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August 01, 1939 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-01

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German Club
To Hear Talk
By MeClusky
Visual And Auditory Aids
To Be Topic Of Speech
At Deutehes has Today
To BeginAt 7::30
Dr. Frederick D. McClusky, Director
of the Scarborough School in Scar-
borough, N.Y., will address the mem-
bers of the Deutscher Verein at 7:30
p.m. today in the Deutches Haus on
the subject of "Visual and Auditory
Aids in Language Instruction."
Dr. McClusky, one of the foremost
authorities in America on Visual Ed-
ucation, is visiting professor of psy-
chology at the University Summer
During the war, Dr. McClusky
served with the allies as an aerial
photographer. After his return to
this country he studied for his doc-
torate at Chicago under Dr. Freeman
and made the first thoroughly scien-
tific study of visual and auditory
aids to teaching. He went to Illinois
as instructor in educational psychol-
ogy and later to Purdue to act in an
advisory capacity in improving Uni-
versity teaching. Finally he was ap-
pointed director at Scarborough
Dr. McClusky conducts the visual
education department of the maga-
zine "Instructor"and is a frequent
contributor to "Educational Screen."
He is director of the N.Y. Metropoli-
tan Visual Education of the National
Education Association.
This summer he has been doing
important research workas one of a
committee which has prepared sound
slides on scientific aids to learning
the results of -7vhich they expect to
test in schools in the fall.
Plan RHonors
Pi Lambda Theta To Hold
Reception Tomorrow
Pi Lambda Theta, women's honor-
ary education society, will hold an
Honors Day program and a recep-
tion at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Building.
The program, which is an innova-
tion on the Michigan Campus, is an
attempt on the part of the organiza-
tion to recognize the unusual honors
r of its members. The honors will be
cited by Mrs; Bertha Ashby, and
newly initiated members will be pie-
sented with their key and member-
ship certificate.1
Those serving on committees ae
Frances Quigley, toastmistress; Mar-
garet Behringer, decorations; Grace
Mass, reservations chairman and
Phyllis Huston, Virginia Johnston,{
Eva Keller, Lela Lockett, Mary Mich-
ael, Clara Berdan, Clare Mae Beach,
Janet DeBorst and Margaret Mac-1
Quadrilles, Gavots
Feature Final Night
Of SquareDancing
More than 300 students attended
the last square dance of the Sum-
mer Session held last night in the

Union ballroom.
Benjamin Lovett again instructed
the class in many types of quadrilles,
the badger-gavot, waltzes and other
types of country dances. Assisting
him was James Johnston. Mr. Lovett
and Mr. Johnston have been sent to
Ann Arbor for the last six weeks by
Henry Ford to revive the old country
Among those attending were Stuart
Peck, Carol LaVigne, Sydney Grif-
fiths, John Watson, Barbara McIn-
tyre, Dick Westerman, Lydia Park-
hurst, Don Nixon, William McIn-
tosh and Avery Fisher. Virginia Os-
good was chairman of the affair.
Theatre Collection
Shown AtLibrary
Pictures of theatrical scenery, dec-
oration and costumes are now on dis-
play in the lobby of the General Li-
Taken from originals in the the-
atre collection of the National Li-
brary of Vienna, the exhibit was ar-
ranged by Miss Ella Hymans, curator
of rare books of the University li-
Included in the display are pictures
of the theatre of the Middle Ages and
its effect on graphic arts, miniatures,
paintings and illuminated manu-



T hru IThe-


Only five years ago, 13-year-old Nancy Merki of Portland, Ore., was
stricken with infantile paralysis, but was able to heroicly fight off its
vicious onslaught. Now she holds the 400-meter freestyle champion-
ship from the National A.A.U. Women's swimming meet at Des Moines.
She is shown here being congratulated by teammates of the Multo-
Nomah Athletic Cluh of Portland.
First Western Railroad Depicted
in Mural By Prof. Jean Slusser
} E II

Fashion flavors strongly of the gay
nineties for fall this year. In addition
to the much-flaunted bustle, other
GId-fashioned ideas are being re-
vived. Jet beads, silk braids, cord
short fringes - - in fact
all sorts of passemen-
terie trimmings are
news. Peplums will vie .
with bustles to give ,
back interest. In coats
the bustle line is ex- S
pressed in back fulness
also, but modified so
that it won't be dated
for the season follow-
ing. The coats are
molded through the
middle and the fullness
set on low in a smooth yoke.
The sweater market is going to ex-
pand this fall and introduce many
new ideas in addition to the good old
classic cardigans and slip-overs. One
of the most unusual ideas is the print-
ed sweater in classic lines. The yarn
is knitted in a not-too-fine gauge and
the design handblocked onto the
sweaters. This is especially effective
in a Persian design. Low necked eve-
ning sweaters and hooded cardigans
are other sweater flashes. These
evening sweaters are particularly en-
gaging in chenille trimmed with
metalic embroidery set with rhine-
stones in decorative scrolls and flor-
als. Sounds elaborate, but they're
really very effectvie with simple, full
evening skirts and provide much
chance for change-about.
'Tis said that New York debutantes
are busily running scented ribbons in
their lingerie these days. The ribbon
comes by the bolt in 30 different
scents and provides a new way to
keep smelling sweet like a posie.
From fall back to hot
August weather. There
are lots of days left for
swimming, so it's a wise
idea to take advantage
\_of the end-of-season
sales on bathing suits.
55 Lastex is deemed to be a
. classic, and you can't
go wrong on a perfect-
ly plain tailored style.
For novelty, the two-
Tickets Available'
For Perrine Talk
Dr. J. 0. Perrine, assistant vice-
president of the American Telephone
and Telegraph Company of New
York, will present a lecture-demon-
stration on "Cargoes of Speech and
Music" at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, Aug.
9, in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham School.
The public will be admitted free,
but by ticket only. Tickets may be
secured at the office, of Dean J. B.
Edmonson of the School of Education
in the University Elementary School,
the Summer Session office, Room
1213 Angell Hall, or in the office of
Prof. George E. Carrothers, Room 12,
University Hall.

elasticized seersuckers with exposed
midriff and tiny puff sleeves.
Tweeds will still be tops, for all-
round wear this fall in top-coats,
suits and three-piece suits. Alligator
shoes will be shown for suits as well
as for more sophisticated costumes.
Matching bags, if your budget can
encompass one, are ultra smart. New
ideas in bags include longer than
wide shapes and suede envelopes
with matching faille trim.
Two startling new fall accessory
colors are bittersweet, a soft rose-
rust hue, and wintergreen, a deep
mossy green. They're both deep, vi-
brant shades destined to highlight
fall costumes effectively.
Hankies are small, unimportant
items, but we all like distinctive ones.
About the prettiest de-
signs are those described
in the pages of a prom-
inent fashion magazine
and features an unusual
new design each month.
One of these is a delicate floral pat-
tern in mouth-watering shades of
pink and blue and will provide a
fillip for your drooping summer
N,.and -j
The marriage of Mary Haley,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John Haley, to Harry Breniser of De-
troit, son of Mrs. Mary Breniser, for-
merly of Ann Arbor, took place at 8
o'clock Sunday night in St. Mary's
chapel at Redford.
Mrs. Breniser is a graduate of the
University School of Nursing. Mr.
Breniser, who is a graduate of Culver
Academy, also attended the Univer-
sity. He is a member of Phi Kappa
Sigma fraternity.
* * *
Miss Hazel Camille DeGroot,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
DeGroot of Grand Rapids, and Gus-
tof A. Persson, Jr., of Mt. Clemens
were united in marriage Saturday
afternoon in the Park Church at
Grand Rapids.
Mrs. Persson graduated from the
University in 1938 and is affiliated
with Delta Delta Delta sorority.
Phi Delta Kappa To Hold
Weekly Luncheon Today
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its week-
ly luncheon at 12:10 p.m. today at the
It will be a general get-together of
old and new members, for the pur-
pose of giving recognition to the new
members. Old members and those
who have just been initiated into the
group will have an opportunity to
become better acquainted with each

Erie And Kalamazoo Line
Is Subject Of Painting
In Blissfield Building
The first railroad to be constructed
west of Schenectady, was built
through the tiny pioneer settlement
of Blissfield in the Michigan Terri-
Today in the Blissfield post office
a mural depicting the laying of this
railroad is being painted by Prof.
Jean Paul Slusser of the College of
The railroad, the Erie and Kala-
mazoo, connected Toledo and Adrian,
opening up the rich Kalamazoo river
section to traffic from the Great
Lakes. Begun in 1833, it was com-
pleted Oct. 1, 1836, with at first a
horse-drawn train, the next year a
steam locomotive. A train of usually
two passenger and three or four
freight cars made the 33-mile run at
an average speed of 14 miles an hour
at a cost to the traveler of approxi-
mately four and one-half cents a
mile. This railroad has long since
ceased to function though its road-
bed is discernible in certain places.
Professor Slusser's mural, "Laying
the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad,"
is an attempt to summarize the ac-
tivities that went into the actual
construction of the line in 1833 and
the years following. Trees have been
felled with the axe and cleared from
the right of way, though stumps are
thick on either side of the levelled
dirt roadbed. The ties of split and
squared hardwood are laid transver-
sely at intervals of three to four feet
and upon them eventually come the
rails, also of hardwood, but lined on
the upper edge with a strap of iron.
In the mural, two pairs of work-

men are lowering ties into position
under the direction of an overseer
who holds a chart or map. An axe-
man at the right finishes off a last
tree left too near the line, while two
men with shovels put finishing
touches to the grading of the road-
The men are sturdy pioneer types,
bearded mostly and with uncut hair,
and aredressed in rough'homespun
shirts and trousers, or occasionally
in a suit or garment of buckskin,
trapper fashion. Several wear caps
of dressed fur. A settler's log cabin
is seen in the middle distance at the
edge of one of the "oak openings',
which give this part of Michigan its
particular landscape character, and
which made its'development into rich
farmlands a relatively easy matter.
Student Golf Team
DownsFaculty 10-8
A picked -team of women students
defeated the Women's Physical Edu-
cation Staff team 10 to 8 in a golf
match played Sunday at the Ann
Arbor Golf Course.
Dorothy Gardiner (Student) tied
M. Williams (Faculty) 1/2 to 1%/;
Hilda Burr (F) defeated Elsie Mich-
alke (S) 3 to 0; M. Johnson (S) de-
feated M. Hartwig (F) 2/2 to 1/2;
Catherine Sanders (S) defeated H.
Hazelton (F) 3 to 0; H. Schwain (F)
defeated Eva McCheskey (S) 3 to
0; and Corrine Killinger (S) defeated
Helen Ellis (F) 3 to 0.
Try A DAILY Classified


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$1 .25
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Tailored Silk Slips
Have you tried
A pure dye silk slip for
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Also the famous 4-gore
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with your very own initials in golden metal securely fastened to
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