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August 05, 1939 - Image 1

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session






.................................................................................................,,..,.,,,.-- U


Bloomfield Explains Vocabulary
Roots Of Algonkian Languages

tnat we nave graver ana nearer
problems to consider in the course of
the next few months and we must
conserve our forces to meet any emer-
gency that may arise."
Difficult Situation
He said Britain was in a "difficult"
situation both because of European
tension and because any use of force
against Japan would endanger Brit-
ish subjects, in China.
"Surely we must hink all the time
in the presence of these insults and
injuries which have been inflicted
upon British subjects in China by
Japanese what are the limits of what
we can do," he continued.
"At he present moment we have
not to go in the Far East a fleet
superior to that of the Japanese. We
have such a fleet here. In certain
circumstances we might find it neces-
sary to send- a fleet out there.".
The Prime Minister said he would
much rather settle difficulties by dis-
cussions rather than by a threat of
force "providing wencan do so with-
out sacrificing what seem to be fun-
damental considerations and prin-
Mars And Jupiter
Seen By Record
Crowd Last Night
"Why, I thought Mars would be as
large as a dinner plate," exclaimed
many visitors at he Angell Hall Ob-
servatory last night as they gazed at
the much talked of planet.
Albert Hiltner, student assistant,
was on hand to answer questions and
explain the various aspects of the
planet o more than 300 interested
spectators who attended the open
house. This was by far the largest
turn-out of the summer.
Despite the fact that atmospheric
conditions made it difficult to ascer-
tain the exact marking of Mars, the
polar cap and the dark area below the
cap were visible or the disc shaped
planet. Also of interest were the
moon and Jupitor.
Visitors who were turned away last
evening will be interested in knowing
that he Angell Hall Observatory will
be open from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
tonight. Student assistant Harry
Bendler will be in charge.
Chinese Ambulance
Donations Increase

Linguistic Institute SeriesI
Of Five Lectures Ended;
By ChicagoProfessor
With a brilliant exposition of the
vi'rious odd ways in which vocabu-
lary roots behave in the various Al-
gonkian languages Prof. LeonardI
Bloomfield of the University of Chi-
cago last evening concluded a series
of five Linguistic Institue lectures
upon the comparative study of Al-
Selecting certain special types from
the large number of roots already
studied, Dr. Bloomfield showed with
examples how a generalized root may
be determined in the hypothetical
parent language from the evidence
presented by its appearance in the
living descendant languages.
A. most important special type is
that of the relative roots, he said.c
These, six in number, are peculira
because in actual use they always
demand the presence of some kind of
antecedent. The root "eth" or "esh-"
(thither, thus) appears, for example,
in the hypothetical primary combina-
tion of root and suffix, "eth-api" (he
sits that way). This original was
deduced from the actual instances in
Fox, "inapiwa," in Cree, "itapiw," inI
Menominee, "enapew," and in Ojib-
way, "inabi," all with the same mean-
ing. This particular root is further
peculiar becaus eit appears as the
verb "to say," sometimes simply with
an inflexional ending.
Three other roots of this class are
"went-" (from that place), "tath-"
(there, in that place), and "tahth-"
(so many), which appear in all the
Algonkian languages. The two re-
maining relative roots "ahkw-" (to
that distance) and "ahpiht-" (hav-
ing speed, intensity, force) appear in
only some languages but neverthelss
are well identified.
As a sample of the 'great number'
of ordinary nonrelative roots Dr.
Bloomfield gave "kek-" (having with,
along with), which appears in the
US Attorneys
y Hatch Law
Attorney General Murphy
Warns Officials Of Rule
Preventing Candidature
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-(A)-At-
torney. General Murphy advised all
Federal district attorneys today that,
under the new Hatch law, they could
not continue to hold office if they
became candidates for political jobs.
Murphy's advice was directed spe-
cifically to two United States at-
tprneys and one assistant attorney,
but the Justice Department an-
nounced he also had sent similar in-
structions to all other federal dis-
trict attorneys.
He told Charles F. Uhl, district at-
torney at Pittsburgh, and Assistant
District Attorney John B. Ray that
under the Hatch Law they could not
campaign for state offices and re-
tain their federal jobs. He likewise
telegraphed the federal attorney at
Chattanooga, Tenn., who had said
he was contemplating becoming a
candidate to fill a vacancy in the
House of Representatives, that he
could not enter that campaign while
holding federal office.
Uhl already had announced public-
ly that he was resigning to run for a
With an eye to the new ban against
political activity while holding any
but policy-making federal jobs, a
number of workers on the federal
payroll in different sections of the
country have quit either their govern-
ment jobs or their political posts.

To Play Piano Solos
At Record Concert
Piano solos by Lilli Krause, Ger-
man pianist, will be featured at the
Rackham record concert to be held
at 3 p.m. today in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building.
Piano selections by Miss Krause
will include the following: Ten Va-
riations on a Theme of Gluck by
Mozart; Dondo in 'D Major by Mo-
zart; and Andante con Variazione
by Haydn
Orchestral selections to be played
are as follows: Overture to the Fly-
ing Dutchman by Wagner, Swan,
Lake Ballet, by Tchaikowsky, Lieu-

Menominee "kekeshkaw-", a verb
meaning to have someone along or
with one. With the proper personal
suffixes it may be applied, for in-
stance, to a woman with a baby or
to an apple with a worm.
Investigators were especially puz-
zled, Professor Bloomfield mentioned,
by some roots which changed their
shapes without known reason, and by
two or three roots which leave unique
traces of a simple original form and
numerous examples of a complicated
original form. One of these latter
is "pi-" (inside), which occurs only
in one verb appearing in Menominee
as "pehsow" (it is inside) and in
Ojibway as "bimzo." But this root
exists also in the not easily explained
form "pinl-" as in the modern Fox
"pinahwewa," (he puts him inside),
and is commonly found in the form
"pint-", which enters freely into
combinations in all the Algonkian
tongues, as in the hypothetical
"pint-wike" (he enters a dwelling)
which in Cree is "pihtokew."
Specialized roots, with specific
meaning running through the lan-
guages, Professor Bloomfield dealt
with in conclusion. One of these is
"pihtaw" (second layer of anything),
which is found in Fox ,pihtawashewa"
(he puts a second blanket on) or in
Menominee "pehtoskakana" (under-
wear; that is, the second layer of that
which one puts himself into).
Harry F. Kelly
Braves Perils
Of New York
NEW YORK, Aug. 4.--(/P)-Harry
F. Kelly, Michigan's Secretary of
State, braved the perils of New York
to' celebrate Michigan Day at the
World's Fair today, but managed to
skirt that "Hellish brink" of which his
bosss,$8-year-old Gov. Luren A. Dick-
inson, warned the Nation a fortnight
There were-hanes aplenty to tss
off a tall cold on .but Secretary
Kelly declined, indictming at the saMe
time that he objected not at all to
drinking-at the proper time-or to
others doing so.
"I drink whatever seems proper
to the occasion," quoth Kelly balanc-
ing a beaker of iced tea at a recep-
tion given in his honor in the Fair
Federal Building by University of
Michigan alumni.
He smilingly declined coktails,
both there and earlier.
"I'm not a noon-day drinker," re-
marked the tall, ruddy Irishman at
the first offer, at luncheon.
A cocktail party was given for him
this evening by the alumni in the
fair's swank Terrace Club, but due
to another engagement, Kelly sent
his regrets. About 70 other guests
attend, however, and a good time was
had by all.
A number of attractive young
daughters of Michigan were on hand.
Governor Dickinson, who made his
dire pronouncement after attending
the Governor's conference here and
in Albany, sent alonghis own press
representative, H. O. Weitschat, to
keep Kelly company.
"I don't know exactly what -my
duties are," said Weitschat, "but the
Governor thought I might as well
'come along and keep anyone from
putting Mr. Kelly on the spot."
As for the night life, of which Gov-
ernor Dickinson warned the parents
of lovely daughters, Kelly was not
sure he'd be able to see any.
"I'm here on official business repre-
senting the State of Michigan," he
Danzig Bridge
Links Prus~sia

Seen As Possible Avenue
For Troop Transport
- (A)-A new pontoon bridge floated
at a Danzig dock tonight ready to
be thrown across the Vistula River
and fill the most serious gap in land
communications between the Free
City of Danzig and German East
The bridge will connect the two
free state communities of Kaesmark
and Rotebude, the latter some 12
miles from the East Prussian fron-
Informed foreign circles regarded
the bridge as having significance as

CIO Leaders
Reach Accord
In G-1YIStrike
Strikers Will Vote Today
On Agreement Reached
By Union Executives
R. J. Thomas Cites
Biggest Union Gain
DETROIT, Aug. 4. -(P)- Execu-
tives of the CIO-United Automobile
Workers tonight ratified the terms
of an agreement to settle the month?
old strike of skilled workers in 12
general motors plants.
The vote of approval came at the
conclusion of a prolonged meeting
of the union's internation executive
board and delegates from the strikers
at the affected plants.I
Tomorrow the strikers themselves
will vote at their respective plants on
accepting or rejecting the agreement,
which was reached just after last
midnight in conferences between cor-
poration executives and UAW-CIO.
Agreement Reached
The agreement was reached° late
yesterday at the West Side Local 174
of the UAW-CIO. In the event that
ratification is secured by the various
striking plants the agreement will
be officially ratified by the union and
corporation officials tonight.
In a statement issued directly fol-
lowing yesterday's session, R. J.
Thomas, president of the UAW-CIO
"A meeting of more than 90 of-
ficers and other key members of
locals in the 12 G. M. plants on
strike voted today to recommend ac-
ceptance of the tentaive strike settle-
ment reached by representatives of
cur union and General Motors.
Twelve Attend
"The meeting was attended by 12
of the 17 member's of the union's
International Executive Board, a'll of
whom also urged ratification of the
draft agreement by the strikers.
''The settlement, which now goes
to the strikers, represents substantial
gains for the UAW-CIOand the strik-
ers on every point raised in our origi-
nal demands. In several instances,
our full demands are granted. The
sum_ total of the settlement repre-
sents a splendid victory.
"The terms of the proposed settle-
ment represent importantgains on
the matters of wages, overtime, vol-
ume of work and the other matters
raised in the demands.
"In addition, the proposed settle-
ment, as will be seen when the terms
are made public, will mark the great-
est organizational gain madeby the
UAW-CIO since the General Motors
strike of 1937, which established the
union in the automobile industry"
Negotiations which were initiated
upon the beginning of the strike July
5, culminated in the agreement
reached early Friday after a 12-hour
Netherlands With

U.S., Russia
Will Continue
Minimum Of $40,000,000
In American Goods Will
Be Purchased By Soviet
U.S. To Give Equal
Tariff Reductions
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-(P)-The
United States and Soviet Russia
agreed today to continue in effect an
agreement whereby Russia will buy
a minimum of $40,000,000 in Ameri-
can goods in the next 12 months and
the United States will accord Russia
the same tariff reductions as coun-
tries with which it has trade agree-
The State Department released the
texts of notes between the People's
Commissar for Foreign Trade of the
Soviet Union, A. I. Mikoyan, and
Stuart ± E. Grummon, American
Charge d'Affaires at Moscow, which
put the extension of the agreement
into effect Sunday, Aug. 6.
With respect to Soviet coal ship-
ments to the United States, Russia
agreed to restrict its exports in the
next 12 months to 400,000 tons. This
was considered necessary because of
the coal-tax provisions of the Reve-
nue Act of 1932. During the 1937-
1938 agreement year, imports of So-
viet coal into the United States were
198,384 tons and in the first nine
months of the 1938-1939 agreement
year, 134,154 tons.
Exceed Stipulation
Although the pact sets $40,000,000
as the minimum Soviet purchases
here, officials forecast Soviet orders
in excess of this sum.
"The successive commercial agree-
ments between the United States and
the Union of Soviet Socialist Re-
publics," said the Stat'e Department,
'have provided a'basis for the grati-
rying expansion of trade between the
two countries which has taken place
in response to a number of favorable;
Soviet purchases here in the 1937-
1938 treaty year were $65,394,000. In
the first 11 months of the 1938-1939
agreement year they were $58,700,000,
In 1933 Soviet purchases here had
reached a low of $10,674,000 from a
high of $136,162,000 in 1930.
"The Soviet Union has profited
under the successive commercial
agreements," the State Department
also said. "United States imports
from the Soviet Union have in-
creased steadily from the low of less
than $10,000,000 in 1932 to $27,000,-
000 in the calendar year 1937."
Industrial Exports
Fourth-fifths of United States ex-
ports to Russia consist of machinery
and vehicles used in Russia's indus-
tralization and militarization pro-
gram. -America also sold in 1938 $5,-
000,000 worth of non-metallic min-
erals and $2,000,000 worth of high-
grade gasoline for aircraft engines.
Furs form the largest item of Rus-
sian sales to the United States-$13,-
000,000 in 1938. Other important
imports from Russia are flax fabrics
and non-metallic miners such as
anthracite and asbestos. Russia is
the largest supplier of sausage casings
to the United States $400,000 worth.
Fascists Condemn.
Famous Authors
ROME, Italy, Aug. 4.-(P)-The

works of many famous writers, in-
cluding many Jews, and such books
as the Nick Carter series, "Life and
Adventures of Buffalo Bill" and Lud-
wig's "Lincoln" are on a list con-
demned officially today as unsuited to
the Fascist spirit.
Booksellers and librarians received
today the list which included books
that have been seized and destroyed
and others of which the sale has
been forbidden. ,
The condemned authors included
Casanova, Balzac, Bocaccio, Rabelais
Voltaire, Poe, Edgar Wallace, Thom-
as Mann, Arnold Zweig, Emil Lud-
wig, H. G. Wells, Franz Werfel, Rob-
ert Graves, Machiavelli, Jacob Was-
serman, Agatha Christie, George
Sande, Axel Munthe and Arthur
Fries To Represent
U.S. At Conference
(By The Associated Press)

State NYA Receives
$1,062,969 For U.S.
L!,NSING., Aug. 4.-(P)-Orin W.
Kaye, 'State Adimiriistrator of the
National Youth Administration, an-
nounced today receipt of a Federal
allotment of $1,062,99 for student
aid for the 1939-40 fiscal year.
Of this amount, Kaye said, $500,154
has been earmarked for school aid
and $562,815 for college and graduate
Approximately 16,500 high school
and college students in 786 high
schools and 41 colleges received part-
time employment in the student aid
program last year. High school stu-
'dents earned an average of $4.36 per
month, college students $10.66, and
graduate students.$15.27.
Kaye said that $3,359,841, including
the school aid grant, had been allot-
ted Michigan for all phases of the
NYA program.
House Passes
B OillChanging
Security Law
Will Save Nearly Billion
For Taxpayers In Three
Years; Need Senate Vote
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. -AP)--
Sweeping changes in the Social
Security Law, designed to provide
more and bigger benefits and still
save the taxpayers about $905,000,000
in the next three years, won House
approval today after weeks of dead-
lock. Only Senate acceptance was
needed to send the legislation to the
White House for President Roose-
velt's signature.
The deadlock over the amendments
broke when Senate conferees agreed
to drop the Connally Amendment,
which would hav required the Fed-
eral Government to contribute $2
for every state dollar provided for
old-age assistance, up to a total of
$15 monthly per beneficiary..
Elimination of the amendment by
Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex)., de-
signed to help the poorer states, re-
stored the House provsion under
which the Federal Governanent would
match, dollar-for-dollar state contri-
butions for the aged up to a total of
$40 a month per beneficiary. Present
law provides for dollar-for-dollar
matching up to a total of $30. All
these provisions for public assistance
to the needy aged are distinct from
the old age insurance system, under
which workers contribute to pensions
for themselves.
The House agreed to elimination of
the amendment by . Represenative
McCormack (Dem.-Mass.) w h i c h
would have permitted reduction of
state unemployment compensation
taxes below the present 2.7 per cent
minimum and still enabled employers
to claim the full 90 per cent credit
on the Federal unemployment tax
to which they are entitled by pay-
ment of the state levy.
Gas Explosion
Rocks London
More Than 100 Injured;
Cause Set To Rains
LONDON, Aug. 4.-(3)-London's
wholesale district was shaken today
by a gas explosion which injured
more than 100 persons-four serious-
ly-shook ancient St. Paus Cathe-
dral and demolished a vacant five-
story building.

Police fixed the blame on rains un-
dermining foundations of the build.
ing, which sank, cuting a gas main
It was believed that a short-circuited
fire alarm ignited the gas.
Many of the injured were girl clerks
and stenographers and first aid was
applied to minor wounds as the girls
sat weeping on curbs.
The Cathedral, a sanctuary for the
wounded during the Middle Ages-. ,
peated this role today as screaming
women, faces black with smoke an
clothes wet with blood, fled there tot
_rFire started after the explosion an
destroyed debris and the few remain
ing uprights of the building, whict.
workmen had been demolishing.
Shortly afterward, an explosion oc
curred in a mail van at Preston rail
way station and a few minutes lte
fire broke out in a letter box a
Police expressed belief these blast
indicated .renewal of sabotage at
tributed to the outlawed Irish Re
.ni.. 11 an Arin.,

Senate Passes
Defciency Bill
In ast 1Night
To Aid Bud get
Chief Addition Is Surplus
Crop Loan Item; Turned
Down Earlier By House
Is Major Victory
For Economy Bloe
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. -()-
Working into the evening to clear
the way for adjournment of the 76th
Congress tomorrow, the Senate passed
tonight a deficiency appropriation
bill containing about $189,000,000 or
$135,000,000 more than the sum pre-
viously approved by the douse.
Chief among the additions made
by the Senate was an Administration-
requested appropriation of $119,000,-
000 to make loans on surplus crops
and thereby keep them off the market.
This item, turned down by the House
earlier in what was called a major
victory for the economy coalition,
went through the other chamber on
a sweeping 61 to 7 vote,
The deficiency bill is to go to a,
Senate-House conference tomorrow
for reconciliation of differences. The
controversy is the only major one in
sight before adjournment, which all
sifies agree will come some time to-
Night Session
After the farm loan vote, the Sen-
ate continued its session into he
night, amid an excited swirl of parlia-
mentary maneuvering. Various Sen-
ators tried in vain to tack on to the'
deficiency bill amendments which
would: (1) restore the "prevailing
wage" for WPA workers; (2) soften
the effects of a new rule of law
which says that persons on the WPA
rolls 18 months must give way to
other relief applicants; (3) provide
for Federal refinancing of farm
WAn~fernptb Seior apr
(Dem.-Fla.) to revive the Federal
Theatre Projects, killed by the 1939
relief act, was defeated.
Meanwhile,, amendments to broad-
en and revamp the Social Security
system and "freeze" old age pension
taxes emerged from a long deadlock
between Senate and House conferees.
The House speddily, approved them
and sent them on to the Senate.
A short time later the House re-
cessed until tomorrow, thereby de-
stroying the hopes of those Legisla-
tors who had believed that Congress
might' adjourn tonight.
Strike Cajun omse
A committee composed of both
Senators and House members struck
a compromise on the farm loans and
other increases approved by the Sen-
ate. Then, both branches had to
approve or reject the compromise
thus arrived at.
Conferees on amendments to the
Social Security Act reached an agree-
ment after a long deadlock, and the
House ratified their compromise.
These amendments were intended to
liberalize certain benefits under the
-law and also to ease the taxes im-
posed by the statute. Under the law
the Old Age Insurance Tax was
scheduled to increase from one per
cent to one and one-half per cent
next January. Under the amend-
ments, the rate would be frozen at
one per cent for the next three years.
The chief effect of the conference
compromise was the rejection of an
amendment offered by Senator Con-
nally (Dem.-Tex.), requiring the
Federal Government to contribute

$10 for the first $5 a State contrib-
uted to a monthly old age assistance
grant, and to match, dollar for dollar,
the State's contribution in excess of
sSimon T o Lead
Band Concert
n To Be Given Tomorrow
d In Hill Auditorium
h The Summer Session band will
offer a concert at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
- row in Hill Auditorium. The genera:
- ;ublic, with the exception of small
r children, is invited.
t Dr. Frank. Simon, famous band-
master and cornet virtuoso who is a
s guest member of the School of Music
- summer faculty, will be the guest
- conductor. Once known as "the boy
cirrtrarof ho ,, t 1 . mn,




AMSTERDAM, Aug. 5. -(0)-1
Crown Princess Juliania of the Neth-
erlands presented the House of Or-
ange with another daughter early
The child was born at 1:09 a.m.,
(7:09 p.m., EST Friday) at Soestdyk,
There had been high hopes among
Netherlanders that the baby would
be the first male heir to the throne
of the little kingdom in almost a
Princess Beatrix, the first child of
the 30-year-old Juliania and 28-year-
old German Prince Bernhard, was
a year old last Jan. 31.
The hour was such that the general
public, long anticipating the event,
was not aware of the birth of the
The announcement was made brief-
ly by ticker services to newspapers.
At 7 a.m. the news will be broken
to the public by a salute of 51 guns
-signifying the birth of a girl. A 101-
gun salute would have been fired for
a boy.
The nation's official celebration of
the royal birth will be held Monday.
The Netherlands people, always en-,
thusiastic about additions to the
royal family, were expected to stage
spontaneous demonstrations of their
own as soon as the guns begin to
hbnm today.

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