by the judicial opinion that the practice of their
profession does not come within the purview of
the Sherman Act, which prohibits restraint of
trade, but the Association's attitude toward
group employment of doctors and voluntary
sickness insurance remains to be clarified in the
public mind.
The District of Columbia Federal Court has
dismissed an anti-trust action brought by the
Department of Justice following the A.M.A.'s
active opposition to a cooperative medical-care
group formed by employees of the Home Owners'
Loan Corporation. Not everyone understands
that the organized doctors took this position be-
cause the group had been organized with official
sanction and encouragement and was generally
looked upon as being an entering wedge for a
nation-wide compulsory sickness insurance
scheme, backed by the Roosevelt Administra-
tion. The theory was that if this association
proved successful, its principles could be applied
nationally by law.
It mightbe helpful if the American Medical
Association, while continuing its honest opposi-
tion to anything smacking of compulsory insur-
ance, would make clearer its nonopposition to
voluntary groups. Freedom of action for such
groups might readily circumvent compulsion and
help to maintain traditional American liberty
of conscience.

-Christian Science Monitor
Curbing The Nazis
There can be no doubt that the Gavagan
anti-Nazi bill, passed by the House, reflects the
public mood. It would bar wearing of uniforms
and bearing of arms by such groups as that of
Fritz Kuhn, against which it specifically is
The spectacles staged by the Hitler-heiling
bundists in certain sections have outraged
American opinion and there appears no good
reason why militaristic bands should be permitted
to organize over the country in obvious imitation
of a foreign dictatorship for which our citizen-
ship has no use.
Congress should pass no restrictive laws which
can be misused to infringe the civil liberties of
citizens or of groups. But it ought to be possible
to frame a statute which would avoid such ex-
cesses and still make possible the protection of
our institutions against semi-militarism on the
Nazi pattern. If the Gavagan bill meets these
specifications, it should be approved by the Sen-
ate and made law.
-St. Louis Star-Times
During the height of the hatless fad a few
years back, an automobile salesman was trying
to sell a car to John Cavanagh, the hatter, at his
home in Connecticut. The salesman was hatless
and was told by the butler that that would never
do; so the butler (good guy) dashed into the
house and brought out one of Mr. Cavanagh's
own hats for the salesman to wear while making
the call. Mr. Cavanagh commented on the
eninrv WL, nvn _n" 0 4 n aoln9., r'..

The Comprehensive Examination
in Education for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate candidates will be given this
morning at 9 o'clock in 2431 U.E.S.
The Rackham Record Concert for
Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Men's
Lounge will feature piano solos by
Lilli Krause, outstanding German pi-
anist, whose records are hailed in
this country as representing one of
the most gifted pianists of our day.
The entire program will be as fol-
lows: Overture to The Flying Dutch-
man, Wagner; three piano selections,
Ten Variations on a Theme by Gluck,
Mozart; Rondo in D Major, Mozart;
and Andante con Variaione, Haydn;
Swan Lake Ballet, Tschaikowsky;
Lieutenant Kije Suite, Prokofieff;
Love for Three Oranges Suite, Pro-
kofieff. The records are being pro-
vided by W. H. Sullivan and J. W.
Final Performance of "Judgment
Day. tonight at 8:30, Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. Tickets still avail-
able at the box office, phone 6300.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be recommended by the
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session:
The Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given on Saturday,
Aug. 5, at 9 o'clock in 1430 U.E.S.
Printed information regarding the
examination may be secured at the
School of Education office.
Social Evening tonight at 9 p.m. in
the Michigan Union Ballroom.
New York State Teachers' Exam-
ination. The examination for the New
York State Teachers' license will be
held on Aug. 5 at 9:15 a.m. in Room
108 in Romance Languages Building.
The Textbook Exhibition of the
American Institute of Graphic Arts
is on display in the library, Room
1502, University Elementary School
all this week up to Friday,
August 4. Sixty textbooks for ele-
mentary and high schools, and col-
lege have been chosen to illustrate ex-
cellence in design and workmanship
of typography, illustration, and bind-
ing and their fitness to present ideas
successfully. The books may be ex-
amined from 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
from Monday through Friday and
from 8-12 Saturday morning.
Reading Exminations in French:
Candidates fors the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1938-39, are in-
formed that examinations will be
offered in Room 108, Romance Lan-
guages Building, from 2 to 5, on Sat-
urday, Aug. 12. It willbe necessary
to register at the office of the De-
partment of Romance Languages
(112 R.L.) at least one week in ad-
vance. Lists of books recommended
by the various departments are ob-
tainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will be
found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the department.
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient ,and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics. Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism, Fine Arts, Business Adminis-
Wesley Foundation. Class at 9:30
a.m. at Stalker Hall with Dr. Blake-
man. The discussion will be on the

subject "The Persecution of Christ-
ians." Wesleyan Guild meeting at
6:15 p.m. at the church. Prof. W.
Carl Rufus will speak on "Adrift in
Space." Fellowship hour and re-
freshments following the meeting.
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron
St. 9:30 a.m. Church School.
10:45 Morning Worship.
The speaker will be Rev. Chester
H. Loucks,Baptist University pastor
at the University of Washington,
Seatle, Wash. He will speak on the
theme: "He that hath faith."
10:45 a.m., Professor M. Willard
Lampe, of the School of Religion at
The State University of Iowa, will
be the guest preacher at the Morn-
ing Worship Service. Prof. Lampe's
topic will be "How God Becomes
5:30 p.m., the Summer Session stu-
dent group will meet at the Council
Ring for a cost supper. At the Vesper
Service which follows in the Lewis-
Vance parlors at 6:15, Mr. Alvin
Zander, Consultant of Community
Problems will speak on "The Place
of the Church in a Unified Com-
munity Program."
Christian Reformed and Reformed
Church services will be held Sunday,
Aug. 7, at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
in the Michigan League Chapel. Rev.
Y. P. DeJong of the Grandville Ave.
Christian Reformed Church will con-
duct both services.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Saturday Afternoon
12:00 Enoch Light Soloist Noonday News News Commentator
12:15 " Stamps Organ Turf Reporter
12:30 What Price Bradcast variety Show Everett Hoagland
12:45 words and Music Fan on Street Leo Freudberg
1:00 Bull Session Dance Music Morton Franklin Concert Orchestra
1:30 Follies vera Richardson Indiana Indigo Hayride
1:45 " Tiger Talk Music Please
2:00 Merrymakers Detroit-Boston Glen Miller From London
2:15 ~ xtoI
2:30 Organist " Melodies
3:00 Dancepators " Club Matinee Songs
3:15 , "r
3:30 Sara. Handicap ro be announced
3:45 " "t
4:00 Sum. Serenade Music Camp Paul Martin Jamboree
4:30 Sterling Young Summer Swing Erskin Hawkins
4:45 '" Dance Music a..
5:00 Melody, Rhythm Kindergarten El Chico Van Alexander
5:15 $1OFItTurf Reporter
5:30 Week in Wash. Art of Living Day in Review Gene Irwin
5:45 Vocal Embers Quartet n Baseball Final G r
Saturday Evening
6:00 News Tyson Review Luigi Romanelli Little Revue
6:15 Grace Berman ( Dance Music "1"
6:30 County Seat Frank Gagen Secret Agent Baseball Scores
6:45 Friendly Music
7:00 Orrin Tucker Dick Tracy Town Talk Serenade
7:15 " " The Sandiotters
7:30 Professor Quiz Avalon Time Brent House Hawaii Calla
7:45 toit I I I
8:00 Hit Parade Vox Pop Barn Dance Jamboree
8:30 " Playhouse " Military Band
8:45 Sat. Serenade t" Hollywood whispers
9:00 " Camel Caravan Allen Roth Symphonic Strings
9:15 Reflections Court.
9:30 To be announced Corn on Cob Al Donahue Moonlight MusiA
9:45 Armchair"
10:00 News to Life Sports Parade Tommy Dorsey Enric Madriguera
10:15 " Dance Music Griff wiliams
10:30 Sports State Highway Isham Jones Ina Ray Hutton
10:45 Sammy Kaye Dance Music
11:00 News toLittle Jack Little Reporter
11:15 Jack Jenny Danc'e Music
11:30 Sammy Kaye Eastwood Blue Barron Joe Reichman
11:45 r g
12:00 Henry. King Westwood Gravstone Garwood Van

Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion;
11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Holy
Communion and Sermon by the Rev.
Frederick W. Leech; 4 p.m. Student
Picnic, at Camp Birket. Cars leave
church. Last student picnic this
lolanthe Orchestra and Cast: im-
portant meeting for the orchestra at
2 p.m. and with the cast at 3 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 6, fifth floor of the
The Graduate Outing Club will
have a picnic, including swimming,
baseball, volleyball, hiking, and a
campfire, at Saline Valley Coopera-
tive Farms on Sunday, Aug. 6. Charge
35 cents. The group will assemble
at the northwest entrance of the
Rackham Building at -2:30 p.m., and
will go py car to Saline. All those
who ow cars are urged to bring
them, and drivers will be repaid for
their expenses. All graduate students
and faculty members are invited.
There will be a meeting regardless of
the weather.
The Summer Session Band, com-
posed of more than 100 students,
under the direction of Dr. Frank Si-
mon, will give a concert in Hill Au-
ditorium, Sunday afternoon, at 4:15'
o'clock, to which the general public,
with the exception of small children
is invited without admission charge.
Recital on the Charles Baird Caril-
lon will be held on Sunday, Aug. 6,
at 4:15 p.m.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will hold its regular Sunday after-
noon meeting in the Fireplace Room,
Lane Hall at 4:30. Mr.. Edward
Heath talks on the "Meaning of the
Communion." Light refreshments
will be served. If you are interested,
we invite you to attend.

meeting Sunday in the Michigan
League, at 5 p.m. Friends and others
interested are invited to the meeting
and also to supper in the Russian
Tea Room at 6:15.
Graduate Students in Zoology and
Biology who wish to consult about
their future elections may see me
Monday, Aug. 7, 9-12 a.m., or daily,
2-3 p.m. Alvalyn E. Woodward.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Gerald F. Tape will be held at 2 p.m.
on Monday, Aug. 7 in the West Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building. Mr.
Tape's field of specialization is
Physics. The title of his thesis is
"Induced Radioactivity in Tellurium
and Iodine and Energies of the Iio-
dine Radiations."
Professor J. M. Cork as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Demonstration Debate: There will
be a Demonstration Debate on the
question "Resolved, That the Federal
Government should own and operate
the railroads," on Monday, Aug. 7 at
8 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Buildng. This question
will be used as the national and state
high school question for 1939-1940.
No admission fee will be charged.
Gerald Greeley, pianist, of Maple-
ton, Minn., assisted by Ruth-Nelson,
(Continued on Page 3)
Today 24- 7 -9P.M.



Ann Arbor Friends


Last Times Today
"Good Girls Go
To Paris"


World's Fair Notes
The personnel in the Ecuador Pavilion at the
New York World's Fair have been mulling for
days now on a new name for a Panama hat. They
couldn't get anywhere with "panquador" or
Seven earthquakes have been recorded on the
Fordham University seismograph at the New
York World's Fair since the Fair opened. The
farthest one was on April 30 in the Pacific, 8,700
miles away. The nearest was June 12 in Puerto,
Rico, 1,485 miles away,
Captured cosmic rays are put to work lighting
a neon lamp in the Fordham University exhibit
at the New York World's Fair. The rays arrive at
the rate of fourteen a minute.
The summer theatre circuit-those rural play-
houses which cater to vacationists at the better
known watering spots--are called "straw hat
theatres" by New York dramatic critics.


starring JOHN
Claude Rains
Jeffrey Lynne Fay Bainter

I ,nNUo"'u t

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