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Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Iai j
Let's Show
Them The Inside .
I. No. 33
Nazis Boast Preparedness,
Denouncing Encirclement'
ti-Appeasement' Tories
acked Liberals, Labor
or One -Day Meeting
vernment Ready,
rime Minister Says,
Aug. 2. -(R)-- Prime
hamberlain overrode a
it within his own party
n a 150 to 132 vote of
and pushed through his
adjourn Parliament for
sbeginning Friday.
and Laborites supported
n of "anti-appeasement"
es, including Winston
wartime cabinet minister,
ted to have the House of
eassemble Aug. 21 fpr a'
sion because of the critical
il situation.
sition members expressed
iberlain might return to
f appeasement as soon as
was out of the way. They
,t they were in recess at
f the Munich agreement
ne Minister contended,
Zat the Government was
any emergency and that
.o need to have the mem-
liament break their, vaca-
-t in case of unexpected
ts. In that event he said
rs would be called back.
the opposition amendment
of confidence and after
he Government's adjourn-
n was nassed 245 to 129.1
World War Mobilization
Anniversary Is Signal
For MilitaryCeremony
BERLIN, Aug. 2.-(/P)-Germany
today celebrated her mobilization for
the 'Wo.ld War just 25 years ago, an
eventrnevernbefore observed in Post-
War Germany..
Nazi leaders used the occasion to
conjure up a parallel between the
Germany of 1914, which they pictured
as menaced on all sides by covetous
enemies, and the Germany of 1939,
Freyre Gives
Colonial Brazil
Lecture Today
Latin - American Institute
Sponsors Talk About
Social Relations There
Prof. Gilberto Freyre of Rio de Ja-
neiro, Brazil, will speak in the regular
summer lecture series at ;5 lp.m to-
day in the Rackham Building. His
lecture, "Colonial Society in Brazil,"
is part of the program being con-
tributed by the Institute of Latin-
American Studies.,
Professor Freyre will discuss social
life and relations in Brazil and ra-
cial relations, treating them in their
background of the colonial.develop-
ment. The period- he will cover in-
cludes the 16th to early 19th cen-
turies, and he will contrast social de-
velopment in the towns, the coffee
region, the sugar cane region and
the mining region, among others.
Professor Freyre, who served on
the faculty of the University of Rio
de Jarneiro, has been a visiting lec-
turer in the United States twice be-
fore. He lectured at Stanford Uni-
versity in the spring of 1932 and
served on the staff of Columbia Uni-
TesitY dffitngthe .fast "sc"idoT year.
He was the guest of several Portu-
guese universities in 1937 and gave
a series at King's College of the Uni-
versity of London.
He has written several books on
the subject of Brazilian social his-
tory, his field of specialization, all of
them in the-Portuguese language. He
is serving this summer on the staff of
the Latin-American Institute.
described as encircled by the same
group of jealous powers.
This difference, however, was em-
phasized in every speech and order
of the day: Kaiser Wilhelm's Ger-
many was caught unprepared; Fueh-
rer Hitler's Germany is prepared and
This year, too, a huge wreath was
placed by order of the Fuehrer at
the Hindenburg Tomb in the Tannen-
berg National Monument by the First
Army Corps Commander, Artillery
General Georg von Kuechler. Officers
instead of privates kept thew atch.
But the Hindenburg observances
were mere incidents this year: chief
attention + was centered on three
1. Orders-of-the-day by chief com-
manders of the German armed forces.
2. Exercises in every military drill
3. Air maneuvers in Western Ger-
Col.-Gen. Walther von Brauchitsch
Chief of the Staff of the army, in an
order-of-the-day, asserted that
"again those same powers that then
(1914) compelled us to fight a war
of defense are attempting to en-
circle us."
Reasserting Germany's desire for
peace,sGeneral von Brauchitschnev-
ertheless declare dthat Germany was
ready and willing to fight as she did
in 1914 if necessary.
Historic Put-In-Bay
Is Scene Of Final
Summer Excursion
More than 40 persons visited the
historic island of Put-In-Bay in
Lake Erie yesterday as members of
the last Summer Session Excursion of
the year.
Led by prof. Irying D. Scott of the
geology department, the group visited
the cool caves on the island and noted
the many surface evidences of glacial
action, as well as gaping at the tower-
ing monument to Oliver HazardPerry,
hero of a naval battle there in 1813.
The group left Ann Arbor at 7:15
a.m. and after going to Detroit by
bus, enjoyed a cool boat trip to the
island, located about 60 miles south-
east of Detroit in the lake. Anothec
four-hour water journey brought
them back to Detroit, and they
arrived in Ann Arbor shortly before
10 p.m.
Armed Truce
Eases Strikes
In Four States
Cleveland Non-Strikers Ask
Investigation By Dies
Of 'Communistic' CIO
See Early GM-0O
Dispute Settlement
(By The Associated Press)
Armed truces and renewed efforts
at negotiation yesterday marked
activities on a strike front that
reached into four states and threat-
ened to involve a fifth.
In Cleveland, scene of a riot in
which 46 persons were injured Mon-
day, a committee of non-strikers at
the Fisher-Body plant urged the
Dies Committee to investigate the
walkout of the CIO United Automo-
bile Workers who, they said, "have
Communistic tendencies."
Prospects of an early settlement
of the CIO tool and die makers strike
against General Motors plants were
reported as hundreds of extra police
were assigned to prevent arecurrence
of violence that has marked the walk-
out affecting 12 plants and 7,500
In the mountains of Colorado, un-
married AFL strikers were driven
from the settlement at the $44000,-
000 Colorado-Bil Thompson Water
Diversion project in a compromise
with armed workers who had de-
manded that all strikers leave. Mar-
ried men were allowed to stay.
As Gov. Levrett Saltostall of
Massachusetts informed the Barre
Wool Combing Company he would
not leave state plice on strike duty
in South Barre indefinitely, com-
pany officials iesumed conferences
with the State COnmisisoner of Labor
and Industries on the AFL strike
Hours of neg tiation at Syracuse,
N.Y., left AFL truck drivers and their
employers without results in a wage
Saturday Night
Dance Features
Big Floor Show
The biggest floor show of the year
will be given at the Saturday night
dance in theUnion'ballroom, itnwas
announced yesterday.
The dance, which will be held from
9 p.m. to midnight, will feature in
addition to Earl Stevens' rhythms,
dramatizations, singers and dancers.
Dick Fuller, former University stu-
dent, will present a silent dramatiza-
tion of a small town big-shot seeing
the World's Fair for the first time.
This act was done three years ago in
Hill Auditorium and is repeated by
request. Fuller after leaving the
University, was active in Ziegfield
Follies for several years. While in
Ann Arbor he starred in Roy Hoyer's
Two numbers will be sung by Clara-
wanda Sisson, former Michigan coed,
which will be followed by a novelty
duet sung by Miss Sissor and Max-
ine Blaess, '39.
Plans for the floor show have not
been completed, as yet, according to
Virginia Osgood, chairman of the
dance, but announcement of other
acts will be made later. Assisting
Miss Osgood are Harriet Thom and
Betty Kepler.
Safety Class
Will Be Held
For Teachers
Two One -Week Courses
To Follow Immediately
After Summer Session
National Institute
To Conduct Forum
Summer Session students interest-
ed in teaching safety in elementary
and high schools this winter will have
an opportunity to enroll in one of
two special one-week courses immed-
iately following the close of the regu-
lar summer sessions.
These courses will be held in con-
nection with the National Institute
for Traffic Safety Training to be con-
ducted on the campus from Aug. 14,
to 26 inclusive.
Elementary teachers, principals,
supervisors, college instructors, and
members of State Departments of
Education will be eligible to enroll in
the first week's course "Traffic Safe-
ty Education in Elementary Schools,"
beginning Monday morning Aug. 14.
Teachers in charge of school safety
patrols and safety programs in ele-
mentary and junior highschools will
find this course especially valuable.
Problems Probed
Morning sessions will be devoted to
discussions of such subjects as the
place of the school in traffic safety,
specific objectives and methods for
each grade level, pupil factors in
teaching safety, school safety patrols,
administration of school safety pro-
grams, and special methods of hand-
ling the bicycle problem. Seminars
in the afternoon will consist of in-
dividual and group work in the de-
velopment of safety programs applic-
able tonthe schools represented by
those enrolled.
For Secondary Schools
The second course "Traffic Safety
Education in Secondary Schools" will
be offered during the week of Aug.
21. TNs course will .be open to high
school teachers, principals, supervis-
or college instructors, and members of
state departments of education.
Forenoon sessions will be devoted
to discussions and planning for class-
room teaching. Afternoons will be
taken up with the methods of giving
road instruction to high school stu-
(6ontinued on Page 41
Signs Hatch Bill
Another Tern
For Roosevel
May Be Kille
By Hatch La
President's 'OK' Arouse
Senators' Speculation
Opinions__Split Widel
Economy Bloc Deal
New Spending Blo
.Dr. Sakanishi
Delivers ILast
Lecture Today
Japanese Expert's Subject
Is 'Dogen: Spiritual Life
Through Zen'
Dr. Shio Sakanishi, Director of
the Japanese Collection in the Divi-
sion of Orientalia of the Library of
Congress, will speak at 4 p.m. today
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
School on "Dogen: Spiritual Life
Through Zen."
Sponsored by the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies, Dr. Sakanishi's lec-
ture is the last in a series of three
presented by her on Japan's religious
leaders. The first, on Kobo Daishi,
and the second, on Honen Shonin,
were given Tuesday and yesterday
Dogen revolted against the emo-
tional quality in the Buddhistic sect
of Jodo Shinshu, founded by Honen
Shonin and Shinran Shonin in the
twelfth and thirteenth centuries..
Wishing to put more emphasis on the
intellectual, he was largely responsible
for the creation of the religious side
of Japan's art and literature. Dr.
Sakanishi will trace the life of Dogen
and tell of his works.
A native of Japan, Dr. Sakanishi
took her doctor's degree here at the
University in 1929.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-( P)-The
Hatch Bill barring Federal employes
from political campaigns became law
with President Roosevelt's signature,
today and immediately legislators fell
into disagreement as to whether the
bill would prove a bar to a third term
One school of thought, as typified
by Senator King (Dem.-Utah), was
that the measure would tend to ob-
struct any third term drive by mak-
ing it impossible for Federal officials
to be delegates to party conventions.
Another, as represented by Senator
Murray (Dem.-Mont.), contended
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-(P)-
The Administration took another
beating from the House eco-
nomy bloc today, but neverthe-
less decided upon a "suicide plan"
for bringing the much-opposed
$800,000,000 Housing Bill to a
vote tomorrow.
Themeasure would double the
lendipig authority of' the Hous-
ing Adminisbration. It is a com-
panion measure to the Lending
Bill which was killed in the
House yesterday. Administra-
tion leaders conceded in advance
that it would be defeated.
But the Administration men
indicated they wanted a vote to
pin the responsibility for the
bill's defeat on the rebellious co-
alition of Republicans and Demo-
crats, particularly the latter.
Today"^the relentless economy
bloc carried the Congressional
revolt to a new victory by reject-
ing a $119,000,000 appropriation
for loans to sustain the prices of
farm commodities.
9 naval program at a
uit £11,000,000 (approxi-
te on the adjournment
was preceded by an an-
by Chamberlain that a
orous protest" had been
Japan anti-British agi-
tation in North China.
(ATokyo dispatch said Sir Robert
Leslie Craigie, British Ambassador
to Japan, had threatened to break off
the current Tokyo negotiations on
the Japanese-British dispute at
Tientsin unless Japan put the anti-
British movement under control.)
Official circles here said Craigie
had notified the Japanese govern-
ment that the hostility toward Bri-
tons in North China was a violation
of the understanding on which the
Tokyo conference was based.
Save WPA Art
Projects Theme
Of Rally Today
Sylvester Jerry To Speak
To American Student
Union; 500_Expected
More than 500 persons are expected
to attend a "Save the WPA Arts
Projects!" rally at 8 p.m. today in
the Natural Science Building.
Sylvester Jerry, director of the
Michigan Arts Project, will sleak on
"What the Federal Arts Project
Have Done for Michigan.". Frank
Hartung, former professor of sociol-'
ogy at Wayne University, Detroit, and
at present organizer for the United
Office and Professional Workers of
America, will give the second address
of the evening on "Political Implica-
tions of the Attack on the Art Proj-
"The Making of a Mural," a motion
picture which is being shown at the
Worlds Fair this summer, will be ex-
The meeting will start a local pe-
tition campaign to save the Arts
"The work which the Federal Arts
project has done should be clearly
seen as transcending political lines
and partes n its contribution to a
democratic American cuture," James
Fair Trade' Laws Seen Possible
Danger T'o Consumer By Gault
Protection Of Democracy Rests
UponSchools, Elder Declares
Price Control Must Benefit
All, Not Just Pressure
Groups, Professor Sayst
Price control devices such as the.
Fair Trade laws which have now been
established in 44 states must sooner
or later face the test of public ac-
ceptance and prove themselves to be
in the interest of the general welfare'
rather than for the benefit of certain
special business groups.
This is the conclusion reached by
Edgar H. Gault, professor of market-
ing at the- University, in a study of
Fair Trade and cut-rate drug prices
recently published in a series of
Michigan Business Studies at the'
Fair Trade laws, which allow the
manufacturer of a nationally adver-
tised product to set the, retail price
of his product, depend upon the econ-
omic theory that free prices and un-
controlled competition are socially
and economically less desirable than
rationally controlled competition,
Professor Gault explained.
"The crucial test for Fair Trade,"
Professor Gault points out, "will come
whenever consumers feel the pinch
of an increase in the general level of
retail prices. Fair Trade may not be
the fundamental cause of the in-
crease, but the public is not discrim-
inating in determining causes, and
Fair Trade as a new element in our
pricing system can be blamed."
The greatest danger to Fair Trade
at the present time, says Professor
Gault, is its abuse by some of its en-
thusiastic supporters. The relative-
ly high margins allowed under Fair
Trade, he points out, may lead to an
attempt to guarantee profits as well
as provide protection against price
cutting. Such high minimum prices;
he asserts, are apt to cause resent-
ment among onsumers, encourage
consumer cooperatives, increase the
opportunities for private brands, and
result in governmental investigations
of Fair Trade.
Former price cutters have benefited
most from Fair Trade laws, Profes-
sor Gault found in his study. The
price cutters have been forced to in-
crease their prices on protected items
by approximately 30 per cent, he
says, while they have lost very little
business to independlent druggists
who have decreased their prices from
two to five per cent to meet the les-
sened competition.
Another effect of Fair Trade, ac-
cording to Professor Gault, is that
of strengthening existing products
and marketing institutions as against
new ones.
Fewer Assessment Districts
Urged In Tax Reports By Ford
"With democratic institutions andt
traditions endangered here as else-'
where, we must look to the schoolsl
to protect, foster and develop a demo-
cratic way of living and thinking,"
Arthur Elder, national vice-president
of the American Federation of1
Teachers, told a crowd of students
and teachers last night in his talk,
"Retrenchment in Education."
Mr. Elder's lecture was the second;
in a series of three on "Education
and Democracy" sponsored by the
Ann Arbor branch of the AFT and
the American Student Union.
Depression economics in the form
of retrenchment has shelved hopes,
of ,educators for more individualized
instruction to fit the real needs of
the student. Retrenchment has
manifested itself in stretched class
loads, abolition or complete curtail-
ment of sick leave, shortage of books,
supplies and needed equipment,'
shortened school terms, wage cuts
and suspended salary schedules, Mr.'
Elder asserted.
The moralesand independence of
the teacher has been affected during
these years of retrenchment, he said,
and as a result of the lack of oppor-
tunity for free exchange of ideas be-
tween teacher and pupil, the rou-
tinized activities under pressure have
produced a sense of futility and
frustration in pupil and teacher.
If it were not for federal aid in
the form of the CCC, WPA and NYA
programs, the burden of local and
state school finance would have been
increased severely, he said. , WPA
classes were especially well attend-
ed, Mr. Elder explained, and were a
$84 More Will Buy
Chinese Ambulance
tremendous contribution toward
talizing adult education.
The breakdown in educational sup-
port was precipated he affirmed, by
the'decline in property taxes in 1931-
32. The crisis was aggravated be-j
cause Michigan depended almost en-
tirely upon these taxes at the time
and was unable to shift to more,
modern and equitable tax methods.
Since 1933 Michigan has been rated
as one of the. four most backward
states in tax legislation, he added.
Needed reforms, according to Mr.
Elder, include a federal aid measure
for education that will safeguard
teaching conditions and educational
standards, and state grants that will
incorporate similar' restrictions to
prevent the misuse of power and
funds in the interests of teachers and
Sallet To Talk
To French Club
To Discuss French Social
And Political Scene
M. Andre Sallet who just arrived
from France will address a meeting
of the Cercle Francais at 8 p.m. to-I
day in the French House, 1414 Wash-
M. Sallet's subject will be "La
Vieille Europe et la Jeune Amerique."
He will compare and contrast Ameri-
ca and France as seen by a French-
man who has just come to the United
States. A period of questions will
Accompanying Mr. Sallet is Mme.
Sallet who will sing several French
selections. Both M. and Mme. Sallet
are instructors in the French school
system and are residents of Lille,
Indian Tongue
Found Similar
To Easterners'
The greatest single improvement in
the administration of the general
property tax in Michigan would be
the creation of 83 county assessment
districts to replace the 1,785 units
now functioning, according to a re-
cently published study by Dr. Robert
S. Ford, director, and Frank M. Lan-
ders, research assistant, of the Uni-
versity Bureau of Government.
This reduction in the number of
assessment districts, the report says,
should be accompanied by provisions
for the appointment of assessors after
examinations, and an expansion in
the supervisory activities of the State
Tax Commission.
Adoption of the county assessment
plan, the authors explain, would not
only improve the administrative or-
that the act would have no bearing
on a third term. Murray argued that
such a movement depended little on
the activity of Federal office-holders.
While Senator Bridges (Rep.-N.H.)
interpreted the President's action in
signing the meesure as "the first
Elefinite, indication that Mr. Roosevelt
will not be a candidate for a third
term," there was still no word from
the White House as to the-President's
1940 intentions.
In signing the Hatch Bill, Mr.
Roosevelt adopted the unusual pro-
cedure of sending a lengthy message
to Congress, in which he expressed
approval of the measure's aims and,
in fact, declared that it had its "gene-
sis" in a recommendation he made
to Congress in January asking penal-
ties to prevent political manipulation
in connection with relief.
the county as the assessment unit,
could be provided for by the estab-
lishment of county review boards
made up of qualified persons, the re-
port continues, while allocation of
the tax could be simplified by a re-
duction in the number of local gov-
ernmental units. An important re-
duction, for example, could be made
in the number of school districts, of
which there are approximately 6,600
in Michigan.
Although there is no longer a state
levy on property, the state has a
direct interest in the local property
tax because of the large increase in
state aid to local units since 1930,
the study points out. The most ef-
fective control over state grants, it
is suggested, could be obtained
The Easterner who says "idear of"
for "idea of" had his ancient coun-
terpart in the speaker of PalicPra-
krit, a language of India, said Prof.
Franklin Edgerton of Yale Univer-
sity in the Linguistic Institute mid-
week lecture last evening.
In Pali Prakrit, however, other
sounds than "r"' were used to bridge
the hiatus between two vowels. Ordi-
narily, Professor Edgerton declared,
no consonant could occur at the end
of a word in Pali, with the exception
of the curious vowel nasalization
called "anusvara" which was equiva-
lent to a consonant,
But in connected discourse an or-
iginal final consonant was some-
times kept before an initial vowel, a
situation like that of liaison in
French. Consonants so used were
generally "m," "r," and "d." Ex-
amples Dr. Edgerton gave are "punar-
ehise" (you will come again), "aham
air" (even I), and "etad avoca" (he
said that), in each of which the
linking consonant is historical but
is, retained only because of the suc-
ceeding vowel.
Only $84 more is needed to pur-
chase the ambulance for Chinese'